Sunday, July 21, 2024
5:00pm Eastern Time
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place
Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
Topic: Can we see how Tolkien contrasted courage through loyal service with arrogant desire for glory?
[3:55 PM]Varda: : )
[3:58 PM]Varda: Two minutes
[4:01 PM]Varda: Aiya!
[4:01 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya!
[4:01 PM]Varda: @Bounder @Guild-friend Valar Guild meeting time, yay! Come say hi. : )
[4:01 PM]Varda: Aiya Phar : )
[4:01 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Arien poked
[4:01 PM]Varda: Thanks!
[4:03 PM]Arien Valar: Aiya all
[4:03 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Aiya!
[4:04 PM]Pallando-Valar: aiya
[4:04 PM]Eönwë Valar: Heya.
[4:06 PM]Varda: Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
[4:06 PM]Varda: Membership:
[4:07 PM]Varda: Aiya Phar, Arien, Pallando, and Eonwe! Thank you for meeting up today.
[4:08 PM]Varda: It's the people that make up a thing, not the things that they meet in, whether a building or a monitor screen. You are the important part.
[4:08 PM]Varda: My apologies for not being around much lately. You know about the power outages from Hurricane Beryl, and the fallen trees that caused so much of the power outages.
[4:09 PM]Varda: We here were out for a week and had a lot of clean-up afterwards.
[4:09 PM]Varda: I apologize again for not having put up the most recent transcript (but it will happen!) although the one previous to it is now up. No fault but my own.
[4:10 PM]Varda: Any other membership news?
[4:10 PM]Varda: Web:
[4:10 PM]Varda: Web kind of got mixed up with Membership above. : )
[4:10 PM]Varda: Gaming:
[4:11 PM]Varda: Happy to report that we did get into a bit of gaming the last couple of days even here.
[4:11 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Oh, membership: back from vacation
[4:11 PM]Varda: Here's hoping all of you had a chance to as well!
[4:11 PM]Varda: Welcome back, Phar! Hope you're now raring to go, in great shape.
[4:12 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Eh, sunburned and with a bit of an inner ear infection, but I'm doing better than yesterday!
[4:12 PM]Arien Valar: where have you been Phari?
[4:12 PM]Varda: Sounds beachy
[4:13 PM]Sandalf13: Aiya All, I say breathlessly....just got back from a trip to New York and Boston for a busy four days...Hard to believe I was in Boston, MA yesterday, for the memorial service for my cousin...and in New York this morning...I did manage to get to the beach at Jones Beach, NY, on Thursday, photos attached. For you European types, the ships in the far distance on the ocean photos are leaving New York Harbor fo Europe, most likely.
[4:13 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Just a small lake near the middle of the country.
[4:13 PM]Sandalf13: (Discord images)
[4:13 PM]Varda: Lakes are wonderful. : )
[4:13 PM]Arien Valar: nice and welcome Sandalf !
[4:13 PM]Varda: Thank you for the photos, Sandalf. wiggles toes in the sand
[4:14 PM]Sandalf13: Some pretty beach flowers in the dunes on the backshore side of the berach...
[4:14 PM]Sandalf13: (Discord images)
[4:16 PM]Varda: (There are toes!)
[4:16 PM]Sandalf13: Yes. My two right feet. Sorry they got inb the way.
[4:16 PM]Varda: Adds fun and scale. : )
[4:17 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Oh, that's what that is. I thought it was another flower half on the picture.
[4:17 PM]Varda: Flowery toes!
[4:17 PM]Varda: On to
[4:17 PM]Varda: Gaming!
[4:17 PM]Varda: Eonwe seems to be away at the moment.
[4:18 PM]Varda: hefts gavel
[4:18 PM]Varda: World of Warcraft:
[4:18 PM]Varda: This week's bonus event: Warlords of Draenor Timewalking.
[4:18 PM]Varda: This week's PvP Brawl: Classic Ashran.
[4:18 PM]Varda: World Bosses for Season of Discovery Phase 4 are now live.
[4:19 PM]Varda: Season of Discovery Phase 4: World Bosses Now Live
[4:19 PM]Varda: WoW Classic: Rise of the Zandalari goes live July 30th.
[4:19 PM]Varda: Check out This Week in WoW.
[4:20 PM]Varda: Check out this week's hotfixes.
[4:20 PM]Varda: (Feel free to break in with additional info on a game being mentioned!)
