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31, 2008
Membership for 2009:
Don't assume
Varda knows you were active or that you want to be associated with the
overall guild for 2009. Email varda.elentari
(AT) gmail.com or come to an AIM meeting and state for the
transcript, or in an aside to VardaValar1,
that you wish to remain, or say so in-game. Don't assume Varda's emails
will make it to you, considering all the spam filtering, especially
against group mailings and those not on your list.
members are
supposed to contribute a minimum of one item to the Tolkien Site per
year, any size. If a person has not done even that minimum in 2008,
that person is in
danger of being dropped. Please contact Varda and let her know what
project you have in mind for 2008, and what area of the Tolkien Site
you are interested in contributing to in 2009. We would be even happier
with more than the minimum, as would our readers. Those donating space
to the site are contributing daily. Those who contribute their own
pages to the site are contributing daily.
Any Full Member
who contacts Varda before being dropped for inactivity is ok.
Any Full Member
who has shown activity in the following areas since Sept 2008 is considered active
and may be included on the 2009 membership list, unless the person
requests to be dropped. Remaining lets the person keep the chosen
primary guld name, and the privilege of full membership in any gaming
branch of the guild, and the use of that primary name on the forum. If
you wish to remain in the guild for multiple years rather than having
the yearly check, please let Varda know.
to Varda
aka Games Page Mass Update answered (started Sept 2008)
even a short pop in to say hi
annual chat marathon: popped in and helped keep the chat room
meeting or side chat and said aye to Varda about remaining. Best chance
of it being remembered if it's in the meeting transcript.
Sept 2008 and after
Site: any contribution
Lothar or Uldaman servers since Sept (122 days back from January)
Landroval server since Sept (122 days back from January)
Varda can't personally check in
the other games or servers such as WoW Argent Dawn or Eve Online, so
use your email or AIM!
Gaming / WoW Uldaman server:
Varda removed inactives. This does not remove from
the overall
guild, just the branch, so the person may return if he so wishes in the
Turin 2 years
Gimli 1 year, no longer has a WoW
Dec. 29, 2008
Tolkien Site / Art
of Maedhros-(V) (new)
"Legolas does pest
control." Free-hand art, colored.
Dec. 28, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace:
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Valar, fladrifv, Thorin-(V)/NICKKK725, VardaValar1 (presiding)
/ Kirmir / NICKKK725 seems to no longer be in the guild and is no
longer playing LotRO.
is back on WoW after his usual week absence for work.
Daddy Twofoot-(V)
now has a second son, and is back intermittently in LotRO.
is staying in the overall guild. He plays LotRO with another group
mostly, a little with us, and is helping Varda with a guild web
programming problem.
visited Varda's family for Christmas and played WoW in the same room
with all of us, and with Elwing who joined us online.
Tolkien Site / Art:
Cave of DeepGroover-(TV)
Hospitaller" model
Knight" model
General: The Craft of War: Blind A
WoW rogue video by Percula. Site 1. Site 2 (updated comments by the
Lothar server
Uldaman server
Argent Dawn server
Landroval server
More members are hitting the new
level 60 cap.
Other games:
Red Alert 2 & 3
Total Annihilation
Role-play text gaming by Valarites:
Pallando/Orodreth's old rp on the Blizzard forums.
Guild-wide story currently on our website, done by
email. Planning.
Falathar's rp story "Fellowship of Friends" on our
Guild-wide role-play story "Scouting Ahead" on our
forum, current main rp. Planning.
Dec. 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Dec. 21, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace:
Transcript by Arien and Varda
Attending: (5)
AriehnV (presiding for the first part), ArPharazonV,
arwenv1, Eonwe
Valar (presiding starting with Membership), fladrifv.
Varda showed up after everyone else was afk or gone
Happy Birthday, Elatan!
My Mother by Luthien-(TV)
and the Two World Wars by Fingolfin-(TV)
Rest of the articles are by
of Gondor
Christmas story
Dec. 17, 2008
and the Two World Wars by Fingolfin-(TV).
/ Languages:
My Mother
by Luthien-(TV). Original poem written in Sindarin with an English
translation, written for the author's mother's birthday and given to
the Valar Guild for Christmas. Some words in the translation (Athariel,
Gwendolyn, tree-woven lands) have mouse-over comments from Luthien's
notes, added in by Varda.
Dec. 16, 2008
by Varda-(Valar)
to improve the Kings project flow:
- broke up the two Eldacars and added a new article for Eldacar
of Gondor.
Dec. 14, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace:
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (9)
Aerandir, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, luthienathariel, Menelvagor Valar, Pallando Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
What would we like to do special for Christmas?
offered to send a poem.
Gamers in WoW
and LotRO
have special festivities including quests. In LotRO, we have a Yule
tree quest prize in our kinhouse yard. Some members are also putting
Yule trees in their personal yards.
Fladrif hopes to be attending the meeting of
21st from his homeland, near Ar-Pharazon and Luthien in the
Netherlands. :)
Ar-Pharazon should start vacation next week
for the holidays, currently busy with university finals and
end-of-the-year projects.
Pallando recently moved rooms, so he's
playing on his laptop. Bigger games will be later when his desktop can
be set up.
"The Armory is
a vast searchable database of information for World of Warcraft - taken
straight from the real servers and presented in a user-friendly
interface. Since the Armory pulls its data from the actual game
servers, it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date database on the
characters, arena teams, guilds, and items of World of Warcraft in
Who and where were the Avari?
Dec. 7, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace:
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe
Valar (presiding Tolkien), fladrifv, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
(presiding business)
Update of Isildur
article. Suggestion during meeting that such updates should be
mentioned in the News page.
Much gaming in WoW and LotRO due to the latest
Discussion of rp
Dec. 1, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
LotRO will be down this
morning for Patch 1 on the Mines of Moria expansion, adding new content
and repairs.
Future "patches" as before will
include added content. Major patches add new books to the story as well
as areas. The Lothlorien area will be enlarged and Dol Guldur added.
Wednesday Dec 3 at 6am to noon EST:
LotRO will have a hotfix for some Moria crashes with the GeForce
4-series video card and for
the Exquisite Black Ash Bow (a crit recipe bow) that causes a crash if
equipped, and keeps a person out of his vault if it is in there.
Nov. 30, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (9)
Ancbeard, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, luthienathariel, pallandovalar/oessala/orodrethV,
VardaValar1 (presiding).
New Full Member: Aredhel-(V)
Stories: more letters in Jay of Lasgalen's "Letters
from Elrohir" series.
What is considered canon?
Summary of early Sil
Line of Kings (human)
Comments on AIM
Unfinished YouTube
presentation showing stars by Luthien-(TV)
Nov. 29, 2008
Tolkien Site / Stories:
from Elrohir: by continued:
to Celebrian". A year after Celebrían's departure, Elrohir
writes to his mother. This
is a draft letter as he struggles with his feelings, and wonders how
much he should tell her.
to Elladan: Choice" Elrohir agonises over the choice of the
Peredhel between mortality and
immortality - but he realises his decision is already made.
to Arathorn: "Greetings, Arathorn My Brother". A letter to Arathorn
celebrating the news of his betrothal - and telling of a prophetic
dream ...
to Taniquel". Elrohir writes to Taniquel with plans to return to
Navigation for the Letters has been updated.
Gaming / LotRO:
Daily maintenance continues for about
an hour a day until the 30th. Monday, taking all morning, the Mines of
Moria Patch 1 goes up.
Nov. 28, 2008
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Aredhel-(V)!
Aredhel joined us in LotRO today, testing with Varda as Aredhalia.
She's the wife of Maedhros-(V). They play a lot of rpg tabletop games,
but LotRO is her only online game. She's 43, from northern Virginia in
the USA, EST. Her AIM name is Lythandra. She expects to play weekly to
a few times a month. She's read the Hobbit and LotR. A
favorite LotR character is Eowyn, as she is brave and
beautiful, and killed the Witch-king.
Nov. 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving,
all USA folks!
Nov. 25, 2008
Beleg-(V): Skorbare aka
Polar, guild-friend, said that Beleg's videocard burned out, but that
he did buy the expansion, Mines of Moria.
Nov. 23, 2008
Gaming / WoW:
Letter from Eonwe:
Today is WoW's 4th Anniversary, so
everyone who plays WoW should log
into their characters before this day is over according to their
server's time. Check your in-game mail as well. Doing the
former will
get you a Feat of Strength, and doing the latter will get you a new pet.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (8)
Ancbeard, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, fladrifv,
luthienathariel, pallandovalar, VardaValar1 (presiding).
Eonwe was away with family during meeting time.
Pallando is hoping to be able to start up his Eve
Online account again next year if he can interest a few friends, but
for now is currently saving money to make it home for Christmas.
Legend of the Grey Riders" by Jay of Lasgalen.
WoW: Today is World of WarCraft's fourth
anniversary. Log in today for a new achievement check your mail for a
new pet. People are busy with the new Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
LotRO: Members are busy with the new LotRO
expansion, server population has greatly increased.
Hearing stones, water.
What shape are dwarf ears?
Nov. 18, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
Mines of Moria expansion is live! Time
was 00:08 EST
The first
glitch of the day is in the log-in servers, heh. With techs frantically
working on that, those servers should be acting properly before long.
Legendary weapons
are here!
We have
two new types of characters: the spear-wielding, javelin throwing,
gambit-using Warden; the healer caster Rune-keeper, who has the tricky
business of being a healer or caster according to what his last spells
were (don't forget your stone!) Fortunately we also get two new
character slots.
Don't forget
to type /joinchannel Valar for your new characters to contact the
kinship. Then click the General tab and put a check mark by the User
Chats, and change the text color to something visible like hot pink. :)
To chat, type the channel number such as /1.
We have three
new major areas: Eregion (Hollin), Moria, and Lothlorien. Most of the
updates will be for the more distant Lothlorien. Your character can go
to Eregion through the Trollshaw's Giant Valley. Stonemere with the
giants is to your left, the Onodrim is to the right, so go right
through those drakes!
Many quest
items now store in the quest journal instead of inventory, huzzah!
Key rings!
Click the key to move it into your Traits.
Class-specific items such as Champion runes that were in your ranged
slot will move to your inventory bags; click on the item and it will
move to the new Class Slot freeing up the ranged slot and the bag space.
New bank
slots can be opened as we go past the old level cap of 50 to 60.
traits and skills open up with the raise in the level cap.
crafting! NPC "crafting guilds" for improvements.
Three new
places for hunters to learn to hop: Suri-Kyla in Forochel (level 48,
skill training item, Lossoth reputation), Echad Dunann in Eregion (50,
skill training item, class quest), and the 21st Hall in Moria (56,
skill training item, dwarf miner's rep).
weapons! Did I mention that already? Find one as a drop and train it.
Add three types of goodies to it, reforge it as it trains up to open up
more abilities.
Want to know
more details? Here are the Release Notes.
Whether or not you have the expansion,
you will be getting a huge update.
This patch affects numerous things including the UI (User Interface),
class changes, combat system, and the addition of Book 15.
Nov. 17, 2008
Beleg was back in LotRO today and plans on being
with us in Mines of Moria.
Ulmo's Vailimo in LotRO killed the very last
guaradan for his deed literally within seconds of the world's closing
down, super! 69 Guaradan in 54 minutes, solo.
Quite a few members and guild-friends were online in
LotRO busily trying to complete deeds before the expansion.
WoW players are going like mad in their own
expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.
Nov. 16, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Varda
Attending: (10)
Ancbeard, Ariehn, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
luthienathariel, Menelvagor Valar, Pallando Valar, Valandile Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Fangorn and Varda are home again, back with you on
the computers.
Ar-Pharazon is having problems with his router.
Pallando now has internet and a computer in his room
and was able to be with us at the meeting today.
Beleg expects to return to LotRO either after
Christmas or the New Year.
Compared Sauron and Eonwe's roles as
men of their respective Valar. This is the first Tolkien topic to be
added to the new unintendedly clean Tolkien Discussion in the forum.
Nov. 15, 2008
A new section has been made
to put all Tolkien discussion, languages, and trivia together.
First the
bad news:
In the process, the Discussion section was accidentally deleted and
those years of discussion cannot be brought back. Advice: start new
discussions. We don't expect any further moves so the error should not
be possible to make again.
Now the
good news:
Luthien-(TV) requested a place for Middle-earth language interests to
be expressed, especially Sindarin as that is her current study. Thus we
have the new special section on the Forum, and continue to have the
website section on Languages.
Nov. 13, 2008
Gaming / World of WarCraft:
The Wrath of the
Lich-king expansion is out!
Nov. 10, 2008
Letter from Beleg-(V) in LotRO kinmail:
Hello Everyone. I hope this letter finds everyone well and
I know everyone is excited for the Minds of Moria launch soon. I know I
havent been on much. Lots of things goin on here atm and I wont be
getting Moria when its released. Looks like I'm goin to havwe to
actually stop playing altogether for awhile unfortunatly. Hopefully
maybe after xmas or beginning of the new year I will be able to get
Moria and rejoin the game. This is not goodbye, just a see yall later
:). lol. Anyways its been a blast and I will see yall all soon in the
future. Take care all and have a happy holidays. Long live VALAR!!!!!!!
Nov. 9, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
transcript by Luthien and Varda
Attending: (7)
Aerandir V/mordacil, AriehnV,
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, fladrifv luthienathariel, Menelvagor
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Eonwe was with his family at the movies, but left us
a WoW report.
Varda and Fangorn will be out of town from this
coming Monday to probably Saturday, visiting family. Monday is Varda's
birthday, 55.
Arien's topic: Nature of evil
Nov. 7, 2008 Friday
Gaming / LotRO:
Return to Carn Dum! 9pm EST. We may
hit Helchgam if desired, but mainly work on the second set of bosses
including Azgoth and the cargul. Ancalagon's Friday Fight.
Carn Dum report by Varda:
In this run we took down Urro, a group of Morrovail,
Helchgam, and Salvakh.
We intended a re-match with Azgoth after the masses of adds got us, but
were all too sleepy.
