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Dec. 28, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wed. 8pm EST 12-man Prancing Pony
(Andwegar), Hurin (Hiurred), Indis (Celebrethil), Irmo (Irmogar),
Miriel (Mahariel), Tulkas (Astald), and Varda (Fainan).
Folks who
helped round out the pug were Anrisa, Eladion, Garnet, Mosby, and
Dec. 26, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Nimrodel will be unavailable for
the next few days.
Monday 8pm EST 6-man classic
level 75 Annuminas:
Celeborn (Kebb, champion),
Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Melkor (Belkus, burgar), Nimrodel
(Ardisian, hunter), and Varda (Fainan, hunter). Melilotus (minstrel) of
Lhee group aided us.
Dec. 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Tolkien Site / Stories:
Oliphaunt's Tale" by Mirabella-(V). "What was the fate of the
oliphaunts who fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?" Aragorn,
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
by Mirabella-(V) as mentioned above.
RP forum title voting completed on the forum. Title
puzzle game including url
LotRO (news swaps back and forth with the WoW
"Lord of the Rings: War in the North" review by
movie trailer with a better
link found
by Ar-Pharazon-(V).
RP forum story sequel title has been chosen, so we
moved to the plot line discussion. Thread set up during the meeting and
old story threads closed to further posting unless called for by the
writing group to correct the plot.
WoW: members have been busy all holiday and kept
Dec. 22, 2011
Fangorn and Varda have been married for 38
years today. Many enchiladas were destroyed before bringing you this
Dec. 21, 2011
Hobbit trailer,
official. (Instead take another link given
during the Dec 25 meeting.)
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EST 12-man skirmishes
completed (no symbol):
Battle for the Tower
Ringwraith's Lair
(Thongaladh, champion), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy,
minstrel), Hurin (Hiurin, champion), Indis (Alasse, lore-master),
Nimrodel (Cynthiajane, champion),
and non-Valarites but worthy companions: Cwenhild (first run, switched
to Isilwing, champion, for second run), Elaytra (hunter), Eoblod
(champion), Kossuth (champion, has a warden Elhalrond), and Thrasili
Dec. 20, 2011
Gaming / LotTO:
Yule festival starts today.
Dec. 19, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday run 8pm EST. Level 75
Prancing Pony
12-man skirmish completed with 9 of us.
(Andwegar, burglar), Gildor (Livinola, captain), Gorlim (Aeronwy,
minstrel), Hurin (Hiurin, champ), Indis (Alasse, lore-master), Melkor
(Melko, minstrel), Nellas (Nimeithel, warden), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate 12-man, 7 Valarites, pugged the rest for a
full group.
(Thongaladh, champion), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy),
Indis (Alasse, lore-master), Nimrodel (Ardisian), Pippin (Avengelina),
and Varda (Fainan).
Dec. 18, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
(presided over Tolkien), fladrifv, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Menelvagor
Valar, VardaValar1 (presided over business meeting)
RP forum story title list finalized. Vote for your
preference on the Forum.
Dec. 17, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday run 1pm EST.
Dec. 14, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EST. Foundry 6-man.
Killed the first boss, Darh, as was our goal going in.
After Galdor
left, Celeborn came in and Gildor switched to guardian for the second
boss. We ran out of time before figuring out the trick, although we
improved each try.
Celeborn (Kebb, champion),
Galdor (Andwegar, burglar), Gildor (Livinola, captain; Marrella,
guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter),
Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda (Fainan, hunter)
Dec. 13, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Miriel's report on three of the new
Irmo (Imogar, guardian), Celeborn
(Kebb, champion) and Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel) completed the 3 new
3-man Isengard instances: Dargnakh Unleashed, Into the Pit of
Abomination (Ironarm wing) and Protecting the Forest.
Food for thought on the end fights...
Dargnakh Unleashed- Every 78 seconds Dargnakh unleashes a gigantic AOE
attack which can kill all in range except the main tank, this can be
recognized by the dust falling from above and the ground shaking. So
all except the tank should make sure they are in the middle of the room
at that time. Have the tank move Dargnakh to each corner of the room as
his AOE attack also destroys the structures/scaffolding holding up the
roof. Once all 4 structures/scaffolding are destroyed the sun shines
through and we all all know what happens to a troll in daylight!
Into the Pit of Abomination (Ironarm wing)- Have the tank move Ironarm
around the room every few swings as he drops a green cloud which
summons multiple limraefn. If Ironarm is not moved out of his green
mist the limraefn spawn over and over, do damage and knock-backs,
making this fight long and perhaps impossible.
Protecting the Forest- Three Ents are very upset with the happenings in
the area. Orcs swarm them and after a few minutes 3 large trolls enter
the fight. You must kill the orc swarms and trolls before the last Ent
is defeated. This is a dps race with moderate healing needed.
Hope this information is helpful!
Dec. 12, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday instances:
LotRO Update 5: Armies of
Don't forget to re-do
rank-ups on your legendary items.
Instance Finder: Shift + F
Book 5 starts in
the Rohirrim camp with Halbarad and is done solo. It has a lot of story
and is not very long, so enjoy!
The new instances start at
the pipe north of the old one, and we need to do the exploration deed
there to open new instances.
The 6-man has the first
age symbol: Worn Symbols of the Elder King.
5 release notes
We split up into three-mans for the new
level 75 three-man instances at the pipes.
The Pits:
first group to load in and arrive were Celeborn (Kebb, champion),
Galdor (Andwe, hunter), and Hurin (Hiurred, captain). They got well
into the Pit, finding the troll a problem.
Fangorn's Edge:
Most of the rest of us arrived after the first group got going. This
group got together and split into 3-mans. Both groups trying Fangorn's
Edge completed it.
Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda
(Fainan, hunter).
Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Nimrodel
(Ardisian, hunter).
The Pits: Fire wing:
Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda
(Fainan, hunter). This group got into the fire side a good way, but
time caught up with us and we had to break up.
Dec. 11, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (7)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel
VG, Menelvagor Valar, and VardaValar1 (presiding)
Topic: What kind of lights were used for
Middle-earth (including Valinor) to light most of the world?
Dec. 10, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Completed three 12-man skirmish
raids before needing to break up for the night. Well done, all! Next
Saturday Irmo and Miriel will be away celebrating Miriel's birthday.
Christmas and New Year's will disrupt the Saturday runs after that, but
we can still run with those showing up, even if it's a part-pug, 6-man,
or 3-man, or duo! Go us!
Breaching the Necromancer's Gate:
Celeborn (Kebb,
champion), Cirdan (Menarus, hunter), Galdor (Thongaladh, champion),
Hurin (Hiurred, captain), Indis (Isaniel, minstrel), Irmo (Irmogar,
guardian), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel),
Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), Orome (Oromdur), Pippin (Faerus,
guardian), Varda (Fainan, hunter).
at Dawn:
Same all-Valar
group. Isaniel won the Worn Symbol of Celebrimbor.
in the Tower:
Same group.
Dec. 9, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Message from Turbine about the
upcoming update:
The LOTRO Game Servers will be
brought down on Monday, December 12th from 6:00 - 10:00 AM Eastern (-5
GMT) to launch the latest game update, Update
5: Armies of Isengard.
Patch notes will be available during the downtime.
Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
Dec. 7, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Instance not run due to
Dec. 5, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern
scheduled run time.
Great Barrows: Thadur level
75, collected one half of the key for Nellas.
Galdor (Andwegar burglar - Thongaladh champ), Indis (Isaniel,
minstrel), Melkor (Belkus burg - Passum, runekeeper), Nellas
(Nimeithel, warden), Pippin (Faerus, guardian), and Varda (Fainan,
Celeborn (Kebb), Gildor (Fairmaiden, minstrel), and
Nimrodel (Cynthiajane, champion).
Galdor (Andwegar, burglar), Gildor (Fairmaiden, minstrel),
Celeborn (Kebb).
Dec. 4, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
ArienV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25,
Topic: Interesting elves in
The Silmarillion and why.
RP thread for suggesting and votiing on final title
for our sequel to "Scouting Ahead".
WoW discussions
Gaming / WoW:
We ran a couple of random heroic
dungeons together:
Lost City of the Tol'Vir
completed by Eonwe (Auros, paladin), Elwing (Elwingv, hunter), Fangorn
(Treebeerd, mage), Sauron (Sauronv, warlock), and Varda (Varda, priest).
Halls of Origination
completed through the first boss, Temple Guardian Anhuur. Since Sauron
needed to leave because he had work early in the morning, Eowyn came in
and joined the group in his place as Mairovende, Shaman. We had three
others that needed to leave due to the late hour, so we left on wings
of victory.
Dec. 3, 2011
Saturday 1pm Eastern:
12-man skirmishes. Please sign
up or off at the forum to help planning. Running these same ones should
let everyone pick up any loot from here that they've been hoping for on
their mains. The runs went quickly giving time for an extra run; well
Report from Miriel:
Thanks to all who continue to make
Saturday Valar Guild runs so much fun! So much fun this week we just
could not stop and added a fourth skirmish.
Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate
Cirdan (Menarus, hunter), Celeborn (Kebb, champion), Galdor (Andwegar,
burglar), Indis (Celebrethil, burglar), Irmo (Irmogar, guardian),
Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel), Nimrodel
(Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Faerus, guardian), Tulkas (Astald, hunter)
and guild friends Mosby (burglar), Jadeana (minstrel) from the
Cirdan (Menarus, hunter), Celeborn (Kebb, champion), Galdor
(Thongoladh, champion), Indis (Celebrethil, burglar), Irmo (Irmogar,
guardian), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel),
Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Faerus, guardian) and guild
friends Mosby (burglar), Jadeana (minstrel) from the Palantiri.
Celeborn won the Worn Symbol of Celebrimbor
Battle in the Tower
Cirdan (Menarus, hunter), Celeborn (Kebb, champion), Galdor
(Thongoladh, champion), Indis (Celebrethil, burglar), Irmo (Irmogar,
guardian), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel),
Pippin (Avengelina, 75 champion) and guild friends Mosby (burglar),
Jadeana (minstrel), Candrandir (guardian), Elgarain (minstrel) from the
Defense of the
Prancing Pony
Cirdan (Menarus, hunter), Celeborn (Kebb, champion), Galdor
(Thongoladh, champion), Hurin (Hiurred, captain) Indis (Celebrethil,
burglar), Irmo (Irmogar, guardian), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper),
Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel), Varda (Fainan, hunter). Guild friends
Candrandir (guardian), Elgarain (minstrel) from the Palantiri and
Anrisa (captain) from PLOI.
I look forward to seeing you all next weekend.
After the big runs, the School / Library
3-mans were run by
Celeborn (Kebb), Cirdan
(Menarus), and Hurin (Hiuro).
Galdor (Andwegar), Hurin (Hurin), and
Tulkas (Astald) who had to go after one and was replaced by Varda
Galdor (Thongaladh), Gildor
(Fairmaiden), and Nimrodel (Cynthiajane).
Dec. 2, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday 7pm Eastern:
Wells of Eternity gave a few bazillion experience to the
Heroes: Bilbo, Bofur, and
Ramparts and Blood Furnace
dungeons run by lowbie group, with leveling and Outlands flying ability
for Elwing:
Heroes: Elwing (Eledhiel,
58-59-60 warrior), Eowyn (Rohirwyn, 63-64 warrior), Fangorn (Fanghorn,
63 priest), Varda (Fainan, 68-69 hunter), and guild-friend Schlep on
Belhorath (71 death-knight).
Also present later: Glorfindel and
Nov. 30, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm Eastern runs:
Prancing Pony skirmish
5-manned, completed plus encounters:
(Livinola, captain), Indis (Celebrethil, burglar), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Amon Sul skirmish 5-manned:
School/Library 3-man
(Fairmaiden, minstrel), Nimrodel (Ardisian), and Pippin (Avengelina)
(Kebb), Eomer (Erkendan, captain), Gildor (Fairmaiden, minstrel), Indis
(Celebrethil, burglar), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), and Varda (Fainan,
Way of the Smiths
some of us 12-manned with Lhee group:
(Kebb), Eomer (Erkendan), Indis (Celebrethil), and Varda (Fainan).
Nov. 29, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
The 4.3 patch is here with
Transmogrification and storage in the Void.
Nov. 28, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern get-together.
No healer of any sort was available for the scheduled 6-man, due to
poor timing or illness. After a while we had a 3-man for School/Library
with Galdor (Andwegar, 75 burglar), Gildor (Livinola, 75 captain), and
Nimrodel (Cynthajane, 75 champ). Some of us grouped up for regular
questing and leveling.
Nov. 27, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Glorfindel VG,
and VardaValar1 (presiding)
War: The Elves
Patch 4.3 will probably come out this
Harvest Festival is running again just
for this weekend.
Topic: The ideals of the writer show through in his
work. Good is not one thing for Men and another for Elves or Dwarves.
What are a few and some examples of them?
RP talk, then on to WoW.
Gaming / WoW:
Fangorn is working up a new warrior
quickly, so we joined up with him on lowbies if we had them and went to
three 5-man instances:
Heroes: Arien
(Faradrien, 13 hunter), Eonwe (Auros, 85 paladin), Fangorn
(Oltreetender, 21 warrrior), and Varda (Draugelena, 31 druid healer).
Black Fathom Deep
characters had to be level 15 to enter, Arien's 13 hunter Faradrien had
to level up a little. Glorfindel joined in with Raladek, 24 hunter.
Eonwe, who'd been having connection problems, stepped out to let one of
the ladies enter, so Eowyn came in with Dernhelm. Arien and Glorfindel
needed to leave before we had quite finished the dungeon, but the
survivors kept going and did all that was left.
Shadowfang Keep
(Silverpine Forest):
needed to leave to tend Schlep who had a nasty stomach bug (get well
soon!). Elwing joined the group with Eledhiel, 53 warrior. Eonwe
rejoined the group on Auros with his computer rebooted. The instance
was about the Worgens and three of us at the entrance were Worgens:
Eledhiel, Dernhelm, and Draugelena.
Nov. 26, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Pony 6-man skirmish:
Indis (Celebrethil,
burglar), Irmo (Irmogar, guardian), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel),
(Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), and Varda (Fainan,
the Necromancer's Gate 12-man skirmish:
Same group plus
Celeborn (Kebb), Gorlim (Morwena, hunter), Hurin (Hiurred), and Nellas
School and Library 3-mans,
3 groups:
Galdor (Thongoladh,
champion), Hurin (Hiurin, champ), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Hurin (Hiurin,
rune-keeper), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), and Pippin (Avengelina,
Galdor (Andwegar,
burglar), Gorlim (Morwena, hunter), Nimrodel (Cynthiajane, champion)
Nov. 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 21, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern run. Since we
didn't have enough for a 6-man, three of us ran lowbies with Hamson's
young Hamsun in the Low Lands of Ered Luin for a bit enjoying the
change. Then more folk came in and some higher level fun also ensued,
although two stayed with Hamson.
Nov. 20, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Gaming / WoW:
Molten Core completed for rep:
Arien (Annarwen, 85
druid), Bilbo
(Billboh, 85 mage), Eonwe (Auros, 85 paladin), Eowyn (61 warrior), and
Varda (85 priest).
Blackrock Caverns heroic difficulty, ran it up to boss Corla:
Same group. Then
Arien needed to go to sleep.
Blackrock Caverns heroic: Corla through completion:
Sauron came home about the time Arien
needed to leave. Nice timing, Dark Lord!
Bilbo (Billboh, 85
mage), Eonwe (Auros,
85 paladin), Eowyn (61 warrior), Sauron (Sauronv, 85 warlock), and
Varda (85 priest)
Nov. 19, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday 12-man raid skirmishes level
(Menarus, hunter), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Gorlim (Morwena,
hunter), Hurin (Hiurred, captain), Irmo (Irmohir, captain), Melkor
(Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), Pippin (Faerus, guardian), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Guildfriends from the Palantiri: Jadeana and Mosby.
Memory fails for the other three: could have been
NOTCeleborn (Kebb), Cirdan (Menarus), Tulkas (Astald)? They were not
Annael, Galdor, or Indis
Battle in the Tower:
Cirdan, Galdor (Andwegar, burglar), Gildor, Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel),
Hurin, Irmo, Melkor, Miriel, Nimrodel, Pippin, Tulkas (Astald, hunter).
and Varda (Fainan).
Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate:
Celeborn (Kebb), Cirdan (Menarus), Hurin, Indis (Alasse, lore-master),
Irmo (Irmogar, guardian), Melkor, Miriel, Nimrodel, Pippin, and Varda.
Guild-friends from Lhee group: Daegaran (captain) and Kymli (minstrel).
Melkor won the Worn Symbol of Celebrimbor!
Three-mans afterwards:
School and Libary runs:
(Kebb), Hurin (Hiurred), and Indis (Celebrethil, burglar).
Nov. 17, 2011
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Hamson-(V)!
is from Texas, 48, and is lucky enough to have grandkids. He plays 2-3
times a week, sometimes daily. He's read the LotR a couple of times and
has the H and Sil on order. His favorite character is Samwise Gamgee,
the always faithful. Hamson chose Hamson as a name because he is one of
Sam's two brothers.
Nov. 16, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm Eastern:
Great Barrows Maze
level 75:
(Marrella, guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel), Indis (Celebrethil,
burglar), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion),
and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
School and Library:
Gildor, and Nimrodel.
Nov. 14, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday afternoon runs:
Culling Pit,
needed by all in the run, completed.
(Annisia, 75 guardian), Hurin (Hiuro, 75 guardian), Indis (Tengwarien),
Irmo (Irmohir, 75 captain), Miriel (Mahamiriel, 75 lore-master), and
Pippin (Faerus, guardian).
Culling Pit
again, needed by Hurin, Indis, Irmo, and Pippin.
(Annisia, 75 guardian), Hurin (Hiurin, 75 champion), Indis (Isaniel, 72
Irmo (Yrmo, 75 warden), Miriel (Mahamiriel, 75 lore-master), and
Pippin (Avengelina, 75 champion).
Monday 8pm Eastern 6-man
level 75 skirmishes with the same group each time led by Pippin and
The Battle in the Tower,
(Marrella, guardian), Indis (Celebrethil, burglar), Melkor (Passim,
rune-keeper), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Avengelina,
champion), Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Assault on the
Ringwraith's Lair, completed:
Ulmo quit.
