April 3, 2022 Sunday
5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings
Discord: Valar
Back to News
Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for
Attending (and typed): ()
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Ioreth, Sandalf13,
Shelob, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news:
Topic: RP Forum story postings.
Topic: Earendil now has a real star named after
him "Earendel". Tangented to family relationships among the Ainur.
Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games.
of where other interesting links came up (happens a lot):
March 29, 2022
Arien Valar 03/29/2022
Post Frali
April 3, 2022
Sandalf13 Today at 3:41 PM
Hallo all! Aiya!~
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:41 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 3:41 PM
Wow! You are here! What a very pleasant surprise to see you so
early! How are you doing?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:42 PM
Yeah, thought I'd pop in early and check in on some other discord
servers while waiting, I σnly log into discord once a week
[3:42 PM]
Pretty good, I suppose!
[3:42 PM]
Sandalf13 Today at 3:44 PM
I had a successful business trip to Denver. I left Thursday around
0630. I woke up that morning to some unexpected snow. There was a
STRONG north wind blowing, and the interstate highway was full of
frozen spots. I saw 17 jackknifed tractor-trailer trucks on the
road between Lincoln and Grand Island. When I arrived in Denver
Thursday afternoon, I was able to run outside in shorts and a
tee-shirt...it was around 70 degs F, and sunny. What a change!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:44 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 3:44 PM
Got home Friday evening around 1930, and went right to bed.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:45 PM
We actually had snow as well this week, for like... one
[3:45 PM]
Probably the only snow we'll see this winter
Sandalf13 Today at 3:45 PM
Was it a surprise?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:45 PM
Well, the week before that was pretty warm, so it was a big
change, but it had been predicted.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:46 PM
I often wonder who created the "European Model" for weather
forecasting. Here in the States, when a forecast is issued, we get
the "European Model" and the standard American model as well.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:46 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 3:46 PM
They often diverge!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:46 PM
Might as well be the Dutch
[3:46 PM]
So which one's often right?
Sandalf13 Today at 3:47 PM
Hard to say. I suppose there is some research to compare the
results, but I am just a dumb geologist, not a meteorologist, so I
can't really answer your very valid question. Sorry!
[3:48 PM]
I do remember what my mother always told me, however...when you
look out the door first thing in the morning, you get a real sense
of what the weather for the day will be. She was right, as usual.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:49 PM
Probably something instinctive, to do with cloud cover, air
pressure etc.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:50 PM
I think you are right. Also, the old nautical saying "Red skies at
night, sailors' delight...red sky at morning, sailors take
warning." has been shown to be true time and time again. It does
have to do with humidity, cloud cover, pressure...and so on.
Arien Valar Today at 3:50 PM
evening Aiya Valarites
Sandalf13 Today at 3:50 PM
Aiya Arien!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:50 PM
Nice how people notice the patterns despite not actually knowing
the relationship between observation and result.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:51 PM
Maybe we are smarter than we think sometimes!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:51 PM
I suppose that's one way religions are made.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:51 PM
Have you been following the news from Ukraine?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:51 PM
Or at least what seems like superstition :)
[3:51 PM]
[3:52 PM]
Aiya Arien!
Arien Valar Today at 3:52 PM
I only know that theres a lot of promises and lies as usual and
Sandalf13 Today at 3:52 PM
That is for sure. The whole thing is depressing.
Arien Valar Today at 3:52 PM
but i keep more or less an eye on it
[3:53 PM]
but . Sandalf., that is why I choose to ignore it more or
less or at leaxst not to affect me .. i have donated for relief
charities but more I cannot do
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:54 PM
Once in a few days I'll hit up the tv and see what any new
developments are, but it all reads pretty much the same.
[3:54 PM]
bombardments here, civilians there, bit of territory being juggled
about... most promising seems to be that the Russian army isn't
doing too well internally.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:55 PM
My habit is to bike over to the Coffee House in downtown Lincoln,
and read the New York Times online edition as I eat my breakfast.
I can't help but see the news, unless I want to stop reading the
Times, which I do NOT want to do.
[3:55 PM]
They open at 0600...and I am there waiting to get in.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 3:55 PM
When it comes to fullfledged analysis of news reports, I'm
actually still 4 months behind. I'm sure I'll get the bigger
picture in a few months.
[3:56 PM]
But the most notable stuff... you can't really avoid that unless
you try, and I don't bother trying, so I just hear some news here
and there from other people.
Sandalf13 Today at 3:56 PM
As a former military person (to use Churchill's famous title), I
am amazed at the poor effort being produced by the supposedly
invincible Russian army.
[3:57 PM]
I better say no more about politics...I certainly do not want to
offend anyone's sensibilities.
Arien Valar Today at 3:59 PM
It is lmore that the meeting begins soon and that is a topic that
should not be discussed there .. maybe if at all on harbor rather
than in meeting place
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:00 PM
Yeah, we try not to do religion, politics, or anything else that
can be polarizing but is not relevant to our meetings
Varda Today at 4:00 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:00 PM
Arien Valar Today at 4:00 PM
Aiya !
