News added by month, more or less.
Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Dec. 31, 2001
Amlaith is also playing as FornostAran_V.
He'll be moving soon, so he may have some computer and email problems.
WarCraftIII will be taking 5,000 beta
testers starting Jan 7, 2002. Sign up between Jan 7 at 11pm PST and
Jan 8 at 11pm EST. More info at Selected testers may
use all four races. The test is playable only over bnet. Let's hear
your reviews! Thanks to Eonwe for these news items!
Dark Age of Camelot: Maedhros
says he is now playing Dark Age of Camelot too! He's a level 8 Thane.
Dark Age has a buddy list and guild chat. It has
around 10 servers averaging 1500 -2500 people. It has 2 role-play
servers and a test server to check new features for upcoming patches.
The 10 servers are set up the same way with the same characters,
classes, etc.
He is all for starting up a guild branch on Dark
Age. He says guild members can have their guild emblem on your
character's armor, shield, and cape, if they have a Tailoring skill or
are level 20 for a small price. Members could all pick one server as
the EverQuesters do, so they can fight on the same side in the wars, as
three realms war with each other. I could also put up a Dark Age
web page for the guild as we did for the EverQuesters, or link to one
made by a Dark Age member. that llink would also be attached to the
Gaming page. Maedhros has been snowed under by school and his job
lately, but with exams over and the holiday break, he expects to be
with us more often. Yay!
Eowyn has been spotted playing D2X again
during the Christmas break!
Dec. 30, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attendance: Thror, Flinding/Gwindor, Ancalagon,
Gwaihir, Finwe, Deagol
(via bro's comp, Primula says hi), Thranduil, Finrod, Aldarion,
Amillo ,
Eonwe (presiding), Halbarad, Guilin, Ecthelion, Mahtan, Bard,
Luthien, Thingol
Guests: starcraftnut, IckyPoopy, Morgoth_69,
:bilbo_baggins: (came looking to be tested, but is only beginning Two
Towers, so you may see him around. Stayed for the meeting and
joined the Tolkien discussion.)
Discussion Board: Eonwe, Gwindor, Eru,
Halbarad, Irmo, Thranduil, Gwaihir
Membership Report (by Amillo): 140 members.
Still waiting to hear from Grima. Possible Member of
honour. New Member Finrod.
Finrod's "few words"- glad to meet so many with a great gaming
philosophy; stumbled across website, e-mailed Varda
Ecthelion may not be around much because he will be moving
Varda missed the meeting,
sends regards, out of town watching the Lord of the Rings
movie with Elwing and Fangorn.
Web News: I'm (Eonwe's) back, so the Games Page will be
updated soon. I am also accepting reviews for online games to be
put on the Games Page. Give us pros, cons, and your opinions on
online games you've played.
Gaming News: Gelmir and Gwindor are playing Dark Ages of
Camelot. Amillo says DAoC will be coming out in Denmark in a
month. Thror reminds us to send in Account names to Eonwe for the
Games Page and to Amillo for the Members Page and so he can put them on
his bot.
Tolkien Chat
(forget who suggested this, unfortunately): What are your
feelings about the movie? ( I wanred to be careful about revealing too
many spoilers :})
SCnut-thought it was good; likedMoria best
:bilbo_baggins: Tom was gone!
Aldarion: "I believe JRR would've liked it." - understand the need for
changes, but wouldn't say it's perfect; visuals were excellent
Thror- liked ancient statues of Kings of Men; Elrond looked too evil
Thranduil- Elrond was arrogant
Thingol-didn't like Elrond
Irmo and Eonwe- yet to see it :}
Eru (on the DB)- despite some misgivings, I enjoyed it
After the discussion died
down in the channel, some more of us moved to the DB
and chatted with Eru. We discussed:
The nature of Gandalf's death (did he die? Thranduil
maintains he didn't; most of us said he did, in the physical
sense. Some quotes were given. "Naked I was sent back,...naked I
lay on
the mountain top" The mention of nakedness twice seems to imply
two different types of nakedness, the first without
form and the second without clothing)
Thranduil shared his theory on the location of the
entwives. As I recall he thought they could be in the North Downs
in/near the Shire.
Eru also shared a theory of his. He said there was a
possibilty the problems on Caradhras were caused by Manwe in order to
have the Fellowship pass through Moria and Gandalf deal with the
Balrog. Had the Balrog remained after Sauron, there would have
been problems. Could the Istari really have returned to Aman
without first taking care of the Balrog?
This led into a discussion on the form-taking ability of
Maiar. The Balrogs seemed to not have taken form again after
their physical forms were slain, yet Sauron did it twice. One
thought was that they could only take form a certain number of
times. Another (given by Eru) was that they (Balrogs) could take
shape again up until Morgoth was cast into the Void (though this does
not explain how Sauron managed it) and that some of the Balrogs may
have been on the verge of taking shape again when the War of Wrath
After most of the others had left/returned to bnet, Gwindor treated
those of us remaining to him singing opera :}
Dec. 28, 2001
Letter from Ecthelion:
Hello fellow guild members. Just a little note saying that I will not be available online very much in the next
month. I have to move within the next few weeks, and may not have an internet connection once I do, at least for a month or two, I imagine.
I am still playing the middle earth mod, and i wholeheartedly suggest it to any who might be bored with classic
I still will try to make it to sunday meetings as long as work doesn't interfere, which it usually does, until I move.
Namarie for now everyone!
Ecthelion of the Fountain
Dec. 27, 2001
Felagund , Welcome to the Valar Guild ! Finrod is 34, an
Australian living in Tokyo, Japan to teach English. He's on bnet a few
times a week, mostly D2X. He's read the H, LotR, and Sil. He found us
through the web pages and liked our gaming philosophy. Testing was by
our new and active Maia, Gwaihir fka Glorfindel.
Dec. 25, 2001
Dec. 24, 2001
New screenshots by Eomer on
Sights .
Dec. 23, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: report by Salmar and Varda
Members: Aldarion,
Amillo/Omar , Ancalagon, Aragorn/Strider, Azaghal,
Bandobras/Bullroarer, Boromir, Elwing/WhiteTower, Glorfindel,
Gwindor/Gwaindor, Mablung,
Mahtan, Salmar/Lirillo , Thorondor, Thror, Tulkas , Varda
Over the shoulder: Sauron, Fangorn
Visitors: *Kabal409
Membership: report by Amillo
140 Members
Grima-V is our newest member, having joined
last meeting. Unfortunately Amillo and I have not had any email answers
from him and are not sure we have the right address. If you see him,
please ask him to email Varda to correct it.
New Encyclopedia article under
Mankind: "
Barrow-wights "
New Map link on the map page: " Lord of the Rings Maps
New on Annals of Arda : Star map.
Amillo is asking for any Tolkien info on stars you may have.
New Links page link under Tolkien: " Moonway " - Russian
group interested in fantasy worlds, especially Tolkien. English edition
expected to be up next year, but pictures in their gallery need no
D2X Middle-earth mod : Ecthelion is now
Age of Camelot : Gwindor is now playing. Gelmir expects to play
after Christmas. Only 4 more players needed
to form a guild branch there. Players can level alone or in
Realm wars.
figurine painting for tabletop games: Bandobras told us that his Warlocke's Lair
folk will give a 10% discount to guild members. Very generous!
outsider gifts are generally forbidden, to prevent encouraging the
use of items which may be from theft,
including pk and hacker account theft as well as dupes. Buying on E-bay
is absolutely outside the spirit of game play. Outsider items may be
taken if you know for a fact they came from a monster or shop, for
instance, the other player kills the monster in
your sight and you see the item. Items not yet identified are
probably okay on D2X, although there was a hacker way back on Diablo 1
that unidentified items.
test for Glorfindel by Salmar, Tulkas, and Varda. Glorfindel has
been a very active D2X player in guild games, a fine companion, comes
to meetings, team captain in
the last Tourney, and maker of quizes and answers for the Quiz
page. Congrats Glorfindel, and welcome back in as Gwaihir-(Valar)
movie discussion underway on the Discussion Board
! Please warn if you have spoilers in your post.
Dec. 22, 2001
New Link: Moonway - Russian group in
St. Petersburgh, interested in all fantasy worlds, especially Tolkien's
as the most developed. In Russian, with an English edition planned to
come out in
2002: by Ivan Kotliarov and others. They are interested in
adding our Tolkien-inspired stories to their site. Check out the images
in their gallery.
New Tolkien Encyclopedia article
: "
Barrow-wights " under Mankind
Dec. 19, 2001
Lord of the Rings Movie , directed
by Peter Jackson, hits theaters today! See you there!
Dec. 17, 2001
Ecthelion is
now playing the D2X mod and hopes you will look him up! Don't forget to
add -T to the end of the guild game name. Also be sure Eonwe knows that
you are playing the mod for the Games page to help all of you find each
New map website added to
the Maps page: Lord of the Rings Maps
- convenient thumbnails with descriptions to help locate the
right map. Collection and originals. It also has a map of all
Middle-earth showing which parts are in the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings,
or Silmarillion. By Jeroen?
Dec. 16, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending reports by Salmar
and Varda:
Members: (17) Amillo/Omar
, Ancalagon, Beregond, Curufin, Ecthelion, Elendil, Elros/Starfoam,
Eomer, Eonwe , Glorfindel, Gwindor/Flinding/Flin, Mablung,
Pippin, Salmar , Thorondor, Thror, Varda (presiding)
Discussion Board: Eonwe
Visitors: (3) *Ickypoopy,
*JACK__THERIPPER (joined during the Tolkien chat), *Skinny(-)Puppy
Membership report by Amillo
and Varda - 139 members:
Amillo is back now that his
computer works.
Eonwe will be traveling for
Christmas between the 20th and 30th. Have a good time!
Welcome to our new member, Grima Wormtongue ! He's from Russia and a fast typist. He passed a test by
Amillo, Eonwe, and Varda, then had to go to hockey. He visited under
the account name *JACK__THERIPPER (that's two underscores running
Web: report by Varda
Games page : Eonwe's ftp is
now working. He is updating the page with your info and will be taking
game reviews for inclusion in January. Start emailing him!
New Quizes are up for each
book of the LotR,
done by Glorfindel, reachable from the Quiz page
New EverQuesters Sights page
is up, with screenshots of EQ by Eomer, reachable from the EverQuesters
Gaming: reports by Beregond,
Eomer, Gwindor. I'm sorry not to have written down the one from Elros,
but hope to pick it up for later inclusion.
Dark Age of Camelot :
Gwindor is now playing Dark Age of Camelot. Look out, Melkor and Orome!
EverQuest : Eomer said that
Verant upgraded
so that DirectX 8.1 is required. Windows 95 may be unable to
handle the game anymore, with Windows 98 the lowest Operating System
that can handle it.
Soul Reaver 2 : Beregond
gave a review on this fun
single-player game. He recommends it.
The guild-wide story is in progress. Watch
your email at least once a week to see if you are one of the 139 being
called that week to help.
Tolkien team quiz by
Glorfindel and Thror. Interrupted by dinner and people having to leave.
Tolkien entry test given,
so we now have Grima-V among us! See Membership.
Dec. 15, 2001
New Return of
the King Quiz ! Third installment by
Glorfindel-(V), including an answer page.
Dec. 14, 2001
New Two
Towers Quiz ! This is the second installment
of the Lord of the Rings quizes by Glorfindel-(V), also including an
answer page. Hats off to his long efforts on these quizes. Additions to
the Fellowship answer page have been done.
Guild-wide story progress : Eonwe has begun sending out the first emails for the
guild-wide story. If all 139 members contribute, this
will be a novel with a zillion twists! Enjoy!
Dec. 12, 2001
Fellowship of the Ring Quiz ! Written by
Glorfindel-(V), it also has an answer page. Enjoy trying it out and
commenting on it to the author. Be sure to thank him for the effort, as
he is working on more for us. He is on
bnet frequently and his email is on the quiz.
New page for
the EverQuesters: EverQuester
Sights . It has screenshots from the game sent in by Eomer.
Dec. 9, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: report by Elwing
and Eonwe
Members (15): Aule?, Azog,
Bert, Curufin, Denethor, Ecthelion, Eomer, Eonwe , Girion,
Glorfindel, Imrahil, Irmo , Oin, Ori, Thror, Varda
Over-the-shoulder: Elwing
Discussion Board chat room:
Azog is back after being out for
about 3 months due to a busy real life.
Amillo sends regards and is missing
the meeting for a Birthday Party. He hopes his graphics card now works
and will be trying it out soon.
Eonwe expects to be absent Dec.
Salmar had personal business to
attend, his roll-taking job passed for this meeting to Elwing.
Denethor may not be playing D2 much
now, but is considering the mod. He is eagerly awaiting WC3 and is
considering Morrowmead.
Ori and Oin are active again!
Welcome back, brothers! They are sharing the same new
Ugluk will be missing while at sea
as he expects no computer access. Our orc friend will try to keep in
contact if only by smoke signals from Mt.
Varda expects to be absent Dec.
18-21, possibly longer.
Tolkien Encyclopedia: new
articles under the Hobbits section.
Links page: 3 new
News: slight format change
to see the contents
Middle-earth mod for D2X
Letter from Khan/Fingolfin:
EQ : no report.Hail
The new version for the Middle Earth Mod for Diablo 2 is now available for
download on our mainsite. Installation as usual. This version works with
Diablo 2 LoD 1.09d.
Changes are listed in the readme.txt and include:
Magic item drops more frequent
Tristram/Tharbad crash bug fixed
6 new unique items
4 new monsters using D1 Blood Knight graphics
Have fun
Dec. 8, 2001
Tolkien Encyclopedia : new
under Hobbits - "Appearance". Includes what shape hobbit and elf ears
had according to Tolkien's Letters.
Dec. 5, 2001
Tolkien Encyclopedia : new under
Hobbits - "Coming of Age", "Origin".
Links : 3
new ones:
Decipher - card games
including LotR, movie oriented. Link from Amillo-(Valar): by Decipher
for New Lines
HobbitLore -
discussion of how reality and Tolkien's world work together: by Paul
Lord of the Rings
- by Ian McKellan. His impressions while acting as Gandalf in the Lord
of the Rings films, plus Q&A and photos.: IanMcKellan
Dec. 4, 2001
Letter from Ugluk-(V):
It seems that I may be cast back into the great void very soon (at least for a while) so I thought I'd say thanks for all your help and interesting conversations.....It's always a pleasure
Also, you may already know about this but just in case you don't, I thought you'd like to know about the new LoTR games Sierra is planning. I just came across a trailer you might like to check out....It doesn't show much but it's a first glimpse.....I found it by typing in:
Sierra games Lord of the Rings in to Google search engine. can't tell you the exact address but it's there - takes a while to download - at least for me it did. Suggests that they will make single player first for the LoTR , the the Hobbit, then the LoTR on-line with in the next couple of years....I think it will be an x-box title but not sure...maybe released in different formats to please all and grab as much cash as they can but I don't know.Anyways, I hope that eventually I will be raised from the depths again in the near future and be able to participate a little more in guild activities
I do enjoy it when I am able to attend
I will try to keep in touch from time to time - somehow -(may smoke signals for Mt Doom or if I can get my hands on the planatir...) and I wish you and your family (and all the guild members) the very best for the Christmas season and hope everyone has a happy new year.
Take care,
Jamie (aka Ugluk)
Please forgive my spelling and gramar mistakes - As an Orc, English is my second language![]()
Dec. 2, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Members : (15) Durin,
Elendil, Eol, Eonwe, Gelmir, Girion, Glorfindel, Gorbag, Gwindor,
Halbarad, Maedhros, Mahtan, Thror, Ugluk, Varda (presiding)
Discussion Board chat room : Eonwe
Visitors : ~Legolas~ (friend of
Membership: 139 members
Amillo is having comp problems, especially
with his graphics card.
Mandos is usually not home Sundays, the
reason he cannot be with us at Sunday meetings. Email him or meet him
mornings and early afternoon on bnet.
Salmar sends regrets at having to miss the
Tilion , our wayward moon, is back online
with us.
Sleepers: we are having too many long-term sleepers in the
channel, afk (away from keyboard). They prevent the bots from doing
their security jobs and cause some frustration among members and people
seeking membership who don't understand why they are not answered.
Sleepers might go to a secondary channel during long afks, returning to
the home channel after returning. This is not a rule, but a courtesy.
Bots may boot sleepers who are
there over one-half hour. Short afk's are fine, and it is nice to leave
an /away message if only the word "away" or "afk".
we had a demonstration of the bots, with a question and answer
period.Only official bots are welcome in the home channel.
Thror was present and told
us his bots
are named ValarBuddy and ValarBuddy_V. These do not have automatic
greetings. He says to use the .help command to learn about
commands. He still prefers Chewbacca bots to Raibots after
Salmar could not be with us
at Varda's request, left us his bot for the meeting for demo purposes.
His is ValarBuddy-V. It gives greetings to you when you enter, which
you may edit. Find out how to work it by typing .info accountname. It
tells flagletters you can use when you type .help flagletter. A very
handy command is to whisper allseen to the bot, and it lists whoever
has been on recently with the spelling, so you can add the name to your
friends list /f add accountname or
type a message using /w name or /m name or /msg name.
If you have questions, suggestions, or comments
concerning the bots, please email the persons experimenting with the
bot. Or
email Varda who will be able to forward it to the correct person if you
mention the name of the bot or who will forward it to
The Guild-wide
Tolkien story is now under way! The how-to
and the first installment is up. Eonwe will be emailing guild members
(over 130 of you!) to add your own bit to the story, keeping some
volunteers in reserve to wrap up the yarn. Feel free to email Eonwe to be a volunteer
who would enjoy contributing). If you don't like how
the story is going, you'll have your chance to add an improved twist.
New installments will be given a mention here in the News. You can
reach the story from the Tolkien Encyclopedia frames edition or from
EQ : no EQ players present
to give a report, but they've been lively gaming judging by their
Middle-earth D2X mod
members are having a great time with the new version.
D2X remains the main guild
BroodWar remains the number
two guild
Varda's topic: Hobbit origins
. We looked over the speculations, the reasons, and quoted Tolkien's
answer from the book "The Letters of JRR Tolkien" p. 158 footnote. More
hobbit info, suggested by Glorfindel-(V), is in Appendix B.
Secondary discussion: In what
age were hobbits first found? The hobbits had already separated
into three branches when the Stoor hobbits Deagol and Smeagol took the
One Ring from the water where it had left Isildur to die in the
Second Age.
Greetings, hope this finds its way to Varda, Tilion here, off from another year of being "Wayward", I'm going to try to make another attempt to get in contact with you all, in the spirit of the LOTR movies, please pass a friendly greeting on to anyone who may remember me (Aule, Irmo, Namo, Yavanna...) and if they care to, please have them email me here, Much obligedNov. 25, 2001
With love,
Members: Amroth, Arwen, Bert, Curufin, Durin, Ecthelion, Eonwe, Eol, Girion, Glorfindel, Gwindor, Irmo, Melkor, Oin, Ori, Salmar, Thorondor, Thror, Ulmo (presiding).Business: report by Ulmo
Visiting: *TheGreenDragon (Icky), *Ghettosburg (Shooter), *Dune.
At Yahoo: Eonwe, Salmar
Tulkas will be out to sea until Christmas or, if lucky, back by Dec 19.
Short business meeting with Varda and Amillo away, (Varda personalGaming:
conflict, and Amillo rebuilding/upgrading comp).
No member updates made.
Eonwe reported on. a couple new links added to pages:
The Sun and the Shadows - Yahoo Clubs discussion board Tolkien rpg, set in a "what if" a new
dark power rose to replace the vanished Sauron in Morgoth's favor, Feanor's
Curse rose again, the White Council remained to help, and elves stayed behind
to help as they were angered by treachery of one of their own.
Civil Air Patrol: San Marcos Composite Squadron - news of the search and rescue flight squadron in San Marcos, TX.
Includes teaching materials on aerospace. Meriadoc-(V) is the webmaster aka pilot and Operations Officer
1st Lt. Roland Coyote.
Tulkas has joined us on EQ this past week or so ago, he had a level 7
wood elf ranger going when his duties called him out to sea again. He
should be back around Christmas.
Tolkien: report by Ulmo
Two chat subjects came up:
1. What were each member of the fellowships deeds? And how if they did,
were they compared?
(answers by members emailed by Eonwe):
Thror:Frodo-Bearing Ring, uncomparable; Gimli led them through Moria
Glorfindel:Merry-helped kill Witch King; Pippin-saved Faramir; Sam-saved
Frodo; Frodo-Destroyed Ring; Legolas-got into Lothlorien
Arwen:All hobbits had big parts; Aragorn saved Gondor,came with ships
Irmo:comic interlude when Gimli and Legolas count their kills
Eonwe:Legolas shot Nazgul steed from Sky
Ghettosburg(Shooter): Merry helped kill witch king
Bert: Boromir caused Frodo to leave group without which he wouldn't have
been able to finish the quest
2. Why didn't the Valar intercede directly in destroying evil in Middle
Ulmo, Heru Rasa
There's a horrible drop bug in the latest version 1.4B (all drops are
basically messed totally so you can get extremely good items from act1/eldar
monsters while high level monsters might drop only crap) of the MEmod.
Please download 1.4C which resolves the issue.
Letter from Khan the Beleagured a few hours later:
Nov. 17, 2001We just discovered that 1.4C retains some buggieness. We think we eliminated
it with 1.4D.
The new fix for the fix of the new version come in a smaller package and
must be used with the "direct txt" method, described on our site.
Be sure to read it carefully - you must install the new version over the
original patch_d2.mpq from Diablo 2 LoD 1.09c.
Again we are sorry for all this.
Nov. 13, 2001Hi
We have uploaded the new ME version 1.4B which is compatible with Blizzard's
patch 1.09c. The changes are really minor (but still more than those of
Nov. 11, 2001Greetings Valar!
Burger King has the advertising rights for the LotR movie coming
out. They have a website with Tolkien trivia and prizes! The grand
prize is a package trip to a pre-screening of the movie.
the website is: The questions can be answered as many times as you need to get them right. Which is good because it's not always easy to get the answer THEY want on the first. (ie Aragorn or Strider / Imladris or Rivendell) Oh, and sorry... Available to US residents over 18 onlyGood luck from Earendil
Tolkien lit: Please remember that the Valar Guild will publish your Lord of the Rings literature as part of our website, linked to the Tolkien Encyclopedia, even if you also have it in other places. If you would like a link from our story page to other places where your story is published, email the link to (Varda).Like to write Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction?Then why not participate in a writing contest where you can 50US$ for writing the best story?Or why not just write a story set in Middle Earth or publish one you have already written at a site dedicated solely to literature with its own Lord of the Rings section.Go here for more info: at Imperial Literature
Nov. 9, 2001Hail
The new MEmod version 1.4 is available for download on our site. I strongly
suggest you update to that version as it fixes quite some bugs (WW, Leap, a
rather horrible drop issue at later Valar/5 etc.) and it also upgrades many
uniques (but only if newly found under V1.4)
BTW I'm just re-reading The Silmarillion and must say I knew why I chose
Fingolfin as my guild nameKhan
Primula and I have decided not too continue our interenet service at this time . Probely wont be on for some time.Namarie for now
Deagol and Primula
Letter from Ecthelion:As I mentioned during the short time I dropped in at last Sunday's meeting, I've spent the week in England.
Having just returned from this trip, which included a visit to Oxford, I thought you might be interested in a picture of Tolkien's old pub, The Eagle & Child .Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and the rest of the Inklings met here every Tuesday both for friendly chat and learned discussions over a pint and a pipe.
This has made the place quite famous - it's mentioned in their biographies and even in tourist material about the city.I was there Wednesday evening and found it very charming and authentic - a genuinely cozy place.
Even though Oxford, as a city, has changed since Tolkien's day (traffic, tourists, etc) this belongs to a collection of timeless places that retain the true atmosphere.
Greetings from Gondolin upon fair Tumladen!
I would like to formally restate my loyalty to this great and honorable guild, and would like to also say that any and all
disagreements aside (i've had a few, mostly my fault ;)) with my friends are of little consequence to me; i beg their
forgiveness. Its unfortunate that our trusted environment has been invaded, but with a little patience we will regain that
which is now in dispute.
See all of you on sometime soon!
Ecthelion of the Fountain
Oct. 15, 2001In reply to your email I bid farewell. No questions, no turning around, no arguments. What is done is done and we shall move on. This came in good time though.. as I have been deciding whether or not to take a break from Diablo2 and start to study a bit more on school work. So I would like you to just post my farewells in the News page on the Valar site. And just wish everyone good gaming, and I was happy to meet you all.
Farewell, Namarie, Bye, See Ya,
X-Pharazon-(V), ArPharazon-V, ArPharazon_V, Alk, Alkarim Nasser
Tolkien:We have just uploaded the next update for the Middle Earth Mod. The version
number is 1.3B and it features quite some new stuff and changes. Check the
readme for a complete list.
We have also added a Cubes'n'Runes readme to the downloadable
file. It lists all available rune and cube recipes as well as the number of
sockets available for each itemtype.
The required version for the mod is the english or german LoD 1.09 or 1.09b.
Have fun
Oct. 10, 2001Heya! Wasn't here (as in: in town) for the whole weekend (got back really
late Sun) belatedly -
May your trees grow tall, your waters flow clean, your sun beam warmly, and
your stars shine brightly !
Members:Membership: 135
Bandobras, Bert, Bilbo, Deagol/Primula (Brandywine), Eärendil, Ecthelion, Eonwë (Urion), Gildor, Glorfindel, Guilin, Gwindor (afk), Irmo, Isildur, Maedhros, Meriadoc, Namo (Mandos), Oin, Ori, Oromë, Pharazôn, Quickbeam, Salmar, Thingol, Thorondor (Torthurion), Thror, Varda (Elentari, presiding).
*D.Ripper, *Pickle_Mules, *Ghettosburg, *Mr.BillClinton.
Oct. 5, 2001I am writting this from my work, my own internet connection is down and has
been for a week now and i still do not know when my provider can get it up
and running again. I have phoned them and they say they will have to come
and replace a box "Skillebox" I do not know what to call it in englishbut no matter what it will not happen during the weekend. Say hello to everybody and happy anniversary. Amillo
OldManWillow changed his email address.Sorry that I didn't make it, I had a horrendous head cold and just plain
forgot. I still get dizzy when I stand up so sitting at the computer or
laying in bed is pretty much what I am limited to. I'll make a point to be
at the meeting this week to make up for my absentmindedness, if that's a
word. Though I think this weekend is Canadian Thanksgivings but my brain
isn't working very well right now. If it is indeed this weekend I probably
cant make it, if its not I'll be there with bells onAule
Oct. 4, 2001Aiya!
I got the cable today!
Now, I'm ready fly back to bnet with the wings of storm:)
From Eonwe:Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag Valar Guild!
(Congratulations on your birthday Valar Guild!)
!Feliz Aniversario de cuatro años! :}
!Feliz Cumpleaños al Valar Guild! :}
Hail and Happy Anniversary! :}
Subject: From: Host: Date: |
Diablo II Ladders Reset Tomorrow Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment Fri Sep 28 23:22:06 |
I'm off from bnet until I get that cable connection. The reason is, that I
don't want to get enormous phone bills right now. I also have some problems
with my comps hard drive and the other email-server( is down.
The good thing is, that I'll get the cable soon, prolly, and the hd is
nearly fixed.
I'm sure that the Team Free Peoples will be able to stand without the help
of any animals from the West:) (I'll join you later if/when I can).
New Team: Combined character by Primula and Deagol!
Character name is Brandywine-V
Letter from Deagol:
Primula and I will be making a joint char in honor of our Guilds 4 year Aniversary. The character will be a pallyPrimula's favorite:) Not sure on the name yet but it will have some form of both our names in it.:
Results are posted on the Tourney page as I hear about them. We had members hitting the ladders, a minimum of 6 I'm sure of, with more I didn't know about. Please email me if you made it!
Sept. 28, 2001
Dain, Welcome to the Valar Guild! And
congrats on your timing. Dain was tested by Elros and Eonwe, joining
Sept 27. He
was -=Kheldar=- . He's 15, from
the US, EST. He's read the H, LotR, and currently reading the Sil.
Plays D2, SC/BW, Ultima Online.
Purist teams for the Anniversary will not be
using mules (storage characters). The object is to get as many of the
of the team on the ladder as possible. If we have the same number, add
lvls of the ones who made the ladder together figuring by lvl at
time, to break the tie.
The Tourney page will try to keep updated as we go,
so the info will be all in one place. Elros and Arothir are in great
of teammates, so email Elros
right away! Email for team organizers is included on the Tourney page.
We call them "purist" teams, but they're more like
Quest for Three teams with 8 people using different classes over
days. True purists are said to play as if they were in single player.
Letter from Elros about a new Purist team:
I'm starting a team for the anniversary. So far its only me (amazon) and Arothir (paladin). Stick this on the news page so I can get more people![]()
Telephone scams
- by AT&T long distance phone company. Includes 809, 284,
and 796 area code scam (in the Caribbean so you don't have to dial the
international 011, but looks like a US number, so you are charged
international rates) and others. Link suggested by Meriadoc.
