VardaValar1 has entered the room.
VardaValar1: Aiya Phar :-)
NICKKK725 has entered the
NICKKK725: Who's this?
VardaValar1: Hello
VardaValar1: You are in my list of Valar Guild members
NICKKK725: That was a long long time ago
VardaValar1: Do you wish to be removed?
VardaValar1: We are over 11 years old. :-)
NICKKK725: Think I was in it for WOW a while ago
VardaValar1: I hit the group list, not any particular person.
VardaValar1: Do you remember the name you used in the guild? Gollum
NICKKK725: Pretty sure it was Valar on Sargeras server
VardaValar1: I know Gollum disappeared completely
VardaValar1: No, we were on Lothar
VardaValar1: Still are
VardaValar1: That is our Alliance group
VardaValar1: We have another group for Horde on Uldaman server.
VardaValar1: We are a Tolkien fan club as well as gamers, and meet here
every Sunday.
NICKKK725: Ooohhh Valar was for LOTRO when I played.
VardaValar1: It still is
VardaValar1: I just came from LotRO a few minutes ago.
NICKKK725: I know longer take part in that MMO
VardaValar1: We are in multiple games.
VardaValar1: We started in Diablo 1 :-)
VardaValar1: Are you still interested in the books by Tolkien?
NICKKK725 has left the room.
VardaValar1:bye, heh.
VardaValar1: I guess I should remove
him from the list.
has entered the room.
AriehnV: aiya there :-)
VardaValar1: Found him. He was Thorin-V
Eonwe Valar
has entered the room.
VardaValar1: Aiya Arien : )
VardaValar1: Aiya Eonwe
Eonwe Valar: Heya all...
AriehnV: aiya Eonwe :-)
Eonwe Valar: This new AIM is looking to
be a bigger pain than it's worth.
VardaValar1: He was Kirmir in June or
July 2007 in LotRO. Thorin-V
Eonwe Valar: afk for a sec.
VardaValar1: ok, and aye it's a pain.
sila lumenn'
VardaValar1: We just had an accidental
invitation to
Thorin-V as
VardaValar1: He apparently is no longer
interested in being with us, and is no longer in LotRO.
VardaValar1: Any other membership news?
just came home an
hour ago after being gone a week, so you'll be seeing him again on WoW
VardaValar1: and sometime in Uldaman
server. : )
VardaValar1: The main thing I use to
work on the web pages got wiped out.
VardaValar1: I will be handling that
VardaValar1: Before that happened, we
had an addition in the
Art pages.
VardaValar1: DeepGroover-TV, brother of
Elwing-V, put up two new models:
VardaValar1: A Knight Hospitaller:
VardaValar1: and a Spanish knight:
VardaValar1: Gimli-V sent us a picture used for Christmas on the News
page that I hope you found amusing. : )
VardaValar1: I don't think Eonwe or anyone else has further web news.
WoW Americas
WoW Europe
Other games
VardaValar1: If anyone is present, did
anyone play anything besides WoW or LotRO this past week?
WoW Lothar has been busy
with my family and Elwing. I think Eonwe has also been on.
WoW Uldaman
had visits
from my characters, Elwing, and I forget, but maybe Eonwe.
VardaValar1: Anyone present from WoW
VardaValar1: I know two of you, but I
think you're both afk.
has been extremely
Daddy Twofoot
showed up
today and said he's had a second son. : )
VardaValar1: Twofoot plays Haffle, for
Eonwe's information. : )
AriehnV: nice :-)
VardaValar1: He
was unsure whether to continue with LotRO as he would be a casual
gamer, but once assured that was ok, seems to be happy to stay with us.
Ulmo and
Ancalagon have
both been at the level cap for a while [
Note: level cap is now 60 in LotRO],
Gorlim is about to hit it, and
is at level 59 now.
VardaValar1: I'm at 58, a bit scattered
between 13 characters, but still moving.
Gimli is coming
up fast. :
VardaValar1: Arien seems to by typing,
I think?
Eonwe Valar: Back, and no, I have no
web news from my end for now.
VardaValar1: Thank you, Eonwe. : )
VardaValar1: *be
Eonwe Valar: Er, sorry, that's a bit
late I see now :}
ArPharazonV: back from away
VardaValar1: I'm glad that I didn't step on your news! : )
ArPharazonV: wow, you're fast
VardaValar1: Welcome back, Phar!
VardaValar1: Fast?
ArPharazonV: didn't expect you'd be in gaming already
VardaValar1: You guys all three were away, so I just typed in what I
ArPharazonV: heh
VardaValar1: Did you have WoW Europe comments?
ArPharazonV: well, scrolling back, but before we move on to
Tolkien, I do have some comments
VardaValar1: Go ahead.
VardaValar1: Oh,
Gorlim sends
milk and
cookies from LotRO!
AriehnV: say thanks to him :-)
first of all,
Fladrif and I
have been playing some games last Sunday,
as you may remember, it was largely during the meeting (sorry for our
absence in activity there!)
AriehnV: they are yummie
ArPharazonV: we played
Red Alert 2 and
Annihilation on Lan,
he was sitting nearby at his laptop, so that was fun
VardaValar1: (not sure this is saving anything for the transcript, may
need help)
VardaValar1: o cool!
ArPharazonV: and for Christmas I got
Red Alert 3, so that'll be
fun to play too, Fladrif has it too, so...
VardaValar1: O, reminds me
Meriadoc was on WoW with us at our house
for Christmas. : )
VardaValar1: Sounds fun.
ArPharazonV: as for
VardaValar1: We have Red Alert also
I'm starting to do my first raiding again, already visited 25-man
Naxxramas 3 times, and I've also gotten into a new raidgroup for 10-man
Naxxramas which is planning to expand
ArPharazonV: so with luck I won't be sitting along the sidelines
anymore :-)
ArPharazonV: and one more WoW-related thing:
VardaValar1: Is this still High Guard?
VardaValar1: or um the other name
still, heh
VardaValar1: Pardon, which
nay, The High Guard is still the guild I'm in and lead, but the
communities I'm befriended with/joined are not guild-restricted so I
can keep THG going
ArPharazonV: sorry, took long to type ;-)
ArPharazonV: anyway, that other thing
VardaValar1: Pardon, I fumbled the words.
VardaValar1: So who are you raiding
a group called Innovation, which is founded by a few former members of
another group I was in friendstatus with for the past... 13 months or so
ArPharazonV: and I'm also friends with a group called Expedition
with which I've done those 3 25-mans
ArPharazonV: Anyway:
there's a new wow fan video out there online, which has quite shaken
the fan-video-community with amazing new animation techniques outside
the normal "machinima"-method of WoW movie-making
ArPharazonV: I got linked to it a few days ago and watched it
several times, and am still amazed
it's called
Craft of War: Blink, a video focusing on rogues, with
more videos to come about other classes, and I'm looking forward to them
ArPharazonV: it's a bit odd to mention wow videos in the business
news, but I thought I'd make an exception for this one
VardaValar1: Blink sounds like a mage : )
ArPharazonV: let me fetch the link
ArPharazonV: oh, sorry
VardaValar1: This is gaming : )
ArPharazonV: it's Blind
ArPharazonV: not Blink
ArPharazonV: though I hear the mage-video might be called Blink ;-)
VardaValar1: My mage, Tinwetari, approves.
is the main page of the video
ArPharazonV: it has already been
linked on several major fansites, and has gotten many great reviews,
ArPharazonV: even though it's only about 2 days old or so
VardaValar1: Like to have it on our News and /or Games site?
