Valar Guild

March 24, 2019 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern time (-5 GMT)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

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Transcript work by

Attending (and spoke): (8)
    Discord: Arien,  Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Elrond, Falco, Lenwe, Pallando, Varda (presiding)

    The Eve fleet is on the move.
Meeting begins
Membership news
Membership news part two
    Move and meet-up: Lenwe and Arien meet-up potentially in the future.
    Twitch: Eve fleet with our guys streaming on Twitch thanks to Pallando.
    LotRO and Mac. Linux with Wine.
    Vacations (under Gaming)
    General reports
    Eve fleet movement updates throughout the meeting. Good job guarding, gang!
    How not to be ganked as a miner in Eve: tips from a ganker (Elrond).
    Topic: The friendship between Rohan and Gondor
    Tolkien chat continues.
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon.

(times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for Eastern. Example: 4pm Central in the transcript is 5pm Eastern)

VardaYesterday at 3:32 PM
Today's Tolkien discussion will possibly be over the friendship between Rohan and Gondor, as suggested by Arien-(Valar) on the forum.
VardaYesterday at 4:00 PM
Aiya! It's that time once again. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:00 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:01 PM
Hiya Phar.: )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:01 PM
And once again I'll need to be afk for about 30-40 minutes. Let me know when DST comes over here too :wink:
VardaYesterday at 4:02 PM
It should show on your computer.
ArienVYesterday at 4:04 PM
irt is next weekendx
the last weekend in March
VardaYesterday at 4:04 PM
Sounds right. Should be two weeks apart these days.

ElrondYesterday at 4:04 PM
Aiya! I'm out on fleet so maybe slightly distracted
VardaYesterday at 4:05 PM
Just a howdy is fine. : ) Good luck with the fleet!
CelebrianYesterday at 4:05 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:06 PM
Celebrian! Aiya. : )
CelebrianYesterday at 4:06 PM
Sorry been a little afk lately. Just started playing some video games again this past week. In fleet as well :smiley:
LenweYesterday at 4:07 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:07 PM
Have fun!
Good to see you playing again.
Go get 'em!
ArienVYesterday at 4:07 PM
Aiya all :smiley:
CelebrianYesterday at 4:08 PM
We're just the protection in case bad people come :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 4:08 PM
Sounds important.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Good to see you all here, gaming and chatting. That's what it's all about!

I intend to be jumping back into working on the Events timeline again for the Tolkien Site.
The first part of looking up more stuff has already started, and you are all welcome to pitch in events, bios of characters, or whatever suits your fancy.
Art, poetry, stories are all welcome too.
Eonwe has been great about keeping up the Games Site, despite many distractions, so thank you to him!

Membership part two *ahem*:
Any other membership news?
which I forgot to ask in Membership cough
LenweYesterday at 4:13 PM
We found out this week there's a good chance we're headed to Southampton, UK for 3 years starting in July
VardaYesterday at 4:13 PM
O wow.
LenweYesterday at 4:13 PM
Possibly Arien's neck of the woods?
VardaYesterday at 4:13 PM
LenweYesterday at 4:13 PM
Ah, she's in Scotland. Still a few hours away then
VardaYesterday at 4:14 PM
Only a few hours. Might even meet somewhere interesting in the middle, or go be a tourist in Scotland!
LenweYesterday at 4:14 PM
could be fun!
VardaYesterday at 4:14 PM
Aye to that!

Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:15 PM
Aiya check out #harbor
VardaYesterday at 4:15 PM
Pallando-ValarToday at 4:14 PM
I'm streaming [Eve Online]
    AlasseoSparre - Twitch

ArienVYesterday at 4:16 PM
Southampton .. that is quite south on the east coast if i remember right .. between Newcasle and London in the middle distance wise i think .. but as i say on the coast tho ^^
LenweYesterday at 4:17 PM
Isle of Wight is about a mile off our shore, and I thought you'd said you worked there...but maybe I'm thinking Isle of Skye?
ArienVYesterday at 4:19 PM
Isle of Skye is where i am yes and lol  i am thinkiing of Southport not Southhampton so thats the other end of the British Island then
LenweYesterday at 4:19 PM
Yeah nearly the exact opposite side of the island lol
ArienVYesterday at 4:19 PM
but we always could meet in the middle which is Carlisle more or less
LenweYesterday at 4:20 PM
I'd love to make at least one trip to Scotland--I'll keep you updated of course!
ArienVYesterday at 4:20 PM
keep me informed
that would be cool
LenweYesterday at 4:21 PM
It would be, and also ironic if you were the first Guild member I met in person
VardaYesterday at 4:21 PM
Would be fantastic. : )

