Cave Troll

December 16, 2007

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A little while back I was between projects, and restless for something to do. I hauled out my box of 1/72 stuff, and began forming ideas with the figures and scenic items in my box. Eventually I came up with an idea, and once I purchased a suitable creature it culmitated into what you see here.

Cave Troll 1 by DeepGroover
It's not based on anything specific, but rather a mixing of items to make the scene I wanted. The walls are from a "Lord of the Rings" wargaming scenery set I had, and I enhanced it with a fallen walkway made from craft wood. The 3 humans are Saxon Warriors by Emhar, and are unique in that they can be slightly reposed. In fact, every one of these were radically altered from their original poses to suit my needs.

Finally, the centerpiece is the monster, which many of you will recognize as a cave troll from LOTR. There was no major decision process in selecting him other than finding a monster of the right size and pose. He simply worked the best.

Cave Troll 2nd View by DeepGroover
The troll is metal, purchased at a Games Workshop store. Assembly was pretty easy, but painting was complicated by my trouble holding him. I finally tapped holes in the bottoms of his feet, attached pins, and anchored him to a block of wood. He's a heavy sucker, and with that mallet over his head a bit precarious to mount. The pinned feet came in handy when placing him on the scenery.

As always I painted everything with enamels, and had a wonderful time playing around with colors for the troll. The Games Workshop illustrations of this creature don't match how they looked in the movies, so mine don't match the illustrations. I had fun painting his teeth, and even gave his mouth a glosscoat to look wet. My putty/liquid glue method for filling seams worked perfectly.

Cave Troll 3rd View by DeepGroover
I might enter this in a contest if theres a suitable fantasy catagory. Otherwise it was just a project between projects...a time filler. Hope you enjoy looking at it, and bye for now.

 [DeepGroover, Dec. 16, 2007]
