Stories by He that Walks Unseen-(TV)

Tolkien Site > Stories > Story Authors > He that Walks Unseen

    HethatWalksUnseen-(TV) has been a Tolkien-only member of the Valar Guild since Sept. 14, 2004, joining with four poems at once. His name refers to Bilbo's identifying himself with riddles while talking to Smaug.
    Nicaragua is the poet's home country. He's presently at Princeton University, New Jersey. He has a BS in Computer Science and an MS in Population Studies. He's going for a PhD in Population Studies.

Two Eyes Stare at Mine
Aug. 8, 2007
Whose eyes are those staring back?

Some Words from the Mor-galad
Aug. 21, 2007
"A message of old has been delivered by fate. Read it and pass it on for he who arose in might must be heard".
