Forms for Making a Bibliography

Book by one author (whole book)

    Shippen, Katherine B.  The Great Heritage.  New York:  The Viking Press, 1947.

Book by two authors (whole book)

    Crouse, Anna, and Russel Crouse.  Peter Stuyvesant of Old New York.  New York:  Random House, 1954.

Book by more than two authors (whole book)

    Wilder, Howard, and others.  This is America's Story.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin Company, 1954.

Books without an author (whole book)

    Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1963.  Washington, D.C.:  Government Printing Office, 1963.

Part of a book when the author referred to is also the author of the entire book

    Gustafson, A.F.  "Soil Depletion and Erosion."  Conservation in the United States.  Ithaca, New York: 
        Comstock Publishing Company, 1941.  Chapter 12, pp. 75-110.

Part of a book when the author referred to is not the author of the entire book

    Fisher, Dorothy Canfield.  "The Bedquilt."  Adventures in Reading, by J. M. Ross and Blanche
        Thompson, New York:  Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1941.  pp. 43-46.

From an encyclopedia when the author is known

    Hubbs, Carl L.  "Fishes."  The Encyclopedia Britannica.  1960. Vol. 9, 305-329.

From an encyclopedia when the author is not given

    "Beaver."  Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia.  1960.  Vol. 2, 101-4.

Article in a magazine - a signed article

    O'Brien, Brian J.  "Radiation Belt."  Scientific American, 208:36,84-96, May, 1963.

Article in a magazine - an unsigned article

    "Spiders Out of Business in Today's Rocket Age."  Science News Letter, 83:296, May 11, 1963.

Articles in a newspaper

    "Peace Corps Idea Spreading Afar."  New York Times, May 5, 1963.  Vol. 112, Sec. P 6:1.

References repeated

  Author repeated immediately after:

    Asimov, Isaac.  The Kingdom of the Sun.  New York:  Abelard-Schuman, 1960.

    ___________ . Realm of Measure.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin Company, 1960.



Books etc. listed  in a bibliography  must be written in alphabetical order, according to the first letter. Do not consider A, An, or The at the beginning of a title.

Above bibliography entries are to be considered as starting against the margin, not indented.

If space for the bibliographical entry requires more than one line, then indent the second line, and indent any following lines of that entry the same as the second.

    Shippen, Katherine B.  The Great Heritage.  New York:  The Viking
        Press, 1947.

Notes on formatting bibliographies from:

Buchman, Dian Dincin and Seli Groves.  "At-A-Glance Guide to Back Matter."  The Writer's Digest Guide to Manuscript Formats.  Cincinnati, Ohio:  Writer's Digest Books, 1987.  Part 1: Books-Nonfiction, pp. 44-45.

A bibliography less formally may be titled as "Works Consulted" or "Works Cited".

For extensive bibliographies, divide it into categories.

For a separate bibliography page, drop three inches (or eighteen spaces) from the top of the page, type and center Bibliography.
Skip four spaces to the text.

Type flush with the left-hand margin.

If the entry runs over the line, indent the next lines by five spaces.
Use single-spacing within that typing entry.

Double-space between entries.

Type a colon before a subtitle, such as:
Herbal Medicine: The Natural Way to Get Well and Stay Well

Put a period at the end of each entry.

Do not number entries.
