Valar Guild

September 29, 2019 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern time (-4 GMT aka 9 P.M. aka 21:00)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

Back to News
Transcript work by
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for Eastern.]

Attending (and spoke): (4)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Varda (presiding)
    Way After meeting: Fangorn

Meeting begins
Membership news:
    GSMU needs your input by tomorrow to be included in time for the State of Valar Gaming report for the Oct 4 Anniversary.
    Anniversary page is being continually updated. Feel free to make suggestions to keep the anniversary celebrations fresh! Some ways to input are Discord, email, in-game, and forum.
    General reports: World of WarCraft classic, World of WarCraft, Heroes of the Storm, Lord of the Rings Online
    Topic: The theme this year for the anniversary is "scary". Can we think of anything in Tolkien's works that was scary? (That could keep us busy for at least an hour just listing!) What do we think made those things scary?
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon.
    Chat but not included as it goes on for the next week for the Anniversary chat marathon. Come join in on Discord!


VardaYesterday at 3:56 PM
Aiya. Four minutes : )
Fast four minutes!

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Anyone present please say Aiya
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:04 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:04 PM
Aiya Arien : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:04 PM
yo :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:05 PM
You get to poke Phar this time! How's that for a switch? ; )


The 22nd Anniversary of the Valar Guild is October 4, this coming Friday. : )
The chat marathon kicks off here right now and lasts through the meeting next Sunday. Drop an Aiya (or more) here during that time to participate. Valar Guild meeting_place.
The theme this year is "scary".
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:08 PM
i ll be here tomorrow and Tuesday :slight_smile: its my days off
VardaYesterday at 4:08 PM
Yay for days off!
I'm happy to be home again.
Thank you to all those that helped handle things and meetings while I was away, especially Arien and Eonwe for chairing. :slight_smile:


The Anniversary page
for this year is up and ready:
    22nd Anniversary of the Valar Guild
    Year 2019, 22nd Anniversary celebration of the Valar
    Guild Tolkien fan club and gamers' group.
We'll be making gifts to each other on this page in the form of screenshots, other images, reviews maybe, and Tolkien Site additions.
    The Tolkien Site is one gift we give to all Tolkien fans everywhere freely. Congrats to the many of you (including Arien) who have added so much to it!
    Now is a good time to start collecting fireworks and anytother goodies for the MMO people for their annual fireworks rides through main towns or planning where to blow things up or make wild lighting effects in others. The Ride times are listed on the Anniversary page, to be changed as needed. If you can't join in with a group, feel free to take screenshots of your solo or duo kabooms.
    We will be looking for images with the theme for the heading of the Anniversary page. Rotating images with page refreshes is a possibility, or a video as we had last year with the fireworks theme (thanks to Pallando and the rest of our Eve Online folks!). Email to Varda or let her know you have yours in the Discord screenshots and which one is intended for the anniversary.
    Any suggestions are welcome to keep our anniversaries fresh!

World of WarCraft classic
We have a fair number of people enjoying this game who are Valarites.
Celebrian, Elrond, and Gorlim managed to get together there.
Elladan also plays, on Pagle-US Horde
Arien is in the game right now, I think, in Europe.

Arien ValarYesterday at 4:16 PM
i do very much yes
it feels like a different game i just wish i could play with them without having to subscribe there .. i bet we could be figure out some times
if that was the case
VardaYesterday at 4:18 PM
Since they are on a lot, it's likely. : )  (Come to free to play LotRO, people. /duck)
WoW Classic City Tour: Undercity
    World of Warcraft
    WoW® Classic City Tour: Undercity - WoW
    Finding trainers and supplies can take a little extra time to adjust to in WoW® Classic, but we’ve got a handy guide to help you get around the forsaken capital city of Undercity.
WoW Classic City Tour: Ironforge
    World of Warcraft
    WoW® Classic City Tour: Ironforge - WoW
    Finding trainers and supplies can take a little extra time to adjust to in WoW® Classic, but we’ve got a handy guide to help you get around the dwarf capital city of Ironforge.

World of WarCraft:
This week's Bonus Event: Warlords of Draenor Timewalking.
Check out this week's hotfixes.
    World of Warcraft
    Hotfixes: September 27, 2019 - WoW
    Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth.
Heroes of the Storm:
A new patch is live
    Heroes of the Storm
    Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!
and the Scarlet Heist is going until December 3rd.
    Heroes of the Storm
    Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus.
    Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!

