Valar Guild

May 30, 2021 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

Back to News
Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for Eastern.]
["slight smile" is the same as we are used to using as a regular smiley]

Attending (and spoke): (8)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Falco, Gimli, Irmo, Treebeard/Fangorn, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news:
    Memorial weekend this weekend, with Memorial Day tomorrow, so travel or time-off for many is affecting gaming.
    General: Eonwe:  World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Lord of the Rings Online
    Topic: from Varda: How were the dead honored in Tolkien's tales, especially in the LotR? (We opened it up to all books.)
    (non)Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon.
    The Ashbringer sword (whisper it)

Varda — 05/30/2021
[4:03 PM]
@Bounder Aiya! Time to meet up with friends and say hi! Maybe pass along some news about gaming or Tolkien!
[4:04 PM]

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
[4:04 PM]

Arien  Valar — 05/30/2021
Aiya all

Varda — 05/30/2021
Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the US, so a number of us are traveling during the long weekend visiting family and friends.
[4:05 PM]
Aiya Arien : )

Gimli — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
Aiya Gimli : )

Gimli — 05/30/2021
getting our butts kicked in conan hehe, sipta map has been released

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Aiya all!

Varda — 05/30/2021
[4:07 PM]
Aiya Phar!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Greetings All.

Varda — 05/30/2021
Good luck figuring it all out, Gimli!
[4:08 PM]
Aiya Eonwe : )
[4:09 PM]
Thanks for the news about the new map, Gimli. : )
[4:09 PM]
Treebeard aka Fangorn and Cenedra aka Eowyn are in StarCraft 2 : )
[4:10 PM]
On to
[4:10 PM]


[4:10 PM]
We just picked up Gaming news from Gimli : )
[4:11 PM]
Aiya Irmo!

Irmo — 05/30/2021
Greetings and salutations friends, sorry I can't stay long, rough day tomorrow

Gimli — 05/30/2021
well...i can hammer out the rough parts to make it a more smoother day!!

Varda — 05/30/2021
Thanks for dropping by and saying hi!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Heya Irmo. Good to see you mellon. Glad you could at least say hi. Hope all goes well with you and the family.

Irmo — 05/30/2021
Thanks Gimli, but I am not dwarf-inclined enough to entrust them to hammer out my days <grin> nothing personal of course

Gimli — 05/30/2021
details details >_>

Irmo — 05/30/2021
I am in the bidding process on a house we want, bit stressed

Gimli — 05/30/2021
well good luck

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
good luck!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
LotRO joke ---- Here's a tip: Bid more than 5 :}

Irmo — 05/30/2021
Bidding ends Tuesday 16:00 EDT

Varda — 05/30/2021
Saruman bids 5.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Good luck Irmo :}

Irmo — 05/30/2021
If Saruman is in the bid, I will send him a dream he won't forget

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
[4:17 PM]
Glad to know the LotRO references I remember aren't so outdated they're forgotten, hehe.

Varda — 05/30/2021
Yay Irmo!
[4:18 PM]
Not outdated for those with altitis, like most of us.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021

Irmo — 05/30/2021
Mehtinks I have done that storyline 7 times now, so...cannot possibly not remember

Varda — 05/30/2021
[4:19 PM]
Ready to pass Eonwe the oft-shined gavel for Gaming!
[4:19 PM]

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Receives gavel, gets a little feedback. Taps gavel and it clears up.

Varda — 05/30/2021
(Chime in with your own additions to the news or catch it after the end for updates)
[4:20 PM]

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
World of Warcraft:
[4:20 PM]
If you're looking to go into Burning Crusade Classic, check out Burning Crusade Classic: The Story So Far. ---
World of Warcraft
Burning Crusade Classic: The Story So Far - WoW
Prepare to re-enter the Dark Portal by brushing up on the major events of the Warcraft story that led to Azeroth’s armies step foot (or hoof!) into Outland.

[4:21 PM]
Check out this week's hotfixes. ---
    World of Warcraft
    Hotfixes: May 28, 2021 - WoW
    Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and WoW Classic.

[4:21 PM]

[4:21 PM]
Funk and flavor: Behind the new Overwatch Anniversary skins
Learn more about how Overwatch artist David Kang helped bring the latest Baptiste and Junkrat skins to life.