Nov. 13, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Sunday morning Melkorrim runs
including: Tuckborough skirmish.
Angrod (Lorelina, 57
minstrel), Falathar (Lorelana, 60 lore-master), Gwindor (Baragrod, 55
lore-master), Melkor (Belgg, 59 guardian), Orome (Oromm, 57 hunter),
and Rosie (Rosei, 56 captain).
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon the Golden Cool One and Varda.
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25 (attempted to enter),
Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Nov 10: Wedding anniversary of Irmo and Miriel!;
Fladrif has moved into his new home well enough to
have a good internet connection again.
StarCraft 2
Robot Wants - favorable review
RP plot discussion
RP chat continued.
WoW folk gathered: Elwing, Eonwe, Fangorn, Varda.
Nov. 12, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday skirmish raids level 75:
We had an
overabundance of people, huzzah! So we had some of us on standby for
those who had limited time.
Amon Sul:
(Menarus, hunter), Galdor (Andwegar, burglar alt), Gildor (Marrella,
guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy, minstrel), Hurin (Hiurred, captain), Indis
(Celebrethil, burglar alt), Irmo (Irmogar, guardian), Melkor (Passim,
rune-keeper), Mirel (Mahariel, minstrel), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter),
Orome (Oromdur, burglar), Pippin (Avengelina, champion). Orome
won the Worn Symbol of Celebrimbor!
Varda on
standby with hunter Fainan.
Tulkas was on
working up his 72 hunter Astald in the book quest in Isengard.
Galdor had to
leave, Fainan replaced. Cirdan won the symbol!
Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate:
nearly unconscious Gorlim with Gunwarth who is now in our friend
channel. Nellas (Nimeithel, warden) took Orome's spot when he had to go
to bed.
Afterwards people did three man
skirmishes and Library.
Skirmish: The Rift of
Nurz Ghashu: Hiurred, Menarus, and Kebb.
Library and School:
Done by two teams: Irmo (Irmogar, captain), Indis (Celebrethil,
burglar), and Varda (Fainan, hunter); Galdor (Andwegar, burglar),
Gildor (Marrella, guardian), and Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter).
Nov. 10, 2011
Irmo and Mriel's wedding
Varda's birthday.
Nov. 7, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern instance run
time completed Culling Pit, needed by Galdor, Melkor, and Nimrodel.
Dis (Lilyblossom, 75 min),
Galdor (Andwe, 75 hunter), Gildor (guard, 75), Melkor (Passim, 75 rk),
Nimrodel (champ, 68), and Varda (Fainan, 75 hunter).
Nov. 6, 2011
US Daylight Savings Time is over.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv
(attempted), Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
Daylight Savings Time ended in the Americas
Tolkien Site: Story "
by Mirabella-(V)
War in the North: review by Gwaihir-(Valar)
WoW: general plus reports
LotRO: reports
The storyline evolved through the notes we see in HoME and into the Sil
where it had to stop despite later notes. But we can still consider the
later notes such as on Narn.
RP forum story: Need new title for our sequel to
"Scouting Ahead"
WoW instance runs successful (report below). We
learned that Merry's acount had been hacked and phoned him, so he's
taking care of it; it even had a friend invited account attached to it,
something else to watch out for.
Gaming / WoW:
Raids completed:
Molten Core
completed for rep:
(druid), Bilbo (mage), Elwing (hunter), Eonwe (paladin), Eowyn
(shaman), and Varda (priest).
Obsidian Sanctum:
Arien, Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Sauron (warrior), and Varda. Sauron
got the rare black dragon mount!
Ice Crown Citadel:
Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Sauron, and Varda.
Nov. 5, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
by Mirabella-(V). "A ghost story set in the Occupation of the Shire".
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday level 75 skirmish raids:
Amon Sul:
Comment on the Amon Sul fight
from Miriel-(V):
must keep in mind that assisting the Main Assists is very important,
especially on the last boss fight so that we are not overwhelmed. Hope
all had an enjoyable time, see you next week!
(Andwe, hunter), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy,
minstrel), Hurin (Hiurred, captain), Irmo (Irmogar, guardian), Melkor
(Passim, rune-keeper), Miriel (Mahariel, minstrel), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion), Thranduil (Artemis), Ulmo
(Ylmir, burglar alted by choice), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Same group
except changed out Melkor's Passim for Indis's Alasse (lore-master) so
that Melkor
and Orome could have a duo of father and son time. The Worn
Symbol of Celebrimbor dropped here, roll won by Mirel. Grats!
Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate completed:
Same as the
Tuckborough group.
Three man level 75's afterwards for School and Library
Hurin (Hiuro), Irmo (Irmogar), and
Varda (Fainan)
Three man level 75 for School:
Galdor (Andwe), Gildor
(Marrella), Nimrodel (Ardisian)
Duos level 75's Breaching the
Necromancer's Gate, Assault on the
Ringwraith's Lair both completed:
Hurin (Hiuro) and Varda (Fainan)
Nov. 2, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm Eastern: 3-manning
for School/Library by Galdor (Andwe, hunter), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), and Pippin (Avengelina, champion).
Nov. 1, 2011
Happy birthday, Alatar!
Oct. 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern run. Feel
free to wear funny outfits!
Report from Nimrodel
and Pippin:
runs completed by two teams: Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Indis
lore-master), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper) and the second (super-fast)
team of
Galdor (Andwe, hunter), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), and Pippin
(Avengelina, champion).
Oct. 30, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
Arienv, ArPharazonV,
Eomer-(V)ex1999-2009/dudeman51983, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Gilraen-(V)/Iyrenth, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and
Daylight Savings Time ended in Europe, not in the
Americas until next weekend.
All Tolkien-onlies
Closing Anniversary entries for the Tolkien Site
after October ends. The spot may be held by emailing or telling Varda
that you have something you're working on for the Anniversary.
other games
Topic: Mythological creatures in Tolkien's works.
WoW instance runs successful. See below.
Gaming / LotRO:
runs for the Halloween festivities. Seven runs completed for the guild
achievement, more done for individuals' upgrades and dailies.
Participants: Arien,
Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron, and Varda.
Core raid completed for reputation.
Participants: Bilbo,
Elwing, Eonwe, Fangorn, Sauron, and Varda.
Crown Citadel raid through the first boss: Lord Marrowgar. Ended
after that boss since people needed to drive home or had work the next
Participants: Bilbo,
Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Fangorn, Sauron, and Varda.
Oct. 29, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday 10pm Eastern raid runs:
Report from
On Saturday, October 29th we did our
second 12 man guild run. Full of fun and laughs!
Defence of the Prancing Pony
Cirdan (Menarus, 75 hunter), Gildor (Marrella, 75 guardian), Hurin
(Hiurred, 75 captain), Indis (Alasse, 75 lore-master), Irmo (Irmogar,
75 guardian), Miriel (Mahariel, 75 minstrel), Melkor (Passim, 75
rune-keeper), Nimrodel (Ardisian, 75 hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, 75
champion), Ulmo (Niequi, 75 minstrel), Anrisa 75 captain from PLOI and
Eladion 75 lore-master from The Tuatha De Danann helping our guild out.
Here Miriel had a huge oops! She accidentally gifted the Careworn
Earring (caster item) to Ardisian in the mad haste of looting. Sent a
ticket to the GM's to help her correct this error, but that was sadly
and instantly refused. Apologies to all.
Went on to Tuckborough with the same group set up. Pippin was the lucky
Valar member who won the Worn Symbol of Celebrimbor for the week!
Stand at Amon Sul
And last but not least was Stand at Amon Sul same group set up,
although Galdor (Andwe, 75 hunter) took over Nimrodel (Ardisian, 75
hunter) spot to end the evening with a successful and enjoyable bang!
Oct. 26, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm Eastern:
Barrows: Thadur, level 75.
Galdor (Andwe, hunter), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Indis (Alasse,
lore-master), Nimrodel (Ardisian, hunter), Pippin (Avengelina,
champion), Ulmo (Niequi, minstrel)
Oct. 24, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm Eastern: Great
Barrows level 75 run, completing Thadur. The Maze we didn't quite
Participants: Cirdan
(Menarus, hunter), Gildor (Marrella, guardian), Indis (Alasse,
lore-master), Melkor (Passim, rune-keeper), Nimrodel (Ardisian,
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, champion subbed in for Cirdan between
instances), and Varda (Fainan, hunter).
Oct. 23, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
galdorandwe, GwaihirValar, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Might and Magic Heroes 6 review
WoW expansion, reports
LotRO reports
Housing in Mirkwood. Housing second go-around.
Mirkwood, Rivendell, and Lorien's relationships.
Telepathy , telepathy 2
Oct. 22, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Saturday 1pm Eastern 12-man
skirmishes completed very well. No wipes, all completed, and one Worn
Symbol of Celebrimbor won by Irmogar (for a very rare winning roll for
anything, leaving him happily flabbergasted). More about it on the
Forum. :)
Prancing Pony:
Annael (Rhonia, 75 champion), Cirdan (Menarus, 75 hunter), Gildor
(Marrella, 75 guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy, 75 minstrel), Hurin (Hiurred,
75 captain), Irmo (Irmogar, 75 guardian), Miriel (Mahariel, 75
minstrel), Melkor (Passim, 75 rune-keeper), Nimrodel (Ardisian, 75
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, 75 champion), Ulmo (Niequi, 75 minstrel),
Varda (Fainan, 75 hunter).
We had the same group except that Cirdan had to leave. Pinkfae, a
from Palantiri, filled in as a 75 Lore-master.
Stand at Amon Sul:
We had the same group except that Pinkfae needed to leave as did
Gorlim and Pippin. We were fortunate that Galdor (Andwe, 75 hunter),
(Alasse, 75 lore-master), and Nellas (Nimeithel, 73 warden) were able
to arrive for the last run and
jumped right in.
Oct. 19, 2011
Happy birthday, Mirabella-(V)!
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm Eastern: possibly
a 6-man Prancing Pony skirmish set at level 75, allowing players level
74 and 75. It re-sets Thursday so that it won't conflict with the
weekend 12-man raid at the Prancing Pony.
Oct. 17, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday get-together 8pm Eastern.
try. Participants: Gildor (75 guardian Marrella), Maedhros (68
rune-keeper Lachwen), Melkor (74 rune-keeper Passim), Nimrodel (74
hunter Ardisian), Pippin (75 champ Avengelina), and Varda (75 hunter
Fainan). Some of us played together in the outer Isengard area either
needing or helping others so that they could go into inner Isengard.
4th Mark
acquisition: This can only be done at level 75. We had a discussion of
running 12-man skirmishes on weekends in the afternoon. Post your
available times on the forum thread. Six-mans are already going in the
afternoon with a person here and there dropping out and being replaced.
We should have enough level 75's in the evening soon for 6-man's at
that time, and we can do 3-mans almost any time of day.
Gaming / WoW:
Grats on hitting guild level 14!
Oct. 16, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), fladrifv, GwaihirValar, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor
Valar, VardaValar1
Screenshots of the Anniversary
activities done by the WoW folk now up.
Menelvagor's change in gaming
Forum story RP
Topic: What kind of landforms,
vegetation, and peoples can we expect in the area between Rivendell and
the Witch-King's former domain?
WoW group met and ran intstance.
Oct. 14, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Kinship Auction now going! (Oct
14-17) Drop in mathoms, potions, crafted items, rescources and pick
some up! Click Kinship only and Search to see what's there..
link: Here's an entertaining and informative mxap of the Pit
of Iron by Silently, a nice guy we met there. Update: Here's another map
that came out later by another group, showing better how to reach Lunt.
Another map later on suggested by Eomer.
Oct. 13, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Our first Kinship Auction will
be held this weekend October 14-17. Post your excess and goodies, and
come see what cool new stuff you can pick up. This helps everyone and
the recipes can help lowbie crafters who can't reach Dunland. A nice
how-to by Miriel is on the Forum. Thank you Miriel for suggesting the
Kin Auction House weekend. We're considering doing it twice a month.
Oct. 12, 2011
8pm Eastern: Culling Pit completed.
Participants: Bofur (Dagr, 75
minstrel), Dis (Lilyblossom, 72 minstrel), Gildor (Marrella, 74
guardian), Indis (Alasse, 75 lore-master), Nimrodel (Ardisian, 72
hunter), and Varda (Fainan, 75 hunter).
Oct. 11, 2011
LotRO is hiring.
Oct. 10, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday daytime:
Report from
daytime crew completed The Culling Pit: Miriel (72 minstrel Mahariel),
Annil (72 champion Rhonia), Hurin (73 captain Hiurred), Cirdan
(Menarus, 74 hunter), Thranduil (72 burglar Artemas) and Irmo (75
guardian Irmogar).
Monday 8pm Eastern: The Culling Pit
Participants: Eomer
(Erkendan, 72 captain), Galdor (Andwe, 75 hunter), Gildor (Marrella, 74
guardian), Gorlim (Aeronwy, 75 minstrel), Melkor (Passim, 72
rune-keeper), and Nimrodel (Ardisian, 72 hunter).
Flash mobs can be good,
like this one in Copenhagen. Link
from Meriadoc-(V), alternate link, and alt link.
Oct. 9, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5) (and AIM chat marathon
finish! Come help for whatever time you can!)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
(8): AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Gwaihir Valar, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Last day of the AIM anniversary chat marathon.
page updated, continuing to take entries until the end of October.
Forum repaired
JRRT gave us both the fabulously
beautiful and the scarily spooky. The
contrast made each stronger. Can we think of some examples of spooky
and how it might have had an opposite?
Marathon ends for holding the
guild AIM chat room open from last meeting through this meeting. Thanks
for joining in! (Ok, some of you still aren't leaving. Who said it
couldn't keep going and going...)
Pictures of gaming or other
events by individuals on such places as Photobucket can be linked to
the website such as the Tolkien Site for ones suitable for illustrating
encyclopedia articles, poems, or stories, or to the forum or Games site.
WoW Lothar group did the Molten
Core raid for Hydraxian water lord reputation.
Oct. 8, 2011
The Full Member previously known as Legolas-(V) has
changed his name to Thranduil-(V). The
previous Thranduil passed the name to the more active player in a kind
act, since he is going to law school and unable to game. The previous
Thranduil is still a member but is trying to think up another name,
perhaps more obscure. The current Thranduil had requested the name from
the beginning, taking Legolas while waiting for the name, since 2007. A
kind father and son happening!
Tolkien Site /
by Arien-(Valar). What happened to the soldiers that Aragorn sent away
from the Black Gate battle? Written for the 14th Anniversary of the
Valar Guild.
Oct. 5, 2011
Tolkien Site / Articles:
concerning all types of wolves including named ones, by Irmo-(Valar).
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8 pm Eastern: 6-man run: The
Culling Pit completed.
Participants: Eomer
(Erkendan, 70 captain), Gorlim (Aeronwy, 73 minstrel), Nimrodel (69
hunter), Pippin (Avengelina, 74 champ who leveled to 75), and Varda (71
hunter). Isilwing, a guild-friend, helped with her 69 champion.
Oct. 6, 2011
Happy birthday,
Oct. 4, 2011
Happy 14th
Anniversary, Valar Guild!
Anniversary Page
Gaming / LotRO:
1pm Eastern (19:00 CET) we met
at Bree for music and fireworks! Screenies were taken and some can be
seen on the forum.
8pm Eastern were
going to meet at the kin
house to pick up fireworks, but the group decided to meet at the Bree
West Gate instead. This was a
good time to wear party clothes! Hunters were able to port (and
captains can
summon late-comers) to the main cities. A person (or several) would
"Happy 14th Anniversary, Valar Guild!" and then we blasted fireworks
jumped to the next location. We planned on hitting the major cities and
did go to Bree, Michel Delving, Thorin's Hall, and Rivendell. People
needed to leave or we would have finished up in the new hub city of
Gaming / WoW:
7pm Eastern (6pm Central) guild
fireworks run to the main cities. Varda joined in on the first one but
needed to head for the LotRO group afterwards. Eonwe, Eowyn, and Sauron
were in on the whole run and also made fireworks (some quite
Tolkien Site
by Nerdanel-(V)
"Wolves" by
Irmo-(Valar) going online later.
Oct. 3, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Grats to Miriel and Irmo, running together as
a duo and hitting level 75 together in LotRO early this morning; that's
our kind of romance. Grats also to the whole group, playing hard and
yet taking time out to help each other while we all enjoy the new
There have been weird crashings so if you're keeping
a few fireworks to shoot on October 4, consider putting them in your
shared storage.
For tomorrow, consider finding what wild set of
party clothes you want to wear or if you want to show off full uber
armor (or both!).
Oct. 2, 2011:
Thank you for responding to the Games Site
Mass Update! A good one-third of the guild responded to Eonwe, up from
the previous year. (Yes, you can still respond if you haven't yet.) You
are automatically considered members for 2012 for answering unless you
say otherwise.
The Valar Guild's
14th Anniversary
is this coming Tuesday, October 4th. The web
page for plans is now up.
Let Varda know if you have something to add to the list by email,
meeting, in-game, phone, or the AIM chat marathon.
intend to shoot off fireworks and (character special effects) at major
cities together while yelling "Happy 14th Anniversary, Valar Guild!" in
the LotrO branch on the Landroval server and in the WoW branch on the
Lothar server.
The LotRO
group will have two times, one set by the afternoon group and one at
the regular instance time of 8pm EDT. Feel free to bring pie, drinks,
musical instruments, and tales for those getting together times before
the fireworks blast. :) Fireworks will be made available, and
feel free to bring them if you have them! Those folks who can't come at
the scheduled times, please feel free to solo or grab kin and
guild-friends at a time that works for you and do your fireworks blast!
And if you want to go every time, woot!
Writers, artists, and
(frequently includes gamers!): when emailing your items for the Tolkien
Site, please mention that they are for this anniversary. We do take
them late, although it would be nice to have them for the actual
The AIM chat
one week marathon of holding the Valar Guild Meetingplace open kicks
off today at the regular Sunday meeting and continues through the next.
Just hold it open or say something to the gang that even the afk can
scroll back to see. No, the entire marathon is not planned to be
transcripted, just the meetings. :)
Forum: feel free
to say "Woot!" in your own words on a forum thread for the 14th
Thank you for being a part
of the vision!
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5) (and AIM chat marathon
kick-off! Come help for whatever time you can!)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, GwaihirValar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Annual report on the State
of Valar Gaming, by Eonwe-(Valar).
