Amillo aka Ómar

by Elatan-(T)
October 2, 2000

Amillo, also known as Ómar, was the last and youngest of the Valar to enter the realm of Arda.

Amillo is the brother of Salmar and like Salmar he is into music. When Amillo entered Arda he came singing and to him are the mysteries of sound and speech of the greatest joy, and in that he finds his pleasure. According to the old legends whispered in the wind he knows every tongue and every song, and none have a better voice than he. Amillo finds happiness singing in the dusk of the great woods of Oromë while his brother is playing the tunes on his harp. Sometimes, if you are silent, you even might hear the feet of the little maiden Nielíqui softly touch the grass beneith Laurelin as she dances to the music.