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The Healer's Path

Chapter Five: The Moment of Truth

by Jay of Lasgalen
April 10, 2011

 Estel faces his most daunting challenge yet.

“Be careful, Estel.  Remember; use small, even stitches.  That way you will not leave a scar.”

Estel sighed in exasperation.  “I know, Elrohir!  I know what I’m doing.”

Elrohir held his breath as he watched Estel work, first cleaning the deep, jagged gash then carefully placing a line of neat stitches along the length of the wound.  At last Estel finished and stepped back, glancing at Elrohir for his approval.  “Well?”

Elrohir inspected the long cut on his arm and nodded, clenching his fist carefully.  The stitches pulled but still held, and he smiled.  “Yes.  Well done, Estel.  Thank you!” 
