Valar Guild's Guild-Wide Story

Part One

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From Eonwe-(Valar) Part 1:
Sept. 29, 2001

        Meneltir awoke to the songs of many birds.  Morning seemed to come earlier here.  Some of his earliest memories were of the shore of Cuivienen, but his people had moved eastward long ago.  His family had decided not to go into the West with the Valar. 
    After the great battle in the North and the capture of he whom the Valar named Melkor, the forests around Cuivienen were safer for a long time.  The Valar summoned the Elves to come into the West, and after the Elves’ three ambassadors returned and spoke for departure, the greater part of the Elves were swayed.  There were many of the peoples of Finwë and Elwë who did not go, however.  His family was of Finwë’s people.  Several years after the others had left for Aman, a group of his people went into the eastern forests.
    Meneltir rubbed his forehead and descended the flet.  “Hmm,” he thought.  “I’ve been dreaming of Cuivienen again.”
    Many years had passed since his childhood.  Great lights had since come into the sky to mark clearly day and night.  Rumors had come that Melkor had returned.  Other rumors told tales of deeds done by the sons of Finwë, who had also returned.  But those rumors were of lands far to the North and West.  What most concerned Meneltir and his hunters were the reports from people in his own lands.  A few years ago by the reckoning of Elves, a new people came into the forest, one not seen before the Sun first rose.  These were the least of the Elves’ troubles, for it was clear these were children of Eru, potential allies and friends.  No, the fashioning of metal into swords and armor were not to protect against these Atani.  Years before they had come, evil beasts that once roamed this land began to return.  But now, new beasts came with them, more cunning and dangerous than the first.
    Meneltir kneeled down at the stream and splashed water in his face.  It had been a while since he felt the cool refreshing liquid on his face.  He took a drink, then filled his water skin.  Another elf came up to the stream.
    “You should hurry up or you’ll miss breakfast,”  the elf said, smiling.
    “I’ll be there shortly,” Meneltir replied, taking another drink.  “You should get your fill of fresh water while you can Drondin.  Today’s hunt will lead us into lesser-known lands, and what water we find there may be unsafe to drink.”
    “I will soon enough, brother.  But first I thought I’d see how you are doing. That orc’s mace hit you pretty hard last night.”
    Meneltir rubbed his head again.  “Aside from a headache, I am fine.  One of the few times I was happy to be wearing a helm.  How are the others?”
    Drondin answered, “From our hunting party, 3 wounded besides yourself.  Nothing that will slow us down when we follow the orcs though.  They were unprepared, but we were still lucky there were only orcs.  This Melkor in the North seems determined to keep us from teaching these Atani.”
    “I think we are the least of his worries, but it does seem he has plans for the younger race.  What of our friends? The group that joined our ambush last night. How did they fare?”
    “Two wounded, one casualty.  They are bearing him home already.”
    Meneltir bowed his head for a moment, then stood up.  “Well, let’s join the others and eat quickly.  The orcs won’t be moving fast, but the sooner we overtake them, the better.”
    The two joined the rest of their hunting party.  Breakfast was short but pleasant.  Afterwards, they finished packing and strapped on their weapons.  Some, like Meneltir, carried swords as well as bows.  Others carried long knives instead.  They were all dressed


Next writer takes over! Part Two