(5:42:36 PM) ArPharazonV has left the room.
(6:11:54 PM) fladrifv has entered the room.
fladrifv (6:12:03 PM): Aiya
fladrifv (6:12:12 PM): am I to late?
AriehnV (6:15:00 PM): hehe aye
AriehnV (6:16:25 PM): Namarie all
AriehnV (6:16:53 PM): think next week will be more active or the one
aftrer @_
(6:16:56 PM) AriehnV has left the room.
Eonwe Valar (6:21:06 PM): Aye, we had a pretty
quick meeting tonight :}
fladrifv (6:25:41 PM): I see
fladrifv (6:25:44 PM): namarie for now
fladrifv (6:25:50 PM): see ya all next week
(6:26:15 PM) fladrifv has left the room.
Eonwe Valar (6:26:16 PM): Take care :}
(7:16:01 PM) arwenv1 has left the room.