Finally, the centerpiece is the monster, which many of you will
recognize as a cave troll from LOTR. There was no major decision
process in selecting him other than finding a monster of the right size
and pose. He simply worked the best.

The troll is metal, purchased at a Games Workshop
store. Assembly
was pretty easy, but painting was complicated by my trouble holding
him. I finally tapped holes in the bottoms of his feet, attached pins,
and anchored him to a block of wood. He's a heavy sucker, and with that
mallet over his head a bit precarious to mount. The pinned feet came in
handy when placing him on the scenery.
As always I painted everything with enamels, and had a wonderful time
playing around with colors for the troll. The Games Workshop
illustrations of this creature don't match how they looked in the
movies, so mine don't match the illustrations. I had fun painting his
teeth, and even gave his mouth a glosscoat to look wet. My putty/liquid
glue method for filling seams worked perfectly.

I might enter this in a contest if theres a suitable
fantasy catagory.
Otherwise it was just a project between projects...a time filler. Hope
you enjoy looking at it, and bye for now.
[DeepGroover, Dec. 16, 2007]