October 9, 2016 Sunday Meeting
AIM: Valar Guild Meetingplace
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Transcript work by Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (5)
AriehnV, ArPharazonV, Eonwe Valar.
Lenwe-(V)/perseid28, Varda Valar (presiding)
The traditional AIM marathon of keeping the chat
room ends tonight. The Anniversary was Oct 4
between those two meetings.
A taste of the chat marathon.
New link for LotRO players on figuring how to
maximize stats.
Meeting begins
Anniversary talk and looking forward.
Anniversary page
Topic: What gave contentment
or happiness in Tolkien's works to
animal-types and the Valar?
Bill the Pony
Continued discussing the Valar.
Flashgaming Reviews by
Personal gaming
Eonwe Valar (Eonwe Valar) has entered the room.
Varda Valar (VardaValar1) has entered the room.
Ar-Pharazon-V (ArPharazonV) has entered the room.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya!
Ar-Pharazon-V: Happy pre-meeting?
Varda Valar: Aiya Phar :-)
Varda Valar: That too!
Varda Valar: Yay for the chat marathon
Varda Valar: Lenwe likes this as a form of Battle.net too.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Well, the ambition of using it more often than just
weekly has come up in the past, hasn't it?
Varda Valar: and been done
Varda Valar: Trick is to find people that find it useful
Ar-Pharazon-V: Anyway, afk for a while. Back later!
Varda Valar: A number of kins put up a talk program for that
Varda Valar: Namarie Phar!
Varda Valar: and yes
perseid28 has entered the room.
Varda Valar: Aiya Lenwe :-)
perseid28: Aiya Varda, Eonwe, and Ar-Pharazon!
Varda Valar: Phar just left and Eonwe is probably at work
perseid28: I came across this this morning https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?539545-LotroCalc-calculate-stats-amp-plan-upgrades
perseid28: Ah, I see
Varda Valar: Thanks
Varda Valar: started in 2014. Could still be useful. Lot to look at.
perseid28: started in 2014, but if you look at the bottom of that first
page it was last updated July 2, 2016
perseid28: it's mostly updated :)
perseid28: sorry, bottom of the first post
perseid28: updated through Update 18.2
Varda Valar: looking at last page. It's 2016. Very good
Varda Valar: That's super :-)
perseid28: I thought it looked pretty nice! Great designer--he/she
gives two columns so you can compare your current build with a
theoretical one
perseid28: This will be very helpful for me to figure out which stats
to focus on
perseid28: However, my Excel doesn't like the file (which is a .ods
format), so I'm downloading OpenOffice to see if that works better
Varda Valar: He says to use Google Drive
perseid28: Ah, from the first post:
perseid28: See below for a link to the spreadsheet document in the
OpenDocument format (ODS). The spreadsheet is made with
LibreOffice, which is free downloadable.
Furthermore, the spreadsheet is also verified to work in
OpenOffice. It's alright, but it's much slower. Both have some
quirks. At the moment, I would advise to use LibreOffice.
The spreadsheet will not work in Excel, because of the macro functions
and other differences.
Varda Valar: Anyway, a link like this is great for our forum's LotRO
gaming links. :-)
perseid28: I'm glad I stumbled across it. I was in bed last night
thinking how something just like this would be really useful
perseid28: There are a lot of stats to balance in LotRO!
Varda Valar: Agreed
Varda Valar: Now showing the link on the News to help us mention it at
the meeting for the transcript.
Varda Valar: Get it several places so maybe we can find it again. :-)
perseid28: Hehe
Varda Valar: Irmo's Virtues and Traits after RoI on our forum is still
a good place for a start.
Varda Valar: This new one is good for full-blown stat work
Varda Valar: sooo, new thread I guess
perseid28: Looks like tactical mitigation is what I need most of, based
on Irmo's post
perseid28: That also makes sense of what I read last night, where most
instance bosses deal tactical damage
perseid28: is the beta server not open to everyone?
Varda Valar: Bullroarer is open to all. But the server has to be up to
enter. And you have to download what amounts to a whole 'nother LotRO.
If you have space.
Varda Valar: Yes, as a ranged caster, you will most likely be hit by
tactical damage types.
