Poetry > Firiel-(T) > At Twilight's Fall

At Twilight’s Fall

by Firiel-(T)
May 28, 2011

I stood one eve when twilight loosed its shades
And black was lapping black, across the gray
While dusky light, the gleam that quickly fades
Was dying; as I watched, it passed away
Save for a glint among the oaken boughs.
The stars were surely coming out above.
The creeping shades were carving there a trough
And as I watched, I saw a myriad rove
Into the deeper darkness of the wood.
’Twas then a palour’s luster lit the trees
And softly gleamed, a fading light that flowed
Across my knee, and paused; then like the breeze
That errant whisper ever darting off
It seemed to sigh; the wood to answer then
Behold, I saw them roaming in its light
Some memory of mine, most like, did rouse
But there, I say, I saw dark Eledhwen
And Thalion, go wandering. They stood
A moment ’neath the trees. A chill wind soughed
Amidst the oaks, and lo! The two were gone.
The light was fading into shadows wan.
So I was left with mem’ries and the night.
