Valar Guild

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Contact Information:

The website is currently under reconstruction. Feel free to tell Varda about a problem to help prioritize it.

    Email: varda.elentari (AT)
    Email: deneltir (AT)

For general questions or if uncertain whom to contact, email Varda.
Send Community questions to Varda.
Send Tolkien Site questions and material to Varda.
Send general News to Varda.
Send Game reviews and updates to Eonwe. (Games Site currently being reworked.)
Send Forum questions to Eonwe.
Send World of WarCraft (WoW) and other non-LotRO game questions to Eonwe. Main branch is on Lothar server for Alliance, another branch on Uldaman for Horde. He is also on Lord of the Rings Online.
Send Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO) game questions to Varda, kin leader for all three branches. Main branch is on Landroval server (role-play encouraged, not required). We have other branches on Crickhollow (regular server), and the Legendary server Treebeard.
Send EVE Online questions to Pallando. (Discord or email)
Send Guild Wars 2 questions to Irmo or Miriel. (Discord or email.) They are no longer operating on Guild Wars 2.

Meetings are every Sunday at 5pm Eastern Standard Time on Discord in Valar Guild /meeting_place text where you may contact some of the officers and members; Varda and Eonwe are almost always present.
We include a shoutbox on our forum as well as the normal posting methods.
The Membership page gives more contact information.