ArPharazonV: oh, the page says 4 days
ArPharazonV: sounds good, I recommend it to all who play WoW and
can appreciate a good animation :-)
Eonwe Valar: I would have to get a chance to view it before I linked
it on the Games Page.
it's been said to be on par with the Wrathgate cinematic, so that
should be a good hint to those who are in doubt to watch it :-)
ArPharazonV: check the link Eonwe
Eonwe Valar: I was saying "get a chance amidst my schedule"
ArPharazonV: it's about 7 minutes long but worth the time
ArPharazonV: ah :-)
AriehnV: eh its full black lol
AriehnV: lol i dont see any thing :-D
ArPharazonV: give it a few sec
ArPharazonV: hm, that's odd
ArPharazonV: be sure to press play :-)
ArPharazonV: it's black with a few white words for the first... 25
sec or so
AriehnV: ah i had to reload the page
ArPharazonV: ah
ArPharazonV: anyway, that's my news
ArPharazonV: now if you'll excuse me, I've got more bits of
meeting to scroll back to before I'm caught up ;-)
ArPharazonV: ...13 characters in LotRO, Varda? :-)
ArPharazonV: and I thought I had trouble with my 9 alts in WoW...
VardaValar1: yes :-)
AriehnV: try 16 on four servers :OP
ArPharazonV: ouch :-)
ArPharazonV: well, to be honest, I too have 14 characters in WoW,
but the 4 chars on other servers I haven't played in years
VardaValar1: Watching the video. wowie
VardaValar1: I have one character on
Vilya for when Landroval is down and I just have to game. : )
ArPharazonV: no, that's a lie, I played all 4 for just a few
minutes to get the 4'th anniversary achievement and blizzard polar bear
VardaValar1: Some characters are just for playing with certain other
I figure they're still my chars, even though I never play them, and if
I ever *do* get back to them I wouldn't want them to miss that
once-only stuff
ArPharazonV: especially since it's so easily gotten
ArPharazonV: so while 2 of them are still lvl 1 and the other 2
are lvls 7 and 8...
ArPharazonV: I do like to keep my options open :-)
VardaValar1: On the rogue fight now, o wowie
AriehnV: its amazing
VardaValar1: Target is starting to show
true nature. Great wings. : )
ArPharazonV: :-)
ArPharazonV: ah, yes, that's a nice bit...
AriehnV: ah she escaped :-D
VardaValar1: I want a sequel!
VardaValar1: oh, hehe
ArPharazonV: there might be, I heard rumors about a Blind 2 coming
VardaValar1: taste of things to come
ArPharazonV: taste of things to come is the trailer to the first
bit, actually
VardaValar1: sure enough. Recognized the scenes
but because he thought it a bit odd to have a trailer for a 7 minute
movie he never posted it alone and instead added it here, because it
did turn out quite well
has a word from the creator
ArPharazonV: ah, the mage movie will
be called Counterspell :-)
VardaValar1: After I fix the wreck of my web page maker, I'll put in
this link.
VardaValar1: Cool : )
VardaValar1: Bet Blizzard will catch
the buzz. : )
ArPharazonV: yep
VardaValar1: If not, their heads are in the sand.
ArPharazonV: I've already seen several reviews and comments that
Blizzard would be foolish not to hire him... or her, not sure
ArPharazonV: I've read "she" somewhere I think...
VardaValar1: I see the she on the bottom comment of the second one. He
Return of the King
(role-playing text story) by Orodreth/Pallando
"Fellowship of
Friends" Falathar's RP on our forum
Story" (talk continues past other RP talk)
"Scouting Ahead"
group story on our forum, our current official RP.
ArPharazonV: oh, by the way, I saw
Return of the King
on tv this
week :-) odd to watch
with Dutch
subtitles for a change!
VardaValar1: hehe
VardaValar1: Did they do pretty well
with the subtitles?
ArPharazonV: my dvds have Dutch subtitles in the options too, but
I always prefer the English ones
well, they're as good as you might expect.. not really outstanding...
some of the names did *not* need translation in my opinion
VardaValar1: There is no reason to translate most names, as they are
in Tolkien's languages.
VardaValar1: It may be related to the
insanity of changing the names of other countries and cities for the
local readers.
ArPharazonV: it was mostly last names like Baggins or Gamgee that
were translated, and I think I saw Shadowfax translated as
VardaValar1: what does vacht mean? : )
ArPharazonV: and as Schaduwvacht my dad kept referring to it
throughout the movie which annoyed me a bit
ArPharazonV: fur, basically
ArPharazonV: a bit odd, considering it's a white horse...
VardaValar1: Not exactly, more silver.
ArPharazonV: well
ArPharazonV: not shadowy in any case
VardaValar1: In the movie, white. : )
ArPharazonV: *nod*
VardaValar1: Nahar and Felarof were white, can kind of see it.
ArPharazonV: also, since it was not the extended edition on tv,
some scenes were gone, which was a shame ;-)
VardaValar1: Pre-cut so they could add commercials.
VardaValar1: Except for a few scenes,
I'd rather see the extended.
VardaValar1: Gandalf going down to the
Witch-king? Nonsense!
no Aragorn looking into the Palantir, no death of Saruman, no
introduction of Brego until he came across Aragorn after his fall...
ArPharazonV: Gandalf and the Witch-King, aye... Faramir and Eowyn
in the Houses of Healing
VardaValar1: Too much was left out in the movie houses, and even the
final cut.
ArPharazonV: I agree
VardaValar1: The leaving out of the Scouring is so wrong, really made
a mess of the ending.
ArPharazonV: but even my parents got bored with the long ending,
so maybe it's a good thing they left out some things there
VardaValar1: But I did like how they showed the difficulties soldiers
have of fitting back into civilian life, just wasn't Tolkien.
ArPharazonV: a 1500 page book, which you don't read overnight, is
hard to put in a movie you *do* want to see in one go :-)
VardaValar1: The ending was full of black spaces - makes one think
it's over now.
ArPharazonV: oh, yes, I noticed that
VardaValar1: That really messes with people's expectations. O, it's
done now.
ArPharazonV: "Is it over now?" "No dad, there's more scenes!" etc
VardaValar1: They really must have rushed the end editing.
VardaValar1: They should have left in
the short bits showing what happened to Gimli and Legolas. They just
ArPharazonV: yep
ArPharazonV: was that the one with Gimli prospecting gems? :-)
VardaValar1: They had a wonderful clip of Gimli, and I could imagine a
voice-over, that he had much gold but it did not control him
VardaValar1: That should have mentioned
that he was Lord of the Glittering Caves in Rohan, under Helm's Deep.
ArPharazonV: Hmhm
VardaValar1: Would have taken only a few minutes.
