September 23, 2012
> DeepGroover's
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I put the final touches on my last project before vacation. It's one of
3 different pieces I bought at the regional contest last weekend. The
product name is simply "Werewolf", but I plan to come up with a better
name than that for the name plate. I don't know what scale this bust
is, but I'd estimate it to be about 1/10th. Its made of resin, and came
in two pieces...the body and the arm. I was impressed when I first saw
it for the sculpting, casting, and price. I paid $25 for this, and
compared to other items I've bought that's a bargain.
few of you might be interested in purchasing this (and you know who you
are), so it came from John's Models in Florida. You can email him at
I think if you inquire about the Werewolf bust that sells for $25 that would be enough information.

The union of the arm to the body was great, and minimal filling was
needed. Also I didn't have a lot to clean up on the figure as far as
seams. The detail in such things as the fingers is great, and a little
care is needed to tidy them up. It didn't come with a base, so I made
one of my own. I used a wooden cylinder cut to give the proper angle
for mounting him. He's painted as always with enamels. I did, however,
use white oil paint for his teeth. Some acrylic gloss was put over his
mouth and eyes, and then the blood was added to his mouth. I glossed
over that too when dry.

It was a fun piece to do, and a real bargain for this sort of thing. I
plan to share photos with the man I bought it from, and compliment him
on a fine item.