Participants were Aeronwy (replaced Belegur when he went to bed),
Ancbeard, Belegur, Fainan, Galadhalion, and Lhee.
next day we ran Carn Dum again, some of the same people and some
friends. At first it was Fainan and Lhee with friends led by Wulfhen.
Then as the group started to break up, we added members Ancbeard,
Fainan, Kalimacoin, and Lhee, helped by friends Lycius and Yula. We
wiped out a lot of bosses including Azgoth and Avalgaith, and took home
the Mirror of Mordirith, now in the Valar kinhouse.
Gaming / WoW:
Friday run report by Eonwe:
This week Sauron, Eowyn, and Eonwë got together and
ran two instances in Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts and Sethekk Halls.
trip through Auchenai Crypts went well and quickly with Sauron's
Priest, Eonwë's Paladin and Eowyn's Warrior. The only rough spot
fighting Exarch Maladaar, but he only took two tries.
then switched to his Warlock and we ran Sethekk Halls, with
Eonwë's Ret
Paladin in the fray dealing damage and also working to keep everyone
alive. It wasn't always a smooth fight, but we got through to the end.
The biggest challenge was the final boss, and after seeing we could not
yet take him 3-man, we called in a friend of Eonwë's to bring him
He did go down, and both Eowyn and Eonwë completed Terrok's Legacy
got the Shadow Labyrinth key.
We had considered going into Shadow Labyrinth, but as most wanted to
get some rest, we called it there.
Nov. 6, 2008 Thursday
Gaming / LotRO:
Extra experience weekend from Nov
6-10. Also, returning players can come in during that time for
free. "Welcome Back
is helping us put in those finishing touches so that we can head for
Hollin/Eregion, Moria, and Lothlorien for the expansion Nov. 18. You
can pre-order the upgrade on your account online.
Gaming / WoW:
Wrath of the Lich King is coming fast!
Get ready! And just when we got over zombie problems, we found we were
being softened/toughened up for the Burning Legion. Check your map for
skulls to see where they are attacking and defend your world!
Nov. 4, 2008
Farewell to author Michael Crichton. He
died of cancer at the age of 66. Michael Crichton wrote dozens of
bestsellers, some becoming movies such as The Andromeda Strain
and Jurassic Park. Wiki article.
Nov. 2, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
USA is now in synch with Europe, having dropped
Daylight savings time today.
transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
fladrifv, GwaihirValar, luthienathariel
End game fun for All Hallow's and
the Zombie Invasion.
Halloween Carn Dum run, wearing
Tolkien topic:
Fladrif's topic: the economies of Middle-earth.
List of
requested articles for the Tolkien Encyclopedia is rather buried.
Members requested that it be added to the frame menu as well.
Request for other Valar to join in WarCraft 3 to
play some of the Middle-earth gaming maps.
Nov. 1, 20008
Happy birthday to Alatar-(Valar), Elros-(V), and
Oct. 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Gaming / LotRO:
From: Ancbeard
Subject: Halloween Party in Carn Dum!
Friday, Oct 31st, at 9pm EDT I will be hosting a Carn dum run.
This run will focus mainly on deeds, with the Boss deed being foremost.
This particular run will aim at Barashal (Primarily), Urro
(Incidentally), and Helchgam (Possibly).
Your troll and orc deeds will advance as well. Hope to see you there!
Carn Dum Halloween report:
We gathered together easily. Varda's
Fainan at the Tarmann Sursa camp used the Mustering Horn to call in the
group, where they picked up quests, sold, and repaired. Rumil's Tagmyre
then Guided us to the camp just outside of Carn Dum. Ancbeard came as
Blackbeard the Pirate, Kalimacoin came as Redbeard the Pirate (both
were dwarves, on whom pirate costumes look quite natural), Fainan came
with a pumpkin head and jester's hat plus matching green clothing
including a rabbit on the back of the cloak. Others wore "civvies" such
as a robe or whatever dropped as we traveled through CD.
Urro and Barashal
fell to us, (literally, as he knocked out the bridge between us but was
aggroed into the hole, unfortunately not dying), and we knocked off a
few side quests and deeds along the
Participants at the start were
Ancalagon's Ancbeard (50 guardian), Gorlim's Aeronwy (50 minstrel),
Melkor's Belegur (50 hunter), Meriadoc's Kalimacoin (50 guardian),
Rumil's Tagmyre (50 hunter), Varda's Fainan (50 hunter). Well inside,
Melkor needed to leave for the night and was replaced by Maedhros'
Galadhalion (46 champion).
Note from Varda: Bring your funny hat or
costume to the run!
Oct. 30, 2008
Happy birthday, Lindir!
Oct. 29, 2008
Site / Articles:
Goblins (Orcs) in The Hobbit" by Arien-(Valar).
Oct. 27, 2008
Happy Diwali,
Oct. 26, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Europe is no longer on Daylight Savings Time, but
the USA still is, so our agreed on Eastern time for meetings is EDT.
transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (9)
Aerandir V/mordacil, Ancbeard, AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Barahir-(V)/metarus208, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Two new movies are coming out covering the Hobbit,
then the time between the Hobbit and the LotR.
How can we as Tolkien scholars with a Tolkien Site be of the most
service for them? What would we like to see included in the movies?
Oct. 24, 2008
Tolkien Site / Stories:
Mellon Chronicles
Cave Story Trio"
with Aragorn, Arwen, and Legolas. Illustrated for all three parts by
Cassia-(TV). Humor. "To escape royal duties and wedding preparations,
Aragorn, Legolas and
Arwen go on a little side-trip in Gondor." Each of the three chapters
is written by a different author, Cassia-(TV), Siobhan-(TV), and Katie,
all three
of whom journeyed into a cave together. (How's that for research?)
the Beginning" by Cassia-(TV). "Vignette. My slightly extended and
appended version
of part of the Coronation scene near the end of ROTK. Decidedly Aragorn
& Legolas centric." Movie-verse.
Gaming / WoW Lothar server:
Continued gaming from Thursday's
list, 5-7pm EDT. Next time will be after the Sunday meeting.
WoW general Zombies letter
from Eonwe:
Greetings all!
The Wrath of the Lich King Pre-Event has begun! The Scourge Invasion
has started in earnest!
In this event, players are able to become zombies by:
1.) Eating bad grain found in Booty Bay and in Alliance and Horde
2.) Being attacked by a zombie.
3.) Standing in a zombie's infectious cloud.
4.) Attacking a plagued critter in the cities.
This is a disease, so any player who can dispel (cleanse, purify,
cure/abolish disease) diseases can remove it, or you can seek the
healing of an Argent Healer found all over major cities.
If you attempt to remove the disease through effects such as Stoneform,
Divine Shield, or Ice Block, however, you will instantly be converted
into a zombie.
As a Zombie, you get the following perks:
1.) You are now a member of the Scourge faction, which includes many
Undead across Azeroth, and perhaps some not-so-obivious members. Seek
them out and tell us what you find!
2.) All members of the Scourge faction can communicate, whether or not
they were Alliance or Horde "in life."
3.) Zombies are less powerful (at least right now) alone, but scary in
numbers (as they typically are in modern zombie lore). However, they
get a unique set of abilities.
4.) Zombies can pass the undead plague on to others, both players and
NPCs, so you *could* convert a town if you were feeling evil enough and
could survive the defenders.
The price of being a Zombie is:
1.) Your life slowly drains away, so you have to have something to
attack constantly. Zombies have an ability to help them regenerate hp
for a while though, but be careful. Once you die as a Zombie, you of
course go back to being your normal character.
2.) No one who isn't Scourge likes you while you are a Zombie, so be
prepared to be attacked by just about everyone.
3.) You're slow (You are a Zombie after all) so that people who want
nothing to do with you can get away.
4.) If you keep your armor on while a zombie and you die to an NPC, you
will still pay the durability penalty.
In this event, there will be people spreading the plague, and people
curing the plague, though the latter will become harder as time goes
by. There will be zombies attacking normal characters, and normal
characters attacking zombies. None of these are considered by Blizzard
to be griefing, so don't get too angry if it happens to you. It's
exactly what should be going on during this event.
I've been inspired to write a story from the perspective of my Paladin
Auros for this event. I've given it the title of the patch to reflect
its connection: Echoes of Doom. My intention is to add to it as the
event progresses. You get two parts since it started Wednesday and I
didn't get the first part up Wednesday. You can find it here if you're
Since I am a Paladin and do generally enjoy the surrounding lore, and
some of you are bound to be Zombies at some point, it's possible you'll
find yourself at the wrong end of my exorcism whether intentionally or
not (It's not all that easy to tell one Zombie from another, or a PC
Zombie from an NPC Zombie), and I'm fully expecting to be surrounded by
Zombies at some point, and perhaps absorbed into their ranks a few
times if the numbers are great enough or the event progresses such that
they become strong enough. In light of this, I'd like to say up front
no hard feelings :}
Finally, just remember that this is a one-time event, and after Wrath
of the Lich-King is released it will quite likely be done with.
Whichever side of the giant zombie fight you find yourself on, please
try to have fun. :}
Oct. 23, 2008:
Tolkien Site /
Special Day" by Jay of Lasgalen. PG 13
"A short
story to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow in the UK. Celebrían
also has a special day, and Elladan and Elrohir plan a surprise for
her. Rating is for hinted at marital activities."
Gaming / WoW Lothar server: Letter from Eonwe:
On Thursday, October 23rd, starting at 5pm server time
(EDT), Eonwë will be
taking his level 70 Paladin Auros through the following list of
dungeons to complete his achievements. All members with a character
able to enter a dungeon on the list is welcome to join him in what
dungeons they can visit, whether for quests or just to get a quick
run. Any dungeons not run on Thursday will spill over onto Friday.
Wailing Caverns
Shadowfang Keep
Blackfathom Deeps
Scarlet Monastary
Dire Maul
Stratholme (Starting from the front gate and clearing the Scarlet
Crusade side first)
To test the abilities of the new Calendar feature, I have created an
event for that day on the calendar and sent a mass-invite to the Guild,
so all you should need to do is accept or decline. Let me know how it
For those wishing a more sporting chance for the inhabitants of these
dungeons (and for other dungeons), runs can be arranged next week with
my lower level characters of approximately appropriate level for the
In addition, any members with characters of level 65 or above are
welcome to meet Auros every weekday between the hours of 5pm and 7 pm
server time
from now until October 31st (the last day) for an attempt on the
Headless Horseman, if we can get enough together to give him a go.
Saturdays I will likely be unavailable, and
Sunday's availability will be after meetings.
Oct. 19, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
transcript by Eonwe-(Valar), Luthien-(TV) and Varda-(Valar)
Attending: ()
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe Valar,
GwaihirValar, luthienathariel, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3, VardaValar1.
Elrond is back, and brought his wife as new Full
Member, Celebrian-(V).
Menelvagor is starting his month without internet
during a move.
Tolkien Site / Stories:
Short story by Jay of Lasgalen,
with Thranduil trying to raise young Legolas after the death of his
mother. Young Legolas tries out some ideas from books to his father's
WoW patch discussed
Valandil is back from vacation
Arien transferred a character back to
Argent Dawn
LotRO folk doing a lot to get ready for the
Image of the sunrise
in Valinor by Luthien-(TV)
A possible Sindarin word for goodbye as in "be well".
Balrog wings
Surfing, some of the folk found these YouTubes of
The Hobbit with the Bard's Song, and
an English
language version of the Bard's Song using clips from the animated
Hobbit movie.
Oct. 18, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
Some members helped Lindir-(V) complete
Book 12 and start into Book 13. Some of the helpers were Amroth-(V),
Ulmo-(Valar), and Varda-(Valar).
Oct. 17, 2008
Community / New member:
Welcome to the Valar Guild,
Celebrian-(V)! Celebrian is from Georgia in the USA, EDT time zone.
She is married in real life to Elrond-(V) and they share a website: Star & Moon
- game reviews. She is 33 and plays many games, with LotRO as her
current main. She will continue playing WoW until her subscription is
up, plays RvR on Warhammer Online, and EQ2. She sometimes plays Star
Wars Galaxy and Guild Wars. More rarely she plays Vanguard, Age of
Conan, and Tabula Rasa. She has read the Lord of the Rings and
has the Hobbit and Silmarillion,
planning to read them as well. She and Elrond also have seen the movies
and own the Extended edition, as do most of us. She was scouted by
Elrond-(V), gamed with Elrond, Maedhros, and Varda in Forochel, and
tested a perfect 5/5 score with Varda. Her favorite LotR character is
Samwise, for his complete loyalty to Frodo. He had a good heart and all
he cared about was taking care of his friend even before himself.
Gaming / LotrO:
Carn Dum 9pm EDT, "Anc's Friday
Run" set up by Ancalagon as Ancbeard. Meet at Gath Forthnir; Fainan can
port you there.
Folk who showed up: Ancalagon-(V) as
Ancbeard, Beleg-(V) as Belleg, Celebrian-(V) as Delandriel, Elrond-(V)
as Apophos, Gorlim-(V) as Morwena, Lindir-(V) as Coriss (late),
Maedhros-(V) as Galadhalion, Meriadoc-(V) as Kalimacoin, Morwe-(V) as
Taleth, Sauron-(Valar) as Tevildo (early), Varda-(Valar) as Fainan
(very late).
Kin mail from
Hey all. This Friday, Oct 17th, I'm
going to start the first of three runs to Carn Dum. The main purpose of
all three is to complete the 'Champions of Carn Dum' deed. This
involves eventually defeating all of the bosses in the dungeon.
This week, our main target will be Barashal. If we
have time we'll also try for Urro and Helchgam, depending on if anyone
needs them.
Meet in Gath Forthnir at 9pm EDT.
Varda had to be away, visiting a
friend in the hospital. Folk showed up
for the run but were too tired to do it, socialized a bit. Varda showed
up late and Elrond's
wife joined the guild, then most everyone went to sleep. We may try
again Saturday when we are more awake. Galadhalion hopes to be back
Gaming / WoW:
Eonwe and Alatar ran
Deadmines. Eonwe, Sauron, and Fangorn ran dailies together. Bilbo also
Oct. 16, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
Impromptu Forochel run by
Maedhros-(V) as Galadhalion, Elrond-(V) as Apophos, Delandriel
(Elrond's wife), Meriadoc-(V) as Kalimacoin, and Varda-(Valar) as
Fainan. Ancalgon and Lindir were also on. :)
Oct. 14, 2008
Welcome back to Elrond! He's
planning on coming to LotRO with us and bringing his lady wife as well!