VardaValar1: They had another shot of
Legolas turning, inspecting the woods of Ithilien where he started an
elven colony.
Pallando's rp:
ArPharazonV: hey, did we not once have an RP on some forum
somewhere that started in Rohan? a number of years after Lotr?
ArPharazonV: I remember Gimli being mentioned as lord of those
VardaValar1: Not Valar.
ArPharazonV: odd..
VardaValar1: Gimli is mentioned as Lord of the Glittering Caves on our
art site. : )
VardaValar1: Our only RP is Scouting
ArPharazonV: well, it was a few years back, I'd say at least 4...
ArPharazonV: when we were still meeting in bnet
ArPharazonV: I thought it was with some of our guild
VardaValar1: There were a lot of rp's and some included a few
Valarites, but none were operated by the guild.
VardaValar1: Elrond was into it, I
AriehnV: interesting :-)
Eonwe Valar: Sounds about right.
ArPharazonV: it was on blizzforums.. just found the link in my
VardaValar1: We have not yet taken over Blizzard. : )
ArPharazonV: I know
VardaValar1: Could you show the link?
ArPharazonV: but I thought it was run by Valarites
VardaValar1: We're working on it.
ArPharazonV: let me see... it was called Lord of the Rings RPG
ArPharazonV: sorry, the thread's already out of the forum it seems
VardaValar1: It could have been started by a Valarite or included
them, but it was not an official Valar Guild rp.
ArPharazonV: oh, I never said it was official :-)
VardaValar1: We had another person who was into those also, trying to
think who.
VardaValar1: Wasn't Tilion, was it?
ArPharazonV: I don't know anymore...
VardaValar1: We had one gentleman who started those up a couple of
times but then would wander off and the thing would die.
ArPharazonV: been so long
Eonwe Valar: Closest we came to one before our current Scouting Ahead
was the Guild-wide story.
VardaValar1: and you've been stuck in
that cave so long...
ArPharazonV: I've seen a lot on the internet in the past 4 years
ArPharazonV: some things may easily slip my mind
VardaValar1: The
Guild-wide story never really took
off. It's still
online on the Stories page under incomplete.
Eonwe Valar: Aye, it never did.
VardaValar1: If we put it on the forum,
I wonder if anyone would add to it?
ArPharazonV: a guild-wide story, eh?
ArPharazonV: sounds intriguing
VardaValar1: But Scouting Ahead isn't getting much love, so I doubt
the hard one would.
VardaValar1: It's still online on the
Stories, Phar.
ArPharazonV: A-ha! Orodreth/Pallando started this one
ArPharazonV: a search result came up with our 2003 news page
VardaValar1: That's the culprit! aye!
search for a letter from Orodreth
Eonwe Valar: As
I recall, after several people who expressed interest in the Guild-wide
story then proceeded to ask to be skipped over, I decided it wasn't
quite working out as hoped.
VardaValar1: aye, too much skipping,
too little writing.
ArPharazonV: mid-october
Falathar's rp
"Fellowship of Friends":
AriehnV: shame
that this Falathilion or whats his name never got his story going ..
could have been quite interesting and maye we could have linked up the
two story lines .. a bit of a sinister character hmph
ArPharazonV: " Also, I have started a Lord of the Rings RPG here:
It is set in 1596 S.R., or Fourth Age 175. More deatils
(much more) can be found at the link."
AriehnV: mine had a lot potentioal :-)
VardaValar1: And what happened to
yours, Arien? Is it still up?
Eonwe Valar: Falathilion?
AriehnV: aye that one i posted in
AriehnV: i like my character there
.. bit of an opportunist really , officially a spy but could go either
AriehnV: good or bad
VardaValar1: Guild-wide story, 2
entries. bleah
I used to love playing a major character who would get corrupted and
become one of the greatest opponents in the story *grin* it's why I
came up with Calaron's arc, really
ArPharazonV: nowadays, that fire of mischief has died out somewhat
VardaValar1: Neat concept. Set way back in time, leave off in the
middle of a sentence for the next to take over the tale.
VardaValar1: The Guild-wide was not
where a person writes for his character, but takes the next part of the
entire story.
ArPharazonV: it looks fun
VardaValar1: You have to handle all the characters, know your history
quite well.
VardaValar1: It's intended to really
use our Valarite knowledge, something not possible in most groups.
I've done a few forum-games along the lines of "continue the story" but
that usually was over a few sentences at a time and never lasted long
before growing out of hand..
ArPharazonV: something like this, though, could prove to be quite
a challenge
VardaValar1: Apparently too much.
ArPharazonV: Heh.
Eonwe Valar: I
think if I were to try and stir one of those up again, I would rather
leave the old one in the past and start from scratch with a new one.
VardaValar1: I
could put it on the forum and see what happens to it. But I would
rather see us finish the one we are doing. It is not fair to leave it
VardaValar1: I'll just leave it on the
incomplete stories then.
ArPharazonV: this particular story seems to have quite a unique
ArPharazonV: first-age-Silvan, on first glance?
VardaValar1: Reading it will let you see. : )
Eonwe Valar: I
could be swayed on that perhaps, but to be honest I don't think I've
even looked at it since I dropped it for lack of guild interest.
ArPharazonV: no.. Eastern Avari?
ArPharazonV: hmm....
VardaValar1: It only has two entries and it was a long time ago.
VardaValar1: My turn never came up and
I forgot about it.
ArPharazonV: Tuvo the Wizard.... *thinks*
ArPharazonV: Lost Tales?
Eonwe Valar: For a guy who tends to reread over his own stories,
that's probably not a good sign.
VardaValar1: It's tucked out of the
way, not easy to spot.
ArPharazonV: that's probably why I never heard of it before today
Eonwe Valar: Aye, Salmar used some Lost Tales info in there.
VardaValar1: I put the incomplete stuff
to the side out of the way of readers, and dropped some of them.
Eonwe Valar: Er, Irmo who at the time
was Salmar.
VardaValar1: wow, what a list of
ArPharazonV: *grin* quite
VardaValar1: heh, I'm only down for webwork. : )
ArPharazonV: a Turgon and a Menelvagor?
Eonwe Valar: The
intent was that each person would be drawn at random by me for the next
part, single elimination (you are removed from the pool for that round
after contributing).
Eonwe Valar: I guess you weren't around
when we tried this then, Phar?
ArPharazonV: I was not, no
VardaValar1: Phar is a new guy. : )
ArPharazonV: I'm only 5 years member :-(
VardaValar1: If you want to be added to the pool and send in
something, we can still do it. : )
Eonwe Valar: Could someone who's
already looking at the GWS save me some looking and provide a link?
VardaValar1: I did earlier. : )
Eonwe Valar: I would probably send out
an e-mail to the guild calling for a new pool at this point.
Eonwe Valar: Wehn then thank you twice,
Varda :}
Eonwe Valar: *Well then
VardaValar1: If we really want to do
it, we could do it from the forum?
VardaValar1: My pleasure.
VardaValar1: I could add the new
stories into the website afterwards.
we seem to have trouble even keeping the RP going on the forum.. maybe
we should raise some interest here, wait for feedback, get some people
active and thinking?