Anniversary page is online.
Monsters in Tolkien's world.
Gaming / WoW:
Participating: Arien, Bilbo, Elwing,
Eonwe, Eowyn, and Varda.
Oct. 1, 2011
Happy Birthday, Glaurung!
Sept. 29, 2011
Gaming/ LotRO / Membership:
Congratulations to our three new
Warlords: Galdor, Miriel, and Pippin!
A warlord is an officer on our LotRO
Landroval server only, not gulid-wide. These are folk we are asking to
help with the general business that they already do and are being
recognized for. We are now giving them tools to help make what they do
a bit easier: kin message, all-kin mails, and the ability to invite
alts of
members when Maiar and Valar are unavailable.
With their different times of day
for being online, our three types of officers should be able to spread
out enough of us to help members at nearly any time.
Sept. 28, 2011
Gaming / LotrO:
We are happily running the new areas, joining up here and
there. The new level cap is 75.
Sept. 26, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
"Exceptionally High Volume:
"Due to
high demand players may experience long wait times or connectivity
issues while patching or logging into the game. We are working to
increase performance and will continue to do so as needed. We
appreciate your patience and understanding."
Ok, so there are a lot of us in the
line with you, could be a while to get in, be patient.
While waiting, here are the official
notes for Rise
of Isengard.
Rise of Isengard expansion is online!
Monday we all went happily crazy
running tons of new content and leveling.
Sept. 25, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (chaired business
section), Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (Tolkien section)
Topic: "Suppose Frodo would actually have had the
willpower left to drop the
Ring into the fire himself, would then Gollum have been on the last
ship, being a ringbearer?"
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday WoW dungeon runs with
Arien, Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Fangorn, Nob, and Varda.
Sept. 24, 2011
Happy Birthday, Bilbo-(V)!
Sept. 23, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday get-togethers were by Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Sauron,
and Varda for The Coren Darkbrew run for Brewfest gaining trinket
upgrades, then random dungeons using the Dungeon Finder made very fast
by starting with a full group. Nob came online with his warrior /wave!
Sept. 22, 2011
Bilbo and Frodo's
birthday! (book)
Bilbo gives a practical gift:
Sept. 21, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday: Mirkwood and other book quests, deeding,
generally getting ready for the Rise of Isengard.
Amongst those arriving in
Mirkwood came Maedhros's Lachwen, and he had the good sense to take a screenshot
for his journal.
Sept. 19, 2011
International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Pirate-related quests and general
silliness are going on in both LotRO and WoW. Have fun, mateys!
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday instance runs:
Helegrod marks
warm-up raids.
Cirdan (first
time!), Galdor, Maedhros, Melkor (62 captain Melkus), Nerdanel,
Nimrodel, and Varda (65 hunter Fainan). Those not listed kept the same
characters for the next run.
Halls of Crafting
completed. It's a good jewelry dungeon and some folk got upgrades; the
group also picked up Medallions of Lothlrorien, deeds, and quests.
Since it's long, the run ran into people's bedtimes so we had two
players who swapped out with standbys.
Eomer (Erkendan switched to his Khori character both 65's), Galdor (63
captain Dolenatan), Maedhros (62 rune-keeper Lachwen), Melkor (minstrel
Melko), Nerdanel (65 hunter Lothelena), Nimrodel (61 warden Anthemis),
Pippin (65 champion Avengelina swapped in for Galdor), and Varda (65
minstrel Tinwetari swapped in for Melkor).
Waterworks area:
Cirdan on 57 hunter Menarus duoed at first with Varda on 65 hunter
Fainan, then later with other players still remaining after the above
HoC run.
Sept. 18, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
fladrifv, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
Arien's topic: Cair Andros during
the War of the Ring.
Sept. 16, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Scholomance: Elwing (46 warrior Eledhiel), Fangorn
(49 priest Fanghorn), Sauron (85 warrior Artano)
Eonwe came on briefly,
having to leave due to storms. Varda was online for the Friday
get-together also.
Sept. 15, 2011
Happy Birthday
Sept. 14, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Helegrod marks
Sixteenth Hall
completed. We went for Maedhros' rune-keeper's class quest and just
kept going and going all the way through the end (the Lost one went
down, along with his mushrooms and bugs) with some members leveling up.
The run also was for giving Nimrodel's warden practice tanking in some
tricky situations and giving Gildor's minstrel practice as main healer.
Galdor swapped out with Melkor partway through, just barely before his
face might have smacked into the keyboard. We were fortunate to have
Pippin come in with us for Sixteenth, as he took a break from playing
Gothic. He's trying to complete that game before the Rise of Isengard
expansion, at which time he'll be sizzling in LotRO again. Legolas
dropped by during the run and said hi before he had to go to work; he
hopes to be returning more regularly again.
Heroes: Galdor (captain
Dolenatan), Gildor (65 minstrel Fairmaiden), Maedhros (60 rune-keeper
Lachwen), Melkor (captain Melkus), Nimrodel (60 warden Anthemis),
Pippin (65 champion), and Varda (65 hunter Fainan).
Meanwhile, the dashing duo
of Cirdan and Gimli made their way into Moria together, with a level up
along the way.
Sept. 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Irmo!
Gaming / LotRO:
is now number 9 on the Landroval server in pvp. He made the top rank of
9 (High Warden) as well as making a killing blow on his 500th so he has
the title of Warrior. /salute!
Sept. 12, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
marks raid with seven people.
Heroes: Galdor, Gildor, Melkor, Nellas,
Nerdanel, Nimrodel, and Varda.
Grand Stairs
hard mode six-man completed. Melkor got the Painted Vane.
Heroes: Galdor, Gildor,
Melkor, Nerdanel, Nimrodel, and Varda.
They were on
classes: captain, guardian, minstrel (heal), lore-master, warden, and
minstrel (dps, heal as needed).
Sept. 11, 2011
still remember, we who dwell/ In this far land beneath the trees,/ Thy
starlight on the Western Seas."
"Three is Company"
Tolkien Site / Articles:
by Irmo-(Valar). A complete biography. Written for the Valar Guild's
14th Anniversary coming up in October.
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
By Firiel-(T):
Stars of Ilmen
For Me!
Twilight's Fall
Gaming / LotRO:
Report from Miriel-(V):
Spontaneous Carn Dum run
this evening for Cirdan.
(Menarus), Miriel (Mahairiel), Irmo (Irmbrand), Hurin (Hiuro), Annael
(Rhonia) and Kebb (Celeborn ) who had to leave us midway, so we were
joined by Nerdanel (Lothelena) to finish the instance.
Thanks to all. Urugarth will be
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5) Sept 11
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AragornValar1, AriehnV,
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (chaired part), Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe,
VardaValar1 (chaired part)
Topic: Disasters in Middle-earth.
Sept. 10, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
by Naomi-(T), our newest Tolkien member. Tar-Míriel
at the sinking of Númenor.
Sept. 8, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
The Lothar guild branch hit
level 13 today!
Gaming / LotRO:
Noon EDT Garth Agarwaen run.
Report from Miriel-(V):
Cirdan (Menarus) Miriel
(Mahairiel) Irmo (Irmbrand) did the 1st 2 instances. Joined by Hurin
(Hiuras), Annael (Rhonia) and Nerdanel (Ereghel) for last instance of
Sept. 7, 2011
Happy Birthday Nerdanel!
Gaming / LotRO:
Helegrod mark raid run.
Heroes: Galdor (61 captain Dolenatan), Indis (captain Mirminuial),
Maedhros (58 rune-keeper Lachwen), Nimrodel (59 warden Anthemis), Ulmo
(58 hunter Winge), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Grand Stairs quest mode run.
Same except that Indis switched to Isaniel (minstrel) and Varda's
minstrel dropped to allow it to be a 6-man fellowship.
Tomb of Elendil run
will be done another day as we ran into a time crunch.
Some of the characters needing it are Maehdros' Lachwen, Nerdanel's
Ereghel, Pippin's Faerus, and Varda's Tinwetari and Timbridhil.
Sept. 5, 2011
Happy Birthday, Melkor!
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instance runs,
much fun had.
Helegrod marks
runs (with a few twists to the usual runs):
Galdor (61 captain Dolenatan), Hurin (rune-keeper Hiuro who should've
been asleep but ran with us anyway), Gildor (guardian Marrella),
Nerdanel (lore-master Lothelena), Nimrodel (warden Anthemis), and Varda
Fil Gashan,
5-manning it and completing the captain's class quest. (Would you like
that pan-seared?)
Galdor (61 captain Dolenatan), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Nerdanel
(lore-master Lothelena), Nimrodel
(champion Cynthiajane), and Varda (Tinwetari).
Grand Stairs,
6-manning it, completing through the boss, Igash.
Galdor (61 captain Dolenatan), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Indis
(lore-master Mereniel), Nerdanel (lore-master Lothelena), Nimrodel
(warden Anthemis), and Varda (Tinwetari).
For Wednesday, we've had requests for
Grand Stairs quest mode, and for Tomb of Elendil (book quest). We can
do both easily enough.
Sept. 4, 2011
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Cirdan-(V)!
Cirdan joined us today in LotRO on Menarus (his old name in DAoC),
scouted by Miriel-(V) and tested by Irmo-(Valar).
He's 31. He gamed with Irmo and Miriel's DAoC folks for years and
looked them up on Ventrilo. He plays LotRO most days. He's read H and
LotR. His favourite character was Gandalf when he was younger, for all
the obvious reasons, but gradually his preference has changed to elves
like Elrond and sons, and also Aragorn is a rolemodel.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, GwaihirValar,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and VardaValar1
Your email should have a letter
from Eonwe-(Valar) <NOSPAMdeneltir@hotmail.com>
giving you the latest guild news and a request for a reply with what
games you are now playing and what name we should use to find you
there. (Multiple heading emails like this might be blocked by your spam
filter.) Answering that you're not playing any games currently is also
a big help, as it lets us know your email is still good and counts as
guild activity counting to keep you in the guild for next year. If you
didn't get the email, you can use the address above to contact him
In any game that has the ability,
please make a Valar channel to help find each other; if you're our lone
representative keeping the channel alive in your game, you are extra
We can also be reached using AIM any
Sunday at the meetings or from the Forum (please use your guild name to
help the rest of us recognize you).
Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO) has a
free-to-play option if money is a problem or you're just curious; find
us on Landroval server and remember to join the friend channel.
Also, for the Valar Guild's 14th
Anniversary, your Tolkien Site is taking articles, art, poetry,
stories, music, or anything else your creative mind would like to send
concerning Middle-earth. Please mark your contribution as being for the
Anniversary, give your guild name for credit, and email it to
Varda-(Valar) <NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com>
Persons whose emails were not working:
Sept. 3, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Grand Stairs:
Unscheduled get-together running quest mode a couple of times for young
alts' quests, older characters' deeds, and fun of being together. We
swapped out as people needed to go to bed. Igash had to worry when he
saw us coming...again. We plan on doing this again for the scheduled
Wednesday run for Maedhros and Nerdanel.
Heroes: Celeborn
(Kebb), Galdor (Dolenatan), Hurin (Hiurin), Indis (Isaniel), Malbeth
(Etheron), Nimrodel (Anthemis and Cynthiajane), and Varda (Fainan).
Sept. 2, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Cleaning up Twilight Highlands
bottlenecks, quests, dailies: Elwing, Eonwe, and Varda.
Aug. 31, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Helegrod marks spiders and
drakes wings.
Gildor, Indis, Malbeth,
Melkor, Nerdanel, Nimrodel, and Varda.
Skumfil for deeds, killing Brumbereth
as an extra.
Gildor (guardian
Marrella), Indis (minstrel Isaniel), Malbeth (hunter Etheron), Melkor
(rune-keeper Passim), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), and Varda (minstrel
Aug. 29, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm runs completed:
Helegrod marks runs drakes and
spiders: Nellas' first time in. :) Same six below plus Gorlim's
minstrel Aeronwy.
School: Indis (minstrel Isaniel),
Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), and Nimrodel (champion Cynthiajane).
Library: Nellas (hunter Nimromiel),
Maedhros (57 rune-keeper Lachwen), and Varda (guardian Timbridhil).
Aug. 28, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
Gaming / WoW:
Completed Molten Core, Ahn Qiraj 40 man.
Heroes: Arien (80 druid
Annarwen), Bofur (85 warlock Diziet), Elwing (85 hunter Elwingv), Eonwe
(85 paladin Auros), Fangorn (85 hunter Treabeard), and Varda (priest
Varda). Congrats to Elwing on winning the red Qiraji battle mount! Now
we'll have to look twice to see if that's Auros or Elwingv.
Aug. 26, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday: for the scheduled time,
we worked on a few less-worked on characters: Elwing's Whitetower,
Fangorn's Fangoern, and Varda's Fainan. Eonwe's main, Auros, came too.
Aug. 24, 2011
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Dagnir-(V)! Dagnir
joined us in LotRO today after having run several times with Nimrodel
and Galdor, chatting in the friend channel, and looking over our site.
He's 31 living in Pennsylvania, USA, EST. He was scouted by Galdor and
tested by Varda. He currently plays LotRO and used to play WoW and
Dragonrealms. In the LotR, the character most outstanding to him was
Aragorn, since he seemed kind of alone and was mysterious.
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm run: We picked up Helegrod marks
for two wings.
Indis (minstrel Isaniel),
Malbeth (hunter Etheron), Maedhros (54 rune-keeper Lachwen), Nimrodel
(54 warden Anthemis), Pippin (champion Avengelina, Varda (minstrel
Afterwards was a run at Stoneheight by
Gildor (minstrel Fairmaiden), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), and Pippin
(guardian Faerus).
Aug. 23, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Example of some of the messing
around that goes on between scheduled instances:
Sword Halls
3-man completed by Galdor, Nimrodel, and Varda.
Farm Tier 2 run by Galdor, Nob, and Varda.
Aug. 22, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT:
Completed a bottleneck book quest for Gimli
and Nimrodel: 1.7.8 "Gates of Carn Dum".
Gildor (guardian Marrella), Gimli (hunter Gloinson), Indis (lore-master
Mereniel), Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), Nimrodel (warden Anthemis), and
Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Tolkien Site:
We are putting out a call for material
in honor of the 14th Anniversary of the Valar Guild Oct. 4th. This can
be anything, but the email needs to be marked that it's for the
celebration. We are taking art, articles, stories, poetry, music,
languages, or anything else your creative minds come up with.
Aug. 21, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon the Golden and Varda.
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
You Just Can't Win
Discussion: FotR Ch. 3 "Three's Company"
WoW run in Uldaur, completing it, and then in
Obsidian Sanctum where Elwing got the Black Drake mount.
Heroes: Bilbo (mage Billboh), Bofur
(Diziet), Eonwe (paladin Auros), guild-friend Lumierre (Brassiere in
the first run, Dreamkast in the second run), Nob (Peralt), and Varda
(priest Varda).
Aug. 20, 2011
suggestion from Meriadoc-(V). At last a great one for Arwen. Enjoy!
Tolkien Site / Stories:
You Just Can't Win" drabble by Jay of Lasgalen. Elrohir is sick and
tired of being confused with Elladan.
Tolkien Site /
by Varda-(Valar).
Aug. 19, 2011
Happy birthday, Elwing-(V)!
Gaming / WoW:
Despite craziness, some of us
still managed to show up to chat and pass goodies around while doing
dailies and quests. Eonwe's house had power outage problems, Varda's
house had no air-conditioning for the day (now fixed), meaning the
unwindowed upstairs where the computers are was of the temperature one
would expect in Texas in the middle of August. Fangorn, Bilbo, and
Eowyn were out of town.
Aug. 17, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday scheduled instance: We
adventured in Angmar going to both Carn Dum and Urugarth, completing
class quests and working on or completing deeds. We also added class
items to the kin chest.
Heroes: Maedhros (Lachwen,
53 rune-keeper), Nerdanel (Lothelena, 62 lore-master), Nimrodel
(Ardisian, 65 hunter), Pippin (Faerus, 65 guardian), Ulmo (Winge, 54
hunter), and Varda (Tinwetari, 65 minstrel).
Aug. 15, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Since the morning maintenance, a
number of us have not been able to enter LotRO. We are talking in
Ventrilo. The problem was eventually fixed.
Aug. 14, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Ariehnv, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and VardaValar1.
Varda is back, just in time for the meeting.
New member:
Arien on vacation.
Games Site Mass-Update coming soon.
Galdor's topic: Beornings and their ancestry
Topic: FotR ch. 2 "Shadows of the Past"
Some continuation of the Tolkien chat and then to
Gaming / WoW:
WoW gaming together afterwards. Report by Eonwe:
We got through
Mimiron, and Lumierre and Nob joined us
right before General Vezax. When we got to Yogg'Saron, we decided to go
for hard mode for the guild achievement. Our best attempt got him down
to 11%, but Nob and Sauron needed to go, so we called it there. We'll
pick up on Yogg'Saron again next week, as hard mode is quite doable.The
rest of us went into Tempest Keep to fight Kael'Thas for the Ashes of
A'lar. The ashes, unfortunately, didn't drop.
Attending: Members: Eonwe, Elwing, Eowyn, Bofur,
Varda, Sauron, Fangorn, Nob; Guild-friend: Lumierre
Aug. 13
Gaming / WoW:
No report from Eonwe due
to rolling blackouts. Bilbo and Sauron had no air-conditioning and did
not go to the computers.
Aug. 11, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday report from Pippin-(V):
not a lot of
folks came on, it was a rather sparse night......so Ulmo, Nimrodel, and
I took our Mini, hunter, guardian over to NCF and completed
checking in :)
Aug. 9, 2011
mother is expected to live perhaps another 48 hours, so Varda and
Fangorn are headed out for perhaps a week away. We intend to stay for
the funeral and perhaps a little longer to help out.
Please feel free to go about normal instance runs as
always. Galdor and Pippin are designated as good instance gather folks,
but need to email run reports to Varda to be put on the News later:
Instance name, how far in, and who went. Maedhros has a Thursday Goblin
Town instance scheduled. Ulmo's Winge needs CD and Uru. Any class quest
runs should have precedence.
entered the Nationals with his models. Samples of work he's sent us in
his Cave
on our art site.
"I entered 20 models in a total of 7
categories. When it was all over I left with 3 first place, 2 second
place, and 2 third place awards. It's possible I earned the most awards
for a single entrant."
