Its not big. In fact, its only 1/20th scale, which means if he was a full figure he might not even be 3 inches tall.
Despite being so small he had a lot of good detail, and was great fun
to paint. So fun in fact I started and finished the project on Sunday.
He is also by JMD Miniatures, and was simply said to be an orc.

I found the dead animal (a lamb?) draped over his back funny, and along
with his cartoonish face and expression I wanted to make him humorous.
I decided to name the piece The "Great" Hunter.
I experimented with varying shades of olive drab green for his skin,
and for highlights I mixed a hint of flesh. Again I used clear gloss
for his lower lip, teeth, and eyes.
Pretty soon I'll turn my attention back to historical pieces, but its
nice to know there are some wonderful fantasy, and even horror, pieces
out there for when I want to follow a different path a while.
This page is linked to
Images of Orcs in the Valar Guild's Tolkien Encyclopedia.