MarigoldYesterday at 4:21 PM
Aiya all!
VardaYesterday at 4:21 PM
Aiya Marigold!
LenweYesterday at 4:22 PM
ArienVYesterday at 4:24 PM
Aiya Marigold
VardaYesterday at 4:24 PM
Marigold needs to know if a Mac can play LotRO? Anyone have experience with that?
MarigoldYesterday at 4:26 PM
If not, that’s cool, but my new laptop is a Mac and I saw somewhere that the platform isn’t supported....wanted to be sure before I crashed my new hardware with a rookie mistake
VardaYesterday at 4:26 PM
For sure!
Lenwe, do you know?
LenweYesterday at 4:29 PM
I’ve run LotRO on Linux using Wine, which would also work on a Mac, but there is (or was) a Mac-specific LotRO client that you could download off
VardaYesterday at 4:29 PM
LenweYesterday at 4:30 PM
You do lose performance running the game through Wine, because Wine is basically translating Windows code into something Linux understands
That’s about all I know
VardaYesterday at 4:31 PM
That's more than we knew before, so thanks. : )
So first, check for Mac-specific, then try Linux's Wine.
LenweYesterday at 4:32 PM
    Open Source Software for running Windows applications on other operating systems.
VardaYesterday at 4:32 PM
I should mention that LotRO is working on a 64-bit version and is testing it now. That should help Mac users that need the 64-bit.
So maybe that would be worth waiting for.
Maybe on Steam?
Ok, onwards.
Quick gaming report


World of Warcraft:
News from Tuesday:
This week's Bonus Event: Battlegrounds.
The PvP Brawl: Temple of Hotmogu begins today and runs through Tuesday, March 26th.
News from Wednesday:
The Trial of Style begins today and runs through Sunday, March 24th.
News posted today:
There was a Q&A this week. Check out the VoD with Ion Hazzikostas.
    World of Warcraft
    Watch the Live Q&A VoD with Ion Hazzikostas Here! - WoW
    Miss the latest Q&A with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas? Watch the VoD now to catch up on the latest.
See the recent hotfixes.
    World of Warcraft
    Hotfixes: March 21, 2019 - WoW
​    Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft:Battle For Azeroth.

Heroes of the Storm:
A new patch is on the PTR.
    Heroes of the Storm
    Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!
Updates are being made to the list of Hero Roles.
    Heroes of the Storm
    Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!

Lord of the Rings Online:
The Spring Festival is now running and should go through April 9th.
It has a crazy flower-covered goat that should be fun to drive dwarves crazy in Moria.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:40 PM
Aiya to all!
VardaYesterday at 4:40 PM
Kinmates seen this past week in our three LotRO branches of Landroval, Ithil, and Anor:
Aiya : )


Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:40 PM
(Vacation planned for somewhere around end of May, should be back a few hours before the meeting).
VardaYesterday at 4:40 PM
Any other gaming news?
Maybe you can make it to the computer and say hi before you collapse from the vacation? : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:41 PM
Should be doable :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 4:42 PM
Good luck! : )
And have a great time!
Fangorn and I aren't sure when we'll be headed out to Arizona to see Eowyn and Faramir and the grandbaby, but April or May.
Any other gaming or membership news?

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:43 PM
Fladrif says hi!
VardaYesterday at 4:43 PM
Hi Ent!

StarCraft 2: The team of Fangorn, Eowyn, and the grandbaby have been gaming this past week. A 5-year old can game!
Folks in Eve working with the fleet feel free to tell us if anything just went down. : )
I have the Twitch feed up on one of many tabs.
on to
Any suggestions, Tolkien moments, questions,  or other before we start on Arien's topic? She is stuck in the middle of rp.

