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27th Anniversary of the Valar Guild

October 4, 2024 Friday

"Making Stars"

by Ar-Pharazon-(V)
October 4, 2024
Aulë and Varda

More entries will be taken for this page through October and November. Please email yours to Varda (NOSPAMvarda.elentari (AT) gmail (dot) com) including a note that it is for the anniversary, using your name in the guild (such as Anarion-V) for credit. Thanks!

Please note that all of these entries are presents from the Valar Guild folk for all folk to enjoy made especially for this wonderful time, but not intended to be taken without permission. Thank you to the contributors from all of us who are fortunate enough to receive them. Yay!



This year's theme is a tie of three, so all may be used separately or in challenge combinations: "Eucatastophe; Lights; Potable Delights".

The theme(s) can give suggestions for your screenshots from your favorite games, real life pictures, stories, poems, songs, and articles. Take your choice or try your hand at multiples!


Suggestions for the theme from the membership were then voted on by members in a poll on Discord in the text channel named #poll.

The suggestions were:


Marathon Chat:


So far: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Fangorn, Leod, Lenwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Shelob, Varda

Side chat on Discord on phone with: Ioreth



Forum thread. Feel free to post your comments/cheers about the anniversary on our forum thread!


Gaming Screenshots of Anniversary events:

How do I take a screenshot?

In LotRO, F12 removes quickslots etc from the display. N toggles names on and off. F11 makes a screenshot that goes into your computer's Documents folder under Lord of the Rings Online.

In WoW, use your keyboard's version of PrintScreen (PrntScrn on the top row on mine) to make the screenshot. The image goes into the game's folder under Screenshots.

If you can't join a group, feel free to take solo screenshots in your game of choice.

To send the image for this page, do it by way of sending to Varda's email (and let her know your guild-name for credit!): NOSPAMvarda.elentari (AT) g mail (dot) com.

Lord of the Rings Online Anniversary screenshots:

We started at Bree Oct 4 at noon and at 5 P.M. Eastern time (which is /servertime) to give everyone a chance to come. For those who could not come at those times, show up when you can, do the same thing, take screenshots for this page, and maybe coordinate with friends in-game or in Discord.

The plan:

Rode into the main towns and shot fireworks, /yell Happy 27th Anniversary, Valar Guild! We also danced, handed out pipeweed (Nar did this) and fireworks (Varda). We took screenshots for this page.

Riders of the Nooning!

Participants: Fangorn (as Fangbark) and Varda (as Fainan)

What happened. Experiments! We rode to Bree, Thorin's, Michel Delving, and Rivendell. We shot fireworks, danced, and tried out new emotes and timing to do things in the towns (with varying success), and a few unusual places to see how they worked out. Screenies taken for this page.


Riders of the Evening!

Participants: Eonwe (Auros), Fangorn (Fangbark), Mirabella (Magthecook), Nar (Thenar), Varda; guild-friends Xaviervonhoot and Kelliewyn.

What happened. We rode to Bree, Thorin's (Nar and Mirabella needed to leave after this), Michel Delving, and Rivendell. We shot fireworks, danced, and handed out pipeweed (Nar) and fireworks (Varda). Screenies taken for this page.