Valar Guild

August 22, 2021 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

Back to News
Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for Eastern.]

Attending (and spoke): (5)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (After), Gilraen, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news:
    General news:
        reports from Eonwe:
World of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone
        report from Varda: Lord of the Rings Online
        report from Gilraen: Final FantasyXIV
    RP chat (ongoing story on our forum)
    Topic from Arien: You remember Pippin being updated by  Faramir at Denethor s hall. He hears about Frodo being guided by Gollum and asks Gandalf why he chose Gollum as a guide to Mordor. Gandalf answers something in direction of :"I cannot see it but maybe even he has a purpose to fulfill. Maybe in the end he will do some good even if he does not intend to. Sometimes the wise cannot see all ends." I wondered whether something like this occurs in other places in Tolkien (all books allowed)?
Can you think of other instances other villains that did good where they wanted evil?
    (non)Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon.


Varda — 08/22/2021
[4:00 PM]
@Bounder Aiya! Time to say hi to old friends, maybe even chat about your games and Tolkien's world!

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Aiya Sunshine : )

Gilraen — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Aiya Gilraen!

Gilraen — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
[4:08 PM]

[4:08 PM]
Happy to say Elwing and Gimli are visiting.
[4:08 PM]
We have been having celebratory cake and stuff for Elwing's birthday!
[4:10 PM]
The guys including Fangorn and Sauron are working on an outdoor grill to add protein to all that chocolate cake.
[4:10 PM]
and Gimli. : )
[4:11 PM]
Any other news from or about the membership you'd like to mention?
[4:12 PM]
Eonwe is not around at the moment but put the Gaming News up for us. : )

Gilraen — 08/22/2021
Happy Birthday to Elwing, I hope you all enjoy the cake and cookout!

Varda — 08/22/2021
For sure!
[4:14 PM]


[4:14 PM]
I need to get back to working on the site.
[4:14 PM]
Eonwe has been working on the Games Site.
[4:15 PM]
Feel free to send in your Tolkien-themed art, poetry, stories, articles, jokes. : )

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Happy birthday , Elwing

Varda — 08/22/2021
: )
[4:18 PM]
A fun bit, Elwing is online in LotRO Landroval, getting to use our computers. The internet isn't working in her area so it's time to pay LotRO house rent and get to party!
[4:18 PM]


[4:18 PM]
A thank you to Eonwe for putting the news up for us. : )
[4:19 PM]
Feel free to add your bit as we go through! Or add about your own favorite games.
[4:19 PM]

World of Warcraft:
[4:19 PM]
Tuesday info: This week's Bonus Event: Shadowlands Dungeons.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Aiya, and happy birthday!

Varda — 08/22/2021
The PvP Brawl: Deepwind Dunk begins today and runs through Tuesday, August 24th.
[4:19 PM]
Aiya Phar!
[4:20 PM]
Passed your happies along. She was tickled.  : )

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Aiya Phari .. where did you spring from :D?

Varda — 08/22/2021
Sunday: Check out this week's hotfixes.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Was busy  But here now!

Varda — 08/22/2021
She says "Thank you very much!" trying to sound like a hobbit. : )
[4:21 PM]
Glad you could make it, Phar. : )

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
thag you bery buch

Varda — 08/22/2021
That's it! hehe
[4:21 PM]
    World of Warcraft
    Hotfixes: August 19, 2021 - WoW
    Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade Classic, and WoW Classic.

Heroes of the Storm:
[4:22 PM]
A new balance patch came out this week.
[4:22 PM]
    Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - August 20, 2021
    Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance changes! Read on for details.

[4:23 PM]
That balance patch was Heroes of the Storm.
[4:23 PM]

[4:23 PM]
Patch 21.0.3 is live.
[4:23 PM]
    21.0.3 Patch Notes
    Patch 21.0.3 brings updates to Standard and Battlegrounds.

[4:23 PM]
In news from me:
[4:24 PM]

Lord of the Rings Online:
[4:24 PM]
You're all welcome to join us. Free to play on Landroval if you like. : )
[4:25 PM]
Mordor has arrived on the Legendary World of Anor. The level cap has also increased to 115.
[4:25 PM]
The Farmer's Faire continues through August 30th
[4:26 PM]

Final FantasyXIV:
Gilraen has some news for us on Final Fantasy, currently looking up a link.

