In Your Dreams

by Eonwë-(Valar)
October 07, 2024
For the Valar Guild's 27th Anniversary

She said yes! Huzzah! Who would've thought this day would come? The beautiful, radiant, elegant Varda agreed to be his wife! His joy was complete. Nothing could hamper his good mood.

Melkor gazed down from his tower. The decorations were coming along nicely, but it all had to be ready for his bride. All the happy little orcs, working so hard to prepare everything for her arrival. Oops, one missed a spot. "You there! You need more rose bushes!" Oh, nevermind. He shouldn't bother those poor orcs when they're so overworked already. Poof! One waggle of his finger, and there was now a rose bush in the proper place. Another waggle, and the grass was all the proper height. That should save those wonderful, industrious orcs some back-breaking labor.

On down the stairs Melkor pranced, until he came upon two trolls carrying a mirror. "Careful there, fellows! We wouldn't want to upset my lovely bride! Here, let me help." He took a side, and he and the trolls —very intelligent lads, they were— brought the mirror into the chambers Melkor would share with his wife. Everything was so perfect! Was that a knock at the door? Trumpets?! Varda had arrived! To the gates he frolicked...

Manwë shot awake and shuddered. What a horrible, unspeakable dream! What torture! How unfathomable! To think that he would dream that his dear, dear brother was married to that wicked Light Lady! With the uncountable myriad of radiant stars surrounding Arda, blinding its inhabitants, it was all Manwë could do to keep enough clouds to dim the blazing beams to a manageable glow. That sinister Varda would make everything luminous if she could! Why, if she had her way, no one would have any darkness to get any proper rest! No rest at all...

Varda's eyes creaked open and she sat up. What an odd dream. What an odd dream of a dream. She pulled herself from the bed and glided to the window. Moonlight shimmered on the snowcaps of the Pelori. In the distance, calm seas reflected the glittering stars above. Back to the bed she turned, hoping to catch a glimpse of a sleeping Manwë. Instead, she realized a spotlight shone where his face would be if he hadn't buried it under a pillow. Following the beam of light, she gazed again through the window and up into the sky. Ok, maybe that star was a little too bright.

Varda turned down the star, kissed Manwë's cheek, then snuggled up to him and drifted off into a much better dream.