Sept. 27, 2001
Tourney page: Purist team lists
Sept. 26, 2001
New Games
page up, by Eonwe-(Valar). Please email him with current news on
which games you play and what names you may be recognized by, such as
your account names for bnet for the /friends list. His email is on the
Games page.
Encyclopedia : New article on "Nornore" by
Eonwe-(Valar), under Maiar.
Sept. 25, 2001
Letter from Boromir:
is boromir sorry ive been not coming to meetings but soccer and
kept me buys.theyll be fullyh done in about 2 weeks or 1. .so then ill be more active.i want to play in
the contest thing. i also can only
play bw
Note from Varda:
BroodWar and StarCraft players,
see the Tourney page to download official Valar Tourney maps Bridges of
Osgiliath and Battle of Morannon. Email team members and time to Varda
if you beat
the comps.
Sept. 24, 2001
My new Netscape 6.1's Composer is very buggy,
making the simplest copy/paste or typing a list or hitting enter into a
massive chore. Please bear with me.
Anniversary teams so far. Updated Sept. 27:
Purists in D2X:
Team Valar:
Eonwe - organizer - druid, werebear. 1/1:30 - 8pm EST.
Melkor -
melee assassin. Flexible. Cannot play on Tues 1030 - 1130 or Thurs 0900
- 1600.
Namo- amazon. Works afternoon and evening.
Orome -
Salmar -
paladin. 2-6pm EST
Varda -
necromancer. Flexible.
Team Free Peoples:
Glorfindel - organizer -
Aragorn - assassin
Ecthelion - paladin
Gildor - amazon
Thranduil - druid
Thorondor - sorceress
- barbarian
Sept. 23, 2001
Sunday meeting will include Anniversary planning
including picking gaming teams for several types of gaming, results to
be reported at the Anniversary meeting. Please come. More suggestions
for the Anniversary will be discussed, and we want to hear yours as
well. Eonwe has a special guild-wide activity announcement.
So far, we will have informal dropping into the channel all day
on Oct 4, Anniversary Day, to reminisce, talk Tolkien, and game.
The meeting after Oct 4 will be the Fourth Anniversary Meeting
when we report gaming results and perhaps have a Tolkien Quiz team
game, LotR
questions only so all members can participate. We may also try using
voice chat on the Discussion Board for the fun of hearing each other's
and perhaps a few songs.
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Members: (20 or 21):
Aragorn/Estel, Arothir, Azog, Beorn, Bert, Deagol, Ecthelion, Eonwe,
Gelmir (late), Glorfindel, Gildor, Glaurung, Gwindor/VinyanorII,
Halbarad, Isildur?, Thingol, Thranduil, Thorondor/Sorontar, Thror,
Tulkas, Varda
Over the Shoulder: Fangorn, Sauron
Discussion Board: Eonwe
Visitors: *panteraman,
*President_Dubya/ex-Grimbold, *H_A_R_V_E_Y
Membership: 131 members + 1 added during meeting
Welcome to the guild, Smaug! Testing by
Tulkas and Thorondor. Report from Tulkas: Came to channel as
Panteraman, wearing a space suit. He said he found us through a Tolkien
search on the internet. Very polite young man (15) from Berkshire,
England. He has read our code of
conduct and wishes they applied to all of Bnet. He plays D1, D2, D2
expansion, and BroodWar. He has read LotR, Sil, BoLT, and is currently
rereading LotR. He is on Bnet daily for an hour or two and sometimes
Anniversary Planning:
Many suggestions made earlier by member chat and
Council emails were brought up, although not quite all. Hopefully we'll
be able to try out everything. Feel free to email suggestions to the
News by way of Varda.
Oct. 4: Anniversary Day. Everyone try to drop by the
bnet channel during the day to say hi, chat, reminisce, talk Tolkien,
and game.
Oct. 7: Sunday Meeting after Anniversary Day.
Reports by the Anniversary Gaming Teams (see Gaming). Tolkien Trivia
team game at the meeting.
Tolkien-style story . Eonwe will write the first installment, then
email the next people to take up where he left off. He will choose
randomly, although volunteers have a better chance. Each person has one
week to respond. If you miss your time, ask Eonwe to call on you again
so you won't be left out and he'll know you're interested. The running
story will be kept on a web page for all to check on.
The ladders reset the evening of the 28th of Sept.
So the 29th (EST), our Anniversary Gaming Teams will start playing.
This leaves you time to join or start a team until then. Currently we
have two purist teams in D2X: Team Valar (email Eonwe or Varda, Valar
honor members only), and Team Free Peoples (email Glorfindel or Varda),
starting at level one
and seeing how far they can bring their team members before the
Meeting on Oct 7. We can form up BroodWar teams to play the Tourney
Bridges of Osgiliath and Battle of Morannon which can be downloaded
the Tourney Page, and email their scores to Varda for inclusion on the
page. All players and scores may be reported there, not just top
as all participants deserve recognition for honoring the Anniversary.
of the games on the Tourney page may be played. We have no people
up yet for D2XME. No one has yet signed up for a single character
by a team on a shared account in Valar games, with a special team name
team storage. No one has yet signed up for any EQ or CounterStrike or
online Anniversary gaming. Pick your game and dive in. :)
Sauron's Topic: Tell about non-humanoid
intelligences, an example being Caradhras. This set off a nice batch of
Glorfindel started a discussion about Rock Giants.
Sept. 21, 2001
D2X Middle-earth mod , report by Salmar:
Aiya!Lanthahide updated his info on uniques/sets/gems/rune(word)s in the V&K Tolkien D2LoDMod. So if you seek that info and follow the old link on our News page, or on our Diablo and His Kin page, be sure to scroll down to find the updated link. The new class specific uniques are really yummy:). Even for non-(Mod)-playing members it might be nice to take a look at The Palantir of Minas Ithil, the Spirit of Thorondor, Melian's Hands of Doriath, the Scepter of Annuminas, and many more!
Sept. 20, 2001
LotR trailer on TV , report by Eonwe:
Hail! :}
While watching tv tonight(well last night, depending on how you look at it :}), I happened to hear something I thought interesting. On the WB network (WB33 for me) they said that they would be showing the LotR trailer next week with the Season premier of Angel. The time to the first movie draws near, my friends :} Just a nice tidbit of info for those of us waiting to either praise or severely condemn the works of Peter Jackson :}
Sept. 19, 2001
Herumor finished reading the Silmarillion.
Links page: Time Magazine archives - search previous Time magazines for articles
Letter from Tulkas, a forward:
Subject: Afghanistan (fwd)
I've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan back to the
Stone Age." Ron Owens, on KGO Talk Radio today, allowed that this would
mean killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this
atrocity, but "we're at war, we have to accept collateral damage. What
else can we do?" Minutes later I heard some TV pundit discussing
whether we "have the belly to do what must be done." And I thought
about the issues being raised especially hard because I am from
Afghanistan, and even though I've lived here for 35 years I've never
lost track of what's going on there. So I want to tell anyone who will
listen how it all looks from where I'm standing.
I speak as one who deeply hates the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. My
hatred comes from first hand experience. There is no doubt in my mind
that these people were responsible for the atrocity in New York. I agree
that something must be done about those monsters.
But the Taliban and Ben Laden are not Afghanistan. They're not even the
government of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant
psychotics who took over Afghanistan in 1997. Bin Laden is a political
criminal with a plan. When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you
think Bin Laden,think Hitler. And when you think "the people of
Afghanistan" think "the Jews in the concentration camps."
It's not only that the Afghan people had nothing to do with this
atrocity. They were the first victims of the perpetrators. They would
exult if someone would come in there, take out the Taliban and clear out
the rats nest of international thugs holed up in their country.
Some say, why don't the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban? The
answer is, they're starved, exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering.
A few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000
disabled orphans in Afghanistan--a country with no economy, no food.
There are millions of widows. And the Taliban has been burying these
widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered with land mines, the
farms were all destroyed by the Soviets. These are a few of the
reasons why the Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban.
We come now to the question of "bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone
Age". Trouble is, that's been done. The Soviets took care of it
already. Make the Afghans suffer? They're already suffering. Level
their houses? Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble? Done. Eradicate their
hospitals? Done. Destroy their infrastructure? Cut them off from
medicine and health care? Too late. Someone already did all that.
New bombs would only stir the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at
least get the Taliban? Not likely. In today's Afghanistan, only the
Taliban eat, only they have the means to move around. They'd slip away
and hide.
Maybe the bombs would get some of those disabled orphans, they don't
move too fast, they don't even have wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul
and dropping bombs would not really be a strike against the criminals
who did this horrific thing. Actually it would only be making common
cause with the Taliban--by raping once again the people they've been
raping all this time.
So what else is there? What can be done, then? Let me now speak with
true fear and trembling. The only way to get Bin Laden is to go in there
with ground troops. When people speak of "having the belly to do what
needs to be done" they're thinking in terms of having the belly to kill
as many as needed. Having the belly to overcome any moral qualms about
killing innocent people. Let's pull our heads out of the sand. What's
actually on the table is Americans dying. And not
just because some Americans would die fighting their way through
Afghanistan to Bin Laden's hideout. It's much bigger than that folks.
Because to get any troops to Afghanistan, we'd have to go through
Pakistan. Would they let us? Not likely. The conquest of Pakistan would
have to be first. Will other Muslim nations just stand by? You see where
I'm going. We're flirting with a world war between Islam and the West.
And guess what: that's Bin Laden's program. That's exactly what he
wants. That's why he did this. Read his speeches and statements. It's
all right there. He really believes Islam would beat the west. It
might seem ridiculous, but he figures if he can polarize the world into
Islam and the West, he's got a billion soldiers. If the west wreaks a
holocaust in those lands, that's a billion people with nothing left to
lose, that's even better from Bin Laden's point of view. He's probably
wrong, in the end theWest would win, whatever that would mean, but
the war would last for years and millions would die, not just theirs but ours.
Who has the belly for that?
Unfortunately, Bin Laden does. Anyone else?
In Peace,
Tamim Ansary
Sept. 18, 2001
Letter from Rog
Good day,Letter from Meriadoc:To explain my latest absence as you could probably guess I've been very busy lately. Just in case anyone forgot I'm a soldier
stationed at Ft. Bragg. We've been on a high alert status over the last week since last Tuesday's terrorist attacks.Many troops from Ft. Bragg sent to New York and Washington DC as a humanitarian task force. Even a few from our battalion.
While I know I wont be deploying to either of those cities the chance of other deployments are still present if and when they
decide to send any ground troops into Afghanistan.Chances are good that 82nd Airborne Division would be one of the first to go. Being in COSCOM (Corps Support Command) I'd
be right behind them as support. This is all in speculation and nothing is engraved in stone. I know as much as everyone else
by watching the news. But we are prepared to leave at anytime. Everyone already has their deployment bags packed and
ready to go.Although this would put a terrible cramp in my lifestyle I am prepared to go out and defend our country and the freedom it
stands for. These cowardly terrorists attacks will not go unpunished and I will proudly serve in my country's name and defend
your rights to be a free people. They have killed Americans. . .But they will never destroy the American spirit.I understand we have members from all around the world. Not just Americans died in these attacks. People from all over the
world have lost their lives. This wasn't just an attack on America but a defiance to the right of life itself. I ask everyone from all
nations to join me and show support in our fight against a faceless enemy."United We Stand"
With fondest regards,
Jonathon R Hart
There have been a few news accounts of a 'small plane buzzing around theSept. 17, 2001
disaster', with assorted distortions appended thereunto. Here's the scoop -
it was the CAP aircraft, gathering realtime pictures for the disaster
relief - not some idiot sightseeing.
Sept. 16, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
Attending Report by Salmar and Varda:
Amillo/Lindelome, Arothir (late), Arwen/Evenstar,
Bandobras/Bullroarer, Beorn, Cirdan, Deagol, Elros/Starfoam,
Eonwe/Fionwe, Finduilas, Girion (late), Glorfindel, Gwindor, Irmo,
Melkor , Ori, Salmar, Smeagol, Theoden, Thorondor/Sorontar,
Thranduil, Thror, Tulkas, Ulmo, Varda
/Elbereth (chair)
Over-the-shoulder attendees: Fladrif, Oin, Primula, Sauron
Phone-in-hello: Fangorn
Discussion Board: Eonwe, Tom Bombadil, Salmar, others
Visitor: *President_Dubya/ex-Grimbold
Membership Report by Amillo:
131 members; three new members joined during and after last meeting:
Bilbo, Theoden, Turin
Theoden said a few words of introduction from Norway.
Irmo had never said his few words so he said his.
Herumor emailed hello and says he's on Chapter 22 of the Silmarillion.
His comment: "a very satisfying volume indeed". He's been busy with
school, but hasn't forgotten us.
Web Report by Varda:
Domain name from Aldarion is now linked into the main web pages and
Annals of Arda now set up on it's own domain name with its own web
space, linked into main guild and Tolkien Encyclopedia
Tolkien Encyclopedia updated links to Annals of Arda, Rolozo's Tolkien
page, and added links to artwork by JRR Tolkien from Rolozo's.
Links: Mithril Miniatures, with its gaming figurines and collectibles
Gaming Reports by Ulmo, Deagol,
Fingolfin (email) and Varda:
EQ Report by Ulmo and Deagol:
Ulmo: 5 guild members now regularly playing on the Zebuxoruk server.
Ulmo and Earendil regularly play together.
Deagol: now has EQ
D2X Middle-earth: new update now available for download (see top of
News or V&K page)
Third Age M.U.D. requesting writers of Tolkien to act as GameMasters
working together on this text-only game. Beta-testers will be trying
the game in November. (Send in Tolkien stories to Varda for publication; send in
request to be GameMaster with a link to your
story to Nazgum of Third Age.)
The Realm is now sending out information to beta testers, quite a few
in our guild. Guild beta-testers, please send reviews of this game to
The guild spent one minute of online silence in memory of the dead
from the terrorist attack. Tulkas timed our minute. I was impressed as
screen, just shortly before loaded with talk and green whispers, went
quiet. We had many to remember.
Tulkas also gave us an URL to help us better understand our attackers:
Amillo of Denmark quoted a Moment from Tolkien, very appropriate. It
was the Oath of Cirion and Eorl at Amun Anwar, in which Rohan and
swore aid to each other at need.
Sept. 16, 2001
D2X Middle-earth mod - Letter from Fingolfin:
HiLetter from Third Age M.U.D.'s Nazgum :We have uploaded the 1.2 update to the Middle Earth Mod for D2LoD to our
site. It mainly fixes some bugs and ups some underpowered skills.
Download it at and check the downloadable readme for changes.Khan aka Fingolfin-(V)
Hi Varda, well I checked out your (Encyc and Annals maps - Varda), and some of the maps are amazing :)
Very nice workers you have there.In response to your email we unfortunately do not have a web page up, we're
waiting for the game to be more complete to put more detailed information up
on the web about it. And if we use any maps from your site we will for sure
give you guys credit on our game and website.For further information I can tell you more about what we're doing and some
details of the game:
The world we want to create will be drawn up on a grid map, consisting of
multiple zones. Because of the detail and size of tolkien's world, many
writers will be required to help complete it. Each writer we use will be in
charge of one zone initially, and will be responsible for creating the area,
creatures, items, and events or quests within their zone. They will have to
keep in communication with the writers building the zones around them, so the
areas meet smoothly.
The game has to be very story-intensive, so the primary goal is to
create an environment that allows a lot of roleplaying. The timeline we are
using is from 2600 to 3000 of the Third Age. All events in the history of
Middle Earth up to 2600 has happened. From 2600 onward, the players have the
ability to change the world and the story (Some heroes might take on Bill
Bert and Tom to recover Glamdring and Orcrist for themselves to use against
evil). One of the major aspects of roleplaying we will be focusing on is the
conflict between the Free People of Arda and the Forces of Sauron.
The war is one of the most important parts of the game, and so the system we
use must be very detailed to deal with it. The sides of the game are in
conflict, so while a hobbit player would see another player elf as "Luin the
Sindarin Elf" and could communicate with him, he would see a player orc as
*An Orc*. A warlord system will be used, where you receive points for kills
upon the other side. Players with the most kills will be listed on the
warlords list and seen differently by other players (ex *A Dreadful Orc*).
How the game deals with the players would be affected by this also, a new
player orc might get harassed by fellow mob (game coded) orcs, whereas a
player orc with several kills would demand respect, and the mob orcs might
fear him and bow when he passes. Some quests are only available to those who
have some reknown in the world for their combat ability.
Along with the races, characters can choose their class (restricted by race)
and may be a warrior, weapons and combat expert; a ranger, woodlands survival
and huntsman; a rogue, masters of stealth and thievery; a mage, wielders of
elven magic; or a sorcerer, delvers in the black arts. I don't wanna go too
into detail here on the specifics of everything so I'll leave it at this for
now.The game is currently still being written, but all of the code required to
get areas up and running in the game is finished. Because we need code and
areas to open for testing, we're recruiting builders now. The goal is to
open around november for player testing, to help weed out bugs and see what
needs fixing/balancing/etc. Player testing will run until the game is good
enough to open for real, at which point we'll begin advertising on the web,
have our website finished, etcHope that helps some.
- Nazgum
Sept. 15, 2001
Annals of Arda
, Amillo's Encyclopedia which is the companion to the
Tolkien Encyclopedia, has moved to a new address using his own domain
name. Congrats on all that hard work, Amillo!
Letter from the Third Age M.U.D. developers, looking for writers who can also be game-masters for game to be put out in November:
Ho, Nazgum here.. I was browsing tolkien short story sites looking forAircraft update report from Meriadoc-(V), who is on rapid response standby:
writers to developing a tolkien-based game. We are interested in people who
would enjoy describing areas in Middle Earth or writing game quests. I'll
include some basic info along with this email so you can get an idea of what
is being done.Me and about 15 friends of mine from around the globe are currently working
to create a tolkien themed roleplaying game. The idea behind the game is
players will create a character from the races found in Middle Earth.
Players can choose to be Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Men, Orcs, or Trolls.The setting for our game will be late in the Third Age (2600 to 3000), before
"the Hobbit" and after Sauron has lost the One ring. We are starting to
create the world from Rivendell and expand outwards to include areas such as
mirkwood, moria, mordor, lorien, bree, etc.The game will be a multi-player online game with a good vs bad conflict where
the Free People of Arda (Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, Humans) are at war with the
forces of Sauron (Orcs, Trolls, and Black Numenoreans). Players will be
encouraged to explore the lands, battle the enemy, seek out rare items (such
as Glamdring and Orcrist) and advance in skill and power.The type of game this will be is a MUD, which if you are familiar with it is
a pure-text game where your imagination controls the game. Because of this a
well written world is required.If you are interested in this, you would be working with other writers and be
assigned a portion of the world to describe. Story-lines and ideas for
quests or events that will happen in your area is important so you must be
creative.The game is planned to go into beta in november, where we will have a
player-base (already ready) of 20 to 30 players who will be testing out the
game for us, and from that point on there will be people playing the game and
it will be expanded online.Those who help in the creation of the world will be assigned Ainur characters
in the game, that will act as the lords of the west who live in valinor and
watch over the mortals. They will have special game commands and the higher
level Ainur will be the management staff of the game. There is no "owner"
for this game and it will be free to play, and those who put in the most
effort will have the higher Ainur positions (Aratar and Valar). Those
players will have more say in what happens in the game and what changes
should be made to it.Most people who do this enjoy it and find it fun to create ideas and then see
other players live through their creations. If you are interested please
send me and email back, telling me your thoughts or if you like requesting
more information.Thanks for your time,
Nazgum - Promotions Staff for The Third Age
Meanwhile, back in the air: Airports around the country are gettingMeriadoc also passed along this quatrain attributed by emailers to Nostradamus, who died in 1564, but see Tulkas's and Meriadoc's letters afterwards:
certified to the new tougher security standards. General recommendation is
to arrive 2 hours early, don't pack stuff that's embarrassing to have out in
the light of day - all packages and baggage being opened and checked.
Flights can only go to and from the certified secure airports. However,
there have been folks performing Herculean tasks to get everything lined up
quickly, and airports have been getting certified rapidly. I anticipate
that all commercial airports will be certified in the next day or two.
However, any suspicions can get an airport shut down suddenly until they're
checked out. Given the standard hub-and-spoke airline travel method, every
time that happens, it'll send ripples of delays through the system. Just
expect it and be patient. It'll be a while before things settle down and
the new methodology becomes a smooth routine.
For smaller aircraft, the FAA is now allowing private aircraft to fly on
IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight plans. This is because aircraft under
IFR have a discrete beacon code assigned to them for identification, and are
in constant communication with Air Traffic Control. There are some new
twists, though. Previously, the pilot could cancel the IFR plan in flight
when the airport was in sight, or could file an IFR plan in the air if the
airport was under the clouds. Now, all filing and canceling must be done on
the ground. That'll also slow the system up some.
There are also some awkward restrictions being placed on even the limited
GA (General Aviation) flights that are occurring. See
for an example of the restrictions. This is at airports where there is both
Airline and General Aviation activity. For non-towered airports that are GA
only, there are currently more questions than answers.
Fortunately, the Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta, is attempting
to move forward and reopen the skies and airports to more normal air
traffic, including the GA aircraft, many of whom are still sitting wherever
they went down when the balloon went up due to the ongoing flight
With the onset of Tropical Storm Gabrielle in Florida, the DOT and DOD also
permitted VFR (Visual Flight Rules) operation (No distinct beacon code) for
the purposes of hurricane evacuation.
Several wings of the CAP (Civil Air Patrol) have been active in the
emergency, more details at
In the city of God, there will be a great thunder, two
brothers torn apart by chaos while the other fortress
endures. The great leader will succumb, the 3rd world war
will begin.When the great city is burning in the end, a man riding a white horse will
be the apocalypse, this man is named Mabus Inddalin(Mabus Inddalin can be rearranged to spell Usama Bin Laddin)
Nostradamus Hoax - Letter from Tulkas:
You may want to check this web page out. The quote from Nostradamus is a hoax. Apparently a University StudentForward from Meriadoc of a letter concerning emailed Nostradamus prediction hoaxes:
wrote a paper back in 1999 and this quote was an extrapolation of part of that paper., Tulkas-(Valar)
Subject: FW: Information TerrorismConcerning the September attack, by now you may have noticed that several
emails have been circulated on the internet, each featuring quatrains in
Nostradamus' style. These are all false. Even if you believe Nostradamus
did predict many events, you should be told that he did NOT write ANY of
these circulated quatrains. If you don't believe me, go to, a
reputable online site that specializes in debugging rumors. That site will
verify.If people believe that Nostradamus did write these, what affect would it
have? It would sow doubt and fear, because, if people become convinced that
the WTC attack signifies the beginning of the end of the world, then they
would be less willing to fight the foe. It would wound morale, because some
people would seriously be concerned about the end of the world and hesitate
if they went forward in any counter-attack. These falsehood emails,
therefore, generate unrest and damage moral.Who would fabricate such emails? Who would gain by them? The answer: the
enemy probably wrote them. The enemy does have access to the internet and
has proven in the past to be smart enough to manipulate some populace
opinion.I also checked these emails myself, looking up several hardcopy
translations. I found what found. There are no such quatrains.Even if you believe in Nostradamus, these email predictions of Armageddon
are still completely false. These quatrains were not written over 400 years
ago. They were written in the week of September 11, 2001, with only a few
words borrowed from the original Centuries.These false emails are most likely designed to create an atmosphere of fear.
They are Informational Terrorism. Without a doubt, their existence is
damaging.If you are on the Democratic side in this conflict, I beg you to do 2
things:First, do NOT forward these false quatrains. The more these lies spread,
the more they chip away at resolve.Second, pass this email on in order to counter the effect of the lies. The
fake quatrains will damage morale unless people are informed of their
falsehood. This email should begin to assure them that the quatrains are
fake. It can block the enemy's manipulation, but only if you send it on.Information is a powerful weapon for either side. Of this, I am positive.
Thank you,
Sept. 14, 2001
Discussion Board thread reacting to the chat reported in the
News suggests that
in Tolkien's Middle-earth, the Americas more likely were the new lands
rather than Aman.
Encyclopedia : new paper on "Eonwe" by Eonwe-(Valar)
linked under Maia and with a link from the Powers page under Lost
Valar. Thanks for getting ready for the Guild's 4th Anniversary in such
a lasting way!
Links page : Mithril Miniatures: The Lord of the Rings
- sells Tolkien miniatures both for gaming and for
decoration/collecting. Has a painting guide. Articles on races and
characters.: by Macroom Co.
of Cork, Ireland. Under Gaming/Making Your Own Game
Day of Remembrance. When the World Trade Center was attacked, the number of Americans killed was greater than the number in WWII, but these were unsuspecting civilians. Not since Antietam of the Civil War when casualties on both sides were Americans have the numbers been comparable, and those were military. The incredible number and quality of emergency workers lost, including Firefighter Force 1, is numbing. But lest we forget, many people in those Towers were not US citizens, but citizens from many countries who worked alongside each other. All over the US, the situation is like this. People of other countries are here everywhere, helping and creating a world without boundaries, with the amazing talents that only such diversity can provide. Naturally the dangers to such a heaven must be of similiar nature, without boundaries. When seen from space, the world shows no political boundaries but is One, and the Two Towers are not even visible. Let's slap the ants off our collective world clothes, prevent them from getting back on us, and go on with our building of this great new life.
Update from Meriadoc, standing by with air search and rescue in Texas. Meriadoc is a 1st Lieutenant in the Civil Air Patrol, United States Air Force Auxiliary, and my brother.
Things are quiet here. The squadron is still on alert. I've been keepingIn addition, some mercy flights have been allowed to carry organs for transplants on short hops for our medical centers in Houston and Dallas. F16's are all around.
track of the various changes in aviation status as the time's worn on. The
grounding of everything in the air was part of a set plan that was already
in place, though I don't think this was what they had in mind at the time.
Getting back in the air again is something that will proceed much more
slowly. Commercial aircraft are being allowed back in the air as long as
they're going from security-recertified airports to other recertified
airports. That's under the newer, more stringent rules. The main centers
are responding rapidly and getting recertified, so it's giving the
commercial aircraft that are flying a place to go. Several airlines are
still waiting it out while they try to figure out what to do next. Their
aircraft, crews and passengers are scattered all over the country.
General aviation (everything from little ultralights to bizjets) is not
authorized back in the air yet. Those who were stranded are going to stay
that way for a while. There's no visible rush on the part of officials to
get that section of aviation back on track.
During this time, emergency flights, such as medical helicopters, transport
of medical and emergency supplies, most fire-fighting activities and some
disaster relief flights have been permitted under special rules.Still waiting.
Sept. 13, 2001
US air traffic is still in trouble, although looking out my door I
saw an F16 fly overhead. "Smaller" airports will take some time to meet
all the new regulations before they can open, such as moving entire
lots and other structural work. Hotels are swamped around all airports.
the flights going into large airports, such as Chicago's O' Hare, which
people who need to make connections at other airports have been stopped
no beds are available for new stranded passengers. Airline passengers
been coming up with creative ways to reach their destinations, such as
group that gathered together and chartered a bus. Air mail is going out
truck causing many strange delays. We may be inconvenienced by our own
caution, but we are far from stopped.
Sept. 12, 2001
Guild news:
Letter from Eonwe-(Valar):
Sunday night I managed to dislocate my right shoulder (not a whole lot ofWorld news:
fun), and so my arm will be in a sling for a while. This means I won't be
doing much (probably none since I can't reach the mouse all too well.) zerg
or monster killing while my shield arm is immoble (my lvl 85 Pally may be
lvl 85 for a while). Since then I've been taking it easy for the most part.
Typing I can still do, albeit a bit slower than usual, so some of my
projects that involve typing may be delayed a bit (I still plan to make it
to meetings).Take care all!
Well they did the same here as they did in the US, they shut down allLetter from Eonwe, in the USA:
airports, accepting only planes that were already in the air without enough
fuel to return to their departure point. They took any planes that were
destined for the US, we basically became an airport depot for the US for
awhile. Last I heard everything was still closed. Neighbor across the street
works downtown Toronto, they closed the CN Tower and told people in the
immediate surrounding area to go home. They closed at least one of the
major highways, the one that leads to the US in fact. So basically it
sounds as though they took similar actions in Canada as they did in the US.Aule
I woke up to this on the news yesterday, and such news is without a doubt
not how anyone would choose to wake up. This is terrible, and I agree with
President Bush when he called the act cowardly. I spent most of yesterday
watching about it, and most of today as well. My thoughts and prayers go
out to those who are affected in any way by this atrocity, especially to
those who have lost a loved one and to anyone forced to experience these
attacks firsthand. My thoughts and prayers also go to any survivors we may
not yet have found. I hope not for revenge, but for justice.
May you all be safe and well, and remain so.
Take care.
Sept. 11, 2001
Terrorist attack:
Today the US underwent a terrorist attack considered the worst in
Four jumbo jet passenger liners with identical flight decks were
hijacked on the US east coast, already fully loaded with gasoline and
carrying many passengers, on a very clear day. The hijackers apparently
carried knives
or knife-like weapons that slipped past the metal detectors in the
and made no suspicious bulge in the clothing. They seem to have taken
the pilots' seats and flew very low, maybe just below 1000' to go under
radar, each with a particular target for a suicide run. At almost the
same time, around 9am EST when most civilians had arrived for work,
each went for its target using the plane as a jet fuel-laden guided
In New York, one hit the 110 story tower of the World Trade Center,
destroying much of it. This was at first thought to be a horrible freak
accident. Rescue efforts commenced immediately.
