February 5, 2022
Sunday Meeting
5:00 P.M. Eastern Time
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place
Back to News
Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for
Attending (and typed): (7)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn, Pallando, Sandalf,
Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news:
Lord of the Rings Online,
World of
Warcraft, Starcraft
2, Overwatch
2, Hearthstone,
Eve Online
Topic from Varda: Little things:
Bilbo's gifts to the hobbits after the War of the Ring.
Topic from Sandalf: What
was the relationship between the Dunedain and Rivendell?
from Varda: Little things: Swans in the reeds.
Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games.
Pallando told us what's happening in Eve
Varda Yesterday at 4:00 PM
Aiya : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:01 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Phar : )
[4:02 PM]
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
[4:02 PM]
[4:02 PM]
Ar-Pharazon and I have managed to type, yay!
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Aiya Eonwe
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Arien was in LotRO with Fangorn and myself. She's playing a Warden
and leveling fast.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:03 PM
she's not in WoW, at least
Varda Yesterday at 4:04 PM
She's in LotRO
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:04 PM
Aiya all!
Varda Yesterday at 4:04 PM
@Bounder The Valar Guild chat is starting! Come say hi, talk
gaming and Tolkien! Lurk!
[4:04 PM]
Aiya Sandalf : )
[4:05 PM]
@Guild-friend The Valar Guild chat is starting! Come on in and say
[4:05 PM]
I'm trying to remember we have more than one @ that needs done.
[4:05 PM]
Did that show up for you, Sandalf?
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:06 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:06 PM
A side message letting folks know the meeting is starting.
[4:07 PM]
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:07 PM
Aiya Sandalf!
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:07 PM
Aiya Ar!
Varda Yesterday at 4:07 PM
Stuff being worked on but not yet complete enough to show yet.
[4:08 PM]
Although the Games Site news by Eonwe is faithfully updated, and
we have news on the general News as always, so it tends not to be
[4:08 PM]
[4:08 PM]
Eonwe is on the side so he may be away from the keyboard at the
[4:09 PM]
In case folks don't know, click what looks like a little person on
the right of the Discord screen above that says Member List to
hide or unhide it.
[4:10 PM]
Everyone knows this, I guess? : )
[4:10 PM]
Eowyn and Fangorn are going into a Starcraft game. : )
[4:11 PM]
Eonwe says he's ready! Let's see...
[4:11 PM]
tosses him the gavel high in the air, sparkling in the distant
light of Arien
[4:12 PM]
still spinning
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:13 PM
Look at that thing spin...
[4:13 PM]
spinning right against gravity
Varda Yesterday at 4:13 PM
It looks like a circle!
[4:13 PM]
A disk!
[4:13 PM]
Going to be a job to catch that thing.
[4:13 PM]
gets faster, showing off
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:13 PM
Lord of the Rings
Update 34.2 is out this week. ---
The Lord of the Rings Online
Update 34.2 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 34.2,
released on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023.
Varda Yesterday at 4:14 PM
[4:14 PM]
What a catch!
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:14 PM
World of Warcraft:
This week's bonus event: Battlegrounds.
The PvP Brawl: Temple of Hotmogu is going until Tuesday, February
[4:14 PM]
The Trading Post is open. Check it out if you're in need of things
to do. ---
Still some issues with it but they're trying to get them worked
World of Warcraft
The Trading Post is Open! - WoW
The Trading Post is now open for business with
a multitude of mystical, magical items to add to your collection
with just the exchange of Traders Tenderearnable through a
variety of in-game activities.
[4:14 PM]
Check out this week's hotfixes. ---
World of Warcraft
Hotfixes: February 3, 2023 - WoW
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that
address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight,
Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic, and WoW
[4:15 PM]
Starcraft 2:
Patch 5.0.11 came out. ---
StarCraft II 5.0.11 Hotfix Patch Notes
Patch 5.0.11 Hotfix has arrived with bug fixes
for Versus.
[4:15 PM]
Overwatch 2:
Several new blogs are out to read:
[4:15 PM]
Director's Take - Mapping Out The Future ---
Director's Take - Mapping Out the Future
Game Director Aaron Keller talks about Maps,
Map Pools, and upcoming changes in your favorite battlegrounds in
[4:15 PM]
Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaning Matchmaker Goals And Plans,
Part 2 ---
Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining
matchmaker goals and plans, ...
Were back for part 2 of our matchmaker series
to talk about matchmaker in competitive and future plans!