Lord of the Rings Online:
The next expansion, Minas Morgul, is now available for pre-order, with an expected release date of October 29th.
The Stout-Axe Dwarf new race already shows on the character generation screen if you'd like to check it out.
The new level will be 130.
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:23 PM
hmm i wonderered about that ^^

VardaYesterday at 4:23 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:23 PM
Back from away.
VardaYesterday at 4:23 PM
Aiya Phar : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:23 PM
it echoed somewhat in the questlines :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:23 PM
Happy chat marathon. : )
Aye it did. : )
They've been setting this up for a while. New starting area to enjoy too.
The encore Summer Festival is going right now.
Recent Valarites that showed up in kins on our three LotRO server worlds:
(Lenwe and Morwe were on 8 and 10 days ago respectively, when I missed reporting.)

(Falco was on ten days ago, when I missed reporting.)

Any other general gaming news? Eve Online? DOTA? Other?
A message from Eonwe:
Remember to get your response to the GSMU in by tomorrow!
Email Eonwe for that. If you didn't get your letter, it's available from the Anniversary page (at the bottom of the News page):
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:28 PM
Other general gaming news, that Cookie Clicker update I mentioned last week has made it in.
VardaYesterday at 4:28 PM
O cool.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:28 PM
New building, along with new achievements, cookies, and a fortune cookie system!
VardaYesterday at 4:28 PM
hah! : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:28 PM for the interested :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:28 PM
For the LotRO Ithil legendary server news, we are very close to having enough mithril coins for our kin house.
I had hoped to report that it was up for the meeting, it's just that close!
Maybe After-meeting... [Note: It happened! Our island kin house is in the Belfalas homesteads, Orndal neighborhood, the whole island of Tol Lochui.]
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:30 PM

VardaYesterday at 4:30 PM
: )
Those who don't use email, try contacting Eonwe in a tell in Discord. He'll get it eventually. : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:31 PM
he got mine i think .. as usual an impressive list hehe
VardaYesterday at 4:31 PM
He got mine too. Not a long list, but there it is. : )
Any other news, suggestions, comments?
On to...

The theme this year for the anniversary is "scary". Can we think of anything in Tolkien's works that was scary? (That could keep us busy for at least an hour just listing!) What do we think made those things scary?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:35 PM
Wraiths! Wraiths on wings!
VardaYesterday at 4:35 PM
This can also give us ideas for images, screenies, poems, stories, articles.
And that would start a good poem or story. : )
The Ringwraiths were bad enough, but then they leveled up! All nine!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:36 PM
And you can't even see em.
VardaYesterday at 4:36 PM
Lose the robes and they can't even find themselves! Back to base.
Ah, just saw Dis go by in LotRO.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:38 PM
Ambling along in a dwarfish manner?
VardaYesterday at 4:38 PM
Scarier! (to Sauron). She's a hobbit minstrel. Level 69, only one off from top level on the legendary server.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:39 PM
A hobbitish manner then.
VardaYesterday at 4:39 PM
Which brings up a thought. Scary can be to the bad guys too.
Like Sauron being surprised by the Heir of Isildur in the Palantir.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:40 PM
Heya all.
VardaYesterday at 4:40 PM
jumps Eonwe! Aiya : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:41 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:41 PM
Welcome to the Tolkien chat and start of the 22nd Anniversary chat marathon. : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:41 PM
aiya Eonwe :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:41 PM
RE:Scary --- Serious:Dragons. Not serious: a Hobbit missing Second Breakfast and Elevenses.
VardaYesterday at 4:42 PM
Great! : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:42 PM
the scariest thing i can think about in LotR  was the four hobbits in the wights tomb on the stone tables
VardaYesterday at 4:42 PM
and that hand.... brrr
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:42 PM
Wights! Wights on win- no...
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:43 PM
Bah, that was just Tom Bombadil's Haunted House. Peeled grapes and all that.
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:43 PM
that was an excellent piece of writing or even already scary the mist in the barrow downs
VardaYesterday at 4:44 PM
A scary thing for Frodo and the hobbits was Old Man Willow who trapped them inside the trunk or nearly drowned them.
Aye, the Barrow-downs was a really creepy place. Talk about atmosphere.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:44 PM
Hmm, scary trees, scary ghosts.
Scary mists.
VardaYesterday at 4:45 PM
Scary separation, unable to find each other