1st place: Crow Indian Scout
(Dismounted: all eras, 54 to 70mm) SPLIT: pre-1900
2nd place: Comrades In Arms (Figure
2nd place: Highlander (Dismounted: all
eras, 71mm and larger) SPLIT: pre-1850
3rd place: "Happy Campground"
(Automotive: light commercial)
Confrontation" above is new to our site as of today.
Aug. 8, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday instance report by
Galdor-(V) on the March of the Irregulars!:
This was a group of “irregulars” to be honest...Celeborn (Kebb 65
Champ); Nimrodel (Wildwyn 65 Lm...and Ardisian 65 Hunter); Maedhros
(Lachwen 46 RK); Ulmo (Winge 53 Hunter...Niequi 65 Mini); Indis
(Mereniel 65 LM) later subbed out for Pippin (Faerus 65 Guardian) and
Galdor (Dolenatan 48 Capt.)
Carn Dum: Mirroval queen and later Hechegim. Ulmo’s class quests for
his Hunter. First toon indicates what each started with. Second toon
indicated what they alted to. Indis went to sleep and Pippin took her
place. We wiped 3 times, and then won Helchigam for Ulmo. Pippin was in
Vent all the while giving us directions until he finally took Indis’
place. Once we had a dedicated healer (Niequi) we won easily. In all
honesty, My Capt. did a fine job healing, but aggro became a problem.
Loving that toon.
Submitted very truly,
Aug. 7, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, Fladrifv, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25,
LotRO Beta going.
Diablo III beta sign-ups now
Forum guild story post.
Tolkien chat: The Beornings: what
do we know about them?
Gaming / WoW:
Continuing from last time, the group took down Thorim, Hodir, and Freya.
Members: Bofur
(Diziet), Elwing (Elwingv), Eonwe (Auros), Eowyn (Mairovende), Fangorn
(Treebeerd, for Freya), Nob (Peralt) and Varda (Varda).
Lumierre and Schlep
Achievements Obtained:
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim
With Open Arms
The Antechamber of Ulduar
Lose Your Illusion
I'll Take You All On
Welcome to the
Valar Guild, Nerdanel-(V)!
Nerdanel found our kinship on LotRO-wiki and LotRO-mailed Fainan
(Varda). Today after the WoW run, we got together in LotRO and she
passed the entry test 5/5. Her three current characters are now in the
kin, with her main being lore-master Lothelena. She does art for games
and plans to donate something Middle-earthy to our art site. She's 29
and from California, so she's on Pacific Standard Time and running
later than a lot of the group, for which our late night folks will be
thankful. Other games that she's played include many MUD's, FFXI,
Requiem, Dofus, Wizard 101 and DDO (most recent. She has not played WoW
and is now playing just LotRO. In the LotR
books, outstanding characters for her were fairly solitary, magical
woods-lovers such as Tom Bombadil the enigmatic and Goldberry, and
Radagast. In The Hobbit, she
found Beorn outstanding. She chose Nerdanel because she's an elf-maid
and a sculptor, not because of her connections to the Feanorians.
Aug. 5, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Firelands raid, not geared
enough and not enough of us, but we knew that before we started and got
a look inside:
Heroes: Bofur, Elwing,
Eonwe, Eowyn, Sauron, and Varda
Later instance runs: Bofur, Elwing,
Eonwe, Eowyn, and Sauron
Smaller groupings later: Bilbo and
Varda; Eowyn and guild-friend Schlep.
Aug. 4, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Special request run for Thursday by
Goblin Town.
A lot of us were underlevel in very early 40's, but had help from
overlevel Pippin, then a couple of hours in, from Indis. Many pages
dropped, quests done, deeds worked on or done, leveling, fun had.
:) We plan to continue it again next Thursday, after reaching 50
to complete the quest lines.
Heroes: Galdor
(Dolenatar), Indis (65 Mereniel), Maedhros (Lachwen), Nimrodel
(Anthemis), Pippin (65 Faerus), and Varda (Tintabereth).
Aug. 3, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance: Sari-surma.
Heroes: Gildor
(rune-keeper Lirafalla), Indis (lore-master Mereniel), Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Tulkas (hunter Astald) and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Aug. 2, 2011
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Grimbeorn-(V)! Grimbeorn
was scouted by Maedhros-(V) and tested by Varda-(Valar), making a
brag-worthy 5/5 test score. The character he brought into LotRO is
Rodavarg, a human champion. He used to play WoW but left it due to the
constant level level raid raid mentality and didn't want that sort of
kin in LotRO. He's from England, land of J.R.R.T. and has read the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. A stand-out character
for him from the LotR
was Faramir, an imperfect but good man who had to make the decision of
what to do once he had captured Frodo and the One Ring. Unlike the
movie, Faramir on his own decided to turn Frodo loose with his Sam and
Gollum to complete the mission, none of this heading for Osgiliath and
taking his father a mighty gift.
Aug. 1, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm instance: Sammath Gul
(SG). We completed through the big boss Gorothul, Galdor-(V) collecting
the Symbol of Celebrimbor.
Heroes: Galdor (hunter
Andwe), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Gorlim (64 lore-master
Istarond), Nimrodel (champion Cynthiajane), Pippin (guardian Faerus),
and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
July 31, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin. If
uncertain how to enter, message VardaValar1 or Eonwe Valar or
ArPharazonV for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth, remotely during Tolkien:
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and VardaValar1
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday instance runs:
The Eye of Eternity
Uldaur - first four
bosses. This is a very long dungeon so we are just getting started and
will work on it again during another scheduled instance.
Heroes for
both runs: Bofur (warlock Diziet), Elwing (hunter Elwingv), Eonwe
(paladin Auros), Eowyn (shadow priest Aeowyn) and Varda (holy minstrel
Varda). Bilbo came home and tanked for Uldaur on his druid, Jovius.
July 29, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
With Me?"
by Jay of Lasgalen. "It is the eve of a meeting of the three Elven
realms for the Ten Year Council - and Elrohir is up to his old tricks."
Gaming / WoW:
Friday night get-together. Elwing,
Sauron, and Varda ran dailies together in the Firelands and Tol Barad,
then fishing and cooking dailies in Stormwind and Dalaran.
July 27, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT Annuminas:
Glinghant wing for a
successful marks run for 30 darkwaters, with five of us.
Haudh Valandil for a
successful full hard mode run rescuing the remains of King Valandil and
freeing his wraith, with six of us.
Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Maedhros (champion Galadhalion),
Nimrodel (champion Cynthiajane), Pippin (guardian Faerus), Tulkas
(hunter Astald for Valandil part), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
July 25, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT Sammath Gul run
in Mirkwood completed in hard mode.
Tulkas hands the Symbol of
Celebrimbor to fellow Valarites in the run with a roll-off for the
lowest number, which Varda rolls.
Heroes: Galdor (burglar
Andwegar), Gildor (runekeeper Lirafalla), Nimrodel (champion
Cynthiajane), Pippin (guardian Faerus), Tulkas (hunter Astald), Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
July 24, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by Eonwe and
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Fladrif-(V) is moving to Germany.
Gaming / WoW:
Black Temple:
Bilbo, Bofur,
Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Fangorn, and Varda
July 22, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry, Languages:
by Luthien-(T).
Gaming / WoW:
Halls of Origination in Uldum:
Bilbo (druid Jovius),
Elwing (hunter Elwingv), Fangorn (84 magus Treebeerd), Sauron (shadow
priest Thauron), and Varda (holy priest Varda).
continued through the instance until Sauron had to leave at 11pm EDT
(work in the morning) and then broke up into normal questing and
July 21, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
in Bed" by Jay of Lasgalen. E
July 20, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instancing
cancelled due to the group's having too many problems with long afks or
people needing to leave when trying to start up.
July 18, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instances:
Helegrod marks
done for wings of the Drakes level 50, and Spiders level 57.
Heroes: Hurin (Hiurred), Indis, (Mereniel), Gildor (Lirafalla),
Glaurung (Blill), Maedhros (Galadhalion), Nimrodel (Ardisian), Pippin
(Faerus), and Varda (Fainan), aided by Glaurung's friend Elantranir.
Warg Pens
(3-man) completed by Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (guardian
Faerus), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
July 17, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Topic 1: Chapter one of the Fellowship of the Ring
at first glance may deceptively seem to have very little of importance
in it, just as the hobbits themselves. What happened?
Topic 2: When do you feel the story got going? What
Gaming / WoW:
Completed Naxxramus dungeon:
Heroes: Bilbo (Jovius),
Bofur (warlock Diziet), Elwing (hunter Elwingv), Eonwe (paladin Auros),
Eowyn (priest Aeowyn), Sauron (warlock Sauronv), and Varda (priest
July 16, 2011
Tolkien Site / Art:
Link change: Anonymous Belgian
Fan now answers to Rombadillo.
Please note that this changes his file
links, in case you previously bookmarked his art cave on our site.
Gaming / LoTRO:
showing Moonbows in Yosemite National Park. This is in answer to
questions about the moonbow in the Shire in the LotRO game, including
do moonbows exist, do they have color?
Sixteenth Hall instance run ,
report from Miriel-(V):
Saturday afternoon (7/16) some of us ran the 16th hall for Glaurung's
burglar quest and continued to complete the instance.
Glaurung (Blill burglar)
Gorlim (Sprain guardian)
Hurin (Hiurred captain)
Miriel (Mahariel minstrel)
Nimrodel (Ardisian hunter)
Pippin (Avengelina champion)
July 14, 2011
Tolkien Site / Art:
art cave
with plenty of new drawings, by Anonymous Belgian Fan. He kindly
offered this work to share with fellow fans of Middle-earth. Name and
link changed July 16, changed here as well.
July 13, 2011
Tolkien Site / Articles:
by Varda-(Valar)
Dwarf photos
from the new Hobbit movie:
and Oin
Nori, and Ori
and Fili
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance runs. Helegrod drake
wing for marks, then a full Helegrod spider wing run for marks, deeds,
etc and hitting the boss, Zaudru.
12 Heroes: Galdor (burglar
Andwegar), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Glaurung (Blill), Gorlim
during the boss fight (minstrel Aeronwy), Hurin (captain
Hiurred), Maedhros main tank (warden Maedhroc), Melkor (rune-keeper
Passim), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin near the end of the run
(guardian Faerus), Tulkas (hunter Astald), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
We were aided by Glaurung's friend, hunter Elantranir.
July 11, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instance runs:
Helegrod drake and spider wings done for marks, Skumfil two wings
completed, and Forsaken Inn.
Helegrod raid heroes (12):
Annael (Annil), Celeborn (Kebb), Eomer (Erkendan), Galdor (Andwegar),
Gildor (Lirafalla), Gorlim (Sprain), Hurin (Hiurred), Maedhros
(Galadhalion), Melkor (Melklore), Nimrodel (Ardisian), Pippin
(Avengelina), and Varda (Tinwetari).
Skumfil 6-man heroes:
Eomer (Melurien), Gorlim (Aeronwy), Indis (Mereniel), Melkor
(Melklore), Pippin (Faerus), and Varda (Fainan).
Forsaken Inn 3-man heroes:
Galdor (Andwegar), Gildor (Lirafalla), and Nimrodel (Wildwyn).
July 10, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
Ar-Pharazon-(V) will be in the hospital for a little
Hobbit movie dwarf picture links on Facebook.
RP discussion.
Dwarves clothing color oddity in The Hobbit. Same
movie dwarf pictures but not on Yahoo Movies.
First Battle of Belariand - difference in indices in
different Silmarillion versions.
WoW regularly scheduled run, reported below.
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday WoW gaming together on Lothar, completing the
Black Temple raid.
Heroes: Bofur (warlock Diziet), Elwing
(hunter Elwingv), Eonwe (paladin Auros), Eowyn (Sekhmet), Fangorn
(Treebeerd), Menelvagor (Menelmacar went link-dead early and was
replaced by Sauron, hmmm), Sauron (warlock Sauronv) and Varda (holy
priest Varda). Guild friend Schlep as Belhorath.
New bank tab bought, giving us another guild
Our main healer hit the final heroic item level at
last, in Twilight Highlands after the raid.
July 8, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday run: Stonecore completed:
Heroes: Bilbo (85 druid),
Bofur (warlock Diziet), Elwingv (hunter), Sauron (84 priest Thauronv),
and Varda (85 priest).
July 6, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm instance:
Sixteenth Hall completed.
Heroes: Galdor (burglar
Andwegar), Gildor (62 captain Livinola), Melkor (63 lore-master
Melklore), Pippin (guardian Faerus), Tulkas (hunter Astald), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
Skumfil questing requested next.
July 4, 2011
Happy Independence Day, U.S.A.! |
of Independence - link from Franco Manni-(T) of Italy.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instance run:
completed Sixteenth Hall.
We made one mistake that
we plan to correct next time. Even though at the Lost One we removed
reflecting gear and turned off the first five combat options, we forgot
that the lore-master air buff (we had two lore-masters) also reflects
damage. We checked the combat log after having accidentally killed one
bug and losing hard mode, and found out. Melkor still got enough Moria
medallions to get his last Moria piece and we cleaned up or went well
into a lot of quests and deeds. We had fun having so many crowd control
fellowship members and so many fellowship maneuvers from our esteemed
burglar, er treasure hunter, and were provided with a batch of new ones
for these characters to also share from Mereniel such as two versions
of Dawn of the Deep and two versions of Wings of the Windlord. We each
picked position in the fm and stuck to it for each new type and hit
them very well.
Heroes: Galdor ((burglar
Andwegar), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Indis (lore-master Mereniel),
Melkor (lore-master Melklore), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
July 3, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
Mirabella-(V)'s story collection
moved to a new folder (previously Branwyn-(T)), not all links are
corrected yet. Eleven new stories have been added:
Sword, Will Travel
Same River Twice
the Storm
the Van (AU, Humor) The Fellowship's road trip in a van..
for Two
Also Serve Who Only Wait
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (8)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv, Glorfindel VG,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Fladrif is back from vacation.
Glaurung-(MoH) is the chosen name for Mirielsson,
who is very close to having finished the books.
Glorfindel's doctor has told him to stay away from
computer games until the tendon in his neck heals, to prevent stress.
Pictures on Facebook
I wonder how many of those serving Denethor might
have purposely held back some of their people.
Difference in voluteers with Aragorn.
The Oathbreakers.
Gaming / WoW:
Raids: Hyjal, Karazhan
Heroes: Arien, Bilbo,
Bofur, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Sauron, Menelvagor, and Varda;
guild-friends Lumiere and Schlep.
June 29, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance:
Forges completed.
Heroes: Galdor (burglar
Andwegar), Gorlim (hunter Morwena, 1st two bosses), Maedhros (champion
Galadhalion), Melkor (rune-keeper Passim, subbed in for Gorlim),
Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (guardian Faerus), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
June 27, 2011
Tolkien Site / Art:
Cave of Deepgroover-(T):
of Dwarves" model: bust of a dwarf king.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday morning hotfix.
Monday 8pm EDT instance: Dark Delving
for the guardian class quest, which we did.
Heroes: Gildor (61 captain
Livinola), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Indis (lore-master Mereniel),
Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
June 26, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Ariehnv, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
WoW: Lothar branch reached level 10
Friday during the summer festival quest for the Frost Lord, Ahern.
LotRO: Summer festival is going. Monday
morning LotRO will be down for a hotfix.
RP discussion
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday after-meeting runs:
Molten Core and Blackwing
Lair completed by Bilbo, Elwing, Eonwe, Fangorn, Sauron, and Varda.
Ahn'Qiraj 10 and 40-man.
10 was the same group plus guild-friend paladin Brassiere. AQ 40 Auros
had to
go first but Menelvagor came into the group and we completed it through
the Eye.
Hellos from Bombur-(V) and Earendil-(Valar) on AIM!
June 24, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday scheduled run. The guild
hit level 10! This was done by repeated attacks on Frost Lord Ahern.
The first five attacks that got the guild credit were by Bofur, Elwing,
Eonwe, Fangorn, and Varda. Two more attacks afterwards were done by
Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Schlep, and random healers.
June 22, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT: Fil Gashan for
the captain's class quest with a side of the usual deeds, quests, and
Heroes: Gildor (61 captain
Livinola), Gorlim (62 lore-master), Melkor (63 hunter), Nimrodel
(hunter Ardisian), Pippin (64 guardian Faerus), and Varda (minstrel
June 21, 2011
WoW and LotRO are both starting
their summer festivals today.
Gaming / LotRO:
Isengard update major stat
changes, with the addition of Finesse: Dev
Diary by Ken "Graalx2" Burd.
June 20, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
morning maintenance patching at least 100 things from the big
8pm EDT instance runs:
Helegrod marks
runs for drakes and spiders, raided with eight:
(Andwegar), Gildor (Livinola), Gorlim (Morwena), Indis (Mereniel),
Melkor (Melkoh, Pippin (Faerus), Tulkas (Astald), and Varda (Tinwetari).
Ost Dunhoth
platform 100 kills for North-men medalliions fellowshipped with five:
(Marrella), Gorlim (Morwena), Indis (Mereniel), Melkor (Passim), and
Varda (Tinwetari).
Forgotten Treasury
five-manned to quickly finish off two quests before bed for several
members, leftover bits from a previous run:
(Mereniel), Melkor (Melkoh), Nimrodel (Cynthiajane), Pippin (Faerus),
and Varda (Tinwetari).
June 19, 2011
Happy Father's
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by the
illustrious Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Heroes attending
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1
In Norse mythology, Odin was called the
All-Father. Would we be able to call Eru Iluvatar that as well?
Gaming / WoW:
We had so many high levels online for
the Sunday run that we went raiding.
June 18, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday runs: random dungeon runs
done by the team of Bilbo, Elwing, Eowyn, and Sauron.
June 15, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instances:
Helegrod for
marks: spiders and drakes.
(burglar Andwegar), Gorlim (hunter Morwena), Melkor (61 hunter Melkoh),
Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (61 guardian Faerus), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
Grand Stairs
quest mode for quests and deeds.
Same group
except that Gorlim changed to 62 lore-master Istarond.
June 13, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instances: (Yes,
we run stuff all the time and sometimes bigger than this on impulse,
but this is "scheduled". Feel free to report your impressive impulse
Valar group run with an email to Varda for the News.) Level 65 capped
player if the level is not mentioned.
Helegrod raid instance drake (50) and
spider (57) wings for Helegrod marks.
Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Indis (
lore-master Mereniel), Melkor (59 hunter Melkoh), Tulkas (hunter
Astald), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
Leader of the Foul Wood
small fellowship (3-man only) quest in Eregion completed.
Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Indis (lore-master Mereniel), and Melkor (59
hunter Melkoh).
Forsaken Inn
(level 65 3-man Tier 1) completed:
Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane), and Varda
(hunter Fainan).
June 12, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Special thanks to Ar-Pharazon who has sent the fair
copy of the transcript unfailingly right after every meeting for years.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending (5):
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Fladrifv, Indis-(V)/karakedi25
LotRO: Pre-orders are now available for the Isengard
WoW: The Mid-summer Fire Festival is coming soon.
Lost Viking
A Farewell to Dragons
Middle-earth based music CD (during the end of
Eonwe's topic: What is the opposite of Creation?
A little more chat, farewells.
The WoW Lothar group joined together for their
Sunday after meeting group runs, reported below.
Gaming / WoW:
Level 85 capped player if the level is
not mentioned.
Coilfang Reservoir
raid completed.
Participants: Arien (70
druid Annarwen), Bilbo (mage Billboh), Bofur (warlock), Elwing (hunter
Elwingv), Eonwe (paladin Auros), Eowyn (shaman Mairovende), Fangorn
(healing discipline priest Fangoern), Sauron (warlock Sauronv), and
Varda (healing holy priest Varda). We took a while to get started but
then rolled through like a train.
Grim Batol
instance completed:
Participants: Bilbo
(Jovius), Elwing (hunter Elwingv), Eowyn (shaman Mairovende), Fangorn
(healing discipline priest Fangoern), and Varda (damage shadow priest
Glorfindel came in late today, ill, but
hit the cap level of 85 questing! This also counts towards the guild
achievements even as the above instances do. :)
June 8, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance run: Lost Temple.
Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Gorlim (minstrel
Aeronwy), Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), and
Tulkas (hunter Astald). When Tulkas had to leave, Pippin stepped in
with champion Avengelina.
June 6, 2011:
Tolkien Site / Articles:
of Númenor by Firiel-(T).
Tolkien Site /
The Mound of Avarice by Firiel-(T). This poem tells of "the
burying-place of the slain dwarves who fell at Sarn Athrad after
Beren's vengeance."
Death of Turamarth by Firiel-(T). The death of Turin Turambar.
Turamarth is the Sindarin form of the name.
Songs of Heaven by Firiel-(T). The song of creation in the back and
forth between Eru and Morgoth.
Gaming / LotRO:
Welcome home to Elatan, who
brought a character (Elatanv) into our Landroval LotRO kin today!
Monday 8pm EDT instances:
We warmed up
with two fast Helegrod
wings for Helegrod marks, level 50 drakes and 57 spiders. (Go for the
kill 15 in each one.)
Participants: Galdor (burg Andwegar), Gildor (guardian Marrella),
Gorlim (62 lore-master Istarond), Hurin (65 captain Hiurred), Melkor
(56 hunter Melkoh), Pippin (56 Faerus), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Then we ran a
batch of up and coming alts in their first Grand Stairs
run, and got hard mode, gaining upgrades, medallions, quests, and deeds.
Participans: Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Gildor (61 captain Livinola),
Gorlim (62 lore-master Istarond), Melkor (63 lore-master Melklore),
Pippin (56 guardian Faerus), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
June 5, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by the
illustrious Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (9)
Aerandir V, AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Galdor-(V) is having computer problems with his
notebook that has AIM.
Aerandir-(V) is busy with grad school but managed to
chat with us in the meeting today.
Aerandir-(V)'s crafted art
site (under Membership)
Great Hunter" orc model by DeepGroover-(T)
LotRO - Europe migrating to American servers
WoW - group is growing and therefore getting credit
for higher runs.
StarCraft 2 new info
Tolkien convention: "The Long Expected Party" in
September in Kentucky, USA.
More convention chat, considering costumes.
EVE Online chat.
Scheduled WoW gaming.
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday scheduled gaming after the
meeting. We fielded our largest group of Valarites yet, plus
guild-friends, gaining glory and guild achievements raiding together in
the Sunwell
and winning. Another cheery thought is that we can field an
even larger group on days when Fangorn and Sauron are not working at
game-time. Don't forget to email Eonwe
your best screenie of our group at the end-boss!
We then ran Black Temple and
cleared it as well.
Valarites were Eonwë, Varda, BIlbo, Glorfindel, Menelvagor, Bilbo,
Nob, Bofur, and Elwing. Guild friends were Draxcil, Rayearth, and
June 2, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
News from Turbine:
"European servers are online and migration is now available! Please
note that it may take up to 72 hours for your Turbine Points to be
applied to your account."
June 1, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday early runs:
raid in Angmar completed by Gorlim (60 lore-master Istarond), Irmo
(warden Yrmo), Miriel (hunter Mahairiel), Pippin (champion Avengelina),
Telchar (49 guardian Gratmo), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
instance in Angmar completed by Hurin (captain Hiurred), Irmo (warden
Yrmo), Miriel (hunter Mahairiel), Pippin (53 guardian Faerus), Telchar
(49 guardian Gratmo), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance run: Dark Delving in Moria. We
completed the run including killing Gurvand, the end boss.
Heroes participating:
Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Indis
(lore-master Mereniel), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (champion
Avengelina), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
May 31, 2011
Tolkien Site / Art:
'Great' Hunter" model by DeepGroover-(T). Ok, so maybe not all (or
much of) the game an Orc brings back might be considered impressive.
May 30, 2011
Memorial Day. We remember and we thank the
heroes who have passed on and those who, to our great good fortune, are
still with us.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT instance: Grand
Stairs hard mode completed for medallions and quests.
Participants: Galdor
(burglar Andwegar), Gildor (61captain Livinola), Gorlim (60 lore-master
Istarond), Melkor (63 lore-master), Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane) and
Varda (minstrel Tinwetai). When Gildor had to leave, Pippin came in on
warden Illiardo so we could go ahead and take down the final boss,
Igash. Some other folks also online during the run were Celeborn, Indis
(outside character Alasse), Nar, Telchar, and Tulkas.
May 29, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
Eye Unseen by Firiel-(T), formerly "Beren Watches
Lúthien Dancing".
Tolkien Site /
Stories / Language:
to Thus Cwæth Ælfwine
Wídlast (Thus Spake
Ælfwine Wídlast), the Lament of Ælfwine
by Firiel-(T). What finally happened to Eriol (Aelfwine)? Elvish used
here is Quenya.
and Eltrom
by Firiel-(T). Saeros' heart darkens in a conversation set not long
before he attempts murder. Elvish languages used here are a mixture of
Ilkorin and its branch
Doriathrin, the languages spoken in Doriath during that time.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (9)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv,
Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor
Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
May 25 was Fangorn-(Valar)'s 58th birthday.
Poetry from Firiel-(T)
Stories from Firiel-(T)
Funny YouTube link using Battle for Middle-earth 2
from Irmo-(Valar)
May 22 meeting transcript now formatted with a
summary on the News.
Second Life
StarCraft 2
Expansion, teaser
(see also After-meeting)
New instances and skirmishes added
this week, plus gaming tweaks.
Topic: The more powerful beings had to be lessened
or otherwise restrained to allow the Free Peoples to grow up and handle
their own problems, rather than remaining as cared-for children.
WoW Sunday after-meeting gaming.
Gaming / WoW:
The WoW Valar Guild on
Lothar server hit rank 9 for the perk and got our second main healer to
level cap.
Ready from that progress,
The Valar Guild downed the Lich King.
And there was much rejoicing.
Heroes being awesome
for this run were Bilbo (Billboh arcane mage), Bofur (Diziet affliction
warlock), Elwing (Elwingv marksman hunter), Eonwe (Auros retribution
paladin), Fangorn (Fangoern discipline priest), Nob (Peralt blood death
knight main tank), Sauron (Sauronv demonology warlock), and Varda
(Varda holy priest).
May 23, 2011
LotRO update. New instances and skirmish,
Varda will be away most of this week. Try not to go
too crazy partying! I'll try to get back to everything as soon as
possible. Firiel, you're not forgotten.
Gaming / LotRO:
Report by Galdor-(V):
Just updating you on
Monday PM Instance. Nimrodel (Wildwyn), Eomer (Meluin ?...Warden),
Indis (Her Mini...began with letter I), and I ran with 2 excellent
PUG's and ran GS HM very quickly. We did a fantastic job representing
the kin...so much so that Indis actually commented on it. The guy that
ran the group was a British Warden and a very nice guy...he was
complimenting us left and right...he was no slouch...his melee damage
was 8300...sheesh.
After that we, Nimrodel (Ardisian,), Indis (her mini
again) and Thongaladh ran the School of Mirobel in about 30 minutes
flat. A Symbol dropped on the final boss and Indis won it. Then it was
late and we had to call it a night.
All and all and successful Monday instance, albeit
under attended by kin.
May 22, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Fladrifv,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Ar-Pharazon and Fladrif had birthdays this week.
Poetry by Firiel-(T)
Quenya by Firiel-(T)
Recipes (rl food) on the Forum by Galdor-(V)
Achievement Unlocked 2
Touhou 7.5
StarCraft 2
Second Life next generation
Topic: The setting of Middle-earth is as much an
attraction as the story. What elements in the setting make it stand out
this way?
After-meeting WoW gaming.
Gaming / WoW:
Ice Crown Citadel right up to
Arthas. Raid locks acquired!
May 19, 2011
Tolkien Site / Languages:
Angamando Vere Hante "The Leaguer of Angband Broken" by Firiel-(T).
A composition in Quenya and English.
May 18, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
Winning of Lúthien by Firiel-(T).
Tombstone Inscription by Firiel-(T).
by Firiel-(T).
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday run 8pm EDT.
Grand Stairs
Participants (level 65 unless it says otherwise): Galdor (burglar
Andwegar), Gorlim (captain Athyn), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Melkor
(63 lore-master Melklore), Nimrodel (lore-master Wildwyn), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
May 16, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday run 8pm EDT: Skumfil
Moria instance. We went in to deed the left side several times and kept
taking out Brumbereth on the way.
Participants: Gildor,
Gorlim, Indis, Nimrodel, Pippin, and Varda.
May 15, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. It may also be entered using Trillian or Pidgin.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (presiding)
New Tolkien member: Firiel-(T)
Touhou 7.5 and the search for a
readable English manual.
RP: posting by Eonwe, more by
others intended during the week.
Varda's topic: Tolkien, known as
a fantasy genre writer, also slipped into the horror genre in his
well-known works. Where do we see that?
Eonwe's topic, spin-off from the
rp talk: Sensing magic.
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday After-meeting regular run.
Run 1: AQ40
Run 2: Completed Molten Core, picking
up Molten Core attunement first for one character and achievements for
some others. Participants were Bilbo, Eonwe, Eowyn, Fangorn, and Varda.
Run 3: Completed Karazahn all the way
through 4-manning. Participants were Bilbo, Eowyn, Fangorn, and Varda. Bofur and Nob, Bilbo and Sauron have
two-manned it, but this was a scheduled guild run along with questing.
May 14, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
Welcome to Firiel-(T), new to
our site with her poem The
Isle of Thû. It tells of "Beren and Lúthien's conflict
with Thû
(Sauron) at Tol-in-Gaurhoth".
May 11, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance:
Grand Stairs in Moria. We had a group of alts wanting Grand Stairs
quests and others wanting deeds, so we ran in and out of GS for some
things and then ran as if we were going to do hard mode to kill The
Participants: Galdor (63 burglar),
Gildor (58 captain Livinola), Melkor (62 lore-master Melklore),
Nimrodel (64 lore-master Wildwyn), Pippin (65 champion), and Varda (65
minstrel Tinwetari).
May 9, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Regular Monday instance 8pm EDT.
School and Library runs were done by the illustrious team of Gildor
(guardian Marrella), Melkor (rune-keeper Passim), and Varda (hunter
Fainan), gaining Superior Third marks and deeds. This is a frequently
done run in the kin, but this is what we did for our special time.
May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), Fladrifv, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, and
New thread made for members to post real-life
food recipes.
role-play discussion about the runed orc sword.
for Galdor's topic: In the Hobbit,
when Bilbo discovered the keyhole on
Durin's Day...was Thorin's arrogance at asking Bilbo to now perform his
job he was recruited for just an act of hubris or more a show of
leadership to the other dwarves?
May 4, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday instance runs: Fil
Gashan completed, Grand Stairs completed. Ran as requested for deeding
and questing in both.
Fil Gashan participants:
Galdor (burglar Andwegar), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Maedhros
(champion Galadhalion), Nimrodel (62 lore-master Wildwyn), Pippin
(warden Illiardo), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
Grand Stairs participants:
same except that Galdor had to leave and Melkor replaced him with 62
lore-master Melklore.
May 2, 2011
Live concert by the Houston
Symphony, along with singers, of The
Fellowship of the Ring played along with the movie on July 22 at
Jones Hall in Houston, Texas, 7:30pm CDT.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday instance run: Grand Stairs HM
Participants: Galdor (58
burglar Andwegar), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Gorlim (minstrel
Aeronwy), Melkor (62 lore-master Melklore), Nimrodel (62 lore-master
Wildwyn), and Pippin (warden Illiardo).
May 1, 2011 Sunday
Tolkien Site / Art:
Cave of Deepgroover-(T): new
full figure and setting
Bust" bust of a goblin
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), Fladrifv, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and VardaValar1
Finarfin-(V)'s birthday
Patch 4.1 is out. Patch 4.2 is
already being worked on.
Noble Garden
Children's Week
Turbine is taking over
Codemasters Online so the Europeans will
now be joined up with the Western Hemisphere.
They retain the old
servers but those will be moved to Boston in the US. Should be easier
for Euros to move to European servers if they wish.
RP posting in the forum. Side talks about Elvish
medicine, cleaning sword handles.
Hobbit movie news
RP posting continues
April 30, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Last day of Noble Garden, so a bunch of
us got together and cleared as much of the achievement as possible.
Special thanks to Fangorn for tireless porting!
April 27, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday instance: Sixteenth
Hall of Moria
Since Galdor needed
his burglar quest, we ran 16th Hall and got it for him. We also
completed or made progress on a collection of quests and deeds,
collected medallions, and showed folks who hadn't been there before how
the instance was run. Due to thunderstorms, we lost one member (Gildor)
right after completing the boss Tramug. We continued on as a five-man
and killed the boss Dhurz. We did not manage to take down the Lost One
in one try in hard mode and had to stop since we were losing three more
to thunderstorms or we would have gone back for quest mode. The two
remaining (Malbeth and Varda) went back in and worked on or completed
the crawler deed.
Participants: Galdor
(burglar Andwegar), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Malbeth (hunter
Etheron), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and
Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
April 26, 2011
Gaming /
Announcement from LotRO:
"Turbine announced today that it
will be expanding its global
operations and will assume full control of The Lord of the Rings
Online™ (LOTRO) in Europe beginning June 1, 2011.(Click Here) to
read the Press Release."
Codemasters Online previously handled
LotRO Europe.
Turbine is owned by Warner Brothers.
April 25, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday instance: Sammath Gul of
Dol Guldur.
Report from Indis:
Gorothul and Demafaer are no more. We
completed HM with only one wipe on Gorothul and one wipe on Demafaer
(last boss). One symbol dropped.
Participants: Gildor
(guardian Marrella), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Indis (lore-master
Mereniel), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian),
Pippin (champion Avengelina).
April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar
(presiding), Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, and VardaValar1
LotRO: 4th anniversary festivities
WoW: Noblegarden Easter festivities.
Eonwe's topic: Consider Saruman, his
treachery and fall, as it compares to Morgoth and to Sauron.
April 22, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Eowyn, Elwing, and Eonwë
popped into a normal random dungeon and ended up in the Halls of
April 21, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Thursday impulse running:
completed Grand Stairs hard mode, Niels Bounty, and killed 100 at Ost
Grand Stairs
done by: Galdor (hunter Andwe), Maedhros (champion Galadhalion),
Malbeth (hunter Etheron), Nimrodel (Wildwyn), Pippin (champion
Avengelina), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Niels Bounty: same people, except
Nimrodel switched to hunter Ardisian.
Ost Dunhoth platform: Maedhros,
Malbeth, Nimrodel (for part of it), and Varda joining others doing the
same thing in a raid.
April 20, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT instance run:
Moria instance Forges:
We completed Forges all the way through, then did the lore-master class
quest that comes after Krankluk, then cleared anything left that might
hold up it's head and explored odd tunnels or causeways not normally
looked at. We cleared a backlog of quests and got well into or
completed deeds.
Gildor (guardian Marrella), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Maedhros
(champion Galadhalion), Nimrodel (lore-master Wildwyn), Pippin (warden
Illiardo), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Others who
volunteered but that we sadly couldn't fit in were Malbeth (hunter
Etheron) and Indis.
April 19, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
April 19-May 2 is the fourth
anniversary celebration of Lord of the Rings Online.For the anniversary
time, monsters drop tokens for gift boxes. Plus we have the Thorin's
Hall beer brawl, horse races for the new anniversary horse, and new
items and housing decorations. April 21-24 has double experience
on monster kills.
A bit of the impulse-running
going on that Varda was part of and knows about, but there's lots more
going on all the time, yay us! These are just some of the normal, daily
Library run completed: Annael
(Annil), Hurin (captain Hiurred), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
School run completed: Galdor
(champion Thongaladh), Hurin (captain Hiurred), and Varda (minstrel
Lorien dailes: Annael (Annil),
Hurin (captain Hiurred), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Enedwaith dailies: Annael (Annil),
Hurin (captain Hiurred), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Sarnur reputation dungeon: Annael
(Annil), Galdor (champion Thongaladh), Hurin (captain Hiurred), and
Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
April 18, 2011 Monday
LotRO / Gaming:
Monday 8pm instance run was in
Carn Dum helping Galdor pick up his class item and others work on or
finish deeds.
Participants: Galdor
(burglar Andwegar), Indis (rune-keeper Tengwarien), Nimrodel
(lore-master Wildwyn), Pippin (warden Illiardo), and Varda (minstrel
Ulmo's LotRO account was hacked and
robbed and used to remove things from the kin-chest. He is taking steps
and we wish him all the best! (Update:
his items were returned the next day, each character needing a separate
ticket. Kin house items were also sent to him.)