Sandalf13 Today at 4:00 PM
I agree, and thanks! I will add, however, that while I was in
Denver, I stopped in a local grocery and went crazy over an olive
bar that they had in the shop...I brought home about six different
containers of kalamata olives, italian olives, mushrooms, and so
on. I can enjoy them with dinner tonight. Aiya, Varda!
Varda Today at 4:01 PM
Aye, and we have a problem with Discord getting on us if we
say something on religion or politics that offends them.
Arien Valar Today at 4:01 PM
Hobbits like mushroos
Varda Today at 4:01 PM
mmm olives! adds cheese
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:01 PM
We never liked to anyway before all that, Varda
Arien Valar Today at 4:02 PM
Are you sure that you are not secretly a hobbit. Sandalf ;)?
Sandalf13 Today at 4:02 PM
Yes...one of the offerings was mozarella cheese with italian
olives and garlic. Yum.
Varda Today at 4:02 PM
Aye, Phar. We are a Tolkien and gaming club, not a political club
or religious/anti-religious group.
[4:02 PM]
The concept of Second Breakfast is a lovely one . : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:02 PM
I wouldn't mind being in an anti-political group but that concept
is political itself :)
Varda Today at 4:03 PM
Aye, Phar.
[4:03 PM]
Anti anything brings up whatever it's anti.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:03 PM
Technically, "anti-political" would be letting other people handle
politics and policies and just dealing with whatever comes.
[4:03 PM]
I kinda fall under that.
Varda Today at 4:04 PM
That is a political view too. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:04 PM
In a way :)
Ioreth Today at 4:04 PM
I got in a discussion about vaccines this morning. still people
are so emotional about it
Varda Today at 4:04 PM
Aiya Ioreth : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:04 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 4:04 PM
Aiya Ioreth!
Varda Today at 4:04 PM
Another topic we can avoid, since those are all covered heavily
[4:05 PM]
@Bounder Aiya! Valar Guild meeting time! Drop by and say hi! Maybe
chat gaming and Tolkien, put in your two cents!
[4:05 PM]
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
[4:05 PM]
[4:06 PM]
Anyone here feel free to say Hi!
[4:06 PM]
Arien Valar Today at 4:06 PM
Hi !
Varda Today at 4:06 PM
(We scared them off with the exclamation point.)
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:06 PM
[4:06 PM]
Sorry, was just grabbing a snack ;p
Varda Today at 4:07 PM
Another hobbit!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:07 PM
Fladrif currently visible on bnet!
Varda Today at 4:07 PM
Any membership news? I'll mention those seen in kin on LotRO
[4:08 PM]
Yay Fladrif! May the ent someday rejoin the meeting. We shored up
the stage floor just for him (and Fangorn).
[4:08 PM]
Aiya Eonwe : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:08 PM
Aiya Eonwe!
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:08 PM
Greetings to those here in Melkor's Theme.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:08 PM
He wishes.
Varda Today at 4:09 PM
[4:10 PM]
Nothing new at them moment except that my computer connection
seems to be lagging slightly now and then.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:10 PM
My provisional Plate Tectonic Model of Middle-earth.
Varda Today at 4:10 PM
If I disappear, we are fortunate enough to have at least two that
can gavel. : )
[4:10 PM]
Ah hah!
[4:10 PM]
Sandalf13 Today at 4:10 PM
M = Mithlond Basin, A = Arnor Basin
Varda Today at 4:10 PM
Bilbo doesn'twant us breaking the plates. /duck
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:11 PM
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Varda Today at 4:11 PM
That's an intriguing map.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:11 PM
Looks interesting.
Arien Valar Today at 4:11 PM
nice work
Sandalf13 Today at 4:12 PM
You have NO IDEA how hard it is to geologically explain the
mountains at right angles around Morder. A real geologic puzzler.
Varda Today at 4:12 PM
Can't living horrors be tweaking them a smidge?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:12 PM
Seems a lot of plates though, and relatively small. I guess that
says something about the tectonic activity in the area.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:13 PM
Middle-earth is really not that different from Europe, what with
the Hercynian Orogeny, Caledonian Orogeny, the ALpine
orogeny...plus a lot of older, smaller ones.
Varda Today at 4:13 PM
Hopefully you will be telliing us in your essay, though.
[4:14 PM]
Considering this is supposed to be ancient history of real places,
that makes sense.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:14 PM
Yes. It is readable, and will be going to two other geologic
reviewers. They may disagree with my interpretations, but I do not
want to be caught short on geologic facts.
Varda Today at 4:14 PM
Facts are facts. Interpretation is another animal. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:15 PM
Ah, yes, I'm only used to the major plate maps. Yours seems
similar to https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Tectonic-map-of-Europe-showing-the-distribution-of-the-East-European-Craton-and-main_fig1_292399217
Sandalf13 Today at 4:15 PM
When the Earth was hotter and younger, the plates were a lot
smaller and moved a lot faster....my analogy is to a bumper-car
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:15 PM
Hehe, yes.
Varda Today at 4:16 PM
So when was Pangea, in your figuring?
Sandalf13 Today at 4:16 PM
Yes Ar...I looked at that map too in my investigations.
Varda Today at 4:16 PM
In the history of Middle-earth I mean.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:16 PM
So more than actually active plates, your map shows remnants of
plates that are no acting against each other. Got ya.
