It's a resin figure named Teenage Werewolf. Some of you might be
familiar with Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox. This is in no way
related to that. This character was meant to be far more serious.
figure is huge. It is certainly now the largest full figure I've ever
done, coming in at about 12 inches in height...and that's in his
crouched stance. The scale is given as 1/6, but I feel he's larger than
that. Scale is generally subjective anyway.
Detail and casting were
great, and almost no cleanup was needed.
I worked in halves, finishing
the bottom torso and base first, then the upper torso.
One thing I did
was modify his stance on the base. He was bent far too low to see his
face originally, so I added putty to the base where his feet go. This
allowed his face to be directed straight outward, so it could be seen
much easier. I hid the putty work with plaster and scenic grass. I was
originally going to paint his jacket to be an identical copy of my old
high school letter jacket, but sadly I didn't have that anymore. I
could've done it similar, but the idea was to duplicate it exactly,
right down to my patches. I settled for a similar color of white sleeves
and green body.
All in all, not a bad piece for $30. I got it from a
site named Kitkong's Model Mansion during a Black Friday sale. Many
items were 70% off. It now sits all by itself on one of my speakers.