[4:21 PM]Varda: Diablo 4:
[4:21 PM]Varda: A new class is coming with the expansion: the Spiritborn.
[4:22 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: For WoW, it would seem the CE is starting to ship for the next expansion. Mine should arrive soon, then
[4:22 PM]Varda: Nice!
[4:22 PM]Varda: Hearthstone:
[4:22 PM]Varda: Patch 30.0 came out this week.
[4:23 PM]Varda: Perils in Paradise goes live July 23rd and with it comes a rewards track refresh.
[4:23 PM]Varda: Heroes of the Storm:
[4:23 PM]Varda: A new patch is on the PTR (Public Test Realm).
[4:24 PM]Varda: Thank you to Eonwe for all the info above!
[4:24 PM]Varda: The Valar Guild Games Site
[4:24 PM]Varda: Lord of the Rings Online:
[4:25 PM]Varda: Some rough areas in the underground Umbar island, especially the southwest. A friend can be helpful there.
Landroval branch
Crickhollow branch:
Treebeard branch:
[4:26 PM]Varda: Any other general gaming news? This group plays many games and not all have been given comments yet.
[4:27 PM]Varda: Tabletop gaming with Sauron-(Valar) as DM continues in Rogue Trader Warhammer 40K, with two guild-friends [Note: Tolkien-onlies, pardon] and myself, knocked out now and then by weather.
[4:27 PM]Arien Valar: i have had a stint in Rift after a long time yesterday which was fun
[4:28 PM]Varda: Neato!
[4:28 PM]Varda: See much difference from your last time in Rift?
[4:29 PM]Arien Valar: not really since i havent been in the end game areas .. i dont have high level characters anymore .. just at lvl 39 with my cleric hehe
[4:29 PM]Arien Valar: so still in Mathosia and catching up with fishiing and armorsmithing
[4:29 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Came home to find an update in Warcraft Rumble. Can't find what exactly was in the update, but the new Cenarius family units appear to be in the database, though I've no idea if you can already get them. Certainly haven't shown up in the grid for me yet. [Note: Some but not all season 7 features were delayed.]
[4:30 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: But continue
[4:30 PM]Arien Valar: it s gone a bit more quiet since i plaid last , so they are closing one of the european shards and recommending my home shard Typhosia
[4:30 PM]Arien Valar: for transfer
[4:31 PM]Arien Valar: that s about it oh yeah the summer festival is still running there aside various other open world events
[4:31 PM]Arien Valar: continue Xavier
[4:34 PM]Varda: um, I game sometimes with Xaviervonhoot, took a sec. : )
[4:35 PM]Sandalf13: What a hoot that must be...
[4:35 PM]Varda: He is. : )
[4:35 PM]Arien Valar: a hootsman so to say ~
[4:35 PM]Varda: : )
[4:36 PM]Varda: Any other stuff you wanted to mention? Requests? Items for the kin chest? Invites?
[4:37 PM]Varda: There was something else but it slip slided away.
[4:37 PM]Varda: On to
[4:37 PM]Varda: Tolkien!
[4:38 PM]Arien Valar: YouTube - The Hollywood Hootsman
[4:38 PM]Varda: heh
[4:38 PM]Varda: I ran across this comment:
[4:38 PM]Varda: Tolkien contrasted courage through loyal service with arrogant desire for glory.
[4:39 PM]Arien Valar: sorry Varda couldnt resist carry on
[4:39 PM]Varda: It was under a lot of examples of contrasted ideas in Tolkien, but that one caught my attention.
[4:39 PM]Sandalf13: Like pride versus hubris (arrogant pride)
[4:40 PM]Varda: It was fun, Arien, thanks. : ) Xav is a gentleman and very knowledgeable about the game, helps many people, so it's kind of fun to give him a mention. Guild-friend for decades.
[4:40 PM]Varda: Aye, Sandalf.
[4:40 PM]Varda: This is a quote from the same thing:
[4:40 PM]Varda: While Sam follows Frodo out of loyalty and would die for him, Boromir is driven by pride in his desire for the Ring, and would risk the lives of others for his personal glory.
[4:40 PM]Sandalf13: Tolkien was very familiar with Greek tragedy, no doubt, where pride and hubris are continually contrasted one with the other.
[4:41 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: That's a bit harsh on Boromir. He was under the honest impression the Ring could help defend Gondor.
[4:41 PM]Varda: Aye, and with real life including the military and the university where it also shows in great contrast.
