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Games Site Mass Update 2019

Letter to all members
from Eonwe-(Valar)
Hail to all members of the Valar Guild!

It is I, Eonwë, and it is time once again for the Games Site Mass-Update. If you're reading this e-mail in your inbox, that means you're one of those lucky people who get to consider themselves a member of the Valar Guild, and you've got a working e-mail listed on the Membership Page. Thank you for both :}

The Games Site Mass-Update is that time of year where I wipe the slate clean on everyone's gaming info, then ask you all to respond with your most current gaming info by September 30th. That way, you all can find other pleasant people in the games you play.
So what kind of gaming info do I need?

1.) What games do you currently play that you want to be able to get together with other members in?

2.) If we do not have a guild branch in that game, or you do not play in the guild branch for some reason (i.e., we play on the Americas server, you are on the Europe server), what server do you play on and what name do you want to be found under?

Even if you do not currently play any games, letting us know that is better than no response, as it lets us know you're still interested in  being a member and counts as activity.

Our biggest game is still LotRO, where you can find us on Landroval. We also have kins on the Legendary Servers Ithil and Anor, where you can play LotRO  as it slowly opens up the different expansion regions. These servers are currently at the Rise of Isengard expansion. Contact Varda for how to join us there (varda.elentari@gmail.com).

World of Wacraft is our second biggest. Our primary guild branch is Alliance on Lothar, with a secondary Horde branch on Uldaman, both in the US servers. We also have a Community to span Battle.net games, and a Group for just World of Warcraft. You can ask me about joining any of those if you're interested.

To span all of our games we also have a Forum you can reach at http://valarguild.proboards.com/ . Participate in discussions, say hi in the shoutbox, or check out the current hot topics.

We also have a Discord channel where we hold our weekly Sunday meeting, and have since AIM went away a couple of years ago. Get with Varda for information on joining us there.

Either of those can be used to get together with members regardless of the game you play, so don't miss your chance!

Next month is our 22nd Anniversary. Thank you all for making it possible! Get in on the festivities! Send in contributions to the Site, game with members, or join us in Discord for our Anniversary meeting. If you have some other ideas for celebration, let us know! Looking for ways to contribute to the Site? We accept member-created stories, poetry, art, articles and papers for the Tolkien Section of our Site (e-mail Varda for those) and Game Reviews for the Gaming section (those come to me).

Don't forget to send in your Gaming info by September 30th! And don't forget to include your guild name!

Take care all and may the stars shine upon your faces!