[4:21 PM]

Lord of the Rings Online:
[4:23 PM]
Varda has disbanded the kin on Ithil, so the current information on the retired Ithil Player table will indeed be the last. If you haven't already made your characer's way to another server, make sure you do that. To join the kins: Anor to continue on Legendary play, Landroval for the most current play.
[Note: the Ithil branch was disbanded because the Ithil server will no longer exist. The Devs say this is due to low population.]

Varda — 05/30/2021
Easiest way to catch an officer is on Discord, especially during meetings. Also say hi in Valar channel to hopefully get attention.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Captain Calasulo has already made his way to Anor to fight orcs and other foul creatures. He's quite confident he could do that all day.

Varda — 05/30/2021

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
That's it for the gaming news I have.

Varda — 05/30/2021
Landroval server:

Ithil server:
Branch is disbanded, most characters transferring to Anor, a number still need kin invitations.

Anor server:
(sometimes Fainan can't bring up "Toggle Decoration Mode" but a run in or out of the house, or restarting the character fixes the problem.)
[4:26 PM]
Fainan is about to pop into Anor to help folks join the kin.
[4:27 PM]
Thank you, Eonwe
[4:27 PM]
Our Anor branch now has an island house, thanks to housing writs from Ithil.
[4:27 PM]
Happy decorating!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
Thanks : )
[4:28 PM]
Buried Treasure event through May 31. Grab your /rich emote and maybe a treasure chest!
[4:29 PM]
Not enough changes going on in LotRO for you?

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Make sure to hide the chests from the Sackville-Bagginses.

Treebeard — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
Update 30 is being tested!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
Oh, we need a decoy chest of silver spoons.
[4:30 PM]
Aiya Fangorn! : )

[4:30 PM]
    Bullroarer Update 30 - Preview #2 - CLOSED
    Bullroarer is CLOSED - Thank you for your participation and feedback!
    Server Opening Time: Thursday, 05/27 3:00 PM EDT
    Server Closing Time: UPDATED Friday, 05/28 ~1:15 PM EDT
    Report A Bug
    Guide to the Eyes and Guard Tavern
    Character Copy is AVAILABLE. This can be accessed through the 'Transfer' button on the Bullroarer Launcher.

[4:30 PM]
Any other gaming news, membership news?

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
first covid shot in a few days!

Varda — 05/30/2021
Good luck, Phar!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
In other news, Fainan is now on Anor, so poke me here on Discord to get attention for your character needing a kin invite.
[4:35 PM]
on to
[4:35 PM]


[4:35 PM]
I really should have my books out for this, so there will be much flipping of pages.
[4:36 PM]
How were the dead honored in Tolkien's tales, especially in the LotR?
[4:36 PM]
We know JRRT had personal feelings on the matter and it comes out in his writing, as experience always does for writers.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Burning the body is not something that seems to have been a preferred style among those in the West. Dwarves reluctantly burned the Dwarves who fell at the Battle of Azanulbizar because it was that many of them.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Rohan had burial mounds, neatly in rows.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
They say proudly 'He was a burned Dwarf" specifically because of the strange circumstances.

Varda — 05/30/2021
And later it became a point of pride to say a dwarven ancestor had been a "burned dwarf" from that battle.
[4:39 PM]
Aye, Phar. The mounds had a road built through the middle so that those coming through it would see and remember them.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
And then there was a third line and they grumbled because they had to rearrange the infrastructure.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Burning the body was evidently practiced (in the past at least) by the kings of non-Dunadan Atani as well.
[4:41 PM]
The Dunedain, as time went on in the Second Age, gave more and more effort to the burial and preservation of the body. Too much, by implication of why they did it.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Never know. We might find a way to get immortality, and it might be applied retroactively!

Varda — 05/30/2021
And they think the person is a body. Very different from the Valar and elven thinking.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Yep, Eru is just going to let all those souls back into Arda,.... at the End :}

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Well we're not going to assume that they get a new one when they get back
[4:46 PM]
Souls need an anchor!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
[4:48 PM]
Elves, I don't think we get much on their burial rites, but I recall in some early version, Elven bodies decompose rather quickly.
[4:49 PM]
Considering the Dead Marshes though, I wonder how long that thought held.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Imagine getting reincarnated out of Mandos, going back to Middle-Earth and finding your body lying there.
[4:49 PM]
"I hate corpse running."