[4:41 PM]Sandalf13: Hubris leads to downfall and tragedy, whereas pride *(courage through loyal service) leads to true glory.
[4:42 PM]Varda: Aye, Phar, and the Ring played with his belief like a fracture in a rock. Boromir realized quickly that he had been influenced, but it was too late.
[4:42 PM]Sandalf13: But he did manage to savlage his soul, at the end, yes?
[4:42 PM]Varda: Brilliantly redeemed himself!
[4:43 PM]Varda: His tremendous effort may have helped save the Ring from being followed, without that being the main intent.
[4:43 PM]Varda: Why was he going to so much effort to save two Hobbits?
[4:44 PM]Varda: Merry and Pippin with Boromir's help decoyed from Frodo and Sam who were not far away.
[4:44 PM]Varda: Anyway, for credit for today's thought:
[4:44 PM]Varda: Wiki - Themes of The Lord of the Rings.
[4:46 PM]Varda: Loyalty to the point of ultimate self-sacrifice compared to raising up oneself at the expense of others. Gandalf and Sauron?
[4:46 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I've never really seen pride in itself as a good thing, though it's probably related to confidence vs arrogance... loyalty's good though.
[4:48 PM]Sandalf13: That is a good point, Ar....however, simple pride in oneself can result in confidence in one's ability to accomplish things. That is a good thing. A person without any sense of pride in her/his own being will never be a success, or a help to anyone else. TOO MUCH pride, on the other hand, is definitely a negative...leading to arrogance, lack of empathy for others, and other outrageous consequences. That is a bad thing. So. Like everything else in life, balance is required...pride is good, overweening (I love that Old English word) pride is deadly.
[4:49 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I suppose it has its uses, yes.
[4:50 PM]Sandalf13: You are a Valar member of the Guild! How did you achieve that accomplishment? Every time you start a new game, or continue an old one, you are displaying some pride in your own abilities to get things done...that is the right kind of pride, and necessary for you to lead a happy and successful life.
[4:51 PM]Sandalf13: You have a lot to be proud about, in other words...
[4:52 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Maybe. But I don't like to call it pride, in any case.
[4:52 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Something closer to... contentment, while acknowledging there can be done better.
[4:52 PM]Sandalf13: Perhaps that is just semantics.
[4:52 PM]Arien Valar: Point taken , Sandalf :)
[4:52 PM]Varda: The word "pride" has been misused a lot. Often conflated with "hubris".
[4:52 PM]Sandalf13: But they are SO different, as I noted above...
[4:53 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I wouldn't boast about anything, in any case
[4:53 PM]Varda: Frodo felt pride for the Shire, so much that he loved it and wanted to save it even at the cost of doing an "adventure".
[4:53 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Pride for something or someone else is probably safer than pride in one's self. Though it can still be dangerous if taken too far.
[4:53 PM]Varda: Boasting runs into hubris. Not to be confused with necessary self or group marketing.
[4:54 PM]Sandalf13: Good for you, Ar! You have the right kind of pride...
[4:54 PM]Varda: Anything taken too far is exactly that - too far. You're right. Trick is to catch oneself before going over the brink.
[4:54 PM]Arien Valar: hybris has always the centering on one self as aim, risks everything at no matter the cost. and the prize is always eternal glory or at least the aim , which might not always be reached
[4:55 PM]Arien Valar: of course of one self
[4:55 PM]Varda: Self-only, aye.
[4:57 PM]Arien Valar: you might also use an achievement for the encouragement and success of an undertaking or encouragement
[4:58 PM]Varda: Stepping stones.
[4:58 PM]Arien Valar: use for the achievement of a difficult target or quest
[4:59 PM]Varda: Pride (not hubris) might be better said to be "confidence" from having made prior successes. Thus, the stair steps to something harder.
[4:59 PM]Varda: Another quote:
[4:59 PM]Varda: Tolkien stated in The Monsters and the Critics that he was inspired by the apocalyptic Norse legend of Ragnarök, where the gods know that they are doomed in their final battle for the world, but go to fight anyway. Frodo and Sam share this "northern courage", knowing they have little prospect of returning home from their mission to Mount Doom
[4:59 PM]Varda: End quote
[5:00 PM]Varda: So a person sees something that needs done despite cost to self and does it. This can be tiny or huge.
[5:00 PM]Sandalf13: The pride/hubris contrast in Tolkien
[5:00 PM]Varda: We see it a lot in Tolkien.