Inside half an hour, the second jumbo jet crashed into the second 110
story tower of the Trade Center, demolishing it. About 250 firemen and
200 police working inside the first tower, many having gotten as far as
35th floor, were caught inside, taking out about half the available
force. Nearby "smaller" buildings of 40 and 20 stories height were
and I'm not sure how many fell completely during the day. More rescue
workers and hundreds of doctors were kept outside the perimeter of
unstable skyscrapers and nearly unbreathable air, with not enough able
to go inside right away to do the kind of work needed. Camps were set
up outside the area for rescue workers, field hospitals and temporary
morgues. While most transportation was shut down, refugees were able to
walk out on the bridge and to take
Meanwhile another passenger jet crashed sideways into the Pentagon.
This building is of much different shape being low and spread out, so
there was much less structural damage, localized to only that area. The
reinforced blast wall on the right side had just been put in, saving
the building to that side of the crash. To the left, many of the
offices were not in full use due to renovations about to be made to add
another blast wall. However, a fire started that went under the roof
where it could relight itself and, although contained, and has not been
put out. People were killed and hurt, but nothing like the scale of the
Trade Center.
Another passenger jet crashed before hitting its target, at least three
being possible near its route such as the White House, Camp David, and
Raven Rock.
All crew and passengers in all four jets died, 266, along with the
hijackers. The number of dead in all the buildings and the bystanders
rescue workers cannot yet be counted, and may take months. Try to
the height and width of just one 110 story building. Fortunately, most
the 20 and 10 story buildings nearby were evacuated in time.
The US closed all borders and landed all planes at the nearest
airports, and all planes have been accounted for. Canada kindly took in
a number of the international flights. All high government officials
were protected. Security
measures went up everywhere, military at its highest alert. Many
and colleges closed, events cancelled. Not much could be done anyway
everyone glued to the television. People donated blood all over the US,
with a two hour wait in the sun outside the hospitals just here in
and more donated food to the people in the blood lines. Shelters were
up for stranded airplane passengers who couldn't get a room since all
hotels were already full of other stranded airplane passengers. Much
help was extended.
The Bin Laden terrorist group is considered by the CIA and Israeli
intelligence to be the most probable suspect, about 90% chance,
to be harbored by Afghanistan which is already in the middle of a
civil war. That's the reason we saw Kabul, Afghanistan in flames, not a
US counter-attack. The US is trying to first be sure of its target, a
since it's not an easily identifiable country, and the loosely knit
is spread across a number of countries.
While the Iraqis and Palestinians seemed quite pleased with the events,
despite official denials, the rest of the world pulled in behind the
offering welcome support and protecting their own air space. The
together of much of the world even across ideologies has been stunning
admirable, and the US thanks them all for their prayers and help.
Our own international group, the Valar Guild, can feel events
across "distances" in an intimate way, as we have no real distance
between us, playing and talking together. A few of the letters from our guild members follow:
I'm currently offline again in the internet department (accursed phone company), however I've borrowed a friend's PC to send youFrom Amillo in Denmark:
(and the guild) this mail:I'd like to offer my most sincere condolences for the terrible disaster which befell the American people today. Our thoughts here
are with our US friends at this dark time and I desperately hope that all guild members, their families and friends were untouched by
this tragedy. It's clear that the world has changed today, and for the worst as mankind sinks to ever lower levels of despicable
cruelty to one another.
The Valar Guild, since it's conception as an idea was always meant to bridge the many different cultures and peoples of the world
and bring them together in a place where they could find friendship and warmth, without prejudice or barriers. Let us all now take
heart from that ideal and use it to help everyone to recover from such a terrible incident. I lament that I cannot join you at present,
but you are in my thoughts and all of my hopes go out to you in your hour of need.My very best wishes to everyone.
Eru Iluvatar, The One.
I saw the news today about the detestable terroraction, it is a loathsome disgusting action performed against civilian and innocent peopleFrom Irmo in Denmark:
and nothing can ever justify such horrible things. My heart reach out in sorrow, compassion and sympathy for the dead, their family and
the american people.Amillo
This morning, I woke up in one world - when I go to sleep tonight, I shall do so in a fundamentally different one.It is utterly tragic and deeply saddening to witness this shocking realisation of man's potentiality for evil, this contempt for human life. I
hesitate even to imagine the horrible depths of a fanaticism that can justify, to itself and its followers, such acts.
It is a black day in world history.It is the "Kinslaying" of our Age.
In central places in Copenhagen, great numbers of people have formed spontaneous demonstrations of sympathy, a vast, glittering sea of
flowers and lit candles have been placed before the American Embassy where Danes (many of them young people and children) have
gathered, memorial services have been and are continuing to be given.My thoughts are with you - as our former foreign minister put it in a speech a few minutes ago - today we are all New Yorkers.
One cannot help but think of Nostradamus' prophecy.
Is this the beginning of the end?Yours, in shock and sympathy,
From Salmar in the Netherlands:
To our American friends, inside and outside the Valar Guild.From Orome in the USA:
All activities in the government building where I work at The Hague, Netherlands, came to an abrubt standstill as we heard of
the horrific news of the monstruous attacks on public buildings in the United States that took place today. Words fail to
describe the enormous shock we felt as we learned of these barbaric attacks on innocent people.
I, and I am sure all members of the Guild, deeply symphatize with you, our American friends, for what what was done to you
and yours today. My heart bleeds for the poor victims and all the american people. My heart bleeds for this day, that will be
remembered forever as one of the darkest days in the history of civilization.
I hope that our governments - ours as well as yours - will have the vision, courage and perseverence to find and wipe out those
individuals and organizations that are behind these atrocities. For let it be clear that any discussion of politics or religion is
completely uncalled for. The only "case" that we can be discussing here is to be described in one word: murder.
As I saw the images on television of people actually dancing in the streets in some parts of the world I fear deeply for the world
that our children will inherit. Rest assured that we - in the Valar Guild, in Europe, throughout the civilized world - are mourning.
Our hearts are with you, our american friends. And we will stand beside you.
Yours truely,
It has been a shocking day, the thoughts of our overseas friends are much appreciated. OromeFrom Elwing in Houston, Texas, USA (hometown of US President Bush):
Guess it's been pretty quiet out in your area with the planes grounded.From Meriadoc in San Marcos, Texas, USA (just north of Austin, the capitol of Texas. He's a pilot with a volunteer search and rescue group called CAP):
Still can't hardly believe it happened for real and not just a "disaster movie of the week".
Better make another goodly size donation to Red Cross...they sure have their work cut out.
Any guild folk closer to caught up in that mess? Prayers to them and all...
All is seemingly normal here - except there's not a plane in the sky.Sept. 10, 2001
Meanwhile, our squadron is on alert, which doesn't mean much except to stand
by the phone and wait for some news on if the Air Force wants us to do
something. No flying for a while. Anything that goes up right now will
have F16's on it like ducks on a June bug.Onwards!
Sept. 9, 2001
Sunday Meeting(times for
actual listed members in case you wonder why everyone doesn't show up
meetings! EST is official Valar time) :
2pm PST (GMT-8)(14:00), 3pm MST (GMT-7)(15:00), 4pm CST (GMT-6)(16:00),
5pm EST (GMT-5
hours)(17:00) , 9pm (GMT-1)(21:00), 10pm (GMT) (22:00), 11pm
12pm (GMT+2)(24:00), 1am Sept 10 (GMT+3)(01:00 Sept 10)
Attending : report
by Varda
Amillo/Lindelome, Deagol, Ecthelion, Eomer, Eonwe/Fionwe, Glorfindel,
Gwindor/Gwaindor, Irmo, Thorondor/Thortaro, Thror, Tulkas, Ulmo,
Varda/Elbereth (chair)
Discussion Board:
No one came from that side. Eonwe kept his presence there just in case
MackietheAvatar who became Theoden-(V)
)v(aynard_James fka Grimbold
Membership : report
by Amillo
128 members at the start of the meeting
Welcome to 3 new members
added during and after the meeting. Reports need to be sent to Varda or
whole Council, mine too :) :
Bilbo, same Bilbo from the Discussion Board.
He's 16, from Fremont, California, USA, in the Pacific Time Zone. He's
bnet daily, usually in BroodWar. Also plays Tactical Ops. He's about to
D2X after reformatting and adding 4GB to his comp. He's also looking
to WC3. He has a lot of Tolkien pics he'd like to share with us, around
hundred. He tested 5/5 with Varda and Eonwe. He's read the H, LotR,
and all but the last 2 chapters of UT which he's working on now.
Theoden, Beregond's friend who lives 10 minutes
away. He's 18, from Norway, GMT+1. He's read the H and LotR. Tested by
and Amillo. The Valar Bonus Question clause was invoked for the test by
and Irmo due to his excellent behavior.
Turin, met the above Bilbo who suggested he try
out too. Eonwe and Varda tested. He's from the USA. He's read the H,
Sil, and Lost Letters. He plays BW.
Salmar emailed his regards; had company and could not attend.
Deagol and Primula are back after solving isp problems.
Tulkas showed up with a comp crippled by lightning, makes it too laggy
for gaming.
Fingolfin aka Khan having isp problems, expecting to solve soon. Good
Fourth Anniversary of the Valar Guild coming
up on Oct 4, a Thursday, (very close to Tulkas's birthday). Suggested
everyone pop in on bnet at least once that day if they can if only for
few minutes to say hi! Congrats to everyone for keeping this group
Web Report : by Varda
Domain name: is now up, but
not linked into the rest of the pages yet. It should be when Aldarion
time between working hours. He bought the name and set up space for
use. If you have a guild page that you would like to move to his space,
him and include your guild name for your personal folder. Eru's
is still down.
Trading Message Board: alive and well by Tom
Bombadil on his server. To make locating it easier, it's been moved on
guild index to the first entry under Gaming. Tom is still offering free
space to guild members.
News Archives: moved to server.
Tolkien Encyclopedia: frames version now completely
on server along with the no-frames version, so it has no ads.
needs articles especially on Fellowship members. It also needs
descriptions of all the main LotR characters to help the anime movie
as well as for helping artists, role-players and information-seekers in
Email to Varda.
Gaming Report :
Civilization III live
report from Deagol:
CIII is on the shelves; Deagol said he saw it in the USA.
D2X Middle-earth mod:
email report from Fingolfin/Khan
Version update for Sept 7 available for download
D2X Middle-earth mod:
Email report from Salmar
Updated item lists on web page by Lanthanide. .
EverQuest: report from Ulmo live, and
helpers including
It has a healthy group of Valar in Zebuxoruk server mostly, and some
others. They are finding Tolkien fans there as well. We have hope of
eventually having enough for our own guild server, but this is
difficult as
we are so picky about members and the server requires a minimum of 10
at the same time. Rather than lower our standards, we try to play
on the same server, Zebuxoruk. We need your EQ names so guild members
find each other. Email them for posting on the EQ member page. Ulmo
played with Aule, Earendil, Fladrif, and Smeagol in EQ. A new expansion
for EQ is coming out.
NeverWinter Nights: emailreport
from Amillo : (correction to earlier notes by Varda live)
Neverwinter Nights is a single / multiplayer realtime roleplaying game
set in the same universe as Baldurs Gate built upon the rules of
advanced dungeon and dragon tablegame and it is not yet released.
Tolkien Chat :
Topic from Varda: The Ainur could choose their own shapes. What kinds
of shapes did they choose and was there a noticeable difference between
Valar and Maiar forms?
The Valar tended to pick forms like that of the Children of Iluvatar,
probably larger to handle their huge jobs and idealized to honor Eru.
Interesting that makers of Arda used that shape to do and repair
creation. Ulmo, the
non-conformist, chose an appearance more like the water element which
sang into being and in which he made his appearance felt.
The Maiar tended to use different styles of forms, smaller since they
worked with smaller parts than entire planets, continents, all the
waters, all the stars, all the plants and animals. To aid the Vala who
had the main general job, they might take forms for the specialized
work. Huan took the form of a great dog to be the opposite of Sauron's
Tevildo cat form. If
corrupted by Melkor, they might take conveniently terrifying forms such
as balrogs or pleasing to mislead such as the Annatar form of Sauron.
took up most of the chat, proven at last by two quotes from the
to be a Maia corrupted by Morgoth, who took the form of a giant spider.
Sept. 8, 2001
Trading: The listing for
the Trading message board on the guild index page is now the first
under Gaming.
Sept. 7, 2001
Tulkas's house seems to
have taken a lightning strike, as a number of electrical appliances are
including his comp. He managed to get the email to work long enough to
us know, and will be reaching us from work for anything more
possibly around Wednesday. Good luck!
Primula and Deagol are back
with us after isp problems. Glad to have you around again!
D2 Tolkien mod:
Letter from Khan:
We uploaded a new version of the Middle Earth Mod at the usual URL
It includes bugfixes, some new affixes (Elite Armors may have inherent
damage resist and Elite Weapons may have inherent deadly strike) and 6
Man Curu Gurth
Kir Ang Sul
Ereg Sereg Ur Thalion
Armor(includes shields, belts etc)
Anna Tir Maeg
Thoron Ang Sul
Fea Sereg BelegPost bugreports in the forum - have fun.
Khan aka Fingolfin
(I am planning to play on Bnet also when my provider fixes some major
Sept. 6, 2001
News Archives moved to
Aldarion's server under Links will be improved as I
a bit of time. We're not sure exactly which folder will be the
home for the index, from which everything else hangs.
Sept. 5, 2001
Domain news: Aldarion
has started a
domain name for the guild, not yet connected. He does beautiful work,
so take a look! is still unusable at this time.
& Mythology site now functional on its new GeoCities
Link updated on the guild index. Contributions welcome.
Sept. 4, 2001
Domain name. We are still
working on the domain name. It has not escaped to unfriendly hands, as
still owns until 2002. It will eventually be set up
again, although it may be transferred. The UK registration doesn't like
idea of transferring domain names to the US. We have also been
considering and other possibilites, so we will have something in
eventually. Meanwhile, a bookmark to the index is your best bet, since
not leaving it's current location at least for some time, but will
be in two places at once for quite a while..
Tolkien Ensemble: Report
from Amillo:
For all you Tolkien lovers over there :) there is news for you from
Denmark, I received this newsletter from the Tolkien Ensemble.
Good news from The Tolkien Ensemble.
CD's released in USA!
The Tolkien Ensemble's two CD's An Evening in
Rivendell & A Night in Rivendell has been rereleased in a 2 CDbox
under the title:
24 Songs from The Lord of the Rings.
It is released in USA and run by the chain *Borders
Books & Music* (320 stores in America) and *Virgin Megastores* and
*Tower Records* sells them too.
Till now The Tolkien Ensemble has sold 12.000 copies
of their CD's.
The Tolkien Ensemble gives 3 Concerts in Rundetaarn
in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The programme will be both old "hits" and brand new
songs to be released on the next CD At Dawn in Rivendell.
6 October, 8PM
11 October, 8PM
3 November, 8PM
Tickets: 100 Kroner
We are looking very much forward to the concerts.
All the best wishes
Caspar Reiff
(Our newsletter is in English only as we are fortunate to have a lot of
foreign people on our mailinglist.)
Aug. 30, 2001
Bnet now
has a new feature for finding friends. In the channel, type /friends or
It doesn't work in games. This brings up a menu to which you can add
account names, for example /f add Elbereth-(V).
can find them with /f list, and their comings and goings will be sent
you even when you are in a game. This also means you need to email
Amillo right away and let him know all your player account names
(not character names, not mule accounts) so you can be found by your
guild buddies.
Amillo's pages seem to be down this morning.
New article: "Shadowfax" by Varda in the Tolkien
Encyclopedia under Animals. Includes what happened to Shadowfax
after Gandalf took ship to the West, from JRRT's Letters.
Aug. 26, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: report from
(15) Arwen (Evenstar), Ecthelion, Eol, Eonwe
(Fionwe), Eru (at YDB), Gildor, Glorfindel, Irmo, Maedros, Rog, Salmar
(Ulumurcur), Thorondor, Thror, Tulkas, Ulmo (chair).
While we wait for more Minutes, please enjoy the
news collected during the weekend:
Melkor is going fishing Sunday morning and plans to
return Sept 9. Have a good time!
Boromir will be working during meeting time. He
hopes to make enough money to buy D2 and the Expansion. Good luck!
Varda was out of town this weekend during the Sunday
meeting. Hopefully we will have some form of Minutes for the Sunday
up later. I returned late Sunday, after attending the Alexandrian
with Fangorn, Meriadoc, Elwing, and Sauron. It was a series of lectures
Medieval Foods and Festivals. We also blew money at a four-story book
in Austin. Did we mention we do things big in Texas?
The Discussion Board side of the
Meeting: report from Eonwe:
Attendance: Eonwe, Eru, Irmo, Salmar
Bakshi Movie: I mentioned on both the DB and
on bnet about the rerelease of the Ralph Bakshi version of LotR.
will happen on September 11, and should come out on both VHS and DVD.
Gaming punctuation for accounts: I also mentioned
that the only puncuation that would work in names now are - _ ( ) [ ]
I didn't say anything about 2 punctuations side by side not working,
since Namo said it worked for him.
On the DB, we had a bit of discussion on what we thought about the
Ralph Bakshi LotR.
Gaming: report from
Ulmo through Eonwe:
4 Valar managed to play together on the Zebuxoruk
D2XME mod Letter from Khan:
HailAccount names: Punctuation marks are again working for account names. Thanks, Mandos, for letting us know.We just uploaded the new update of the MEmod for LoD 1.09.
Download it as usual at:
and report any bugs and flaws in the VK-forum or via e-mail
(there sure are some)Have fun
Aug. 22, 2001
Wondering what happened to bnet?
Here's a report from Salmar: has completely messed up its own software with the installment of patch 1.09. After - at first - seriousLetter from Tom Bombadil:
connectivity problems on all realms, players on USWest, Europe and Asia found their chars returned to clvl 1 at a massive
That's why has had to close the realms for almost a day: to investigate and solve a major mess over there.
Heya Heya Heya Valar Buddies,Note from Varda: This letter from Tom will be posted to the Histories page. Can you write a History of your own, telling how you joined and what you found? It can be updated later over the years. Incidentally, the now accepted entry answer on the Witch King question is both.Today I am writing this letter to tell a tale. Not a very long one, but just
a memoir of a long-time member. I joined in the summer of '98, and that was
three years ago or more now. I have seen many members come and many members
go, but the feeling in the Valar Guild still lives on.When I joined, Eru was still the leader. He had set up quite a place, and I
stumbled in because I was looking for a home. I had been a member of another
Tolkien guild but the people had not a tenth of the quality that the people
I found did. I was met in the channel by several friendly faces, namely
Grima-(V) and Ulmo. Ulmo tested me, I remember being nervous in channel
Eldar. I scored a 4/5, missing the last question which was the good olde'
"Who killed the Witch King of Angmar?" I guessed Merry, but Ulmo stood fast
on Eowyn. I am still not sure who it was today, even though the popular
opinion is Eowyn. After that, I played a bit, my name was Beleg Cuthalion,
known as Cuthalion-(V). Soon, I dropped out for computer reasons, but I
still received e-mail from Eru, one I remember was about a cyber-wedding,
another was about a new hierarchy to manage the guild. Then the e-mails went
dead. I came back that December, Christmas Day as a matter of fact, and
found the new council governing the guild. I immediately jumped back in and
worked on achieving my Maiar. I regularly attended the meetings, and did any
extra work that I could, hoping for the now free name of Saurman. The day
finally came, and I went to the Ring of Doom for my test. I do not remember
who was on my board, but I know that Varda was there, supportive as ever. I
answered 5/5 and christened the new name, Tom Bombadil. I have had that name
ever since.The next few years were filled with StarCraft and Broodwar. I remember
playing many late night games with Aule and Manwe. It took a couple of hours
to build a drone, but it was great fun anyway. We would sit and talk about
all sorts of stuff, from life to cars to I really had some great
times in the channel during these periods. Then, the Middle Earth Mod came
out for Diablo. The entire PC-playing guild was again hacking away at
monsters below Tristram. I, using a Mac, couldn't use the mod, so again I
slipped into decay as far as meetings go. Finally the cure to my problems
was released by Blizzard. The crown jewel, Diablo II. I was back with
renewed vigor, playing with my Paladin until the end. Soon, I bored of this
also and slipped away. That leads me up to today.My history is not the point of this letter. The point is just how great a
place the Valar Guild is. I have seen much, but whenever I enter channel
Valar, I meet the same warm faces as before. Some of the new-un's might not
appreciate this as much as us old-timers, but there is no better place on, or even beyond than the Valar Guild. And without all of the hard
labor done by all of those, past and present, we would not be the place we
are today. Varda with the weaving and marshalling; Ulmo with his Tourneys
and discussions; Aule with his channel-warming; Irmo with his intelligence;
Manwe with is high-spirits and typos; Melkor and his wisdom; Makar and his
ideas and web pages; and not to forget Orome with his whole deal (wink). All
of these Vala and many of the members and Maia have done much for this
guild.When I think of the Valar Guild and how it has been a regular part of my
life for the past three years, it makes me misty-eyed. We have a great thing
here, and it is our duty to protect it. The Valar Guild is a light of
intelligence. A light amongst the mass of darkness that inhabits the
internet. I hope we all can share and protect it.Your fellow member,
Aug. 19, 2001
Sunday Meeting:
Attending report
by Salmar and Varda:
Members (15)(9 were members; 6 were
Council, a 7th came after meeting; 0 were Maia):
Amillo (Lindelome), Ecthelion (Aegthelion),
Eonwe (Fionwe), Gildor, Girion, Glorfindel, Gwindor (Gwaindor),
Quickbeam, Orome (Aldaron), Salmar (Lirillo),
Thranduil, Thror, Tulkas, Varda (Elbereth)
Staff of Magic (*Dragonspell) - not interested in discussion
Discussion Board:
After meeting chat: (yes, we have a business
meeting, Tolkien chat, and informal chat
Irmo plus others already mentioned
Membership report
by Amillo:
128 members, no new ones this week
Salmar's Lirillo_Valar character is still on the
ladder for East Assassins
Elwing received a D2X CD for her birthday, so we
should be seeing her around sometime!
Letter from Eomer dated Sunday:
My family is going camping for the next week, so my sister and I won't be
able to come onto battlnet. We should be back next monday.
Web Report by
Tolkien Encyclopedia: new article "The Golden-Haired
House of Glorfindel", by Eonwe-(Valar)
Poetry: translation of song sung in Imladris, by
Sindarin Dictionary,
translation program found by Thranduil-(V)
Two MP3's of readings by
JRRT, sent in by Meriadoc-(V), also on Tom Bombadil's page under
Tolkien's Biography
The Realm Online, graphical
medieval MUD, monthly fee
Gaming report
by Varda:
D2X: patch coming out Monday
D2X Middle-earth: beta
version up at Varaya and Khan's page
EQ: no report from EQ group,
although they continue to be active
The Realm Online: graphical
medieval MUD with monthly fee, asks if our guild would like to come in
as a group.
Individuals also welcome. (Topic did not make it into this meeting
Amillo discussed the cosmology of Tolkien, bringing
in some information from the less discussed Tolkien books starting off
with suggestions
brought up by an Astronomy teacher who contacted him by email about
Which of Tolkien's stars corresponded to which real
stars, and how well did he do this?
From Amillo-(Valar): " has never been the
intention that Borgil should be Sirius, Borgil is clearly mentioned as
the red rose of the sky and Sirius is a white star but due to our
atmosphere and its
low position from our point of viev we see his light as a blue/white
flicker. Helluin is Sirius; named as the Bee of Azure ( Bee of
Blue ) " .. whom still all may see in autumn or in winter burning nigh
the foot of Telimektar..
" a former name is Nielluin. The suggestion or discussion at
was never from my side about wether Borgil could be Sirius or
Sirius is positively indentified as the Blue Bee / Helluin but only
Betelguise is the best fitting star for the name Borgil."
The Books of Lost Tales have mythical and
hero tales describing how some of the stars came to be. The Silmarillion
gives the tale of Earendil and Elwing.
Tulkas (ship captain in real life) commented on how
to find Polaris, the stable north star, by following the Big Dipper's
two stars on the bowl on the side away from the handle, going away from
the bowl.
The stories of the Sun and Moon are told in the
Silmarillion, the most recent. Earlier versions are told in the Books
of Lost Tales , where the Sun and Moon passed through Doors to go
to the other side of Arda.
A summary of quite a few of Tolkien's stars and
their current names is found in the Silmarillion, "Of the
Coming of the Elves"
Online info of a similar discussion was referred to
by Glorfindel, link
The land masses on Arda corresponded to actual ones
intentionally, as JRRT intended his books to be a mythology for
England. Middle-earth was Europe, Tol Eressea was the British Isles,
Aman was the Americas.
In the Books of Lost Tales, three ways led
between Aman and Middle-earth:
1. The Way of Mandos. One
way. Probably used by swanships, including the one with the
2. The Way of Orome/ The Way
of the Hunter. Used Vana's hair.
3. The Way of Dreams/ Olore
Malle/ The Way of Lorien/ The Way of Irmo. Dreams pass back and forth
After Tolkien and after the meeting we had the usual informal chat
and gaming:
Gaming talk, music talk
Aug. 17, 2001
New Link: The Realm Online - official
page of the graphic MUD for thousands of players. Monthly fee. If you
join, please email Varda and give your review.
level 90 assassin on the East Assassin's Ladder is now number
See what vacation time can do to you?
Aug. 14, 2001
Poetry page
new translation of Arwen and Aragorn's song, by Thranduil-(V)
Encyclopedia : New article under Elves, "
The Golden-Haired House of Glorfindel " by Eonwe-(Valar), on
Glorfindel's lineage to back up the idea of JRRT's intent to use only
one Glorfindel.
Links page: Tolkien MP3's
sent in by Meriadoc are now on the Links page and Tom Bombadil's
JRRT Biography page.
D2X Mod:
Letter from Khan/Fingolfin-(V):
In some mysterious way an old mod version seems to have crawled into theCongrats to Salmar for accidentally finding himself on the East Realm assassin's ladder as # 118 at level 87: Champion Lirillo_Valar!
updated MEmod for LoD. I can't say how many bugs and missing features are in
it but they are probably counted in the dozens :)Well anyway, the new and real update is downloadable as usual at
-Double Throw mana cost lowered
-Summoned Wolves fixed
-fanatiscm slightly toned down
-Druid attack spells mana cost lowered
-Druid gains 2 mana per energy and 2,5 HP per vitality (maybe only affects
new chars)
-Troll Leaders and Dragon Bosses spawn less often.Khan
Aug. 13, 2001
Dictionary , by Didier Willis. Great link to
a Sindarin translation program sent in by Thranduil-(V)!
Aug. 12, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm
report by Salmar (mostly) and Varda
Members (21):
Amillo (Lindelomë), Aragorn, Bert, Boromir, Eomer, Eonwë,
Girion, Glorfindel, Gwindor (Gwaindor), Herumor, Imrahil, Irmo,
Luthien, Oin, Ori, Orome, Salmar (Lirillo), Thorondor, Thranduil,
Thror, Varda.
Over the shoulder:
Oin, Fangorn, Sauron, Eowyn, ex-Fingon, Elwing.
From Ecthelion who had to work during the meeting.
*Ghettosburg, *~][Harvey], *Jason2250, *(V)Alys, *Homeslice|.
: Report by Amillo
New member: Thranduil. He came to the meeting and
told us he has a conflict with his LoR guild not wanting him to be in
Valar while they are about to go to war with another guild. He will be
giving us his decision.
Eonwe volunteered to act as liaison between the
Discussion Board chat members and bnet chat members. Today was his
first day on duty. Thanks, Eonwe!
Azaghal upgraded his computer with new parts only to
find that he still needs a better microprocessor. He hopes to pop by
Thror needs members to drop into public chat Valar
to go into his bot's online list.
Encyclopedia , under Elves, has a new article:
"Glorfindel's Name" by Salmar. Written Aug 8.
Keepers of the Fellowship home page has moved back to
their old location. Members have -KF as their guild mark and visit us.
See the Gaming Report.
Bombadil's page is newly designed. On the Biography
section for JRRT he added the below MP3's. Thanks Tom!!
MP3 links
to readings by JRRT sent to us by Meriadoc-(V) from
The Mirror of Galadriel, poem
Sam trying to ease Frodo's hunger to let him sleep .
Tom Bombadil still has some free web space available
to pass on to needy guild members. It works for people who use FTP
that are not packaged with
Dreamweaver. Tom can set it up in about 5 minutes.
KF (Keepers
of the Fellowship): members are still dropping by our channel.
free to play non-guild games with them. They are mostly based on West
which seems to have less lag, but some are dusting off their East Realm
for us. Some visitors are Telimektar-KF (*Flammifer), *Marigold-KF, and
Their StarCraft characters have a + or ++ in front of the name.
D2X mod: Letter from Khan/Fingolfin-(V)!