Fortunately the hacker did not
delete Ulmo's account and could not sell the outfit he was wearing and
left it alone.
In Ulmo's case, the culprit was a
key-logger virus specific to the game and Ventrilo.
As we learned in WoW, be sure to
immediately run virus
checks on your computers to remove key-logger viruses because they
record key-strokes and can compromise passwords to everything, not just
the game, and is the usual cause of the problem. Some worms and
keyloggers are specific to games, useful to gold-farming organizations.
Act quickly to remove the key-logger and make a report to Account
Support for each character (within 10 days, scary policy for those away
for work longer than that like Tulkas). Check your email account to see
if it's been compromised (in Gmail, open it, find the word Details at
the bottom, and click it) and change the email password so that it is
not the same as for a game.
Here is a July
2008 link on hacked accounts and what to do on the forums.
Here is Turbine
Customer Support. Compromised
Account Reimbursement Policy. Compromised
Account Reimbursement Procedures.
April 17, 2011
The Hobbit movie, the first of Peter Jackson's
from a different source (website for Escapist
Magazine) with a link that might work for folks reading this
News. Thank you to my old D&D buddy, Adamantium Altgelt, for the
For those of you with Facebook, we give you
Eowyn-(V)'s and Schlep's wedding.
(Click Go to Facebook.com underneath the logo.)
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Fladrifv, Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25,
Movie: The Hobbit
Tolkien Game: Match the starting letter of one name
to the last letter of the previous name. Character names of people or
animals. Place names
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday Dungeon runs:
Participants: Members:
Eonwë, Varda, Elwing, Fangorn, Eowyn
Guild Friends: Schlep
First, Eonwe, Varda, Elwing, Fangorn, and Schlep
went into Stonecore to complete the quests for those who hadn't yet.
The run went fairly smoothly.
Afterwards, Eonwe traded out with Eowyn, and the
group ran the Vortex Pinnacle.
April 14, 2011
The Hobbit
Movie. On Facebook, Peter
Jackson has his first video
blog up from where production of The
Hobbit is starting. (Click Go to Facebook.com underneath the
April 13, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT.
Moria instance: Grand Stairs. We
completed this all the way through quickly on hard mode, collecting
medallions, quests, and deeds.
Galdor (hunter Andwe), Indis (lore-master Alasse), Maedhros (champion
Galadhalion), Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane), Pippin (warden
Illiardo), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Moria instance: Fil Gashan.
We got to General Talug but did not quite beat him, and some of our
group needed to leave, but we collected medallions. After Talug, we
went back over the rest of the area and completed quests and added to
our deeds.
the same as above except that Indis left (plenty of warning) and Gildor
took her place as rune-keeper Lirafalla.
April 12, 2011
Tolkien Site
/ Stories:
Healer's Path"
by Jay of Lasgalen. A series of six drabbles following Estel's journey
to becoming a healer. Estel was the name by which Aragorn was known
growing up in Rivendell.
April 11, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT gaming:
Ost Dunhoth: Level 65
quest for 100 kills for 20 Medallions of the North-men completed, for
the highest level barter.
Galdor (hunter Andwe), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Hurin (captain
Hiurred), Maedhros (champion Galadhalion), Tulkas (hunter Astald), and
Varda (hunter Fainan).
Class questing aid in
Angmar's Western Malenhad. We killed turtles for the class items then
did the quests "Blood Wing" and "Ancient Lair".
Celeborn (53 champion Kebb), Galdor (46 burglar), Gildor (43 captain),
Nimrodel (as hunter Ardisian at first to help with travel, then as 60
Lore-master Wildwyn), Pippin (54 lore-master Penthagamir), and Varda
(minstrel Tinwetari).
April 10, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Fladrifv, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/karakedi25,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Elrond counseled Gimli against taking
an oath to hold the party together ("The Ring Goes South", Fellowship).
April 8, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Friday evening impulse run:
complete sweep of everything in Carn Dum. We started with three people
and just kept picking up more Valarites, some switching out as time got
Participants: Celeborn (51
Kebb came in after Helchgam), Galdor (hunter Andwe through Helchgam),
Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy after
Helchgam), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (warden Illiardo), and
Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
April 7, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Morning patch.
Lots of gaming going on as usual,
especially the afternoon Irmorim (evening for them, confused
yet?). A Sword Halls run in the evening by Gorlim (guardian
Sprain), Tulkas (hunter Astald), and Varda (minstrel Tinwetari).
Gaming / WoW:
Report from Sauron-(Valar):
Elwing, and Sauron ran guild achievement runs: Sethek Halls, Shadow
Labyrinth, Botanica, and Mechanas.
Eonwe got to play with his
brother too, long-time guild-friend Dracxil, on lowbie characters
checking out the changed areas.
April 6, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT: Two Annuminas
marks runs, Sammath Gul. We made it to Gorothul and plan to work more
on that boss fight.
Participants: Gildor
(guardian Marrella), Indis (lore-master Alasse), Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion CynthaJane; hunter Ardisian for SG),
Pippin (champion Avengelina for 2nd Annum run and SG), Tulkas (hunter
Astald for the first Annum run), Varda (65 minstrel Tinwetari).
Gaming / WoW:
Gaming together: 85's Bilbo,
Eowyn, Sauron, and guild-friend Schlep. Glorfindel leveling.
April 4, 2011 Monday
Gaming / LotRO:
Servers will be down at an
estimated time of 6am to 10am EDT for Update 2's patch
Monday 8pm EDT: Sammath Gul. We made it
to the lightning boss and found that that fight had changed.
Participants from memory:
Nimrodel, Gildor (guardian Marrella), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Varda
(hunter Fainan). Two more (please remind me.)
April 3, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Tolkien chat concerned the forum role-play story.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (7)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, Fladrifv, Glorfindel VG, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
Rory-(V) left the guild during
the meeting. Forum note given.
Art by Deep-groover-(T)
2, patch 1.3.1 came out this week. Not a big one, but it's
there. And 1.4.11 was announced
3 had a patch too earlier in March
Forum role-play discussion.
Gaming / WoW Sunday:
Sunday evening scheduled gaming:
Dungeons "Stonecore" and
"Vortex Pinnacle" completed.
Eonwe (85 paladin Auros), Eowyn (85 shaman Mairovende), Fangorn (83
priest Fangoern), (85 paladin Schlep), and Varda (83 priest Varda).
Dungeon Gundrak completed,
gaining the Reins of the Red Proto-drake for Bilbo-(V).
Bilbo (85 mage Billboh), Eowyn (85 shaman Mairovende), Fangorn (83
priest Fangoern), (85 paladin Schlep), and Varda (83 priest Varda).
Others present online:
Arien-(Valar), Arwen-(V) (not in guild), Elwing-(V), and Glorfindel-(V).
Tip on recognizing gear type: Dps:
haste and crit. Tank: parry and dodge. Caster: intellect. Healing:
April 2, 2011
Tolkien Site / Art:
Photos of new models may be
found deep in the Cave of DeepGroover-(T):
of Wessex" full figure. This was used to illustrate the Tolkien
Encyclopedia articles about Hama.
Knight" bust
April 1, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday evening gaming:
Blackrock Caverns dungeon
completed by Elwing (85 hunter Elwingv), Eowyn (85 shaman Mairovende),
Fangorn (82 priest Fangoern), guild-friend Schlep (85 paladin), Varda
(83priest Varda). Lots of other questing before and after in small
groups while partied in one large group.
March 30, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT:
Great Barrows level 65:
Completed both wings picking up marks, a killing and gathering quest
for each wing, then went into Sambrog's wing the same way, and got to
Sambrog for the first time for several members. We had to split up for
bed but have the locks for the next run.
Participants: Galdor
(hunter Andwe), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc),
Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (64
minstrel Tinwetari).
March 28, 2011
Maedhros mailed off files to the
printer for the second book of NeverNever.
:) The first book recently got a new edition.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST:
Ost Dunhoth: We farmed 100
wights and got 20 Medallions of the North-man apiece.
Eomer (captain Erkendan), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Indis (lore-master
Alasse), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and
Varda (hunter Fainan).
Sammath Gul: We killed the
first boss and grabbed the chest before people had to leave for the
Galdor (champion Thongaladh), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Indis
Alasse), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and
Varda (hunter Fainan).
March 27, 2011 Sunday
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Happy birthday, Meneldil!
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Eonwe Valar, Glorfindel VG, Indis-(V)/ karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Mass Effect 2
StarCraft 2
At the time of the War of the
Rings, Middle-earth had a number of powers that had come out of the
history on both sides. These could be groups or countries or singles.
What powers were operating and how did they come about?
Tolkien chat continued a little into
the After-meeting.
Gaming / WoW:
Regularly scheduled Sunday evening run.
Gaming / LotRO:
Four Valarites joined together with
others in the new raid, Ost Dunhoth, and defeated the Wound side. The
Valarites were Bofur (minstrel Dagr), Indis (lore-master Alasse), Nob
(guard Elenrandir), and Pippin (champion Avengelina).
March 25, 2011 Friday
Gaming / WoW:
News reported by Eonwe on the
scheduled Friday run:
Bilbo, Eowyn, Eonwë, Elwing, Fangorn, Varda
First, Bilbo,
Eowyn, and Eonwë gave a go at a random lvl 85 normal dungeon, and
ended up in the Halls of Origination.
After this,
Eowyn was disconnected, so BIlbo and Eonwë queued up for a heroic
and ended up in the Vortex Pinnacle.
After this,
Elwing, Eowyn, and Fangorn were on, so we decided to try the Crucible
of Carnage. Varda came in, and so she was traded Bilbo's spot in the
group, while Bilbo joined us from outside. Eonwë's Auros, a Ret
Paladin, was the acting tank. We managed to get 3 bosses down, but ran
into a great deal of trouble on the fourth, so after a couple of tries
we called it quits.
At this point,
Eonwë called it a night, but everyone else was still raring to go.
The others broke into two groups for two different areas and quested
until they needed sleep.
Gaming / LotRO:
News reported by Indis on an
impulse run:
evening Indis (Alasse), Maedhros (Maedhroc), and Ulmo (Niequi)
attempted the two new 3-person instances at Tier 1. In
Northcotton Farm (Oatbarton), they were unable to complete Boss 2 (the
Cauldron), as that portion of the instance appeared to be bugged.
However, they succeeded in completing the Stoneheight instance in the
North Downs. Next step, Tier 2!
March 23, 2011 Wednesday
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT.
The farming run for
medallions by Ost Dunhoth won't be off the cool down timer in time for
tonight's run, but will be available tomorrow.
A Valarite team completed
the Prancing Pony instance of Northcotton Farm on Tier 2. Participants
were Bofur (minstrel Dagr), Nob (guard Elenrandir), and Varda (hunter
Some members have already
completed the new book including the duo of Irmo and Miriel; solo by
Varda; others.
March 22, 2011
Happy birthday, Menelvagor-(Valar)!
Gaming / LotRO:
Spring Festival is here.
Tuesday morning had a short
downtime to fix a problem in LI relic critting on the server side. The
fix worked and relics may be made with no problem now.
Tech / Tolkien
link from Gorlim of the Eye
of Sauron.
March 21, 2011 Monday
Gaming / LotRO:
Update 2 is now live.
New book section
starts at Nar's Peak in Enedwaith, where the Thror's Coomb quests are.
New instances
start with Barliman Butterburr at the Prancing Pony in Bree. These lead
into 3-man instances and on into a 6-man instance.
New raid starts at
Harndirion for Ost Duruth.
Items were all re-set, removing relics and spent points. The relic crit
crafting is bugged and the fix is tentatively set for Tuesday morning.
Any relic put in an LI cannot be removed, so relics need to be worked
up to level 6 before putting them in. This means many of us are trying
to work with lower level equipment.
for the new
instances from the Prancing Pony are near their stones from the
pre-Update precursor quest. Entering gives a medallion.
Northcotton Farm
(known bug keeps it from showing on the map today) is northwest of
The Town of
Stoneheight is in Annundir of the North Downs,
north of William Peake's farm going around the right side of the hill
and up a slope. 3-man.
Glacier Fortress is
in Forochel west and north-west of
Suri-kyla. The tent on the shore shows up first, then the boat is
visible. Take the boat and go through the ice cave that faces the
shore. 3-man.
The Lost Temple is
in the northern Trollshaws. Go through the
bridges of the wight towns to Ost Chall and into that door that finally
opens. Lovely view! 6-man
Monday 8pm EDT
instance run:
Our undeveloped LI's
leaving us at low strength should have made us cautious, but we were
curious about the new content and looked at it anyway.
Some of those who hadn't
already done the stone quest did that ahead of instance time.
Prancing Pony:
At instance time we tried to make two groups to start the Prancing Pony
instances. One group made with Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Pippin
(champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan). Gorlim and Indis
tried to start another group but other kinmates were more cautious and
wanted to wait before going in. The first part is just travel, no
problem. Merely going into each instance and discovering it gave the
new medallions (barter for the new armor sets etc. at Harndirion). The
new instances were near the stones from the stone quest and each
features the talent of a particular gaunt lord. For example, the first
one at Northcotton Farm near Oatbarton where four hobbits separately
await rescue after a boss defeat is heavy on poison, so we started
right off with spiders. It has four hobbits separately awaiting rescue,
each found after beating a big bad.
Ost Dunhoth:
For our larger group run, we went to Harndirion and picked up the Ost
Dunhoth quest. Then three of us rode over over to the castle and
summoned the other two party members, got our medallion for discovery,
and then proceeded to successfully do the kill 100 baddies quest on a
platform just outside and down from the castle door. This quest is
repeatable in two days with the same characters (nice for letting us
run the next day with those other 65 alts we've accumulated). This gave
us a batch of medallions.
Participants were Gorlim
(minstrel Aeronwy), Indis (lore-master Alasse), Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
March 20, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, fladrifv, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (presiding).
Mass Effect 2
StarCraft 2, more on tips for the
Supernova mission in the After-meeting.
JRRT liked Nordic themes. One of
them was bravery against hopeless odds. What examples from the books
can you think of where he used this idea?
Gaming / WoW:
Congratulations to the Lothar WoW
branch for hitting level 7 today!
Arien-(Valar), welcome to the WoW
Lothar branch!
Sunday after-meeting run for guild
Participants: Bilbo,
Eonwë, Varda, Elwing, and Bofur.
We started
dealing with the Outland Heroic dungeons for guild credit.
Eonwe, Bilbo,
Varda, and Elwing went through Ramparts and Shattered Halls. Then Bofur
joined in for Blood Furnace. Afterwards, we went through the Slave
Pens, Steamvault, and Underbog.
After Eonwe had to
leave, Bilbo, Elwing, and Bofur completed Auchiindoun Heroic Mana
Tombs, then completed Heroic Auchenai Crypts. Eowyn came in a bit too
late for the runs but said hi and congrats.
March 19, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Misty Mountains troll deeding
with Irmo and Miriel. Sign up on the Forum.
When: Sat.
3/19/11 @ 11:30 AM EDT/ 16:30 CET / 10:30 AM CDT
Where: Gloin's
The Plan:
Group up and complete the Misty Mountain Troll Deed.
And we did.
helper URLs:
Changes - Suggested by Ullmo.
LI Point Spender -
Suggested by Gorlim.
Monday is Update 2 for LotRO. The servers are
scheduled to be down from 6am to at least 10am. We'll be spending the
time re-doing our LI's, checking out what's new on our characters, and
trying to get into the new instance. Expect lag and craziness.
March 18, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
2.6.8 will be run tonight (grabs horseshoe).
About 8pm EDT Gildor and Nimrodel should be off of work. Let's help
them make 2.6.7 trip to the Bridge Shard for the hat, and to the
Endless Stair rubble for speed and fun, then start right into 2.6.8!
We completed 2.6.8 and got the legendary capstone
traits for four members (Gildor, Maedrhros, Nimrodel, and Varda), then
moved on and picked up marks in Helegrod (drakes and spiders). We need
to run 2.6.8 again for Galdor and Gorlim who couldn't make it in time
for tonight's run..
Participants for 2.6.8: Gildor (guardian Marrella),
Indis (lore-master Alasse), Maedhros (champion Galadhalion), Nimrodel
(champion Cynthiajane), Pippin (warden Illiardo), and Varda (63
minstrel Tinwetari).
Participants for Helegrod marks: Galdor (champion
Thongaladh), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla), Indis (lore-master
Mereniel), Maedhros (champion Galadhalion), Nimrodel (champion
CynthiaJane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
should be around 50% off usual sales price from the 18th to the
24th. =) This includes standard, temporary, and Algraig
Membership news:
Celeborn-(V), happy birthday!
Meriadoc-(V) found this video
of a historic planes's first test flight after restoration and
recognized it as one he had found room to sardine in the hangar where
he works, ahead of a storm. He's been told he could get a flight in it
next time it comes back as thanks, so hold up your lucky horseshoe for
Meriadoc! The plane was used as a trainer in WW II and is called the
Ryan P-22 Recruit.
Gaming / WoW:
Regular WoW run tonight at 7pm EDT done.
Report from Eonwe:
Members - Eonwë, Elwing, Eowyn, Bilbo
Guild Friends - Schlep
This Friday
Eonwe came in late because of that pesky real life thing.
When I did
make it in, our first task was to go through Dire Maul for the final
classic dungeon run we needed for guild credit. Eonwe, Eowyn, and
Elwing cleared out East and West, and Bilbo joined us in time for North.
After that,
Schlep joined us and with 5 we decided to try our luck at a Cataclysm
5-man. Having noone specced as a healer, Eowyn said she'd give it a try
with her Shaman, and I threw in I disagreeistance. We tried the random
dungeon finder, and it gave us Grim Batol. The groups weren't too bad,
and we made it to the first boss, General Umbriss. This was the real
fight :} We died a couple of times, but got him within 20% of death
each time. Finally, we got him, and having achieved victory, it was
time to call it a night :}
March 17, 2011
Landroval-(V) is still with the overall Valar
Guild and the LotRO kin on his Searil character. He merely cross-kinned
some of his characters to find people playing at his time of day.
March 16, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EDT planned run:
2.6.8 "New Devilry". Canceled since some of the main people
needing it didn't complete the quests between 2.5.5 and 2.6.8
yet. Soooo...