VardaValar1: On the forum we can go back and mess with it.
Eonwe Valar: We could, except it's
harder to make sure the next poster is who is supposed to be
VardaValar1: Phar, if anyone gets
interested in the next ten, twenty years, they can send it in for
inclusion. : )
ArPharazonV: Hah! true
Eonwe Valar: Scouting Ahead is a bit freer form. If we don't all post
in a certain order it doesn't matter.
AriehnV: that
sounds fun actually .. so if i understand it rigfht Eonwe has a list of
people who would like to contribute to the story and he draws the next
one out of the hat lottery style?
VardaValar1: Did that whole list say
they weren't interested?
VardaValar1: Click the left frame under
Writers for the list
Eonwe Valar: A
large enough chunk asked me to skip to the next person to where I
decided to put the whole project on indefinite hold as I recall.
Eonwe Valar: It's been a while since
I've even thought of it.
VardaValar1: I wanted to just do the
webwork and let the other members show their stuff.
VardaValar1: They showed a lack of
interest, heh.
Eonwe Valar: You've probably asked me
about the GWS before even :}
ArPharazonV: is it me, or does the Guild seem less active than it
was? in non-game activity, I mean..
ArPharazonV: the bnet meetings seemed to be so much fuller in
their day
Eonwe Valar: Generally, I'd say it's not you. If you have any ideas
how to get people to be interested outside of their game, please share
just an observation... I wonder how hard it would be to get a bunch of
"regular" writers for a story like this, if it was so hard even then :-)
of course, I'm not very active either... I've not read anything but
Discworld in the last year... but now that I'm pretty much done there
I'm planning on rereading Tolkien :-)
VardaValar1: It's less active out of game, yes.
ArPharazonV: but that doesn't mean I don't get to observe if other
people aren't active either :-)
VardaValar1: I know very well that I'm having to go outside the guild
for stuff for the Tolkien Site.
VardaValar1: Some of them are willing
to then become "Tolkien-onlies".
Eonwe Valar: That's the tricky part:
finding people who both want to game and want to contribute to our web
VardaValar1: Used to be common to do
it would be nice if the Tolkien-only people would be somewhat more
present in these meetings, though :-) could be a great resource for RP
and stories etc
Eonwe Valar: Aye
Eonwe Valar: Luthienamarthiel, who is
usually here, is Tolkien-only.
VardaValar1: I completely agree.
Eonwe Valar: (I think that's how her
AIM name was spelled)
ArPharazonV: *nod* that's true
ArPharazonV: would be great to have more like her here though :-)
VardaValar1: AuSteinM is Tolkien-only
Eonwe Valar: :}
VardaValar1: but his was mainly space
VardaValar1: At least you guys got me
working on the web spot for that story again. : )
ArPharazonV: :-)
Eonwe Valar: :}
VardaValar1: Some of the things were
pointing where nothing is now, like the Valar Guild gif
ArPharazonV: by the way, Varda, did you get my transcript-version
last week?
I'm not sure if you got it and just didn't judge the addition I have at
the end to be worth adding to the transcript already on the site..
ArPharazonV: or just never got it :-)
Eonwe Valar: WoW, the GWS got more attention than I remembered.
Eonwe Valar: WoW even
Eonwe Valar: WoW,..
Eonwe Valar: er,.. in a way that is not
short for World of Warcraft..
ArPharazonV: Wow?
Eonwe Valar: I am obviously too used to typing that word in that
VardaValar1: hehe
Eonwe Valar: By "got more attention" I
mean it really got some webwork done for it back in the day.
ArPharazonV: Varda's use of "wowie" concerning the video earlier
in the meeting brought a smile on my face :-)
VardaValar1: Pun intended : )
VardaValar1: I did try to put in the
webwork as I said I would. : )
Eonwe Valar: :}
Eonwe Valar: As I said, it's been a
while since I looked at this, and I'd forgotten just how much work
you'd put into it. Thank you for it :}
VardaValar1: My pleasure : )
VardaValar1: See the "book cover"?
VardaValar1: I'm starting to include it
for the easy-load section now, not up yet, but it shows on the frame
Eonwe Valar: I believe that's Finrod in
the camp of the first Men to cross into Beleriand?
VardaValar1: yes
ArPharazonV: looks like it
VardaValar1: heh, Main Plot section has nothing.
Eonwe Valar: I
think I'd left that up to the contributors as well. Perhaps if somehow
this did rise again, or another like it, I should define the plot..
VardaValar1: I was going to put it in
as it came up.
VardaValar1: I could put up what we
have so far.
VardaValar1: I expected it to jump
wildly. : )
Eonwe Valar: :}
VardaValar1: Did add in who the
characters were so far, settings so far.
VardaValar1: ahh, does have a synopsis
Eonwe Valar: The background loos like
it hinted at a plot...
Eonwe Valar: *looks
VardaValar1: aye
VardaValar1: Some sections just aren't
linked in yet.
VardaValar1: I'll fix that.
VardaValar1: Mostly under the how-to,
that's where they are.
Eonwe Valar: So,.. I guess the GWS
counts as Tolkien discussion :}
ArPharazonV: heh
VardaValar1: Seems like it should.
VardaValar1: Phar, think you'll add to
ArPharazonV: I'm definitely taking it into consideration
VardaValar1: I purposely kept out of it, but beginning to think I'd
better for lack of people.
my writing spirit is slowly showing its face again lately after a long
cozy sleep in the back of my brain, and if it does succeed this will
most likely be one of the things I'll do
VardaValar1: :-)
I even had further inspiration for some of my WoW biographies and am
even looking back at the Mendara-necklace, a 6-act huge tale that I'm
still hoping to finish
VardaValar1: Arien, would it interest you? It's mostly Sil and HoMe
ArPharazonV: ...or even continue beyond a dozen pages
Eonwe Valar: Well
if the only people that are going to add to it are those already
writing in the Scouting Ahead story, seems we could focus our efforts
there more, not to squash any thoughts of the GWS..
AriehnV: aye it would definitely
ArPharazonV: Can't help that right now. We only brought it up
again today, and we 4 in the meeting all happen to be in Scouting Ahead
VardaValar1: We are the only ones present, so we're stuck. : )
AriehnV: lets give
Scouting ahead a
bit of a break Eonwe since the fire seems out of it i am afraid to say
VardaValar1: I disagree.
VardaValar1: I would love to hit the
real adventure part coming up.
as I said before, it might be best to gather some suggestions and
feedback from other people before endeavoring (that can't be spelled
right) to bring back the GWS
Eonwe Valar: For myself, I've still been thinking over my next part
for the RP.
VardaValar1: We are about to pass
through the betrayal in Mirkwood and go into the ruins of Angmar to
hunt the cause of the problem.
ArPharazonV: *nod* I would like to continue the RP.... maybe I
should ;-)
VardaValar1: We need to get our party back on the road.
VardaValar1: It's not rocket science. :
VardaValar1: Menel needs to show up at
the meeting and we'd have most of the writers.
