Thranduil the Elvenking

by The Bohemian Weasel

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Tolkien Encyclopedia > Thranduil

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Hobbit Illumination - Thranduil
Hobbit Illumination - Thranduil the Elf-king

Hobbit ‘Illuminations’:
with European medieval illuminations and bookplates as an inspiration,
this was an experiment to create illustrations that
 might look like they came from the books of Middle-earth itself.

16 x 24 cms, very mixed media on heavyweight, coldpress watercolour paper.

detail - Thranduil
detail from the painting on the left.

Thranduil - work in progress 1
work in progress -
in the beginning with newly added lettering
Thranduil - work in progress 2
work in progress -
after re-drawing his face and
aesthetically demolishing parts of the frame
Thranduil - work i n progress 3
work in progress -
the fun fiddly line-work begins
Thranduil - work in progress 4
work in progress -
detail of the face. There’s a lot of eyelash love in this drawing.

History of Thranduil
History of Thranduil

click image for full-sized picture

The Elvenking in Winter

The Elvenking in Winter
(book version)
click image for full picture

"But there was in Thranduil's heart a still deeper shadow. He had seen the horror of Mordor and could not forget it."
Unfinished Tales, JRR Tolkien

The Elvenking in Winter (book version)
Finished (finally) and while there's still some snow on the ground.
Acrylics, pure silver leaf, and 22k gold leaf on paper; 21x29 cms.
March 4, 2018

The original is spoken for, but there are prints etc available here.

Thranduil the Elvenking
Thranduil the Elvenking

31 Days of drawing, Day 5. The prompt: ‘A movie/TV character drawn in a cartoony way‘

Even though he’s first and foremost a book character, the movie version makes a good subject: Thranduil.
As a ‘cartoon’ it’s a failure: too many lines by about five-bajillion lines, and peculiarly Byzantine, but I like it anyway. :)
But I still (really) need to practise drawing cartoons and other simplified, non OCD things.
Inks and liquid leaf on scatty cardstock. 8×10″


The challenge art above, in full glory.

Thranduil Enthroned
Thranduil Enthroned

Finished: Thranduil upon his throne,
Acrylics, gold leaf, tiny red crystals (in the crown), and sass: 8.3x11.5"

In his crown alone there's so much gold leaf that dragons are gathering outside my studio. Though they're poor appreciators of art, they just sit on it.
July 3, 2016

work in progress for Thranduil Enthroned
"colour sketch" for work in progress for Thranduil Enthroned
Click to enlarge

A fan asked how is this a "sketch" and what is the gold ball instrument to the right of the sketch?
Soni's reply July 1, 2016:
"Well it started as a sketch, but then reasons and things and happenings. And gold, because maybe I'm a Dwarf? I don't know.
Speaking of which, the golden ball thing is a wax crucible pen thing (I don't know what it's called) for batik, but works very well at buffing gold and irregular surfaces to make them smooth and shiny."