Varda Today at 4:17 PM
But they would explain Mordor's volcanic activity? And maybe how
they pushed the Brown Lands to occur?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:18 PM
Ah, that's a good point, actually. Out of all those plates, only
Mordor seems to, in our time, get its share of vulcanism and
earthquakes. So that would be the only tectonically active area.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:18 PM
There were TWO major "supercontinents." The First was RODINIA,
created when all the continents were joined together. This
happened about 1.2 Ga (billion years ago) and marked the first
"modern" Plate Tectonic event. The second was PANGEA, that again
brought all the continents together, and formed the
Appalachian-Hercynian orogeny. About 280 Ma (million years
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:18 PM
Is that what the green lines refer to?
Sandalf13 Today at 4:19 PM
Yes. There are seven "big" plates currently, all of which
represent glued together micro-continentsw from the Precambrian.
Varda Today at 4:19 PM
Ahh, I did not know! Fascinating.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:20 PM
Hmm, I loved those early chapters in my earth sciences books
Snowball Earth and all that.
Varda Today at 4:20 PM
What is gluing them?
Sandalf13 Today at 4:21 PM
The Eriador plate, for example, consists of several older
micro-platres glued together, evidenced by the Weather Hills, the
Ered Uial, and the small hill regions in The Shire, for example.
[4:22 PM]
Early collisions between micro-plates way back in the Precambrian.
we are talking 2.5 Ga plus. Sort of like the Mesabi Range in
Minnesota, a remnant of the Penokean orogeny.
[4:22 PM]
Or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They mountains are not real
mountains today, but they once were.
Varda Today at 4:23 PM
You make me want to go read more, right now!
[4:23 PM]
[4:23 PM]
Time to move on to the Gaming Report.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:23 PM
Gotcha and thanks. YOu will soon see Chapter Three.
Varda Today at 4:23 PM
Please feel free to add your own gaming news as we go, in the
section for that game, or add another game at the end.
[4:24 PM]
tosses the giggling gavel to Fionwe
[4:24 PM]
Yay 3 : )
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:24 PM
World of Warcraft:
This week's Bonus Event: Arena Skirmishes.
The PvP Brawl: Deep Six runs through Tuesday, April 5th.
The Darkmoon Faire is running through Saturday, April 9th.
[4:24 PM]
The Mage Tower now open permanently. ---
World of Warcraft
Shadowlands: The Mage Tower Returns Permanently - WoW
The Mage Tower will now be always available, bringing back epic
solo challenges and awesome rewards for those who conquer them.
[4:24 PM]
Check out the latest hotfixes. ---
World of Warcraft
Hotfixes: March 31, 2022 - WoW
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues
related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade
Classic, and WoW Classic.
[4:25 PM]
Check out these completely super serious and so totally not an
April Fools Day joke 9.4 Patch Notes. Because Blizzard doesn't do
April Fools Day jokes ever. (Hint: They're an April Fools Day
joke) ---
World of Warcraft Forums
World of Warcraft Patch 9.4
World of Warcraft Patch 9.4 Build 202241 Producers note: this is
HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL! Please keep it together on this one. DO NOT
FORWARD. Beyond the End of Infinity: The Final Everything
Beginning Forever Overcoming the challenges of the Shadowlands has
opened an infinite number of pathways to an infinite number of
worlds like Azeroth, an...
[4:25 PM]
Lord of the Rings
[4:25 PM]
The Update 32.0.6 came out this week. ---
The Lord of the Rings Online
Update 32.0.6 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 32.0.6, released on
Thursday, March 31st, 2022.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:25 PM
A lot of references in there this year that I didn't get. But
there's some good stuff too.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:26 PM
Diablo 4:
[4:26 PM]
The Quarterly Update is out. ---
Diablo IV Quarterly UpdateMarch 2022
Today we have artists here to talk about their craft and
everything that goes into building the world of Sanctuary.
[4:26 PM]
Heroes of the Storm:
A new balance patch came out this week. ---
Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - March 29, 2022
Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance
changes! Read on for details.
[4:26 PM]
[4:26 PM]
Just like with WoW, check out these completely super serious and
so totally not an April Fools Day joke Patch Notes.
Super serious. (See the hint for the 9.4 WoW Patch Notes.) ---
https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/news/23765271/22-6-1-1-1-1-patch-notes Patch Notes
Whoa, now those are some patch notes.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:27 PM
For WoW I'd like to add... as a precursor to the actual
announcement... people have found the next expansion in the
websites' source code, or something. I'll not spoil though, should
be easy enough to find
Varda Today at 4:28 PM
: )
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:28 PM
That's it for the Gaming News I have.
Varda Today at 4:28 PM
A bit on Lord of the Rings Online:
[4:28 PM]
The Spring Festival is having its last weekend, for our weekend
[4:29 PM]
And here is the report for Valarites who showed up in the kin. (I
see others who aren't in kin who are Valarites during the
week, but they don't go on this list.)
[4:29 PM]
Anor server:
Shadowfax server:
Treebeard server:
[4:30 PM]
It was fun seeing Arien on Shadowfax server today. : ) And
there was much pie.