[4:15 PM]
Season 2 Retrospective: A Look Back And The Road Forward ---
Season 2 retrospective: A look back and the
road forward
Reflections and next steps for Ramattra,
seasonal events, rewards, and more
[4:15 PM]
Defense Matrix Update: Streaming Protection Features And New
Actions For Cheating ---
Defense Matrix Update: Streaming Protection
Features and New Action...
In this latest Defense Matrix update, we take a
look at new steps to keep Overwatch 2 fun and fair for everyone.
[4:15 PM]
Patch 25.2.2 is out. ---
25.2.2 Patch Notes
Patch 25.2.2 includes balance changes to
Standard, Battlegrounds, and Duels!
[4:16 PM]
That's it from me.
Varda Yesterday at 4:17 PM
Thank you, Eonwe : )
[4:17 PM]
Lord of the Rings Online (more):
Arien Valar Yesterday at 4:18 PM
Aiya :)
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:18 PM
Aiya Arien!
Varda Yesterday at 4:18 PM
The general News has
a listing of deeds to do for the Harbingers of the Ill Omens
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:18 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:18 PM
Aiya Sunshine!
[4:18 PM]
Landroval branch:
Crickhollow branch:
Shadowfax branch:
Treebeard branch:
[4:19 PM]
(Looky, two ents on the Landroval server!)
[4:19 PM]
Any other gaming or membership comments, suggestions, requests,
etc? : )
[4:21 PM]
On to
[4:21 PM]
[4:21 PM]
Does anyone have a comment for Tolkien? Arien's last time about
the bat-folk in Lord of the Rings Online was quite interesting.
cenedra Yesterday at 4:22 PM
Aiya! <-from Eowyn
Varda Yesterday at 4:22 PM
Eowyn! Aiya! Great to see you. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:22 PM
Arien Valar Yesterday at 4:23 PM
aiya eowyn
Varda Yesterday at 4:23 PM
Eowyn, one of the major favorite characters in the Lord of the
Rings. : )
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:24 PM
Aiya Eowyn1!
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:28 PM
Heya Eowyn.
Varda Yesterday at 4:29 PM
Anyway, I was flipping through RotK and enjoying some of the tiny
scenes in "Many Partings".
[4:30 PM]
There are huge things going on that seem to overshadow the rest,
but these small bits make a special experience of the reading.
[4:30 PM]
At Rivendell, Bilbo gives some gifts before they depart. Here's
[4:30 PM]
[4:30 PM]
"To Sam he gave a little
bag of gold. 'Almost the last drop of the Smaug vintage,' he
said. 'May come in useful, if you think of getting married,
Sam.' Sam blushed.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:36 PM
So is Sam blushing at the idea of marriage, or blushing because he
already had someone in mind? heh.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:36 PM
"It was gonna be her!"
Varda Yesterday at 4:36 PM
Bilbo was aware of what was going on. : )
[4:37 PM]
Sam got caught. ; )
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:37 PM
Myes... but how long had it been since Bilbo left the Shire?
Surely he couldn't have been that up to date.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:37 PM
I suspect that Bilbo knew that Sam had Rosie in mind...word
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:39 PM
Hard to imagine some dwarf travelling through the Shire, meeting
up with Bilbo at/near Rivendell and telling him whether Sam's
asked Rosie out yet in the last 3 years
Varda Yesterday at 4:39 PM
Merry and Pippin may have been ribbing Sam where Bilbo heard, too.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:40 PM
True, or Frodo might h ave told him, probably wouldn't think it'd
be that big a secret to Bilbo :)
Varda Yesterday at 4:40 PM
[4:41 PM]
Note, Bilbo does not bother to do this for Frodo. Frodo gets three
books of lore, and is re-gifted Sting and the mithril shirt since
Bilbo forgot he already gave them. Also, Frodo is given the task
of finishing the next part of Bilbo's book that has Frodo's
[4:41 PM]
Bilbo is aware that Frodo has no love life to speak of.
[4:42 PM]
Bilbo gives Merry and Pippin lots of advice. hehe
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Frodo's been hanging around with Elves too much. Spoiled for
hobbit ladies.
Varda Yesterday at 4:42 PM
[4:43 PM]
Because I play LotRO and had seen this
area, this tiny spot of description jumped out:
[4:43 PM]
"Far to the west in a haze lay the meres and eyots through which
it wound its way to the Greyflood: there countless swans housed in
a land of reeds."