Instead most of the group decided
they'd like to run for marks, so we successfully ran two wings of
Helegrod for drakes and spiders, Annuminas Glinghant wing for
darkwaters, and the School and Library.
Participants for Helegrod and Annuminas
were Galdor (champion Thongaladh), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla in
Hele, guardian Marrella in Annuminas), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc),
Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and
Varda (63 minstrel Tinwetari).
Participants for the 3-man School had to break up into two
groups of three:
Galdor (champion
Thongaladh), Gildor (guardian Marrella), and Nimrodel (champion
CynthiaJane). Gildor needed to go to bed afterwards.
Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
Participants for the 3-man Library:
Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
Some run-backs afterwards for Scraps of Knowledge.
Guide to the 6-man version of 2.6.8 from Varda:
This six-man run will be reduced
to a two or three-man to aid people without helpful kins, so let's go
enjoy this while it still exists. Normally the boss drops the Singed
Cloak, a nice black one for cosmetics, but sometimes he drops the Cloak
of Shadow and Flame,
not only great for a cosmetic but having nice overall stats, so that
people have been known to run this instance again and again hoping to
pick it up. Completing Book 6 gives a Legendary trait (all classes) and
good Galadhrim reputation. The Sign-up is available on the Forum
under Games/ Lord of the Rings Online /Raids and Quests / 3-16-2011
LotRO Instance 8pm EDT.
Those needing the instance can start it
from inside the Shadowed Refuges's elf camp by the ramp, in the
Foundations of Stone, by talking to the elf, Lenglammel. The rest can
jump in the pool in the 21st Hall for Victory Marks..
Defeat five Moria orc-berserkers.
Defeat Dhugluk, an orc, to rescue the
elf Magor who will open the way past a web door. On the other side are
two trolls.
At the two trolls, it's nice to have an
off-healer helping the elf Magor and also doing spot heals on the
fellowship. Trolls have a frontal AoE hit with knockback, so tanks need
their backs to a wall rather than the drop-off. Tanks need to keep
trolls turned away from the squishys. If available, it's nice to have a
guardian take the main aggro and a champ take the stray aggro. The
momentum of the trolls can be reset/slowed with cc such as a warden's
AoE fear "Desolation" so they don't hit as hard.
The two Regmyl, Fire-drinker and
Gloom-walker, are the next challenge and act as a tag team. Magor
leaves. Keeping most of the fellowship near the wall helps avoid
stepping in void holes that open up.
Boss fight! Both the main boss,
Gwathnor and his two grims are Ancient Evil. The two grims will
take turns coming as adds from either side of the room, fire first from
the right; one does fire damage and the other shadow damage and will
try to stack their DoT's (Damage over Time) on the adventurers. The
fellowship's MT (Main Tank) needs to stay on the boss while the rest of
the team takes down one grim at a time co-ordinating through the MA
(Main Assist) . Whenever there's a break between grims, hit the boss.
The grims come faster the longer the fight goes.
March 15, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Unscheduled deed run in Barad
Gularan over and over and, yep, over. We killed the boss, Uldunion
while we were at it. (That was for you, Irmo!) The mistrels swapped out
taking turns healing or warspeech.
Participants: Annael
(Annil 49 burglar), Gorlim (minstrel Aeronwy), Hurin subbiing in after
Irmo needed to go to bed (captain Hiurred), Irmo (captain Irmohir),
Miriel (minstrel Mahariel), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda
(hunter Fainan).
The trophy was handsome so
it was put in the kinhouse to be watched over by our bird. Udunion's
March 14, 201
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EDT planned run:
2.5.5 Battle of the Deep-way completed.
Participants: Gildor
(guardian Marrella), Indis (lore-master Mereniel), Maedhros (warden
Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion Cynthiajane), Pippin (champion
Avengelina), and Varda (63 minstrel Tiwetari).
Then we broke into two groups to do
three-mans, all successful:
2.8.4 Lumul-nar including
quests. Participants: Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Pippin (champion
Avengelina) and Varda (63 minstrel Tinwetari).
School: Gildor (guardian
Marrella), Indis (lore-master Mereniel), and Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian).
Happy birthday to Aule-(Valar) and Ecthelion-(V)!
March 13, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EDT (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Report by Indis-(V) on the PAX
East convention that had a large LotRO section.
Galdor's topic 1: At the end of
the 3rd age...where where the Dwarf communities? I know of the Iron
Hills, Erebor and perhaps Erd Luin....later on the Glittering
caves...but were there more? If so where and what is the estimate of
the dwarf population total after the war of the ring?
Galdor's topic 2: What sort of
impact did the battles between Eldamir and Castmir have on the
population of the Dunadain apart from the plague? A while back I talked
about the kinstrife having an effect on the population, but we never
came to a conclusive answer.
RP posts made.
Gaming / LotRO:
Lots of kin members were on making
various groups.
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday 7pm EDT regular run.
Eonwe-(Valar)'s report:
Attending: Eonwë, Bilbo, Elwing,
Sauron, Bofur
Our goal of the night: Get Bilbo to Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair and
see how well he can tame him :}
First task, we got Elwing attuned for Blackwing Lair so she could use
the Orb to teleport there (don't know how we missed doing this before
Then, we got back to the fun we had on Friday night. Even with some new
ideas, this bug was beating us, and each new try we found something
else wrong. Finally, we managed a trade of control between Bofur and
Bilbo and managed to destroy all of the eggs, and then Razorgore
himself. Everything after that was easy :}
When we came to Chromaguss, the rest of us stayed outside the room
while Bilbo went in to tame him. Bilbo did so, and on we marched to
Nefarion, who also went down easily :}
At this point, Bofur had to go, but we four were feeling adventurous.
We decided to go into AQ40. After Eonwë's Paladin solo'd the first
boss, we cleared all the way to the Twin Emperors, and managed to get
them down to half health before things started going badly. In the end,
we lost (though we could've kept it up until the enrage timer if we
wanted to), but considering our group composition was 2 hunters, a
warlock, and a Paladin, we did quite well.
March 12, 2011
Membership News:
Welcome to the Valar Guild as a
Full Member, Mirabella Took Brandybuck-(V)! Mirabella
has been with us as Branwyn-(T) since February 4, 2007 but has been
bitten by the gaming bug, as has her husband, Nar-(V). She passed her
Full Member test with 5/5 bragging rights on March 10 and chose her
name today. :)
back, Beleg-(V)!
Beleg's been out with injuries to his back and leg and still should not
stay on the computer too long, so don't press him to stay longer than
he should. even though he's willing. /duck He's discovering all
those changes they tossed at captains and the game just in time to be
hit with the March update coming soon!
Tolkien Site / Art:
New models are now up for
DeepGroover-(T)'s art cave:
Dwarf King"
Tolkien Site /
by Varda-(Valar)
Gaming / LotRO:
sheet is up on the Forum for
the Monday 8pm instance run. Currently 2.5.5 Battle of the Deep-way is
planned. We'll probably have time afterwards to run another instance or
do marks runs.
Grouping happened. :) Irmo's
group daily gets together for runs. Also, we had an evening Annuminas
Glinghant marks Darkwater run, done successfully by Galdor (champion
Thongaladh), Gildor (guardian Marrella), Nimrodel (champion
Cynthiajane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
March 11, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Instance running this evening at
7pm for guild achievements, regular group gaming started early in the
Report from Eonwe-(Valar):
Members - Eonwë, Sauron, Varda, Bilbo, Eowyn, Elwing
Guild friends - Schlep
Our goals today:
1.)Complete the Achievments "Zombiefest" and "Amber Void"
2.) Take Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair for Bilbo's Hunter.
First we took on Heroic Culling of Stratholme. Unforunately, Zombiefest
eluded us, as for some reason a chunk of our zombies did not appear to
count as they should have. We did complete "The Culling of Time" for
Eowyn, however, and Varda won the drake.
We then went into Heroic Occulus for "Amber Void." This run at least
went exactly as we hoped.
We then went into Blackwing Lair. Unfortunately, there appears to be a
bug such that, when the mind control falls off and Razorgore is not in
combat, he auto-kills everyone. As we are just too awesome (:}) to keep
him in combat for long, we did not succeed getting past this boss after
several tries. We decided to call it quits there and try again later
with a fresh perspective. Next time, we'll just have to have less
people helping him stay alive :}
At this point, Bilbo and Sauron called it a night. The rest of us went
on to complete Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs for guild credit,
completing the quests within along the way.
After these runs, we decided to call it a night.
March 10, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Urugarth deeding: a group ran Uru
several times working on deeds and clearing a few quests and class
Participants (probably a
partial list as we swapped out): Annael, Gorlim, Hurin, Indis, Irmo,
Miriel, and Varda.
Happy birthday, Arminas-(V)!
March 9, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday gaming:
Helegrod: We ran two wings of
Helegrod collecting marks as intended, all choosing the same quest for
mark-collecting as intended..
Eomer (captain Erkendan), Galdor (Thongaladh), Indis (lore-master
Mereniel), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Malva (Tuliwen), Nimrodel
(champion Cynthiajane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), Ulmo (burglar
Ylmir), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
Forges: We ran Forges collecting a
medallion, parts of deeds, beating the first boss.
Galdor (hunter Andwe), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (hunter
Ardisian), Pippin (champion Avengelina), Ulmo (burglar Ylmir), and
Varda (62 minstrel Tinwetari).
Glinghant: We ran Annuminas'
Glinghant wing collecting marks as intended from darkwaters.
Galdor (Thongaladh), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion
Cynthiajane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (62 minstrel
Tinwetari). Ulmo's Ylmir remained in the group but outside the instance
apparently afk.
Happy birthday, Dwalin-(T)!
March 8, 2011
Happy birthday, Beren-(Valar)!
March 7, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday gaming:
The Carn Dum instance was
run with Annael (59 warden Annlyn), Hurin (captain Hiurred), Irmo
(captain Irmohir), and Miriel (minstrel Mahariel).
The Rift was run in a pug with Indis
and Pippin.
2.5.5 Deep-way was not quite completed
by Gildor (guardian Marrella), Gorlim (catapin Athyn), Indis
(lore-master Mereniel), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion
Cynthiajane), and Varda (62 minstrel Tinwetari).
March 6, 2011:
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Ahead" forum story role-play discussion and posting.
Did all the elves who survived Ost-In-Edhil go to Imladris? or did they
set up other small outposts? An age earlier, when Turin was raised in
an elf refuge, it would seem plausable that other elf small outposts
might have sprung up similarly at the time Elrond led the survivors to
Gaming / WoW:
Regular Sunday after-meeting run 7pm
EST. Following is Eonwe-(Valar)'s report:
Participants: Eonwë, Bofur,
Elwing, Nob, Eowyn
This Sunday we went into Zul'Aman. As we did not have enough for Guild
credit, we just went in for personal credit. We made sure to kill the
bosses a bit slower this time around, and lo and behold, made it all
the way through the instance without any bugging out.
Afterwards, Nob and Bofur had to call it, so Eowyn, Elwing, and
Eonwë went into Stratholme for guild credit, clearing out both
sides of the instance. After that, we called it a night.
March 5, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Guild achievement run:
BlackFathom Deep. Then we ran Shadowfang Keep. We also had a "stable
run" collecting a lot of flight paths for the wolf pack worgens thanks
to Bilbo's mage.
Participants: Bilbo,
Elwing, Fangorn, Sauron, and Varda.
March 5, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Book run 2.5.5 for two sections before
we had to break for bed.
Participants: Gildor,
Indis, Nimrodel, Pippin, Ulmo, and Varda.
March 4, 2011
Happy birthday, Gimli-(V)!
March 3, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Report from Indis: Library and
School beaten by Indis (Mereniel), Maedhros (Maedhroc), and Ullmo
March 2, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday afternoon run: Sarnur
deeds and reputation:
Participants: Annael,
Eomer, Hurin, Irmo, Miriel, Pippin, and Varda
Wednesday 8pm EST Annuminas runs:
Glinghant and Haudh Valandil.
Glinghant: We beat the
final boss, Nengon, but failed hard mode just barely by killing one
ghost too early. We found the best way to tackle the boss was to jump
in the water with him and his darkwater ghosts while the minstrel stood
nearby on the shore healing everyone, bring down the ghosts a lot, then
when Nengon went down, the ghosts could go quickly afterwards.
Haudh Valandil: This was
purely intended as a run for Annuminas marks and a look for some of the
gang who had not been there before. We went all the way up to where the
final boss fight would be, picking up the last limrafns we needed
and the medallion chest there. We had to call it a night since people
needed to work in the morning.
Participants for both
Annuminas runs: Galdor (champion Thongaladh), Gildor (guardian
Marrella), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane),
Ulmo (burglar Ylmir), and Varda (61 minstrel Tinwetari).
March 1, 2011
Happy birthday, Aragorn-(V)!
Feb. 28, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST Halls of Crafting
Lorien run. We won hard mode. Having more hunters to take out the adds
at the last boss before they could reach him was key.
Participants: Gildor
Marrella), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian),
Tulkas (hunter Astald), Ulmo (burglar Ylmir), and Varda (61 minstrel
Feb. 27, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Transcript by Ar-Pharazon and Varda
section of the meeting: Quote and discussion of the meeting between
Strider and the four hobbits.
Gaming / WoW (Alliance branch
on Lothar):
Sunday WoW run:
Guild Achievement attained:
Magtheridon's Lair Guild Run. Besides Magtheridon we did an Onyxia run
killing her, plus assorted bosses in the instances.
Participants: Bilbo,
Bofur, Elwing, Eonwe, Eowyn, Nob, Sauron, Varda and guild-friend Schlep.
Friday is the next WoW guild run.
on today's WoW run from Eonwe-(Valar):
Members: Eonwë, Bofur, Eowyn, Elwing, Bilbo, Sauron, Varda, Nob
Guild Friend: Schlep (Eowyn's husband)
Our first goal was to take on Zul'Aman for personal and guild credit.
We were tearing the the instance easily. The only problem was that we
apparently killed Halazzi too fast, his area bugged out, and we weren't
able to proceed.
Stuck without the ability to finish Zul'Aman, we decided to get
personal credit/guild credit for some other raids. We made a quick
visit to both Magtheridon and Onyxia, tearing through both. As it turns
out, though, there's no guild achievement for Onyxia.
At this point, Sauron and Bilbo had to go. The rest of us went on to
Naxxramas and defeated Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. After some gloating
over Kel'Thuzad's corpse [various
ones claiming his ostentaious throne-V], we went on to the
Arachnid Quarter and fought Anub'Rekhan. Nob then had to call it. The
rest of us quickly finished off the Arachnid Quarter, then we all
called it quits.
Feb. 25, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
Friday WoW run 7pm EST. Report
from Eonwe-(Valar):
For the Friday run, Bofur, Nob,
and Eonwe just did a quick random normal and ended up in the Halls of
Origination. It was a fun run that went pretty smoothly, and got Eonwe
and Nob some rep with the Guardians of Hyjal. Nob as of the end of the
run was only 1k rep away from exalted.
Feb. 23, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Early run "Mysterious
Relics": Six
of us worked on this new deed that took us to recently made places and
all but one completed it, but he'll probably finish it tomorrow.
Locations included Trollshaws, Oatbarton, North Downs (look what
happened to the farmhouse at William Peakes' farm!), Forochel, and
Enedwaith. The tricky Laenan Caves has a map on page 6 here.
Complete spoilers here.
Participants: Annael (38 burglar Annil), Hurin (captain Hiurred), Indis
(lore-master Alasse), Irmo (captain Irmohir), Miriel (minstrel
Mahariel), and Varda (hunter Fainan).
8pm run: Grand Stairs
running with only 5 instead of 6. Hey, we like a challenge. And Pippin
was running a low fever. We cleared it in Hard Mode then went back and
cleared out anything left standing for deeds.
Participants: Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (hunter Ardisian),
Pippin (champion Avengelina), Ulmo (burglar Ylmir), and Varda (60
minstrel Tinwetari).
Eomer, good
luck with your rascally computer!
Play: A
good friend sent this link to the lost Shakespearian play: The Tragedie of Frodo Baggins.
Feb. 21, 2011
Varda, Fangorn, and Meriadoc are back in
their home state of Texas after visiting Eowyn and "Schlep" (he's still
reading the books) in Arizona. We got in late and are tired but happy.
Meriadoc will be staying over until weather permits him to fly his
plane home, hopefully sometime tomorrow.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST get-together. Sorry I
missed it but hope you had fun!
And fun they had! Halls of Crafting was the dungeon
and it was completed, although they didn't quite get hard mode. More
ranged damage would have helped.
Participants: Galdor, Gildor, Maedhros,
Nimrodel, Pippin, Ulmo.
Feb. 20, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (4)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
Varda, Fangorn, Eowyn, Meriadoc
New member: Nar-(V)
LotRO: big update coming in a few weeks.
WoW: members got together to knock out a big batch
of guild achievements.
StarCraft 2: large patch and small bug-fix patch.
Quote from Elrond and Gimli's exchange. Discussion
Gaming / WoW:
Regular Sunday
after-meeting run around 7pm EST. Report from Eonwe-(Valar):
This Sunday, Nob, Bofur, and Eonwe
queued up in the LFD tool for a couple of heroics for guild credit.
First we ended up in the Stonecore (heroic), and despite a few shaky
moments and a couple of healer tradouts, we cleared the instance.
With that group, we decided to run the Valentine's bosses (only
available as non-heroic) as well, and cleared them out easily.
Then we went into Shadowfang Keep (heroic) with that same group. A
couple of bosses were tough, like Commander Springvale, but after a few
tries we got him. There were also a couple of close fights, be we came
out on top :} We even managed to pick up the achievement "Bullet Time"
while fighting Lord Godfrey.
Feb. 16, 2011
Varda will be absent for about a week, out of
state. See you when we get back!
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday get-together, a bit
later than 8pm EST. Thank you to Indis for sending the following report!
(Mereniel), Maedhros (Maedhroc), and Pippin (Avengelina) did the
Library at Tham Mirdain.
Feb. 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Nár-(V)!