Aiya ar alassë VardaTolkien:The Middle Earth Mod for the Diablo 2 expansion is now nearly finsihed and
we have released a 99% complete version of it. It is still called Beta since
it's mostly untested and yet lacks rune- and crafting recipies as well as
new set- or unique items. Download at your own risk at
Installation is the same as with the MEmod and it's also basically just a
MEmod with added LoD features. Thus your old ME characters will work with
the mod. Just be sure to EMPTY YOUR INVENTORY! (not stash or cube) before
you convert. We are using a 10x6 inventory instead of the old 10x10 to not
overpower charms.'tis time to travel to the Elder Days and once and for all banish the evil
Vala Melkor to the void. Yet I warn thee that the fight will not be an easy
one and Morgoth's Valaraukar and Uruloki will be send forth out from the
bowels of the Iron Mountains to meet your blade.
Draugluin, Gothmog and Glaurung will not qeunch even before you, and even if
you suceed in your battles with the Yrch and Trolls on the burned plains of
Champion FingolfinME level 62 Dunadan, who has yet to defeat him that the
Elves curse forever with the name of Morgoth Bauglir.Second Letter from Khan:
We just uploaded a first update for the MEmod for LoD (Beta) because there
was a severe bug with shapeshifting Beornings.
Get it again at are also 6 crafting recipies:
Attack weak: Magic Weapon + Jewel + Man Rune
Attack normal: Magic Weapon + Jewel + 2 Kir Runes
Attack good: Magic Weapon + Jewel + Kir Rune + Ereg Rune + Sereg RuneDefense weak: Magic Armor, Helm or Shield + Jewel + Anna Rune
Defense normal: Magic Armor, Helm or Shield + Jewel + 2 Thol Runes
Defense good: Magic Armor, Helm or Shield + Jewel + Thol Rune + Curu Rune +
Tin RuneSurprise weak: Amulet + Jewel + 5 Er Runes
Surprise normal: Amulet + Jewel + Ram Rune + Fea Rune
Surprise good: Amulet + Jewel + Ram Rune + Fea Rune + Amarth RuneKhan
Aug. 9, 2001
to Thranduil , our
new member! Congratulations on a perfect 5/5 score on Eonwe's
test! He's from England, same as JRRT. Time zone GMT+2. He's 15 and has
read the H, LotR, and part of the Sil. On bnet about 3 times a week, he
also in these guilds: RA(Wringwraith Assassins), LoR(Lord of the Ring),
DR(Dunedain Rangers). He came in for the test as Elrohir(LoR). His
favorite LotR char is Legolas, since he acts more like a scout than
royalty, and is an archer which is a hobby in Thranduil~(V)'s real
KF: The Keepers of the
Fellowship guild are on West realm, while our guild is
on East realm.
Eonwe has volunteered as
liaison during meetings between the bnet chat and discussion
board chat people.
Aug. 8, 2001
Letter and link from Meriadoc-(V)
Your humble hobbit of Brandywine and Rider of the Riddermark, Meriadoc
Brandybuck, doth hereby respectfully present a special link:
A Man, of the race of Mortal Men, known in his life as John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien, reads forth in his own voice that poem of life called 'The Mirror
of Galadriel', as spoken by the White Lady at the Leave-Taking of the
Fellowship of the Ring from Lothlorien.
When the Ring-Bearer's companion wished to ease the Ring-Bearer's hunger
whilst Frodo slept.Presented in the hopes of gladdening Thy heart...
Meriadoc Brandybuck, Holbyta of Rohan.
Aug. 7, 2001
has been upgrading his computer's video card and memory, only to
that he also needs a new chip before playing D2X. Ouch! So he will try
drop in to meetings and to keep from losing any more characters as he
lost his mules, but can't play yet. Good luck, Azaghal!
Aug. 5, 2001
Sunday Meeting
: 5pm EST (GMT -6)
Attending Report by Varda:
Members (20): Amillo (Melina), Bard, Bert,
Deagol, Elros, Eol, Eomer, Eonwe (Kalmo), Fingon, Glorfindel, Gwindor
(Gwaindor), Imrahil, Irmo, Luthien, Mahtan, Orome, Rog, Thror, Ulmo
(presiding), Varda (Elbereth)
Alone on the Discussion Board: Aragorn who
had lent out his cd. Looks as if we need to have somebody do the split
presence on the board and channel at the same time for these poor
Over the shoulder hails from Primula,
Sauron, Eowyn
Membership Report by Amillo:
127 members
Beorn is our newest member, returning after absence.
The brothers Elros and Gildor are back after
Web Report
by Varda:
Tolkien Pages:
Story page: new one by Maglor, 1st 2 of 3 parts of "
Attacks on Lothlorien "
Poems :
four new ones by Maglor:
Feanor's Doom
Gollum and Shelob
The Tale of Glorfindel the Golden-Haired of the House of the Golden
Links page:
new link: World of
Middle-earth - fan site
updated link for new server:
Tolkien's Haven - fan site by JamesThomas fka Anarion-(V)
Gaming Pages Report by Varda and Mahtan:
Diablo and His Kin page: D2X section has new links
to Rune Words and Crafted Items at the Arreat Summit.
Words page: Mahtan is building a guild Rune Words page including
screen shots of items with working rune words. Members need to send in
dated reports to Varda or Mahtan of new rune words, as the Arreat
Summit only puts them up after someone finds them. The Arreat Summit
does not have screen shots. Dated experiments that don't work are as
important to report as ones which do. We
also give credit.
Gaming Report by Amillo and Varda
Irmo is looking for others to play Baldur's Gate 2
with him.
The Keepers
the Fellowship are members of a legit co-op Tolkien guild five
years old, starting before bnet, with -KF as their guild mark, may be
visiting our channel. They are friends, so please do not ban. Feel free
to play non-guild games with them. Amillo-(Valar) and their leader,
Marigold-KF, are in correspondence at this time.
's Stan Baraduc invited our guild to beta test their new game, DuelField . You need to register
now for the testing starting in September. His letter to us is on the
News for August 1.
Gaming conduct: Amillo is drafting additions to the
Code of Conduct for gaming, partly to address the new problems caused
by bnet's new gold sharing setup. Some are suggestions to avoid
problems; some are normal
co-op behavior some people do not seem to be aware of. This is the
discussion breakdown:
1. Ask if it's ok before transferring. It causes
lag. The first game in line is usually normal difficulty and good for
transfers and trades, but also used for normal diff gaming, so ask.
2. Quest items go to the Questor. If he/she doesn't
want the item, he may sell it or give it away as he chooses. Questors
are often short of gold. Let the Questor get in the killing blow for
improved items.
If more than one person is
questing, it makes most sense to give the item suited for that person's
class to that questor. If it suits none of their classes, they need to
decide beforehand how they wish to make divisions between them.
Mercenaries may also be taken into consideration.
3. Ask about partying with people in different acts,
since bnet changed its system. It's nice to know how the others are
by watching the life bar and seeing how to spell the name. Not
however, is not an insult.
Partying is not required, although okay if all
Partying is best between people doing the same area
helping each other.
Players in a very high act partied with those in a
low act, without ever dying, can be treated unfairly, coming out of a
game with much less gold than when they went in, due to the weird bnet
idea of how to
share. Since that high person potentially will share great items and
does rescues at request, he does not deserve such mistreatment. No one
in the guild
deserves such mistreatment.
When a member needs gold for repairs and
mercenaries, he may prefer to sell his own junk items to pay for it
than requesting gold from others. No one should be upset if he chooses
remove from the party for this.
A person may be trying to save gold for a particular
item and not wish to have to ask for it. Let him have his dignity, as
would like to keep yours.
Tolkien Chat
On another Discussion Board not belonging to our
guild, people claimed that Legolas did not contribute enough to the
Our group rallied around Legolas to defend his honor with these
Thror - Legolas shot the steed of a flying Nazgul
Eomer - "fetched the sun" for Gandalf (recon)
Eomer - only one in the party other than Gandalf who
really knew what a balrog was. The dwarves only knew that it was a
monster, and from the journal that it was Durin's bane.
Irmo - unafraid of the shades of men on the Paths of
the Dead
Irmo - aided entry to Lothlorien to save them from
the pursuing orcs, especially for the dwarf, Gimli, whom none of them
would have left. By the time Aragorn's name could have been sent to
Galadriel for an okay and back, they could have been in great trouble.
Thor - "far sight, soft foot"
Varda - recon all through the time of the
His eyesight was even considered phenomenal among elves, a trait
in from old notes in BoLT. Aided friendship of dwarves (Gimli became
of the Glittering Caves of Aglarond) and elves (Legolas was heir to
Thranduil of the Greenwood).
Several - the contest between Gimli and Legolas at
Moria was great entertainment
Several - Gimli would never have gone on a swanship
to Aman without Legolas' first making a friendship with him, making it
possible for him to meet Galadriel.
August 3, 2001
back to Beorn .
He joined Oct. 1, 1999 with Elros scouting and testing, dropped for
inactivity June 7, 2001, and rejoined with Elros's help around July 30,
2001. He's 13, from Austin, Texas, USA. He has read the H and LotR.
D2X: Rune
Words - on the Arreat Summit page: Battlenet. We also have a link
from our Diablo and His Kin Page.
Items - on the Arreat Summit page: Battlenet. We also have a link
from our Diablo and His Kin Page.
August 2, 2001
KF: Amillo says we may be having visitors
show up in our channel from another Tolkien guild. Such a visitor uses
KF as the guild mark, for Keepers of the Fellowship. They are legit
co-op online rpg players, in existence five years, currently led by
Marigold. Their new home page is called The Keepers of the Fellowship .
The old home page is
still up for a while at least.
Story!: Maglor-(V) wrote the first two of three parts for "
Attacks on Lothlorien ".
New Poems !:
Maglor-(V) wrote four poems:
Feanor's Doom
The Silmarils
Gollum and Shelob
The Tale of Glorfindel the Golden-Haired of the House of the Golden
August 1, 2001
Letter from Stan Baraduc of Sismoplay
about DuelField beta testers:
I just had a look at your website Valar Guild and was very excited toRune word page for D2X is now taking working recipes by email. If you've discovered an old recipe is now active or found a new recipe, please email Varda to have it posted, including your name for credit.
witness your involvment in videogames.Let me introduce myself, I'm Stan from Sismoplay : we are working on a
new online strategy game called DuelField.DuelField is a turn based strategy game, in which gamers embody a Deity
that controls creatures. The game 's goal is to fight against an ennemy
Deity's creatures, use their various powers and abilities and eventually
defeat your opponent by destroying his squad.We're putting major emphasis on building a strong gaming community. To
achieve this goal we are relying directly on dedicated people like you
who have a real passion for gaming. We have set up forums where future
players and all those curious about DuelField can post comments and
questions.The game is still under development, and we're currently taking signups
for a beta testing session that should be held in september. We would be
more than happy to supply you and your website with privileged game
information as well as giving you access to exclusive screenshots and
game graphics. We invite you to visit our website at
I'm going away for another three weeks to work for my uncle. My sister willBlizzard page : missing items and character problems
still be home, but i may be able to get on at my uncle's house because im
going to bring SC and BW over.
Hoping to see you while playing BW,
July 29, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attendance: Bert, Eonwe, Boromir, Ulmo (presiding), Glorfindel, Elros, Vinyanor, Mahtan, Beregond, Celeborn, Amillo, Manwe, Eol, Melkor, Tulkas
Membership: (by Amillo) 126 members,
newest being Boromir
Boromir told us a little
about himself, on top of the data we have on him, (see previous news
article). He is an avid baseball and soccer player from a small
town in South Dakota.
Web news: is no
longer. The Council may consider reviving it, but no decision as
of yet. Valar has no money, we do not collect dues or any other
monetary consideration as part of membership.
The last year plus of our domain was a gift from Eru. Any
on whether we should, or how we can buy the domain back can be e-mailed
any/all Council members for consideration.
Amillo has moved "The Glittering Caves" to
at least for now. New link on our home page.
Gaming: Amillo and a few others will be discussing some unValarlylike (ooh, cool word) conduct as of late in D2X and warnings for such impolite playing behavior have and/or will be given.
Tolkien chat: Glorfindel brought up pronounciation, particularly accenting or stressing of syllables in multisyllable names. Even with quotes from LotR appendixes (which are quite hard to understand) that which should be quite well spelled out is still hard to determine. ee'-on-wee, or is it ee-on'-wee read us these quotes. All in all glor'-fin-dels, or is it glor-fin'-dels, hmmm, or glor-fin-dels' subject will most likely come up again.
Ulmo, Heru Rasa and Co-Chair reporting
From Varda, a huge Thank You Ulmo, for this great report!
July 26, 2001
Glittering Caves of Aglarond is now on GeoCities' server!
We're in business! Let's see your original artwork: line drawings,
paints, computer art, sculpture, sewing, etc.!
D2X: Letter from Aragorn:Varda will be absent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to join Fangorn in a visit to his parents on the other side of Texas. Another member of the Layton host may be able to drop in to say hi for a few minutes....Diablo II Tomb Of Knowledge homepage have
updated their homepage. Now they have Charm, Rune and Jewel page. On each
page there is a (i dont know what its called in English... maybe)
register for every Charm, Jewel or Rune. Example:SmallCharm pr. Med. Charm pr. LargeCharm pr.
-10-11 resist L.-13-15 resist L.-26-30 resist L.Aragorn
July 25, 2001
New link:
Aviation Buffs Website , from Meriadoc-(V)
D2X news: Letter from Mandos:
...another update on the East Server problems. The "fix" of the itemMembership news: Letter from Ecthelion:
deletion problem isn't quite a fix. Seems any item that is socketed and has
a gem or jewel in it will disappear from a character now. My previously
unaffected druid is now missing 4 socketed jeweled/gemmed items. I am also
missing a belt whuich I THINK was ethereal but I'm not sure what I was
wearing. :)Mandos
...writing to let you and everyone in the guild know that as of Friday I will be onEru's return, Domain name: Letter from Eru
a short vacation. I expect to return by Wednesday evening. Hold down the fort for me,
and save a few of the baddies for me to slay when i return.
Ecthelion of the Fountain
I must apologise for my recent absence. Helen and I took a spontaneous
holiday overseas a few weeks ago and since my return I have been rather ill.
I'm feeling a lot better now though, and looking forward to indulging in
more Tolkien chat with everyone.Our lives have also been marred recently by the death of our beloved
Bullmastiff dog Kane. He was suffering from a disease of the blood which
caused his red blood cell count to drop so low that he was a shadow of his
former self...On a different note, my absence has also seen the domain name
pass from my ownership. I am very sorry, but as you can imagine I have been
rather preoccupied of late with other matters. I'm sure if you apply to a
domain name registration company you can buy it before anyone else does. It
should only cost around $75 as the price has fallen considerably since I
first bought it.Hope to see you soon,
Eru Iluvatar, The One
Note from Varda:
Sorry, I'm broke. Passing
Domain question to the Council.
July 24, 2001
Part of
a letter from Salmar:
This to tell you that from tomorrow I will be afk for the next weeks, being away on vacation with wife and son, first to visitJuly 23, 2001
grandma (my mother) - who has never even thought of looking at a computer let alone buying one -, then off to the
tranquility of the mountains of the Harz (Germany).
Mara mesta!
July 22, 2001
Meeting 5pm ESDTk 4pm CSDT
Report by Salmar and Varda:
Members present (18):
Amillo (Lindelome), Arwen (Evenstar), Bert, Durin, Elendil, Eonwe
(Fionwe), Glorfindel, Gwindor, Irmo, Orome, Primula, Rog, Salmar
(Lirillo), Thorondor (Thorontaro), Thror, Tulkas, Ulmo, Varda
Over the shoulder hellos
: Sauron, Eowyn, Deagol
Visitors: *sirstevie
came in and out of the channel
Report by Amillo:
125 members
New member this week: Legolas. Not in attendance so
he has not yet been called on to say his "Few Words" of intro.
The father and son team of Fili and Kili are playing again, may rejoin
the guild.
Report by Varda and Amillo:
Caves of Aglarond , our art collection including our original work,
is in danger. Take this link to the
letter by Amillo, our gallery host, on the News. Please let Amillo
know you appreciate his work enough to make it worth the great trouble
hunting a new server and moving the trove there. Make his counter jump
you look at the guild collection, and then send him original work to
It doesn't have to be great as no one is ever happy with his work, but
it Tolkien. This can be scanned or be a picture from a regular or
camera even of sculptures. Attach it to an email with a title and
credits including your primary guild name, and send it to Amillo/Omar.
currently have a number of ideas on how a balrog actually appears and
can send in your idea of winged/not-winged, maybe show height next to
of known height, or your favorite argument. Original pictures are
from there into our guild's Tolkien Encyclopedia.
During the discussion we found out Tulkas carves
soapstone of subjects in Alaska, such as an Innuit archer. Primula is
an artist. Ulmo may return to carving now that his hands are improving.
We have a number of
other artists in the guild, sorry I didn't catch all the names, and
others of us who just have fun with it. Let's do some Tolkien art!
New pages: Plants (Olvar),
Animals (Kelvar) with a link from Yavanna on the page of Powers.
Short entries under Powers
on Nessa and Vaire.
page :
New info spot at the top of
the page telling what the most recent link is.
New links:
Writing/research section:
Online encyclopedias, many more added. Under
Writing: How-to; Markets; Online research
Medieval Technology
- under Medieval and Ancient. Western Europe's technology in Medieval
Imperial Literature -
Makes LotR and Warhammer board games with short stories set in each
world. The brand new
LotR story page's Librarian is interested in our guild Story page but
currently too swamped to email us again for at
least a month. That's good since it means we will be seeing more
TheBarrowdowns -
LotR fan site.
Lord of the Rings Fanatics Site
- LotR fan site
The Rings
Project - CD ad for LotR music with narration about Tolkien's LotR
by Alan Horvath aka Alan Post
Renradio - under Tolkien/Music, Sound Clips. Has Renaissance and Celtic
music like a radio station on your comp
Fellowship of Lord of
the Rings - fan site for LotR movie cast
Diablo and
His Kin page : new link to The Arreat Summit ,
Battlenet's huge collection of D2X info
During the discussion, Tolkien online was suggested as a fun link:
Not sure but I think Glorfindel suggested this link. Please let me know
who to give proper credit to.
EverQuesters Report by Ulmo:
We now have 8 accounts by
Valarites on the Zebuxoruk server.
Orome and Gwindor have
accounts, but will probably not play much. They do poke their heads in
and say hi.
EQ is more of an RPG than an
action game like those on Battlenet, so expect the play to be
Mixed class co-ops are the
way to level. Until we have our own place, requiring 10 people, we have
to team with outsiders.
EQ Links page of the Valar
Guild has these valuable EQ info links:
These include commands for how to call to friends on the server.
Diablo 2 Expansion: only a few of the Rune
words actually work. Try Diabloii for some updates on this.
Which cities had rivers running through them?
A number of answers were given, most of which were
not noted down, sorry. Dale, Osgiliath, and several from the older
books. I think Nargothrond was suggested.
July 22, 2001
We may lose this valuable resource. Email Amillo your comments. See his
letter below.
from Amillo about the Glittering
Caves of Aglarond , where the guild keeps links to favorite
Tolkien art, including
Tolkien maps, and publishes original work:
It seems like NBCi, the place where i have the Caves are about to make changes making it impossible to upload and later on to view the files stored there.Links page:
I have copied the message i got from them below.Uploads to member pages are no longer provided. Select anWhy on earth is it so hard to find a free place where they just can leave it alone. I am not sure i will bother finding a new place, no one looks at the Caves and no one seems to have any interest in it so maybe it is a better idear to just let it die a silent death. Havent decided yet though.
alternative web site hosting provider and ensure that your files
are moved to the new provider before the end of the month. At the
end of July, we anticipate that you will no longer be able to view
member pages. NBCi has made arrangements with for web
page hosting and for file storage to help make the
transition a smooth one.Amans light be with you
July 21, 2001
Links page: New link under Tolkien/Movies/Peter Jackson:
Fellowship of Lord of the Rings - movie cast fan site: by
thewhiteladyofrohan (non-Valar guild)
July 20, 2001
Welcome to our new member, Legolas! He's a friend of Thror's,
visited us a number of times, then known as Aliendood. Orome tested.
is 13, from Miami, Florida, USA. He plays SC/BW, D2, D2X and spends a
of his summer on bnet.
July 19, 2001
Links page:
New link: The Rings
Project - narration and songs along with text about the Lord of
the Rings , by musician/writer Alan Horvath, fka Alan Post. The
text is interesting, but they want your email address before playing
the songs. The first CD's are coming out in August and can be ordered
at this site or your local CD store, so you don't have to accept their
and their sponsors' spam.
New link: Lord
of the Rings Fanatics Site - LotR fan site.
New link: The Barrowdowns -
LotR fan site.
July 18, 2001
Links page: New Links - "Renradio" under Tolkien/Music, Sound
Has Renaissance and Celtic music you can listen to like a radio while
your comp.
"Medieval Technology"
Europe's technology in Medieval times.
The Links page now has the most recent update listed
at the top.
July 17, 2001
Diablo and
His Kin page: link to The Arreat Summit ,
Battlenet's collection of D2X info.
July 16, 2001
Encyclopedia: new pages: Plants (Olvar), Animals (Kelvar)
with a link from Yavanna on the page of Powers.
Tolkien Encyclopedia: short entries under Powers on Nessa and
July 15, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attendance report from Salmar:
Lairë-XV Rimbë:
Amillo (Melina), Arothir, Arwen (Evenstar), Eärendil, Elendil,
Ecthelion (Aegthelion), Eonwë, Girion, Glorfindel, Gwindor
(Flinding), Halbarad, Herumor, Irmo, Luthien, Melkor, Salmar (Lirillo),
Thorondor (Thorontaro), Thror, Ugluk, Varda (Gilbrennil) chair.
MrKungfu (*HomesliceI), Shogunstalker (*Lunarglow), Sin_Shooter
Membership report by Amillo:
124 members
New: Arwen, Glorfindel. Both showed up for the meeting (great
and said A Few Words of introduction.
Member news: Feanor will be offline several months; Aragorn will
on vacation the next three weeks; Galadriel's email isn't working.
Web report by Varda:
Member page: Please email your guild account name to Amillo for the Member page to
help us find each other now that bnet keeps out
the ValarBuddy bot.
Encyclopedia entries: Under Non-humanoid Intelligences:
Origin of the Eagles, Origin of the Ents.
Links page: New link Academy
of European
Medieval Martial Art
Folklore & Mythology page: New entries: Freyja/Frigga,
May Day, Norn/Norns
The Rolozo Tolkien site
mirrors at Soar and Berkley University may be going down within
a month. If you are using images from those locations, that could cause
future link problems.
Gaming Report:
EverQuest: the EverQuesters are active. Herumor dropped in from
for the meeting, and reports that Aule couldn't make it to the meeting
he was stuck in EQ. Ulmo may have been there as well. Herumor also
that Eru has joined the EQ players on Zebuxoruk. Gothmog and Fladrif
also there.
Luthien reported that she would like to have had the
group join her and Eomer on the Xegony server as she has a high level
character who could help them. However the Zebuxoruk server has less
giving less lag. It is possible to have characters on both servers for
same price.
Eomer will be out of EQ and D2X for a month while
taking computer training at a university.
Gwindor asks to be removed from the EQ members list
as he would rather play D2X at this time.
Short plant discussion, including the flower,
and its use as the name of SamWise's daughter, suggested to him by
from their travels.
July 13, 2001
Aragorn will be gone 3 weeks for summer vacation. He is also
comp problems, only able to enter D2 on open.
Glorfindel , Welcome to the Valar Guild! Arwen suggested the
guild to Glorifindel, and passed an entry test with Eonwe, Mandos, and
Varda with a 4/5.
He's from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He's 16 and has read the H and
LotR. He's on bnet daily for a few hours during summers, less often
during school. He came in on BW, but also plays D2.
Rolozo Tolkien site
may all have to be changed soon. Here's Rolozo's news entry:
3 July 2001 @ 9:30 PSTBoth links go to the site. - Varda
It seems that the Rolozo mirror at soar and godzilla.eecs dot might be going away within a month. If you are bookmarked there, you should think about changing the link to or just in case the Berkeley site just goes away one day. Hopefully there will be sufficient time for the search engines to cache today's message.
July 11, 2001
from Feanor:
I'm gonna be off-line for a while due to some personal problems.... with anyNew Link: On the Links page under Writing/ Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts - Medieval combat techniques, philosophy, and ritual.
luck I will be able to e-mail you, but I doubt it.... I still hope to be in
the Guild when I have sorted things out though.It may take several months for me to reach you again, but when I am able
again I will be back with joy. So please don't delete me from the guild
although I am no longer in contact. I wish you the best of all luck and I
will await my return.Sincerely,
July 9, 2001
, welcome to the Valar Guild! Congrats on a perfect 5/5 score on
Eonwe's test! She found us through our web pages while looking for a
home. Arwen is 16, from Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, Mountain Standard
zone. Arwen has read H, LotR, Sil, UT, BoLT 1 & 2. She plays
D2 and is on bnet about 2 hours a day. Her favorite book is a tie
Fellowship and Sil. Her favorite character is Frodo and here are her
on him as relayed by Eonwe:
"He goes on the ultimate quest without complaint; Experiences the
ultimate pain with the burden of the Ring and still manages to make it
all the way to Mount Doom right under Sauron's nose; Exceptionally wise
for a hobbit."
New articles for the
Folklore & Mythology
page: May Day, Freyja/Freya/Frigg/Frigga, Norn/Norns by Varda.
July 8, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
members (18): Amillo (Melina), Beregond, Bert,
Deagol, Eärendil, Eonwë (Kalmo), Fladriff, Glaurung, Gwindor
(Gwaindor/Flinding), Irmo (in
DB chatroom), Maedros, Mahtan, Oromë, Salmar (Salmë), Thror,
Ugluk, Ulmo, Varda (Gilbrennil).
(saw Quickbeam and Smeagol gaming after the meeting)
visitors: Malachi (*Nice_Guy9667), Sin_Shooter (*Ghettosburg),
(*Yourscrewed). Elrondhalfelven was netsplit so that although we could
him he could not hear us. Visitors, please enter the channel using East
if you're in D2 or D2X to help prevent some of this. *Ghettosburg is
reading the books, more power to him.
Membership: 122
New member this week: Elladan.
Name change: Haldir is now Aragorn. Since we have a
new Names Vala, Salmar, the Council had a discussion on the new naming
procedure. Conclusion is that the name change may be done only once,
apply for it by email stating why the change should be made. As an
example, the name Haldir wanted was not available when he joined, he
noticed when it came available (News and Member pages) and requested it
in a letter for the Council. This allowed an orderly change in web
pages handled by three different people and
in address books.
Ex-Dain, who was dropped for non-attendance, has
graduated and hopes to have time to rejoin and play with us again. If
you see him, please
help him locate a tester.
Rog says Hello! He had to miss the meeting since he
is working through that time until at least 9am Monday.
New page attached to our Diablo and His Kin page: " A Guide
to Rune Word Items ", by Mahtan-(V). This is under construction
currently using the Strategy Guide for information. People in chat
warned us that Blizzard has not yet activated the runes and might not
ever set up the system outlined in the Strategy
Guide. In case they do set it up in a future patch, we will have the
ready to use and update it as more info comes in. Surely they won't
us collect those things for nothing forever?
Page moved: Folklore & Mythology ,
by Varda-(Valar). The page had to leave its old Homestead server which
finally allowed access to the page-makers but is about to start
charging for
space. Myth has moved to and is open for new articles again.
New article for our Tolkien Encyclopedia: "
Finarfin " by Eonwe-(Valar).
New article for the FAQ page: "
Name Changing "
New link for the Links page under Tolkien/Maps:
Tolkien maps on the Rolozo Tolkien site.
New link for the Links page under Writing/Folklore
& Myth: "
Unseen Creatures: An Introduction to the Beasts of Myth and Legend
". It's a school project on ThinkQuest relating mythical creatures from
the past to modern usage.
EverQuest guild gamers are using the Zebuxoruk
to gather together. Aule is project head and contact person. See the EverQuesters
page for more info, also with a link at the top of the News page.
Varda: At the time of the War of the Ring, what was
Sauron's physical appearance and why was he sometimes referred to the
Lidless Eye?
Boiled down discussion points follow:
Amillo: a ghost, like a ringwraith without clothes
Earendil: Gollum saw Sauron, counted his fingers and
noted the missing Ring finger.
Varda: Gollum said that Sauron's form was blackened.
As if burned? Sauron interrogated Gollum personally about the Ring.
Eru's sinking of Numenor destroyed Sauron's fair form, Sauron could
appear in a pleasing, seductive form again.
Ulmo: Sauron would not want to let information about
the Ring from Gollum be spread around so he had to do the interrogation
Gwindor: may have required a physical presence to
interact effectively with people of Arda
Lidless Eye
Amillo: could "see" what ringbearers thought
Deagol: crows spied as lidless eyes
Earendil: constant vigilance. The searching eye seen
by Frodo in Galadriel's mirror probably symbolic, as is the name.
Ulmo: used palantir to see everywhere. Rarely let
others see him.