Gilraen — 08/22/2021
FFXIV currently has the summer festival the Moonfire Faire ongoing, until August 26th. Complete a short questline on a level 30+ class to get a free polar bear mount
[4:27 PM]
    FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
    Moonfire Faire 2021 | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
    Event Schedule / From Friday, August 13, 2021 at 1:00 a.m. to Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 7:59 a.m. (PDT)

Varda — 08/22/2021
Moonfire, cool name.

Gilraen — 08/22/2021
Gwaihir and I have gotten back into the game recently, we both play on Diabolos server on Crystal DC, if anyone else plays on Diabolos or Crystal and would like to get together feel free to let me know!

Varda — 08/22/2021
Thank you! That's good information.
[4:32 PM]
Players that showed up in the last week in the Lord of the Rings Online kins by server:
[4:32 PM]
Landroval server:
Luthien (added new characters during meeting)

Anor server:

Shadowfax server:

Treebeard server:
Arien (added a new character during meeting)
[4:32 PM]
If anyone needs a character to be invited, this is a great time to do it. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Had to reread Gilraen's post to make sure she wasn't talking about Diablo.

Varda — 08/22/2021
[4:33 PM]
Any other gaming or membership news? Bumped into fellow Valarites this past week?
[4:34 PM]

Starcraft2: Fangorn, Eowyn, Faramir, and our grandson Ciaran. : )

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Treebeard server: Arien
[4:34 PM]
Beorning Arienfrith

Gilraen — 08/22/2021
Just Gwaihir
[4:35 PM]
who says aiya to everyone

Varda — 08/22/2021
Aiya Eagle!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Arien, would you like an invite on Treebeard server?
[4:38 PM]
And gang, yes we're interested in all games. : )

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Aiya Gwaihir and yes sure

Varda — 08/22/2021
Ok, pulling it up! Must bring in the bear!

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
still small but she has done novice

Varda — 08/22/2021
As long as she's out of the intro, huzzah!
[4:40 PM]
I'm in Valar channel saying hi. : )
[4:40 PM]
My characters on that server are small too, not all invited yet either. So neglected!
[4:41 PM]
One nice thing about those servers is that a number of things like LotRO points share with the mains. ; )
[4:43 PM]
Did I mention Legendary servers now go to level 115?

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
I think you did

Varda — 08/22/2021
O good. It only applies to Anor so far.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Varda: Mordor has arrived on the Legendary World of Anor. The level cap has also increased to 115.

Varda — 08/22/2021
Thanks. Since we have two other servers, had to throw in the caveat.
[4:46 PM]
Level 50 for Shadowfax and Treebeard.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
That's a big difference.

Varda — 08/22/2021
Difficulty level 3 will get all the cool titles.
[4:46 PM]
They are new. : )
[4:47 PM]
I think they're testing to see if the Deadly Difficulties are popular or not. If so, could see them appear on regular, I'll bet
[4:47 PM]
The titles will show up on the regular server too.
[4:47 PM]
Now to the good stuff.
[4:47 PM]


[4:48 PM]
RP news: Fainan made the last post.
[4:48 PM]
Telperos is still correct: no orcs. That was a goblin. cough

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Feel free to post!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Was thinking of hearing the ladder fall and coming your way, but not sure if I can leave Frali with the hay.

Varda — 08/22/2021
Arien came up with a topic for us for tonight.
[4:49 PM]
O definitely. Poor Frali.
[4:49 PM]
Or Frali drops it and comes to check with you on the noise.

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
*hey you .. check out that noise!"Q

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
[4:50 PM]
sorry .. couldn  't resist

Varda — 08/22/2021
Good : )
[4:53 PM]
Anyhoo, trying to remember my latest forum password, will think of it in a minute. : )

[4:53 PM]
Arien came up with a neat Tolkien topic for us.
[4:53 PM]
Would you like to present it?
[4:55 PM]
Hah, remembered

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Right i was listening to the dramatized Audiobook of The Return of the Kings and stumbled across it. You remember Pippin bveing updated by  Faramir at Denethor s hall
[4:58 PM]
he hears about Frodo being guided by Gollum and asks Gandalf why he chose Gollum as a guide to Mordor. Gandalf answers something in direction of :"I cannot see it but maybe even he has a purpose to fulfill. Maybe in the end he will do some good even if he does not intend to. Sometimes the wise cannot see all ends." I wondered whether something like this occurs in other places in Tolkien (all books alllowed)?
[4:59 PM]
Can you think of other instances other villains that did good where they wanted evil?