[5:00 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: That is definitely admirable.
[5:00 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Actually, if hubris is self-only, what is it called if you're overly prideful of your family or country?
[5:01 PM]Varda: What you just said: "overly".
[5:01 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Surely it's the same negative function as hubris?
[5:01 PM]Arien Valar: rt
[5:01 PM]Arien Valar: too much
[5:01 PM]Varda: Being proud of something good means one is willing to care for it and defend it. Overmuch can cause one to get crazy and try to extend it over those who want something else.
[5:01 PM]Sandalf13: The pride/hubris contrast in Tolkien's writing is a theme he wove in and out of the Legendarium. I looked at some of its ramifications in my Chapter on Aragorn/Sherlock Holmes and Denethor...if any of you ever read those, let me know what you think about my analysis.
[5:02 PM]Varda: Chapter link
[5:02 PM]Sandalf13: Patriotism is the last resort of scoundrels...
[5:02 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Hmm, I guess I wouldn't conflate "caring for" with "being proud of" myself, but as you say, perhaps just semantics.
[5:03 PM]Varda: It's the baggage associated with the words.
[5:03 PM]Varda: Thus choosing one's words is important, but very difficult! All have good and bad weights.
[5:03 PM]Arien Valar: shall do .. very interesting since i love listening to Sherlock Holmes Audiobooks and have some idea about the Master Detective 's character
[5:04 PM]Sandalf13: At the airport yesterday, I saw a young girl, maybe 9 or 10, carrying a pink bag that was labelled "emotional baggage." Very cute.
[5:04 PM]Varda: hehe : )
[5:04 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I'd feel bad for the kid if that was literal, at that age!
[5:04 PM]Sandalf13: I think she was enjoying the play on words...after all, it really was a bag she was carrying...
[5:04 PM]Varda: Each person is important, part of a web of lives and events. Pull on a web anywhere and other parts are affected. Each webline needs to be strong.
[5:04 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: nods
[5:05 PM]Varda: So be a hobbit, not an orc? : )
[5:05 PM]Varda: That is a personal choice, and we see it being made all through Tolkien. Be Beren or Caranthir? Mim or Gimli?
[5:06 PM]Sandalf13: Now let us consider Turin...was he guilty of hubris, or was he merely doomed from the start?
[5:08 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Hmm, hubris through bitterness, perhaps.
[5:08 PM]Varda: Or a combination? A push to his tendencies?
[5:09 PM]Varda: Another quote: in earlier times, power was considered to "reveal character", not alter it.
[5:09 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: As for Frodo and Sam, it certainly wasn't confidence/pride in their own abilities that pushed them forward, just being willing to try, and not wishing their task on anyone else.
[5:09 PM]Sandalf13: In the Tale of the Children of Hurin, Tolkien looks at hubris not only from Turin's perspective, but from Thingol's as well...Thingol was convinced he was secure in his kingdom, so he named a Silmaril as the bridespiece for Luthien...Was Thingol guilty of hubris? Melian correctly foresaw the consequences of Thingol's rash decision to tell Beren to fetch a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown...I would have to look up her quote to Thingol, but it was a great one...and Thingol's rash choice led to the downfall of his kingdom.
[5:09 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Good point, Varda
[5:10 PM]Varda: Kind of like anonymity when we gamed showed what we would do if we expected no real life consequence. We did a lot of choosing based on how people acted in that freedom.
[5:11 PM]Varda: Thingol also didn't want Beren to marry his daughter and cause her death thereby.
[5:11 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I'm pretty sure Thingol didn't count on Beren actually accomplishing something, so nothing would've been lost for him.
[5:12 PM]Sandalf13: Was not Turgon also, to some degree, guilty of hubris? When he overlooked Ulmo's warning that true salvation for the Elves comes from the West, not from strength in their "hidden kingdom?"
[5:12 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Certainly, too much confidence in his own kingdom's safety to heed the warning, even knowing Tuor came from Ulmo himself.
[5:12 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Too proud of his kingdom
[5:13 PM]Sandalf13: Now that was hubris...and led to the literal downfall of Turgon as a result, yes?
[5:14 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Certainly did!
[5:14 PM]Varda: Hubris causes a person to make wrong choices.
[5:14 PM]Varda: Aye.
[5:14 PM]Sandalf13: Just like Phaeton, son of Helios, who drove the chariot of the sun in Greek Mythologh...