Oct. 12, 2008 Sunday
Menelvagor is moving to a new
home and will probably not have internet
for a month. Then he plans to be back on AIM and in LotRO.
Gaming / LotRO:
Report paraphrased from
Ulmo in chat: Today, a group killed the Goblin King in Goblin Town four
times so four different people could get the necklace. They had to kill
him, leave the instance, disband, and start again. Participants were
Ulmo as Vailimo, Melkor as Belegur, Aratan as Aaratan, Falathar as
Lorelana, and Angrod as Aungrod.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (11)
Aerandir V, Ancbeard, Ariehn, ArPharazonV,
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, luthienathariel,
Menelvagor Valar, Pallando-(Valar)/OrodrethV, VardaValar1
Oct. 11, 2008 Sat: (See below on Oct 10 for the Friday
Sarnur run report and Mines of Moria expansion; Oct 9 for the report on
the State of Valar Gaming by Eonwe)
Gaming / LotRO:
planned to do a Rift run at 8pm EDT with as many Valarites as he can
find, then fill in the rest.
We decided not to do the Rift as
Beleg, Ulmo, and Melkor were not present. Instead we did two groups:
one ran Angmar and one ran Misty Mountains quests. We also welcomed
Rumil-(V) back when he came in looking at the changes to Angmar. We
also did some crafting resulting in yet more Grand Masters for the
Angmar: Melkor-(Valar)'s family
destroyed many of the Witch-king's minions in East Angmar.
The Children of Húrin Paperback Release
Party is an online event to celebrate the publication of The
Children of Húrin Paperback Edition by Houghton Mifflin, the
new book by J.R.R. Tolkien, first released on Tuesday 17th April 2007
in hardback edition.
The event will take place online on October 14, 2008
and is being organized by TolkienLibrary.com
and Houghton
Next to chatting there will be giveaways and a
Q&A with special guest Alan Lee.
Chat schedule:
Starts: noon EDT. (EST is one hour earlier)
Alan Lee chat session: 5:30pm to 6:30pm EDT.
End event: around 7:30pm EDT.
Log-in to the chat here.
Directions below:
To connect to the Chat Forum and chat
with other web site visitors, make sure the Connect Tab is visible then:
Enter the Username you wish to use into the Chat
Username box. This must be at least 3 characters and a maximum of 15
characters, no spaces.
If you have a Password associated with this Username
(Registered/Staff/Admin users only), enter it into the Password box.
3-15 characters, no spaces. If you do not have a password leave this
box empty.
If you would like to add a few details about
yourself that other Chat Forum users can view while you are connected,
you can add an optional Profile via the Profile Box. Maximum 200
characters. If you do not wish to add a Profile leave this box empty.
Click the ENTER Button to connect to the Chat Forum.
The Applet will connect to the Chat Forum Server and log you in. You
are now ready to chat!
Oct. 10, 2008 Fri:
Gaming / LotRO:
Sarnur 9pm:
Ancbeard will return to Sarnur Friday, Oct. 10 at 9pm EDT
to enact vengeance for last time! Anyone who wishes to join him is
We had a fun run in the
Sarnur instance. We killed a lot of trolls, then moved deeper into an
instance within the instance to go after bigger trolls. Ancbeard is
within 25 of his Valour trait after tonight, and others of us are also
moving very well along on that, whether we need it or not! Most
importantly, we picked up a much improved sense of teamwork in strategy
and in nailing conjunctions. Participants were all level 50's:
Ancalagon (guardian Ancbeard), Beleg (captain Belleg), Melkor (hunter
Belegur), Ulmo (loremaster Vailimo), and Varda (hunter Fainan). We had
to break up for sleep around the time we encountered the drake,
Brullug. We plan on finding a better way to approach him, after
learning that he goes into exploit mode when we try to lure him up the
ramp away from all the other monsters.
Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of
Moria Expansion:
release date in North America is Nov. 18. A Sweepstake entry code will
available in any specially marked retail box, Pre-order, Complete
Edition, or Collector's Edition and without purchase at http://www.lotro.com/moria.
Prizes include:
* $10,000 Cash (U.S. Dollars)
* Two Alienware® Gaming Media Entertainment
* Logitech® Z-5500 THX Speakers
* NVidia® GeForce™ 9600 GT cards
* Logitech® G15 Keyboard & Logitech® G9
Laser Mouse
* Alienware® Ozma 5 Headphones
* Alienware® Orion Backpack
* The Lord of the Rings Online Lifetime Memberships
* The Lord of the Rings Online 30-day game time cards
* The Lord of the Rings Online T-shirts
* 2GB Flash Drives
Mines of Moria Digital Early Upgrade Program
Current and former players of The
Lord of The Rings Online who purchase an early digital (before Nov. 18)
upgrade to Mines of Moria qualify for the following special early
upgrade benefits:
Upgrade Pricing
Only $9.99 per month when choosing a multi-month
subscription plan!
$199 for a Lifetime Membership!
Upgrade In-game items
The Cloak of Sunset, a unique cloak emblazoned with
an image of the Hollin Gate which will be available to players upon
An exclusive in-game Moria character title - “Moria
Expeditionary” which will be available to players upon upgrading
3 in-game tokens, which allows players to choose 3
of 8 unique in-game items after Mines of Moria launches
WoW Lothar:
Sauron, Varda, and Bilbo showed up
for the usual Friday, even if briefly.
Oct. 9, 2008
of Valar Guild Gaming: report by Eonwe-(Valar)
Oct. 5, 2008 Sun:
Gaming / WoW Lothar server: report from
Elwing, Fangorn, and Sauron's level
70's teamed up for "dailies" in Quel"danas, and chat. Sauron had to
leave since he had an early morning (university), but Elwing and
Fangorn continued on to other areas to finish up dailies together.
Chat room marathon participants today (before
the meeting):
ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, GwaihirValar, Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel, Farmer
Maggot-(V)/thesirg3, VardaValar1
The motion was made by
Fladrif-(V) that we
continue the open chat room in normal times, seconded by Luthien-(TV).
Luthien found this cute Sil humor
page: The One
Thousand Word Silmarillion, which was originally posted on Camwyn's live journal.
Community / Histories:
Eonwe: The
Herald's Tale
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by the fabulous Ar-Pharazon, Fladrif, and Varda
Attending: (12)
Members: Ancalagon-(V))/Ancbeard, AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Arwen-(V)/arwenv1, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, GwaihirValar,
Luthien-(TV)/luthien@vfemail.net, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3,
Thranduil-(V)/Gamatzgamatz, VardaValar1
Guild-friend: the loser emu
Side-window: Hello's and happy anniversaries
from Manwe and Dior-(V).
The transcript includes a taste of the chat that
went on between the two meetings during the marathon.
Individual anniversary speeches were given by these
Varda, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Fladrif,
Luthien, Farmer Maggot, Ancalagon, Arien, and Gwaihir.
Site / Art:
by Luthien-(TV). One
of these has a small version included in the rotating images for
the home page.
"Spore" game review by
Player gaming information
updated from emails and AIM meetings. Is yours updated?
Community / Histories:
Eonwe: The
Herald's Tale
Australia and Numenor,
somewhat jokingly.
The Silmarillion in only One
Thousand Words link
Middle-earth lakes:
discussion starting with a link
to art by Luthien-TV
Miriel, elf. Actual
Oct. 4, 2008 Sat.:
Happy Eleventh Anniversary
to the Valar Guild!
Chat room today:
ArPharazonV, arwenv1,
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel, Lungorthin-(Valar)/sauronjag, VardaValar1
Speeches of reminescing given by Varda,
Eonwe, and Ar-Pharazon. New art, new History, and new Review.
Site / Art:
new cave in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond! Enjoy the tree photos
and the video of Beren and Luthien! She's added Valinor artwork too!
LotRO Gaming:
We ran epic Book 5 in a 6-man
completing it, including the runs with Legolas and Gimli. Participants
were Aaratan (Aratan-V) 38 elf hunter, Aungrod (Angrod-V) 47 human
captain, Fainan (Varda-Valar) 50 hunter, Lorelana (Falathar-V) 46 elf
loremaster, Melko (Melkor-Valar) 47 minstrel, and Tauronvala
(Orome-Valar) 47 elf guardian. Other folk showing up at the time were
Aeronwy (Gorlim-V) 50 human minstrel and Vailimo (Ulmo-Valar) 48 elf
Then Ancalagon-(V) came in with Ancbeard dwarf 50
We then went into Book 6 until Aratan required a level to continue, got
him that level, and broke up for the day.
Then we took advantage of the extra experence being
offered Oct 2-6 on our lower characters. Amroth-(V) as Lhee,
Ancalagon-(V) as Ancwyn, Ulmo-(Valar) as Vailimo, and Gorlim as Aeronwy.
WoW Gaming:
Lothar server:
Fangorn-(Valar) went to every major
city and proclaimed the anniversary. He had to explain a few times,
since WoW has not been up for 11 years, how we could have an eleventh
anniversary, and sent some folk to our site. Thanks, Fangorn!
Oct. 3, 2008 Fri.
LotRO Gaming:
Sarnur run in Ered Luin 9pm EDT:
Ancbeard (Ancalagon's level 50 guardian dwarf), Niequi (Ulmo's 50 human
minstrel), Belegur (Melkor's 50 elf hunter), Aungrod (Angrod's 47 human
captain), Lorelana (Falathar's 46 elf lore-master), Aaratan (Aratan's
37 elf hunter). Varda was a bit late to get in, as was Gorlim's
Aeronwy, but we were present. Ulmo's Vailimo lore-master and Varda's
Fainan hunter duoed Sarnur afterwards. Aeronwy did festival fun.
Chat room helpers today:
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, ArPharazonV,
Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel, VardaValar1
Fladrif is back from Paris.
For Oct. 14:
The Children of Húrin Paperback Release Party
is an online event to celebrate the publication of The
Children of Húrin Paperback Edition by Houghton Mifflin, the
new book by J.R.R. Tolkien, first released on Tuesday 17th April 2007
in hardback edition.
The event will take place online on October 14, 2008
and is being organized by TolkienLibrary.com
and Houghton
Oct. 2, 2008 Thurs.
Chat room helpers today:
ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe
Valar, Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel, VardaValar1
Oct. 1, 2008 Wed.
11th Anniversary Chat Room marathon:
Helpers today:
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, Arien-(Valar)/AriehnV, arwenv1,
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe
Valar, Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel, VardaValar1
Bombur shared this link: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/02/28/one-does-not-simply-tank-cat-into-mordor/
Sept. 30, 2008 Tues.
11th Anniversary Chat Room marathon:
Helpers today:
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, arwenv1, Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, Luthien-(TV)/luthienathariel,
Poem by Arwen-(V)
To Valar Guild!
Ivory towers fading fast
Yet sunset's light doth last
For a glory-shining night
People come together
To conquer dark forever
And bask in morning's light
Eleven years a-tenure
T'honor Tolkien's treasure
And all that he did write.
Sept. 29, 2008 Mon.
11th Anniversary Chat Room Marathon continues:
Helpers today:
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, Arien-(Valar)/AriehnV, arwenv1, ArPharazonV,
Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, VardaValar1.
Friend: arandomchickshi
(Aerandir's friend, first time on AIM, read LotR and saw movies. Writes
and draws about Middle-earth.)
Fladrif is making his own computer, currently
wrestling the sound card and pre-amp. He hopes to send pictures when
he's finished.
Eonwe is still working on the Games page
reprogramming, a very long job.
Gaming / LotRO announcement:
From October 2-6, 2008, we're offering free LOTRO access to
our former players, and +25% bonus experience gain for everyone who
logs in and plays. Returning players are invited to patch up, jump in,
and start playing on their old characters to get them ready for Moria!
Sept. 28, 2008 Sun.
11th Anniversary Chat Room Marathon begins! Please
come and help us hold the chat room open until the next Sunday meeting.
The anniversary is Oct. 4. Feel free to send in items for the Tolkien
Site for it, and say in the email that the item is for that. Also, if
you do something in-game either solo or group, let Varda know to help
coordinate and to add to the festivities!
Helpers seen today: AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Arwen-(V)/windofhyperia, Bombur-(V)/MrMonkey2002Blah, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, luthien@vfemail.net, VardaValar1.
Eonwe and Varda worked on programming for the Valar
Guild splash page. Try refreshing it a few times now. http://valarguild.org/
Eonwe is working hard on the Games page
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by the illustrious Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Arwen-(V)/windofhyperia, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, Luthien-(TV)/luthien@vfemail.net, VardaValar1
New Tolkien-only Luthien-(TV) says her few words!
Ar-Pharazon's 5th anniversary in the guild.
11th Anniversary of the Valar Guild. Event
All members: Chat room remains
open from this meeting through the next one. Anyone may aid! (Now in
All members: Add to the Tolkien
Site with a special new item for the anniversary: humor, poem, story,
article, art, music, language, or other. Email it to Varda with a
mention that it is in honor of the 11th Anniversary.
Programmers: Change the splash
page picture for each refresh. (Done, and continuing to add to it.)
Get together
in StarCraft, WarCraft3, Diablo, Diablo2, other games. Send desired
times to Varda if interested, or join in with folks staying in the AIM
chat all week to coordinate.
Fireworks to be shot
in WoW and LotRO on anniversary day, solo and in groups, with a call
out saying Happy 11th Anniversary, Valar Guild!
WoW only: questing Friday.
LotRO only: Join up at the
kinhouse, Prancing Pony, or Party Tree as preferred to play music,
preferably Middle-earth related, can email abc files, use ones we
already have together, or post desired group play abc's to the forum.
Saturday morning and/or afternoon group questing likely. Sunday group
questing likely.
Languages: translation of Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star to Sindarin plus pronunciation by Luthien-(TV).
