
Lived during the Second Age.


by Varda-(Valar)
August 26, 2005

    Elatan was a Numenorean of Andunie.  He must have been prominent and/or charismatic, for he married Silmarien.
    Numenor was shaped like a five-pointed star. Anudunie was located in the Andustar (Westlands), the western point of the star. The northern part of the Andustar was rocky and had three bays. The northernmost bay was the Bay of Andunie, named for the great haven of Andunie (Sunset). The main part of the town was by the shore, a shelf at the feet of the highlands, but many dwellings went also up the steep slopes.
    Silmarien was the oldest of the three children of Tar-Elendil, who was the fourth King of Numenor.  Tar-Elendil passed the Ring of Barahir to Silmarien. Her younger sister was Isilme, and the youngest of the King's children was Meneldur, who became the fifth King of Numenor. Meneldur was good and wise, not proud, with a bent towards astronomy and the ability to sense certain things of the future.  At that time, women were skipped in the line of sucession, or Silmarien would have been Queen of Numenor, which would have made Elatan the next King instead of Meneldur.
     Elatan and Silmarien had a son, Valandil, who became the first Lord of Andunie. The Lords of Andunie were of the Faithful, and were the advisors to the Kings of Numenor. From Valandil came the lines of the Kings of Arnor and Gondor.
    With such children, and the ability to attract the sister of Meneldur, Elatan could be expected to have shown similar traits, such as goodness, wisdom, and faithfulness to the Valar and friendly feeling towards the Eldar. He would, as other Numenoreans, have been very tall, hair black or very dark, and grey-eyed.
    Elatan is not mentioned in the more condensed discussion of the Lords of Andunie in the Silmarillion, but is mentioned in the Unfinished Tales.

    "A Description of Numenor", "A Description of Numenor: Notes", "Aldarion and Erendis", Unfinished Tales