> Beleg index > Beleg
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One of the most capable of the archers among elves,
Beleg Cúthalion, whose name means Strongbow, showed his battle
attitude in the undergrowth of Doriath where he was one of the most
able border guardians. He was the chief of the marchwardens of King
Thingol of Doriath. Working with the armies of Halmir, lord of the
Haladin, Beleg used the tactic of ambushes successfully against an orc
battalion that marauded in the Brethil, discouraging their incursions
into that place for a long time.
Appreciated by Thingol for many deeds and not the
least for finding and going to aid his foster-son, Turin,
Beleg had the
honor of choosing a sword from the private collection of the King. He
chose Anglachel,
the noble blade forged by Eöl
that, reforged for
Turin, then took the name of Gurthang,
"Iron of Death".
Beleg became a friend of Turin Turambar and wandered
with him and his company of outlaws. He was wounded after the treason
of Mîm
in Amon-Rûdh , but he recovered his strength and
went looking for Turin. He freed Turin with great bravery from the Orc
camp killing them furtively while they were asleep, then used the sword
to undo the shackles. Turin had been unconscious, but when he felt a
blade slip and prick his foot he woke up and in a state of panic stole
the sword from Beleg’s hands and struck him dead. Only after a while he
became conscious of the unpardonable error, that he had pierced Beleg
the Elf.
Reference: Silmarillion
"Of the Ruin of Beleriand", "Of Turin Turambar"