Art: YouTube of Beren and Luthien
by Luthien-(TV).
LotRO: Mines of Moria beta underway. Fall Festival
Arien-(V)'s Tolkien moment: Sam and Frodo comparing
life to an ongoing story. Quote.
Fladrif-(V)'s topic: How did Ents learn the Common
After-meeting: the 11th Anniversary chat room marathon begins!
Varda-(Valar)'s Tolkien moment: Finrod (fulfilling
his oath and for friendship) and Luthien (for love) save Beren.
Luthien-(TV)'s Tolkien moment: The fundamental
difference in nature between Man and Elf according to Finrod (elf) and
Andreth (human).
Sept. 27, 2008
Happy birthday to Sauron-(Valar)!
September 25, 2008
Varda's back, some intermittent power loss. Hi
there. :)
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Luthien-(TV)!
Luthien joined us from the Netherlands as a Tolkien-only member with
her translation from English to Sindarin of Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star. Her favorite character from Tolkien is Luthien. She
enjoys Tolkien's languages and is a member of the newslist for the Elflings
Elvish Linguistics List. Besides Sindarin poetry, she also enjoys doing
art. She is hoping to find in us a place where she can get and give
inspiration, discuss and create things. Her personal website is lúthien tinúviel.
Site / Languages:
Twinkle, Little Star translation to Sindarin by Luthien-(TV).
Sept. 24, 2008
Happy birthday to Bilbo-(V)!
Sept. 22, 2008
Happy Birthday to Bilbo and Frodo in the books! May the Party Tree take
Sept. 21, 2008
Report by Eonwë.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwë, Fladrif, and Pharazon
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Finrod-(V)/TH0R0NGIL, fladrifv, GwaihirValar, VardaValar1
Before-Meeting:Varda and family, Gimli, and Elwing are ok after
Hurricane Ike came through their area. Elwing and Gimli have power;
Varda, Fangorn, and the family are still waiting.
Varda visiting Elwing, joined us for meeting.
Membership news also in Before-Meeting.
Gwaihir and Gilraen are still around.
Eonwë is keeping the News page going while
Varda is without power. The Tolkien site will be updated as Varda is
able, so continue to send stories, poetry, articles, and art to her,
but it may be a while to get on the Tolkien Site.
Games Page Mass-Update still underway. Please send
in your gaming info to Eonwë by September 30th.
WoW: 3.02 patch is on the PTR. Wrath of the
Lich-King will be out November 13th.
WoW Americas:
Lothar server: Elwing and Arwen were on
during the week, Eonwë was on Friday.
Uldaman server: Eonwë popped in
and got a level on his Hunter.
Landroval server:
Ancalagon reports this
week's run was cancelled due to only having two members show.
Other games:
Tasty Planet: Pharazon
Spore: Fladrif;
Games Reviews: Fladrif is working on a Spore review
for us. Thanks, Fladrif!
Forum RP discussion: Geography around Thranduil's
Halls, and some posting.
Sept. 18, 2008
Report by Eonwë.
In Varda's absence, I (Eonwë) have taken up the News page to keep
the Guild updated on everything going on. Please send news and such
with a CC to me until Varda is able to take up the News page once
again, so that Varda doesn't have a ton of work to do when she gets
back. News items I've added will note as much, so when you see that
disappear, you'll know she's back, but the announcement that she's back
will probably indicate that as well :}
You can continue to send artwork, articles, stories and such to Varda,
and she will sift through them when she gets back, so don't be
concerned if no stories etc are put up until then.
Thanks for your help :}
Sept. 14, 2008
Report by Eonwë.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Eonwë
Attending: (6)
Arien-(Valar)/AriehnV, Arwen/arwenv1,
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding), fladrifv
Quote of St. Crispin's Day Speech from Shakespeare's
Henry V
Hurricane Ike passed over the Laytonrim's
(Varda and family) area, so she may not have power right now.
The storm passed further east of Eonwë than
predicted, so I'm still here.
Games Page Update still underway. Please send in
your gaming info to Eonwë by September 30th.
Nothing new for the the Stories or Art pages for
reasons stated above. You can continue to send Varda stories, art,
articles, etc,
and she will get them up as soon as she can when she gets back.
GPMU updating still going.
WoW: 3.02 patch (the pre-expansion patch) going onto
PTR soon, also going to be available on background downloader to get a
head start.
Starcraft/Broodwar and Warcraft 3/Frozen Throne can
now be played without the disks, thanks to relatively recent patches.
LotRO: Mines of Moria Dev Diary, focusing on the
WoW Americas:
Lothar server: Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe,
Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron
Landroval server: most of us.
Carn Dum Tower Prep run.
Other games:
Tasty Planet: Pharazon
Warhammer Online: Arwen
Diablo: Arwen;
Games Reviews: Could always use more :}
Discussion on Yavanna's creations and Melkor
influence on them.
Sept. 8, 2008
Anc's Carn Dum Tower Prep Run
On Friday, September 12th I plan on leading a group into Carn Dum to
retrieve the key necessary to open the shortcut to the tower. The main
goal is to locate Azgoth and slay her. Anyone who wishes to join me may
meet me at Gath Forthnir starting at 830pm EDT. I would like to move
out by 9pm!
Page Mass Update by Eonwe-(Valar).
If your email for this mass
update hasn't reached you for whatever reason, you can read it at the
beginning link. Please email Eonwe with your latest gaming info,
including if you aren't gaming this year but would like to remain
associated as a member. Eonwe's email is included in the link above.
Here's a link to the Games
Page itself.
Sept. 7, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda coming here soon.
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, VardaValar1 (presiding)
(Games Page Mass Update) begins. Some told Eonwe their gaming info in
the AIM meeting.
Melkor-(Valar)'s birthday was Sept. 5.
GPMU coding has started.
More stories will be going up this week, but we'd
like to see more stories, poetry, articles, art, music, reviews etc
from our Full and Tolkien-only Members, from the very short to the
extremely long. Articles are the most wanted but all additions are a
Online beta signup
Raving Rabbids: Ar-Pharazon
Pharoah's Curse Gold: Ar-Pharazon
StarCraft BroodWar: Ar-Pharazon, Fladrif; Bilbo,
Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron, Varda.
Spore, a new game recently out. Creature creator for the trial,
quite a few of these can be found on YouTube. Fladrif now has the game.
D&D tabletop: Dirhavel. Gimli, Sauron, Varda
WoW Europe: Arien, Helm, Valandil, Menelvagor
WoW Americas:
Lothar server: Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe,
Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron, Varda
Uldaman server: Elwing, Fangorn, Varda
Landroval server: most of us.
Goblin Town run last
Friday. Carn Dum next week.
Hobbit archers, moving on to how they handled food
and government.
Sept. 6, 2008 Saturday
The Goblin Town run started at
10 AM EDT. Ancalagon set this up by kinmail, with additional help by
word of mouth and from Varda with the Kin Message of the Day and
general News on the website.
Folks who ran were all Valarited
and all level 50's: Ancalagon (Ancbeard guardian), Angrod
(Angrodir), Beleg (Belegwulf?), Gorlim (Morwena), Melkor (Melcor),
Orome (Atanorome), Ulmo (Niequi minstrel), and Varda (Fainan hunter).
September 5, 2008 Friday
Happy Birthday, Melkor!
Gaming/WoW/Lothar server:
Bilbo, Elwing, Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron,
(Varda earlier)
Sept. 3, 2008 Wed
Gaming/WoW/Uldaman server:
Fangorn, Elwing, and Varda came to the
Horde side and made a little money towards the guild bank.
September 3, 2008
Subject: Anc's Goblin Town Takeover
On Saturday, Sept. 6 I will be launching a takeover of Goblin Town.
Anyone who wishes to join me can meet me there or at Vindurhal. I will
probably show up by 10 am Eastern.
August 31, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending (4):
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
New initiate in LotRO: Aeragen. Name not
yet chosen.
Ar-Pharazon starts back to college tomorrow,
Tolkien Site/Stories:
on a Bare Mountain" by Jay of Lasgalen. 6 chapters and an epilogue.
"While travelling home across the Misty Mountains, Elrohir encounters
unexpectedly severe weather. Injured and alone, he discovers just how
strong his link with Elladan is." Added to the site today.
Games Site:
Next week is the start of the Games
Page Mass Update. Please email your current gaming info to Eonwe or let
him know at an AIM meeting.
Information requested:
currently played
names or account names depending on game type.
Eonwe asks:
"What do you think of the layout
of the Games Page, and if you could, what one thing would you change?"
Festival ends midnight Sept. 1.
The 6-man Urugarth run on Friday went
well, ending after the Warg cages due to fatigue as many of our folk
had had a full day of work and/or college.
The Mines of Moria expansion is now in
the second round of Beta invites.
Guild Wars: Ar-Pharazon
StarCraft/BroodWar: Fladrif and Ar-Pharazon
TA:Kingdoms: The Iron Plague.
Ar-Pharazon is nearly done with Iron Plague and will probably be
returning to Red Alert.
Rayman Raving Rabbids:
Ar-Pharazon completed it.
WarCraft 3: Fladrif lost this CD-key during the
move, as well as others, so he only has SC/BW.
Darkfall Beta:
Forum post by Gimli-(V) today:
FINALLY the time has come, Darkfall is now accepting Beta
for those of you that are interested here is the link to the site to
sign up
hope to see yall in there
Where would ents be now if they are still
After-meeting gaming:
BroodWar get-together by Ar-Pharazon, Fladrif, and
Eowyn on a low money map. Phar had to go to bed partway through, so
Fladrif used his Dark Archons to take over Phar's characters and
continue. They won. :)
August 29, 2008 Friday
The 9pm EDT Urugarth run went off
well, set up and led by Warlord Ancalagon.
Thanks for coming on the successful run to Ancalagon
(guardian Ancbeard), Beleg (captain Belleg),
Dis (burglar Gherkin), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Ulmo (minstrel
Niequi), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
August 25, 2008
Planned: Urugarth run Aug 29, 9pm
EDT, meet at Gath Forthnir in Angmar. Run set up by Ancalagon. Please
sign up on the forum
to let us know if you plan to come or would like to be on standby.
August 24, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending (6):
AriehnV, arwenv1, ArPharazonV, fladrifv, Pallando
Valar/OrodrethV, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Eonwe is at the movies with his family.
Dis has a second LotRO account now and put a
character in the Valar kinship again.
Pallando: "On Friday, 22 August, 2008, I graduated
from MCRD San Diego as a United States Marine. :D"
AIM allowed people in the room to talk, but no one
could put in web addresses.
page: update work is ongoing such as crit items for LotRO crafting,
table programming.
Tolkien Site: Art
Sergeant". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a
new game coming up at the end of the year, unrelated to LotRO. One can
play a character from the story either good or bad such as Aragorn or
the Witch-king.
D&D tabletop (not online) played by Dirhavel,
and by Sauron, Gimli, and Varda together in another state.
Guild Wars
TA:Kingdoms: The Iron Plague expansion
Rayman Raving Rabbits for the pc
Starcraft: Broodwar played by Ar-Pharazon and
Fladrif together.
Argent Dawn
server: Ar-Pharazon
server: Arien, Helm
Lothar server:
Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Sauron, Varda
server: Elwing, Eowyn
Planned: Urugarth run Aug 29, 9pm
EDT, meet at Gath Forthnir in Angmar. Run set up by Ancalagon. [Note:
learned this after the meeting in-game from kinmail.]
Summer Festival has been re-done and
will be running to Sept. 1.
Ancalagon asks where we should be
able to find helmets with horns in
Horned helmets were not
generally found among Vikings and
were most likely not used in battle, although some may possibly have
been used in war dances and/or religious ceremonies. These may have
come down from Celtic ceremonies associated with the antlered god,
Cernunnos. Ancient Celts wore other things on helmets, including wings,
and even nearly whole animals, reminiscent of American Indians using
headgear and cloaks to make dancers/priests represent animals. By the
time the idea reached the Scandinavian area during the Migration
Period, the antlers were changing into two snakes and dragons.
900-1100 BC: a pair of
bronze horned helmets were found near Viksø, Denmark.
~800 BC: a figurine of a
man wearing a horned helmet was found in Zealand, Denmark.
484 BC–c. 425 BC: "Herodotus reported
that the Thracians, the prototypical steppe barbarians
to the ancient Greeks of his day, wore horned helmets."
~100 BC: a pre-Roman
celtic bronze helmet was found in the
River Thames, England. This differed from earlier finds in that the
horns were straight and conical.
~1 or 2 BC: the Gundestop
a silver bowl covered with depictions of Celtic(?) deities and rituals
including the leaping figure of a man in a horned helmet holding a
wheel that is also being held by a bearded god, was found in in a peat
bog near the hamlet of Gundestrop, in the Aars parish of Himmerland,
Denmark. This is the largest example of European Iron Age work. The
style and workmanship suggest a Thracian origin, the imagery suggests
~55 BC: late Gaulish
helmets with small horns adorned with
wheels were found in Orange, France, the style reminescent of the
depiction on the Gundestrop cauldron.
5 AD (Migration Period
1st phase between AD 300 and 500, 2nd phase between AD 500 and 700): a
metal die depicts a warrior with a helmet adorned with 2 snakes or
dragons arranged similary to horns. This type of helmet seems to have
fallen out of use after the Migration period. Found in Öland,
600 AD: a decorative plate
on a helmet in the Sutton Hoo
burial sites, the ship burial showed a helmet like the one on the
above die. The burial mounds were near near Woodbridge, Suffolk,
700 to 1066 AD (Viking Age): amulet
found in Uppland, Sweden shows a figure with two snakes or dragons on
its head.
~800 AD: Oseburg ship
seems to have been interred in the burial mound in Vestfold county,
Norway about 834 AD, parts of the ship seem to be from 800 AD, and the
ship itself is even older. On it was found a tapestry with an
illustration of what may have been a Viking Age horned helmet.
August 22, 2008
Ancalagon asks where we
should be able to find helmets with horns in Middle-earth.