Nár was scouted by his wife, Branwyn-(T), and tested by Varda
for 5/5 with bragging rights. He used to play WoW but now plays only
LotRO, joining our branch with his character, Valiamir. Nár also
plays historical games including "Europa Universalis" and "Guns of
August". He's 59, from Ohio, USA so he's on Eastern Standard Time, same
as Valar time. He's read the H, LotR, Sil, and CoH. About every two
years since reading the LotR he listens to it on audio, saying it keeps
him from skimming. His favorite LotR character is Gimli because he's
not glamorous but is dependable.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST instance: Sixteenth Hall
for class quests for Gildor's rune-keeper and Ulmo's burglar. Bring
disease pots. CC is nice
here. Hunters should trait Rain of Thorns and LM's should trait Proof
Against All Ills (group disease cure)
are good to include here. Captains are popular for kiting the Lost
One's buggy friends, or another off-healer, while the tank handles the
Lost One. Ranged is needed vs mushrooms by the Lost One, since the
mushrooms explode and slow any nearby player.
The main objective of class questing
was completed. We continued for fun but we failed hard mode on the boss
and couldn't go back for quest mode on the boss due to lack of time. We
completed the burglar and rune-keeper class quests for Ulmo and Gildor
respectively, picked up some Medallions of Moria, completed a batch of
quests clogging our lists, and completed or progressed on deeds.
Participants: Eonwe (champion Auros),
Gildor (58 rune-keeper Lirafalla), Nimrodel (champion CynthiaJane),
Pippin (warden Illiardo), Ulmo (burglar Ylmir), and Varda (60 minstrel
Feb. 13, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
of Duty"
by Jay of Lasgalen. "Elladan and Elrohir are young warriors under
Glorfindel's watchful eye as they undertake their first ever patrol -
but on the last night before they return home Elladan makes a serious
error of judgement." Elladan, Elrohir, and Glorfindel.
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar,
fladrifv, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth, Menelvagor Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
New members
LotRO - report from the test server
JRRT said that he was makng a mythology for England
as it didn't really have one of its own. He hoped that people
would add to the mythos with paint, stories, and more. : In what ways
have you seen that happen?
After the meeting, the WoW folk
joined together and did a lot of guild achievement WotLK dungeons. :)
Gaming / WoW:
Sunday 7pm EST regular run.
Report from Eonwe-(Valar):
This Sunday we got together to complete
some WotLK heroic guild achievements, and also to check off some
achievements for Glory of the Hero.
Participants were Eonwe, Bilbo, Varda, Menelvagor, Sauron, and Eowyn.
First, Eonwe, Bilbo, Varda, Menelvagor, and Sauron cleared out Culling
of Stratholme. Unfortunately, we didn't get Zombiefest this time, but
we'll get it next time. Menel had to go near the end.
Then, Eonwe, Bilbo, Varda, and Sauron cleared out Gundrak, Azjol Nerub,
Halls of Stone, and Occulus. For various people, we completed
"Lessrabi", "Good Grief", "Brann Spankin' New", "Abuse the Ooze",
"Snakes. Why'd it Have To Be Snakes?", "What the Eck?", "Emerald Void",
and "Ruby Void." Varda also picked up "Northrend Dungeonmaster."
Eonwe, Varda, and Bilbo then went into Ahn'Kahet and got "Respect Your
Elders" and "Volazj's Quick Demise."
Finally, Eonwe, Bilbo, Varda, and Eowyn went through the Frozen Halls
instances, clearing out the Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, and Halls of
Reflection consecutively. Along the way, we completed "Doesn't Go To
Eleven" and "We're Not Retreating; We're Advancing in a Different
We decided to end the run on that high note and after picking up a nice
chunk of guild rep along the way.
Bofur and Nob were also on tonight, and while we weren't able to get
guild credit for it, they successfully 2-manned Karazhan after going
through the grueling task of completing the quest chain to get the
Master's Key.
Feb. 11, 2011
Maedhro's father died today. Maedhros, our
hearts are with you and your family.
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Eol-(V)! Eol
joined us in LotRO today, coming in from DAoC where he was known to
Valarites as Apoc. He was scouted and tested by the Irmo. Eol's 33 from
England, land of JRRT! Previous games he's played before joining us in
LotRO were Diablo, EQ, EQ2, Warhammer, Aion and DAoC. He's read both
the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. His favorite LotR
character was Tom Bombadil because he was authentic and original,
different from all others, as a bard who operates by songs of power.
Feb. 10, 2011
Gaming / Steam:
Scatha emailed in that he is
holding "Valar Guild" for us in Steam. Here's his letter:
Not much to say,
still playing Team Fortress 2.. and Left 4 Dead 2, when I can.
Usually too busy working. I must be a work-a-holic! ;)
If any Valar members have STEAM they can catch me on
there by searching "STEvil of the Big Game Hunters" or "Valar
Guild" which will lead them to the Valar Guild gaming group I put on
Steam just so nobody would grab it ;)
Anyways, guess i'll go back to doing what dragons
and their kin do best.. lying low.
- STEvil/Scatha
Gaming / LotRO:
Unscheduled Thursday run: Thank you from
Varda for helping minstrel Tinwetari finally get past 2.4.7 The Drowned
Treasury! A smooth 5-man of this 6-man instance was pulled off by
Gildor (58 rune-keeper Lirafalla), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel
(champion CynthiaJane), Pippin (warden Illiardo), and Varda (60
minstrel Tinwetari.) Afterwards Pippin gave good advice on a slow goat
path to jump from for the next area and Maedhroc helped with killing
orcs in the next part of the epic
Feb. 9, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EST Skumfil the continued
saga. Left side boss Brumbereth and end boss Hwandrin went down!
Participants (all 65
except the minstrel): Gildor (guardian Marrella), Indis (lore-master
Mereniel), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (champion Cynthiajane),
PIppin (champion Avengelina), and Varda (60 minstrel Tinwetari).
Feb. 7, 2011
Site / Art:
new mosaics
by Elatan-(T) are now online at his cave in our art site. They are
"Ulmo at Vinyamar", "Breaking of Spring", and "Smaug and the Lonely
Mountain". Enjoy!
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Celeborn-(V)!
Celeborn came to us in LotRO yesterday from Dark Age of Camelot where
he played with Irmo, Miriel, Annael, Hurin, and other Valarites so he's
long-time friend known as "Keb". He was scouted by Irmo and Miriel.
He's also played Ultima Online. He is 45 and hails from New Mexico,
USA, so he's on Mountain Standard Time. Celeborn read the H, LotR and
multiple times. He tested a strong 5/5 with Irmo so he has bragging
Annael-(V), to the Valar Guild!
Yesterday Annael joined us in LotRO from Dark Age of Camelot and is a
therefore a long-time friend known as "Riaz" and "Ann". He was scouted
by Irmo and Miriel then tested by Irmo. He's 38 and lives in Sweden so
his time zone is UTC+1. He's played a large number of MMO's of which a
partial list includes EQ, UO, AC, DaoC, Warhammer, Aion, WoW, and
LotRO. He's read LotR and his favorite character from it is Arwen
because she's strong, self-confident, and independent.
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST regular instance time.
Six-manned book instance 2.6.8 and a low level one, Skorgrim's Tomb.
Participants 2.6.8: Eomer
(Erkendan capt), Gildor (Fairmaiden min), Maedhros (Maedhroc warden),
Melkor (Passim rk), and Nimrodel (Ardisian hntr).
Blog with
picture by Maedhros.
Participants Skorgrim's
Tomb: Meriadoc (Kalimacoin 60 grd), Nimrodel (Ardisian hntr), Pippin
(Avengelina champ), Sigurd (Tinuariel), and Varda (Fainan). This was
mostly companionship and fun, while helping Sigurd past a place where
he was stuck.
Feb. 6, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Super Bowl Sunday.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
AriehnV, ArPharazonV,
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Welcome to our two new members today! Celeborn-(V) and Annael-(V)
joined us after being scouted and tested by Irmo-(Valar). Irmo and
Miriel brought the rest of their characters into the kin as well.
After the meeting, Elatan-(T)'s
art page was rearranged according to media.
Text from the Launcher:
Sale in the LOTRO Store! 25% off all Skirmishes, Skirmish Mark
Boosts, Summon Skirmish Soldier & more.
run successfully made in all three parts just before the meeting,
moving two members along in their Epic Book and helping a number of us
get to practice together, some for the first time in quite a while.
Galdor (Thongaladh 65 champion), Hurin (Hiurred 65 captain), Irmo
(Irmohir 65 captain), Miriel (Mahariel 65 minstrel), Ulmo (Ylmir 58
burglar), and Varda (Fainan 65 hunter).
Grey characters in Middle-earth.
Galdor-(V)'s topic: Languages.
Feb. 4, 2011
You Tube
Gimli destroys the One Ring -
suggested by Maedhros-(V) and seconded by Sauron-(Valar). Now on our
Humor page links.
Gaming / WoW:
For Friday, WoW's Lothar night starting
late, we collected a batch of guild achievements by running at high
speed through Classic dungeons with five members, then four guild
members and one guild-friend. Five is the normal group size, as six is
for LotRO.
Dungeons run by group one: Deadmines,
Sunken Temple, and Blackrock Depths.
Group two ran Gnomeregan.
Participants for the first group: Eonwe
(Auros 85 paladin), Eowyn (Mairovende 85 shaman). Fangorn (Treebeerd 82
mage), Sauron (Artano 85 warrior), and Varda (Varda 82 priest)
For the second group: Eonwe (Auros),
Eowyn (Mairimage 45 mage), Fangorn (Treebeard), Varda (Varda), and
guild-friend who is husband to Eowyn (Schlep 85 paladin).
Feb. 2, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Skumfil Moria instance 8pm EST
Wednesday: We completed the champion class quests for Galdor and
Nimrodel, then went on for fun and killed Grimreaver. Afterwards some
of us went on to do Esteldin Bounty runs.
participants: Galdor (65 champion Thongaladh), Gildor (65 guardian
Marrella), Maedhros (65 warden), Melkor (65 rune-keeper), Nimrodel (64
champion CynthiaJane), and Varda (59 minstrel).
Skumfil blog
by Maedhros.
Bounties: Galdor,
Nimrodel, Melkor, and Varda.
Jan. 31, 2011
Membership 2011: Please make sure to contact
Varda at NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com (erase NOSPAM) to let her know
you would like to keep your association with the Valar Guild gaming and
Tolkien fan club, and please include your guild name.
Gaming / LotRO:
Delving: Monday 8pm EST for your regularly
scheduled instance nuttiness. We ran the Moria instance of Dark Delving
for Maedhros-(V)'s warden class quest and got it, along with the
incidental medallion and victory mark.
Participants: Gildor (guardian
Marrella), Maedhros (warden Maedhroc), Nimrodel (64 champion
Cynthiajane), Pippin (champion Avengelina), Ulmo (loremaster Vailimo),
and Varda (59 minstrel Tinwetari).
Jan. 30, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace. If you can't enter on your own, IM VardaValar1 or
Eonwe Valar for an invitation.
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe
Valar, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar,
VardaValar1 (presiding)
Quite a few members had news
including ones not actually present at the meeting..
New articles, poetry with art,
WoW, LotRO, Tasty Planet: Back
for Seconds
Chat topic: When we read
Tolkien's works, we tend to be drawn into the setting as much as the
plot. Is that so for you too?
Jan. 28, 2011
Tolkien Site / Articles:
and Fate of Man by Varda-(Valar)
Jan. 27, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
White Returns by He that Walks Unseen-(T). Gandalf becomes
the White.
from Landroval-(V) aka (Rana):
Its with much
regret that I send this to you but I feel that I can no longer stay in
the Valar Guild. I have several reasons, even selfish ones, but I have
been here near two years and I dont feel that I have ever truely
integrated into the guild. i still feel on the outside. I also feel
that I am not able to attend any of the events as it usually conflicts
with my work schedual, such as it is. Know that I have enjoyed learning
deeper lore from you and those willing to share it but I must say that
this is a game and i dont feel like I get much game here as i mostly
solo since I joined Valar and I often only get to fellowship with my
wife as many times most Valarim are too busy. And even when we are able
to get a group of Valar to go, its too often that it is met with
frustration or utter failure. All this said i find that lately I dont
even log into the game. So I feel that I must leave. I only hope that
you feel that I made a contribution to the Guild while I was here and
that you can send me a response.
Jan. 25, 2011
Site / Articles:
Part 2 by Eonwe-(Valar) is now online. Part one gave information from The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, while part two
gives information beyond that from volumes of The Histories of Middle-earth.
Membership 2011: Please make sure to contact
Varda at NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com (erase NOSPAM) to let her know
you would like to keep your association with the Valar Guild gaming and
Tolkien fan club, and please include your guild name. If you've
forgotten your guild name please mention that and we'll work out what
it is. Tolkien-onlies who have not sent anything for the Tolkien Site
this year need to let her know if they have something planned to send,
or just send something.
Pallando will be losing his desktop computer in a
month as he returns to a barracks-room. He will have a tiny netbook but
it can barely run plants vs zombies.
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EST instance: the
epic book of Devilry 2.6.8. Four members had the quest and all six
would like that one cloak.
Participants: Galdor, Gildor, Indis,
Maedhros, Melkor, and Nimrodel.
Jan. 24, 2011
Tolkien Site / Stories:
Deserter's Just Deserts". Story by Branwyn-(T). "When a deserter
from the army of Rohan is captured in Ithilien, Faramir finds that his
wife is strangely troubled by the Rider's plight."
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST 6-man get-together.
Jan. 23, 2011
Tolkien Site / Poetry:
of the Moon and Melian". Poetry, Sindarin translation, and
painting by Luthien-(T).
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar
Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (8)
ArPharazonV, Eomer-(V)/dudeman51983, Eonwe Valar, fladrifv,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Festival in the Shire Art Exhibition. How to go,
websites for sneak previews.
Jan. 22, 2011
Gaming / WoW:
The guild is now level 6.
Congrats all!
Jan. 19, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Wednesday 8pm EST: Grand Stairs
for quests and deeds. We also collected medallions and took out the
final boss, Igash.
Participants: Galdor (60 champion
Thongaladh), Gildor (59 guardian Marrella), Indis (65 lore-master
Mereniel), Nimrodel (59 champion CynthiaJane), and Varda (59 minstrel
Tinwetari). Our pick-up helper was Elverod (60 rune-keeper).
Jan. 17, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST: Skumfil. We
completed the champion class quest for Melkor and the minstrel class
quest for Varda, then continued on down the right side and killed the
boss, Grimreaver. We stayed at the top of the hill with him, champion
doing area effect dps on the bugs with some help, but most of the group
stayed on Grimreaver. The healing minstrel was best put more or less
behind the boss. The group had a lot of fun with companionship and
worked very well as a team. The more experienced taught the less. We
also worked on quests and deeds, completing a lot of them.
Participants: Eomer (65 captain
Erkendan), Gildor (59 guardian Marrella), Gorlim (65 minstrel Aeronwy),
Nimrodel (65 hunter Ardisian), Melkor (65 champion), and Varda (59
Jan. 16, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar Guild Meetingplace
Attending: (8)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, ArPharazonV,
Eomer-(V)/dudeman51983, Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Gilraen-(V)/Iryenth,
Indis-(V)/karakedi25, VardaValar1 (presiding)
Tolkien Discussion:
Galdor's topic: the search for the Entwives.
Eomer's topic: the music of creation.
Jan. 15, 2011
Please remember that any member can email in
a News story.
Gaming / LotRO:
Welcome back to Irmo, Miriel,
and Hurin! They've moved back to LotRO this week.
Forgotten Treasury completed for
quests and deeds.
Participants: Galdor (part-way, had to
sleep), Gildor (rune-keeper Lirafalla, + guardian Marrella), Nimrodel
(champion Cynthiajane), Varda (minstrel Tinwetari), and three pick-ups.
Jan. 10, 2011
Gaming / LotRO:
Monday 8pm EST Urugarth. We
started late but made it all the way through the end boss, Lagmas. The
main purpose was to help Eomer's rune-keeper, Malradir, intended to aid
later as one of the main healers in high level runs. Others on the run
also found this run a help. A special thank-you goes to Dis-(V) who
knew the new set-up for Lagmas, as those of us who had done it before
only knew the old system.
Participants: Dis (level 65 hunter
Laurel) who joined us just before the Lagmas attempt replacing
Evenriel, Eomer (level 50 rune-keeper Malradir), Gildor (level 58
guardian Marrella), Indis (level 65 lore-master), Nimrodel (level 55
champion CynthiaJane), Varda (level 58 minstrel). Thank you to
Evenriel (level 65 champion) who was pugging and was surprised to find
himself in a kin run, but ran with us from the beginning until he ran
out of time just before Lagmas.
Jan. 9, 2011
Happy birthday to Meriadoc-(V)!
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (6)
ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presided second part),
Galdor-(V)/galdorandwe, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1 (presided first
Indis-(V) said hi to the group from her mobil phone.
Themes in Tolkien's works.
Jan. 6, 2011
Tolkien Encyclopedia:
by Eonwe-(Valar) is now online. This is part one of his overview of
elves. (Mithril flake received from Varda-(Valar).)
Jan. 4, 2011
Tolkien Encyclopedia:
Types" is now completely re-written and re-organized with the
addition of the Falathrim and mention of the Úmanyar.
(Mithril flake received from Eonwe-(Valar).)
Jan. 3, 2011
Today would be J.R.R. Tolkien's
birthday, January 3, 1892! Thank you, for all you've given us!
Gaming /
Monday group goofing around
planned for 8pm EST. Eonwe has offered LotRO gaming members a mithril
flake for any new article (not done by Varda) for the
Encyclopedia. (Ask Varda if you're not sure how to go about this.)
Tolkien trivia may be asked in-game today so have your thinking caps on.
We did a Dark Delving run for class
quests and Moria medallions. Participants were Eomer (captain
Erkendan), Indis (lore-master Mereniel), Melkor (champion Melcor),
Tulkas (hunter Astald), Ulmo (minstrel Niequi), and Varda (guardian
Timbridhil). Gildor's guardian Marella made a quick run-in, as did
Melkor's warden.
Jan. 2, 2011
Sunday Meeting:
5pm EST (GMT-5)
The meeting is held in the AIM room named Valar Guild Meetingplace
Meeting Transcript by
Ar-Pharazon and Varda
Attending: (6)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar (presiding),
fladrifv, Menelvagor Valar, VardaValar1
For LotRO gamers: Eonwe is
offering a mithril flake for a quality article for our Tolkien
Encyclopedia. "While supplies last."
Eonwe's topic: Which elves had silver hair?
Tomorrow would be JRRT's birthday.
Jan. 1, 2011
New Year!