April 5, 2020 Sunday Meeting
P.M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time
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Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for
["slight smile" is the same as we are used to using as a regular
Attending (and
spoke): (7)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Arwen (After-meeting), Eonwe (Before-meeting),
Falco, Pallando, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news
Tolkien Site / Stories:
New story posted today: "The
Lord of Gifts" by Shirebound.
General reports: Lord of the Rings Online, World
of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone
Topic: Where did those
rings come from for the Dwarves and the Nine?
Flashgaming Reviews by
Eonwe Valar03/29/2020
Heya all.
The 100% bonus exp plus rested exp can go a long way. Got a couple
of characters up from 111/112 to 115/116 before rested exp ran out,
in only a few hours. Good time to get alts levelled up :}
Eonwe ValarLast Wednesday at 7:08 AM
Heya all :} Just thought I'd stop in and say I did my first 3-mask
Horrific Vision.
Eonwe ValarLast Wednesday at 7:31 AM
I think it's going to be an uglier fight in Orgrimmar than it was in
Stormwind, heh.
Eonwe ValarToday at 1:03 PM
My Night Elf Priest Kalasul and Night Elf Druid Kalmo are now 120.
Just gotta get my Dwarf Warrior Sulenar 7 more levels and he'll be
120 as well, and that should give me the achievement for 5 different
classes to max level.
ArienValarToday at 4:00 PM
Aiya all and grats Eonwe :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:01 PM
VardaToday at 4:02 PM
Aiya : ) And woot to Eonwe!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:02 PM
Grats on the 120s, grats on the 3 masks :slight_smile:
FalcoToday at 4:03 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:04 PM
VardaToday at 4:04 PM
Aiya Falco : )
ArienValarToday at 4:05 PM
Aiya Falco :slight_smile:
Pallando-ValarToday at 4:06 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:06 PM
VardaToday at 4:06 PM
Aiya to the Blue Wizard : )
Pallando-ValarToday at 4:06 PM
you really should ping for these, it makes it much easier to find
the Valar server. :p
VardaToday at 4:07 PM
Sorry, how do we ping? We have a guild picture on the side for the
channel list with our shield icon if that helps.
ArienValarToday at 4:07 PM
Aiya Pallando :slight_smile:
VardaToday at 4:08 PM
Nob says hi, he's working at the moment. : )
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Lots of busy people online! Good health and good fortune to us all.
Web News:
We have a new story up from Shirebound, a quick one chapter read
this time.
The Lord of Gifts
fanfiction Fellowship of the
Rings. "Aragorn encounters Frodo in Elrond's
library, and is
surprised to learn what the hobbit is
Does anyone have some Tolkien-related news? Cool Tolkien links you'd
like to pass around?
On to
What we'd all like to be doing. ; ) Maybe some of us can get
together after (or even during) the meeting.
Lord of the Rings Online:
We had Update 25.4.4 this last Wednesday:
Has some helpful news for those of us trying to run the new raid.
The Spring Festival is still going through April 13th.
Guildies showing up in our kin this past week:
Any other LotRO news you'd like to mention?
Falco and Dis have been mowing down the levels hitting the tops on a
batch of characters in Ithil. More power and kudos to them!
World of Warcraft:
This week's Bonus Event: World Quests.
The PvP Brawl: Comp Stomp began March 31 and runs through Tuesday,
April 7th.
The Darkmoon Faire begins today and runs through Saturday, April
The March of the Tadpoles is today.
(great name)
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:16 PM
VardaToday at 4:16 PM
Starcraft 2:
Played this past week by Fangorn, Eowyn, Faramir. Surely others of
you here? : )
Any other gaming news? Eve Online? other?
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:19 PM
Hearthstone has news?
VardaToday at 4:19 PM
Fire away, Phar!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:19 PM
In preparation for the next expansion, with the new class, the Demon
Hunter prologue quests have been released.
You can complete the quests, revisit Illidan's origin story from his
own point of view, and unlock the class for use when the expansion
arrives in a few days :slight_smile:
Starts at level 20 too, giving you all the basic class cards, a few
classic cards and even a pre-made deck if you have a slot free.
So all ready to jump in :slight_smile:
And that's pretty much it!
VardaToday at 4:24 PM
Thank you, Phar
If there is no other news and all minds are clear?
no mind wipes!
on to
Today's story suggested a question.
Where did those rings come from for the
Dwarves and the Nine?
We know, if we just think of it.
Would anyone like to answer that one?
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:27 PM
I assume same place as the other Rings, but made with Sauron's
influence, and he left with em when the war came?
VardaToday at 4:27 PM
That's pretty much right. I checked it in the Silmarillion.
Same place as the other rings. Where was that?
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:28 PM
Yeah, see, when I wrote that I couldn't think of the name...
but now I think it's Eregion? :slight_smile:
VardaToday at 4:28 PM
Eregion is right!
The elven-smiths made them under Sauron's tutelage, so every one of
them was sneakily contaminated, what we might call infected with
sneaky coding.
There was indeed a war, but that is just slightly off there.