August 21, 2008
Gaming: Lord of the Rings: Conquest
(nothing to do with LotRO)
Email from Eonwe-(Valar):
I heard about this game (Lord of the Rings:Conquest) fairly recently,
and thought now was a good time to mention it.
It's being developed by Pandemic Studios through EA's LotR license,
which means they for to use alot of stuff from the movies as well, and
is slated to come out by the end of the year.
It's not going to be canon, but may or may not be as bad as "The Third
Age" (also by EA) in that respect. I can't comment on gameplay, as
supposed to be similar to Star Wars:Battlefront (also developed by
Pandemic), which I've never played.
There's going to be both good and evil campaigns, and mages as a
playable class.
Web site is www.pandemicstudios.com/conquest/.
In an effort to find a press release of some sort, I dug out this
interview from theonering.net:
Take care.
August 18, 2008
Site / Art:
Sergeant". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
August 17, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
fladrifv, VardaValar1
Meeting begins:
After the meeting was underway a while, old versions
of AIM started
acting up. The only suggestion AIM and the forums give is to update.
Apparently the problem accumulates over time after a room comes on.
Individual side windows had no problem.
Ancalagon hopes to have a new computer and be able
to join us in AIM.
Amroth is having computer difficulties due to the
heat in his house. No air conditioner.
Tolkien Site:
New stories this week:
The latest chapter of "To
See a World" by Nightwing is online: Ch. 48 "In
Woes" by Jay of Lasgalen.
Games page:
Mass update preparatory coding
work is going on behind the scenes.
Olympics extras at the
Battlegrounds: tabard and unknown pet rewards.
World event opened thanks to
collecting 70,000 Ring-lore on our server allowing completion of Book
14 plus extras:
New battle instances are up at
Gath Forthnir with marks and barter tokens.
Barter marks
are now available at the Reflecting Pools for re-doing instances from
earlier in the books, encouraging helping others with them.
Tonight at midnight is the end of
the Summer Festival.
Other games played:
Guild Wars
TA:Kingdoms: The Iron Plague
Rainforest Adventure
Moment given by Eonwe-(Valar).
Aug. 12, 2008
Site / Stories:
Woes" by Jay of Lasgalen.
"Summary: The
message was simple and straightforward, if rather brief: 'I have
news. Meet me at the Prancing Pony in Bree before the next full moon.
Aug. 11, 2008
Site / Stories:
Update: The latest chapter of "To
See a World" by Nightwing is online: Ch. 48 "In
Aug. 10, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (5)
ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, VardaValar1 (presiding)
140 total members, 118 are gamers, rest are
Ar-Pharazon returned from vacation and is unpacking.
Gilraen and Gwaihir moved into their new house.
More entries needed from actual members for the
Tolkien Site.
Total Annihilation Kingdoms, expansion called The
Iron Plague.
Guild Wars
Lothar server: runs in Blood
Furnace and the Ramparts.
Revisions made in some practices
to handle the increase of instance and raid running.
Crafters are now helping
load the kinhouse chests with items to help running instances such as
hope tokens, morale and power potions, stat food, scrolls.
Special Warlord officers
are now helping people get together to complete the books, deeds, and
fellowship instances among other fun things such as group chicken
sessions and concerts.
Beleg joins Ancalagon in
Warlord status.
How Tolkien's "notes" of history showed up in The
Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Members recited some of Tolkien's poetry by memory.
In LotRO, Beleg organized runs helping people in the
Book quests all over, including chapters 5 and 10. Various members
joined in so that we had a full or nearly full group for the many hours
Aug. 9, 2008
Warlords: Today the title of
Warlord was given to Beleg-(V) for LotRO, joining our other
Warlord, Ancalagon-(V).
Warlords are responsible for organizing or helping organize group
events including instance runs, raids, deed runs, festival runs,
concerts, and even chicken sessions. The Warlord title is an office
currently used only in our LotRO Landroval server branch.
Continued Ramparts run in Hellfire
Peninsula: Elwing, Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron.
Aug. 8, 2008 Friday
Changed up the use of the kinhouse to
be more of an aid in instance runs, less for crafting and housing
items. Crafters are asked to help keep us stocked with Hope tokens,
morale and power potions, scrolls, and foods including stat foods. If
you can think of anything else to add to help instance running, feel
free to add that too. Varda has been clearing space and several GM
crafters have already contributed, notably Miriel, Irmo, Beleg, and
Ramparts run in Hellfire Peninsula by
Elwing, Eowyn, Fangorn, and Sauron.
Aug. 5, 2008
Congratulations and thank you to Irmo
and Miriel! They
brought the balrog trophy home to the kin house. Check out the gigantic
blade in our yard since it's too big for inside the building. :)
Aug. 3, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Eonwe and Varda
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, Bard-(V)/meepodmaim, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, VardaValar1 (presiding)
New Full Member Bard-(V) says his "few words".
Fladrif-(V) had a family member who passed away
Art: "Monk
Warrior" by DeepGroover-(TV)
Links to freeware games located by Fladrif-(V):
Adventure Game Studio
list of graphic adventure games
Chess: Fladrif
SC: Fladrif
D&D tabletop: Bard, Gimli, Sauron
Argent Dawn
server: no report, since Ar-Pharazon and Menelvagor are traveling and
Valandil is having trouble with AIM.
server: Arien, Helm. Attack on Tarren Mill.
Uldaman server:
Elwing, Eowyn, Varda
Lothar server:
Arwen, Bilbo, Elwing, Eowyn, Sauron, Varda
LotRO: (most of the guild, including some above)
Summer Festival
Trophies and loot from the two biggest
raids currently available: Helegrod and the Rift.
Bard-(V)'s topic: What signs do we see in the LotR
of the elves' fading?
July 31, 2008:
Mines of Moria expansion
Tolkien Site / Art:
Warrior" model by DeepGroover-(TV).
30, 2008
Welcome to Bard-(V), new Full Member
from LotRO!
He currently plays only LotRO, and has read both the Hobbit and LotR.
His favorite characters are Sam and Faramir for their nobility of
July 27, 2008:
Welcome to Mablung-(V), new Full Member
from LotRO!
This is currently his only game and he has read LotR. His favorite
character is Aragorn as the lone tough guy with a good heart, unafraid
to go on his own or to join a group for a good cause.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Arwen and Varda
Attending: (4)
AriehnV (presiding), arwenv1, fladrifv, VardaValar1
Ar-Pharazon is traveling on vacation.
Eonwe is with family at the movies.
Eowyn is able to sit up for short times and is back
to playing WoW on Lothar server.
Menelvagor is traveling on vacation.
Tolkien Site:
Book List and
Reviews section, handled by Arveleg-(V), has moved to a new
server and has a new look.
Art section: new model by
DeepGroover-(TV): "Wounded
Knight: Agincourt".
The Argent Dawn server Valar branch is
now being led by Valandil-(V), the gavel handed over by Arien-(Valar)
as she is no longer present enough to serve.
Much activity. During the meeting, some
members were running the Carn Dum instance, having finished off
Helchgam (much like the watcher in the water) near the beginning of the
meeting, and wading through the other bosses, and were still in the
Witch-king's castle by the end of today's meeting.
Fladrif-(V) showed us art done by nature: the Crab
Nebula picture,
July 21, 2008
Tolkien Site / Encyclopedia:
The Valar Guild
Book List and Reviews for Tolkien Subjects section of the
Tolkien Encyclopedia
has moved to a new server. Arveleg-(V), who handles that part of the
site, located a server that
would suit the needs better. He was not on the valarguild.org server
but has been using other servers.
He warns that "I did encounter one
technical difficulty. I noticed on some other
computers that when the text size is larger than the "medium" setting
in Internet Explorer, it makes the book reviews home page's
text kind
of distorted."
Tolkien Site / Art:
of DeepGroover-(TV):
Knight: Agincourt". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
20, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (5)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv, Menelvagor
Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Ar-Pharazon will be gone on vacation for the next
two weeks. Another transcript helper is needed for that time.
Valandil is back playing WoW Europe, after having
computer problems. He's still having difficulties using AIM.
Menelvagor visited Gwaihir and Gilraen.
Art page problem?
WoW general
Wrath of the Lich King expansion
coming, link.
Achievements being added, link,
somewhat like LotRO's Deeds but without the stat improvements.
LotRO general:
Book 14 expansion arrives Tuesday.
Pre-loader available. The kinship is working hard to get members
positioned to jump into Book 14 together.
Middle-earth has a lot of humanoid races. How could
we expect the ordinary Gondorian or Lakeman to act meeting the other
19, 2008 Saturday
Beta invitations for Wrath of
the Lich King are now going out!
18, 2008
6pm EDST: Running group instance
choke points for Book 2 and 3. Meeting at Ost Guruth.
If you wish to attend, kindly
post at our Forum
link. Miriel set this up, and she and Irmo will be bringing their
level 50's to help; midnight for them, so please post.
Book 2.8 The
Red Pass (Radagast Instance)
Book 3.4
Freeing Dori
Book 3.5
Tending the Glade
Book 3.6
Defence of Trestlebridge
The LOTRO game servers will be brought offline on
Tuesday, July 22 from 6:00AM - 12:00PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for the latest
free content update, Book 14: The Ring-forges of Eregion! Visit the LOTRO Lorebook to view the full release notes.
If you'd like to pre-patch your game, please click
here for more information ! We'll see you in the game when the
servers come back up with Book 14!
13, 2008
Morning: Book 13 epic run
(completed); evening more Book 13 plus other group questing.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, VardaValar1 (presiding)
rp discussion
Menelvagor's visit and pictures
More on Menel's visiting Valar in real life and
Helm and Valandil are still active in European WoW.
Grid: review
Age of Conan: review
Role-play: considering how to rp with the characters
in the chat room, alternating with discussion of the forum rp "Scouting
July 9, 2008
Menelvagor flew this afternoon from Varda's
place to see Eonwe.
July 8, 2008
Ugluk emailed and said he is interested in
trying the upcoming Diablo 3.
Photos from Menelvagor's trip to see Varda
and family and friend:
1: Sauron, Elwing, Menelvagor, Varda, Eowyn
2: Sauron, Elwing, Fangorn, Varda, Eowyn
Clouds over Montreal as seen from the
July 6, 2008 Sunday
Goblin Town run 11 am EDST/ 1700 GMT-1,
by Miriel-(V), for levels 44 and up. All who came were level 50.
Mahamiriel (Miriel) loremaster, Irmogar (Irmo) guardian, Hiurred
(Hurin) captain, Niequi (Ulmo) minstrel. Fainan (Varda) hunter, Dirco,
a burglar friend
from the Palantiri kinship, and later Lhee (Amroth) loremaster) joined
up in Urugarth. The original group joined up at the Rivendell bard's
and left at 11:09am. The following report is from Irmo starting
with Goblin Town:
At 11:09 PM EDT Miriel (Mahamiriel LM) started leading Hurin (Hiurred
CPT), Ulmo (Niequi MNS) and me (Irmogar GRD) through the hollows of
perfect straight lines Maha guided us to all places and buttons we
needed, doing an occasional quest for those who wanted any along the
More or less precisely when we got that all done,
logged on. Not having the pleasure of a potential full fellowship to do
things with very often, we discussed possible other things we could do,
and agreed on doing an Urugarth run. We got company of Kent (Dirco BRG)
from the Palantiri, so we had a fellowship of 6.
Although it
had been a year since Maha and I last were in that instance, Miriel led
us through a nigh perfect Urugarth run, successfully finishing all the
quests, bosses (e.g. the dragon Lhugrien, the warg-keeper and the
Urugarth end-boss Lagmas) and class items we needed. Varda had to go
soon [after the Drake Matron, Lhugrien], but we found a pleasant
replacement in the person of Amroth (Lhee
LM) to keep a fellowship of 6 (and help Maha with the routing now and
then). Having two loremasters mezzing annoying adds makes for very
comfortable questing by the way
From this experience I would say that this combo
(LM/LM/BRG/CPT/MNS/GRD) is very much recommendable for nasty dungeons!
6 hours of high-end questing, not one casualty (!), not once we got
lost, all objectives fulfilled. Kudos to Miriel for initiating and
leading this, and thanks to those who attended this very nice event.
Menelvagor flew into the Houston area
today, met by Sauron and Varda, and stayed in a room at Varda's house.
Elwing came over to visit (and stay with Eowyn while Varda was away)
and Fangorn came in briefly from a drilling rig. Much fun was had by
all, including talk and some music.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT July 6
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Eonwe presiding.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Eonwe
Attending: (4)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar
a Tolkien dwarf - excellent link. Written by Jason Tondro, found by
4, 2008
Happy July 4th!
3, 2008
11am EST on Sunday, Irmo plans
Goblin Town run for kin members 44 and up. More than one fellowship can
go, so none are left behind!
Monday morning LotRO is expected be
down for maintenance.
June 30, 2008
Previously listed as the
last day
for the anniversary low prices for lifetime subscription of $199 or
monthly 9.99, the popular offer has been extended to July 31.
The Book 14 preview is now up
the Roheryn test server. It's best to uninstall your old Roheryn test
server and download the new one. Patience's discussion is here
and includes the download link. Don't forget to type /joinchannel Valar.
June 29, 2008
Happy Birthday to Amaranth-(V)!
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meetings are open to any courteous person interested
in Tolkien's books such as the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings
and the Silmarillion,
our gaming, and/or the Valar Guild as well as to any type of Member.
Whisper VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar for an invitation, or click on your
own name in your buddy list, invite yourself to buddy chat, and type
over (or copy/paste over) the funny chat room number with the room name
Valar Guild Meetingplace
by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
fladrifv, Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, VardaValar1
Amaranth's birthday
Menelvagor is traveling to the USA now
Suggestions for events and recruiting upcoming
this year:
LotRO: Event listing
on Turbine forums with calendar.
(Any game) Trivia
with prizes (Arwen's suggestion)
(Most games)
Scavenger hunt with prizes (Arwen's suggestion)
(Character games)
LotRO: hobbit-tossing. Since this is a type of humorous role-playing,
it can be adapted to any game that uses characters.