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:44 PM
How many Hobbit ladies are really going to be happy about her man
going out every so often to go talk with Elves? Doesn't seem to me
there's a whole lot that would understand a Hobbit man doing that.
Varda Yesterday at 4:45 PM
She would have to be pretty special to be ok with having Elves and
Dwarves visiting, too.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:45 PM
Varda Yesterday at 4:45 PM
Rosie had a chance to get used to what was going on at Bag End
from hearing Sam, Frodo, and most likely their friends.
[4:46 PM]
She was unusual to be a Shire hobbit and willing to be with Sam,
who adventured.
[4:46 PM]
You'd expect the possiblity from a Took or Brandybuck.
[4:47 PM]
We have another topic that came up in a side chat. : )
[4:47 PM]
"What exactly was the
relationship between the Dunedain of the North and
Rivendell? I suspect that they must have maintained pretty close
contact over the years."
[4:48 PM]
Thank you, Sandalf, for bringing this up.
[4:48 PM]
He had more to add to that.
[4:48 PM]
"In addition to fostering the Chieftains of the Dunedain when they
were adolescents, Imladris served as the repository for Narsil and
the Scepter of Annuminas. The Ring of Barahir was passed from
Chieftain to Chieftain as a matter of course. In what ways was the
relationship between Imladris and the Dunedain of Arnor different
from that that Imladris maintained with other mortals?"
[4:48 PM]
Ok, gang. Jump in!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:49 PM
Rivendell was quite dedicated to maintaining the legacy and
bloodline of the Dunedain, at least.
[4:49 PM]
Maybe as Elros' descendants they hit a soft spot with Elrond.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:50 PM
Exactly what I have thought over the years, using those very same
words....Elrond (and Imladris) had a soft spot for the descendants
of his brother Elros.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:50 PM
Well, it was the seat of the High-King of the Dunedain of Numenor,
it was the closest to Rivendell. It allowed relations between the
two to be closer because they would face the same regional issues.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:51 PM
Not only that, but there was a physical resemblance between many
of the Dunedain and the Elves of Imladris.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 4:51 PM
We're not really privy to the relationship between Rivendell and
Gondor during the days of their Kings before the Ruling Stewards
took over, but I imagine they would be as close as distance
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:54 PM
I think that given the natural propensity of Elrond to favor the
descendants of his brother, once the Kings of Gondor died out with
Earnur, Elronds only living "nephews and nieces" resided with the
Dunedain of the North.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:55 PM
They were close enough to be allies in war, anyway.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 4:55 PM
Even though, as Gandalf points out to Pippin, "the blood of
Westernesse" ran true in many of those in Gondor as well.
[4:56 PM]
I wish that Tolkien gave us a little more detail about the makeup
of the Last Alliance, and their strategic relationships and goals.
It would be fun reading more about this. I think that Gil-Galad
was partial to Elendil, in particular.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 4:57 PM
I was more referring to the war with Angmar, but yes, the Last
Alliance as well
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:02 PM
Aragorn was a special case, of course, since he arrived at
Imladris not as a teenager, already knowledgeable about their
heritage, but as a two year old who was in deperate need of a
father figure, and, handily enough, two "brother" figures in
Elrohir and Elladan.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 5:02 PM
Based on the reasons for Mardil remaining Ruling Steward, it would
seem there were still some descendants of Elros in Gondor, just
none with a strong enough claim to unite every house behind.
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:04 PM
Royal blood does have a tendency to spread out around the high
circles of a population, provided enough children of any kings or
queens survive.
[5:04 PM]
Silmarien's line the most prominent, but they were bound to be
[5:04 PM]
Including what would lead to the stewards, sure
Arien Valar Yesterday at 5:05 PM
I always found the thought intriguing that earnur was caught by
sauron and turned into a nazgul or some other figure of terror , a
powerful servant and yet a slave bound to sauron .. maybe also
lwith a lasting grudge to his enslaver
[5:05 PM]
but that only as sidenote ~ [Note: seen in the game LotRO.]
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:05 PM
There was no doubt a lot of intermarriage between the various
families of the Men of Numenor, including as Ar points out,
includig the royal family.
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 5:06 PM
"Now the descendants of the
kings had become few. There numbers had been greatly diminished
by the Kin-strife; whereas since that time the kings had become
jealous and wrathful of those near akin. Often those on whom
suspicion fell had fled to Umbar and there joined the rebels;
while others had renounced their lineage and taken wives not of
Numenorean blood. (edited)
Arien Valar Yesterday at 5:06
and i dont put it beneath the royal family to have sidelines or
illegitimate cousins or half cousins , half brothers who maybe
even married other Numenorians of lesser descent
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 5:07 PM
So it was that no claimant to the crown could be found who was of
pure blood, or whose claim all would allow; and all feared the
memory of the Kin-strife."