So for the fun of it, we have a Tolkien Moment!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:30 PM
Well, I assume when he went off with them, it wasn't an act of peace
VardaToday at 4:30 PM
For sure!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:30 PM
or did the Elves distribute them?
VardaToday at 4:30 PM
Silmarillion, "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age"
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:31 PM
I'm not sure really, how Sauron got them to the dwarves. Was he
still in his fair form at that point?
VardaToday at 4:31 PM
He was, yes.
"...As soon as Sauron set the One Ring upon his finger they [the
Elves] were aware of him; and they knew him, and perceived that he
would be master of them, and of all that they wrought.
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:31 PM
"Look, guys, shinies!"
VardaToday at 4:31 PM
(right! hahaha)
Then in anger and fear they took off their rings.
But he, finding that he was betrayed and that the Elves were not
deceived, was filled with wrath; and he came against them with open
war, demanding that all the rings should be delivered to him, since
the Elvensmiths could not have attained to their making without his
lore and counsel.
But the Elves fled from him; and three of their rings they saved,
and bore them away, and hid them.
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:32 PM
ahh, and that's when he got em
VardaToday at 4:32 PM
(lots of story here, but skipping to what we were discussing, and
But Sauron into his hands all the remaining Rings of Power; and he
dealt them out to the other peoples of Middle-earth, hoping thus to
bring under his sway all those that desired secret power beyond the
measure of their kind.
That's a lot of info in a short place. Good ol' Sil. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:33 PM
Yep :smile:
Could make 2 movies per page.
VardaToday at 4:33 PM
Too right. : )
Maybe fan-based movies, like have been showing up.
If anyone wants to go at that, please let us know!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:35 PM
I'm thinking about a documentary series highlighting events from all
over the Silmarillion as if they were real historical events, with
actors acting them out.
I mean, I won't make it, but it seems like a nice idea :smile:
VardaToday at 4:35 PM
Exactly. That would be great.
Or comic art style.
Anyway, that was all my news and tales. Anyone else have some
Gaming, Tolkien, news?
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:37 PM
Met Fladrif in Hearthstone!
Played a game together.
I think that was this week... the days melt together.
VardaToday at 4:38 PM
Good that we can get together online. : )
the gavel dances out towards the hammerpad
the hammerpad rolls onto its side and they do a circle dance
then a whop like a gong to end the dance
bow and return
Free chat about anything. : )
Oh, free LotRO store code sleepingpig as well as atkup
The sleepingpig housing deco is told to us on the LotRO Twitter, not
the LotRO Beacon. Guess it helps drive traffic there.
Get a free Pig in a Blanket Housing Decoration with the Coupon Code
SLEEPINGPIG, now through April 30th! 10 per Account Redemption. Fits
in Small Yard and Thin Furniture hook points.
LOTRO (@lotro)
Welcome to the Official Twitter feed for The Lord of the Rings
Online, the only massively-multiplayer game based on J.R.R.
Tolkien's masterpiece!
I had been wondering where people were finding that extra code.
That's where. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:43 PM
sounds neat! we're not talking about the food item, are we?
VardaToday at 4:44 PM
Ok, I'd better go see to making supper for this mob around
Nope, it is a pig sleeping in a blanket, pun on the food item for
the hobbit in us. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:44 PM
Good luck, and enjoy!
right :smile:
VardaToday at 4:44 PM
And I will certainly read whatever is added here later!
LOTRO (@lotro)
Free Housing Item for You!
Get a free Pig in a Blanket Housing Decoration with the Coupon Code
SLEEPINGPIG, now through April 30th! 10 per Account Redemption. Fits
in Small Yard and Thin Furniture hook points. #LOTRO
There we go, what was intended above. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:46 PM
awww, it even has a nightcap
VardaToday at 4:49 PM
: )
Oh yeah, the Lord of Gifts wanted them back, just had that thought.
The ones that weren't doing their job of poisoning/ corrupting.
Pallando-ValarToday at 4:50 PM
Hi, sorry. Multitasking. No news for eve yet. They dropped a teaser
trailer and have hints.
Should be some soon.
VardaToday at 4:50 PM
Hah, nice. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:50 PM
Even the ones that were doing their job, he still wanted back to
control their targets.
VardaToday at 4:53 PM
Like the ringwraiths, good point. Not sure they could hold them
anyway, not being as powerful as a Maia who is naturally a spirit.
oops, dropsies.
ok, really have to go cook. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:54 PM
Well, they did wear armor and rode horses. The armor didn't fall
through them and they didn't fall through the horse.
VardaToday at 4:54 PM
ahh good point!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:54 PM
So there is some tangibility there, even if it's specially enchanted
VardaToday at 4:54 PM
So it was just for control.
Back later. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 4:54 PM
personal gaming report!
For flashgaming, 3 games I'd played
before but are fun and/or silly!
is the first game, and pretty much both of the above :slight_smile:
Elephant Quest
The fight is on! Wooly has taken your precious
bowler cap and now you are on a romp to go get it back! Explore the
freeform world of 45 various areas in this R...