(LotRO) Concerts
with dancing, story-telling and poetry (can lift from our site with
credit to the author, wonderful if told by the author), drinks, and
(Character games)
Story and poetry-telling with drinks and food. Might do short ones in
spaces between songs or before and after concerts.
(Any game) With
enough people gathered together after events, we may go questing or
raiding afterwards.
Questing, Books (LotRO),
Help everyone level at
least one character to the top for raiding.
Mention our
name in conjunction with events.
One daily
message in-games so as not to spam.
(LotRO) Go to
recruiting fairs.
Recruit in
upcoming games.
Remember that any
member or friend can scout, and any
Maia or Vala can test and bring in a new member. If you can't find a
tester, then take your friend to the AIM Sunday meeting where officers
are available. We now have an initiate level for people who have not
completed the books but are working on them.
Site / Stories:
from the West drabble by Jay of Lasgalen. Elladan, Elrohir, and
Aragorn. Put up today.
Our main game is still Lord of the Rings Online, on
Landroval server.
New games coming out:
Diablo 3
Darkfall Online
Tolkien Discussion:
Did Feanor forfeit his right to retain the Silmarils
that he created?
June 28, 2008 (Saturday)
III ! Link sent by Eonwe-(Valar).
Varda's back. Some of the things
I've seen with the LotRO Valar in this short time:
We had a fun
run this morning in
Dun Covad of Angmar today with Melkor, Orome, Angrod, Falathar, and
Varda, completing the "Lords of the West".
Team runs by
Irmo, Miriel, Hurin
(and lately Varda) have been regular on weekday mornings and/or
Gimli is back
in the evenings and leveling well, some
duoing with Varda.
Merry is back
running at odd times and duoing with
various members.
Amroth duoed with
Aided some friends
to reach the solo part of Book 11.
LotRO general:
for Turbine's official place to post in-game LotRO events to which we
invite the public such as concerts, tale-telling, obstacle races, or
hobbit-tossings. This is a forum thread of Turbine's, not a passing
group. Explanation
of use
by Patience. Set this up with Varda and/or Irmo to help coordination.
Post location, date, time, time zone, and server at least a week ahead
of time. This should also be posted to Turbine's official
calendar. Log in to the forum to post or to view the calendar.
June 22, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Eonwe presiding.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar (presiding), fladrifv,
Gil-galad-(V)/Xseanzee disco, GwaihirValar, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3
Tolkien topic: The role of spiders in the Silmarillion and Lord
of the Rings.
June 20, 2008
Tolkien / Stories:
Drabble stories by Jay of Lasgalen:
Fall of Gondolin Young Elladan and Elrohir have been listening to
Glorfindel's history lessons.
"Elrohir's final farewell to Celebrían."
June 16, 2008
Eowyn-(V) was operated on for cancer today.
Right now it looks as if all the cancer has been removed.
Varda is staying with her at the hospital, taking a few hours off at
home every few days, so feel free to continue sending news and email,
but expect lag.
June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting transcript: Menelvagor's computer crashed and
therefore no transcript is available at this time.
Menelvagor presiding.
Ariehn, Fladrifv, Gilraen-(V), Menelvagor Valar
June 10, 2008
LotR segment in a webcomic found and
suggested by Fladrif-(V): "User Friendly"
by Illiad, in which the Ping must be destroyed. Enjoy!
Photo of DeepGroover-(TV)'s awards
for modeling on his Valar Guild art site.
Varda took a one-night break from the hospital and
is catching up on news emailed in.
June 8, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Eonwe and Varda
Eonwe presiding.
Attending: (7)
Members: arwenv1,
Eonwe Valar (presiding), FladrifV, Gil-galad-(V)/
Xseanzee disco, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, Menelvagor Valar
Friends: Srekal86
Answer the Forum question on Forlong the Fat.
June 3, 2008
Eowyn-(V) had to go to the hospital
Varda-(Valar) is staying with her for an unknown length of time,
possibly a couple of weeks.
June 1, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Transcript by Varda
AriehnV, Finrod-(V)/
TH0R0NGIL, fladrifv, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, Gwaihir-(Valar)/
GwaihirValar, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Turin-(V)'s characters seem to have disappeared
from Lothar.
LotRO: updated table on crafting
mastery items, info from Melkor and Orome. Crafting items have been
changed on LotRO. Exchange your old ones for the new type at the Bree
crafting area.
Tolkien Site Articles:
New article put up today: Discovering
the Inspiration behind Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by
CuChullaine O'Reilly FRGS
Discussion of the new article.
May 30, 2008
The website was on hold while Varda got
another computer (used) and
reformatted it, after returning from vacation on the other side of the
state far from computers. Retroactive additions will be coming. (See
meeting notes since May 11 for the latest.)
Different website program in use, buggy. Trying
several alternatives including combinations.
May 25, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Eonwe and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, Eonwe Valar, Finrod-(V)/TH0R0NGIL,
Menelvagor Valar (aftermeeting), Oropher-(V)/MJKeenan1234,
Pallando Valar/Oessala/OrodrethV,
Oropher is still with us.
Sauron is back from college.
Fangorn and Varda are back.
Fangorn's birthday is today, 55.
Ar-Pharazon is in Spain.
Finrod is back from Iraq, probably for a year.
Pallando is heading for San Diego for boot camp for
about the next 3 months.
Pallando and Menelvagor will be in Texas.
Backlogged especially in Stories. Main Tolkien and
Membership websites
will be transferred to Varda's new computer once it is set up.
Age of Conan
StarCraft 2's Baneling
WarCraft3/TFT and TFT2
D&D tabletop. Not happy about the upcoming
release of the new system before the Eberron books are completed.
WoW General: more info released on the upcoming
Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Lothar: Join up for Blackrock Depths
after the meeting.
Middle-earth military: rivalry, equipment.
May 18, 2008 (in progress)
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Eonwe and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), Finrod-(V)/TH0R0NGIL, fladrifv
Finrod came back from Iraq this morning.
Eonwe graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer
Story idea from Arien-(Valar) about Galion the
Cellar master from The Hobbit.
May 11, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (4)
Ar-PharazonV, arwenv1 (after the meeting),
Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Alatar mentioned again that he hopes to move our
site to a larger server that can handle the new version of php, maybe
in a week or two.
"Other": StarCraft, Guild Wars, D&D tabletop,
UFO: Trilogy, UFO: Aftershock, Lost Odyssey
WoW: Argent Dawn, Lothar, Uldaman
LotRO: main stomping grounds for the guild
Trivia questions, sparking discussion.
1. Where was Arveduil shipwrecked? (Varda)
2. How many Palantiri were there? (Ar-Pharazon)
3. How did Ecthelion of Gondolin die? (Menelvagor)
May 5, 2008
The website is on hold while Varda gets
another computer (used) and reformats it, after returning from vacation
on the other side of the state far from computers. Retroactive
additions will be coming.
May 4, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by the fabulous Ar-Pharazon, Menelvagor,
and Varda
Attending: (9 of 138
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Elwing V, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
A wee bit of Dutch at the start, pretty cool, see if
you can follow it. Time shown is for them also.
We learn that AIM invitations fail if someone else
invited the person aleady.
New Full Member: Peregrin-(V)
Return: Legolas-(V) has had a lot of real life
problems, but hopes he is back in LotRO much more now.
Birthdays: Ar-Pharazon (in 2 days will be 23), Eonwe
(will be 26, one week after Fladrif), Fangorn (May 25 will be 55),
Fladrif (May 10 will be 26)
Graduations: Lots including Arwen (yesterday), Eonwe
(next week)
Marriage: Gimli (yesterday)
House moving: Fladrif, Gimli
Warlord". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
Follows by Cassia-(TV)
Love of One's Life
by Elwing-(V)
Ar-Pharazon-(V) played
StarCraft:BroodWar, War Wind, Warzone 2100, and downloaded Guild Wars
(during the meeting).
WoW: Argent Dawn, Lothar
Children's Week is going: escort a war
orphan around town! Gain a new pet (sorry, not the orphan).
Event Calendar
Our Carn Dum 6-man instance ran from
Saturday morning well into the afternoon. All were Valarites with extra
Valarites on stand-by to fill in for those who might have to leave.
Fishing and more fishing, fishing
trophies in the kinhouse and personal houses. Irmo claims he will not
Much Valar grouping in the new Forochel
area this week. Some like Irmo and Miriel completed it during the week,
a major feat with over 100 quests mostly in chains, but they have Book
13 to do next. Some of us have started on Book 13 (Elrond in the Last
Homely House will send you on this mission.)
Fladrif's Ent news:
Ent one-panel webcomic address.
Two guild ents with
birthdays this month.
Varda's topic: Aging in different folk of
Middle-earth: Ents, Dwarves, Men, Hobbits, Elves, continues in
After-meeting (continued aging
topic since we just couldn't stop):
Elf sleepwalking: memories and sleep may also affect
quality of life as they age.
May 3, 2008
Congratulations, Gimli-(V),
on your wedding! Gimli was married today, cheered on by
Sauron-(Valar) as his usher and by Varda-(Valar) and Eowyn-(V). Happy
May 2, 2008
Site / Stories:
of Life series:
Love of One's Life
by Elwing-(V). ""During a rare idyllic day in Mirkwood, Legolas
meditates on his surroundings." Vignette written for Earth Day and
Arbor Day.
May 1, 2008
Site / Stories:
Chronicles series:
Follows by Cassia-(TV). A day in a rather confusing market place
goes a
little bit askew for the elf and ranger. Humorous vignette.
This is the first story with any Valar
editing by someone other than Varda, all hail pre-editor Gilraen-(V)!
She also kindly honored the request to use her CSS programming
expertise, so this is also the first story to use CSS for styling and
is rigged to keep the same look as before. Slight tweaking by Varda
made the Story style sheet available for all stories that are set up
for it.
April 29,
Tolkien Site
/ Art:
of DeepGroover-(TV):
Warlord". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
April 28, 2008
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Peregrin-(V)!
Peregrin is a long-time friend who, at work, has been helping Varda's
family (and some friends) build, repair, and upgrade their computer
network. He has often gone beyond the call of duty and has been fun
company. WoW players may have seen him on Lothar as a guild-friend, and
he retains his account there. But his current seventy-hour work-week
leaves little time for play and could wreck his health if he isn't
careful. (Of course I said that, Pippin, I'm Varda!) He has a ten-day
account on LotRO (starting today or tomorrow) and, with luck, hopes to
be able to take advantage of the LotRO anniversary life-time membership
and be around for a long while. His favorite LotR character is the
little hobbit, Pippin, the one who gets in trouble all the time.
(Meriadoc-V, take note!)
April 27, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (11)
ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
fladrifv, Gil-galad-(V)/Xseanzee disco, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet,
GwaihirValar, Lungorthin-(Valar)/sauronjag, Menelvagor Valar, Pallando
Valar/Oessala/OrodrethV, VardaValar1
Ar-Pharazon will be going to Spain. Help needed for
a new person to send in transcripts of meetings.
Menelvagor is still on track to go to the US in
summer and hopes to drop by a number of Valarites on the trip.
Varda's family's main computer keeps blue-screening
and having to go back to the shop.
Web help: more editors and writers needed.
Menelvagor volunteered to help
work on the Humor page again and finish a story.
Gilraen volunteered to help edit
in the Stories section and has her first assignment. She is also
considering working on the html and css for the story as an experiment.
LotRO: Forochel expansion is live. Fishing is live.
Anniversary sale on lifetime membership at only $199.
Other games: Ar-Pharazon made a request for others
to join in
Continued with the topic of LotR characters whose
pride brought them down.
April 20, 2008:
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Lindir-(V)!
Lindir joined us on LotRO as Coriss, a level 50 minstrel and teaches
music, perfect for a name like Lindir. He's from California, USA.
Site / Stories:
Without Hope by Arien-(Valar). In this short story set in the
Second Age, Numenoreans capture a woodman.
Arien's story author's page has moved
to here.
3rd night of the Rift Raid: 6pm EDT.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Fladrif, and Varda
Attending: (10)
Hobbitlass19, AriehnV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar (presiding), fladrifv,
Glorfindel VG, Menelvagor Valar, Olwe-(V)/
FallenGlory, VardaValar1
Ar-Pharazon (see Before-meeting)
Eonwe and the storm: two days of no power.
Menelvagor's summer vacation: coming to Texas and
hoping to drop in on some of us there.
New member: Lindir-(V)
New transcripter needed during the summer while
Ar-Pharazon is on vacation.
Pidgin might be a
good cross-platform program for those of us whose OS can't handle the
new AIM update. Recommended by Fladrif-(V) who uses it.
Article: Helge
Fauskanger: Tolkien-linguist Extraordinaire by Amaranth-(V).
Story: Bonds
Without Hope by Arien-(Valar)
War Wind, War Wind II
Glorfindel's topic: Who's more beautiful: Arwen or
Eonwe's topic: Pride in LotR. Who exibits it? Why is
it that person's downfall?
April 16, 2008
Site / Papers:
Fauskanger: Tolkien-linguist Extraordinaire" by Amaranth-(V).
The article includes an interview at the end with Mr. Fauskanger, the
author of the excellent Ardalambion site for all Tolkien languages.
April 13, 2008
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Hurin-(V)!
Hurin ran with Irmo in DAoC helping him run the guild there, and is now
playing with the Valar Guild LotRO kinship.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
Amaranth-(V)/Hobbitlass19, AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Eonwe Valar (presiding), fladrifv, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet,
Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
AIM problems. Problem with AIM updating versions,
and Varda's usual meeting comp has an incompatible operating system
with the new version. Meetings will continue. AIM versions are
currently causing difficulties with invitations as they are not seen
between each other.
Forum had a record number online.
StarCraft 2
New members:
Games page
Forum: new category for StarCraft 2.
StarCraft 2
Lothar server
Uldaman server
Argent Dawn server
LotRO general
Other games played:
Diablo 2 X Middle-earth mod
Zuma Deluxe
The most ancient trees still living
Ents and glaciers
RP on the Forum plotting ahead
April 7, 2008
Site / Stories:
New author and new Tolkien-only member.
Welcome to the Valar guild StarLight-(TV)!