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:50 PM
Well, I can mention that Fladrif is now in WoW for the first time in a long time, for the free welcome back weekend.
VardaYesterday at 4:50 PM

CelebrianYesterday at 4:50 PM
Is everyone that is playing Wow on Lothar?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:50 PM
So he's got about an hour to see changes :stuck_out_tongue: And as he's level 70 in Outland... he's missed a bit.
VardaYesterday at 4:51 PM
Nope. Just our main branch.
CelebrianYesterday at 4:51 PM
Also, done with fleet. Nothing exciting. Time for dinner! :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:51 PM
Not me (nor Fladrif), we're in Europe on Argent Dawn.
VardaYesterday at 4:51 PM
Bon appetit!
Anywhere Valarites are, remember to make channel Valar to find each other if possible.
Doesn't have to be a guild branch there formally, just friends getting together.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:54 PM
Oh yes! I talked to Arien in the Valar channel on Argent Dawn earlier this week :wink:
She caught me logging between alts.
For mail stuff.
ArienVYesterday at 4:55 PM
i  do have characters on the Lothar branch .. i wanted to log at least once during the free weekend but i forgot ... grrr
VardaYesterday at 4:55 PM
Not over yet. : )
ElrondYesterday at 4:56 PM
You still have a little time
ArienVYesterday at 4:56 PM
the problem is that i would have to pay double subscription .. and time of course but on free weeks or weekens i ll try to pop in :)#
how many hours?
VardaYesterday at 4:57 PM
Man, double sub for doing different countries? Sorry to hear.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:57 PM
To be fair, it's different continents :stuck_out_tongue:
VardaYesterday at 4:58 PM
LotRO doesn't require double subs.
ArienVYesterday at 4:58 PM
yup its the continent
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:58 PM
Nor does Eve. :wink:
ArienVYesterday at 4:58 PM
and also the reason why i had to buy the different clients
VardaYesterday at 4:58 PM
Pallando [and I] wouldn't be trying to recruit or anything...  ; )
ArienVYesterday at 4:59 PM
of course not :smiley:
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:59 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:59 PM
I like go-getters. : )

ArienVYesterday at 4:59 PM
ibtw i  find it cool that the war system has slightly changed in Eve and only corps who own structures can be wardecked :smiley:
i guess .. miner and noobganking still occurs :smiley:
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:00 PM
some nice changes if you're a pure carebear there :smiley:
ArienVYesterday at 5:01 PM
aye :smiley:
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:01 PM
I've been having some real fun highsec wars too, oddly enough
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:01 PM
I love carebearing games like that. Currently having trouble getting my gold stolen in that new GoT game, but hopefully I can still produce enough...
ElrondYesterday at 5:01 PM
Yes, if you want advice on mining on what not to do, I can tell you.. since I do alot of ganking.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:02 PM
Otherwise, carebearing it indeed.
VardaYesterday at 5:02 PM
heh, thanks Elrond, I think.
ArienVYesterday at 5:03 PM
thanks :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 5:03 PM
If you have time, maybe a few quick tips?
ElrondYesterday at 5:06 PM
If you are mining, stick to the 0.7-1.0 systems. Fly a skiff or procurer due to their crazy tank. Don't haul a bunch of expensive stuff thru choke systems that are 0.5 space or in cheap paper thin haulers, or over 1 bil in a freighter. You will lose it.
VardaYesterday at 5:07 PM
That sounds like a lot of good info. Thank you.
On to

Arien's topic (thanks, Arien, for posting it on the forum!) is
the friendship between Rohan and Gondor.
What are we referring to? How did it happen? Do we see it in the Lord of the Rings books?

What even makes us think those two kingdoms were friendly?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:12 PM
Well, they were on the same side in some war somewhere..
VardaYesterday at 5:12 PM
Could be a clue.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:12 PM
Though it did take a red arrow, I recall.
Or some beacons in another version.
FalcoYesterday at 5:13 PM
Howdy  All!
VardaYesterday at 5:13 PM
Aiya Falco! :  )
Have to have some way to call for help.
FalcoYesterday at 5:13 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:13 PM
Rohan and Gondor's version of Discord: red arrow carried by a rider, beacons.
FalcoYesterday at 5:14 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:14 PM
Nary a pigeon?
ArienVYesterday at 5:15 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:15 PM
We don't hear about doves or carrier pigeons in the LotR. Maybe that came later. Might have had a problem with people shooting them or hawks having lunch.

So why would they be friendly kingdoms instead of maybe arguing all the time over boundaries and shooting at each other?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:17 PM
I believe Rohan was a gift from Gondor after they teamed up against... someone.
VardaYesterday at 5:17 PM
This is Phar's vague night, but right.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:17 PM
And apparently both sides were still happy with that arrangement 500 years later.
ArienVYesterday at 5:17 PM
yes some guy called Eorl  think
VardaYesterday at 5:18 PM
That's a real trick, staying friendly that long.