Varda — 05/30/2021
They seemed to be some kind of illusion, glamour. Gollum couldn't take a bite.
[4:50 PM]
heh, Phar. Shades of EverQuest. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Pretty much every MMO out there, I guess  Not Guild Wars though.
[4:50 PM]
Either get resurrected, or if the party wipes you end up somewhere at a shrine or outpost.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
I need to reread that. I got the impression that it was because he couldn't get to them, not because he got to them and when he tried nothing happened.

Falco — 05/30/2021
[4:51 PM]

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Arien  Valar — 05/30/2021
Aiya Falco

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Heya Falco.

Varda — 05/30/2021
Aiya Falco : )

Arien  Valar — 05/30/2021
I remember that Gimli , Legolas and Aragorn put Boromirs body in trhe boat and the sword s of his defeated enemies at his feet with his armor and his sword

Varda — 05/30/2021
A fairly large section in LotR shows Aragorn and his people calling out the names of the dead and trying to honor them.
[4:52 PM]
Aiya Arien : )

Arien  Valar — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
It's part of how we learned what happened to some of the less famous characters.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Heya Arien.
[4:57 PM]
Hobbits don't seem to have any particularly notable practices in relation to the dead.
[4:57 PM]
At least none that we're told about.

Varda — 05/30/2021
That's a good question. I would guess it would be like any of those living in the English countryside, but would it be family gravesites on farms or a place of gathering? Both?

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Hmm, interesting question.
[4:59 PM]
I don't believe we're told about any family graves on the Hill.

Varda — 05/30/2021
The whole subject was left out for the Shire, it seems. It's very possible.

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Well, there is the situation after the Scouring of the Shire.
[5:01 PM]
But that would seem to be rather unique.

Arien  Valar — 05/30/2021
right .. unfortunately i have to leave .. early start early finish of the night :/  Namarie for now i shall read the chat with interest

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Sleep well Arien, remember the RP and all that :}

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
And yeah, the idea of burial mounds might be a bit weird when you're already used to living in hills.
[5:02 PM]
Or fitting. I don't know.

Varda — 05/30/2021
They might be long underground tunnels?
[5:02 PM]
kNamarie Arien : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Could be like.. catacombs under brandybuck hill or whatever the place is called.
[5:03 PM]
Yeah, tunnels

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021

Varda — 05/30/2021
Aye, catacombs would be the right word for burial tunnels!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Hobbits liked to dig.
[5:03 PM]
Might've been seen as fitting to put the dead in catacombs of some sort.

Varda — 05/30/2021
[5:04 PM]
We have reached the hour.
[5:04 PM]
(and I need to ask help to bring in my characters for Anor too)  : )
[5:05 PM]
And a question. Do we only get two renames? My third Fanuilos-1 had no rename in the mail as the first two did. [Note: the renames for -1's came up later. Restart came in between.]

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
When they released wow names, all old ones who came back too late got xyz added to their name, as I recall. Makes more sense than -1.

Varda — 05/30/2021
the gavel and hammerpad do a dance circling each other on the table
[5:06 PM]
they bow and



Falco — 05/30/2021
All of my characters came over with their names intact.   Also each character I have looked at had 1 rename option available, not sure if I could have renamed all 13 of mine though.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Might be just the first 2 you use.

Varda — 05/30/2021
All of them! That's a lot. I only had two with the rename offered.
[5:09 PM]
Thanks to Falco for his help on Anor, inviting characters!

Falco — 05/30/2021
You're Most Welcome Varda!