AriehnV: hehe
aye and Fainan takes Frali than on her hrse piggy back aye? Given that
Auros can condone himself to accept the dwarflings offer of his axe hehe
VardaValar1: We had intended to take
Haran before; we need a dwarf to help in the ruins.
is still in
LotRO, says to keep him in the overall group. [
Note: Arathorn used to write the Haran
dwarf character in "Scouting Ahead".]
VardaValar1: Also said he might take a
look to see what I messed up on the AIM uploader page.
ArPharazonV: keep him in the overall group, eh...
just tug him along to all sorts of remote places in Middle-Earth simply
because he doesn't have anything better to do with his life? ;-)
VardaValar1: He and I were playing in LotRO together yesterday. : )
VardaValar1: He is working
AriehnV: .hmm we always could find
his party or his remnants somewhere on the way or he comes towards us
or something like that
ArPharazonV: do you mean the overall guild, or the RP-party?
ArPharazonV: because I meant his character :-)
VardaValar1: He has to help people with computer technical problems on
the phone. Needs to kill things afterwards. ;-)
VardaValar1: Overall guild. He's only
LotRO right now.
ArPharazonV: Ah.
ArPharazonV: Nevermind my statement hen
ArPharazonV: *then
ArPharazonV: I thought you meant he said we were to keep him in
the overal Scouting Ahead party, and that was what I was referring to
VardaValar1: Hope we're all clear now.
VardaValar1: Ok, so maybe we should go
look at Scouting Ahead and see how to get our guys a-horse?
ArPharazonV: ahh, the return of Quesselome..
AriehnV has left the room.
Eonwe Valar: Ok,
you've convinved me. I've re-reading the last posts since mine now and
then I'll be putting mine up, since I've been mulling it over long
enough now.
has entered the room.
AriehnV: meh i did it again .. grr
VardaValar1: And we can talk in here to
VardaValar1: Poor Arien : )
AriehnV: what did i miss?
VardaValar1: Hithceleb, quit munching
all the grass!
VardaValar1: We need Menelvagor.
VardaValar1: We're looking at Scouting
Ahead and posting together. : )
VardaValar1: Are any of you still in
WoW and able to spot Menel?
ArPharazonV: currently not in WoW I'm afraid, though I know he's
around somewhere...
AriehnV: nope i left the game but i can look
VardaValar1: Phar says not in WoW
ArPharazonV: sorry
ArPharazonV: I meant *I* am currently not in WoW
VardaValar1: okies
AriehnV: nope Menel is not in the
AriehnV: just had a peep
ArPharazonV: hmm, a shame
VardaValar1: Thank you
ArPharazonV: is Eonwe making his now?
ArPharazonV: if it wraps up the conversation between Auros and
Estarion the way may be open for us to depart :-)
ArPharazonV: or wait...
ArPharazonV: were we staying another night or what?
Eonwe Valar: Hmm,
I notice we've got two RP posts unrelated to Scouting Ahead in the
Scouting Ahead forum. Guess I should make us a separate RP forum..
VardaValar1: I'll take a look.
VardaValar1: was updating the GwS page
VardaValar1: Aye, they are completely
unrelated to the topic heading.
VardaValar1: "Other RP's"?
VardaValar1: Scouting Ahead is the
official guild rp, others are individuals starting them on their own.
VardaValar1: Not a bad thing to do,
just not part of SA
AriehnV: fellowship of friends by
Falathilion or whats his name , aye i was thinking that eonwe
AriehnV: thaft maybe a seperate RP
section is necessary
ArPharazonV: oh, that was the Falathilion thing you mentioned
VardaValar1: Aye, separate is needed.
Eonwe Valar: I will set it up after
posting to our story then.
VardaValar1: Flad just came online : )
has entered the room.
Eonwe Valar: I'll also include a sticky at the top of the Scouting
Ahead forum to note that's what it's for and how to join.
fladrifv: Aiya
Eonwe Valar: Heya Fladrif :}
ArPharazonV: Aiya :-)
VardaValar1: Heya : )
VardaValar1: Just added the book cover
to the no-frame site for GwS.
VardaValar1: Flad, we were just
starting in on "Scouting Ahead"
VardaValar1: So, like to join in the
writing? : )
fladrifv: oh that could be interesting
VardaValar1: New blood might be what we need.
AriehnV: it would be fun fladrif ,
a good active writer more would do a realm of good
VardaValar1: And you show up to
meetings pretty regularly, a big help!
VardaValar1: All of us others here are
in the story already, one more thing we can have in common for chat. : )
fladrifv: aye, I will do my best
VardaValar1: That would be wonderful. : )
fladrifv: I will start to read myself into the subject first,
would an ent fit the story?
Eonwe Valar: An Ent, probably not, but you need not be an Ent :}
VardaValar1: Also
while you folks are on the forum, please note that I've tried to give
all sections of the Tolkien Site a spot for comments, additions, and
just to reach it by the link.
ArPharazonV: even I'm an Elf!
VardaValar1: We all play different characters, as we do in online
VardaValar1: And as there, some of us
try to pull versions of our guild names that still fit!
VardaValar1: Creativity is us.
Eonwe Valar: The point is to try and
make it believeable within Tolkien's world. If you can do that, you're
probably going to be fine :}
VardaValar1: Aye!
VardaValar1: All of us here are pretty
much experts on the subject, so we should be able to do it.
fladrifv: interesting never tried to be something else then an
VardaValar1: And we can talk to each other in AIM or on the side forum.
VardaValar1: We are currently in
Mirkwood trying to reach Rivendell with our report, then go on to the
ruins of Angmar.
Eonwe Valar: Note on Arien/Frali's
latest part...You do realize I'm not at the Council anymore, Arien?
ArPharazonV: and don't worry about rushing or deadlines or
anything, this has been going for years >.>
VardaValar1: The ruins seem to be a source of the trouble in our
Eonwe Valar: I
ask because of something you said earlier in this channel, makes it
sound like you expected a response from Auros, who took his leave
AriehnV: hmmm is it possible to
move the post a bit ahead where it fits better?
VardaValar1: Not really.
VardaValar1: You might be able to
modify your post, or say it happened earlier, or do it like a flashback.
VardaValar1: Fellowhip of Friends, is
that a pun of some kind? : )
Eonwe Valar: Or, since your post does
not directly address Auros, it could be assumed as a comment made to
VardaValar1: I'll have to ask Falathar
in LotRO. : )
AriehnV: oh didnt i adress
Thranduil there?
AriehnV: I thought i did :-)]
Eonwe Valar: It's also made in a
dialogue to Thranduil, so safe to assume that it was directed to
Thranduil and not Auros, in my opinion.
VardaValar1: Oh,
Bradox pulled out of the guild, said he didn't think it was right to
use Tolkien names for ourselves, and was just helping us get set up in
LotRO in the early days.
VardaValar1: This was a backstory for
his LotRO character, something our group doesn't generally see a need
VardaValar1: So there is only the one
storyline running extra, by Falathar.
Eonwe Valar: Ok, but Bradox's is still
not Scouting Ahead, so both will be put in the new section.
VardaValar1: Arien joined into that, so
it could be called a real rp. : )
VardaValar1: Aye, sounds good.