So, who were the Rohirrim anyway? Where did they come from?
ArienVYesterday at 5:19 PM
They were descendants from the people in the North of Middleearth
I think from  the same people as Hador was it?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:20 PM
I think so. Related to the Edain, in any case, just those who stayed east of the Misty Mountains.
ArienVYesterday at 5:20 PM
but they stayed behind in Middleearth and did not follow to Numenor
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:20 PM
Can't all be good at climbing mountains.
VardaYesterday at 5:21 PM
In the RotK Appendix A II "House of Eorl", it mentions
In origin, they were akin to the Beornings and the men of the west-eaves of the forest of Mirkwood.
That's not as far back as you were mentioning.
The Rohirric kings, however:
"The forefathers of Eorl claimed descent from the kings of Rhovanion, whose realm lay beyond Mirkwood before the invasions of the Wainriders, and thus they accounted themselves kinsmen of the kings of Gondor descended from Eldacar."
So they thought of themselves as relatives, not so much strangers, as they  might have.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:22 PM
So they were actually of Numenorean descent.
VardaYesterday at 5:23 PM
The kings were, at least.
When they heard of the overthrow of the Witch-king of Angmar and the lengthening of the shadow of Dol Guldur, and because of the large number of other men in the middle vales of the Anduin, they sought more room in the North. So they drove out what was left of the men of Angmar on the east side of the mountains.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:23 PM
My people \o/
VardaYesterday at 5:23 PM
ArienVYesterday at 5:23 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:23 PM
By the time of Leod, father of Eorl, their own numbers had increased so that they felt overcrowded again.

In the Third Age 2510, Gondor needed help. It had been attacked by two groups: the wild men of the North-east coming down into Rhovanion.
What was the other group?
No surprise: orcs.
Double whammy.
Cirion of Gondor called on the men of the North for help, I guess the ones the ancestors of the Rohirrim came from.
ArienVYesterday at 5:25 PM
the corsairs of umbar
VardaYesterday at 5:26 PM
But the northmen were few and scattered, that were being asked.
The valley of the River men, that is.
They were slow about it , too.

Then the news reached Eorl.
He figured it was probably too late by then, but sent help.
He was part of that help.
Didn't just sit back and have another mead while sending them out.
So he and his riders came to the Field of Celebrant.
What did they find there?

ArienVYesterday at 5:28 PM
actually a  the  enemies threatening Gonder were * a  great host of wi;ld men from the north-east*
on one side and the orcs from the other
VardaYesterday at 5:29 PM
Correct. And I agree with you, see above.
ArienVYesterday at 5:29 PM
yup , these wild men came via the Brown Lands
VardaYesterday at 5:30 PM
Aye, those were the culprits, all right.
ArienVYesterday at 5:30 PM

VardaYesterday at 5:31 PM
So what was going on at the Field of Celebrant?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:31 PM
Good times by all? Ehrr... I'll have to grab my book, brb :wink:
VardaYesterday at 5:33 PM
hehehe - good times by all. Must be true! If you like to fight and apparently we gamers do.
The Field of Celebrant was the green land between the Silverlode and Limlight rivers.
Those of you that play LotRO may have been there too.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:35 PM
From what I'm reading here, the Gondorians were almost pressed into the river, and then those horse guys showed up.
VardaYesterday at 5:35 PM
yay horse guys!
They were terrifying. The invaders panicked and ran, the horse riders in pursuit.
A charge of horsemen is like thunder, shaking the ground, and they look really big. They don't look like something you can scare off.
They saved the Gondorians.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:39 PM
Not even if you yell really loudly at them.
VardaYesterday at 5:39 PM
Can't hear over the hooves! Eh, what did you scream?

Not many people were left in that area, so Cirion gave the land over to their rescuers.
The Plague had killed off a lot of people there, sent by Sauron.
Boy did he make a mistake killing off those people. A warrior nation settled in instead.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:40 PM
And one allied to his enemies, too.
VardaYesterday at 5:41 PM
Related, friendly, happy to be relieved of overcrowding.
Lots of grass.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:42 PM
Very nice for those horses.
VardaYesterday at 5:43 PM
This was a shockingly wonderful and unexpected gift.
Cirion and Eorl swore an oath of friendship.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:44 PM
"You have aided and saved us, and for this you will be rewarded! We have taken a look at your army and your needs, and we've found the perfect gift!"
"Behold! Grass!"
VardaYesterday at 5:44 PM
Wow, they sure are happy about it!
lol - well said, Phar.
The Rohirrim were considering going back but Dol Guldur had gotten so bad they didn't think they should. This solved their problems.
ArienVYesterday at 5:45 PM
happy horses :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 5:45 PM
: )
Don't want an angry horse snorting at you and pawing its hooves.