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:45 PM
Later on, scary wolves, scary orcs, scary balrog...
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:45 PM
Aye, the Barrow would make a creepy scene in a movie if they ever bothered to try it.
VardaYesterday at 4:45 PM
Finding the Shire taken over by Saruman
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:46 PM
Hmm, needed to complete 1 Hearthstone quest by the next hour... and completed all 3 in the same match. Also scary.
VardaYesterday at 4:47 PM
Us distracting you, also scary.
happens to be running a character in the Southern Barrow-downs as we speak
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:47 PM
Scary coincidence.
VardaYesterday at 4:47 PM
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:48 PM
Phar's comment about "Scary wolves etc." Popped this into my head, starting at 18 seconds:
    Jim Henning
    Q and Picard

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:48 PM
I finally got my Forsaken to level 2 in Classic last night. Scary place, that starting zone. Not in LotR though!
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:48 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:49 PM
Forsakens are a bit wightish. I had a priest Forsaken, which just seems crazy. What a thing to have "healing" you.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:49 PM
I think lorewise they should just be shadow.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:50 PM
Canonically, all Forsaken Priests would be Shadow, but you can't limit that in a game.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:50 PM
Well, except Alonsus Faol.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:50 PM
Well aye, since that,... revelation I suppose is a good enough word.
Kinda like how a walking beacon of Light aka a Paladin should be there scariest thing to walk onto a battlefield full of Forsaken, but they couldn't let that be the case for gameplay, heh.
VardaYesterday at 4:52 PM
It would have been cool to see it the way it should have been. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:52 PM
You'd never see a Forsaken in pvp.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:52 PM
I don't know, that they were immune to virtually any form of crowd control other than Turn Undead is a pretty powerful thing too.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:53 PM
Heh, yes.
Well, they can still be polymorphed.
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:53 PM
another scary thing was the stone falling down the well in the guard room in moria
and then the drums coming from below
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 4:53 PM
Yeah. If Gandalf catches his breath in anticipation, you know it could be bad, heh.
VardaYesterday at 4:53 PM
Drums, drums in the deep...
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:54 PM
Speaking of fools of a Took, I remember a certain hobbit gazing in a palantir.
VardaYesterday at 4:55 PM
It grabbed him, kind of, almost like the Ring grabs.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:55 PM
Also a scary thought.
VardaYesterday at 4:56 PM
The voices that can influence minds: Saruman, Grima (probably from Saruman)
The Mouth of Sauron who had lost his identity to Sauron, to speak for him
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:56 PM
That one's face in the movie...
VardaYesterday at 4:56 PM
That was nightmare country in the movie.
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:57 PM
talking about the movie .. changing the stone into a skeleton with armor was a bit ott or ;)?
VardaYesterday at 4:58 PM
Trees in the Old Forest that didn't like people, moving to cover trails, rigging trails to lead travelers to Old Man Willow to die.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:58 PM
I suppose poking an arrow in a skeleton is a bit better motivation for curiosity than throwing a stone in a well.
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:58 PM
yes but less scary :stuck_out_tongue:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:58 PM
It's a skeleton, that's always scary!
Imagine if it made a laughing sound on the way down...
VardaYesterday at 4:59 PM
Maybe they thought it was more visual? The stone was more innocent in a way, more in character.
hahahahahahahahaha - yep!
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:59 PM
now .. that would have been scary :wink:

VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
One word for scary: Shelob
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:00 PM
oh aye
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:00 PM
Chasing you down the webbed tunnels...
VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
in the dark
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:00 PM
Echoes all around.. where does it come from? How would you know?
VardaYesterday at 5:01 PM
Sounds coming around in the tunnels, sort of like ricocheting echoes
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:01 PM
Anywhere you go, might just take you closer.
VardaYesterday at 5:03 PM
and she could come from any direction: above, sides, ahead, behind
And the Valar of Time have stealthed up on us once again. It is the hour.

a hammer bounces madly towards the hammerpad, avoiding a spider on the wall
hammerpad trampolines the gavel back to the shelf