[4:30 PM]
Any other gaming news to mention?
[4:30 PM]
Final Fantasy? Minecraft? Eve Online? (I know folks are playing
[4:31 PM]
Starcraft 2 had Fangorn, Eowyn, and Faramir playing.
[4:31 PM]
Any other news to add before we change gears?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:32 PM
Oh, right...
[4:32 PM]
I think one of the actual WoW patchnotes mentioned achievements
for pre-ordering Diablo 4 in the 9.2.5 patch. So that should tell
you something about that game's schedule.
[4:33 PM]
I suppose the achievement being in doesn't yet mean you can
pre-order it, nor that pre-ordering it really narrows down the
window of release.... but it still says something about when they
expect it to go to market.
[4:34 PM]
So that's some potential potential news
Varda Today at 4:34 PM
Nifty : )
[4:34 PM]
On to
[4:34 PM]
[4:34 PM]
A bit of astronomy for you. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:35 PM
From you we might expect nothing less!
Varda Today at 4:35 PM
The naming of a new star, for a famed Tolkien character!
[4:35 PM]
[4:35 PM]
There are reasons why I'm Varda. ; )
[4:35 PM]
Sky & Telescope
Monica Young
Meet Earendel, the Most Distant Star Astronomers Have Observed
The Hubble Space Telescope has revealed a single star whose light
has traveled for 12.9 billion years to Earth the most distant
star known.
[4:36 PM]
Meet Earendel: Hubble telescope's most distant star discovery gets
Tolkien fans and space fans rejoice!
[4:36 PM]
There you go! A Silmaril rides the sky!
[4:36 PM]
JRRT had intended Earendil to be Venus, but that was taken. : )
Sandalf13 Today at 4:37 PM
Too bad we cannot see it with the naked eye, though...not really
like Gil-Earendil!
Varda Today at 4:38 PM
Fortunately we are able to see the morning star at least. For this
amazing subject, we will just enjoy it in pictures.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:38 PM
Gravitational influences, spacetime ripple, the view of a star in
mirror image... that's amazing.
Varda Today at 4:38 PM
[4:38 PM]
happy dance
[4:39 PM]
In other Tolkien-related news, we have some new posts on our
ongoing Forum story aka RP.
[4:39 PM]
Also, Eonwe answered Arien's riddle!
[4:40 PM]
Angmar Bound, Chapter 2: Where Shadows Lie | Valar Guild
Auros: It was late in the evening when Auros finally crossed his
threshold, and sleep was still far from him. His first task was to
return to his armory, and setting the bundle with the sword o
[4:40 PM]
The Riddle Game - Book I | Valar Guild
Heya All! Since there was some interest expressed in reviving the
riddle game we played several years ago, here we go! Since we're
gearing this up, let's set up a few guidelines to help
[4:41 PM]
So as soon as Arien says if Eonwe is right, we'll be ready for the
next riddle in the Riddle game.
[4:41 PM]
And yes, Sandalf, you're welcome to the Riddle Game too. : )
Sandalf13 Today at 4:41 PM
Thank you!
Varda Today at 4:41 PM
[4:42 PM]
Looks as if Phar may be up next for the Story.
[4:42 PM]
Did anyone have a topic/question/Tolkien Moment they wanted
to bring up?
[4:42 PM]
(Also, has Sandalf ever seen one of our Tolkien Moments?)
Sandalf13 Today at 4:43 PM
No...I have not.
Varda Today at 4:43 PM
We haven't been doing them lately. Not sure why not. We'll have to
pull up a few again. Always fun.
[4:43 PM]
Right now, who wants to tell us
who that Earendil guy was, and if he affected the Lord of the
Rings story somehow?
[4:44 PM]
Group answer welcome!
Sandalf13 Today at 4:44 PM
Earendil was the son of Tuor and Idril Celebrimbal.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:45 PM
Earendil, the only true Half-Elf in the Peredhil.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:45 PM
Well, the most LotR relevant thing that comes to mind is the Phial
of Galadriel, containing the light of his star, and helped the
hobbitses a bit in Mordor.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:46 PM
He also steered Vingalot to do battle with the chief of the
dragons in the final battle at Thangorodrim.
Arien Valar Today at 4:47 PM
Posted that Eonwe is right :)
Varda Today at 4:48 PM
Thanks, Arien : )
[4:49 PM]
So we see ancient history in the legendarium coming out of the
deeps of time to aid.
[4:49 PM]
Did Earendil have any descendents that played a part in the War of
the Rings?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:50 PM
Hmm, twins, I believe? Some half elf man and a half man elf...
Sandalf13 Today at 4:50 PM
Of course! Elros and Elrond, thence to Aragorn, descended in
the right line from Elendil.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:50 PM
Right, that's them :)
Varda Today at 4:51 PM
[4:51 PM]
And Arwen also descended from Earendil.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:51 PM
When Aragorn and Arwen got together, they kept it in the family,
so to speak.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:52 PM
They're cousins... how many generations removed?
Arien Valar Today at 4:52
He married Elwing., the daughter of Melian and Thingol
Sandalf13 Today at 4:52 PM
I think it is in the sixties?
Varda Today at 4:52 PM
Brought in some Maia blood there.