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:08 PM
Sure, not enough of "pure" blood, but they'd still be descendants,
and still welcome by any elf relatives I'm sure
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:08 PM
Frodo recognized an "elf-like" nature in Faramir when they met in
[5:09 PM]
And the Rangers of Gondor, when Frodo met them, were talking in
Arien Valar Yesterday at 5:11 PM
right .. unfortunately i have to leave .. early shift tomorrow ,
intriguing as this topic is
Varda Yesterday at 5:11 PM
Good night/morning, Arien. : )
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:12 PM
Have a wonderful week, Arien! Geniesst du eine wunderbare Woche!
Arien Valar Yesterday at 5:12 PM
Namarie , valarites
[5:12 PM]
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:12 PM
Arien Valar Yesterday at 5:12 PM
thanks sandalf
[5:12 PM]
Varda Yesterday at 5:13 PM
TT "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"
That's where Frodo and Sam meet up with Faramir's band.
[5:14 PM]
They don't seem to be talking Sindarin at first at least. Looking
for where that might be now.
A joke about how elves are said to be wondrous fair to look on but
they're not
[5:15 PM]
There it is.
It's a bit later
[5:16 PM]
When the men are just chatting between themselves.
Mablung and Damrod, start off talking Common then shift to Elvish
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:17 PM
It's not like that common halfling over there will be able to
follow, right?
Varda Yesterday at 5:17 PM
"...he knew then that they
must be Dunedain of the South, men of the line of the Lords of
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:17 PM
"They took of their masks
now and began to cool them, as the day-heat grew...They spoke
together in soft voices, at first using the common speech, but
after the manner of older daysl and then changing to another
language of their own. To his amazement, as he listened, Frodo
became aware that it was the Elven-tongue that they spoke, or
one but little different...
Varda Yesterday at 5:18 PM
That's it. : )
And of course they are pale-skinned, dark of hair, grey eyes. : )
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:18 PM
And later, as Arien noted, Tolkien goes on to write: "for he knew
then that they must be Dunedain of the South, men of the line of
the Lords of Westernesse."
[5:20 PM]
Varda notes that they look just like the Noldor, from whom Elrond
and Elros were descended...
[5:21 PM]
I think that in my Denethor as Macbeth chapter, I discuss at some
length the fact that the Men of Westernesse have, over the years,
absorbed so much of the Elvish sense of sadness.
[5:22 PM]
"The wisdom and sadness of the Elder Race," or something like
Eonwλ Valar Yesterday at 5:28 PM
It's time for me to be off.
Take care all, good night, sleep well, and have fun.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:28 PM
Ooops...I need to run (literally), as I need to get to Costco
before they close to pick up a few things. Spent the better part
of the day today still moving and settling in...
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:28 PM
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:28 PM
Namarie, Eonwe!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:28 PM
And good luck, Sandalf
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:29 PM
Thanks! Here is a picture of my completed moving in project for
today...not the most glamorous item, but highly useful!!!
[5:30 PM]
I built the space saver shelf unit to go over the toilet. Took a
good couple of hours to do so...It is not perfect, but it works
and it IS attached to the wall at the top!
Varda Yesterday at 5:31 PM
Namarie to those leaving : )
[5:32 PM]
Nice shelf!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:32 PM
Is the shelf unit removable in case maintenance needs to be done
to the toilet?
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:32 PM
One last item before I go....here is my new business card. If you
ever need geological consulting, please give me a call! New
Address, New Card!

Varda Yesterday at 5:32 PM
Nice, readable card.
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 5:33 PM
Yes it is. I will check in later! Namarie to all, and, as always,
sei gesund!
Varda Yesterday at 5:39 PM
Namarie : )
[5:40 PM]
the gavel drops on its face, wondering when it's going to be
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:40 PM
Has it been spinning all this time?
Varda Yesterday at 5:40 PM
the hammerpad rushes under it, the cork surface pillowing the
It was caught by Eonwe and was ok. : )
[5:41 PM]
But it had quite a work-out!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:45 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 5:57 PM
Personal gaming report:
For (non)flashgaming, here's
Mini Blocks
Switch Blocks to reach the Goal!
