The Riddle Game
Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Riddles
Ancalagon-(V)'s Riddles
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No man am I and no man is me,
Two arms ever embrace me,
But no being has visited me.
Tall I stand, but without feet
Yet still I wade the River deep.
Ages old I've weathered like stone
And but for the birds, alone.
The Mouse's answer.
Tall I was raised on an arm of black
Fingers I have but a body I lack
With my grip of stone I hold naught
In cunning and malice was I wrought
To the North I'm turned purposefully
But with my master there I'll never be
White I was in days of pride
Red I turned when broken I lied
The Mouse's answer.
Earth as my blanket
Cool and dark to my delight
Stinker unaware
The Mouse's answer.
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