July 7, 2001
New member! Welcome to Elladan-(V) . He's
29, from Atlanta, Georgia. He expects to be on D2X about 4-5 times a
week. He read H, LotR, Sil, UT, BoLT, Giles of Ham. He used to be the
character Arda and has a server called Arda. He was going to call his
new puppy Merry, but due to flack used the name Happy. I suspect the
worst flack comes from his cat. He is on IRC daily, no ICQ though.
Congrats on
a perfect 5/5 score with scout/tester Varda. His favorite LotR
are Gimli, followed by Merry and Pippin. Elladan met Mahtan for some
and was playing a game with Girion by the time I had to leave.
July 6, 2001
New page! A Guide
to Rune Word Items , written
by Mahtan-(V) even providing the tables!, using nifty Arial and Arial
fonts. Webwork by Varda. Work still in progress, but we are off to a
start. Links also from the Home page, Diablo and His Kin page.
July 5, 2001
Folklore & Mythology page:
New address. It had to move to a new server, choosing The
old server, Homestead, finally allowed members to reach their pages
again, but said we would have to start paying soon. Sorry, but I can't
afford it. Articles are welcome again.
July 4, 2001
New Article for the Tolkien
Encyclopedia , Elves Section: "
Finarfin " by Eonwe-(Valar).
Name change: Haldir is
changing his name to Aragorn which was unavailable when he
joined. The procedure for
name changes is now given on the FAQ page with a link from the
Names page, updated as the Council discussion continues.
New Link: ThinkQuest Library
has a section called "
Unseen Creatures: An Introduction to the Beasts of Myth and Legend
". This has been added to the Links page under Writing/Folklore &
Ex-Dain says Hi! He's
graduated and hopes to be around more now. Hopefully he will re-test
and be back with us soon.
July 3, 2001
Tolkien maps on the Rolozo Tolkien site, new link for the
Links page under Tolkien/Maps.
July 1, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Members: Amillo/Melina,
Balin, Deagol, Eonwe/Kalmo, Haldir, Gwindor/Gwaindor, Irmo (in the
Discussion Board chat room), Mahtan, Melkor, Salmar,
Thorondor/Cilthoron, Thror, Ulmo, Varda/Gilbrennil (chair)
Deagol and Primula's anniversary is today! It's also
Deagol's birthday.
Makar is having difficulties due to a wrecked D2
play disk.
The Names page has passed from Varda to Salmar, our
Vala of names. Salmar does so much name research that this is more
efficient. Please
email Salmar your game names.
Members page: please be sure your email is updated.
Please send updates to Amillo.
The Tolkien Encyclopedia has new articles by Salmar:
the two Glorfindels, the two Galdors, some of the Valar who were in
notes by Tolkien but dropped for the Silmarillion called the Lost
Amillo, Salmar, Nieliqui, and Telimektar.
Scatha's pages moved to a new server but not yet
Tom Bombadil's pages are moving, links changing on
the Home page as the info comes in. The Trading message board is
remaining in the same place.
D2X is out and many of the
guild dived into it.
D2X Tolkien Mod will be
according to Khan.
EverQuest: Aule is the
EverQuest project head and contact person. Most of the guild gaming is
being done
on the Zebuxorak server. EQ gaming news can be found on the
News page, link at the top of this page and on the Home page.
Ecthelion-(V) spoke of the Steward of Gondor named
Ecthelion, apparently named after the elf Ecthelion. This was a fairly
common practice among the Stewards showing their friendship with the
Lord of the Rings movie: the trailer shows promise
for the movie being well done. Most if not all of us will go see it out
of curiosity and so we can give informed comments and mostly because we
are Tolkien nuts.
Names page has changed hands. Salmar-(Valar), whose work is with names, will be taking care of that page for us. Thank you, Salmar! Please change your bookmarks and let Varda know if a page hasn't had the Names page link changed yet.
D2 Mod! Letter from Khan:
HoyD2X is out! Oh I said that already. :)The new version of the Middle Earth Mod for Diablo 1.08 is now available for
download. It is still two downloads but both are mpqs (no more D2M). The
smaller one (2.5meg) is an easy do-it-yourself version and the other one is
the full 5.5 meg mpq.
As always: be sure to read the readme for changes.Have fun
Khan aka Fingolfin-V
New Encyclopedia articles: all by Salmar-(Valar) on the Lost Valar (as in dropped by Tolkien when he wrote the Sil_ and at least one who was retained: Salmar , Amillo , Nieliqui , and Telimektar . Articles from Salmar-(Valar) on lost Valar: Salmar, a Vala in Tolkien's earlier tales. Telimektar (a son of Tulkas!) and on Nieliqui (a daughter of Orome!).
New Links for Tom
Bombadil's upgraded pages as he constructs them:
Splash page
stating the construction and a link to the old pages.
Still the web
board and "won't be goin' anywhere".
Old pages link
June 26, 2001
New Tolkien Encyclopedia articles:
Salmar-(Valar) wrote two articles for the page on Elves : Galdor
and The
Tale of the Two Glorfindels , both articles about the twice-used
names and the confusion they caused with an answer from JRRT's own
June 25, 2001
Letter from Scatha concerning links:
...all those links you have to my pages can be removed (they're allFeanor wrote to let us know he's still around. Unfortunately his passwords were all changed somehow and his account was deleted from lack of use. He intends to start over again when he gets a new connection to the internet, still as Feanor.
dead).. i'm looking for a more stable server with some room on it (~500
megs+) and unlimited bandwidth.. Couple freinds and I are starting a LAN
party and hardware/software/you name it review's page. Server fist, page
later - I've learned! 8-)
Tom Bombadil also writes to let us know he's still here, reading the News. Hi Tom! He's been away from the comp but hopes to be back sometime soon.
Salmar has written an article concerning the two Glorfindels and another on the two Galdors. I hope to put them on the Encyclopedia this week. Watch for their links in the News.
June 24, 2001
EQ : New news
and links and member info on the EverQuesters page, from
Earendil-(Valar). The Zebuxoruk server is the main one Aule, Earendil,
Herumor, and Gwindor have been using until we can set up our own. We
have people scattered across other servers as well.
Sunday meeting 5pm EST.
Varda missed the meeting. Sorry not to have made it
back in time and you deserve the reason. Our church is on a hill and
during the recent flooding was inundated from 3 to 30 inches deep, so
for an irregular service we did repairs and cleanup from morning until
supper time. Thanks to the people who kindly sent in the info on what
happened at the meeting!
Meeting Report by Salmar:
Arothir, Aule (came in at chat), Deagol, Durin,
Ecthelion, Earendil, Elendil, Elwe (Elu), Eonwe, Eru (at Yahoo DB),
Gwindor, Haldir, Mahtan (asleep?), Melkor, Rog, Salmar, Thror, Tulkas,
started with a discussion on the changes made in the D2 patch 1.08.
Eru has
computer problems and cannot connect to, but was mediated by
and Salmar between the DB and
Eru gave the membership the following warning: When uninstalling
Halflife/Couterstrike, the uninstall programm will ask you if you want
to uninstall some "shared files". Do not type "yes"! Eru did that and
the result was the deletion
of numerous applications, even including windows device drivers!
EverQuest [Report from Ulmo:
A short discussion regarding EverQuest occured. Seems several are
playing, but with mixed emotions about it, ranging from addictive fun
"I wish I hadn't bought the 6 months for $50.00". It seems that
a few more are needed to get our own server.]
D2X mod [note from Varda: Khan says D2X will
have a Tolkien mod,
as the Blizzard team kindly provided the info to do so.]
Web report:
The web pages focus this week on the D2 patch 1.08, and the problems
that are caused to the Middle Earth Mod. The Mod is restricted to
single player at the moment. (E-mail Salmar if you need help?)
A polish director is making a Tolkien based anime movie and has asked
the Guild for help.
(E-mail Varda if you want to help out?)
[Note from Varda: check DarGab's message board
to note progress or to email him. His connected links explain more. I
offered help from the guild with Tolkien research, and tried to explain
to him in an email that I meant only help on tough spots, not do it all
for him as he
seemed to think. It is a movie done in Anime over the LotR.]
The membership is unchanged at 121. No new members reported this week.
Ecthelion introduced a very interesting topic: Are Glorfindel from the
Lord Of The Rings (Rivendel) and Glorfindel from the Silmarillion
(Gondolin) one and the same elf? How is this possible as Glorfindel
supposedly died against the balrog after the fall of Gondolin?
Ecthelion became interested in this topic, as his character (Ecthelion)
was also at Gondolin and also slew - and
died against - a balrog.
Salmar gave a theory that the two Glorfindels are unlikely to be the
same, starting from the colour of his hair as reported in The Lord of
the Rings (golden). This theory was very nicely falsified by Eonwe, who
argued that the Glorfindel at Gondolin also could and would have had
golden hair.
Ecthelion will post this topic at the Yahoo Discussion Board, where we
will dive into this matter further.
(After the meeting Salmar even digged up an article by JRR Tolkien
himself, where JRRT explicitly adresses and elaborates this question!)
Varda missed the meeting. Sorry not to have made it back in time and you deserve the reason. Our church is on a hill and during the recent flooding was inundated from 3 to 30 inches deep, so for an irregular service we did repairs and cleanup from morning until supper time.
June 23, 2001
Ori and Oin, the brothers,
say Hi and that they're still with us.
June 21, 2001
D2X: Battlenet announced that the D2X,
Lord of Destruction, has gone gold with over 2
million copies pre-sold already.
Letter from Salmar on Tolkien Mod:
Good news from Khan: the panic about the Mod was premature!Letter from Salmar on another D2 change:
Quotes from his post at the V&K board (titel "1.08 Mod problems SOLVED):
"Yes, it seems all our woes about 1.08 making modding impossible were stupid. Peter Hu just
provided the knowledge to create or convert mods for 1.08 (...)
I can't really say how delighted I am that it's so easy and it shows Blizzard still cares
about all the community, even us modders!
A big HipHipHOORAY to Peter Hu and the Blizzard crew!"
So: we can expect a new patch to the ME-mod in the foreseeable future:)
It seems that so many gamers have been protesting the hardness of the game under 1.08 andLetter from Beregond:
the harshness of the monsters, that Blizzard ... will take back some of the
changes. See:
The changes will not be implemented by a new patch, but by a server side change.
Due to summer holiday travelling and such, I will be offline for the next month. I will prob. be able to check mail and guild news
from time to time, but i won't be getting the chance to play much.Regretfully
June 20, 2001
(semi-message board going here! :) )
Letters from Salmar about the new
Blizzard patch 1.08's effects on D2 and the D2mods:
Last night Blizzard implemented patch 1.08 and the changes are hugue and many. It is clear that this patch is meant as a
getting-ready-for-the-expansion patch.
For the mod-players it makes it necessary to swap files before and after connecting to (I did not and downloaded the
patch first time in vain, hehe)
The new patch is two-in-one (we never went through a separate 1.07 did we?)Khan's comment on the V&K message board, in partial agreement with the mod maker, Rana Loreus, who said mod-making is dead:
and it is colossal, probably the biggest patch to the game ever. I am sorry
to say that my prediction about Blizzard finding a way with the D2mods has
been validated. To quote one of the modmakers at the V&K board:
"RIP, mod-making. It's dead. Just try it. .D2m does not work. -direct -txt
does not work. Goodbye, modmaking."
The mod-wizards will find a way eventually, but for now we face the same
situation as a year ago in D1: the Tolkien mod is for now reserved for
single play only:(.
It is back to classic D2 realm playing for me, but from what I see it might
be quite a challenge. From this mod I would not be surprised if the
Expansion hits gold in a week or so.
Salmar.You can still use the Mod for single play, but you would have to switch
between d2game.dll files every time you change from mod to classic and back.
New patch from D2 is only downloaded when you have the d2game.dll from 1.06
(may 16th) active.
When you keep the Mod files in a separate dir there is no problem.
They are now using bin files instead of txt files. This means we can't make mods until someone writes a bin-txtFrom Varda:
converter program.This will probably take some time so I would suggest you keep two installation of D2 (one with 106b for mods and
one with 108 for Bnet play) until this matter is solved.
I wouldn't say modmaking is dead yet, but it's severely hindered and doubtful to recover.
A 1.07 patch modification is listed on Blizzard's page on D2 patch info, even if we didn't see it flash by. It's included in the 1.08 as are all previous fixes, possibly one reason 1.08 looks so huge.
A lot of people seem to really like the new patch when playing regular D2.
The new patch is designed partly to give some of the expansion features to people who will not be able to go into the expansion for quite a while, increasing the longevity of the game. Their version of a mod? :)
June 19, 2001
EverQuesters! We have enough
people to potentially run our own realm now, as only ten are needed. If
are interested, please email Varda
who is currently contact person and we'll start organizing. Please
remember to include your current EQ name and server for the EQ Players
plays EQ now and is project head and contact person. Varda is currently
web person. Naming needs to be discussed.
Our page for EverQuest
has a link from the Home page under Gaming and at the top of this
News page.
June 18, 2001
LotR Anime Movie: Dariusz
Gabryelewicz, aka net handle DarGab is trying to make an anime movie
for free distribution on the net and is looking for help with his
project. We might be able to
help on the research end, so he has been invited to our Discussion
to ask any question he needs answered. His discussion board is called LotR New Anime
Movie , and links to his pages are available from there, some in
English. Dariusz is an actor, director in The Dialog Theatre and is an
acting teacher in Actors' Studio of The Ochota Theatre in Warsaw.
June 17, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: report by Salmar and Varda
Amillo (Lindelome), Amlaith, Aule, Bert, Deagol,
Eru, Gwindor (Vinyamar), Halbarad, Herumor, Isildur, Maedhros, Mahtan,
Rog, Salmar, Thror, Ugluk, Varda
Primula said hi over Deagol's shoulder.
Membership: report by Amillo and Varda
121 current members
Celeborn and Eonwe are on vacation.
Gelmir is collecting gold for a new phone line so
that he can return to the Internet.
Thorondor has the early shift tomorrow and couldn't
make it to the meeting, says Hi.
Thror, after the meeting, started moving his
computers to the new house. "So carefully! carefully with the" comps!
Web: report by Varda
Ecthelion article for the Elves page in the Tolkien
Encyclopedia and more of his names for the Names page.
D2 Tomb of Knowledge with much D2 info including a
Horadric Cube Recipe page. On the Diablo and His Kin page under D2.
LotR movie trailer 45 seconds long on On Links page under Tolkien/ movie.
Games page. Scatha, Makar's brother, is trying to
collect the files for this page and update it with new script. He will
be the one to contact with which new games you want to play online with
guild members. Varda can also be contacted as general contact person
and will forward the info to the correct person for any project.
Virus Alert page now has a link to check out virus
hoaxes, on the page AFU & Urban Legends Archive.
New Diablo
2 Middle-earth mod 1.6 available from the
Varaya and Khan page!
Some regular D2 players of high lvl in the guild
advise that their fastest way to level is to play solo in a game full
of players, staying in norm diff through lvl 35, and staying in nm diff
through lvl 55.
Deagol as a father was reading to his young one and
they had reached the "Paths of the Dead". This set off a lively
discussion about why Elves such as Legolas were not afraid of the
shades of Men, and another discussion after that about why Dwarves such
as Gimli were afraid. Most of the group had gone by the time we reached
the dwarves, so it may be discussed at a later date, but we also have
less info on the subject. Boiled down it went thus:
Elves live in both the waking and spirit worlds
Melkor and Sauron made Men fear Eru's gift of
death, while Elves were spared this since they knew exactly where they
Men's shades staying as ghosts was an abomination, a
curse on those trapped.
Dwarves may have had a racial memory problem since
in ancient times evil spirits loosed by Melkor made Middle-earth a
scary place, some of which still remained in the barrows.
Dwarves also knew underground monsters such as the
Balrog could be terrible, and might associate underground shades with
this combination of memories.
June 16, 2001
LotR movie trailer - only 45 seconds, great reading by Ian
McKellan's Gandalf. Also on our Links pages under LotR movie.
June 15, 2001
Worm. The worm
a slow virus chomping through files and renaming them, so it is not
right away) attached itself to my comp and sent itself to everyone on
email list, probably the entire guild and anyone ever associated with
gives an email address. Hopefully you didn't open this attachment like
did in a moment without coffee. It didn't seem to do anything at first,
it was eating all the jpg files, cascading sheets, and starting to
music files. Eowyn is doing a great job removing this crud. It is a
version of the ILOVEYOU virus. If you get an email from me, remember
I mention any attachments in the body of the letter and I don't shout
subject lines as it seems rude. If you opened it, possibly anytime
May 30, 2001, you need to clean it out right away! McAffee seems to
been the most help to us. Sorry guys. :(
June 13, 2001
Elves page: New article
Ecthelion by Salmar with help from Amillo on Ecthelion's
Games Page. Scatha , Makar's brother, has
started handling the
Games page, if you would like to update which online games you
play. Remember
to play honorably as your guild character and to work with fellow Guild
members (against them by consent only, and hold no grudges!). He is
rebuilding the page now, but it has not yet been re-uploaded.
New Gaming link for our " Diablo and
His Kin " page from Haldir-(V): Diablo
II: Tomb of Knowledge by Caliber
Connections Corp . It has D2 and D2X info.
Haldir's letter of review for this link:
HiEonwe will be vacationing far from comps for a week with his family, lucky guy! See you next week while you're recuperating.
Yesterday i found this wonderful page.
It has everything: gem genie, skill page, horadric cube, item prefixes and more.
(it hasent any cheat page, and that pretty good i think)bye, Haldir
June 12, 2001
New link for Virus Alert Page:
The AFU & Urban Legends Archive about which "virus alerts" and
sob stories are hoaxes. Try using the handy search, typing in "virus"
or "computer" for lots of info. Other entertaining bits here as
well. Link sent by Eol-(V), which could save us a lot of spam annoyance
Letter from Gelmir:
Hey Guys,Good luck with that job, Gelmir! Hope to see you back soon, say before 24 days :)
Im not going to be on b-net or anything for
awhile, My internet privliges have been revoked by my
father. :( I'm tying up his phone line to much lately,
I can how ever still send and recive e-mail, and
hopefully will be allowed to attend the sunday
meetings. I'll get the internet back as soon as I get
a job, (already got one lined up) and buy my own phone
line. Which will allow me to be on more, when im not
working. What good timing ehh? 24 days before the D2
expansion. What a pain, anyway I guess Ill see you
guys sunday, or in my mail, BTW It's
Have Fun and think of some good Tolkien chat to umm
chat about sunday.
Peace Out.
June 10, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: report by Aule, Varda
Members (18):
Amillo/Dusksinger, Amlaith, Aule, Celeborn, Deagol, Ecthelion, Eonwe,
Eru (on DB), Gwindor/Flinding, Halbarad, Haldir, Irmo (on DB), Mahtan,
Orome, Thror, Tulkas, Ugluk, Varda
Visitor: *Pickle (currently
reading the Fellowship for the first time, the lucky stiff)
Thanks to Aule and Eonwe for relaying between the bnet and DB chat!
Hellos from Azaghal, Beregond, Finduilas, Galadriel, Salmar who would
have liked to attend but were prevented by work or comp problems.
Hello from Ulmo who was at the school-year's end celebration with
Elanor. Hi from Melkor who did not make it back from the lake in time
for the meeting.
Membership: report: by Amillo
Sweep completed by Amillo and Varda with
help from Aule's ValarBuddy. This week 40 members were dropped for
inactivity and lack of response, one joined, so we went from 160 to 120
to 121.
Account names: Amillo asked that we email
our account names to him for inclusion in the Members page to help us
get together.
Welcome, Celeborn
, to the Valar Guild. Thanks for saying a few words of hello
to the group. :) Celeborn actually joined a few days ago, but the
report came in a few minutes before the meeting. Better late than
as has been known to happen! Celeborn is from Pennsylvania, USA and is
Disillusioned with the foul mouths of his previous guild, he met Thror
a channel and learned of us. Aule tested and he made a perfect score!
favorite character is Gandalf.
Makar retired honorably from the Council,
we hope will choose his new name soon. Much luck in your new endeavors,
Makar, and thank you for the long time of service with the Games page,
Council issues, testing for entries, and Maia and Vala honor testing!
Web: report by Varda
New links:
"Force of Hobbit: An
Insider's Guide to the LotR" about the upcoming Tolkien movie by Peter
Jackson, sent in by Eowyn-(V)
"Tolkien Computer Games",
sent in by Beregond-(V)
Article on Tolkien's Lord of
the Rings being chosen by the people as the Book of the Century, sent
by Finduilas-(V)
Tolkien fan get-together
live in Chicago, link sent in by Menelvagor-(V)
Menelvagor invites talented modelers from the guild
to apply to him for a job working on the new games his development team
is doing.
Gaming: report by Varda
ValarBuddy bot. Blizzard has tried to remove bots
from the channels to cut the annoying spam among other things. Our
bot handled by Aule was removed, but has managed to show up in a new
in the West Realm, but not the East Realm yet in our home channel. He
still working on it.
Without the bot, we have more difficulty getting
together, making our private channel and guild game names even more
important. If you don't know the members-only, alternate guild channel
names in case of annoying outsiders, please email Varda for the info.
Same if you need to know game names.
To help us get together more easily, Amillo offered
to add our account names to the Members page. Please email yours to him
right away. We used to do much the same thing with the old account
numbers, no longer
in use the same way.
Tolkien Chat:
Lively :)
Ugluk-(V)'s surprise appearance (access to a new
comp) prompted a discussion on the nature of orcs, evil from having
been twisted, and the nature of the other twisted slaves mostly done by
Sauron on Melkor's behalf. Generally the creatures were made from
strange crossings and mistreatment. Many were crosses between Ainur
(who were seduced into Melkor's service by his being the greatest Vala
in power at the beginning) and creatures of Arda who were often
innocent animals or unwilling elves, or both willing and unwilling
humans. Dragons, who started off flightless, could have begun from
great snakes
and been crossed with balrogs. Orc/human crosses are referred to in the
as appearing like squinty-eyed men, such as the hobbits met at
Barliman's inn.
June 9, 2001
New LotR movie link,
by Eowyn-(V), "
Force of Hobbit: An Insider's Guide to the LotR ". E! Online puts
out the page.
June 8, 2001
Article in by Andrew O'Hehir on Tolkien's
LotR's being
chosen as Book of the Century, link sent by Finduilas-(V). We may have
agreeing and disagreeing with the author over various comments, some of
are right on and some as if the author didn't read the LotR. Here are
responses to the article, also a link from Finduilas-(V).
Finduilas can only come to meetings in the
Discussion Board's chat room right now, since the stress test realms
don't overlap and her bots have been banned as were all bots from
public and private channels.
June 7, 2001
New link from Beregond
for the Links page:
Computer Games
Sweep: name drop now completed.
Drops have
already been done for these pages: Members, Names, Recruiting. If you
wish to be in the guild, please rejoin right away before your old name
taken. We had 160 members, dropping 40 to put us at 120.
Names being dropped. Weren't seen for over 3 months
(93 days) at the beginning of the Sweep, then did not contact the guild
during the month following:
A: Aegnor (232 days), Amrod
(269 days) undeliverable mail, Ancalagon (beyond VB), Aragorn (Oct 00)
undeliverable mail, Arathorn (beyond VB), Arminas (115), Arwen (beyond
B: Beleg (beyond VB, Dec 22,
99 rejoined), Beorn (both) (beyond VB, not on pages since 1999), Bilbo
(305 days), Boromir (beyond VB)
C: Carcharoth (185),
(beyond VB) undeliverable mail, Celebrimbor (195)
D: Dain (beyond VB),
(left Feb 4, 01), Dwalin (153)
E: Elladan (beyond VB)
F: Fili (253), Finarfin
(293) undeliverable mail, Finrod (336)
G: Galdor (308), Glorfindel
(beyond VB), Grima (beyond VB), Grishnakh (beyond VB),
H: Helm (214), Hurin (
VB, Daeron's brother)
I: Indis (beyond VB)
K: Khamul (121), Kili
L: Legolas (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail,
O: Old Gaffer (beyond VB,
possibly naming problem),
P: Pippin
(beyond VB, computer access problems therefore undeliverable mail, no
in any fashion)
R: Radagast (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail, Ragnor (beyond VB, had internet problems a long
time ago)
S: Smaug (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail
T: Theoden (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail, Thrain (300), Thorin (beyond VB), Turin (beyond
VB)(Cirdan's father)
Borderline but still in. Please email Varda when you can:
Bombur (106 days)
Elrond (196, last meeting Oct 22, 2000, Encyc
contributor, waiting for return email from Ingwe to find out the
Guilin (85, prolly active) undeliverable mail
Luthien (active EQ player, 119, Jan 7, 01 meeting)
Olwe (189, prolly active on CounterStrike)
undeliverable mail
Shagrat (75, prolly active) undeliverable mail,
Horadric Cube Recipe page unreachable which is possibly related.
June 4, 2001
Letter from Menelvagor:
Aiya Varda,The official V&K Middle-earth mod players channel for general groups is now Diablo2 me mod, in case you want to drop in for a visit. They use US East, same as we do. Middle#/Earth.I found out they're having a Tolkien bash in Chicago in August for anyone who's interested. I will probably be
attending so i thought I'd let ya know. Here's the link to the site where people can
register other news not really Tolkien related my development team
and I will be licensing the Tribes 2 engine to develop the game we've been working on which is a composite of
C-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, and Tribes 2. The game is based on World War 2 battle locations but the time
frame is around the year 2731 A.D. We're currently changing internet hosts so I don't have a new link yet, but here's a
piece of concept art to show the calibur of our work. (Availble from Varda or Menelvagor by email if you're interested.)
This is a submersible APC for transporting troops and vehicles to enemy locations. The front end will run up onto
beaches and open up to allow the units to be deployed. Just to let ya know we are looking for any very talented
modelers to join those on our team if anyone in the Valar has the ability they can give me a buzz on ICQ or email.
Catch ya later.Namarie,
Ben Love
a.k.a Menelvagor a.k.a. Rockhound
June 3, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm ESDT
Attending: (report by Salmar including
Quenya, and Varda)
Omentië "june 3rd":
Amillo/Dusksinger, Amlaith, Arothir, Aulë, Balin, Deagol,
Eonwe, Galadriel, Gwindor/Flinding, Halbarad, Maedhros, Osse,
Salmar, Thingol, Thorondor, Thror, Tulkas/Astaldoe, Ulmo, Varda.
A Lavalmarion:
*Ghettosburg/Shooter/Necroshooter/MeleeShooter has the LotR now and is
reading it :), *Sampan, *Dragonspell/ComingofDeath
Amlaith, new member, said a
few words of introduction.
Beregond still seems to be having problems
coming online.
Eol couldn't make it
to the meeting but says Hi!
Haldir was at a friend's house and couldn't
make it, but said Hello and (although he shouldn't and isn't required
due to his age and the time in Europe), will try to make the next
Maglor is having unexpected problems with
internet access while visiting Berlin and will be there another month.
He hopes to have poems and stories to share with us on his return!
Hello from the Layton host folks Eowyn,
Fangorn (on a drilling rig but phones hi), ex-Fingon (re-reading LotR),
and Sauron who can't use this comp at the same time as Varda. Also
hails from Elwing and Meriadoc (still working on comp).
New emails for Galadriel, Imrahil, and
Quickbeam. Thanks Amillo for keeping up with all this!
Sweep drops will commence
around June 7 if we have not heard from you. Check to see if your name
is on the A-Z sweep list on this page and contact
Varda by email right away!
Aule's guild pages are
on a new server, so a number of links from guild pages to his may be
although our home page should be right. Feel free to email Varda to
these. You might also check to make sure you have his new email which
on the Members page.
Diablo and His Kin page with the Diablo,
Diablo II, D2mod, D2X links has a new link for D2 items. It's written
by Lanthanide who sent us the link and is for
Horadric Cube Recipe page is still down.
News Archives had to be moved by Varda to
another server due to room problems. More pages may have to be moved in
the future, but not for a while now.
Poetry page has a new poem, "Ainunya" in
English and Quenya from Imrahil. It's a love poem from Tolkien's Prince
Imrahil to his beloved.
"You know you're in Valar when..." joke page has
additions by Gloin.
Bots: Blizzard intends
to restrict most bots to the Tech Support and a special bot channel,
due to the extreme amounts of spam they tend to create in public
If our ValarBuddy bot disappears, you'll know what happened.
Chaos Sanctuary: Earendil
said this page is showing a lot of good info now.
Exceptional non-netsplit
allowed an exceptionally lively Tolkien chat on bnet! Yay! We even had
left over for another time.
Amlaith-(V) kicked it off with how the One Ring
affected its many bearers. We didn't even make it through all of them,
mostly concentrating on Gollum and Bilbo before people had to start
leaving. Sauron, Isildur, Frodo,
and Sam did at least get a small mention.
Some of the many comments made and condensed and put
into some kind of order were:
The One Ring held
part of Sauron's power and self, bridging between worlds of the
and the wraith/ghostly, drawing the bearer from the material to the
over time set by the person's resistance. In the wraith world, the
could be seen by fellow wraiths but not by those left in the material
The bearer retained much connection to the physical, although those who
gone completely into wraiths such as the nazguls had to rely greatly on
steeds' senses for information on the material. Wearing the One Ring
them see the bearer easily, and vice versa.