Arien Valar Today at 4:52 PM
And they had Elrond and Elros
Sandalf13 Today at 4:53 PM
So when Pippin says to Merry that Aragorn and Gandalf must be
related, he is really on to something.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:53 PM
Hmm, assuming "related" means anything among the Ainur.
Sandalf13 Today at 4:53 PM
Varda Today at 4:53 PM
hah, good thought
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:54 PM
The Valar at least had some familial relationships among them.
Varda Today at 4:55 PM
Eru saw them in a family relationship way, so it was true.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 4:55 PM
I think I read a remark on it in HoME as I was going through, but
don't remember if in context it was saying that Maiar don't have
any familial relationships among them.
Varda Today at 4:57 PM
The Ainur don't have the same kind of family relationships the
other sibling groups (elves, men, dwarves) did, but they had a
form of it. Maybe so they could understand the others better.
[4:57 PM]
Earlier writings even had children, but that was changed later.
True immortals don't really need children, I guess.
[4:58 PM]
So Manwe and Melkor were "brothers". There were "siblings" and
married couples.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 4:58 PM
That's one way to overpopulate
Varda Today at 4:59 PM
Aye : )
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:00 PM
Heh, reminds me of an element of a story I crafted yeaaars ago,
where a godlike dark serpent empowered a group of mortals into
"gods" for his own amusement, and as those gods reproduced, they
sapped so much of the serpent's power he didn't see his own end
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:00 PM
Considering the consequences that seemed to come with it, it would
make sense the Valar at least would not have children. Finding
oneself stuck in a body unless either the physical form of the
Vala or the child is slain would be quite... inconvenient. Thern
there's the question of the nature of such a child. (edited)
Varda Today at 5:00 PM
Sounds like a good plot.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:00 PM
And also of the Discworld, where the vampires are reluctant to
reproduce, because they weren't creating their legacy, but their
own rivals
Varda Today at 5:01 PM
[5:01 PM]
At one time, Eonwe and Arien were considered the children of Manwe
and Varda.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:01 PM
[5:02 PM]
Er,.. Ilmarλ, not Arien.
Varda Today at 5:02 PM
Then they became independent beings created at the same time. All
the Ainur came at the same time, pretty much.
Arien Valar Today at 5:02 PM
Not a bad thought
Varda Today at 5:02 PM
Ilmare, aye. And we can say Fionwe instead of Eonwe.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:03 PM
Arien <= Urwendi, and was the one Fionwλ had an interest in.
Arien Valar Today at 5:04 PM
oh and Sauron was after me .. pardon., Urwendi ., as well so one
reason more to hate Fionwe for me
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:04 PM
Ilmarλ <= Erinti
Varda Today at 5:04 PM
Before Ilmare was the potential child, she was written as Erinti.
As Erinti, she was sister to Σmar/Amillo and Salmar, and was Valiλ
of love, music, and beauty.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:04 PM
You're a popular girl.
Sandalf13 Today at 5:05 PM
Must be good lookin'....
Varda Today at 5:05 PM
Sure of that!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:05 PM
So many firey jokes to be made.
Arien Valar Today at 5:06 PM
well it was Erinti not Arien so I am afraid there was only the
Dark Lord after me
Varda Today at 5:06 PM
That's way too much. : ) And then there was Tilion.
Sandalf13 Today at 5:06 PM
They say he was a handsome dude, however...
Varda Today at 5:06 PM
We could figure all of the Ainur would have originally been
handsome folk. Must have had to look for degrees of beauty.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:07 PM
Advantage of being able to shape your own form.
Varda Today at 5:07 PM
: )
[5:07 PM]
And look like a tree or a standing wave.
[5:07 PM]
We have reached the hour. (so fast!)
[5:08 PM]
the gavel looks up from where it was hiding from all the fire
[5:08 PM]
hops hurriedly to the hammerpad
[5:08 PM]
[5:08 PM]
[5:08 PM]
Those that need to leave feel free to fly free!
[5:08 PM]
Also, free chat about fire maidens, gavels, tectonic plates, etc.
Sandalf13 Today at 5:09 PM
I need to return hoe for dinner, then will move on to the
Telegraph Mill and check back on Discord. Namarie!
[5:09 PM]
home, that is...
Varda Today at 5:09 PM
Enjoy your evening!
Ioreth Today at 5:09 PM
Arien Valar Today at 5:09 PM
Enjoy indeed
[5:09 PM]
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:10 PM
[5:10 PM]
Speaking of fire maidens... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYdwWVihq0I
Brazier of Dancing Flames
Arien Valar Today at 5:11 PM
that looks cool
[5:11 PM]
where do you get that?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:11 PM
Midsummer Fire Festival, a buyable toy.
Arien Valar Today at 5:11 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:11 PM
Been around for a long time
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:11 PM
Gonna throw this out there real quick:
[5:12 PM]
Varda Today at 5:12 PM
Neat toy, Phar
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:12 PM
Definition from that page.: A literary device of writing or art
which principally ridicules its subject often as an intended means
of provoking or preventing change. Humor, irony, and exaggeration
are often used to aid this. (edited)
[5:13 PM]
Now, having said that...