Feel free to keep scaring each other. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:05 PM
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night...
VardaYesterday at 5:05 PM
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:05 PM
mist rises from where the hammer has bounced
VardaYesterday at 5:05 PM
the  hammer goes unseen
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:05 PM
and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
Except loyal Sam.
VardaYesterday at 5:06 PM
save yourself, save yourself
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:06 PM
only a plonk and click can be heard as it attaches itself to the shelf
oh that rhiymes and what rhymes is good :smile:
kobolds gesetz (goblin law although a german Kobold is not quite the same as an english goblin hehe} .. but for that you have to know a well known figure in german kids literature .. a little goblin (Kobold) called Pumuckl :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 5:10 PM
everyone looks up Pumuck online
For scary, Gollum taking over Smeagol
Is that Pumuckl?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:11 PM
Made even more confusing by the fact that kobolds and goblins are two completely different races in Warcraft.
Give him hairy feet and he could be a hobbit.
...Bit smaller though.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:14 PM
if Pumuckl were evil Varda maybe :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 5:15 PM
Pardon, misread the first time as an exclamation mark, silly me
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:15 PM
    TV Tropes
    Pumuckl (Franchise) - TV Tropes
    Pumuckl is a German children's series, as well as the name of its kobold protagonist. Started as a radio series in 1961, and in the following decades, it …
    Catchphrase: "Oh, das reimt sich! Und was sich reimt, ist gut, haha!" (Oh, that rhymes! And anything that rhymes is good, haha!)
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:18 PM
Arien, have you played alliance BfA today?
Because today's emissary is bugged for me and I was wondering if it's happened to others.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:18 PM
nope i havent actually
which one is it?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:19 PM
Proudmoore Admiralty. I've not done a single world quest yet and apparently it's already complete.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:19 PM
hmm i ll check it out
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:19 PM
Thanks. Feels a bit weird to exploit it.

VardaYesterday at 5:19 PM
hah, anything that rhymes is good, that's where you got it. Funny : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:19 PM
But I might not have a choice :slight_smile:
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:20 PM
aye Varda :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:23 PM
If it helps, nothing is completed for me for Proudmore admiralty.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:23 PM
Hmm, that's US though, right?
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:23 PM
You could always just go do 4 quests that would normally count if it feels better to do that :}
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:24 PM
hehe, yes, I'll consider that :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:24 PM
Yes, that would be US, so if it's an issue, it's not everywhere and/or everyone.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:24 PM
Hmm, true.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:25 PM
Btw, have any of you noticed a lag turning in/completing quests since the last patch?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:25 PM
Not really. Though I did see a thread like that on a forum while searching for this bug, a few minutes ago.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:27 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:28 PM
I'm also not seeing quest objective tracking on mouseover anymore, which is annoying, and the command to fix that isn't working.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:28 PM
Well, my friends I need to be off. Got alot to get done tonight.
VardaYesterday at 5:28 PM
Thank you for coming!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:28 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:28 PM
See you in the emails. : )
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:29 PM
Anyone in the RP want to suggest some titles for the next chapter, feel free to in the discussion thread. I'm drawing a blank right now :} Any other talk about it is welcome there to :}
VardaYesterday at 5:29 PM
ahh right
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:29 PM
Take care all, good night, sleep well, and have fun :}
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:29 PM
Scary Angmar.
VardaYesterday at 5:29 PM
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:29 PM
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:31 PM
and phari it isnt t complete for me . but i ll do those just now cause i need a new weapon :smile:
VardaYesterday at 5:33 PM
    Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl
    Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (English: Master Eder and his Pumuckl) is a German children's series created by Ellis Kaut.
    Originally a radio play series of the Bavarian Radio in 1961, the stories were later adapted into books, a successful TV series of the same name, three fi...

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:33 PM
Hm, okay.
Bug for me then.
I wonder if it's the same for the next one tomorrow.
Anyway, thanks for checking :slight_smile:
There appear to be some weird bugs in this patch.
Actually I'll check to see if any addons are responsible for the tracking thing.
Arien ValarYesterday at 7:10 PM
Namarie for now Valarites :slight_smile:
i ll be on tomorrow

VardaYesterday at 7:15 PM
Namarie Sunshine : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:19 PM
Right! WoW stuff sorted, other stuff done.. time for personal gaming report.

We start with 3 flashgames!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:32 PM is the first game, a pirate shooter and upgrade game. Sail around, shooting stuff and avoiding bullets, getting treasure to upgrade your ship. The more you play, the higher your starting money gets, so it's easier as you go. So don't give up!
    Frantic Frigates
    Tons of upgrade, epic bosses, action-packed and easy to pick up game !
is a physics puzzle game where you have to build bridges, and then have your workers cross the bridge and come back with cargo. It gets difficult fast, unless you have an innate talent for bridgebuilding... but with a bit of practice, it's fun!
    Cargo Bridge 2
    The Cargo Bridge is back! Build a bridge and test your construction skills. Now, there are more levels, more bridge connections, more cargo and more fun!

Des... for the last game, a defense game where you defend a field of flowers from tar-creatures trying to pollute your water, by sending the right flower color at them.
    Defend the garden from Tars, bugs made of tar that will pollute the water. Manage your army and create different units by selecting different direction with th...
It's a bit... weird, really, you're encouraged to wait until the last moment to kill them and the % score has some strange calculations, like going way over 100 :slight_smile:
Still, if you can figure it out, enjoy!

