Figure is a
resin (was originally light gray) except for the "crystal" ball,
and I got the wood base separately and stained dark. Painted
with enamels (taking after Randy). For figures I like those well
enough, tho they can dry out pretty fast if I have to mix colors
outside the bottles. I also think it's a bit harder to really
clean brushes of enamel, compared to oils and (of course)
The "glow" effect is mostly dependent on the
light hitting it so probably won't come across in most pics; it
is also partly from behind/under the ball - in the "pocket" it
sets in, I painted like flames (yellows, oranges and a bit of
red). For now am keeping the ball unglued in place so it can be
peeked at - just have to remember it's "loose" if I move it
I like the "Wiz" size - more than just a bit
larger would be difficult to manage holding/getting at angles
I'd want, and more than a bit smaller (I'm finding with my
gnomes) is rather straining to see details even with the
"super-peeper" glasses.
Aug. 21, 2016
Aug. 21, 2016
"Gnome Family"
August 21, 2016
Models assembled, modified, and painted by Elwing-(V)
Photo by DeepGroover-(T)
More resin figures (white to start) and painted with enamels.
Wagon and turtle were ready-done tiny-scenery-set accessories
(Speedy got some shell enhancement).
Added "gravel" and "grass" instead of trying to paint those.
"Dragon and Hoard"
July 9, 2017
Click the above image for the whole picture, not just
Model assembled, painted, and hoard added by Elwing-(V)
Full photo by DeepGroover-(T) using a phone camera.
Comment by DeepGroover-(T):
"Quite a while ago my older sister bought this dragon model at
a model contest she attended with me.
"Last weekend she surprised me by showing me the finished
"She made the scenic base from tiny assorted items from the
craft store,
and painted the dragon with enamels.
"This is her third figure."
Addition and correction by Elwing-(V):
Of the momentous amount of 3 things I've painted so far,
dragon was a plastic piece. Wings (a stiffer type) were done
with enamels; however, remaining parts (a slightly softer
plastic) didn't take that well - never seemed to completely
dry. Luckily, I only did a small area to start, so was easy to
remove that and the dragon body then done with acrylics. My
"Steampunk Smaug", a cyborg of sorts, has among the usual
treasure (gold, silver, gems) a few shiny gears and a fancy
clock; also a remnant of an unsuccessful burgler in the pile
(I think the skull shows in the pic).

"Bizarro Arda"
Click the image to enlarge.
Drawn for the
22nd Anniversary of the Valar Guild, theme "Scary".
October 2019
"Valar Anniversary Party Prep"
Fireworks collected ahead of the in-game rides.
Line drawing for the
Anniversary of the Valar Guild
(Note the signature of L with a wing for Elwing's logo)
October 10, 2023