Varda — 05/30/2021
Now maybe you'll have some play time. : )
[5:24 PM]
Phar, if there's already a -1 we can have a -2 or -3. This can happen with everyone wanting Tolkien names. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Yeah, but numbers in the names seems a bit weird... but maybe that's the RP-server player in me talking

Varda — 05/30/2021
We can rename. : )
[5:39 PM]
My character that couldn't before now shows the rename ability. Renamed fine.
[5:39 PM]
Gets rid of the number.
[5:39 PM]
xyz sounds normal? : )
[5:43 PM]
Everyone in the kin should now have permissions to do everything with the Anor kin house. Sorry I didn't realize it hadn't been done. Must have been when I switched to the new kinhouse, silly me. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
sorry, router lost power for a bit, we were working on it a bit and I guess the plug got unplugged
[5:45 PM]
Xyz sounds more normal for rp than a number
[5:46 PM]
Though if you just use "one" it could work.

Varda — 05/30/2021
Maybe so : )

Varda — 05/30/2021
Namarie for now. : )

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
[6:04 PM]
I'll start that personal gaming report.
[6:04 PM]
I'm sure you'll be back later to transcribe it


Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Perrrsonal gaming!
[6:32 PM]
For this week's nonflashgaming, 4 new badges for me, with 1 being another of those detective rpg games... so I'll give the other 3
[6:32 PM] is the first game! From the same creator as last week's Brain Preservation, we've got ourselves another puzzle platformer
    A Grim Granny
    Casual puzzle-platformer. Granny likes to brag, help her impress the young ones.
    Sequel to quotA Grim Love Talequot ampamp; quotA Grim Chasequot. Features 20 levels and 2 d...

[6:35 PM]
A new member to the series' Grim Reaper family, granny's trying to impress the young ones, but they're not easily wowed! Help her look stronger by having her possess mortals and have them kill themselves... with other mechanics following later on!
[6:41 PM] is a math game, akin to a sudoko, but with extra functions like adding up columns in strange shapes. Place all the numbers to complete all the totals and without having duplicates vertically or horizontally
    Puzlogic Plus
    Unique puzzle game inspired by sudoku and cross sums (kakuro). This follow-up has 28 new puzzles, new rules and improved gameplay.

[6:43 PM]
Get extra stars by disabling hints and not making mistakes!
[6:45 PM] for the last game, a puzzle platformer where you play a small triangular drawing make your way across a 2d maze, with switches and color codes, to find your way to the gems.
    Doodle Alive
    Puzzle game where a little doodle comes to life.

[6:46 PM]
But there's a twist: You can switch between top-view and a vertical platformer at any time, which allows you to move between sections in different ways
[6:47 PM]
It may sound complicated, but the tutorial's clear enough


Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Guild Wars:
Apart from a bit more reading, went for the first Titan quest. With level 20 henchmen still available, it went pretty good, and I even got to explore two zones I hadn't been to before while doing it  One has an interesting fortress which might be fun to clear out, but the patrols are huge, so I figured I'd just go for the quest instead. Maybe later
[7:01 PM]
Since these quests are going to be pushing henchmen-use to the limit, I searched online for some tips for them, and found out there's actually a command in the game to call out priority targets, which not only works to alert other players in your party if you have them, but also makes henchmen and heroes switch targets. Could've used that before!
[7:02 PM]
A feature not mentioned in the original campaign's manual, though today I actually came across it in one of the later campaigns' manuals as well. Quite a coincidence, though that didn't mention the henchmen bit.
[7:03 PM]
And there were also other tips like turning and running if you want the henchmen to flee with you, since just backing away doesn't pull them from combat. Stuff like that could come in useful
[7:03 PM]
We'll see if it's enough for the next few titan quests as well.
[7:04 PM]
(for those curious: ctrl + spacebar with a target selected calls it out, as well as making you attack; the controls for just the calling out are rather more complex)
[7:05 PM]
(...actually, it's just shift + ctrl + spacebar)
[7:06 PM]

Blizzard gaming:

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Heroes of the Storm:
Still 454, though did get more games in
[7:17 PM]
level 86 now! With experience needed per level confirmed capped out at 2500 now, I'm guessing I'll get to 100 in about 3 weeks.
[7:18 PM]
Had some luck in the ranked play, getting to silver 5 for the first time  Good way to end the month, with a few extra card rewards. Gonna be a rare occurrence I'm sure, but I'll take it!
[7:20 PM]
Tavern brawl is pretty interesting! Showdown at Blackrock Mountain, with Ragnaros vs Nefarian. Nefarian's mostly based around random spells at cheap prices, while Ragnaros has some powerful minions and hero powers. I was Ragnaros 3 times and won all 3, so it might be more powerful than Nefarian, but I think my opponents were just unlucky with the spells they got.

