Tolkien Quiz by Race

Week Two: Men

by Elros-(V)
Valar Guild
Tolkien Quizzes
Tolkien Quiz by Race

#1 What are the two names of Aragorn’s sword?

#2  Who were the Pukel-Men?

#3 Who was the father of Denethor II?

#4 What was the capital city of Rohan?

#5 Who was the son of Amandil?

#6 Name Theoden’s wife:

#7 Who was the first king of Numenor?

#8 What is an Eored?

#9 What is the name of Eorl’s steed?

#10 How did Aragorn change the tide of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?

#11 What was named after Strider?

#12 Who ruled Dol Amroth?

#13 Who killed Scatha the Worm?

#14 About how many Dunedain rode with Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead?

#15 Where did Hama die?

#16 Who defended Faramir in the Hallows of the Kings?

#17 Where was Faramir posted often during the War of the Ring?

#18 Who did Sam hit with an apple in Bree?

#19 How did Boromir scare Frodo away?

#20 What man could change into a bear?

#1 What was Sauron?

#2 Who raided Gondor in Black-Sailed ships?

#3 Who is nicknamed “The Deathless”?

#4 Where did the Necromancer dwell?

#5 What did Arwen Evenstar give to Frodo?
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