[5:15 PM]
Remember that beginning last Monday, Discord as said they're going
to be following you around the internet and even into the real
world like Gollum chasing the Ring --- Even Tilion knew to keep
his distance. --- https://discord.com/blog/addressing-harmful-off-platform-behavior
Addressing Harmful Off-Platform Behavior
Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends,
find belonging, and build communities. We want people to enjoy our
platform, but never at the expense of others.
[5:16 PM]
In fact, I think we have some footage of one of their ardent
Protectors hard at work (loud sound warning) --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds6-o4gomRc
Ignore Me - A Montage
[5:18 PM]
This is Jay Leno level satire. He used to do skits on the Tonight
Show with the same kind of setup and payoff.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:30 PM
Oh, made a correction to my latest RP post, for those involved in
that. The intention was probably understood but the negation of
the verb makes it clear, hehe.
Varda Today at 5:30 PM
Thanks : )
Arien Valar Today at 5:35 PM
Pardon for the initial Namemixup
[5:35 PM]
in Frali 's post but I corrected that#]
Varda Today at 5:35 PM
Yay that we can make corrections, or we would all be dooooomed.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:37 PM
Bender(s) Doomed
Varda Today at 5:37 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:47 PM
Is there an English term for a loud pretend whisper?
Varda Today at 5:47 PM
Stage whisper
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:48 PM
Seems a bit out of place, but I'll take it for my just about to be
finished rp post.
Varda Today at 5:48 PM
Or just describe it instead.
Arien Valar Today at 5:48 PM
right .. it is time for me to head of gang
Varda Today at 5:49 PM
Rest well, Arien! Thanks for coming. : )
Arien Valar Today at 5:49 PM
Namarie and have fun :)
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:49 PM
I'm not sure there's a good one for the purpose of naming it in a
story, no.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:49 PM
Eonwλ Valar Today at 5:49 PM
Sleep well Arien :}
Shelob Today at 5:49 PM
Good morning everyone.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:49 PM
Well, I'm about to post, so you can tell me if it seems right.
[5:49 PM]
Aiya Shel!
Varda Today at 5:49 PM
Nearly 6 pm here, but it will eventually be morning. Aiya Shelob :
Arien Valar Today at 5:49 PM
Aiya and Namarie Shelob
Shelob Today at 5:49 PM
Namarie Arien!
Arien Valar Today at 5:50 PM
Varda Today at 5:50 PM
Just say it was an unnecessarily loud whisper or something to that
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:50 PM
Well, it's supposed to be in humor, of a sort.
[5:50 PM]
Posted now, give it a look
Shelob Today at 5:51 PM
I should have been in bed and sleeping at this point, but
considering I've got the flu (it still exists! ), I've been
awake for like 3 hours total today.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:51 PM
Ah. Well, good time to be awake, then, the meeting!
Shelob Today at 5:51 PM
A bit late for the meeting though.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:52 PM
Aftermeeting, close enough.
Varda Today at 5:53 PM
Plenty of time to get in your two cents. : )
Shelob Today at 5:54 PM
Well, some personal news then... It's been a long while, but the
past few weeks I've finally been able to play basketball again. My
ankle is finally recovered enough for that to be possible.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:55 PM
Space Jam theme has just entered head
Shelob Today at 5:55 PM
I believe a remake has been released not that long ago.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:55 PM
Sequel, wasn't it? I've not seen it yet.
[5:56 PM]
Or you mean of the theme?
Varda Today at 5:56 PM
Hurray for being able to use that ankle again!
[5:56 PM]
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 5:57 PM
And yes, that's good Always nice to be recovered enough for
Shelob Today at 5:58 PM
Judging by the trailer, it's pretty much the same movie but with a
slightly different premise.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 6:03 PM
On the RP: Not sure how many people will know what a "stage
whisper" is. You might make people have to google it, hehehe. I
don't know how big a deal I'd say it is to change it.
[6:03 PM]
We know what you mean, so there's that :}
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:03 PM
Indeed. I'm open for alternatives
Varda Today at 6:05 PM
Jokingly loud whisper
Sandalf13 Today at 6:05 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:05 PM
I thought "fake whisper" or "false whisper" at first but not sure
if those are actually expressions.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 6:05 PM
"Whisper loudly" or some variant is what I would've gone with. I
don't think there's really a single word for doing it out in the
"real world".
[6:06 PM]
"Asides" would be when the audience is meant to hear it but not
the other characters.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:07 PM
From what I could find, "stage whisper" can also be used off-stage
for a loud whisper.
Eonwλ Valar Today at 6:08 PM
Feel free to leave it :}
[6:08 PM]
As I said, not sure it needs changing and there's not a plethora
of alternatives.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:08 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 6:17 PM
Are we still on after-meeting?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:18 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 6:18 PM
Ah! Ar! ALways good to see both you and Eonwe.
[6:20 PM]
I just looked over my plate tectonic map of M.E., and I see
that I failed to label the "Gondor Plate." Will have to fix
[6:20 PM]
Has the snow that you got in the NL melted since Thursday?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:21 PM
Yeah, the first morning/afternoon.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:22 PM
Did not last long, then...but as you said, you usually do not get
too much snow...although I remember all the old paintings by the
Dutch Masters that show people ice skating on the dikes.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:23 PM
Yes, well, climate change I think those paintings were
mostly of the Little Ice Age?