Varda Valar: You need both, but concentrate on tactical
perseid28: And resistance doesn't look so important
Varda Valar: Look at resistance anyway. :-)
Varda Valar: Trying to update the links on our links collection,
showing which are down, and it wigged out on me. Got some marked DOWN
Varda Valar: the LotRO links on the forum
Varda Valar: There we go - all done.
Varda Valar: Could look for where these sites have gone if they still
exist, but not right this minute.
perseid28: Maybe a task for another day :)
Varda Valar: or a different part of the day. :-)
perseid28: I logged in to LotRO and an embarrassment of riches was
waiting in my mailbox. Thank you!
Varda Valar: hehe - you're welcome
Varda Valar: You'll find better stuff as you go along. If the looks are
good, old stuff can still be made into cosmetics. Nice system there.
perseid28: That's true
perseid28: I just found out that only Tier 7 and lower essences work in
the armor and jewelry, which simplifies a lot of things
perseid28: Especially the fact that I don't really have Tier 8 essences
yet and have no straightforward way of acquiring many at once
perseid28: So I can save any T8s for my next set of armor and get this
set up and running quicker :)
perseid28: I've already passed the 20k morale mark and have only used
one vitality essence so far. This is looking very good
Varda Valar: back for a moment
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya
Varda Valar: sounds good, Lenwe :-)
Varda Valar: Thanks
Varda Valar: About to head out for a bit, will be back.
Varda Valar: leaving the chat room up, as a proper pillar of the room
Varda Valar: oh, you should have some 8 essences from our runs. I
picked up some that way.
Varda Valar: also from questing
Varda Valar: ok, namarie for now
Arien V (AriehnV) has entered the room.
Arien V: aiya everybody :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya!
perseid28: Aiya Arien :)
perseid28: Was out for a bit
Varda Valar (VardaValar1) has left the room.
Varda Valar (VardaValar1) has entered the room.
Varda Valar: Aiya. Windows decided to "update" while I was out. Back.
Arien V: Aiya Varda :-) aiyata
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiyata
Varda Valar: Thank you
Varda Valar: Noticeably slower, doesn't like selecting. Maybe it'll
settle down...
Varda Valar: Thank you all for holdking the room open. :-)
Varda Valar: *holding
Arien V: :-)
Eonwe Valar: Heya All :}
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya Eonwe!
Eonwe Valar: How goes it?
Arien V: aiya Eonwe :-)
Eonwe Valar (Eonwe Valar) has left the room.
Eonwe Valar (Eonwe Valar) has entered the room.
Eonwe Valar: Bah, internet connection decided to be a pain.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiyata
Eonwe Valar: Thanks.
Varda Valar: I'm almost here
Varda Valar: and it's that time. :-)
Eonwe Valar: Drive faster? :}
Varda Valar: Anyone here?
Ar-Pharazon-V: Here.
Eonwe Valar: Heya :}
Varda Valar: Is driving hard a hard drive?
Varda Valar: Yay!
Ar-Pharazon-V: Does that means a high speed accident is a hard drive
Varda Valar: Must be :-)
Eonwe Valar: hehe
Varda Valar: No one else was in LotRO. I'm out of it after a check
Ar-Pharazon-V: Empty server?
Arien V: here , there and everywhere
Varda Valar: Elen
sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Varda Valar: Membership:
Varda Valar: We have just had our 19th anniversary for the Valar Guild.
Varda Valar: You have all helped in making this possible. Thank you,
thank you. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Yay!
Varda Valar: Also, thank you for your parts in the chat marathon, going
since last meeting. It's been tough for a lot of us, but with teamwork,
we kept it up most of the time.
Varda Valar: Different time zones were in our favor for this particular
endeavor. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Just need some people in Australia.
Varda Valar: Need Ungoliant to come in. That would take care of that
continent. :-)
Varda Valar: Unfortunately she's in the Outback somewhere, usually far
from a computer.
Varda Valar: /wave
Ar-Pharazon-V: Ouch.
Varda Valar: Eonwe, do you have any words for us?
Eonwe Valar: Happy Anniversary all! :} Glad to be here, glad that you
all made it :}
Eonwe Valar: Amazing it's been 19 years already, isn't it? ;}
Ar-Pharazon-V: Time flies.
Arien V: It is very amazing ! *cheers to all*
Ar-Pharazon-V: Grats to everyone!