In later times, we see Aragorn doing something about this oath. What was it?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:48 PM
Persuade them to go help Gondor?
VardaYesterday at 5:48 PM
Well, that's not wrong.
Actually meant that he renewed the oath.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:49 PM
Ah :smile:
ArienVYesterday at 5:49 PM
Eomer did in fact :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
Aye, the two of them did as Cirion and Eorl did, renewing the oath.
ArienVYesterday at 5:50 PM
he rode with Aragorn to every battle after the war was even finished and there were a lot
VardaYesterday at 5:50 PM
ArienVYesterday at 5:50 PM
of course a contract has always two partners .. at least most peple realise that
VardaYesterday at 5:50 PM
The left-overs of Sauron's attempt at take-over left a ton of baddies out there wanting to grab land and goods.
One hopes, aye!
ArienVYesterday at 5:52 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:53 PM
Would've been tragic if those great kings and heroes gloriously defeated Sauron and then tripped and fell off their horses to their death at the first battle with the Haradrim afterwards.
VardaYesterday at 5:53 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:53 PM
War is still a risk!
VardaYesterday at 5:54 PM
Always. And  infected wounds and disease in the old days killed more than the wars did.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:54 PM
That too. But hey, apparently the king could heal, so having him nearby was handy.
VardaYesterday at 5:54 PM
One reason to follow him, closely, and keep him alive.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:55 PM
RPG gaming lesson 1. Always protect your healer.
VardaYesterday at 5:55 PM
This ability isn't mentioned outside of Aragorn's reign, yet they must have known of it.
(So I play a cleric in tabletop. Must wipe that target painting off the back of the robe sometime.)
We seem to have hit the end of our subject. Before we wander into too many tangents outside of After-meeting, shall we call it here?
Any further comments, requests to have alts brought into guild branches, etc?
ArienVYesterday at 5:57 PM
no thank you :smiley:

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:58 PM
Well, I can still mention that there was a marriage between Rohan and Gondor nobility.
VardaYesterday at 5:58 PM
ArienVYesterday at 5:58 PM
oh how could we forget that!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:58 PM
She may have set her eyes on the would-be king, at first, but the Steward was good enough :wink:
VardaYesterday at 5:58 PM
Sad it didn't show more in the movie, but at least they hinted.
He became the prince of Ithilien. : )
Funny when she mentioned to Faramir that she no longer desired to be  a queen. : )
Thank you. The marriage of Eowyn and Faramir was a wonderful bringing together of the two kingdoms.
Would he allow people to say he would marry a wild shield-maiden of the North? : )
Talk about talking neatly around the subject, she did it well.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:01 PM
I'm sure it was a union to be proud of, for him as well :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 6:01 PM
He definitely said he would. : )
The only downside of the whole thing was the difference in longevity, and also shortening the lifespan of Faramir's line.
But he considered it worth it.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:02 PM
The stewards were nowhere near up to the kings and rangers, anyway.
I think?
VardaYesterday at 6:03 PM
He was still Numenorean, and he was the head of the southern Rangers, as Aragorn was of the northern Rangers.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:03 PM
I don't think Boromir and Faramir were in their 80s at the time of the war.
VardaYesterday at 6:03 PM
Aye. Faramir and Sam shared a birthday.
But they were Numenorean.
the gavel marches up to the hammerpad and bows
It was a very low bow.
and returns.

Free chat.