[7:21 PM]
Raiding's slowed down a bit, with the 2 raidnights instead of 3, still lowish numbers and no luck on Sire yet. For those who don't have their achievement yet, I hope we can step up soon.
[7:23 PM]
Weekly is timewalks, Cataclysm period. Apparently the End Time dungeon counts twice, whether by bug or intentionally because people don't like it - personally it's one of my favorites - and I got it twice, so only needed to do 3 timewalks overall.
[7:24 PM]
For this week's Torghast, went through layer 1 a bunch of times to get an easy run and hoping for the one boss in the Soulforges wing I was still missing.
[7:24 PM]
Kept getting the same different boss, though, even after killing it and completing the run rather than running out and restarting, so I switched to layer 2, and lo, there was my missing boss, Malleare
[7:25 PM]
Completing the achievement for killing all torghast bosses!
[7:25 PM]
All I have left is phantasma and Twisting Corridors achievements, and I think I'll postpone those until 9.1, so I'm probably done with Torghast until then.
[7:27 PM]
Completed the last quest in the last of the 3 Conservatory npc questlines, getting me a new toy, the Mystical Orb of Meditation  Can use it to take a floating meditating stance anywhere, at no cooldown, so it'll be a nice idle pose in raids at least for me!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Congrats :}

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
I only bother with Torghast at this point when the quest comes up. Based on my last run of Twisting Corridors, I've got some more gearing to do before I move to the next tier.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Got a new mount too, the 4-slot Maldraxxus mount from the conservatory, called the Gruesome Flayedwing.
[7:29 PM]
Oh, yes, of course, when the quest comes up. Which can also be done in layer 1 so it won't take long anyway
[7:29 PM]
I've got 4 layers of TC done now, the last 4 aren't going anywhere, might as well do them with the next expansion's gearing.
[7:29 PM]
I guess the same goes for you
[7:31 PM]
Freeing up more time for alts is starting to pay off! Got my mage from 26 to 30, leaving all 3 alts at that level. Which is the point, I decided, to move them out of the classic regions and into Legion!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
I'll try them as I get bored and have 3 hours to sit around, heh.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
I could've basically sent em to any expansion to finish the job, but since Legion has a ton of class-specific quests it seemed like the best place to go for questing variation. Indeed, I will be focusing on the class campaigns all the way up to the mount - or level 48-50, whatever comes up first
[7:33 PM]
Starting with the paladin, I sent her into the Broken Shore intro scenario. Can be skipped on alts, but it's a nice scenario, and it allowed me to get a new item from the scenario-only vendor in the harbor... which apparently sells an item that wasn't around when I did it with my druid.
[7:34 PM]
A new toy, called Bom'bay's Color-Seein' Sauce. Strange thing, colors your screen for a short while. Still, a toy's a toy.
[7:34 PM]
And during the scenario itself I also got the secret item to unlock the bonnet appearance, even though I'd already done it on Calaron, I like the idea of getting them on my alts too.
[7:35 PM]
Next up, pally will be going for the broken isles, and getting... what's the retribution weapon? Ashbringer?

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Now I wonder if I ever got that....
[7:35 PM]
Ashbringer = Ret, yes.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Alright, that's where she'll start

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
But you can't just say "Ashbringer"

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
The Ashbringer?

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
You have to say it in a hushed tone, like "The Ashbringer".
[7:36 PM]

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
As in which someone in WoW linked to me today?
    Leo Koutakis
    Patrick that's the Ashbringer - Director's cut

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
I've never seen that actually.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Now's your chance!

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Ok that's crazy.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
And that's my report for the week!

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021
Hmm, looks like I'm gonna want to do the Balance of Power questline on my sass rogue, that artifact appearance fits nicely.

Ar-Pharazon-V — 05/30/2021

Eonwë Valar — 05/30/2021
Sleep well :}

Varda — 05/30/2021
Namarie : )
[11:52 PM]
Heh, man what a sword!