Ar-Pharazon-V: We've made it another year.
Eonwe Valar: Next month, it'll be 17 years here for me, and I'll have
spent half my life in the Valar Guild, hehe.
Varda Valar: Wow
Varda Valar: It's been amazing to see a lot of the folks in the Valar
Guild grow up with us.
Varda Valar: Folks that joined us at about 15 years old. Add 19 to that
and you have an idea.
Eonwe Valar: Aye.
Varda Valar: They grew up, went to college, got married, moved, went to
the military, got various jobs. And yet many stayed with us for a lot
of years.
Ar-Pharazon-V: I joined at 18, now I feel old compared to others...
Varda Valar: You ancient. :-)
Eonwe Valar: So after November 6th I guess I get to start saying I've
spent most of my life here, hehehe.
Varda Valar: I''ve been here 19 years.
Ar-Pharazon-V: That's still about 5 years away for me...
Arien V: i ve been here .. uhm 10 years is it?
Eonwe Valar: You youngsters you :}
Varda Valar: hehe
Arien V: i am ancient :-P
Varda Valar: In a good way. :-)
Eonwe Valar: :}
Arien V: :-)
Varda Valar: We could all remenisce, but even better, we can look
Ar-Pharazon-V: But that's less fun!
Varda Valar: So much more to do, more games have come out, more to do
with the web.
perseid28: I've been here less than a year; in Valarite terms I'm just
starting to walk
Arien V: learning to fly soon, Lenwe :-)
perseid28: :)
Varda Valar: And he is learning to fly. Lenwe has been very much
involved, and thank you for that.
Varda Valar: You've joined right in with the AIM regulars, a real joy
for us.
Varda Valar: You've been gaming with us in LotRO.
Varda Valar: Next thing we know you'll wind up on the forum!
Varda Valar: Lenwe has also done some writing for us
perseid28: I re-discovered there was a forum a few days ago!
Varda Valar: hehe
Eonwe Valar: (he also updated his gaming info with me, so check out
what he plays on the Games Site! :})
Varda Valar: So, to mention some of that writing, let's move to
perseid28: Anyhow, my family and I are headed out for the evening, I
just wanted to say 'aiya' to you all quickly before we left
Varda Valar: Web
Varda Valar: Thank you. We'll toot your horn for you!
Varda Valar: Namarie!
Ar-Pharazon-V: Namarie!
perseid28: Namarie :)
Varda Valar: Box run tonight if lucky. ;-)
Eonwe Valar: Take care Lenwë :}
Arien V: Have fun :-)
perseid28: Hope so!
Varda Valar: Web:
Varda Valar: Thanks to the anniversary, we've had a whole batch of new
goodies for the Tolkien Site.
Varda Valar: Also for the Games Site, since the update happens for that
too. :-)
Varda Valar: First, new web stuff:
Varda Valar: Forum:
Varda Valar: We have a new link up for LotRO folk and we may have
people other than Lenwe discovering uses for the forum.
[Note: Feel free to add your happy anniversary wish on the forum
Varda Valar: Anniversary page:
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/NewsArchives/extras/2016/Anniv2016/anniv19th.htm
Varda Valar: This can be found in a link at the bottom of the News page.
Varda Valar: Folks have been sending in great stuff for it
Varda Valar: Here's some:
Varda Valar: Lenwe wrote an article on "Farmer Maggot"
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/Tolkien/encyc/articles/m/FarmerMaggot.htm#MaggotL
Varda Valar: It's easy to forget, but the main purpose of the Tolkien
Site is for articles. :-) Much appreciated.
Varda Valar: We also have new stories:
Varda Valar: Arien wrote "Fire from the Ashes":
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/Tolkien/encyc/fiction/authors/Arien/stories/FireFromTheAshes.htm
Varda Valar: I added a story for the theme using orcs, "Me First":
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/Tolkien/encyc/fiction/authors/Varda/stories/MeFirst.htm
Varda Valar: Speaking of themes,
Varda Valar: we have a couple of gaming
screenshots for the theme of what makes some kind of Tolkien
character contented or happy:
Varda Valar: Happiness is elves in the beauty of Forochel, from Lenwe,
showing him with Erkenbrand:
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/NewsArchives/extras/2016/Anniv2016/Erk_Lenwe.jpg
Varda Valar: This next image could go for both the theme and for WoW
Varda Valar: Eonwe at Light's Sanctum:
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/NewsArchives/extras/2016/Anniv2016/Eonwe%20at%20Light%27s%20Sanctum.jpg
Varda Valar: A paladin that made it to Light's Sanctum. That has to
give a measure of happiness.