AriehnV: yup aye good and Fralis
last post is clearly addressed to Thrandruil
Eonwe Valar: OK, as I said it sounded
like in an earlier comment tonight that you intended an answer from
VardaValar1: ouch. We need Menel. He
started a convo with Auros.
ArPharazonV: that could be a problem, yes :-)
AriehnV: maybe
i did dont know , it was a bit late to be honest or early when i made
the post so either not yet awake enough or awake anymore alas
Eonwe Valar: Either way, it works how
it was said, Arien :}
VardaValar1: The pony could be kept,
for baggage, if you think that would let him keep up?
Eonwe Valar: The pony takes up extra
time we need to use up, hehe :}
ArPharazonV: like Bill? :-)
ArPharazonV: ah, yes
ArPharazonV: long enough for the ambush to be set up!
ArPharazonV: which you do not yet know about
AriehnV: sure , and we will make a rider of that dwarf yet :-)
VardaValar1: If we need to speed up,
the pony can be led or asked to follow since we have elves, and Frali
can ride with lightweight Fainan.
Eonwe Valar: *speaks robotically* I
know nothing of an ambush...
VardaValar1: Ambush? We have them daily
from spiders of course.
ArPharazonV: 've discussed it with you, timed it with you, but
nobody knows a thing *smile*
VardaValar1: We watch for them all the time, and for orcs who tend to
be more clumsy.
VardaValar1: Writers know much that
characters don't, or the characters would stay safely at home!
AriehnV: hehe or in bed :-)
VardaValar1: Fladrif, there's a
potential character for you.
VardaValar1: My brother, Taurdirn, a
cheerful and rather expressive fellow for an elf. : )
VardaValar1: Mirkwood guy
Eonwe Valar: You
could tell Auros every danger that awaited him, and like the Noldo he
is he'd still go out. The only difference is he'd stand there at every
danger spot going "It's about time you got here!" :}
VardaValar1: He might join in due to
the ambush and determine to go along to prevent further horror.
ArPharazonV: Taurdirn?
VardaValar1: hehe Eonwe
VardaValar1: We met the brother at the
edge of Mirkwood
AriehnV: 'meaning .. you know my
somersaults .. i have to watch the time a bit
ArPharazonV: I know, but I'm wondering what the name means
VardaValar1: or just make up something new
AriehnV: Taur .. forest
ArPharazonV: that, I got
ArPharazonV: dirn, however
VardaValar1: Forgot what I originally intended, probably a note
around. But it shows Taurdirn and Taurdin, typo.
VardaValar1: Din is silent
ArPharazonV: silent forest
ArPharazonV: I guess it could go for an ent's RP name ;-)
VardaValar1: dur is dark, could fit Mirkwood :-)
VardaValar1: I have to fix the spelling
in any case. : )
VardaValar1: Fladrif, the character may
not be at all what you want to play. Please feel free to make up
something as you like.
Eonwe Valar: We have openings for Elves
here at Mirkwood and then again at Rivendell.
ArPharazonV: you could have any races coming in at Rivendell these
VardaValar1: Haran's dwarves are around missing somewhere if you want
to mess with that. : )
Eonwe Valar: I thought Haran's Dwarves
were of the "unsafe, flashing color-causing" variety? :}
VardaValar1: Auros comments: What
could the Nazgul have stirred before they were unhorsed?
Eonwe Valar: Hmm, I should've used
Ulairi there...
VardaValar1: We could tie that comment
into the story.
VardaValar1: Ok, feel free to modify. :
VardaValar1: Idea remains.
Eonwe Valar: :}
AriehnV: guys u sort it out its a
bit late for me so sleep well , i ll read it up
Eonwe Valar: Sleep well Arien :}
VardaValar1: They may have stirred up
whatever is in the ruins of Angmar, that Thranduil mentions.
Eonwe Valar: You'll have my post to
read when you wake up :}
ArPharazonV: sure, I hope my transcript actually reaches Varda
this time :-)
VardaValar1: Good night, Arien : )
AriehnV: Namarie for now :-)
will do
VardaValar1: Thanks, Phar : )
has left the room.
VardaValar1: The brother let slip: The ancient evil rises as the
Nazgul seem to have called for aid while they are abroad."
VardaValar1: It
makes sense. If Dol Guldur is no longer being tenanted by the Nazgul,
and they have to do nothing but Ring-hunt, their old work needs
something to help.
VardaValar1: So they "turned on" the
artifact in Angmar, maybe stirring up some of the shades too.
VardaValar1: The ones that are evil
spirits that inhabit the dead of the Barrows are still around.
VardaValar1: Thus we have the spirit
Calaron met? Or another?
VardaValar1: Calaron did manage to
prevent the shot from being lethal.
VardaValar1: He is not as defeated as
the spirit may think.
I'm not sure if we ever decided if what came to Calaron was an actual
spirit, or some dying sorceror/necromancer type character who used a
lesser ring (not one of the 20) to transfer his fea
ArPharazonV: hmm, did I include the ring in my posts, or was I
still planning to amend them?
VardaValar1: The spirit could easily have been a necromancer type?
VardaValar1: It says "spirit"
ArPharazonV: well, yes
VardaValar1: I'm having to remind myself of the plot too, making a
running synopsis here.
ArPharazonV: it does transfer the spirit, but whether he was just
spirit to begin with I'm not sure....
ArPharazonV: he
could be, though
ArPharazonV: let me
check my latest Calaron-post
VardaValar1: The report at Thranduil's says
VardaValar1: a lot.
And now its time had come, for it had planted the ring before him when
Calaron was busy in the Northlands, though he had no memory of picking
it up. But there the small thing had been, buried deep in his pocket,
creating a link for the old sorcerer to complete the plan.
VardaValar1: March 25
ArPharazonV: "it had planted the ring" seems odd for something
that's just spirit at the time
ArPharazonV: the old
sorcerer also is an interesting mention
VardaValar1: ok, so it is an elf necromancer/sorceror?
VardaValar1: sorceror
VardaValar1: Minions could do it.
ArPharazonV: it was not an elf at the time, I'm inclined to think
he was human or perhaps a particularly gifted orc
ArPharazonV: but it
took over an elf recently ;-)
VardaValar1: It will make a difference in how it acts.
VardaValar1: And did the previous elf
affect its behavior or just its information?
ArPharazonV: it was a minion of Sauron, a somewhat high officer in
the northern lands, and it had possession of a lesser ring
ArPharazonV: as for
"recently" I meant he took over Calaron, sorry
VardaValar1: It goes with the report at Thranduil's halls anyway. : )
VardaValar1: They
were grumbling that the Witch-king had sent orders to his old minions,
long-hidden deep in their old haunts of Angmar, to come out with
morgul-knowledge and add to the horrors in Mirkwood.
ArPharazonV: so before the whole possession-event at the western
outpost, he was either a spirit, or a man/orc sending over his spirit
VardaValar1: The woods were to be retaken by strange morgul-works that
would include a fear and a slow lethalness into the creeping darkness.