[5:16 PM]Varda: Encyclopedia Britannica - Phaethon | Greek Mythology
[5:16 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Icarus also comes to mind!
[5:17 PM]Sandalf13: Exactly what I was thinking, Varda! We must be on the same wavelength!!!
[5:17 PM]Sandalf13:
[5:17 PM]Sandalf13: The downfall of Phaethon...
[5:18 PM]Varda: And somehow it has hit the hour and flown past it...
[5:18 PM]Sandalf13: But was Icarus guilty of hubris, or was it just a result of being young and stupid, as I was taught....
[5:18 PM]Varda: gavel flies out in an out of control tiny chariot, stopped as it clonks into the suddenly rising hammerpad.
[5:19 PM]Varda: clonnnk with reverb
[5:19 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Could be pride in the craftsmanship of his wings, I suppose. But it was certainly a matter of ambition.k
[5:19 PM]Varda: After-meeting!
[5:19 PM]Varda: Feel free to continue or not. Free chat!
[5:19 PM]Sandalf13: Sorry...What was the name of Icarus' son?
[5:19 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Icarus was the son, I think.
[5:19 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Daedalus is the dad.
[5:19 PM]Varda: Aye, Phar.
[5:20 PM]Sandalf13: Yup...Daedelus was the father, who wisely told Icarus not to fly too close to the sun...but he did anyway, I think, not out of hubris, but out of stupidity....he was only a young boy, anyway...
[5:20 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: He was definitely overconfident. Thin line in my opinion.
[5:21 PM]Varda: Aye on the thin line!
[5:21 PM]Sandalf13: As we said before, balance, balance, balance...
[5:21 PM]Varda: Aye to that! tries not to wobble
[5:21 PM]Sandalf13: Choose the narrow path between too much and too little!
[5:22 PM]Varda: Choose the path of wisdom, aye. : )
[5:22 PM]Varda: where did I mislay that wisdom...
[5:22 PM]Sandalf13: That is why I still try to do yoga twice a week....keep up with my standing on one foot poses...
[5:23 PM]Sandalf13: The older I get, the more I realize how little wisdom I is better to listen to others than to hear oneself speak, after all, I know what I am going to say, whereas I do NOT know what someone else will say, and maybe their words will impart some wisdom to me...
[5:25 PM]Sandalf13: She is much better looking than I am, and does a much nicer pose than I can, but I try!
[5:26 PM]Sandalf13: I can only get my leg up to my knee, on both sides!
[5:26 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Yoga's good, I do it as well, though I'm the youngest in my class and only male!
[5:26 PM]Sandalf13: Good on you! You are a brave man to join such a class! Congrats!
[5:27 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I.. try to be humble about it
[5:27 PM]Sandalf13: Balance (physical AND emotional) becomes more and more important as we grow older, I think.
[5:28 PM]Sandalf13: You ARE humble, Ar!
[5:30 PM]Varda: No jokes about how one is more humble than the other guy... ; )
[5:31 PM]Varda: YouTube - "Weird" Al Yankovic - Amish Paradise (Parody of "Gangsta's Paradise)
[5:31 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: ...Was just looking for that one, Varda
[5:31 PM]Varda: I'm more humble than thou art!
[5:31 PM]Varda: hehe - it just called to us.
[5:32 PM]Sandalf13: Didbn't Eonwe post that video a few weeks ago? I couldn't stop laughing when watched it!
[5:33 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: hmm, not linking to the right yarn...
[5:33 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
[5:33 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: there we go
[5:34 PM]Sandalf13: Look alikes? (Discord images)
[5:36 PM]Arien Valar: imitation is the higheest form of flattery ~
[5:37 PM]Sandalf13: Funny how two apparently dissimilar traditions look so much alike...
[5:37 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: People just like hats.
[5:38 PM]Arien Valar: well if the amish understood themselves as the true children of god they would see themselves kind of orthodox jews if you know what i mean
[5:38 PM]Sandalf13: That is me on the left... (Discord image)
[5:39 PM]Sandalf13: Black hat and all...
[5:40 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: See. People like hats.
[5:40 PM]Arien Valar: right ..time has flown by, didnt realize how late it is
[5:40 PM]Arien Valar: so friends , fellows , countrymen .. err fellow valarites i mean
[5:41 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Namarie, Arien
[5:41 PM]Arien Valar: Namarie
[5:42 PM]Varda: Namarie, Sunshine
[5:43 PM]Varda: yay hats!