Varda Valar: That one just went up a few minutes ago, so it should be
new to most of you. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: I just don't get the "fireworks" bit unless you refer to
the candles.
Varda Valar: Ok, I don't see any fireworks either, so it must be pure
Eonwe Valar: Hard to shoot off fireworks and take a screenshot :}
Varda Valar: The shot went off to late to catch them. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Aw.
Varda Valar: Still works for theme, no worries. And it looks dramatic.
Varda Valar: Do enjoy the rest of the screenies on the page. I'll try
not to turn this transcript into just a copy of it. :-)
Varda Valar: We will continue taking screenies and Tolkien Site goodies
for the anniversary page until the end of October, so you haven't
missed out yet!
Varda Valar: It includes the State of Valar Gaming for 2016:
Varda Valar: http://valarguild.org/varda/NewsArchives/extras/2016/StateofValarGaming2016.htm
Varda Valar: Thank you, Eonwe, for going to all the trouble to make
Eonwe Valar: *bows*
Varda Valar: Some of the info:
Varda Valar: As of October 1st, 2016, the Valar Guild Games Site now
reflects a total of 155 members playing 17 games.
Varda Valar: Lord of the Rings Online is our strongest game yet again,
with 31 members playing.
Varda Valar: World of Warcraft remains our second most-played game,
with 10 members spread across 2 regions.
Varda Valar: 1 member plays each of Elder Scrolls Online, Grand Theft
Auto 5, League of Legends, Smite, Spellstone, Star Trek Online, Star
Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and War of Omens
2 members play each of Hearthstone and Star Wars: The Old Republic
3 members play each of Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, and Heroes of the Storm
4 members play Eve Online
5 members play StarCraft 2
Varda Valar: 4 members say they can be found on
1 member says he can be found on Kongregate
Not everyone replied yet. Eonwe will continue to
take your updates, letting you know who else is out there to game with.
any activity within 90 days was counted as recent
Eonwe Valar: *Activity within official guild branches I could check
Eonwe Valar: That's really just LotRO and WoW Lothar/Uldaman.
Varda Valar: Thank you. :-)
Varda Valar: We could use help from branch leaders on this kind of
check. :-)
Eonwe Valar: Indeed.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Only one on Kongregate, pff, and I thought I was getting
people to play flashgames ;-)
Varda Valar: Outside the anniversary, we have a small picture from
the Bohemian Weasel:
Varda Valar: "Annatar
and the Craft of Ring-making", [Note: she made a framed thumbnail
for the main picture that included Celebrimbor.]
Varda Valar: They have to mention they are using it. I know Bilbo and
Sauron get on Kongregate just for two.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Fair enough.
Eonwe Valar: What Varda said :}
Eonwe Valar: I haven't quite developed electro-telepathy yet :}
Ar-Pharazon-V: hehe
Varda Valar: Links: I"ve been reminded to check the forum
links for LotRO and did so, while adding a handy one for that game
found by Lenwe:
Varda Valar: Spreadsheet for figuring stats and upgrades by Giseldah.
Varda Valar: Something unusual was that this link was shared during the
chat marathon.
Varda Valar: We've found AIM makes a handy Battle.net at least for some
LotRO players, as has been suggested before.
Varda Valar: It takes less space that a talking program while doing
other things.
Varda Valar: Maybe it would help Fladrif and Phar get together? Not
sure. But they would be welcome to try doing that.
Varda Valar: Coding work has been going on
in the background, but real life slowed down our plan to unroll it for
the anniversary.
Ar-Pharazon-V: What?
Varda Valar: But changes may be coming later.
Ar-Pharazon-V: I'm not a programmer, if that's what you're asking.
Varda Valar: Eonwe has been doing most of that work.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Or.. nevermind.
Ar-Pharazon-V: We just tend to talk on battle.net :-)
Varda Valar: Not asking anyone, just letting you know we've been
working on it.
Ar-Pharazon-V: No, I saw my name mentioned.
