Here's my color scheme on the companion piece to Brute. This smaller
bust was included with Brute as a bonus, and while he looks similar to
Brute there are some differences. Since I'd already done a reptilian
look for Brute, I wanted to make this one more alien.
Another challenge
was that, while Brute was molded in light pink resin, this one was also
pink but the shade was much stronger. I worried it might cause me
problems with showing through my paints.
I started with a light grey
for his abdomen and chest. Ironically my worry turned out to be a
blessing, as the pink showed through just enough to provide a realistic
"translucent" effect to the skin.

For the rest of the body and head I
used a blue/grey color I have. Not content to just paint solid colors, I
used a q-tip and a micro brush to dot the skin on his back, shoulders,
and head (except for face). I mixed black with the blue/grey for the
first layer of dots, then for his back I used pure black. Finally the
whole thing was coated with a diluted black acrylic wash. This brought
out the wrinkles in the skin. I always knew I'd paint the eyes red on
this one, and I think that choice against the skin color really pops.
didn't have to gloss the eyes. Since I didn't mix the paint before
applying, it didn't have a lot of flat pigment, so it went on glossy
enough. I added a small white light dot to each eye.
The mouth is kept
simple, with only a bit of red added to grey to set it off from the rest
of the face.
Once I was content with the actual bust I blacked out the
rest of it and stained the wood cube.
The name plate was added today,
courtesy of Monarch Trophy.
All in all this was a fun little project in
its own rite. It only took about 3 days of actual painting to finish.