[6:01 PM]
A simple platformer where you make your way through small levels.
Two button game, one for jumping, one for switching active blocks
to create or remove obstacles. Only way to turn is through
[6:02 PM]
Avoid spikes or getting stuck on the wrong side of the level, and
get to the door each time!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 6:10 PM
Blizzard gaming:
[6:12 PM]
Level 88 on the reward track. About 2 more weeks, probably, to
Got the death knight to level 22 on the way!
[6:18 PM]
Brawl is the brawliseum, a heroic arena, expensive in gold, and
since I'm bad at arena, I skipped it.
[6:19 PM]
Instead, to complete the weekly quest, I did a bunch of duel stuff
instead, making an unholy death knight deck which actually did
quite well! Slow to start, so vulnerable to fast aggressive decks,
but ultimately overwhelming the board
So that was a nice change
[6:20 PM]
More raiding! A few normal bosses, a few heroic bosses, getting
some upgrades, including my 2-piece tier bonus.
[6:21 PM]
Ilevel's now 372, just a bit behind, but very much capable of
surviving both normal and heroic. Soon I hope to be tanking a bit
there as well
[6:22 PM]
Weekly is battlegrounds, which went quite well as guardian too.
Feels a bit squishy but I'm not sure if my ilevel will still be
having a bigger impact there in the near future.
[6:24 PM]
Visited the Trading Post, getting some trading tender, including
the first bonus for dragonflight, and ended up buying the ogre
pet, Garrlok, as well as a firey spiked flail weapon appearance.
While my retribution paladin uses 2-hands, if she ever goes tanky,
using the appearance will make her look like rather like the
Diablo 3 Crusader
[6:25 PM]
I've still got 400 tender to collect this month - which shouldn't
be a problem between quests, raidbosses, and some Love is in the
Air activity - but I don't think I'll be buying anything more this
month, rather save it up for the next.
[6:27 PM]
Oh, and one of the activities for tender is collecting honor, and
since it's battleground week, that's looking promising enough for
the month. I got to honor level 105 as well this week!
For questing, I've been alternating between the druid and mage as
[6:28 PM]
The mage did some side quests in Bastion, visiting two rivals, one
of them working with larions and the other with phalynxes, to
compare the two lifestyles.
[6:29 PM]
The druid has been continuing into the Azure Span, clearing out a
camp and cave of gnolls before moving to the main gnoll base at
Brackenhide Hollow, investigating their decay magic.
[6:30 PM]
After that he arrived in Iskaara, where immediately a plethora of
quests overwhelmed him... between those and pretty much every
other project he's been working on, the druid actually managed to
hit the quest cap of 35 quests at once!
Today I delivered the battlegrounds weekly and did the Iskaara
orientation quest, so that frees up a bit of space, but I think
I'll finish up a bunch of side quests as mentioned in the https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Lend_a_Helping_Span
achievement so I don't run into the same trouble in any future
main questing for a while.
Lend a Helping Span
Lend a Helping Span is a quest achievement
earned by completing the optional quests from Camp Antonidas,
Iskaara, and Three Falls Lookout listed below.
[6:32 PM]
The big side questlines for Sojourner I'll still skip for a while,
though, as the main quest remains the priority.
[6:32 PM]
And that's my report for the week!
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Are you still here, Ar? I am reading your report.
Varda Yesterday at 7:22 PM
Thank you, Phar. : )
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 7:23 PM
Aiya Varda!
Varda Yesterday at 7:23 PM
Aiya Sandalf : )
Sandalf13 Yesterday at 7:58 PM
I too shall get back to work, Namarie, Varda and Ar! Best wishes
to you! Sei gesund!!!
Ar-Pharazon-V Yesterday at 7:58 PM
You too, goodnight
Pallando-Valar Yesterday at 8:24 PM
Aiya, not dead, just busy during meetingtime.
Varda Yesterday at 8:38 PM
Aiya Pallando : )
[8:39 PM]
Dropping a note to us before or after can work nicely too. Yay
text! Glad to see you. : )
[8:39 PM]
Eve keeping you and yours hopping?
Pallando-Valar Yesterday at 9:28 PM
[9:29 PM]
got a small tournament coming up and a nice hot war..
Varda Yesterday at 10:14 PM
sorry, was in a battle just now. Ahh, sounds like you're all
keeping very busy! Should be interesting. : )
Varda Yesterday at 11:15 PM
Nighty night : )