Varda Valar: Ah, ok. The real Battle.net They haven't changed the name
Ar-Pharazon-V: Not yet. I think.
Varda Valar: Okies
Ar-Pharazon-V: Probably going to be a major undertaking to change all
the names.
Varda Valar: On to:
Varda Valar: Gaming:
Most of this news comes from the Valar Guild Games Site
by Eonwe with some live from us here.
Varda Valar: LotRO:
Varda Valar: Hobnangians is going. Go after your chicken when ready!
Varda Valar: We've been doing more group runs at high level, since more
of us have reached the top or close to it.
Varda Valar: Close enough, especially with some big guys along. :-)
Varda Valar: WoW:
Varda Valar: The second wing of LFR is now available for Emerald
Varda Valar: A new blog is out about Legion Class Trials.
Varda Valar: Check out this week's hotfixes.
Varda Valar: StarCraft 2:
Varda Valar: A new preview blog is out: Patch 3.7 Preview: Collection - Announcers, Skins, and
Varda Valar: Heroes of the Storm:
Varda Valar: A new game mode is coming: Heroes
Varda Valar: Check out what else is under development
in this blog.
Varda Valar: Hearthstone:
Varda Valar: A new update came out this week.
Varda Valar: A little more on LotRO.
We have had a few more people showing up after the GSMU that reminded
them they are gaming. :-)
Varda Valar: This past week, we had:
Varda Valar:
Varda Valar: Alphabetical order, just easier to find your name. :-)
Varda Valar: Any other general gaming comments or Valarites you've seen
this past week in other games?
Ar-Pharazon-V: Played Fladrif in Hearthstone
this week, a few matches of the chess-themed brawl.
Varda Valar: o cool :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: As you can imagine, it was definitely his type of
hearthstone brawl ;-)
Varda Valar: Sounds like him. :-)
Varda Valar: On to
Varda Valar: Tolkien!
Varda Valar: The theme for the anniversary was what
makes various types of people contented or even happy in Middle-earth,
from elves to orcs. To that, let's add critters!
Varda Valar: What made Bill the Pony go from a starved, sad
pony to a healthy one showing his courage?
Eonwe Valar: an apple? :}
Arien V: great then :-) Varda was called into real life for a bit
Ar-Pharazon-V: An apple sounds about right!
Arien V: uh yes loyalty shown to him by his new owners
Eonwe Valar: Sam's love and kindsness had absolutely nothing to do with
it! Only apples! :}
Arien V: well .. horses are like that ^^
Ar-Pharazon-V: Apples are all you need.
Eonwe Valar: Like scooby snacks :}
Eonwe Valar: More seriously, of course the care Sam showed had alot to
do with Bill's transformation.
Varda Valar: back
Eonwe Valar: WB :}
Varda Valar: Aye. Bill and Sam supported each other. Sam didn't have to
be the only pack mule.
Varda Valar: Hantal :-)
Varda Valar: Some comment that Bill was the 10th member of the
Eonwe Valar: Groan-worthy joke coming in 3 seconds...
Eonwe Valar: Is that like being the fifth Beatle? :}
Eonwe Valar: You were warned :}
Varda Valar: Bill had been mistreated for a long time by Bill Ferny.
Even on the rough road with the Fellowship, Bill the Pony gained health
and contentment.
Varda Valar: *groannnn*
Varda Valar: How about Shadowfax?
Eonwe Valar: Hmm, Shadowfax...
Eonwe Valar: We didn't get so much about Shadowfax I don't think to
know what makes him "happy" per se. Once he met Gandalf he seems to
have preferred Gandalf as a rider. Maybe Shadowfax just wanted to be
part of something big and decided aiding Gandalf was the best way?
Ar-Pharazon-V: I think Shadowfax was happier without a harness etc?
Varda Valar: Shadowfax was fine with his life, apparently, until he,
King of the Mearas, found out how good it was to have a Maia rider
instead of a human.
Varda Valar: He went wild when he lost Gandalf.
Ar-Pharazon-V: You make it sound like he went berserk.
Varda Valar: When he got his newly bleached Gandalf back, he seemed
pleased again, going on adventures with him again.
Varda Valar: Shadowfax refused to be ridden by anyone else and ran wild
in the grass.
Varda Valar: Untamable by any others.