Blizzard gaming:
Starcraft II:
phase 2 of the war chest complete! Second phase doesn't start until october 10 it seems, so a bit of time off :slight_smile:
Heroes fo the Storm: level 371 now, so 3 levels got. D.Va to 8, Zarya to 12, and Butcher to level 3 through brawls. Managed an interesting build with Butcher, which I should probably remember for the future :wink:
*of the Storm, not fo!
The Scarlet Heist has started, the new seasonal event. Comes with some new skins and stuff, as well as 8 new serial quests. With over 2 months to finish them, it shouldn't be too bad, though they take a while. I'm currently on quest 2 for 40000 xp in games, and only getting about 4k per game :slight_smile:
slowly pushing forward! Druid and hunter now at about a third to the final level, with the other classes lagging behind a bit. Reason for hunter is the brawl for this week, which is Rise of the Zombeasts, a death knight rexxar mirror match with a bunch of random zombeasts, which are hybrids of normal beasts with combined stats and abilities, as well as the ability to create more of your own choosing.
It's quite fun, though very random as you can imagine. The right combinations can be quite dangerous, though also high in mana cost.
WoW Classic:
Finally had time for the most minimal of progress!
Got my bankalt tauren parked at Thunder Bluff at level 1, without doing a single quest. Or even a single death! Got chased by a level 8 or so wolf at some point, but apparently even a level 1 won't get one-shotted by those, and after a few hits can easily escape to safety.
So now he's sitting up in the capital, near a bank and mailbox, waiting to be of use as storage :slight_smile:
My "main", Calthazar, in the meantime, has finally made his way out of the starting crypt, and completed his first quest! And after killing some Scourge zombies for the second quest, gotten to level 2. Which, along with just exploring the place for a bit, was exactly what I had in mind for the bit of time I had to play him last night.
Of course, the next few levels will take longer and longer :wink:
Heroic Azshara defeated tonight! We won't be going for mythic - any time soon, anyway - so the idea is to get the full heroic raid on farm. Which means we've got tuesday night off :wink:
It was our last pull of the raid, and we got it done with about 4 or 5 people left alive, so it was a typical first kill for us :smile:
Got a nice new crit trinket out of it, as well. Not best in slot, but sitting nicely at place 3, so until I get the coral from the Ashvane boss, it'll serve me nicely :slight_smile:
Azerite necklace is now at 95% to level 67, at which point I'll unlock the last stamina upgrade. So not quite one level in a week, but there's plenty of time left to get to the cap of 70.
8.2.5 is here now, but I'm not too bothered with it. The new content is still some distance away for me, and there's not a lot of it. The bee-mount is released, though, which I've wanted to get since it was first datamined, and though I am looking forward to the repgrind, it'll still have to wait a bit :slight_smile:
Weekly event is Draenor timewalking, which I've poked a few times, even getting put into the Iron Docks, which was the one timewalk I didn't get to do the last time it was up. Since none of my alts are high enough for Draenor TW, though, it all falls to the main... which saves time, as well!
Oh, as for 8.2.5, I did catch up with the story, and watched the cinematics. It's quite an interesting tale to watch, and where we go from here in 8.3 and the next expansion is still up in the air :slight_smile:
And finally, Brewfest! Got all the new items spread across 3 characters. My druid got the toys, my warrior got the new hat and my DI shammy got the tabard. All toys and appearances are shared, though, so they can all enjoy each other's winnings.
Oh, and for Heroes of the Storm,
forgot to mention, I also got some interesting loot rewards... a legendary announcer, the Lady of Thorns, who players might recognize from several maps as well as the lore comics. And also an epic zergling mount, which looks rather silly, but also quite interesting. I'll need to figure out which hero is best suited for it :0
* :slight_smile:
And that's my report for the week!
VardaYesterday at 8:06 PM
heh, zergling mount. Sounds fun.
Thanks, Phar. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:07 PM the Char version is what I got :slight_smile:
    Heroes of the Storm Wiki
    The Zergling is a mount in Heroes of the Storm. It is purchasable by players for 600 per skin. Zerglings appeared in the February, 2012 build of Blizzard DotA. A zergling mount was later...

Not just a zergling... it's a lava zergling!
VardaYesterday at 8:08 PM
And that's... friendly? : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:08 PM
It's a mount, so it'd better be!
VardaYesterday at 8:08 PM
We can tell because it's grinning, right?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:08 PM
Always a (good?) sign!