ArPharazonV: *nod* he could be one of these old minions
VardaValar1: These
would be controlled from a deepset Angmarin ruin by an artifact to
which they referred to as what translates to 'the crooked staff', and
in ancient times was called "the staff of unlight"
VardaValar1: Your sorceror spirit would
know all about that.
ArPharazonV: yep
ArPharazonV: which
is why he'll be making his way back to Angmar after the ambush
VardaValar1: Thranduil then puts out an order
VardaValar1: "We
shall watch more closely for this new enemy and his special attacks now
that we know the source. Also, we must send folk to infiltrate the
depths of the Angmarin ruins to find the controlling staff. These
people must be good with going underground and with stealth."
VardaValar1: Namely us.
VardaValar1: He looked straight at
Auros. "Will you and your party aid against this threat, even if only
by sending word to Lord Elrond?"
VardaValar1: Auros
says: "As I have said before, your highness, I have my mission, and I
may not stray from it, even were I wont to," Auros said. "I will take
any messages you wish to send to Lord Elrond, but I can do no more."
VardaValar1: So, Elrond will ignore
this message? Not!
VardaValar1: Auros is liable to get
sent to those ruins.
VardaValar1: Auros seems to think none
of Thranduil's people will be coming with him.
VardaValar1: "However,
I will not burden you to provide protection through your realm, seeing
as danger comes even to your doorstep, and you have better tasks for
your soldiers than to guide a scout and messenger upon a path laid
clearly before his feet. The Dwarf and I shall leave at first light
tomorrow morning, and make all possible haste out of this Mirkwood.
VardaValar1: There is now too little of
daylight left for travel, or we would set out immediately."
VardaValar1: Fainan gets leave to go
along with Auros to Rivendell, then to go on to do the investigation.
Eonwe Valar: Auros is like that, heh :}
VardaValar1: Auros and Frali figure out
that an elf made the attack but that it's a weird situation.
VardaValar1: They do so independently.
ArPharazonV: Calion suspects what elf it was, but says nothing and
goes with Auros to find him :-)
VardaValar1: Estarion visits Auros that night, but hasn't said what
he's going to say yet, and that is holding up the story.
VardaValar1: Fainan needs to tell Auros
she's coming along.
VardaValar1: Calaron hasn't said he's
Eonwe Valar: Auros
doesn't specifically say *Elf* I don't think, but it would have to be
someone who can get by the defenses, which lends to very few other
solutions, a Ring of Power being among those few, hehe.
VardaValar1: But surely he wants to
investigate, and maybe he'll use his ability with animals to help check
for info.
ArPharazonV: I've already told Thranduil that I will accompany
Auros, but I don't think Auros knows yet, aye
VardaValar1: Auros, you're right. Just that the enemy is very familiar
Eonwe Valar: If Auros did suspect a
Ring of Power in play, he couldn't say anything even if he wanted to.
VardaValar1: Whatever
came to Thranduil's doorstep did so through knowledge. It, or perhaps
they, though multiple intruders could've certainly been spotted, knew
how to get this far, how to avoid the defenses, or detection in
bypassing them at least. If this foe knows that much, the roads through
Mirkwood are even less safe,
fladrifv has left the room.
VardaValar1: More
importantly though, with such an obvious advantage, why did the enemy
not press the attack? Why settle for a wounded maiden?
fladrifv has entered the room.
VardaValar1: More
importantly though, with such an obvious advantage, why did the enemy
not press the attack? Why settle for a wounded maiden?
fladrifv: namarie all
Eonwe Valar: Take care Fladrif :}
VardaValar1: Namarie!
fladrifv has left the room.
VardaValar1: ok, so we need to go tell Auros we're coming
Eonwe Valar: Or show up suddenly as he
prepares to leave :}
VardaValar1: Then take off early in the
VardaValar1: Run into the ambush.
VardaValar1: Go to Rivendell.
VardaValar1: Then go to Angmar.
ArPharazonV: yep
ArPharazonV: that's
the plan
VardaValar1: Should the Angmar quest be considered a new rp, a sequel?
VardaValar1: It's no longer scouting
ahead exactly, but acting on the scouted info.
VardaValar1: This one should probably
end when Auros reports to Elrond.
in that case I'll have to resist really hard to make a "Next time,
Gadget!" joke with Calaron as he won't be coming back after the ambush
until part 2 ;-)
VardaValar1: :-)
VardaValar1: Foreshadowing?
VardaValar1: Calaron is very involved
since his brother has been taken by the enemy and they could free him
from possession.
ArPharazonV: don't mix up their names :-)
VardaValar1: Too late. :-)
VardaValar1: Calion : )
ArPharazonV: right!
VardaValar1: You only talk about Calaron, makes it tough. : )
ArPharazonV: since Calaron is my main WoW character, that's going
to be confusing for me too
ArPharazonV: yeah,
Calion's been a bit on the background
VardaValar1: He has strong motivation to do things now.
ArPharazonV: my plans for Calaron are largely set out, for Calion
less so as he will be interacting with the party more
VardaValar1: Ok, so we are done planning for the night?
ArPharazonV: besides, Calaron's evil now, which is always
interesting to think about
VardaValar1: So, you want Calaron to accidentally kill off Calion and
just be around short times to say bad guy stuff?
ArPharazonV: nah
VardaValar1: okies
ArPharazonV: I've lost the bad guy shtick over the past few
years.. the death scene will most likely be the other way around
VardaValar1: Fladrif didn't say what character he wanted to play yet.
ArPharazonV: in a way I'll be glad when I can focus on one
character again and just go with the flow :-)
VardaValar1: That is your plot arc to sweat over. : )
Eonwe Valar: Ok, fill the belly of your
eyes on the feast which is my latest post :}
VardaValar1: heeh
I'm losing my desire to be in the spotlight, so it'll be fun to wrap
this arc up... I have a sequel in mind, but for that we'll need to have
decided where to go after Angmar
Eonwe Valar: OK, maybe not so much "feast" as "midnight snack" but it
should still be filling :}
VardaValar1: hehe - horseless
VardaValar1: I wasn't planning on
anything past Angmar, actually.
VardaValar1: Thought we could end it
after we report the destruction of the artifact to Elrond and Thranduil.
ArPharazonV: perhaps
VardaValar1: That way we are working towards something.
ArPharazonV: yep
ArPharazonV: if that
time comes I might set up a line of fan fiction of my own, concerning
the "sequel"
I'm toying with the concept of the idea of Calion finding the ring
after Calaron's death and seeking to avenge him by having it
destroyed... and therefore he travels to the northern mountains to seek
out a dragon ;-)
Eonwe Valar: Most
of what I have in mind for Auros Outside of the "Scouting Ahead" story
arc consists of his past rather than his future at the moment.
you know, where Smaug came from.... I believe the region and its
dragons also play a part in one of the rts games.. what was it called?
Eonwe Valar: the Northern Wastes where Melkor's realm used to spread.
Eonwe Valar: The Withered Heath?
VardaValar1: My post is up.
ArPharazonV: hmm...
ArPharazonV: would
have to get a book with a map
VardaValar1: Dragon, a bit cliche? : )
Eonwe Valar: The Withered heath is
north of Erebor, but I'm pretty sure all the Northern Wastes are
supposedly full of dragons.