Varda Valar: This was more a friendship.
Varda Valar: How about Huan,
Hound of Valinor?
Varda Valar: Huan was a hound of Orome, for hunting, and had hunted
with the greatest. He was gifted to Celegorn for hunting.
Varda Valar: But Huan had intelligence and compassion, the latter of
which Celegorm had a deficiency in.
Varda Valar: Huan discovered happiness and contentment by going to
Luthien and Beren, leaving Celegorm.
Varda Valar: Another form of very visible happiness is in the Valar.
Eonwe Valar: Ladies and gentlemen, I must call it a day, and my
computer needs sleep too after pulling 2 all-nighters :}
Varda Valar: They sang of those things in which they were most
interested. That made them contented and happy.
Varda Valar: Namarie Eonwe :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Namarie!
Eonwe Valar: Take care all, good night, sleep wel, and have fun :}
Happy Anniversary and good to see you all :}
Varda Valar: What they cared about manifested in their song, shapes,
and what they created. The song was of what they loved, what gave them
contentment and joy.
Eonwe Valar (Eonwe Valar) has left the room.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Very expressive people.
Varda Valar: Yavanna
often took the form of a great tree. She sang of and made the plants
and animals, and made ents for their protection.
Varda Valar: Aye. Very accurate, Phar.
Varda Valar: Feel free to mention any others and their expression of
joy. Their joy made Middle-earth, which gives us joy. :-)
Arien V: Tulkas .. had in joy in hunting
Ar-Pharazon-V: So did Orome, right?
Arien V: hunting and Orome yes
Arien V: Tulkas excuse me was more for blacksmithing
Ar-Pharazon-V: I thought Tulkas was more of a brawler :-)
Varda Valar: Tulkas,
the laughing warrior. More of a bare knuckles guy than a weapons type.
Arien V: ah i see then it was brawliing he had joy in :-D
Arien V: Orome was the hunter thou :-)
Varda Valar: True. Orome loved
the hunt. He was the explorer that found the elves too. He enjoyed
horses and hounds.
Arien V: i love horses too :-)
Varda Valar: Me too. Orome had the great horse, Nahar, father of the
Ar-Pharazon-V: I don't really have much of a relationship with horses.
I like dogs though?
Varda Valar: Orome enjoyed the hounds, one of them being Huan. I wonder
what the others were like? :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: It'd be nice to imagine there being more Huans around.
Varda Valar: Manwe
loved the air and was the breath of Arda, seeing all that went on, and
closest to the mind of Eru. From him came the great eagles.
Varda Valar: Aye. :-)
Varda Valar: Ulmo
loved the waters and sometimes appeared as a great wave.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Must be fun!
Varda Valar: Manwe and Ulmo were friends, making the rains
Ar-Pharazon-V: "Let's see what happens when we put water and air
Varda Valar: and drop it on Aule's head, like a water balloon.
Varda Valar: How about Aule?
What was his joy?
Ar-Pharazon-V: Making gavels? ;-)
Varda Valar: heh
Varda Valar: I think he has his assistants making those things. :-)
Varda Valar: Aule was a craftsman. His joy was in the creation of
things, of crafting them, rather than building up piles of stuff to
hoard or build up his ego.
Varda Valar: He needed no wealth
Ar-Pharazon-V: Only raw resources.
Varda Valar: With Yavanna as his wife, he surely did not lack for
resources. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: So what about Varda? :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: What makes you see stars in your eyes? ;-)
Varda Valar: Light
Varda Valar: Varda is the Valie of light. Understanding that helps
illuminate (yes, a groaner) her motives.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Right! I was thinking too specific.
Varda Valar: She rejected Melkor and his darkness to aid Manwe.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Makes sense.
Varda Valar: She collected the light that dropped from the two trees
into glowing vats, using that resource to create stars.
Varda Valar: When she saw that the Elves were about to wake into
darkness, she gathered up the old stars into constellations to give
more light and created new, bright ones.
Varda Valar: That light entered the eyes of the Elves so that they
Ar-Pharazon-V: Is that why? Hmm...
Ar-Pharazon-V: Seems Varda's pretty important!
Varda Valar: Her favorite of the Children of Iluvatar was from that
time on, the Elves.
Varda Valar: Light is handy. ;-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: It sure is.
