Hurin Thalion was Lord of Dor-Lomin and vassal of
Fingon, cursed by Melkor for his defiance.
Hurin's father was Galdor, Lord of Dor-lomin (in
the Silmarillion) who was the son of Hador, to whom Fingolfin
the lordship of Dor-Lomin and who became the mightiest chieftain of the
Edain. Hador Goldenhead’s descendents are mostly blonde and blue-eyed,
in stature.
Hurin’s mother was Hareth, the daughter of Halmir of
Brethil who was the Lord of the Haladin (the people of Haleth, a hardy
woodland folk).
Hurin’s brother was Huor, the father of Tuor whose
son was Earendil. Earendil's twin sons were Elrond, Lord of Rivendell
and Elros, first King of Numenor.
Hurin’s wife was Morwen, daughter of Baragund
of Barahir, father of Beren) of the house of Beor, those men of dark or
brown hair and gray eyes most like the elves, great in mind and skill
Hurin’s son was Turin, the Bane of Glaurung.
Hurin’s daughter was Nienor,
also known as Niniel who under Glaurung’s spell married Turin. The two
descendents of Hurin therefore have a lineage from all three Houses of
Hador, Beor, and Haldad/Haleth.
Reference: Silmarillion