Poetry > Hoegard Harfoot's Poetry > Hoegard Harfoot's Gaming Poetry > Ode to a Berry Tart

Ode to a Berry Tart

by Hoegard Harfoot
April 1, 2010

Oh Strawberry a bright hue of red a taste of you is a delight one need not dread,
Oh Blueberry so juicy and blue I spend hours just waiting for a big bite of you,
Oh Raspberry all red I wish with each thought in my head that I could make you my main dish,
Oh Blackberry you make me all light and merry as I marvel at your dark hue,
Each and every one is delectably tasty pie like fun,
So I made this rhyme to honor for a time these sweet treats so small and neat, and thus do I impart my love of the tart.