Sandalf13 Today at 6:24 PM
I believe you are correct, and the Little Ice Age was a real
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:24 PM
We have had snowy and icy winters in more recent years, but the
last "eleven cities" skating tour was in 1997.
[6:24 PM]
Since then we've just been seeing less and less of it.
[6:24 PM]
Last year was nice, though. About a week of actual ice and snow,
with frozen skatable streams and everything.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:25 PM
Like everyone else, it seems. We had a very light snow winter, and
the snowpack in the Rockies of Colorado and Wyoming is NOT what it
should be. I am really worried about a drought on the Plains this
summer...we are already in it.
[6:27 PM]
Did you have a busy week at work?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:28 PM
Not really.
[6:28 PM]
There's never that much pressure on us, it being volunteer work
and all.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:28 PM
Do you do a lot of reading? Do you have the equivalent of an
American library in your area?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:29 PM
I'm not sure. I think there's still a library, but have not
visited in many years. Used to go there often as a kid. Then I
started to go online more often, and the books I did read, I
bought, usually as part of a series.
[6:30 PM]
Including Tolkien, Discworld, and Warcraft books, mostly.
[6:30 PM]
(Yep, I'm into english fantasy).
[6:31 PM]
Oh, and one of my favorite books is actually near me on top of the
computer-holding cabinet/closet, a very nicely made collection of
Shakespeare's plays and sonnets.
[6:32 PM]
I don't read as much as I should, but on the occasion I'll grab
something random off the shelf, open it on a random page and let
myself be nostalgic :)
Sandalf13 Today at 6:33 PM
I think I told you that my mother was an English teacher for her
career...she encouraged me to read from a very early age, as well
as my sisters. Libraries hold a special place in my heart.
Thursday evening I spent at the library of the Colorado School of
Mines, in Golden , doing some research on Chapter Three. One of my
favorite things is to sit in a library and read or work on my
laptop. Coffee Houses work, too. And Shakespeare! My Mom would
love you Shakespeare was one of her favorites as well. My Chapter
Four is entitled: Denethor as Macbeth: The Tragedy of the Last
Ruling Steward of Gondor. My Mom liked it.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:37 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 6:37 PM
Do you have a favorite Shakespeare play?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:37 PM
I would've liked to work at a library, but in recent years it's
all become volunteer work, and I really need to get something
[6:38 PM]
Ehr, while I've leafed through em, I've not actually read that
many as a whole. Time constraints :) I have seen a few in
movie form as well.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:38 PM
Are people in the NL required to save for their own retirement,
the way people in the USA now are?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:38 PM
From what I have read, i'm not sure I really have a favorite one.
They're all just really fun to read through.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:39 PM
I was always drawn to his tragedies. My favorites are King Lear,
Macbeth, and Henry V.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:49 PM
As I reflect on your words above, though, as usual, you have some
keen insight. How can one choose a favorite among so many good
things? Sort of like the "degrees of handsomeness" that we talked
about earlier in the conversation this evening....
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:49 PM
Hehe, I'm not sure it's so much "insight" as much as "Eh, they're
all nice".
Sandalf13 Today at 6:49 PM
Give yourself credit where credit is due1
[6:50 PM]
I am amazed at the way you appreciate so much of English
literature as a non-native speaker. Your knowledge is both a
wonder and an inspiration to me...
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:53 PM
Kinda rolled into it, I guess. We've always had a lot of English
in tv, movies and computer games over here. I was sold on the
Warcraft series since I was 10, found my first Tolkien book in a
school library at about 15, and it all just grew from there.
[6:53 PM]
The Dutch are famously good at English
Sandalf13 Today at 6:53 PM
There are many similarities in the languages...
[6:54 PM]
I didn't get introduced to the LoTR until I was 19, and then I
could not put the books down. I have not stopped since then.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:54 PM
When I was a kid, even the cartoons were in English on tv, though
with Dutch subtitles. In recent years they've just been resynched
in Dutch, which is a shame.
[6:56 PM]
It also helps that I'm just not a fan of the Dutch language in
media. Of course I mostly read my books in Dutch when I was a kid,
and I've still read my old school-required Dutch fiction in later
years, but after starting in English that has been the majority of
my reading.
[6:56 PM]
And don't get me started on Dutch tv series and movies...
Sandalf13 Today at 6:57 PM
I am not aware of too much in the way of Dutch contributions to
literature...am I incorrect? Of course, their contributions to the
world of art of legendary.
[6:57 PM]
I know of many famous books/authors in German and English, but
none from NL.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:58 PM
Dutch literature is usually only known in the Netherlands
Not sure if you've heard of the book/movie Turkish Delight? One of
our most successful ones internationally, I suppose. Personally I
can't stand the book.
Sandalf13 Today at 6:59 PM
I have heard the name, but that is all.
[6:59 PM]
Wasn't the diary of Anne Frank originally written in Dutch?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 6:59 PM
Movie's by Paul Verhoeven, who's made some well-known movies in
English as well.