Snowballs and Changes. 4th Age, post LotR. "Legolas feels
that his mortal friends have changed too
much, and he is the only one who had stayed the same. But there is
something he fails to realize." Legolas pov; Aragorn, Eldarion, Gimli
April 6, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (10)
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, Amaranth-(V)/Hobbitlass19,
ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar (presided over part of Tolkien),
Glorfindel VG, Menelvagor Valar, Pallando Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding
over business and part of Tolkien)
Beleg reinjured his back and may have to have
Amaranth-(V) came to her first meeting and said her
"few words".
Those in the heavens.
March 30, 2008
Site / Stories:
Cold in Your Shadow by Siobhan-(TV) and Cassia-(TV).
Happy birthday,
Sunday Meeting: 5pm ESDT. Today Europe
also went on Daylight Savings Time.
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Fladrif,
Menelvagor, and Varda
Attending: (9)
ArathornValar, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, GwaihirValar, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Tolkien Topic:
Arien-(V)'s topic: What do we know about Helm
Hammerhand and the place he left behind after his death?
March 29, 2008
Site / Stories:
Musings revision, by Elwing-(V)
March 25, 2008
Our LotRO kinship branch of the Valar Guild is now
listed on LotRO-Wiki.com.
Thank you goes to Amroth-(V) for suggesting it.
March 24, 2008
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Helm-(V)!
Helm joined us from WoW in Argent Dawn server, testing with
Arien-(Valar). He is making a special AIM account for us although he
has to work early on Monday mornings. When we know his new AIM name,
we'll post it so that we can chat at times other than the regular
March 23, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
Rift run 6pm ESDT
with the Black Lions, led by Elliphaz. Killed Fruz, Zogtark with his
Elder Drakes, and Narnulubat. We hit the end of our planned time and
stopped. Valarites present today were Amroth, Ancalagon, Dis, Ulmo, and
Happy birthday
Sunday Meeting: 5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Varda will be presiding today, as Eonwe Valar will
be out with his
family during most or all of that time (mother's birthday). Send AIM
messages to VardaValar1.
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda (Previous
meeting's link is now live.)
Attending: (11)
Aerandir-(V)/mordacil, ArathornValar, AriehnV,
ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, Glorfindel VG, Menelvagor Valar,
Pallando Valar/OrodrethV, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Membership news:
Fladrif-(V)'s business art site is online! Have a
Tolkien Site: Stories from Branwyn-(TV) and Jay of
Special News:
Gary Gygax,
one of the creators of D&D, passed away a couple of weeks ago.
Blizzard decided to dedicate the 2.4 patch to him.
Arthur C. Clarke,
science fiction author, passed away.
Official StarCraft 2 movie: 133 MB
Argent Dawn: Arien, Ar-Pharazon,
Menelvagor, Valandil. Aragorn's rl too busy right now. Galadriel has
never been seen.
Lothar: Eonwe, Bilbo and Sauron
with two others slew a rare spawn dragon near Ogri'la. Also members
have been getting flying mounts and epic flying mounts. Others who were
on were Elwing, Eowyn, Fangorn, and Varda.
Uldaman: Elwing, Varda,
LotRO: most of us. Much questing and crafting, some
horse-collecting, plus a two night Rift run by a few of the high
levels. Rift is the highest raid in the game for loot, needing only 12
people so not as many as Helegrod.
Eonwe's topic: Characters who were unsure of
themselves, but carried out what they knew to be right anyway.
March 22, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
Rift run 9pm ESDT with the
Black Lions, led by Elliphaz. Killed Barz and Zurm while learning the
changes made during the Book 12 update.
Happy birthday
March 21, 2008
Gaming / LotRO:
run 9pm ESDT with the Black Lions, led by Elliphaz. Didn't have
enough people by one person.
Site / Stories:
Ori son of Gorin! by Jay of Lasgalen. Follows A
Large, Bold Hand. Elrohir writes to Ori to wish him luck as he
travels to Moria.
Time to Embrace
by Jay of Lasgalen. Normal tough parenting decisions become exaggerated
when one is a king dealing with his heir. Thranduil and Legolas.
March 20, 2008
Site / Stories:
Friendship (mostly) stories by
Branwyn-(TV), from her collection "A Handful of Valentines":
- Aragorn, Finduilas. Also includes Ecthelion, Denethor.
Token of the Second Son - Young Boromir and Faramir. Also includes
- Eowyn, Boromir. Also includes Eomer.
Sense - Bill the Pony, Gimli. Also includes Boromir, Elrond,
Legolas, the four hobbits and unmentioned Aragorn.
- Aragorn, Faramir. Also includes Beregond.
March 16, 2008
Sunday Meeting: 5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Varda will be presiding today, as Eonwe Valar will
be out with his
family during most or all of that time (mother's birthday). Send AIM
messages to VardaValar1.
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
ArathornValar, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, Gil-galad-(V)/Xseanzee disco, ThainPaladinTook, VardaValar1
New members this week:
Daddy Twofoot-(V) joined from LotRO.
Paladin Took-(V) rejoined from AIM
during today's meeting.
In AIM, we discovered that at least one and maybe
more members with the new AIM cannot see the invitation from the old
AIM. We don't know if the reverse is true, but suggest that we have two
inviters, one with each version, for future meetings.
Tolkien Site: New art this week:
Warrior" by DeepGroover-(TV)
New Link:
Archives officer service record for JRRT. from Branwyn-(TV)
Outpost 2, StarCraft original: Ar-Pharazon
Half Life2 episode 2: Arathorn.
Chess: Fladrif
Eve Online: probably Pallando
D&D Eberron tabletop: Gimli, Sauron, Varda
WoW Argent Dawn: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Menelvagor
Valar and cross-guilding with High Guard
WoW Uldaman: Elwing, Varda.
Valar only.
WoW Lothar: Arwen, Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn,
Fangorn, Sauron, Varda
Valar and cross-guilding with Cold Rage
Knights for Bilbo and Sauron. Arwen is also cross-guilded as she has
been for a long time, but cross-guilders also show up in Valar channel
to chat and join together for questing as a "shadow guild". This is our
term for a guild that crosses through other guilds but remains
Much activity including elite flying mount, dailies,
and all the usual fun. Some high level running with Cold Rage.
LotrO: most of the guild is here. Much activity.
run planned
this Friday 9pm, Saturday 9pm, and Sunday 6pm, all times ESDT. Joining
up with Black Lions and Keepers of Ayrshire. Elliphaz running the raid
proper whilst Genessa and I organize people. Please sign up on the
Forum. It is possible that we may have to have more than one raid
group. Cross-guilders, to aid communication please remember to type
/joinchannel Valar
First new area expansion coming up, has
to be bought. It contains three zones: Eregion, Moria, and Lothlorien.
Experience cap raises to 60. Two new classes. Fishing.
Were stones starting to come to a form of speaking
life as the trees had, because of the elves?
General concept of using and shaping versus harmony
with, and examples.
Teamwork that allows for individual brilliance.
What JRRT said would have happened if Frodo had kept
the Ring
despite Gollum. (This has to do with teamwork preventing original
brilliance from destroying itself.) Gollum saved Frodo, not the world.
March 16, 2008
Welcome back to the Valar Guild, Paladin Took-(V)!
Paladin first joined us December 22, 2003, losing contact so that he
was dropped for 2006. He rejoined testing with Varda on AIM as
ThainPaladinTook with a perfect score, as one would hope from an old
member. :) Two full-time jobs and a child on the way prevents him
from being active with us right now, but he hopes things will slow down
in the future. His favorite character from LotR is Aragorn for
overcoming everything and becoming king; he was a great leader while
Gandalf was mainly an advisor.
March 15, 2008
Site / Links
New section just on Tolkien.
New link: National Archives officer service record
for JRRT. From the National
Archives: UK government records and information management. Link
suggested by Branwyn-(TV).
March 14, 2008
Happy birthday Aule-(Valar)!
March 13, 2008
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Daddy Twofoot-(V)!
Daddy joined us in LotRO as his previous kinship was on European time
so that he was effectively alone. They parted amicably, understanding
the problem. Daddy really is the father of a young son, is 36 years of
age, and lives in Missouri, USA in the CST zone. He's read the H, LotR,
and Sil. Daddy Twofoot tested with Varda and gained bragging rights
with a perfect score of 5/5. He's quite fond of hobbits and has been
using the name Haffle for years, including for AIM and for the hobbit
he was playing when we met. His favorite LotR character is Samwise as
the true hero of the book, noble, knew right from wrong, did his duty,
and knew good food when he saw it.
March 12, 2008
Site / Art
Warrior". Model assembled and painted by DeepGroover-(TV).
March 9, 2008
Daylight Savings Time moves the meeting one hour
earlier. Europe hasn't changed yet, so the meeting will be literally
one hour earlier for them.
Sunday Meeting: 5pm ESDT
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Eonwe Valar will be presiding today, as Varda will
be out with her
family during most or all of that time. Send AIM messages to Eonwe
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda
Attending: (9)
Ancalagon-(V)/Sarujil, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Elwing
V, Eonwe Valar,
Fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3, VardaValar1
Proposal to add Tengwar to Unicode.
to add Tengwar to Unicode. (in Before-meeting)
Outpost 2, StarCraft, WoW, LotRO
How did Tolkien came to know horses so well, and how
did it show in his writing?
How a ring of air could raise the Bruinen River.
Continued on to other rings of power both Greater and Lesser.
Sauron's form.
March 10, 2008
Happy birthday Arminas-(V)!
March 9, 2008
Happy birthday Dwalin-(TV)!
March 8, 2008
Happy birthday Beren-(Valar)!
March 6, 2008
Site / Stories:
Drabble stories by Branwyn-(TV):
Sharpest Vinegar - Lobelia.
Near Thing
- T.A. Feb. 25, 3019. A/U, written in memory of the anniversary of the
First Battle of the Fords of Isen. Grimbold, Theodred.
- Imrahil teaches young Boromir and Faramir swimming. Imrahil, Boromir,
- A/U Boromir, if he had survived Amon Hen.
Fate - Two prisoners from Rohan, on their way to the Nazgul.
Horses of Eorl
- A/N: Credit goes to Annmarwalk for the idea of Radagast as horsey
therapist. Radagast, Eomer.
March 4, 2008
Happy birthday, Gimli-(V)!
March 2, 2008
Sunday Meeting: 5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Eonwe Valar will be presiding today, as Varda will be out with her
family during most or all of that time. Send AIM messages to Eonwe
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, Olwe-(V)/FallenGlory,
VardaValar1 (late).
Eonwe's topic: How loyal was Sauron to Morgoth?
March 1, 2008
Carn Dum continued, 8pm EST
Happy birthdays to Arathorn-(Valar) and
Aragorn-(V)! How is that for a coincidence? :)
and Borin-(V),
husband and wife team, left the overall Valar Guild to devote their
time to helping set up a new non-raiding LotRO kinship with a group of
friends who have not read LotR and therefore can't join Valar.
Feb. 29, 2008
Happy Leap Day!
Ancalagon's Friday gaming kicks off
today with a Carn Dum run at 8pm EST.
Those on the run were:
Amroth's Lhee loremaster (subbed in when one had to go), Ancalagon's
Ancbeard guardian, Beleg's Belegwulf and Belleg, Morwe's Morwe hunter,
Orome's Orom captain, Ulmo's Niequi minstrel, Varda's Fainan hunter.
Feb 24, 2008
Sunday Meeting: 5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (10)
Sarujil, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, AuSteinM-(TV)/austeinM, Eonwe Valar,
Fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, FarmerMaggot-(V)/
thesirg3, Meneldil-(V)/
JMVfromLV, VardaValar1 (presiding)
How do death and immortality play a part in
Tolkien's world?
Goldberry's nature
Dumping the Ring in the sea
Feb. 22, 2008
Site / Articles
/ Papers:
in Tolkien's Legendarium by Amaranth-(V).
Feb. 21, 2008
Site / Art:
of the Evenstar: new artwork by Elwing-(V).
Cave's art now loads much faster as it now uses thumbnail pictures
for all art offerings. Enjoy!
Site / Stories:
Drabbles and short stories by
Branwyn-(TV) with more to be uploaded later.
Lesson - Faramir's thinking during a battle. Drabble.
Unexpected Party
- Thorin had other dwarven choices for the company. With abject
apologies to Tolkien. Drabble.
by Woods - Old Faramir out riding. Written as a companion piece to "The
Road Not Taken"
Short story.
Delight - Sam and Rosie having a meal after the War of the Ring.
Written for the “Plane” challenge at Tolkien_weekly. Drabble.
Complement - Faramir sets out with what is left of the cavalry.
Road Not Taken
- Boromir on his way to Imladris, before the loss of his horse. Short
of Study - Radagast knows something that Saruman doesn't. Drabble.
Site / Poetry:
Your Bridges - by Branwyn-(TV). Faramir and Boromir leave
Osgiliath. A 100 word
drabble that crossed the line into poetry.
Feb. 20, 2008
Site / Stories:
Drabbles by Branwyn-(TV) with
more to be uploaded later. A drabble is a challenge form for a story
that must be complete and exactly 100 words.
- Aragorn at Rauros Falls.
Light - The Rohirrim heading for Mundberg.
Tide - Imrahil brings news to Denethor.
Beacon of Erelas - two Gondorian soldiers.
Entwined - Treebeard presides over an Entish marriage.
of Gifts - Sauron speaks with a future wraith.
Guest" and "The Gift"
- An elf lady and two farmers.
Conjuror - Denethor and Gandalf discussing Sauron.
- Servants talk about Denethor and the injured Faramir.
the Linden - Faramir, foresight, and a linden tree.
Waves' Song - Arwen after Aragorn's death.
- Faramir and Denethor after Boromir's death.
Many Adverbs - Young Boromir with his writing tutor.
the Signs - Faramir reads signs in Denethor, after Boromir's death.
Line, and Sinker - Deagol goes fishing.
Feb. 18, 2008
Site / Articles
/ Papers:
and Imaginary History in Lord of the
Rings by Franco Manni-(TV)
Translation by Jimmy Bishop for
Franco Manni.