Varda Valar: Light helped power the trees and therefore life.
Varda Valar: Her touch could hallow objects so that those of evil
intent would be burned by them.
Varda Valar: Perhaps those of good intent were strengthened by them or
otherwise aided.
Varda Valar: She put the light in the two towers, a hallowed light.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Did all that stuff make her happy? :-)
Varda Valar: Also, she liked to join Manwe on Taniquetil and look out
over Middle-earth. She heard all. If one called on Varda, she knew.
Varda Valar: Light was her joy, so yes.
Varda Valar: She sang of light, brought it into existence in all its
Ar-Pharazon-V: Makes you wonder how dark the place must have been
before the song.
Varda Valar: Eru
had no light. Eru needed no light. But he seemed to be desirous of
company and loved song and creation, teaching it to his children, the
Valar, and passing that on to his other children.
Varda Valar: Darkness is not evil, but the absence of light. As Irmo
requested, times of darkness were needed for rest and dreaming.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Children! That's what makes Eru happy.
Varda Valar: Arwen aided folk in bringing back the joy of the beauty of
night. In night, the stars may be seen and bring joy.
Varda Valar: That sound perfect, Phar. :-)
Varda Valar: And Phar just solved the mystery of the universe. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Go forth and multiply? ;-)
Varda Valar: heh
Varda Valar: Just don't get too carried away? :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: hehe
Varda Valar: With that resolution to all questions, the 42, it's time
to check out the gavels and end the chat marathon. The official one,
Varda Valar: *catches a gavel speeding by on a way-too-merry conveyor
belt on the shelf*
Ar-Pharazon-V: Well
Ar-Pharazon-V: What makes Morgoth happy?
Varda Valar: *it rings like a bell in the air. Bells everywhere ring*
Varda Valar: After-meeting!
Varda Valar: Morgoth wanted to
be Eru and sought for anything he thought would make him the top.
Varda Valar: Not sure what he thought Eru would do if they were "equal".
Varda Valar: Morgoth wanted the power of creating life that was within
Eru, thinking it was a separate item hidden in the Void.
Varda Valar: He thought that would do it. But it was a quality of Eru,
not separate.
Varda Valar: The Flame Imperishable.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Feel a bit sorry for him, almost!
Varda Valar: The other thing that Morgoth aimed for was nihilism. For
nothing at all to exist, even himself.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Because it was created by another, I think?
Varda Valar: As he kept searching in the Void, he became separated from
the others, and essentially lost himself. He would have been the
greatest of the Valar.
Varda Valar: Right, Phar
Varda Valar: If it wasn't created by Morgoth, it wasn't worth anything,
because he didn't have total ownership.
Varda Valar: He didn't create himself.
Ar-Pharazon-V: What would his role have been if he hadn't been
corrupted, I wonder.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Eru's second in command? Leader of those on Arda?
Varda Valar: He was intended to be the greatest of the Valar. He
partook somewhat in all their gifts, and should have been a
coordinator. Not necessarily best at anything.
Varda Valar: He would not necessarily have gone to Arda at all, but
remained outside. Or he could have done like the Valar that we know and
gone with them to make Arda the way Eru desired.
Varda Valar: He should have made *wait for it* harmony.
Varda Valar: /duck
Arien V: so .. he was to creat harmony and ended up in creating chaos
Varda Valar: Exactly. Very sad.
Varda Valar: But Eru used that to make variety.
Varda Valar: He didn't let Morgoth go to waste.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Very creative!
Varda Valar: :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: ..Pun not intended.
Varda Valar: but enjoyed.
Arien V: :-)
Varda Valar: Nienna
was the Vala of Compassion, Pity, Hope. Her contentment was in harmony,
things going right for folks.
Varda Valar: She should have been great friends with Melkor as he
should have been.
Varda Valar: Instead her Pity was one of the great weapons agaiinst
him, as he could not understand compassion.
Varda Valar: Self-sacrifice is not the same as nihilism.
Varda Valar: She even pleaded for Melkor after his term of bondage, to
be allowed to come out and join the others. He had served his penance.
Varda Valar: Manwe wasn't just listening to his own heart or to
Melkor's words, but to others of the Valar and their wishes.
