
by The Bohemian Weasel

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See also Éowyn

"Eomer searching for Theodred" by The Bohemian Weasel
"Find the King's son!"

Éomer searching in the rain for Théodred or his body.

Éomer bears Théodred before him.
Éomer bears Théodred before him.

Éomer: ‘Everywhere his spies slip past our nets..’
‘Everywhere his spies slip past our nets..’

Eomer: Hope has abandoned these lands
‘Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope.
Hope has abandoned these lands.’’

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"Eomer" by The Bohemian Weasel

"Eomer" by The Bohemian Weasel

Éomer and Éowyn before Théoden
Éomer and Éowyn before Théoden.
‘Your son is badly wounded, my lord..’

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Éomer and Éowyn, brother and sister
Éomer and Éowyn, brother and sister

Éomer: "Warmongering?!"
"Eomer during the drinking game" by The Bohemian Weasel
"Éomer explains the drinking game." (movie)
‘No pauses, no spills.’

see also:
"He can't hold his liquor!"

Éomer - Paths of the Dead
‘The horses grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain’
'None who venture there ever return.'

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Éomer finds Éowyn
Éomer finds his sister by the fallen body of his uncle Théoden.

Eomer, Horse Lord
Éomer, Horse Lord

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"Eomer at the coronation" by The Bohemian Weasel
Éomer at the coronation.
