Valar Guild's Guild-Wide Story

Dramatis Personae

Story > How-To > Characters

Dramatis Personae thus far:

Meneltir, leader of a group of Avari which the humans call Hisildi. Point-of-View (pov) character in first installment. Son of Nuin. Brother of Drondin and Tilinde. Member of Finwe's people.
Drondin, Meneltir's and Tilinde's brother
Tilindë, Meneltir's and Drondin's sister

Hisilde - people of Hisilome (Quenya word) also called Hithlum (Sindarin word).

Beotir, leader of a group of Atani (men) of the branch of Elmir.


Nuin, father of Meneltir and Tilindë, celebrity who taught the first Men under the first light of the Sun, rumour that he went to Tuvo near Cuivienen.
Tuvo, legendary wizard, said once upon a time to have led the Elves and first Men in the East to fight against the creatures of Melkor.
Avari - elves who refused the call of the Valar to Valinor and remained in Middle-earth

Elmon and Elmir, among the first Atani to walk the earth, pupils of Nuin.

Valar - the leaders of the Ainur, the first beings created by Eru who sang things into existence.

Melkor - the Dark Lord. Corrupt Vala, brother of Manwe. Feanor angrily called him Morgoth, a name which stuck.
Balarogar - elf word for balrogs. Humans in our story called them fire-demons and believed them undefeatable. Maiar of Melkor. Seduced by their love of power and seeing Melkor as the greatest power.
Orcs - servants of Melkor, corrupted and forced into his service