[5:43 PM]Sandalf13: Namarie! Sorry I had to jump off for a minute...I too must leave for neighbor is delivering some sod that he does not need, and I need to get it planted in my yard...
[5:43 PM]Varda: And I think Eonwe probably did
[5:43 PM]Varda: yay sod!
[5:43 PM]Sandalf13: Back later! Namarie and Sei gesund!
[5:43 PM]Varda: I hope to be back later as well. : )
[5:43 PM]Varda: Phar will not get away unread!
[5:44 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: There was a Hobbit parody called The Soddit. I like to think it's it's a reference to the turf.
[5:44 PM]Varda: Sounds right.
[Note: review of The Soddit]
[5:44 PM]Varda: waves to Valar country
[5:45 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: this here's valar country
[7:41 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Personal gaming report:
[7:41 PM]Sandalf13: Ah...there you are!
[7:41 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: For (non)flashgaming, an older one, but as it came up this week, I'll link it again
[7:43 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Mine of Sight is like minesweeper, but... weirder Lots of mine-related mechanics introduced in the 168 levels of the game, though the idea is always the same: Mark the mines, clear the rest of the tiles.
[7:44 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: No guessing required, it can all be done with logic, though with all the different types of clues, logic might be difficult
[7:58 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Blizzard gaming:
[8:00 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Hearthstone: Didn't have much time spent at home, but last night I did do all the weekly quests and 3 daily quests, the maximum you can store. Made it to level 176 on the reward track, and since the expansion's due to start this week with a new reward track, that's probably the highest it's gonna get.
[8:01 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Brawl is Idols of Azeroth: Choose a class, your deck will consist of 30 raven idols, allowing you to discover a minion or a spell at will. Much randomness, a little bit of tactics
[8:02 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Warcraft Rumble: A new collection level, 37!
[8:04 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: As mentioned, the new Cenarius minis are now counted in the database, though from what I understand they'll be a few days away still. The quests already have the right icon, and the dungeon shows that a Cenarius week is coming up, but the minis aren't quite in yet until the "festival" starts in a few days.
[8:05 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Current dungeon week is undead, though, and I can't quite get level 22 done yet on Rivendare.
[8:06 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: In the sigil campaign, normal Moonglade opened up, as a new zone after Blackrock Mountain. I've not done any heroic sigil fights, as I plan on completing Moonglade normal first, but I did notice that heroic bosses now appear to allow any 5 out of 6 families to complete them to get the sigil, rather than 5 fixed ones.
[8:07 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: In Moonglade, though, I completed Brumeran the chimera, and Starblaze and Omnuron, the druid pair.
[8:08 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Oh, actually I did get one heroic sigil fight done, early in the week, Gazlowe with a single family
[8:09 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: As for quality upgrades, I upgraded the Vultures to uncommon, and got the right talent for them too. Not much progress, but it did get me to level 37 after all
[8:09 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: WoW:
[8:10 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Still no raiding, though I wouldn't have been able to this week anyway! Pre-patch is coming soon, but raids are still some way away. Still, should give us time to learn our new talents.
[8:10 PM]Sandalf13: You should be proud of your accomplishments! he he
[8:11 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Weekly quest is timewalks, and though I got a late start on them, I did get 3 done, with the last 2 waiting for monday and tuesday.
[8:11 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I'm happy with them, but let's not go too far
[8:14 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: I was able to spend a bit of time on my timerunner tonight, though, completing the final quests in Townlong Steppes, including the Shadopan finale, defending against a mogu attack. I also completed my exploration achievement of the zone, got a rare treasure found that I needed for another achievement, and did the group-content in the zone as well, soloing the Zanvess scenario and grouping up for the Niuzao Temple dungeon.
[8:14 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: That wrapped up all the achievements for the zone, getting so
[8:14 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: some more bronze currency and threads of power, and setting me up to head into the Dread Wastes next!
[8:15 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: And that's my report for the week. Not too much done compared to normally, but that's understandable Next week, dread wastes and pre-patch! And hopefully my Collector's Edition arriving
[8:16 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Oh, right, and the Warcraft Chronicle IV arrived this week as well. More books!
[8:16 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: It arrived later on the day that I left on vacation, but luckily the package was still sitting there when I got back.
[8:16 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: But yeah, that's it for me!
[8:17 PM]Ar-Pharazon-V: Namarie :)
Thus ends this week's meeting. Come back and see us next week!