You play a blue elephant in a platformer whose hat has been stolen
by a bully, and you have to get it back, getting lots of upgrades
and side quests and becoming silly powerful with lasers attached to
you :slight_smile: Funny quests and dialogue as well.
is the second game! A silly cartoon fighting game where you have to
fight battles against animals, groups of animals and hybrid animals
in weird combinations, such as the first two fights being 100
duck-sized horses and 1 horse-sized duck.
Super Duck Punch!
It#39s time to beat up some Duck-sized Horses! In
Super Duck Punch you take control of an old-timey boxer, thrown into
the ring with some of the craziest battle...
Earn money for upgrades for attack and health as well, so you can
keep becoming stronger!
ArwenToday at 5:09 PM
Aiya :)
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 5:09 PM
ArwenToday at 5:09 PM
At work so just a quick hello!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 5:10 PM
Don't get caught :wink:
for the third game, a nice artsy point and click game where you play
a seed who wants to become an acorn.
A storybook adventure staring a tiny seed pod.
Journey from your tiny island home to the lush forests of your
dreams; explore the hand-drawn landscape and mee...
Using the forms of various trees, each resulting in a different form
of transport, you have to make your way across the land to reach the
oak forest :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 5:27 PM
Blizzard gaming:
Heroes of the Storm:
event is just about over (I have less than 1 day displayed), but no
news yet on what's next.
1 level gotten, to 397, by getting D.Va to level 11. Still a fun
Well, new class, level 20, demon hunter :slight_smile:
Did the prologue quests, the umpteenth time I've heard Illidan's
origin story in some form, and got some practice with the cards
along the way.
It seems mostly centered around weapons, sacrifices and the
summoning of large demons. So basically warlock with a twist? I
think it's more about using the sacrifices of your own (and
opponent's minions) rather than your own health, though, and there
is a good amount of lifesteal present as well.
Also various cards for ramping up your own damage.
Will be interesting. Difficult, but interesting.
Brawl this week is an old troll brawl, with champions and shrines
from the Rastakhan's Rumble expansion. Choose the right class, get a
good shrine, and use it to boost your cards to victory while trying
to keep the opponent's shrine inactive!
Oh, and the new season has started, bringing the revamped ranking
system. The ranking now comes in various tiers with various
thresholds you can't go down from, a new calculation system for
stars based on your performance in the previous system, and a
matchmaking system which is now based more on rating than ranking.
As such, it's no longer about finding your appropriate rank, but
advancing through the ranks as much as you can for more rewards at
the end of the month.
As a result, even while unable to drop very far, you'll not get
stuck among players who are too strong for you, and while you might
not get enough stars to break through to the upper ranks, you will
occasionally get fights you can beat :slight_smile:
Oh, and the seasonal card back is now rewarded as soon as you get 5
wins in a season, rather than at the start of the next, since it's
no longer tied to your rank.
So while I still don't think I'll get very high in the ranks, I do
prefer the new system a bit.
Raiding going well! First kills on heroic Vexiona and Ra-den, with
my loot from Vexiona already gotten. Only 3 more bossfights to go to
clear the place.
On our normal N'Zoth farm I got myself assigned to the second group
for the intermission phases, allowing me to see a lore snippet
taking place, with a vision of Azshara and Sylvanas. I'd heard of
it, but hadn't seen it yet, so that was nice.
Had to start up the emissaries again just for this reset, because of
the world quest weekly, but that's okay, doesn't take up too much
time. And still some extra rewards along the way.
No new rewards from Darkshore and Arathi, but I did get 2 new pets
from other places!
1 was from the expeditions, Captain Nibs, an undead pirate monkey,
and the other was my last pet from the raid, from N'Zoth himself.
Eye of Corruption, which looks suspiciously like the Eye of Sauron
So now all 5 raidpets are mine!
And finally more projects! Completed the raid of Dazar'alor on LFR,
all 3 wings, seeing all the lore one more time in their proper place
and completing the quest to kill Rastakhan.
After that I did the war campaign quests for the aftermath of the
raid, which was mostly npc meetings and flavor dialogue. Still fun!
Then I decided to wrap up the 8.1 content (apart from farmable
things which are still ongoing) by getting the missing
leatherworking patterns from that patch, though I had to grind about
200 mistscales to be able to make the required items. Took me a few
But it's done now, and tomorrow I'll finally go for the Kul Tiran
unlock quest. I asked a person who was holding an altname for me to
release it, so I'll be able to create my Kul Tiran druid right away
I'm thinking of buying the 100k champion treadblade mount for him as
well, so he can be the bikerbear :wink:
Fits his overall shape as well!
So yeah, next week, we start 8.1.5! Finally.
And that's my warcraft report. As for Total Annihilation, I'm up to
level 18 now, and have pushed through some tougher missions with
meteor showers and powerful navies. Still going well, though taking
a bit more effort!
And that's it for my weekly report :slight_smile:
VardaToday at 7:35 PM
Thanks, Phar. : )
Eye of Corruption, eh? heh
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 7:35 PM
Yep! There's plenty of floating eye pets in WoW, and this is one of
the newest.

Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 7:40 PM
There it is!
VardaToday at 7:41 PM
That was from wowhead.
Looks...suspicious, true!
Ar-Pharazon-VToday at 7:41 PM