Received by email Feb. 17, 2008,
written much earlier.
Feb. 17, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (10)
arwenv1, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, Glorfindel
VG, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3, Pallando Valar/OrodrethV/Oessala,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
New Full Member this week: Amroth-(V)
Tolkien topic:
Some of the creatures in real life that we think of
as not having speech do have speech in Tolkien's world. Can you name
Feb. 13, 2008 Wed.
Book 12 update today! Regular
servers scheduled downtime to do it is 6am-noon EST. Roheryn test
server should be up for the whole time, and we have a small branch
there as well.
Movies/Hobbit and
More delays. The Tolkien Estate is
suing New Line Cinema for not paying. The suit seems to be for quite a
bit less than they are actually owed, but I wish New Line would pay
what they contracted to pay to all these people.
Here's a link to an article in Cinematic.
New links:
Movies/Lord of the Rings:
Journey of the Ring - a LotR fan film
now online, benefitting their fire station. by Andrew Gnagy.
Hobbit Central - fan site for
the upcoming Hobbit movie. by Andrew Gnagy
Movies/Movie and Book
Merchandise, Collectibles:
New Line
Cinema's shop for all its movies, including a large Lord of the
Rings section. The link was sent in by the shop's Senior Affiliate
Manager, Gary Decker.
Feb. 12, 2008 Tues.
Tolkien Site/Music:
New music: "Luthien's
Spell" by Marc
Fawcett aka Glorfindel-(V).
This link plays directly on your browser's player or may be downloaded
using "Save As" in the menu at the top of your browser. 7.2 MB.
We are having a space problem and may need to use a
server (s) to host the music files. Links from these pages will be
changed if we do, so you can still find the music.
Carn Dum: 7pm EST. A fellowship of Valar is
planning to take down the two named Merrovals needed by several classes
for their class quests. Contact Niequi (Ulmo-Valar). Latest info
is on
the kinship message of the day. Already volunteering to go are Niequi,
Fainan, and Ancbeard.
After the update, we will be going on the special Trophy hunts for the
kinhouse and personal houses. Contact Ancbeard (Ancalagon-V).
Feb. 11, 2008 Mon.
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Amroth-(V)!
Amroth has run with us in LotRO in both Book questing and Rift raids,
yet was still willing to join. He passed his test earlier but only
today chose a name and became a Full Member. He has read H and LotR.
His favorite LotR character is the Gandalf, because he is powerful. He
considers AIM to be nearly a virus, so he uses MSN for his instant
Feb. 10, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, and Varda
Attending: (7)
Sarujil, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1,
Eonwe Valar (presided 2nd half), Fladrifv, VardaValar1 (presided 1st
Dirhavel's birthday was Feb. 5.
Fladrif's birthday is May 10; the birthday on the
Forum is for the previous Fladrif.
New music by Glorfindel, including lyrics about Saruman aka
Curunír, the Villain of the Wizard's Vale: Nan Curunir
He also sent in the beautiful and spooky Luthien's Spell, but the webmaster
is currently having difficulty with the upload.
WoW: Quote
of hope for us from the WoW US Forums, PTR=Public Test Realm.:
the 2.4.0 PTR, we will be allowing US, EU and Korean players to
access all available PTR realms. Players will be able to choose which
test realm they wish to play on without being restricted by region.
We currently plan to make all PTR
realms available in this way for all future patches.
LotRO: Book
12 update:
Wednesday 6am - noon is the
planned time that the regular gaming
servers will be down for the update.
Roheryn test server, where we
have a Valar Guild branch, should be up meanwhile.
Rift raid with the Black Lions
day 3 at 6pm EST. Passed fumaroles but were stopped on Thrang, only
time for one run at him. Valarites were Ancbeard (Ancalagon), Fainan
(Varda), Lilyblossom (Dis), Morwe (Morwe), and Niequi (Ulmo).
Eonwe's topic: What do we know of Hobbits' impact on
Lots of quotes from the books included.
Feb. 9, 2008 Sat.
Rift raid with the Black Lions
day 2 at 9pm EST.
by Varda:
We took down The two flying Elder
Drakes and N---. Then we moved on and took out the fumaroles. Then we
did a perfect run against Narnulabat and the seers and darklings. Then
we had time for one run against Thrang, but were wiped after the 4
shamans came out. That was a lot of progress in only 3 hours.
Valarites early and lucky enough
to join the run were Ancbeard, Belegur, Freyah (Dis), Fainan, Morwe,
and Niequi. Lhee (Amroth) and Aeronwy (Gorlim) almost made it, but were
a tad too late. Dis's husband would have been willing to go as well,
but we ran out of space.
Kalimacoin (Meriadoc's Guardian)
hit level 49 while we were in the rift, running with Borin and
Feb. 8, 2008 Fri.
Rift raid with the Black Lions
day 1 at 9pm EST.
by Varda:
We took down Barz, Zurm, and Fruz.
Valarites present were Aeronwy
(Gorlim), Ancalagon (Anbeard), Belegur (Melkor), Fainan (Varda), Morwe
(Morwe), Niequi (Ulmo). Lhee was also with us; he formally joined the
Valar Guild as Amroth-(V) on Feb. 11.
Feb. 7, 2008
Tolkien Site: new section for Music! Send in your original,
Tolkien-related music to Varda to be included.
Latest music: "Fall of Nargothrond" by
Glorfindel-(V), instrumental mp3.
Feb. 6, 2008
New links under Movies: Hobbit
and the "Prequel". Feel free to email more.
Feb. 5, 2008 Tuesday
Happy birthday, Dirhavel-(V)!
Next Rift run will be with the
Black Lions this weekend for 3 days, about 3 hours each run. Elliphaz
is leading. Looting policy and Valar sign-up on our forum. Stand-bys
are welcome to sign up.
Fri 2/8 9pm EST
Sat 2/9 9pm EST
Sun 2/10 6pm
Feb. 3, 2008
Rift raid with Keepers of Ayrshire day 3 and last day:
Killed Zurm.
Valarites were Ancbeard, Belegur, Aeronwy (Gorlim), and Niequi. Dis was
present on her Keepers character.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar,
Fladrifv, Glorfindel-(V)/VegetableMannn, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
We all know the importance of music: creating
Arda, song fights, and such fun. How was it used in the Lord of the Rings?
Feb. 2, 2008
Rift raid with Keepers of Ayrshire day 2:
off since we did not have a full group of 12.
Feb. 1, 2008
Rift raid
with Keepers of Ayrshire. Rift raiders in our mixed kinship groups meet
at West Bree, just outside the gate. This is Boudica's first time to
run a raid, so be supportive.
Feb 1, 2008
Fri: 7pm EST
Feb 2 Sat: noon
Feb 3 Sun:
Feb. 1: Killed Barz and came up
to Zurm. Valarites were Ancbeard (Ancalagon), Belegur (Melkor), Niequi
(Ulmo), Fainan (Varda). Dis was also present on her Keepers character:
30, 2008
Happy birthday, Arien-(Valar)!
Jan. 27, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (11)
Ancalagon-(V)/Sarujil, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar,
Fladrifv, Gelmir-(V)/Shaggyjoe, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet,
Glorfindel-(V)/VegetableMannn, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Gregory Bassham says that after studying
Tolkien, he found six important lessons to being happy.
Jan. 25, 2008
Happy birthday,
Jan. 23, 2008 Wednesday
Happy birthday, Dis-(V)!
Raid: Rift of Nurz Ghashru
We needed one more person to do the
run, so rather than bring in a stranger or going in to make a huge
repair bill, we did not start. We did wait a while to see if anyone
would show up, perhaps confused by the time zone, but no one able to
run showed. We plan to run again probably in two weeks.
Jan. 22, 2008 Tuesday
Raid: Rift of Nurz Ghashru
- 12 midnight EST.
We came very close to killing Thrang
and should be able to next run. Pulling the Summoners to opposite sides
of the terrace where they came in at the door works well. We learned
not to have the dedicated healer on the bottom floor with the tank on
the Giant, but to heal from up high.
Jan. 21, 2008 Monday
Raid: Rift of Nurz Ghashru
Please sign up on the forum. Even
if you don't sign up, at least be present, preferably 15 minutes early.
If Valarites are not available on time, we have many people from the
other guilds on standby, but we'd rather have you.
Fainan (Varda's hunter) can port
you directly to the Rift camp, as can Melkor if he's on, as his hunter
Contacts/guild leaders on the
Valar side are Fainan (Varda) and Niequi (Ulmo); on the Black Lions
side are husband and wife team Elliphaz and Genessa/Emerelle; and on
the Keepers of Ayrshire side are husband and wife team Boudica/Alrid
and Lilyblossom (Dis-V).
by Varda:
We killed
Stone-Eater and Bone-Biter and their minions, by keeping them
well-separated. Ancbeard tanked Biter while we brought Eater down to
almost dead as he had the most hit points. Then we tried to kill them
at about the same time. Eater went down slightly ahead spawning
Darklings which we killed. If they had made it to Biter, they would
have become elites. This was our objective for the day.
We went on to see about Thrang. Ancbeard tanked the
giant with Niequi as his dedicated healer. The rest of the monsters
came down the steps possibly from near the door we had come in. We took
out everything until the two Summoners arrived. One died but the other
did not go down so well. Fumaroles showed up on the ground floor to
which we were supposed to kite Thrang. But since the second Summoner
was not down yet, the kiting was tried too early by at least one
member. We expect to do better after this scouting run.
Valarites present were Ancalagon's Ancbeard, Dis's
Lilyblossom, Ulmo's Niequi, and Varda's Fainan.
Jan. 20, 2008 Sunday
Today is Gorlim-(V)'s birthday.
Have a happy one! (We took him with us for his first time LotRO raiding
in the Rift of Narz Ghashru.)
Tolkien Site/Stories:
and Found by Branwyn-(TV). Gandalf and young Faramir in the
library of Minas Tirith.
Gaming/LotRO Raid:
Rift of Nurz Ghashru
8-11pm: Next set of bosses, all new to us. We
killed the fumaroles and their guards, then killed the Over-seer and
his seers and his darklings, then made it to Stone-Eater and
Stone-Biter, killing Stone-Eater, but he respawned and we had to stop
for the night.
Valarites present today were Lilyblossom (Dis),
Fainan (Varda), Gorlim (Aeronwy), and Niequi (Ulmo).
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Arwen-(V)/windofhyperia,
Fangluin-(V)/MelchiahAC, Gil-galad-(V)/Xseanzee disco, Glorfindel VG,
VardaValar1 (presiding).
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
How hobbits learned survival.
Jan. 19, 2008 Saturday
Happy birthday, Dior-(V)!
Tolkien Site/Stories:
Large, Bold Hand by Jay of Lasgalen. Elrohir and Ori.
Gaming/LotRO Raid:
Rift of Nurz Ghashru
6pm-9pm, also 10pm - 1 if
enough interest. Next two bosses planned.
Report from Ulmo (Niequi):
Saturday raid one was canceled but the late one went off as scheduled.
I was low roller and thus designated to wear the arrow as official raid
scapegoat. The evening went so smoothly finding stuff to blame on me
was difficult. Boss 3 is highly bugged, but we killed him on first try
anyway. Boss 4 has flying dragons as minions, was a very cool fight
script. It took 2 tries to kill him.
The schedule continues tonight as posted. First dibs on slots goes to
those who have been coming already to this round, but there will likely
be a slot or 2 open to newcomers. So far only Varda and I have been
attending, I really hope more try to come. It is a lot of fun, and the
graphics are amazing. Our raiding allies are some very courteous and
fun people to play with. Come see flying dragons and much more!
Jan. 18, 2008 Friday
Gaming/LotRO Raid:
Rift of Nurz Ghashru.
9pm-12. First two bosses planned. Sign
up on the Forum.
Black Lion contacts: Genessa,
Valar contacts: Niequi, Fainan.
We slaughtered Barz and Zurm in record
time. From our guild were Niequi, Fainan, and Dis in her Lilyblossom
persona from Keepers of Ayrshire.
Jan. 17, 2008
Happy birthday,
Jan. 13, 2008
Letter from Pallando-(Valar):
I won't make it to the meeting, but
would like to let you know (and
announce for me) that as of yesterday at 11am central I swore in as a
delayed enlistment recruit to the United States Marine Corps.
If all goes well, I ship on May 27th.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (9)
Ancalagon-(V)/Sarujil, AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
arwenv1, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, Gilraen-(V)/Star of Phaet, Glorfindel VG, VardaValar1
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Tolkien topics:
1. Who is someone we normally hear very little about
from Lord of the Rings?
2. Neekerbreekers
Jan. 11, 2008
Tolkien Site/Stories:
"Letters from Elrohir" series by Jay of
to Elladan": the just-in-case letter of comfort
to Elladan that Elrohir hopes his brother never reads.
to Elladan; Lothlorien": Elrohir's
impressions of Lothlorien. Elrohir and Elrond are in Lorien without
"Thoughts from Home" by Jay of
Lasgalen. Sequel to "Far
from Home".
Jan. 9, 2008
Happy birthday Meriadoc and Maeglin!
Jan. 6, 2008
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5), GMT 22:00
AIM room: Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (11):
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, arwenv1, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), fladrifv,
GilraenV, Glorfindel VG, GwaihirValar, Farmer Maggot-(V)/thesirg3,
Menelvagor Vala, VardaValar1
Ar-Pharazon is back from Belgium.
Fladrif is back in Sweden and able to attend
meetings again.
Meeting Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Jan. 4, 2008
by Alasse Merenrel-(TV) who's on a roll. In Rivendell, Denethor's
first-born son, Boromir, writes in his log concerning his first
impressions of the elves he has met. Companion piece to "Second-born"
in which Denethor's second-born son, Faramir, compares First-born elves
and Second-born humans.
Jan. 3, 2008
Happy Birthday JRR Tolkien, who still resides in our
Tolkien Site/Stories:
by Alasse Merenrel-(TV). Helm's Deep, from an orc's point of view.
Movie-verse. Written for the 10th Anniversary of the Valar Guild.
January 1, 2008
Happy New