ArienVYesterday at 6:05 PM
Funny enough .. a marriage between the old Kingdom of Rovanion and Gondor was the start of what sas to become known as the kin -strife
VardaYesterday at 6:06 PM
And this was the opposite. Kin-friendlies?
ArienVYesterday at 6:06 PM
quite ironic
VardaYesterday at 6:06 PM
A healing.
ArienVYesterday at 6:06 PM
indeed so that old rift was healed indeed :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:06 PM
I wonder if Tolkien intended that to go full circle.
VardaYesterday at 6:06 PM
Good catch!
Most likely. He showed the concept of healing all over the ending parts of the story.
He stated that he wanted us to catch a lot of things by inference. He trusted us to use our brains, and it makes re-reads even more fun.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:09 PM
So much left to know :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 6:09 PM
Food for many more chats!
VardaYesterday at 6:20 PM
Namarie for now. Hope to be back on later.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:21 PM
ArienVYesterday at 6:35 PM
Namarie :smiley:

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:29 PM
K, personal gaming report!

For flashgaming.. hmm, not much choice this week, but I've got 3 games for you :smiley: is the first... a short silly waking up simulator, with a bunch of small minigame-like things.
    Good Morning -
Music seems kinda familiar, but not sure where from...
VardaYesterday at 7:39 PM
Back. : )

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:41 PM is the second game! A platformer with 2 buttons: Jump and slide. So go over obstacles, or slide under them :smiley: Grab stars, make it to the end. Nice music, and twisty levels :smiley:
    Light it Up - is another platformer, but with only one button! Time  your jumps and go constantly upward from level to level, while being pushed around or waiting for other things to happen.
    Upward -

Blizzard gaming:
Diablo 3:
Found some time! Did the first 4 bounty acts. Found some extra shoulders for the reward set along the way, so when I get the next few pieces I can transform one of the shoulders into hopefully chest or pants, to get the 6-piece bonus early, since the seasonal bonus this time around is needing one less piece for your set bonuses.
So with one bounty act away from completing chapter 3, I'm possibly some materials grinding away from finishing chapter 4 quite easily.
Heroes of the Storm:
Still level 336. The news about the soon-coming shifting of roles has me intrigued; so far I've kept a combination of each franchise and role active for the quests, and if the roles are redefined I might need to learn quite a few new heroes pretty quickly.
Brawl this week is a single-lane in the Lost Cavern. Had some good heroes, but the only game out of 3 I won was with with Jaina who I'd only played 1 or 2 times before. And still managed to get MVP of the match, so that was interesting. Maybe the hero just suits me :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:31 PM
Still chugging along, playing catch up on some classes that were behind.  Brawl this week is an interesting one: Choose 4 cards, opponent gets to ban one, you get a deck made of the other 3. With the right cards, even without the banned one you'll have a good time! I needed to get some xp on the rogue, so looked up a fun rogue deck for it with stacking mechs. Didn't take too long to win one :wink:
Now got over 1000 gold saved, will need about thrice as much for the upcoming adventure. We'll get there!
Raiding is continuing, with poking the fifth bossfight, conclave of the loa. It's a tough one, with lots of abilities to watch out for, and we're trying to keep them from overlapping. I'm sure we'll get there!
For old raiding we had our first poke at the new pets from the Pandaria raids, and I got 3 out of 11 already :smiley:
The little mogu statue Baoh-Xi, an amber wasp called Amberglow Stinger, and a kunchong, Spawn of Garalon. That one's my favorite so far; I remember facing Garalon in the Mists of Pandaria expansion and people commenting about how my druid's name Calaron is similar to him, so I felt related to the boss, and named the spawn Caralon for nostalgia's sake :smiley:
But got more pets than that! A Kindleweb Spiderling from expeditions, and a Tiny Direhorn and a Swamp Toad from pet charms. Collection steadily growing as the charms keep rolling in :smiley:
The weekly quest is battlegrounds, and to do that I poked the brawl a few times, which was Arathi Basin versus an advanced AI team, similar to expedition enemies. They're not exactly pushovers, but if you can drive them back to a single spawnpoint or base you can pretty much lock them in and claim the rest of the map.
Pretty fun to get my 4 wins that way :smiley: PvP without PvP, who can ask for more?
Finally been doing a few more world quests, and I now have over 600 service medals. the 750 medal mount is in sight... I've also been doing the calligraphy world quest every day, for practice and hopefully a bit of luck; I managed to "master" the square for the achievement with some raid markings in the corners, and kinda lucked out with circle after that, which I'm happy about. Only triangle left, which shouldn't take too many tries. It should be the easiest, but there's an annoying rock in the path. Still, we'll see what happens with more raid markings :smiley:
And that's my report for the week!

VardaYesterday at 8:43 PM
Thanks, Phar : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:12 PM
VardaYesterday at 9:12 PM
Namarie Phar