by Varda-(Valar)
Dec. 16, 2008
Men > Kings
> Numenorean
Kings > High Kings > Elendur > Earendur > Kings of Arthedain > Amlaith
Earendur was the tenth High King of Arnor and Gondor. He succeeded Elendur.
After Earendur, Arnor was divided into
three parts for his three dissenting sons. The parts were Arthedain,
Rhudaur, and Cardolan. The line of kings continued in Arthedain,
eventually failing in Rhudaur and Cardolan, so that eventually the heir
of Arthedain was again recognized as the High King.
Amlaith, Earendur's eldest son, remained in Fornost in Arthedain.
Reference: RotK App. A, B