The Riddle Game

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Riddles

Eru-(Valar)'s Riddles

Tolkien Site > Quizes > Poetry > Forum > Riddle Game > H&LotR Riddles > Eru > Sil Riddles > Eru

He once went there and back again
And Smaug the Golden soon was slain
In Erebor's depths he found the Stone,
Where Thorin once had made his home,
The armies five came for the gold,
And there in a story oft-times told,
The Oakenshield fell upon the field,
And Bolg's fate was finally sealed.
The job done, to home he did go,
To number five, Bagshot Row.

The Mouse's answer.


The hammers rang in Durin's home,
In endless halls of carven stone,
They toiled and dug in the nameless Deep,
And awakened a terror from it's sleep,
Which slew the Kings and broke the stone,
Until they fled their sacred Throne.

The Mouse's answer.


Plate and bottle, bowl and spoon,
They danced and sang beneath the moon,
Their wooly heads raised high with song,
These charming little folk to the Shire belong!

The Mouse's answer.


The sire his name was Nahar the great,
who fathered the line which stood at the Gate,
and faced the wrath of the Morgul Lord,
as Gondor fell by axe and sword.

The Mouse's answer.