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
Does that make sense |:)P?

Varda — 08/22/2021
Yes. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
It's a good question.

Varda — 08/22/2021
Eru said that no matter what the evil, it would work with his intention whether meant to or not.
[5:01 PM]
(not a quote)
[5:01 PM]
So when Morgoth made ice, Manwe and Ulmo were happy to see something that combined their two areas since they were friends. That was not intended.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Could say Saruman's treachery towards Sauron ended up helping good, since orcs fighting among themselves allowed two hobbits to go free.

Varda — 08/22/2021
[5:02 PM]
Aye, the baddies crossed each other up so good guys could go where they needed to or do what they needed to.
[5:03 PM]
The orcs in the tower were killed in great numbers thanks to Shelob's paralyzing Frodo. They fought over goodies like the mithril shirt.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
That too!

Varda — 08/22/2021
"Oft evil will evil mar."

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
And Gollum separating Sam from Frodo - wait, that didn't happen, they just lost sight of each other in the cave...
[5:04 PM]
I think.

Varda — 08/22/2021
Frodo ran ahead, aye. He wanted out of the cave into the free air.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
As for member news, Fladrif just helped me complete a Spectator quest in Hearthstone by ending top 4 in a battleground

Varda — 08/22/2021
He hadn't heard "Don't separate the party".
[5:05 PM]
yay Flad and Phar!
[5:05 PM]
Should I say Phlad?

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Team Phlad!

Varda — 08/22/2021
There we go. : )
[5:08 PM]
The orcs calling in the balrog vs Gandalf (if they did, or at least the racket did), got the balrog "killed".
[5:08 PM]
Being a Maia, I wonder if it was another that had its fea blown away? We never hear of it again.
[5:09 PM]
Maybe re-housed as a cucumber of doom.
[5:09 PM]
(Some people were talking about pickles, sooo....)

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
A doodoomber?

Varda — 08/22/2021
That's it!
[5:10 PM]
This is an interestingly hard question because we have to think across a really large area. I like it.
[5:11 PM]
The Watcher in the Water slammed the door shut, trapping the orcs inside with the dangerous Fellowship.

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Kept Bill from maybe sneaking inside? That could have been interesting.

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
aye . and before i have to dissove into sparks and fumes .. remember at the beginning of the creation of arda .. Morgoth sought to destroy the other valar s creation but in fact it got just more beautiful and varied
[5:17 PM]
things like deep valleys carved by glacier .. fertile ground after volcanic erruptions .. new lands

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Less symmetric, at least

Varda — 08/22/2021
More original, as they had to make it all work too.
[5:19 PM]
It is the hour.
Thank you for an intriguing topic, Arien!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Oh, does Thingol sending out Beren to die count?
[5:20 PM]
They did get a Silmaril out of it, though it didn't do that much good...
[5:21 PM]
I suppose it did turn out for the best, at the end of the story.

Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021
oh aye of course it counts
[5:22 PM]
my pleasure !
[5:22 PM]
Namarie all .. no fantastic gavel tonight :O?

Varda — 08/22/2021
O there is, just had wolves chewing at my boots. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
I guess they like chewing the leather.
[5:23 PM]
good for their teeth

Varda — 08/22/2021
the gavel sparkles. Blinded from the sparkles, it trips over the edge of the hammerpad
[5:23 PM]
[5:24 PM]
the best sounding hammerpad thunk in two months!



Arien  Valar — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
It wasn't evil but it was still  a happy unintended consequence. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Such thonk.

Varda — 08/22/2021
[5:26 PM]
Play! Party! Rejoice for the birthday of the Dawn!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Elwing : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
She's the dawn?

Varda — 08/22/2021

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021

Varda — 08/22/2021
Elrond has interesting parents.
[5:27 PM]
    Staying Sharp
    Story: How does Elrond stay sharp with so many leaning on him?