The One Ring also stretched out the life of the
bearer, rather than giving more life, perhaps to increase the time the
vehicle could serve it to bring the Ring closer to Sauron. The more the
bearer wore it, the more the Ring could affect the mind and body.
The One Ring protected itself by making itself so
attractive to the bearer that the person could not stand to see it come
to harm or leave. Thus, to shift to a better vehicle, it had to resort
to trickery such as making
itself too large for the bearer's finger at an inopportune moment such
Isildur's swimming the river under orc arrows, or Gollum's being in a
Gollum was a problem for the One Ring. Although he
seemed a good vehicle with his petty meanness and Stoor hobbit
toughness, he hid himself deeply beneath mountains instead of traveling
to Sauron, and rarely wore the Ring, preferring to keep it safely in a
hole on his tiny hidden island.
In the cavern darkness mostly fishing, he rarely needed the
invisibility given
by the Ring. It found itself unable to pass on to the orcs in the area
All hobbits were of such tough fiber and so
disinterested in gaining power over others, that the One Ring had
difficulty with such
bearers and found itself stalled on Gollum, Frodo, and Sam. This meant
nazguls were forced to personally search for it without a wraith bearer
their world to guide them. Thus the "insignificant" hobbits went
for long periods of time and were the perfect tools of the Valar to rid
world of the corrupted Maia Sauron and allow Eru's children to inherit
world as they were destined, with an increase in strength and
from fighting evil.
(A topic not gone into showing how far afield we
traveled was the parallel of Morgoth's and Sauron's being taken to
justice, topic from
Amlaith, possibly for next time.)
(Another topic
from Salmar for another time or the Discussion Board: "Was it a wise
by the Numenorean kings like Minastir and Aldarion to aid elves and men
Middle-earth against Sauron in the Second Age?")
June 3, 2001
Letter from Maglor:
For the past two months I have been in Berlin, Germany, and I will be here for
another month. When I left I had expected more time on the internet so I could
continue to regularily speak with you good people but alas, I was left without a
connection for quite some time. As soon as I get home I will pick up where I left
off and will again be present at meetings and such. I have not been lazy though and
have written some poems and stories that I would love to share when I return. Well,
farewell for now,
June 2, 2001
Beregond is back online today!
He's been having troubles with his dialup connection, now presumed
June 1, 2001
New poem: "
Ainunya " in both English and Quenya by Imrahil-(V) , who has a new email.
New jokes: " You know
you're in Valar when... ": from Gloin-(V)!
New link on the
Diablo and His Kin page: D2 Items by Lanthanide on
New email for Quickbeam .
May 30, 2001
News archive move.
The pages ran into a room problem, the reason the News page has been
Therefore some files such as the News archives are moving to Yahoo
web space and all should be well.
The new link for Aule's Valar Guild page is
now on the home page under Member Info, including Rules, Code of
Conduct, Files, Movie News, Member Bios.
May 29, 2001
Haldir , welcome to the Valar Guild! Haldir found us through
the web pages and emailed Varda. He found Ecthelion in the channel who
located Salmar.
Amillo came in and helped out since Haldir is Swedish and has some
with English. That's teamwork! It bodes well that this 13-year old can
not only his own language but use another well enough to game in. On
of that, he had a perfect score on his entry test! He had already read
Rules and CoC and picked out an unused name. May his tribe increase.
him our meetings start at 11pm, not a good time, although he hopes to
it sometimes. He plays SC and will be with us in D2 after his loaned CD
(good luck, CD), and is on bnet about 1-4 times a week.
May 28, 2001
Welcome to the Valar Guild,
Amlaith! More about Amlaith under the May 27 meeting news
Beruthiel says Hi! She hopes to be online more now
that summer is coming up.
Aule is moving his web pages to his new ISP, as soon
as they set up his web space and he is able to get to them all. This
take a while, so the Rules, CoC, Files, and a goodly number of other
will be unavailable for a bit. Please bear with us, and recruiters just
to explain the rules for now.
May 27, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Members: (23) Aldarion, Amillo/Dusksinger,
Azog, Bard, Bert, Deagol, Earendil, Elendil, Eonwe, Eru, Galadriel,
Gwindor/Flinding, Halbarad, Irmo/Dreamlord, Melkor, Quickbeam, Shelob,
Thror, Tulkas/Astaldo, Ulmo, ValarBuddy, Varda
Visitors: (3) Vidugavia, Azog~middleEarth,
Ghettosburg/Sir Necro_Shooter. All asked to join, then East realm
decided to go down and other
fun netsplits occurred. Azog was not seen again, but testers please
for him later. Ghettosburg will be reading the LotR for another shot at
Membership: 158 members
Barahir hopes to be back
home in Norway around June 30th, so we should be seeing him again then.
Rog is at a wedding tonight. Suppose he'll catch the
Salmar has to be at work early in the morning, so he
had to skip the meeting tonight.
New Member: Despite the bnet madness,
Vidugavia aka Amlaith aka Bradhimante managed to pass his test and is
now Amlaith-(V) !
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Amlaith of Fornost, First King
of Arthedain. :) Amlaith scouted himself, finding us
a friend who found us on the web pages. Should we give him his own
credit? :) He had read the Rules and CoC already. Thorondor
Earendil tested, Earendil reporting. Amlaith-(V), formerly known as
and other names, is 27 years old, from Tucson, Arizona in the USA.
not on Daylight Savings time yet, but are on Mountain Time which comes
the same as Pacific Standard Time. He's read the H, LotR, UT, Farmer
Leaf by Niggle, most of the Sil, and probably others. Amlaith's
Tolkien character is Aldarion, and his favorite LotR character is
"He always knew what he would have to sacrifice to obtain his
& his love, & always saw the pain those sacrifices caused in
Despite his empathy, he was never swayed from his course."
Web Report:
New short story: "
Finarfin's Lament " by Eonwe-(Valar)
New poem: "
Elbereth " by Valkir, who would like to join
Set and
Unique page for D2 Middle-earth mod: updates made for 1.5 from
actual items, more needed. You collectors out there, take note! Earlier
info was extracted
by Lanthanide for the 1.3.
Gaming: You bet we do.
Tolkien chat was held on the Yahoo Discussion Board
chat room. Eonwe kicked it off with this topic: The Valar forced Melkor
into the Void, a place forbidden to the Valar. Was this a violation of
Eru's edict that they were all bound to remain with Arda (the world)
after coming in to
build it according to the Song and Vision?
May 25, 2001
New short story! "
Finarfin's Lament ", by Eonwe-(Valar).
Rog will be at a wedding this Sunday and sends a
hello for the meeting!
Barahir expects to be back home in Norway around
June 30th.
May 24, 2001
New poem! "
Elbereth " by Valkir, a poet and rpg player who would like to join
the guild after his return from a trip.
May 20, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Plagued with netsplit from
the outset, we tried to move to the Discussion Board chat room. Some of
us using the old Netscape could not come in and had to switch to
Explorer, including Ulmo and Varda. Since this took a while, a number
of members had to leave before the actual meeting started. Special
thanks to those who stayed!
Some were probably
missed due to netsplit and crossing the meeting between the bnet
and the Discussion Board chat room. Chat room practice outside meetings
suggested for all, including me.
Amillo, Aule, Bert, Deagol, Earendil, Ecthelion,
Elendil, Eonwe, Eru, Glaurung, Gwindor, Halbarad, Irmo/Dreamlord,
Maedhros, Orome, Primula, Quickbeam, Rog, Salmar, Thingol, Thorondor,
Thror, Ulmo, Varda
Membership: 158 members
Our newest member is Primula Brandybuck Baggins who
came to the meeting. We hope that next meeting she will have a chance
to say a few words of intro and hello to the group.
The sweep removing disinterested members is
the News page trying to stay current and using a link from the top to
section for your convenience. If you know of someone who should be
as active, please save them and the record keepers trouble by emailing
Rejoining can be a pain and sometimes forces the choosing of a new
At the meeting, Thingol told us Finwe is having computer troubles.
is having trouble with his CD drive. Gwindor told us at the meeting
he has been having trouble with a corrupted hard drive. Emails are
coming in.
The D2 ME mod Sets and Uniques
pages by the Valar Guild are being updated as we receive
Thorondor started us off, Salmar added Clvls (character levels). Right
we need damage and defense, and anything else you notice that is
or needs correction. Email Varda to make additions.
The Diablo 2 Middle-earth
mod has been updated again today, this time with a handy mod
number under Celebrimbor at the beginning (along with other changes).
Tolkien: If everyone can come up with
a topic next meeting, we can make a list for the News page and play
them at meetings or on the discussion board or both. We
also try to role-play more just for the fun of it. For instance, what
your character's relationship with other players' characters and how
he react to the ones he wouldn't have known from his life? This could
give us more topics as we ask each other at the meetings about things
us role-play.
May 19, 2001
D2 and D2mod players:
Ulmo suggests being sure your DirectX is updated to 8.0a. He noticed
computer stalls afterwards.
Blizzard's tech support has a link to it or you can go from here to
the DirectX home page
Drivers can also be updated from there and may help.
May 18, 2001
Letter from Beren:
Heya!Here I am... I haven't entered or participated in the
Valar Guild as of lately because I am in College
now... studying Astrophysics if you can believe it ;)
Thanks for the personal letter, but the problem is
that I have no access to a computer, rather than an
ocassional visit to the Faculty facilities (not very
often). I'd like to remain in te Guild but, but I
don't think I can be around often for a long time...
If I ever get the chance, I'll pay a visit, I am
holdin a long debt with my Tolkien :)Anyways, I'm glad to hear you are growing and in good
shape as always.The Best of Lucks, Beren/Lord of Lag/David
May 16, 2001
Letter from Feanor:
Hail!I am indeed still in the Guild, but due to me moving to Eindhoven, I haven't
got any Internet connection anymore, so please just put me on leave, I'm
saving for a new comp and a connection to the Net, but it might take me a
while. I hope to be back to my friends of the guild as soon as possible. I'm
really missing out some great discussions about Tolkien's books. I hope to
join them again as soon as possible, also because I've had some great ideas,
but they have been lost due to the great gap of absence. Really hope to be
with you again soon.Namarie,
May 15, 2001
Update D2 Middle-earth mod for May 13, version
1.4, on the V&K page .
Letter from Khan aka Fingolfin, answering
a question about identifying the version of D2 that we happen to be in;
New update:
hmhm yes we thought about this too. I think we'll add some version info inMay 14, 2001
something that an NPC always says or the like. Or we'll just redo the intro
picture every time a new version gets released.BTW we released another update at sunday. I recommend you all download it
since it fixes a severe problem with low droprates and should be an overall
improvement to the game.
To check if you got the current version you could go to Primula Brandybuck
(Akara) in Eldar difficulty and see if she sells minor potions. If you got
the old version she will only sell lesser pots.Khan
(FingolfinME level 39 Dunadan who didn't even kill maiar Morgoth and is
shredded by act4/maiar monsters at a daily basis :)
Hail again Varda, we have been sundered too long!Letter from Eomer :I am back online but not quite back in business! My (mostly) new PC is shaping up nicely and I
hope to be able to chat or even use D2 if I'm lucky for this Sunday's meeting.
I've been missing my online Tolkien a great deal, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and
chatting again. :)Please convey my fondest regards to everyone in the guild.
See you on Sunday,
Eru Iluvatar, The One.
Hey all!
EQ is still taking up much of my time(and my sisters), but as I am gettingMay 13, 2001
higher, the game takes much more time, which I do not have. So I will
probably coming back on bnet more frequently soon, for sure when the
expansion for D2 comes out. My mage is 48 and my sister got 40 on her pally.
Also, this is my new email address. The old one got too cluttered up with
junk email. I'm not sure about my sister's one at the moment but ill try and
get it to you as soon as possible.Eomer
Sunday Meeting 5pm ESDT
(11): Durin, Eonwe, Glaurung, Irmo/Dreamlord, Maedhros, Melkor, Rog,
Thorondor, Quickbeam, Varda
Visitor dropping by: jason2250
Realms kept going up and down so that we netsplit
badly or dropped entirely. Mother's Day also cut attendance. Work
knocked out a number of members such as Amillo, Mandos, Manwe. We
probably should have gone
to Yahoo chat, but didn't.
Membership Report: 157
currently on Members Page
Thranduil passed his Maia test and has
Thorondor! More power to you!
Salmar's son celebrated his first communion
today. Congratulations. Salmar couldn't stay long as he had a houseful
of guests, but dropped in long enough to cheer us with the good news.
Three members dropped this week, asking to leave
because they were no longer on bnet: Daeron, Erkenbrand, Fuinur. Good
luck in your future endeavors.
Emails: Many members who have do not show as
recently were also not reachable when asked about their membership due
incorrect emails. Everyone, please update your email address by sending
email to Varda (contact person) and/or Amillo (Members Page).
Bot use: Continued improper use of a bot can
hurt the entire guild and is therefore a kicking offense. If you need
to use a chatbot due to problems that won't allow use of your guild
character, turn off the auto-respond and auto-join, don't leave it
unattended for long periods in the channel. Don't block ValarBuddy's
function. Sometimes Aule requests another person's bot to aid
ValarBuddy for a time.
Naming: Account names should have a primary
name of the character rather than an obscure one which is fine for the
character names used from the account. For the account name, please use
-(V) for regular members or anyone, -(Valar) is preferred for those who
can test new members to make them easier to identify, such as Maiar and
Valar honor members. There is no rule requiring the use of V or Valar,
but this is the kindest use of the name we could come up with so far.
This is in answer to a question which came up during the meeting.
Web Report:
New pages for the D2 Middle-earth mod:
Thorondor fka Thranduil collected info for a
Uniques page and a
Sets page.
Gaming Report:
D2 ME 1.3 Version: Khan/Fingolfin-(V) sent
letters which are quoted on the News page. Go to the Varaya & Khan page to download
the 1.3 version of the Diablo II Middle-earth mod. Characters in
different versions of the mod will face difficulties and instability.
details on the V&K page and the read me file.
Diablo II Expansion Stress Test Report:
Princess Finduilas is doing the test and kindly emailed us the
following report:
Well, I tried to make last week's meeting, but silly me--I didn't realizeMay 13, 2001
that not only is the beta a different realm, but the channels are completely
separate too, so when I went to Valar I was all alone. I tried Yahoo chat,
but didn't see anyone there. Today I will be missing as my wonderful kids
are taking me to the zoo for Mother's Day.
Anyway, thought I'd give you a short report for the guild. The best place I
know of for detailed info is diabloiilnet.
As for my impressions, I've got a lvl 37 assassin who defeated Baal on
normal level, so is now known as Slayer FinduilasB-V. The assassin is a lot
of fun. She has martial arts moves which make melee much more complex and
interesting. She has charge-up attacks (1-3 charges depending on which
outcome you want) that are combined with a regular attack or a special
finishing move to release the charges. You can choose charges that give huge
physical damage or various elemental damages. Her shadow disciplines include
claw mastery and claw blocking, which allows two claws to act like a
shield--very useful. She also has some psychic damage skills that I haven't
used. One of the best shadow skills is shadow master, which is like
valkyrie, but much better. The master uses many skills and is quite
powerful. Don't put more than one point into shadow warrior (the
prerequisite) because master is better and you can only have one or the
other at a time! I haven't used any of the traps, but have heard they can be
very powerful and some assassins specialize in them.
My husband is playing a druid and the one tip I can give you is that druids
cannot use shape-shifting (turn into a werewolf or werebear) and elemental
attacks at the same time, so don't use both trees. Minions can be used by
either type though. Shape-shifting druids are much more common than
elemental druids on the beta.
One of the best changes is that hirelings are useful now! You can equip them
(but only with limited items: for example the barbarian you can hire in act
5 can hold one sword and that's it, no other weapons, shields or anything,
so obviously a 2H sword is the way to go). You can drop a healing on their
icon (but I wish there was a hotkey for this!). They can follow you to the
next act. You can ressurect them (cost based on level). My lvl 36 barb (his
name is Khan!) costs about 25000, but he's well worth it. You can only have
one at time and if you hire a new one then you no longer have access to
the previous one.
I've heard that there is now an experience bonus for being in a party (or
maybe its a penalty for not being in a party). I don't keep track of these
things closely enough to notice, but it seems much more common in the beta
for people you don't know to invite and accept invitations. One
party-related change that had a lot of testers suspecting a bug was in money
distribution. Now when you sell an item, the proceeds are split with all
party members in the same act. I guess this was to put a stop to people who
grab all the good stuff before the end of a fight. Of course now those same
people just go to another act to sell stuff or quit the game and come back.
There's quite a few item changes. There are lots of new character specific
items: claws for assassins, special helms for druids and barbarians, orbs
for sorceresses (one-handed-yes!), shields for paladins and necromancers
(preserved heads-yuck). I don't remember if there's one for amazons, but
probably. I found a nice rare amulet that adds +1 to shadow skills for
I've really missed playing with the guild, although on the plus side, the
beta testers seem to be a bit nicer on the whole than the general population
of D2 players. I've played with a few really nice people who made a great
team, and have encountered a few who come in saying "PLEEZ GIVE ME SOME
assuming its an adolescent male on the other end when everything is
"gay"--like "This lance is so gay.....I need an amulet, I don't care how gay
it is....that quest is so gay" Pretty funny. Well, the hordes are calling me
to go to the zoo, so hope to see you all soon.
(And yes, I've actually done a few bug reports along with mostly having
May 12, 2001
to our new Maia, Thorondor
, the Member previously known as Thranduil! He will be starting his new
characters right away. We thank him for his continued
help in the gaming pages over the years, his regular attendance at
scouting that brought in the Members Aldor, Amroth, and Fram, and his
behavior in the channel and games. From Finland, he joined March 11,
brought in by his friend, Elendil-(V). The Maia test was conducted by
Valar team of Aule, Irmo, Salmar (sponsor), and Tulkas.
May 11, 2001
New link for the Links page
under Tolkien Images, and on the Tolkien Encyclopedia's
Contributor's acknowledgement page.: Spiderweb Art Gallery -
Includes Tolkien pictures. It is the official site of the Hildebrandt
brothers, including other artists as well. Greg Hildebrandt owns the
They do request that people using their artwork post a copyright notice
the page somewhere and link to their site. They are about to start a
called Art Source, great for fan use on their web pages!
The Hildebrandts have some nifty new stuff coming
1. 2002 Tolkien wall Calendar The Brothers Hildebrandt, Their
Tolkien Years
2. Art Book Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, The Tolkien Years
3. Art book Limited edition Linen, slipcase
4. Tolkien Posters Smaug, The Fellowship, Eowyn and the Nazgul
and The Siege of Minas Tirith
May 10, 2001
New page: The
Sets of the Diablo II Middle-earth mod. Info collected by
May 10, 2001
New page: The
Uniques of the Diablo II Middle-earth mod, collected and
searchable. Info collected by Thranduil-(V).
May 9, 2001
Bot use. We've had some
confusion over the proper use of bots in our home channel and yes there
is a proper use. We have one authorized bot for handling channel
duties: ValarBuddy. Sometimes Aule (who runs ValarBuddy) authorizes
another bot to help, as he recently did with Thror's bot temporarily.
It is ok to use bots to chat with other members, remembering to turn
off the auto-rejoin and auto-respond. The chatbot is generally used
when no other Blizzard program is available to allow the person to come
into the channel. Please let ValarBuddy do its job, as it records
channel activity keeping your name active in the guild as well as
giving helpful info on who's around for you to play with.
Continual misuse of a bot hurts the whole guild and is therefore an
which can require the person to be removed from the Valar Guild.
Letter from Khan aka Fingolfin-(V):
HoMay 7, 2001There was a slight problem with the new version of the MEmod but it was
fixed only an hour after the initial upload. The version of the MPQ should
be dated May 8th 2001 (the one dated May 7th is buggy).
I am telling you this just to avoid any confusionKhan
HoyThe download files are on the left side of the above page. MPQ users can do the same as before .We have just uploaded a new version of the Middle Earth mod. It includes
multiple minor fixes and should add to the challenge (not without reward if
course :)
For a full list of changes download the mod from and take look at the readme.This version is 1.3 for D2M format and dated May 7th 2001 for MPQ users.
Only play with people using the exact same version.Khan
New " You know you're in Valar when... " from Rog-(V)!
Sweep begins. Inactive
members will be removed. Show up in our home channel so ValarBuddy will
a record of you, or show up at a meeting long enough to be on the roll,
do webwork and have it reported on the News as Rog did above, or email
Look busy. :) If you were seen by ValarBuddy in the last 60 days
found in the last 2 months on the web page such as for meeting
or letter of a problem or for webwork, no letter should be sent and you
tell me about it!
Leaving: No longer on bnet and asking to be
removed from membership: Daeron, Erkenbrand, Fuinur (EQ only).
Undeliverable mails These emails need
by sending an email to Varda ,
please! Undeliverable emails came back from Amrod, Aragorn, Celeborn,
Finarfin, Galadriel, Guilin, Legolas, Luthien, Olwe, Pippin, Radagast,
Smaug, Theoden
Long time since seen (over 60 days), not in
the 2001 News pages, and haven't answered (possibly coming in under a
name I haven't
tried) If your name is here, please email Varda to prevent paperwork
rejoining later and possibly having to get a new name:
A: Aegnor (232 days), Amrod
(269 days) undeliverable mail, Ancalagon (beyond VB), Aragorn (Oct 00)
undeliverable mail, Arathorn (beyond VB), Arminas (115, prolly ok),
Arwen (beyond VB)
B: Beleg (beyond VB, Dec 22,
99 rejoined), Beorn (beyond VB, not on pages since 1999), Bilbo (305
days), Bombur (106 days), Boromir (beyond VB)
C: Carcharoth (185),
(beyond VB) undeliverable mail, Celebrimbor (195)
D: Dain (beyond VB),
(left Feb 4, 01), Dwalin (153)
E: Eldarion (117, last
meeting Jan 7, 01), Elladan (beyond VB), Elrond (196, last meeting Oct
22, 2000,
Encyc contributor)
F: Fili (253), Finarfin
(293) undeliverable mail, Finrod (336)
G: Galdor (308), Glorfindel
(beyond VB), Gloin (76 prolly active)(Feb 16, 2001 as Gloin_(V) having
comp probs), Grima (beyond VB), Grishnakh (beyond VB), Guilin (85,
prolly active) undeliverable mail
H: Helm (214), Hurin (
VB, Daeron's brother)
I: Indis (beyond VB)
K: Khamul (121), Kili
L: Legolas (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail, Luthien (active EQ player, 119, Jan 7, 01 meeting,
new email we don't have yet)
M: no problem :)
N: no problem
O: Old Gaffer (beyond VB,
possibly naming problem), Olwe (189, prolly active on CounterStrike)
undeliverable mail
P: Pippin (beyond VB,
computer access problems therefore undeliverable mail)
Q: no problem
R: Radagast (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail, Ragnor (beyond VB, had internet problems a long
time ago)
S: Shagrat (75, borderline,
prolly active) undeliverable mail, Smaug (beyond VB) undeliverable mail
T: Theoden (beyond VB)
undeliverable mail, Thrain (300), Thorin (beyond VB), Turin (beyond VB)
U: no problems
V: no problems
no other problems
Replies by still active members who wound
up on the sweep list and mentions of problems by the
(The ValarBuddy bot check done by Varda did not
always pick the name versions currently being used, and emails and
comps don't always cooperate, so we need your howdys.)
Bandobras Took's (Bullroarer's) computer was struck
by lightning and he has been very busy with his miniature figure
painting business, but he hopes to return.
Barahir should be back home in Norway around June
Beren (195 days). In a university studying
Astrophysics, has very rare access to college's computers, but wishes
to remain in the
Beruthiel says Hi! She's been very busy and expects
to be more active now that summer is coming.
Chrysophilax says hi and that he's staying.
Eol cleared enough room on his hard drive so that he
hopes to be able to join us on D2 as well as SC. Between work and his
girlfriend, he is not able to be online as much as before, but expect
continue seeing him.
Eorl is swamped with work right now. Here's a Hiya
to Eorl! I hear you actually read this News page! :)
Eowyn says hi and that she's staying. Watch for her
Eru is re-building/upgrading his comp, and made it
to the May 20 meeting.
Faramir from Turkey is still with us, having trouble
connecting to the internet very often. He says he enjoys reading the
Board through the email.
Feanor, after a move, is trying to get a new comp
and internet connection, but keeps up his emails.
Feathalion hit that "not authorized" message in the
channel in January and thought he was kicked (he wasn't). We never kick
people that way, guys! Check the Members page and Names page to see if
you're still listed; don't trust bnet that far! Anyway, he actively
plays EverQuest now. Take note,
fellow EverQuesters!
Fingon says hi, swamped in work even on weekends. He
hopes to be able to come up for air and see us again.
Finwe is having computer troubles.
Fladrif is still with us, mostly waiting for D2X.
Gwindor (active) is having trouble with a corrupted
hard drive.
Huor is very active, playing CounterStrike with
Menelvagor, a guild activity hard to check on bnet or the News
page. :)
Ilmare is having trouble getting the internet at
home right now, although that may be helping her studies. :) She
hopes to have the internet again soon. (Thanks for reading this page,
Luthien is active, playing EQ with Eomer, has a new
Maeglin will be around more for the summer, mostly
in StarCraft, and hopes to find fellow star folk available.
Manwe was on the web page but somehow missed, and
shows up as Sulimo in the channel. Others may have been missed the same
Meriadoc figured that his 28 MB of memory is what is
giving him problems with D2. :) For sure! He plans to pop
again soon.
Osse has a new email.
may still be having computer access problems.
Samwise expects to return after exams. He plays only
a little SC now but would like to join into Baldur's Gate 2 games.
Thingol (very active) is having trouble with his CD
Tilion has a new email and hopes to be in the D2 mod
after finals are over.
Tobold didn't have any Blizzard games for a while.
Tuor (beyond VB) active and still with us. Bnet is
not letting him make an account.
Tuvo hopes to send more artwork in the future for
the Glittering Caves. As he finishes up his finals, he expects to come
into the D2 mod.
Ugluk is getting a new comp, so he may no longer be
in competition for the Lord of Lag title.
Maeglin will be around more for the summer, mostly
in StarCraft, and hopes to find fellow star folk available.
Manwe was on the web page but somehow missed, and
shows up as Sulimo in the channel. Others may have been missed the same
Voronwe is still with us, having finished moving to
Richmond, Virginia and having been mistreated by Verizon over dsl, is
now coming in hopefully via modem and maybe later by cable. He has D2
and plan on picking up the D2X when it comes out.
I apologize to all who were mistakenly mailed, and ask that you be sure to contact me by email and straighten it out before you are accidentally removed and have to go through the paperwork to be reinstated.
May 6, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST
Attending: Amillo/Dusksinger,
Aule/ValarBuddy, Elros, Eonwe, Melkor, Orome, Quickbeam, Rog, Shelob,
Tulkas, Ulmo, Varda
Conditional member until name and bot can be
straightened out: *-Aragorn-
Elwing, over the shoulder, helping Varda keep roll
in the netsplit. Some members we never could see but may have been in
Member Report:
162 when -Aragorn-'s problems are straightened out.
The meeting shifted to the Discussion Board chat room.
Gaming Report:
given in the netsplit. The only news here is the great
letter from Finduilas which is on May 4 News.
Naming characters:
Fellowship names were supposed to be shifted to Maia honor a while
but had not been cleared to do so. This subject is going into Council
The Council now has a number of new people and conditions have changed,
the decision needs to be re-worked.
Tolkien Chat:
had researched the problem of how old dwarves get with additional
from members in the chat room, using info from the LotR
Morgoth's Ring:
Dwarves rarely reach 300-350 years. In Ages 1 and 2,
they may have reached 400. The lifespan dwindled with the ages. Most
Age dwarves lived 240-250 years.
Dwalin was 340.
Manhood was at 30 years. Around 90 was the usual
marriage age for those fortunate enough to find one of the rare dwarf
women and convince her to marry. Dwarves were old at 200, but before
200 they kept their wit and strength.
Instead of illness, they tended to become fat.
May 4, 2001
Letter from Finduilas:
Sorry I've been absent so's just been one thing and another. IMay 1, 2001
have kept up with the news and downloaded the new mod, but now it looks like
I'll be busy beta testing! I'd love to know if there are any other guild
members in the beta. I will make my char name "Finduilas(B)-V" if I can.
Also will try to show up at next meeting and will answer any questions I
April 29, 2001
Sunday Meeting (5pm
18 members: Amillo/Dusksinger, Aule/ValarBuddy,
Balin, Bard, Deagol, Earendil, Ecthelion, Elendil, Elros, Eonwe,
Gelmir, Halbarad, Rog, Salmar/Lirillo, Thranduil/ElenLome, Tulkas,
Ulmo, Varda (chair)
Visitor: Circe-XXI
Membership Report (from
Amillo): 161 members
Rog joined us during the meeting last week and said
a few words of introduction.
Valacirca has become the Vala Eonwe.
Irmo is working 10 hour shifts and could not make it
to the meeting. Sympathy was expressed to be passed on.