ArPharazonV: yeah, the Withered Heath
VardaValar1: We can start another section after Angmar. : )
ArPharazonV: and the Northern Wastes, sure :-)
VardaValar1: The vengeance can be worked in with the
VardaValar1: Angmar story
ArPharazonV: finding a dragon to have him breath on a ring, Varda?
ArPharazonV: haven't
heard that one before ;-)
Eonwe Valar: At least he doesn't need one that can breath fire hot
enough to melt the One Ring.
VardaValar1: Your story is going to
leave the rest of the party pretty much out, I think?
ArPharazonV: that was the main problem, yes, and its continuation
would therefore depend on a decision where to go next
ArPharazonV: but it
was only a fun idea to toy with, I won't be sad if I can't execute it
VardaValar1: The dragon might come to the ruins when the staff is
destroyed, and you can trick him into destroying the ring? : )
VardaValar1: That would make it a
sequel to the one we are currently in where we set up Calion's need to
destroy the ring.
ArPharazonV: true
VardaValar1: Anyway, I've posted.
Eonwe Valar: Hmm,
assuming Rivendell was perfectly safe, Auros would probably head east
and/or south to Mirkwood or (more likely) Lothlorien to fight. I don't
think he'd want to miss out on the last great war the Elves will fight
VardaValar1: That could be the sequel
VardaValar1: The staff is a danger to
Rivendell, too near.
Eonwe Valar: Similar to how Mablung and
Beleg were permitted to go to war in the First Age despite Doriath
itself sitting out the fight.
VardaValar1: The northern area is in
need of protection. Mirkwood and Lorien team up to destroy the forces
of Dol Guldur.
VardaValar1: Lorien was attacked what,
three times!
Eonwe Valar: Aye
VardaValar1: Lots of battle to play
with. : )
VardaValar1: Phar, going to post
tonight or another time?
ArPharazonV: another time
ArPharazonV: I might
even try to get Menel to post first
VardaValar1: ok, then. Nighty night all!
Eonwe Valar: I think my post turned out
better than I'd hoped. Tonight was a good night to post it methinks.
ArPharazonV: :-)
Eonwe Valar: Sleep well :}
VardaValar1: It was a good one!
ArPharazonV: be that as it may, I'm not sure what I would post at
this point..
ArPharazonV: this
clearing is getting awfully crowded :-)
Eonwe Valar: hehe
Eonwe Valar: I read your post, btw
Varda :}
VardaValar1: I'm not in the clearing,
just at the edge. : )
VardaValar1: Only ones in the clearing
are Auros and Estarion.
VardaValar1: You could come to where
Fainan is watching?
ArPharazonV: perhaps
VardaValar1: Pardon, Calion could.
ArPharazonV: I'll think about it
ArPharazonV: hehe
VardaValar1: okies : )
ArPharazonV: by the way
ArPharazonV: Frali
and Fainan and Calion know of each other that they're going to go with
Auros, right?
ArPharazonV: they
were all there with the King still
VardaValar1: checking
VardaValar1: Frali states his intention
to Thranduil
Eonwe Valar: That's the assumption,
aye. Auros probably left earlier than anyone else.
Eonwe Valar: Anyone else of our group,
VardaValar1: Frali's might be before
Auros left
VardaValar1: because of a comment
Eonwe Valar: The
attack on the Elf-maiden was more Mirkwood business than anything else,
and only bears relation to Auros' mission in that someone struck that
deep into Thrnaduil's realm and was not caught.
VardaValar1: um
Eonwe Valar: Hmm?
VardaValar1: Scream, Frali remains.
Auros, Fainan, Calion investigate.
VardaValar1: Then the info that
Thranduil wanted to tell about, the Staff of Unlight.
VardaValar1: We are all there for that,
I believe?
Eonwe Valar: Aye, we were all there for
the UNlgith talk.
Eonwe Valar: *Unlight staff talk.
VardaValar1: Calion states to Thranduil
that he will escort Auros
VardaValar1: and perhaps beyond.
Eonwe Valar: Auros probably heard
Calion then,..
VardaValar1: That he can better defend
Mirkwood out there against this.
VardaValar1: Fainan makes her statement
right after Calion's.
I know Calion came into the meeting later than the rest of the party
but apparently I was in time to hear the "report about Angmar" so I
think Calion knows about the staff
Eonwe Valar: I would say simply that due to post order, Auros knows
Fainan and Calion are comign with him.
Eonwe Valar: He assumed Frali would
come with him since Frali has a mission of his own to Rivendell.
VardaValar1: Frali's post is almost a
flashback because of this comment
VardaValar1: When
his erstwhile companions started talking about continuing the journey,
Fral' s face lit up and, turning to the Elven King, he said shyly to
Thrandruil: "If you allow, Sire, I will continue the journey
ArPharazonV: also, Calion and Fainan are still there to know
Frali's coming, even if Auros doesn't know :-)
VardaValar1: Auros, however, as he leaves, seems only to know of
himself and Frali.
VardaValar1: He may be assuming Frali
is coming, rather than having heard him.
Eonwe Valar: Aye, Auros assumed Frali
was coming.
Eonwe Valar: There was no reason to
doubt it given he knew Frali had business in Rivendell.
VardaValar1: okies
VardaValar1: Since he is unaware of the
others, he left before the others made their statements of intention?
Eonwe Valar: I suppose it could be read
like that, aye.
Eonwe Valar: The oder of events in that
case would be that Auros left right before...
Eonwe Valar: *order
VardaValar1: I'm trying to figure it
out so we know if Auros knows we're coming. We seem to all be going to
the clearing to tell him.
Eonwe Valar: "After
hearing the report about Angmar and Auros' speech to the King, Calion
stood up. He asked for permission to speak, excused himself to the
court standing there, and said that he would, with the King's leave,
still accompany Auros to the western edge of Mirkwood and perhaps
VardaValar1: So Calion is after Auros
left, possibly.
VardaValar1: Calion is higher-ranking,
so Fainan would defer to let him speak first.
Eonwe Valar: That's where having these
delays in posting gets a bit awkward. Some don't quite move us forward
like they should.
VardaValar1: Aye, reason we need to get
together at meetings like this to post. :-)
Eonwe Valar: We
get a nice order going and then boom, one post throws it off and we're
wondering what order we should be reading these in now :}
VardaValar1: Yay us!
ArPharazonV: I feel responsible >.>
VardaValar1: Ok, so we have a meeting in the clearing, sleep fast,
then take off early in the morning.
Eonwe Valar: I'm sure we've all done it
at least once in the process of this RP.
VardaValar1: Absolutely. : )
ArPharazonV: :-)
VardaValar1: And will do so again.
ArPharazonV: absolutely!
VardaValar1: hehe
VardaValar1: ok, I'm off this time. : )
ArPharazonV: anyway, I'm off too
ArPharazonV: nearing
3 am here
VardaValar1: Sleeeeep!
ArPharazonV: parents won't be happy if they find out *grin*
Eonwe Valar: Ok, you two better escape this time or I'll make you talk
about the RP more :}
ArPharazonV: saving and sending