Ulmo at Vinyamar"
Ulmo appears to Tuor at his home of Vinyamar.
"You all know the place in the legends where Ulmo shows himself at the
shores of Vinyamar and Mount Taras, the long beaches where the white
swans roam etc etc.
That was my second try in making a mosaic. its 121 x 85 cm."

Size: 101 x 141 cm. Finished January 2013
"Véantur after 600 years of the Second age has passed brought
his ship Entulessé into Mithlond on the spring
winds blowing from the West."
That was the sentence that stood in my mind and had done so for years.
I had this picture of a ship on a clear spring day, cool blue sky,
windy and the sea with small sharp waves with small white horses and
the fresh green grass upon the rocky coast.
But, in my research for how the Numenorian sailors stood "Tall in the
high prows of their ships" I discovered there was no real description
of how their ships looked. Besides that I had an idear of having read
about the "Black sails of Numenor coming up from the sea" but all
together I found no evidence of this could have been as early as in
year 600 S.A.
So, I came to the conclusion, The ship Entulassé must have been
a smaller vessel, it was a dangerous journey and only later do we hear
of the mighty ships of the Guilds of Venturers. There were no black
sails at this time and no telling of any others
colors, nor is there any guild crest to be shown on flags or banners.
So when it all is boiled down this could just as well be a picture of
any ship anywhere but it is not. Its Véantur and
Entulassé coming to Mithlond with the tower of the Palantiri
As a sidenote: I am NOT happy with that tower. should have done it
differently, its not good but done is done. The frame should somehow
reflect the playing of colours and waves in the sea and is not as dark
as it seems on photo.