[6:59 PM]
Oh, of course, Anne Frank. That was a real diary, in Dutch, yes,
which was later made into a book.
Sandalf13 Today at 7:00 PM
So. That certainly has become world-class literature...in Dutch.
It was required reading in my high school years.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:00 PM
Sandalf13 Today at 7:00 PM
I guess that makes Anne Frank a Dutch writer, nicht wahr?
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:00 PM
Just goes to show how little I know about the international impact
of Dutch literature.
[7:01 PM]
Ehr, I suppose. By that token, everyone who writes in a diary is a
writer. And she was born in Germany.
Sandalf13 Today at 7:02 PM
Did not her family speak Dutch, however?
[7:02 PM]
Oddly enough, one of my favorite musical composers is Cesar
Franck, whose last name is the same as Anne's...with the addition
of the "c".
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:03 PM
I think so, yes. Looks like they moved here when she was 4.
Sandalf13 Today at 7:03 PM
And don't get me started on Cesar Franck!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:04 PM
Originally the word comes from the Franks, a tribe in Gaul, giving
their name to France
[7:04 PM]
There's probably a web of etymological threads before you hit Anne
Frank and Cesar Franck.
Sandalf13 Today at 7:04 PM
Yes. I believe it became a popular family name in Germany, the
Lowlands, and France.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:05 PM
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt
Sandalf13 Today at 7:13 PM
It is a sad, sad story.
[7:13 PM]
I wonder if Eonwe left the site..I hope i did not intrude on your
intriguing conversation. If he left because of me, I apologize.
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:14 PM
Naaah, of course not. And the conversation had dwindled like 10
minutes before you got back
[7:14 PM]
I've just been preparing for my gaming report ;0
[7:14 PM]
* ;)
Sandalf13 Today at 7:15 PM
OK then. Stay well and healthy, and have a good week ahead. I have
started logging on to Discord several times during the week, as
time allows. Perhaps I will see you here this week. In the
meantime, sei gesund, and always take care of yourself!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:15 PM
You too!
Sandalf13 Today at 7:15 PM
I do intend to start LoTRo as soon as get Chapter Three
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:16 PM
Ah, enjoy
Sandalf13 Today at 7:16 PM
Thanks, and Namarie!
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 7:17 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V Today at 9:07 PM
K, personal gaming report!
[9:07 PM]
For (non)flashgaming,
here's https://www.kongregate.com/games/targaciej/naboki
Disassemble puzzle.
More levels: NABOKI.eu
[9:07 PM]
A puzzle game where you have to rotate and click all the tiles to
make them leave the screen, a sort of 3d unpuzzle
[9:08 PM]
direction arrows, levers, rotational buttons, etc!
[9:09 PM]
Blizzard gaming:
[9:10 PM]
Hearthstone: Made it to level 166 on the reward track, getting me
enough gold to buy the Karazhan Nights card back.
[9:10 PM]
Also got the demon hunter to level 58. 2 more to go!
[9:11 PM]
Brawl is murlocs! Choose a class, get random class spells and a
ton of murlocs.
[9:11 PM]
I won a few with the shaman myself, since that one synergizes well
with murlocs.
[9:12 PM]
Much mercenary progress! Completed story quest 17, as I'd planned
to do when I got my first level 17 task, which meant going into
Blackrock Mountain for the first time.
[9:13 PM]
Thus defeating Coren Direbrew's bounty for the first time
[9:13 PM]
From the pack reward for the level 17 pack, I got the mercenary
Sinestra, and enough coins to acquire Uther as well.
[9:14 PM]
For other tasks, they were mostly high level, and most of the
mercenary levels I got were getting Mutanus and Mannoroth up a
[9:15 PM]
[9:16 PM]
More raiding! Got Anduin down on normal difficulty for the first
time, getting a nifty cutscene and unlocking the final wing. There
we got a few tries in on the Lords of Dread, and next reset we're
planning on trying our first heroic fights.
[9:17 PM]
From a chest earlier in the raid that requires some planning and
effort to unlock, all our Night Fae raiders (including me) got a
new soulshape, the Snail.
[9:18 PM]
And for a whole lot of anima I got the Conservator's Raiment Set,
completing the base Night Fae appearance sets
[9:18 PM]
Next up I'm saving for the items that got in in 9.1 and later,
starting with a flying mount for renown.
[9:19 PM]
Weekly is arenas, which is going well, and is always fun
[9:20 PM]
Oh, and got my second setpiece, the helm, from Anduin. But since
my specs use a legendary helm and legendary pants... neither has
the 2-piece bonus. But it can only go up from here!
[9:20 PM]
Finally, more alting
[9:21 PM]
Completed the base mage class campaign, putting a powerful demon
in a soulstone, getting a new title and heroic weapon appearance
as well.
[9:22 PM]
Continued into the 7.2 chapter, opening up the Broken Shore, and
then heading back to the class hall for the next mage questline.
[9:22 PM]
I got the secret frost weapon appearance along the way, and made
it to level 47.
[9:22 PM]
One to go until she too makes her way to the Shadowlands
[9:22 PM]
And that's my report for the weekend!
[9:24 PM]
Varda Today at 11:12 PM
Thank you, Phar. : )