Eru's comp is down and will be most likely until it
can be repaired with upgrades.
Web Report:
Page: new link to Writer's Market, giving a comprehensive
list for markets for writing (subscription needed) and a free writer's
Gaming Report:
The new Tolkien's Middle-earth mod has been tested
by many of the Council and some members. We recommend it as another
guild game.
It is harder than regular D2, but some people report
that it seems better balanced between the classes. It has many
features, the greatest being the Tolkien theme. The journey starts in
and you get to meet such notables as Rosie Cotton, Sam's girlfriend.
One Ring must be destroyed at the Forge where it was created. You get
fight Tolkien's villains such as Shagrat, Tom the Hill Troll and the
Maia Thuringwethil in the first Act.
How-to for loading up the free mod is below. Also
check out the letters from Khan below and the Read Me in the files
which you will receive. Enjoy!
Yes, a D2X Tolkien mod is planned.
Tolkien Chat:
Balin-(V) introduced his topics:
1. Who were some famous dwarves? This included some
discussion of the famous dwarves mentioned.
2. How long did dwarves live? They are supposed to
live longer than men, yet actual dwarves whose lives we looked up lived
around 250 years.
D2 Tolkien's Middle-earth mod How-To. This game is in addition to the
other games we play,
not taking the place of any. Council members have happily tried it out
give some warnings at the end of this how-to.
It is played on Open bnet using our regular game
name in this form: Gamename-T#. No hacking, other cheating, or
outside trading.
Go to your Diablo II folder and make a new folder
inside it, labeling it for easy recognition such as ModSwap. Inside the
new folder, make two new folders, one for regular D2 and one for the
Tolkien mod.
In your new regular D2 folder, copy two files: your
old D2Game.dll and patch_d2.mpq
To download the mod into your new TolkienMod folder,
using the mpq system (modmanager not available with 1.08 D2), go to
browser and click or copy/paste from here:
Get a cup of coffee or a cola and let it load for
about 15 minutes or less depending on your connection.
Unzip the new .zip file into your new TolkenMod
folder. You'll get a Read Me file, a new D2Game.dll and new
patch_d2.mpq. Keep these in this handy folder for later swapping.
Read the Read Me file. (You read the Lord of the
Rings, so you can read a Read Me file!)
Ready to try the game? Copy (not cut) the new
D2Game.dll and new patch_d2.mpq onto the main Diablo II folder. When
the dialog box
asks if it's okay to replace, say yes. After all, you have a copy of
you're replacing in the D2 folder you made earlier.
You can close all those windows.
Open your D2 game on Open bnet.
You can use your regular account. Name your new
level 1 character using -VT, the V for Valar membership and the T for
Tolkien mod. Why add the T? To tell this special character from the
others saved on your hard drive from single player and LAN in regular
D2. The different versions do not play together without losing or
morphing items and destabilizing the game. This is not saved on
Blizzard's server, but yours.
Play the Tolkien mod and have a great time!
Whoops. You want to play the regular D2 again? Go
back to your Diablo II folder. Go to the new D2 folder you made
earlier. Copy (not
cut) the D2Game.dll and patch_d2.mpq back onto the Diablo II folder.
easy to remember because they're the only files in the new folder. Say
when the dialog box asks if you want to replace. You're back!
Warnings: Since the new D2 mod is on Open bnet, when
the game host leaves or crashes, the game crashes and everyone else
it. Our usual policy of leaving rares and other goodies out for anyone
the campfire can be hazardous. It is suggested that people with rotten
connections (such as mine), or who need to leave soon or suddenly, play
higher number games when hosting or give fair warning. People who can
stay a while and have
good connections can host games through number five (or higher if we
a mob). The first game is still supposed to be reserved for norm diff
is the same as Eldar diff). If this feels like D1, aye, it's similar!
Suggestions for improvements should be addressed to
Varaya and Khan (Elrohir and Fingolfin on our Members page), mod
makers, on their forum at their website.
April 26, 2001
Letter from Fingolfin aka
Khan answering some questions on the Middle-earth mod:
You have to start a new char or if you insist on using an old character you
would have to strip him of any unique and set items at least (the rest is
luck) but since all your items would morph and formerly unusable skills
would now be usable (as well as overpowered skills becoming "balanced"), I
don't think it's a good idea to continue with old chars.
Patches and updates for the mod would not require you to make new chars. The
only time when you will probably need to do this is after we converted the
mod for the expansion.For further information just check the readme that's included in the zip (if
you are unsure about what D2M is I suggest you download the MPQ version)Khan
April 25, 2001
Letter from Fingolfin aka
Hail and well met!Tis been a long time, eh?
Anyways I just wanted to inform you that our Middle Earth Mod for Diablo 2
is now finished for release. We didn't update our site yet (should be done
in the next days) but here are the URLs for the download:For the D2M version (usable with Archangel's modmanager - downloadable at for example): the MPQ version: was quite a stretch to fit the D2 world to Middle Earth - take a look and
judge yourself if you can live with Akara as Primula Brandybuck :)
Check the readmefile included in the zip for further information and if you
link the URLs on your site be sure to tell the folks that they absolutely
NEED to overwrite their current D2game.dll with the one provided by us. The
mod is currently only usable with version 1.06 and only in open Bnet and
Singleplayer of course (no mod will ever be usable in closed Bnet)may the light of the Valar shine on your path
April 25, 2001
Link: Writer's
Market - searchable comprehensive listing of markets for
writers (subscription required), plus free writer's encyclopedia.
April 22, 2001
Sunday Meeting: (5pm
Attending (17):
Amillo/Dusksinger, Aule/ValarBuddy, Deagol, Ecthelion, Elendil,
Irmo/Dreamlord, Mahtan, Melkor, Orome, Rog/Mahtan's nephew, Thranduil,
Tulkas, Ulmo/Bairos/Linqil, Valacirca, Varda (chair).
Badly netsplit, so may have been others not seen.
Membership: 161
with Mahtan's nephew today during meeting
Welcome to our new member, Rog ! Congrats on a perfect
5/5! He's
Mahtan's nephew, so Mahtan gets scouting credit. Amillo tested. Rog is
stationed at Fort Briggs in North Carolina, USA, so he's in the EST.
read the H, LotR, and some of the Sil.
New Plant page, not guild
page but made by guild member Varda. Any plant nut
may contribute.
and voting is ended on D2, D2X. Results below (reported by Ulmo
Council Co-chair and Tourney Master and super nifty guy):
Trading: No outside trading.
II Expansion (D2X):
Game name: Email Varda or other person who was at the meeting
the main game name.
Trading: No outside trading. Items have been hacked and stolen,
it will happen again eventually. We want no part
Conversion: Full conversion allowed of D2 characters with all
to D2X, since no outside trading
have been done in D2.
games (D2, D2X):
[game name]-H# for hardcore playing.
[game name]-P# just for a fun challenge: Must start in D2X as
one: purist gaming with special rules (listed
in detail) in this separate game name.
One, more or all of your characters can try this, but the character
be made completely according to the rules,
just as if in a hardcore game or Quest for Three.
[game name]-high number for Tourney games is
suggested but not required. Please email Varda with results for the
Tourney web page. Using an abbreviated character name is suggested but
not required, to prevent loss
of regular names.
Tolkien Testing:
Test: Valacirca took the test for Vala Council member and passed
His new name is Eonwe-(Valar). Testers were Aule, Irmo, Melkor,
and Varda. (Amillo was testing Mahtan's nephew at the same time.
Manwe, and Namo were working. Makar was unavailable.)
test: Mahtan's nephew joined as Rog , not the Barahir
version but the Noldorin elf lord of the House of the Hammer of Wrath
was destroyed defending Gondolin.
Thanks Amillo, for your selfless act of entry
during the wee hours of your morning when you could have been in a Vala
or getting some sleep before work!
How to Play the Purist
Challenge for D2X
by Ulmo-(Valar), Tourney Master
We will try to develop our characters without using any "twinking"
techniques (see
Salmar's note and link in news page for definition of twinking).
short we will be using only what we find ourselves, or in coop with
another. We will accept no gifts from other games, others playing
of us in the same game, or even our own other characters.
Depending on
how others play the expansion we may use [game name]-P# as our game
name to
avoid getting help, regardless of the good intentions, from converted
characters. This is a choice for how to play. I do not mean
to imply
that to do otherwise is "cheating". It is a challenge we who
this option put upon ourselves. Some have said they will have both
purist and non-purist characters. All I ask is that those who
wish to
join in this challenge honor the rules for entering [game name]-P.
April 18, 2001
Letter from Azaghal:
Hail,April 16, 2001I am afraid I cannot be on Bnet for a while, currently I am not able to run almost any game, and I suspect it is my Video card (currently a
Nvidia Riva TNT2 model 64 pro - if that says anything to you).I am going to a buy a Geforce 2 MX when I get the possibility, but I cannot say when at this point. Maybe it will take a lot of time, or maybe next week.
April 15, 2001
Sunday Meeting (5pm
Attending: (thank
you to Salmar for emailing the roll!)
Members: Aulë, Balin, Barahir, Deagol,
Elendil, Girion (briefly), Halbarad, Herumor/(~xanatos~ chatbot),
Manwë, Melkor, Menelvagor, Oromë, Salmar, Thror,
Ulmo/Bairos/Linqil, Valacirca, Varda
Visitor: Jason2250 as the Beers: German_Beer,
Danish_Beer, others. He's still working on the trilogy, problem with
the library book
having been checked out by some other Tolkien fan.
Membership: (159 members)
No new members this week, although we have some
emailing who would like to join and may show up in the channel.
Eru is still suffering from fried comp and is looking for upgrade stuff
repair it or replace the whole thing, which he built.
Tom is still having problems with
wet Internet wires.
Tulkas will be heading out to sea Thursday, once
again captain of his own ship, on search and rescue duty at a new
station. So if he leaves abruptly while playing a game with you (via
satellite), he asks that you please be understanding that he is not
being intentionally rude.
Manwe's picture was up only two days at work before
the web master took down all the pics for page restructuring. The
picture page will return soon. Some of us were quick enough to see his
smiling face. :) Eorl's picture was also up, looking rather
similar to Manwe!
Story Page:
New story:
Numenorean Diary Part I , by Salmar-(Valar), tells the destruction
of Numenor from the point of
view of Tar-Miriel. See Salmar's description on
the April 12 News
Links Page:
New link: link suggested by Salmar-(Valar) back on April
2001 but buried in the emails, sorry.
"Which Game are You Playing?" Article on reverse twinking.
It has neat ideas for very challenging purist play that Sirian's been
(No, Sirian is not a guild member.) It used to be on his main page, Sirian's
Diablo 2 Page , but went out of print until now. Some of Salmar's
Twinking is everything one can do to make the game easier than it already is: skippingNew link: HeroMachine for making custom pics of heroes for board games or helping visualize stories you're writing. Needs some download room. Link suggested by Eol-(V).
quests, getting help from much more powerful friends, receiving and using items that you are not
likely to having been able to find with that character at that stage etc..
A very good - both emotionally and rationally argumented - article on twinking I have attached.
The author of this article Sirian is one of the most colorful D1/D2 players. He was so kind to mail
me this article, since the Web page where I read it no longer had the URL to it. Sirian is renown
in the Diablo community for his stories about the way he puts the most heavy challenges on his
characters (e.g. his sorceress Ember had to reach Ladyship, killing NM Diablo, using only firebolts
as a spell in Hardcore:)), and the adventures of these characters to reach their goal. He is a
gifted writer.
April 14, 2001
Letter from Manwe:
Heya heya heya,Speaking of meeting people in the guild, you guys remember last month I told
you about a website me and my RL buddies are hosting. Well we put up a bio
section and my pic is there. Hehe if ya'all are curios to see the face
behind the Words Of Wisdom go
click on "warhammer40k" section
click on battle reports
click on player bios
Im Jeff Russell
Eorl-(V) is David Steeleehehehe my buddies were making me crack up laughing when they took the pic,
you think you guys give me a bad time, well you aint got nothin on these
monkeys! Naw but those guys up there on that page are my best bros.Anyways we just did a massive gaming session last Saturday and soon under
the battle reports you can see the army I have modeled and painted for
WarHammer 40k.Thought ya might wanna know.
Take care Valar buddies
Manwe Sulimo
April 12, 2001
New story:
Numenorean Diary Part I, by
Salmar-(Valar). His description follows:
This is Part One of the diary of Tar-Miriel, the last queen of Númenor.
Part One gives us pictures of her childhood years, of her growing up
together with her cousin Pharazôn and her friend Elendil in the years when
her father Tar-Palantir is king. Subsequent parts, which will appear later,
will subsequently describe her being forced into marrying her cousin
Pharazôn, Pharazôn usurping her scepter, the coming of Sauron to Númenor,
the turning of the people of Númenor to worshipping the Dark, the efforts of
Amandil, Elendil and his sons to oppose Ar-Pharazôn, and the eventual
Akkabalêth. Please feel free to e-mail Salmar-(Valar) your reactions to this
sequence, whether negative or positive.
April 10, 2001
Letter from Eru:
Unfortunately my once-mighty PC is once more down and I'm resorting to using a friend's to let you
know that I am still around, though lost in the Void somewhere. :)As I built it myself, I can't simply return it to the store for repairs but have to use trial and
error to find the problem (which can be costly).I am considering saving for a complete upgrade rather than trying to repair what is already
obsolete in PC terms, so I have no eta on my return as yet. :(Best wishes to yourself and the guild, and I'll see you soon!
Eru Iluvatar, The One.
April 9, 2001
New link: Hero Machine - make pictures
of heroes for board games. Link suggested by Eol-(V)
For those asking, you can add Links to the Links page by emailing
Page maintainers for the guild pages are usually listed on the page,
at the bottom, and include an email link. Generally, the plain yellow
for fast loading are by Varda.
April 8, 2001
Sunday Meeting
(5pm ESDT)
Amillo, Aule/ValarBuddy, Balin, Bard, Bert, Deagol, Elendil, Elros,
Finduilas, Gwindor/Vinyanor, Halbarad, Herumor/~xanatos~, Mandos,
Thranduil, Thror, Salmar, Ulmo (chaired), Valacirca, Varda
159 by Amillo's report
No new members this week
Tom Bombadil is having trouble accessing the
whenever rain or other water is on the isp lines.
Herumor is having CD trouble, coming to the meeting
channel with his ~xanatos~ bot.
Web: no news mentioned. Be sure to email about
your latest news on your web page
or to tell the chair you have some at the meeting.
Diablo II Expansion Stress Test sign-up underway since April 4
through April 11. Sign from the
Blizzard page. Only 2,500 will be accepted, rather than the 100,000
last time. A
FAQ about it is also available on the Blizzard page. If you are
please email Varda to be wowed over on the News page :)
D2 Expansion Discussion. The main points are listed on the April
News and a link to it is provided at the top of this News page.
Two members say they have not emailed the Council
about the D2X discussion because they expected a mass email telling
them to. The News is our mass form of communication, to which any
member may contribute. Please email your poll letter on the D2X
discussion to Varda , general
contact person, for forwarding to the Council where it will be
considered with great care. No matter how it goes, some will be unhappy
the final decisions and some will be pleased. The points to discuss are
trading and conversion of characters and the game name.
The main reason for discussion is tainted items. A
number of members have innocently been trading outside and then traded
with members inside. Early on, trading outside was allowed since there
were no hacks or dupes. Since then, hackers have found ways to steal
from accounts, steal whole
accounts, and fence these items on public bnet. Other items were stolen
pks. Stolen items are not dupes. Also, a number of glitches allowed
duping, only one of which was the rollback. We can only guess at which
items are duped,
knowing the common glitches.
Valar Guild Drop idea is toast.
Outside trading. At this time, it appears that
outside trading will be banned for the D2X. Discussion is underway, and
we need
a poll of the membership for or against. Many of us would also like to
stop outside trading for D2, but this is being contested by part of the
Conversion. Full conversion is a possibility if we
clean up our items now. The full conversion players would have the main
game name. Purists who start out at level one and take nothing beyond
their level will be in [game name]-P. Hardcore will be (as it is now)
[game name]-H.
Game name: during the meeting, two game names for
the D2X considered by the Council were mentioned but the membership
made no comment on either. One is the original Diablo game name which
is no longer in use and currently favored; the other is a version of
that. Feel free to comment on the game name in your email.
Please understand that although the Council will
make the final decision, they request your thoughtful input in order to
reflect the desire of the guild as a whole. (The list of current
Council members is
on the Names page. Contact with the Council is usually made through
Varda for quickest forwarding, but any Council member can do this
Tolkien chat:
Remained in the bnet
meeting channel, since it was stable. Hey! It happens!
Thror-(V)'s topic: Did the 7 rings for the dwarves
corrupt them?
Deagol-(V)'s topic: Why no rings for the hobbits?
Wandering of the topic to: Effect of rings on
wearers and how Sauron could corrupt them. Why and how rings were made.
Celebrimbor warned by Galadriel. Sauron's keen understanding of what
motivated people.
the meeting, quite a few of us gamed together.
April 5, 2001
No Valar Drop will be made.
In D2 Expansion (not meaning the stress test), no outside trading will
allowed. Please don't bring in any outside items from a D2
This can best be done by removing any of your items which you
know to be currently questionable and stopping outside trading now. At
very least, don't pass outside traded items on to other members.
Starting level for D2 Expansion.
We will have certain characters who will start in the D2 expansion at
level 1 and take no items from the pre-expansion, even though it means
zero trading with most people. Most of the guild during channel talk
seems in favor of full conversion of characters leveled in D2 along
with their items, so we may be running three types of games possibly
with different names, as we do
now with hardcore players. Please email Varda with comments or suggestions
to be passed on to the Council.
April 1, 2001
Valar Guild Time change! EST is the guild's official time which
today to Daylight Savings Time. This means tonight's meeting is one
earlier than last Sunday's. The Eastern Hemisphere rejoices!
Sunday Meeting 5pm ESDT
(28): Amillo, Angrod, Aule, Azog, Bard, Bert, Cirdan, Deagol, Earendil,
Elros, Eol, Finduilas, Fingon, Gimli, Girion, Gwindor, Halbarad,
Imrahil, Irmo, Orome, Quickbeam, Salmar, Shelob, Thror, Ulmo,
New: Tar-Aldarion
Tom Bombadil is having ISP problems.
Web Report
Story Page: Balin named his story "Of One's Own
Gaming Report
Diablo II Expansion Stress Test sign-up
4-11 from the Blizzard page.
D II and Expansion
Discussion: Questionable items from hackers stealing from others'
accounts, duping, and other cheats. To avoid taking questionable items
from a number of members who do outside trading into the D2 Expansion
with us, a number of propositions were suggested and currently under
discussion. Amillo kindly boiled these down for us. These come under
two headings, Trading and Conversion:
1. reinstatement of the old
rules from D1 : no trading outside , neither in D2 regular or D2
2. no trading in D2
but in Reg.D2 reg trading outside may continue.
3. Trading continues in D2
expansion as it has been allowed in D2 regular.
It seemed like most of the people at the meeting, at least from what
was said, never knew trading outside in D2 was allowed and those who
did know
never practisized it a lot.
1. Full conversion; members
may convert as they like. With or without items.
2. No conversion at all.
Every member has to start anew and create chars from scratch in order
to play the expansion. You can keep your regular D2
char but not convert it into D2 expansion.
3. You can convert you
char into D2 expansion but will have to drop any item it may posses and
leave those items in regular D.
4. Members may convert
1 char of free choce without item
Another suggestion later was "The Valar Drop".
The entire Valar Guild could go into public bnet and drop all items for
the general public
in unpassworded games we name perhaps as an activity during a meeting
another pre-determined drop on a Saturday, publicizing the problem of
and cheated items. Then we could keep the cleaned out characters with
their levels, lose no names, and trade only inside the guild.
Suggestions and comments (and perhaps a poll if
enough members respond) may be emailed to Varda to be forwarded or at least
summarized for the Council discussion.
My comp overheated dropping me from the discussion,
so I am indebted to Amillo, Salmar, and others for their help with this
Meeting Report..
For answers to any additional questions, please consult the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Beta F.A.Q.
Sadly, Ar-Pharazon, usually know as Pharazon, had to be removed from the guild. This is due to breaking rules of the Code of Conduct for behavior in the channel and in games.
March 28, 2001
Tar-Aldarion , welcome to the Valar Guild! He's going by
Aldarion, the way Ar-Pharazon is using Pharazon. The Tar and Ar tell us
that these are Numenorean kings and whether or not they were friendly
to the Valar. (This really is Aldarion, not a misspelling of Eldarion.)
The Tar- and Ar- could be used on the account name for the various
Numenorean king players, and dropped for a variation for a player name,
quite handy. Aldarion-(V) is a friend of Mahtan-(V)'s
who gets scouting credit, and was tested by Earendil-(Valar). He got a
brag-worthy 5/5! Aldarion's 40 from Florida, USA, and plays D2 several
times a week. Quote
from Earendil: "He is a radio co-host and co-web page editor for Computer America (he's the one named Mark).
His show is nationally syndicated, but his radio spot runs through the
meetings so he will not be able to attend them." Maybe we can
listen in live sometime! We can also read his column about computers on
the website or
listen to archived programs if we miss them from being in the meeting.
also owner and president of Silicon Beach Consulting, mentioned in his
column section.
Greetings and farewells. New folks, it is considered traditional for us to greet other members and to give them farewells in the channel and games, not just ignore their existence. Even a quick g2g for got to go is ok. You will often hear Aiya, which is Quenya elvish for Hail, and Namarie, which is Quenya elvish for farewell. We also often use Hail and Farewell for atmosphere too. Hi, Heya, and Hiya, are all used a lot. Some even have a line of Quenya for this use. During meetings, the individual says hail and farewell aloud to the group, but the group needs to say hi and bye with a whisper to prevent the screen from being taken over by constant hellos. Imagine 20 hello's every few seconds as people show up! Enjoy coming up with your own style of greeting or farewell, perhaps related to the character you are playing.
Letter from Elros:
Heya Valarbuddies,I sit down on the first day of spring break intending to get a bowazon to
level 50. My cd-drive then precedes to break disabling my use of all
Blizzard games. This means I won't be able to be on as often (my
poorly-made bot works!). Hopefully I will be able to get a new computer or
get my current one fixed. Until then I will be unable to get on very much.
Seems like all the macboys are grounded :)Elros
March 27,
Channel behavior: gavel. When a person has the gavel in one of
our guild channels, he is expected to act responsibly and honorably, as
befits the nature of our guild. If the temptation to misuse the gavel
(banning members for fun, expecting others to listen to disgusting
jokes and language) feels overpowering, hurriedly pass it to someone
else who you think can handle it.
If you don't know who that would be, pass it to a Maia or Vala honor
If ValarBuddy is around, and it's not a meeting, it should have the
Abuse of the gavel is abuse of the guild and is a kicking offense. If
person has been warned once, he knows better, so a second time is
for a Council member to use the option to remove him/her from the
Generally the Council member will already be aware of at least one
occasion where the person has been warned, as email is very fast and
Council keeps in touch. Other Council members will back him/her up.
how we feel about outsiders who do this? A member who does it is even
since he knows our feelings. A word to the wise, my friends.
To pass the gavel, type /designate [name] then type
March 26, 2001
Story page: Balin picked a name for his short story which is now
"Of One's Own Accord".
Letter from Tom Bombadil sent on Sunday:
Aiya Varda et. al.!March 25, 2001Recently, my internet connection has been acting up and I am only able to
get net access for like ten minutes at a time. This is on top of the
problems that my old computer is having... I am afraid that I can't be all
that active for a week or two, until my ISP decides that it is time to fix
my problems. Anyway... I hope that there will be a speedy solution and that
I can return :) (Just don't tell Aule :) )Tom
March 23, 2001
Eorl-(V) is back after months of the fun of moving to a new
home. Welcome back :) Under the name of David Steele, he is
also a fellow
culprit on the G-Lands game developer page that Manwe-(Valar) is into.
And a welcome back to
Melkor-(Valar) who has returned from far travels, active once again.
Congrats to Earendil and Valacirca for their
on the Silmarillion quiz. They chose their prizes today and this letter
from Salmar tells what they picked:
Aiya Varda!
Today Earendil and Valacirca received their prizes due to co-winning the Silmarillion quiz. Earendil chose a Stone of Jordan (unique ring)
and Valacirca chose Goldskin (unique armor).
22, 2001
Shelob , welcome to the
Valar Guild. I think you've been around about a week already, so happy
howdy! Shelob is 16, actually male although with a Tolkien female's
from Ontario, Canada in the Eastern Standard Time zone. He's read the H
Items: There has been some
confusion about how the picking up of items is normally handled. We
quite often all pick up the items since inventory is a problem. If it
looks any good after identification, it is generally offered to the one
who most probably needs it or stored if storage is available. A person
can say ahead of time if he's looking for a particular item and others
enjoy questing for it. Often the same good items are already stored by
someone so, if it is accidentally sold, might be replaceable. If a
person needs gold, he can ask and if it's available will usually be
given it. New nifty items come up all the time and are not worth
getting upset about.
March 21, 2001
Article! " On
Dwarvish Names " by Salmar-(Valar) is now up in the Dwarf section
of the Valar Guild's
Tolkien Encyclopedia.
Girion, welcome to the Valar Guild! Girion was recruited by
Thror, tested by Ulmo (who is ready for a raise after
5 tests in a week!). In Ulmo's words, Girion "is a 19 year old
major at the University of South Carolina Honors College. He came
Valar under the acct. name "deontological", a very cool word for
buffs :) " He's 19, from South Carolina, USA in the Eastern
Time zone, and read the H and LotR.
March 20, 2001
Translation! Fingon-(V) translated "
The Fall of Gil-galad " into Quenya, now up on the Poetry page.
March 18, 2001
New story! " Balin
", a novella by Balin-(V).
New poem! "
The Muster of Rohan ", by Meriadoc-(V)
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
(18): Amillo/Dusksinger, Ar-Pharazon/Pharazon, Aule, Balin, Deagol,
Elendil, Eru (netsplit), Fingon, Halbarad, Isildur, Mablung, Mahtan,
Salmar, Saruman, Thror, Valacirca, Varda. Meriadoc helped keep roll as
over-the-shoulder attendee; Salmar sent in his weekly roll. Astarant
member) showed up in the chat, but his comp freezes every time he
to say hi.
: Amillo reports 159.
New: Ar-Pharazon, Deagol, Mahtan. All showed
for the meeting and said a few words, which may be a record.
Stories: "An Unfound Door" by Irmo-(Valar)
"Balin" by Balin-(V)
Poems: "The Muster of Rohan" by Meriadoc-(V)
Links: G-Lands, a game development site for
rpg's and tabletop games by Manwe-(Valar) and others
Games Page: If you can use the menu links,
please tell Makar or Varda (who will forward to Makar) and say which
browser and version you are using.
Please update your
information on which online games you play by emailing Makar, as his
email was wiped
out during a hard drive re-format to remove a virus.
Baldur's Gate II: contact
CounterStrike: contact
Discussion Board re-invites
were sent out to Mablung, Halbarad, and Meriadoc. Meriadoc showed all
his names taken, so he came in as skylark_of_valeron in case you wonder
who that is.
Discussion Board attendees: Astarant (attempted), Aule, Balin, Elendil,
Eru (attempted), Mahtan, Thror, Varda
Balrog discussion
March 17, 2001
New Link! Manwe-(Valar) is part of a group putting out new
and table-top games, as well as giving info on older ones.. Check out
web-site in progress at G-Land
Games .
New short story!
An Unfound Door .
March 16, 2001
Makar lost his emails due to
having to reformat his hard drive to clear out a virus. He is able once
again to take email. Please help him update the Games page with your
Varda also has been having a
few email problems due to difficulties with the ISP which is beginning
to wonder if it is under hacker attack. Some emails have been bouncing
back although the server is not overloaded. However after the week away
from the computer, I found a large batch of email guild jobs waiting
for processing. If I don't answer you by Monday, please email me again.
If you are associated with a web site, let me know your guild name and
send me the URL for a link if you like.
March 12, 2001
Deagol , welcome to the Valar Guild! Deagol is Bard's real
life brother. Congrats on a perfect 5/5/ score, with Ulmo testing.
Deagol's 28, married, with a 5-year old son. From Illinois, USA he's
read H, LotR, some Sil and Lost Tales. Sam is his favorite LotR
Ar-Pharazon ,
also welcome
to the Valar Guild! He visited as the amazon Bowchicka of acct ] [v]
Ar-Pharazon was tested by the team of Earendil and Valacirca, Valacirca
He's 16, from Canada, and read the H and LotR. Time zone is EST. His
LotR char is Aragorn. He plays Diablo II and CounterStrike.
March 11, 2001
Herumor, the email address I
was given by the tester did not work. Please email Varda with the address at which
you would like to receive guild email. He did
and it's being corrected. Thanks, Herumor!