A short story in double drabble form. : )
[5:29 PM]
In "real life", Sauron says the grilled goodies are ready!
[5:29 PM]
Namarie for now, but plan to be back after a bit at least in LotRO.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Ah yes, the steward world quest in Bastion... filled with Tara Strong stewards. There's no steward like a Twilight Sparkle steward.

Varda — 08/22/2021
More sparkles : )

Varda — 08/22/2021
Luthien-(V) just put a batch of young High Elves in the Landroval kin. She doesn't use Discord due to its lagging her game.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
New blood!

Eonwλ Valar — 08/22/2021
Heya all.
[8:08 PM]
And cool about Luthien.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
Aiya! And back in a bit

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
[8:41 PM]
Let's cram in a personal gaming report before bed
[8:41 PM]


For (non)flashgaming I'll give you a badge I already had, a badge I had but hadn't yet completed the game itself until this week, and a new badge.
[8:43 PM] is the first! A platformer, one of the earliest of the series about various classes and mechanics making their way through levels, reaching chests.
    One Trick Mage
    Simple platformer about a Mage that can only do one trick at a time
    Created by eddynardo
    Graphics by 0Χ72 and Adam Saltsman
    Theme song quotThe White Kittyquot by R...

[8:44 PM]
This one in particular is about a mage who can only know one spell at once, and the levels have potions that give you a new one. Puzzle your way through in the right order!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021 for the second game! An escher-like environment where you have to guide a little robot around a series of levels, manipulating the buildings and perspective to allow him to get to the door in every level.
    Evo Explores
    iOS version:
    • In Evo Explores you should trust your eyes. If something look...

[8:54 PM]
Very atmospheric too
[8:56 PM]
Beautiful game, but it will require some thinking and experimenting as you go on.
[9:03 PM] for the third game! Another medieval chronicle point and click detective. It's new year's eve at the police station, but a corpse turns up in the records room! Up to you to find killer and motive.
    Medieval Chronicles 7
    =Devil May Lie=
    New Year, New Beginnings and a fresh new murder to kick off the year with a bang as the gang tries to solve a murder which happens
    in their own...


Varda — 08/22/2021
Aiya : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 08/22/2021
[9:04 PM]

Blizzard gaming:
[9:07 PM]
Reward track up to level 50 now! As reward for 50 I got a legendary questline card, in this case a rogue questline to play pirates and unlock several rewards in your game. Might need to try it
[9:07 PM]
And of course had the spectator quest at some point this week for which I got Fladrif to win some stuff tonight
[9:09 PM]
Tavern brawl is an expansion-limited brawl where you can only use whispers of the old gods, mean streets of gadgetzan and rastakhan's rumble cards. A bit nostalgic, you might say
[9:10 PM]
Not much raiding progress this week, I'm sure we'll go for Kel'thuzad and Sylvanas again in 2 days. I did get my 8th shard of domination, though, so only one to go, though I lack the shoulder and hatpieces to socket em in for the set.
[9:11 PM]
Weekly is mythic dungeons, of which I did four for the quest, but got no mount or pet rewards and the weekly quest reward, a heroic piece of raidloot, was no upgrade. Better luck next time!
[9:13 PM]
Got my renown to 56, unlocking the final ability of my dps-spec's soulbind. Tanky one will need to wait until next reset. Also got a night fae item for Pepe, the Tiny Winter Staff, giving him an Ardenweald appearance
[9:16 PM]
Did Torghast, but layer 11's rather harder without a tanky dog  On my first wing of the two I died so often I only got 16 score, with no tower knowledge as reward. Second run was better though, a smidge away from 3 stars.
[9:17 PM]
Got 3 new pets!
Second-last one remaining for pet charms, Leafadore. Saving best one for last, hopefully in a few weeks
[9:18 PM]
The other 2 pets, Severs and Dread, were 2 pets I got killing rares in the Maw for a Calling.
Dread is an odd little elemental-like creature, with the model of the smaller memories in Bastion, I think... looks quite interesting.
[9:20 PM]
And finally, for anima, bought the Night Courtier's headpiece, leaving only the shoulders for the set  This vendor starting to wind down, though there's still some arsenals to get afterwards.
[9:21 PM]
And that's my report for the week!

Varda — 08/22/2021