Varda Valar: Ok, I'm done. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Nice connection :-)
Arien V: Great job :-)
Varda Valar: /curtsey
Varda Valar: Eonwe as a paladin at Light's Sanctum now has a proper
small image to click for a larger one on the anniversary page.
Varda Valar: lol - but it needs to move to Themes instead of fireworks.
/facepalm. /fixing
Ar-Pharazon-V: Shall I start personal gaming?
Varda Valar: Fixed.
Varda Valar: Aye, go for it when ready!
Varda Valar: Arien might have some to add alongside it?
Ar-Pharazon-V: Flashgaming!
Ar-Pharazon-V: http://www.kongregate.com/games/grmaster/sons-of-guns
is the first! A sort of snake-ish action shooter, where you choose a
force of 5 heroes, unlock more as you earn more money, and see how far
you get, getting more starting money as you progress. Also a choice of
skills and gear.
Ar-Pharazon-V: See how far you get with the composition you like best
Ar-Pharazon-V: I do suspect there's an end to the game with a final
boss, but haven't gotten that far yet ;-)
Varda Valar: We'll give you time. :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Or maybe I'm getting this all wrong and everything
crosses over to the next run. Hmm. Guess i do need to play it
Ar-Pharazon-V: Anyway, fun, go play ;-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: I do suppose that makes it rather easier.. eh.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Next!
Ar-Pharazon-V: http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/lee_lees_quest_2
a sort of parody platformer game with lots of fourth-wall-breaking
commentary. I've not played the first game, but I don't think you
really need it to understand what to do :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: http://www.kongregate.com/games/CellCraft/cellcraft
is the third game! A strategy game wherein you have to develop your
cell and beat off viruses and the like. Fun and educational!
Ar-Pharazon-V: Blizzard gaming!
Ar-Pharazon-V: Diablo 3: Got
around to finishing chapter 4 of the season journey. I think season
ends in less than a week, so that was just in time to get the new pet
and portrait frame. Pet = a sort of nightmare unicorn thing, pretty
cute (and evil!)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Now it's time to wait for the next season :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Hearthstone:
Levelled my first class to 44, the shaman.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Rest is soon to follow, though still a bit more behind
than usual. I'm sure they'll catch up quick.
Ar-Pharazon-V: In the meantime I have to hope not to get too many
shaman quests ;-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Brawl this week was chess, as mentioned earlier! Your
cards have been replaced by chess pieces, and positioning them relative
to your opponent's pieces is vital. Good luck!
Ar-Pharazon-V: (remember, still got a few hours ;))
Ar-Pharazon-V: Heroes of the Storm: No
new levels, but the event stimpacks are still getting me some good xp.
Now at 148 out of 150 artifact pieces, so I only need one more artifact
event to finish the quest. Should be simple enough, will probably get
it tonight.
Ar-Pharazon-V: WoW: Level 109
after tonight, 1 more to go. Hoping to get there thursday or friday,
just in time for a saturday raid ;-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: Still poking Stormheim, which has also allowed me to
finish some skinning and leatherworking quests. Also 1 quest away from
getting my 6th Legion cooking recipe, which should allow me to continue
that questline and open up the kitchen.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Most of Stormheim is complete now; I've finished the
trials and escaped Helheim. Just some wrapping up to do, and an
alliance vs horde section. Oh, and some side quests. Yeah, I'll
probably reach 110 before the end of the zone.
Ar-Pharazon-V: And I've gotten myself a new pet, the Stormborne
Whelpling. Really nice color for a dragonwhelp!
Ar-Pharazon-V: But mostly looking forward to 110 now to open up
artifact knowledge and a few more quests, though I should also do some
gearing up when that's done!
Ar-Pharazon-V: As well as starting the bi-weekly archeology quests.
It'll take 4 months of that before I get my favorite appearance. So
it's a bit of a priority :-)
Ar-Pharazon-V: And that's the end of my report for the week!
Varda Valar: Thank you, Phar :-)
Arien V: good night everyone :-)
Arien V: Namarie all !
Varda Valar: Namarie!
Arien V (AriehnV) has left the room.
Ar-Pharazon-V: Namarie!
Varda Valar: Going to watch the debate now
Varda Valar: afk
Ar-Pharazon-V: Saving and sending transcript.
Ar-Pharazon-V: And I'd say, enjoy the debate, but I know who's debating