The Sunday meeting for
business will be held on bnet as usual, then the Tolkien chat will move
to the Discussion Board chat room. We are supposed to have some live
readings by guild authors of Tolkien-inspired short stories, especially
Gwindor who has the best sound and most stories. If you need an
invitation to the Yahoo Clubs Valar Guild Discussion Board, please
email Varda. Alternately, any guild member may invite any other of the
Letter from Mandos:
Hail all,Sunday Meeting 5pm (GMT-5)
I won't be at the sunday meeting (March 11) because I will be working. (insert tears here) :)Mandos
March 10, 2001
Makar's Games page is on a
new server. The menu works for some people but not for others. Please
give him feedback letting him know what browser you are using and what
does or does not work for you. We can use this page to find other guild
members to play with online, made easier if you use your regular guild
name where possible. It's based on going to the game then finding the
people, rather than going to the person and finding which games he
As you probably don't need reminded, always play
honorably (no cheating or impolite language) when using your guild name
and be ready to aid or ally with other guild members. It's best to
agree to clobber each other in a friendly fashion beforehand, but if it
happens anyway, forgive each other in the spirit of the game.
Old Games page
New Games page
Welcome to the Valar Guild,
Bard and Herumor! See March 8 for info on our nifty new members. The
items are placed there since that is when they joined, although I heard
about it today. Confused yet?
March 9, 2001
Baldur's Gate II players: Quickbeam , Thranduil , Makar
March 8, 2001
Welcome to
Bard , from Illinois,
USA! He's 15, read the H, LotR, and half the Sil. Congrats on a perfect
entry test score from Ulmo!
Welcome to Herumor the
our new member from North Carolina, USA! He's 13 and read the H and
Tested by Ulmo.
March 8, 2001
Baldur's Gate II players: Quickbeam is asking who the
other BGII players are as he's interested in joining
them. Makar also plays. Varda would like to know for posting on the
and Makar needs to know for the Games page. Emailing Varda will get the
sent to the others as well.
You know
you're in Valar when ...: additions from Thingol.
Diablo 2 Experiences second
installment called
Rants 2 from Elros. D2 advice on how to gain levels and gold, along
with comments.
March 4, 2001
Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
The business meeting was held on bnet, most of the Tolkien chat and a
following gaming chat was on the Discussion Board chat room.
: (24) report from Salmar and Varda
Amillo, Arothir, Aule, Azaghal, Balin, Barahir,
Elendil, Elros, Eol, Finduilas, Fingon, Gwindor, Halbarad, Irmo,
Mablung, Makar, Nimrodel, Osse/Falman, Salmar, Thranduil, Tulkas,
Ulmo/Linqil, Valacirca, Varda/Gimilnitir (chair)
: report from Amillo
Eol makes member # 151. He tested just
the meeting with Varda. He's 26, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA in the CST
zone. He's read the H, LotR, and part of the Sil. He plays D2, SC, and
He has a minor in Comparative Literature.
New: Aldor and Eol are new full members. Eol, who
finished the test right before the meeting, said a few words. :)
is our new member
of honor, daughter of Finduilas, and spoke with us in the voice chat in
a sweet, clear voice befitting her part. She was tested
Orome-(Valar) over the Hobbit.
Tulkas will be in the middle of moving but can still
be reached by his hotmail address. The comp will therefore be up and
for a bit.
Silmarillion Quiz by Salmar: two members are
co-winners, getting 14 of 15 questions right. (Answers are now posted
on the Discussion Board.) The co-winners are Earendil and Valacirca.
They may choose from a collection of fine Diablo II objects for their
Links: news article on the non-government
space clipper which runs by solar power scheduled for a test launch
this year, another
going to Pluto if that experiment works.
Baldur's Gate II is forming up with Valar
members. We have two asking for more to join their party. Someone
please remind me who those two members were for News posting. Email
Varda if you are interested in trying to find a particular time for
play so this can be relayed. All Baldur's
Gate people need to be sure Makar knows that you play it so he can list
on the Games page and you can get together at will.
: (most of the chat was in the Discussion Board chat room which not
could reach. Please email Varda for an invitation. Mac comps cannot do
sound, but can type)
1. Balin-(V)'s topic: Could Sauron be turned
to good? It went on to all other bad guys and whether they could be
turned to good. The general agreement seemed to be that once they were
in too deep and let their ego rule them, they were sunk. Grima tried to
turn back to good
and Osse did do so. No ringwraiths nor orcs were known to have done so.
almost returned to Valinor, but his pride and fear prevented it, and
motives were not good enough.
2. Tulkas-(Valar)'s topic: What was the source
Denethor's madness and why did he believe he could fight it? Tulkas
to leave and the topic was only briefly discussed, hoping to have
back to be in on it, perhaps next meeting. Denethor's madness came from
than one source, if those things which weakened him into it are all
such as the death of his preferred heir, Boromir.
Next time we may have readings from our Tolkien
short stories by some of the authors such as Gwindor.
1, 2001
For Star nuts such as Varda, a news article from the Guardian, located
by Meriadoc-(V):
American and Russian space clipper to set sail "
Used this to add more Space links on our Links page
under Writing resources.
Feb. 25, 2001
Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5) Held in the Discussion Board Chat
: (14 seen either on Bnet or Discussion Board; some could locate Ulmo
not contact)
Azaghal, Aule, Balin, Earendil, Eowyn, Finduilas,
Fingon, Gwindor, Irmo, Thranduil, Tom, SamWise, Valacirca, Varda
: 149 members
Salmar and Amillo were unavailable for the meeting,
Salmar was out of town and Amillo was exhausted from night shifts. Bad
netsplit so
we moved into the Discussion Board chat room. Not everyone would have
about it so not everyone is shown on the attendee list. Three
invitations were sent: SamWise, Elendil, and Finduilas. Hit the request
for enabling voice
chat. Ulmo seemed to be online but we had difficulty contacting him to
him know where we went.
Aule's new set-up for the LotR Movies page was
Blizzard is being attacked by
idiot hackers again. This does not necessarily mean disaster. I thought
my acct was wiped, but it turned out that one of the kids had been
trying out the VK mod for D2 and hadn't switched it back.
Quiz deadline extended another week. Salmar and
family will be attending a regional festival for the next 4-5 days.
Silmarillion fans take note and squeeze in another answer. He's from
the Netherlands.
Two songs were sung and we had one reading aloud. Advantage of voice
The songs were "Troll sat alone on his seat of stone": by Varda-(Valar)
"The Lay of Gil-galad": by Fingon-(V). The reading was of the
misunderstanding that the Corsair ships coming meant disaster: by
Varda-(Valar). Other people are out hunting microphones so we should
have even more voice next time.
People seemed to like having the meeting in the chat
room, so please send in your feelings on the matter by email to Varda
the poll. Should we continue meeting there or stick with the regular
If you need an invitation to the Discussion Board, please email Varda and include your guild name.
Feb. 22, 2001
Lord of the Rings Move Page by Aule-(Valar) : you have to
take a look at this totally revamped set of pages.
Aule has done a truly incredible job in content, looks, and navigation.
a bow, Aule!
Feb. 18, 2001
Thanks to Ulmo for sending in the meeting info!
Varda was out of town.
Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
: (17) Report by Ulmo and Salmar
Amillo/Omar, Azaghal, Balin, Earendil, Elendil,
Elros/Starfoam, Fingon, Gwindor, Halbarad, Irmo, Makar, Salmar,
Thranduil/OfMirkwood, Thror, Tulkas, Ulmo/Linqil (chair), Valacirca
: Report by Amillo
149 members
Mablung joined last Sunday. We still need his
corrected email address.
: Report by Ulmo and Elros
New articles by Salmar on Beren and Luthien, New
rants article by Elros.
: Report by Ulmo
Lively chat about which character
in D2 is the best.
: Report by Ulmo
Amillo started a couple topics: "womens roles and
their independance" and "the common man/other race and heroism"
Irmo started one "Who is the least important/least
impact if omitted member of the Fellowship in regards to their Quest.
Feb. 16, 2001
Notice from Blizzard Entertainment:
To avoid losing your Diablo II items and characters or your account, you should:
1. Never give your password or CD-key to anyone for any reason;
Blizzard employees will never ask you for this information.
2. Never use programs such as trainers, hacks, or cheats. These
programs can install viruses as well as "back door"
programs that grant hackers the ability to manipulate or remove
data from your computer remotely.
Feb. 14, 2001
Luthien ", new Tolkien Encyclopedia article by Salmar sent
in on the 12th, a fine pair of articles to celebrate Valentine's Day,
the day of lovers.
Feb. 13, 2001
" Beren
", new Tolkien Encyclopedia article by Salmar sent in on the
Feb. 12, 2001
by Salmar from the Discussion Board:
Aiya Valar Guild and other Tolkien Fans out there:)
Demanding families, busy jobs, multiple hobbies
bad/beautiful weather, playing
Ok, we understand and have decided to prolongue the
deadline for your entrees on the Silmarillion Quiz.
Look under message nr. 644 on this Board (Jan 26th)
The new deadline is now one hour before meeting of Sunday
Februari 25th (5 PM EST, 23:00 GMT+1. Remember that (co)winners not
being council-members will be rewarded with D2 prizes
(uniques). Choice of Goldskin, Wormskull or Culwen's Point.
Feb. 11, 2001
Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
: (News Report by Salmar and Varda)
Members: Angrod, Aule (Taglos), Azog, Balin,
Bert, Elendil, Elros, Fingon, Gorbag, Gwindor, Irmo (Dreamlord),
Makar, Namo
(Mandos), Orome, Salmar (Tyalangan), Thror, Tulkas (Astaldo), Ulmo
(Linquil) (chair), Valacirca, Varda (reports). Dior came
in after the meeting.
Visitors: *Radagast, *-KOB-Odysseus, *{PDC}NavySeal
(joined after the meeting as Mablung, Ranger of Ithilien)
Membership: 146 members reported on Amillo's
Members page
Oin, Ori's brother, is back.
Gloin is back, still having comp problems but able
to play the original Diablo.
Tulkas will be going out to sea Wednesday.
Welcome to Mablung-(V)!
After the meeting, our visitor {PDC}NavySeal joined the guild as
scoring a perfect 5/5 with Valacirca and Varda testing. Thanks Oin, for
him our way! He's 13, from the great state of Texas, USA, read the H
LotR, and picked Gandalf as his favorite LotR character. He has SC/BW
hopes to have his comp able to handle D2 on Monday or some time soon
Good luck!
Tolkien Encyclopedia: New article "Balin" by Balin-(V) this week.
Quiz on the Silmarillion: Salmar was asked to continue the quiz
week by some of the contestants. No one has sent in their answers yet.
generally give Diablo II prizes only to non-Council winners, so don't
about having to compete with them.
Naming characters in all games: the -V and -(V) are preferred
showing membership. A V with no - is often used as a Roman numeral for
Sometimes it is necessary in cases of very long names, but not
The -(Valar) or -Valar is usually used by honor ranks such as Maia and
to help locate testers. While it is legal for non-testers, it does
confusion sometimes. It may be necessary due to the lack of number of
but make a try at asking Salmar for help with alternate names before
this last resort. It would be kind to send these alternate names to
for the Names page, but not required.
Diablo II:
Trading and taking gifts outside: best not to do it. Thefts,
dupes, gambling sniffer additions have put a sizable number of
items out there.
Lively discussion! :)
1. Ulmo-(Valar) asked who was the individual in all the books who was
most honorable and unselfish of all the free peoples and why?
(These names are in no particular order.)
Earendil, Finrod Felagund, Frodo, SamWise, Luthien,
and Faramir were the most defended.
Cases were made for Gandalf (Maia, not free people),
Elrond, Balin, Beor the Old, Glorfindel, Hurin, Aragorn (he was
so obvious that he was almost left out! Some said he was so highly
and motivated to gain the high kingship and Arwen that he could be left
Thror, Old Gaffer, Grishnakh (ok it was a joke), Ghan-buri-ghan,
Farmer Maggot, Fatty Bolger, Merry, Pippin, Beren, Beregond, Legolas,
and Fingon.
This would make a great continuing chat topic
in the Discussion Board. Go defend your own choices.
2. Highlights by Gwindor-(V) came from Morgoth's
Ring , highly recommended to hear inside comments from Tolkien's
He quoted from the discussion on the lawfulness of
allowing Finwe to marry Indis after Miriel's death, since Miriel had
the capacity to
re-enter the world. This decision would also touch other decisions and
to be carefully thought through. Mandos (in the book) realized that
they were
now in Arda Marred and made his contribution. These are excerpts from
Mandos: "We may indeed in counsel point to the
road, but we cannot compel any free creature to walk upon it. That
to Tyranny, which disfigureth good and maketh it seem hateful. Healing
final Hope, as Manwe hath spoken of it, is a law which one can give to
Manwe: "Neither must ye forget that in Arda-Marred,
Justice is not Healing. Healing cometh only by suffering and patience,
and maketh no demand, not even for Justice... Thus the Statute was
just, but it accepted Death and the severence of Finewe and Miriel, a
thing unnatural in Arda-Unmarred... Healing must retain ever the
thought of Arda-Unmarred and if it cannot ascend, must abide in
Feb. 10, 2001
New: Tolkien Encyclopedia article, " Balin
", by Balin-(V). More power to Balin!
Welcome back! Oin, Ori's brother, missing from the guild since
showed up tonight and chatted with Aule. The name confusion on the web
between the brothers is now over. Ori joined Aug 19, 2000 and Oin
Aug 23, 2000.
Feb. 9, 2001
Lord of the Rings - tabletop
game under construction. Deal made by Games Workshop. Link found by
now on the Links page under Gaming/Other Games
4, 2001
New poem by Balin-(V): "
The Last Moments of Balin's Colony ". It is on the Poetry page and
linked from the Dwarves' page in the Encyclopedia.
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
Members (22): Amillo, Aule (pron: Owl-ay:)),
Balin, Barahir, Earendil, Elros, Falathar, Fingon, Guilin, Gwindor,
Halbarad, Haleth, Irmo (from DNK-1),
Maedhros, Melkor, Orome, Salmar, Scatha, Thranduil, Tom, Ulmo (chair),
Valacirca, Varda (comp froze as meeting started, so Ulmo chaired.
Thanks! Varda came back in time to give reports.)
Visitors (2): *NecroZealot2 (DominusMei)
(joined after the meeting as Angrod-(V), *~xanatos~ (Gwindor's friend,
who would also
like to join), *-Dunedain- (ex-Denethor), *Lord_Thomas (Denethor's
: 146 reported by Amillo at the start of the meeting.
Earendil is now a Maia named Earendil.
Balin joined this week.
Denethor left this week due to personal problems.
Angrod-(V) joined the
guild after the meeting. Welcome! He passed Elros's test 5/5! He's read
the H, LotR,
and Sil. He's 17 from Norway. We still need his email, so please ask
to email Varda if you happen to
see him.
Chat: Salmar and Varda were also present in
the Discussion Board chat room during the meeting.
Quiz page: Salmar's quiz deadline is one
before our next meeting.
Poetry page: Balin-(V) has a poem up: "
The Last Moments of Balin's Colony " with a link from the Dwarf
page in the Encyclopedia.
Home page: new look which should make the
index more readable.
Diablo II:
The official position of the guild is that use of
the gambling sniffer or of the rollback dupes is cheating. For this
reason and because some people found a way to steal items by robbing
accounts and leaving them empty (as happened to some of our members a
while back), we prefer not to trade outside. The sniffer has brought in
unfair items already to the Realms,
the rollback brought in many dupes, and stolen items, well garn! Most
at the meeting said they didn't trade outside anyway and that it
affect them. We try hard to keep duped, cheated, and/or stolen items
of our guild. If you must trade outside, please use an outsider
and don't bring him/her into the guild..
The subject was a very likely origin for Tom
Bombadil, whether or not Tolkien intended it or commented on it, as
shown in the Silmarillion. Salmar introduced Tom's Discussion
Board topic to the
meeting, and Tom has generously agreed to do an article on the subject,
requesting your input at the chat. The subject was a statement by Eru
in the Silmarillion in "Of Aule and Yavanna" in which he says,
"When the Children awake, then the thought of Yavanna will awake also,
and it will summon spirits from
afar, and they will go among the kelvar and the olvar, and some will
therein, and be held in reverence, and their just anger shall be
For a time: while the Firstborn are in their power, and while the
are young."
Manwe then stated, "...before the Children awake
there shall go forth with wings like the wind the Eagles of the Lords
of the West." And he said, " the forests shall walk the Shepherds
of the Trees."
This is obviously partly telling of the making of
the ents which shepherd the trees. The "spirits from afar" may be Maia
as they do not seem to come from nearby which would be Arda, the world.
Only "some will dwell therein" rather than all, implying others than
the ents. This could
very well be the time Tom Bombadil could have entered, an enigma, not
a Maia, not an ent, but a spirit from afar doing Yavanna's thought. He
the Old Forest and could not be ruled by the One Ring. Politics was not
interest, but the Old Forest alone. This also leaves room for yet other
Balin-(V) asked about his new character in the
How is his name correctly pronounced in dwarvish, and what is his age?
Balin lived in the Third Age from 2763 to 2994. The pronunciation was
in some doubt as we were looking at elvish rules for pronunciation. He
hopes that it is Bah-lin rather than Bay-lin since he feels that sounds
After the meeting some of us joined Irmo at
DiabloRetailDNK-1 for continuing Tolkien chat. Irmo was unable to join
our private channel, but we could join his public channel.
Unfortunately, right after instigating this wild run to Denmark, Varda
fell off bnet and had to leave. Hopefully someone will email what the
continued chat subject was.
I now have a page up on my site explaining my free web space proposal. The
page is availible at:
Or through a link at my home page.
28, 2001
Welcome, Balin-(V), to the Valar Guild! Balin is 16, from
Canada. Congrats on a perfect 5/5 score on Tom's test! He joined after
Congrats, Earendil-(Valar), for a perfect score on your Maia
test. Earendil-(V) kept his name as a Maia, since Earendil in the books
into service as a Maia would have, although not actually a Maia spirit.
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
Attending (roll from Salmar and Varda):
Members (21): Arothir, Aule, Azaghal,
Beregond, Denethor (late), Dior, Earendil, Elros, Feanor (late),
Gwindor, Halbarad, Melkor, Quickbeam, Salmar, Thranduil, Thror, Tom,
Ulmo (chair), Valacirca, Varda (reports).
Visitors (3): Mr.$mith (Soulgrave),
*urbreathsmells, *KingOfSam.
Membership: 146 current full members, no
new this week.
Quiz page
: new quiz over the Silmarillion by Salmar. Also shown on the Discussion Board
Bombadil's Valar Guild Site : working again, re-done, new Trading Message
Board for D2, and an offer of free web space for guild members.
& Mythology page: server working again, so new articles are
again being accepted.
page: new link found by Earendil listed under Languages - a
Quenya/English dictionary called Quettaparma Quenyanna
Channel Eldar is now being used by a pleasant
guild, so please move to the next channel.
Channel Ea is now being used by a guild called Elite
Archers with a bot, so please don't use that one either.
Channel Shire is also in use by another guild.
Diablo I:
Quickbeam and ex-Fingon
answered question from Halbarad: A bard and barbarian style warrior are
available from
hidden files on the Diablo I CD. If you want to try them, use
command.txt and type bardtest or barbariantest
Diablo II:
Trading is being done in the
first guild game in norm during the hour before the meeting, as well as
usual anytime. Also, you can post trading news at Tom Bombadil's
message board. (see Web section above for link or use the main guild
page to his site index)
Two Tolkien tests: one for entry passed by Balin
(who visited as *KingofSam), and one for Maia honor passed by Earendil
who kept his name as a Maia since the book Earendil became the morning
star that watches against Melkor.
Jan. 27, 2001
Bombadil's Valar Guild Site is back in
action. He is also offering free web space to Valar Guild members who
Cute FTP (see
Team page for getting this free program). Please email Tom-(Valar) concerning this kind
Jan. 26, 2001
Silmarillion: quiz on Silmarillion trivia by Salmar. It can be
as a
page or from the Discussion Board
for 1/26, but please email answers to Salmar-(Valar)
rather than posting them. Maybe the questions could also suggest new
articles, stories, poems, or jokes as well.
Folklore: The Homestead server has solved its problems at last,
the Folklore & Mythology page is back in action. :)
articles are welcome, remembering this is not an official Valar Guild
but a personal site.
Jan. 24, 2001
Tom Bombadil's
Valar Guild Site is temporarily located here if you're
trying to find those SC maps and other goodies. He hopes to be have his
page up possibly late Sunday in the normal location. He's been having
some modem and other comp probs. Hang in there, Tom!
Jan. 22, 2001
New link:
Quenyanna - a Quenya/English dictionary found by
Earendil-(V). It can be found on our Links page under Tolkien/Languages
Jan. 21, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
Members (21): Aule/Taglos, Azaghal, Barahir,
Denethor, Earendil, Elros/StarFoam, Finduilas, Glaurung, Guilin,
Gwindor, Maedhros, Melkor, Orome, Quickbeam, Salmar, SamWise, Thror,
Tulkas/Astaldo, Ulmo/Linqil (chair), Valacirca, Varda (reports)
Visitors (2): BSM2000/T-Maxx, Tarotbuddy
146 current full members on the Members page. No new
members this week, although we have applications.
Eru and Grishnakh are having computer problems.
Articles, stories, poems, jokes and any other
contributions are requested.
If you have news about something happening on your
page, please email Varda to have
it written up on the News page and mentioned at the meeting.
1. Diablo II trading: trading, gifting, and
mathom-dropping can be done in the hour before the meeting. It is also
done frequently in the first Diablo 2 guild game and at any time.
2. Baldur's Gate II "Shadows of Amn": Fingon is
looking for guild members in their Tolkien names to join him online.
Please email Fingon
for synchonizing guild member games.
Tolkien: (Chat plagued by netsplit. Chat
room use suggested for such problems.)
1. Varda-(Valar's topic: Why was Beregond, a
non-royal, included in the story?
Tulkas-(Valar) said someone
had to save Faramir from his father's madness. Also, despite being
banished from Minas Tirith for disobedience, he got some perks out of
it! Varda-(Valar) mentioned that Beregond gave another expression of
the theme of loyalty
despite great risks, and from a family man at that.
2. Tulkas-(Valar)'s topic: When did one of the
Ringwraiths get closest to Frodo?
Earendil answered correctly Oct 6. In another way of looking at the
some answered that Weathertop and the Ford were the two places they
closest physically to Frodo.
3. Earendil-(V)'s topics: Do Tolkien's elves have
pointed ears and what is your reason for thinking so? Do Balrogs have
wings? Both were controversial and no answer was proven well enough to
satisfy everyone. Most people felt elves had pointed ears and that
balrogs had something like wings, not necessarily functional.
Jan. 19, 2001
Grishnakh says hi from a friend's comp. His folks took their
with them when they moved, leaving Grish compless. Hopefully he'll have
least intermittent access to email thanks to his friend. He still
to remain in the guild and we hope he has good luck finding a new (or
Jan. 17, 2001
Letter from Eru:
Sorry to say that I'm having continued PC trouble, mostly around getting anything to run with myJan. 14, 2001
graphics card. I can't play D2 or EQ at the moment, but I'm hoping to have the problem fixed by
the weekend.
Best wishes to all of the guild, and I'll see you soon (hopefully)
Jan. 12, 2001
Virus alert. Don't open an
email attachment titled "It takes guts to say Jesus" as it wipes
documents from the hard drive. New, no remedy known yet. Virus Alert
page for further info. No first or second hand experience to
Jan. 11, 2001
Homestead server: To web
people and Folklore enthusiasts, Homestead's server continues to give
the message that it will be down indefinitely due to a small group who
abused the service with large pirated software files. The Folklore and
Mythology page will most likely be moving, possibly to 50Megs to allow
Jan. 8, 2001
New link on Links/Nifty: The World According to Squarf
- humor page link sent in by Meriadoc-(V)
Jan. 7, 2001
Sunday Meeting 5pm EST (GMT-5)
Attending (Report by Salmar):
(15): Amillo (chair), Aule, Azog, Bert, Denethor, Earendil, Eldarion,
Elros, Eomer, Luthien, Melkor, Salmar, Tom, Valacirca.
(Melkor appointed Amillo as
chair. Varda and Ulmo were not home.)
Visitor: -KoB-Odysseus
Membership (Report by Amillo): 147
current members
New (Info from Varda from Recruiting Page):
Eldarion joined Jan 6
Fingon joined Jan 1
Azog joined Dec 27
Celebrian joined Dec 23
Guilin joined Dec 16
Dwalin joined Dec 3
Gaming (Report by Amillo):
Diablo II:
Melkor had a question about a bug specifical for
Paladins and their Smite skill, no solution were found but it
apperantly did not
bother his play much.
The Council reminded the meeting about the legitness
and honour of our Guild to aid in decisions about the coming rollback.
Tolkien (Report by Amillo and
Earendil had two topics for Tolkien chat:
1. Why was Elwing, a non-Noldorin Elf, punished for
breaking the Ban of the Valar?
2. When the Numenorians sailed the far seas, did
they sail to the eastern edge of the world?
There was
no final answer given to that. Even Tales tells of the Numenorians
at the Walls of the Sun from their high bows.
Denethor's topic:
3. If Boromir said he could have the power of
wearing the One Ring, why didn't Isildur?
Earendil's answers to 3: "He already did." "He
have time to practice."
Thank you to all who came to the meeting, and to those who gave it organization! Melkor for appointing a chair, Salmar for taking roll, Amillo for chairing and his info on the meeting for the News, Earendil for sending in the Tolkien topics.
Jan. 6, 2001
Welcome to Eldarion! Scouted
by Imrahil, he was tested by Gandalf and Orome. He's 21, read the H and
LotR, and lives in New Jersey, USA as a Rutgers student. He started out
as Mablung, but upon finding out that the Aldarion name was available,
took that instead. His favorite LotR character is Sam.
Testers, if you are uncertain if a name has
been taken, check the Members page for names already used in
alphabetical order. The Names page tells that by race and gives a few
suggestions for names as well. The index for LotR and and Sil are fast
ways to pick up some more names and check the spelling.
Aegnor writes to tell us that he has been
traveling to Baltimore and Europe, thus unable to be with us in the
guild for a while. He has returned and hopes to be a more regular
member now. Have fun helping him catch up!
New: You know
you're in Valar when by Earendil.
New: link to Evolution 3D . Menelvagor did not
do the site design nor screenshots but he supplied
graphics and game description documents. Menelvagor is Ben Love, the
Project Designer. The site is looking for a 3dsmax world designer and
Blizzard is looking for 3D level
designers .
Tolkien Movie News from Earendil:
Preview comes out on January 12th on the JFK movie "Thirteen Days".I (Varda) may be missing again for tomorrow's meeting between trying to be at the hospital and company and Blizzard's maintenance. Good luck to all! Have no fear for the meeting though, as we have Ulmo and other Council members ready to handle everything. Teamwork has always been one of the great things about the guild. Gelondil has some discussion ideas. If Blizzard wipes us out this time or we don't get to hear all of them, we can look forward to his ideas next week when things should be back to normal. (Cross your fingers!)
It will also be shown during the Superbowl on the 28th.
New Line is good at putting previews/trailers on the trailers page
Jan. 4, 2001
Letter from Halbarad:
I am back after a long absence, and was unable to properly and effectivelyWelcome back, Halbarad!
communicate this. First, our computer died a slow death by stages, then I was
caught up with the Canadian Election and its aftermath (I a riding
association treasurer and had to file two returns to Elections Canada
afterward). By this time, after all of us in the family went through the flu,
and fasting in Ramadan (no fun allowed!), we decided to get a new computer
for Eid (last week), and so, I am finally coming back into active guild
membership.Anyway, I did try to E-mail you from an Internet cafe in early November, but
it may not have gotten through, and I also got onto B-net later in November
and asked a fellow Valarite to pass the news along, but I was in a hurry, and
likely failed in this , too.Could you please post some of this on news, or at least pass on that I missed
everyone and hope to be a regular again by this coming weekend.
Jan. 3, 2001
Poetry Page
: two new poems
about the fight with the Witch-King from Merry's point of view, by
From Blizzard:
The process of restoring Diablo 2 hardcore and
standard characters will begin on Sunday January 7th, 6:00 P.M PST
(GMT -8). This process requires that the realms be shut down for
24 hours, Asian for 30 hours. For more info, see
Blizzard .
Jan. 2, 2001
Letter from Amillo:
ll just let you know the Caves are up again at Xoom ( Free Space made me choose that place ) the new address isCheck out Tuvo's cave! It has the new photos of his sculpture of Frodo as he must have felt late in the journey. Amazing job, Tuvo! For those of you who don't know, that's Tuvo's own original painting of the Black Gates of Morannon. new year, happy new year, may we all have a vision now and then of the world where every neighbour is a friend.
Happy new year, happy new year, May we all have the hopes and will to try, if we don`t we might as well lay down to die.Amillo
Jan. 1, 2001
Welcome to the guild, Fingon
! Having a new member is a great way to start off the new Milennium!
Fingon located us while searching for LotR sites, then emailed Varda.
Impressively, he passed Valacirca's entry test with a perfect 5/5!
(Favorite LotR char
is Boromir.) He's 22 from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Mountain time).
read the H, LotR, and Sil. He plays Brood War, Baldur's Gate, and
Gate 2. He went by the name [DK]Feanor outside. He's written a play
the fall of Fingolfin in the battle between Morgoth(Melkor) and
and is trying to learn an elven language.
page maintained
by Varda