Guild Roster Sorted By Class
Click on a member's Guild Name to see them on the Valar Guild's Membership Page.
There are 5 members playing 67 characters.
Numbers for Classes, Races, Level Ranges, and Professions can be seen on the tabs when the characters are sorted by those criteria.
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Falco | Lgrad | Beorning | 121 |
Falco | Ljbelgmath | Beorning | 97 |
Falco | Ljdorbarn | Beorning | 85 |
Falco | Ljfalco | Beorning | 8 |
Falco | Ljnefkald | Beorning | 85 |
Falco | Ljolath | Beorning | 85 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Falco | Ljalex | Man | 150 |
Falco | Ljasher | Stout-axe Dwarf | 150 |
Falco | Ljharam | Man | 19 |
Falco | Ljkrax | Man | 150 |
Falco | Ljram | River Hobbit | 150 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Arien | Ariemond | Hobbit | 17 |
Falco | Ljberg | River Hobbit | 140 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Arien | Arandros | Man | 27 |
Arien | Arienrod | High Elf | 53 |
Eonwe | Calasulo | High Elf | 24 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Varda | Gilbrenniel | Man | 20 |
Varda | Gilbrennil | Man | 24 |
Varda | Gilbrennilin | Man | 15 |
Falco | Ljarghad | High Elf | 85 |
Falco | Ljothborn | Man | 150 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Arien | Telranthir | High Elf | 20 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Falco | Ljbalbo | High Elf | 61 |
Falco | Ljnerstir | High Elf | 147 |
Falco | Ljnorbor | Stout-axe Dwarf | 150 |
Varda | Tinwetari | Hobbit | 26 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Arien | Ariennrod | High Elf | 15 |
Varda | Audhilde | Dwarf | 20 |
Varda | Audhildea | Dwarf | 44 |
Varda | Audhildie | Dwarf | 38 |
Varda | Baradda | Stout-axe Dwarf | 21 |
Varda | Fanheri | High Elf | 16 |
Varda | Fanuilos | High Elf | 23 |
Falco | Ljgagovor | High Elf | 150 |
Falco | Ljgawar | High Elf | 89 |
Varda | Lonorin | Dwarf | 21 |
Varda | Tintallien | High Elf | 22 |
Guild Name | Character Name | Race | Level |
Arien | Arienildir | High Elf | 18 |
Arien | Ilaknat | Stout-axe Dwarf | 24 |