Valar Guild

September 15, 2019 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern time (-4 GMT aka 9 P.M. aka 21:00)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

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Transcript work by
[times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for Eastern. Example: 4pm Central in the transcript is 5pm Eastern]

Attending (and spoke): (7)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Elrond, Eonwe (presiding), Lenwe, Pallando

Meeting begins
Membership news:
    Games Site Mass Update email have been sent. Please check your email!
    Membership page: changed format into Active and Inactive sections.
    Tolkien Site: this week's new story by Shirebound: "Force of Nature". 
    General reports from Eonwe: World of WarCraft classic, World of WarCraft, Heroes of the Storm.
    Topic: Forum story posting
    Topic: Tolkien trivia game
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon.
    Pallando looking for Valarites live.

LenweLast Sunday at 1:24 PM
No meeting today?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 1:31 PM
Aiya, still half an hour I think :slight_smile:
LenweLast Sunday at 1:42 PM
Sorry! I got the time wrong
ElrondLast Sunday at 1:54 PM
It's all good
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:02 PM
Aiya there :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:02 PM
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:03 PM
I am here but would love to finish a quest in darkshore with miserable droprate .. can u wait so long?
its onlyh two more pelts for each of us ...
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:03 PM
Fine with me, I'm just doing some world quests :slight_smile:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:03 PM
cool :smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:04 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:04 PM
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:04 PM
Aiya Eonwe :slight_smile:
can u do the first part then?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:04 PM
I care chair the meeting, no worries :}
*I can
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:04 PM
cool :smile:
many tha nks
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:05 PM
OK, let's begin.

Elen Sila Lumenn Omentielvo!
Varda is out of town visiting Eowyn and her grandbaby.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:08 PM
Grandmotherly visits are nice :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:08 PM
CelebrianLast Sunday at 2:09 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:09 PM
Pharazon and Arien are here. I am here. Anyone else here? :}
Hey Celebrian :}
LenweLast Sunday at 2:10 PM
I’m here
ElrondLast Sunday at 2:10 PM
I'm halfway here (sitting in elite cave in wow)
LenweLast Sunday at 2:10 PM
Aiya everyone
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:11 PM
Heya Lenwë and Elrond :}
The Games Site Mass-Update mails have been sent to every active member with a working e-mail on the Members page. Please respond by September 30th. If you didn't receive the e-mail, you can still respond, and you might want to check your e-mail on the Members page to make sure it's correct.
Thank you to those who have already responded :}
Any other Membership news?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:13 PM
Oh, does the usual method of dropping you a few games in PM still work? :slight_smile:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:14 PM
got them .. just run back to Auberdine ^^
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:14 PM
Yes, you can PM me the response here in Discord as well. :}
Or through the Forum.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:15 PM
Not sure how long you'll be on. Should I wait until aftermeeting?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:15 PM
You can whisper me whether I'm on or not.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:15 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:17 PM
Also, one more  note of Membership News:
Varda has changed up the format of the Membership page, now divided between Active and Inactive. Anyone in the "Inactive" list might want to make contact and let us know you're still interested in being a member :} Responding to the GSMU counts as activity, even if the answer is "I currently do not play any games."
And since that news walks the line between Membership and Web news,..

New stories posted to the Tolkien Site from Shirebound. Report from Varda on the News page:
"Force of Nature" by Shirebound. Sequel to "A Hobbity Halloween" in the "Quarantined". "Aragorn finds that he needs assistance from Frodo, young Merry, and Scamp to locate a Ranger lost in the Old Forest. But the rescue has an unexpected outcome..."Aragorn, Bilbo, Frodo, Halbarad, Merry, Pippin. 15 chapter.

World of Warcraft:
The Harvest Festival is going and runs through Tuesday September 17th.
This week's bonus event is Arena Skirmishes. Next week's will be World Quests.
We got a preview of the Goblin and Worgen model updates coming. Check them out here:
    World of Warcraft
    These Million Gold Looks for Goblins and Worgen are Something to H...
    Get ready to shapeshift your look with new worgen and goblin models and animations—coming in the 8.2.5 content update.

Also, recruit-a-friend is coming back with some new rewards and features. Check all that out here:
    World of Warcraft
    Recruit A Friend Returns Soon! - WoW
    Bring your friends to Azeroth and earn special rewards with the upcoming Recruit A Friend program.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:26 PM
Hmm, those two updates caught me by surprise. So I did some math, and sure enough, 8.2.5 is about due.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:27 PM
do you have a date ?
ElrondLast Sunday at 2:27 PM
Soon tm
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:27 PM
Yeah, that :wink: It's generally about 3 months between, so maybe a week or two.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:27 PM
What Elrond said, hehe. So far it hasn't been announced in anything I've read.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:28 PM
fair enough ^^
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:28 PM
Starcraft 2:
Patch 4.10.3 came out this week too, but somehow didn't make it into the news on the Games Site. I'm going to have to look at that later... Here's the link on the patch:
    StarCraft II
    StarCraft II Official Game Site
    Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac.
Nothing major, but still.

Lord of the Rings Online:
Update 24.2.4 came out this week. Check out the patch notes here:
    Update 24.2.4 Release Notes
    Here are the Release Notes for Update 24.2.4, released on Wednesday, September 11th, 2019.

Patch 15.2 came out this week and Tombs of Terror Chapters 1 and 2 is coming September 17th. Check out the announcement:
    Hearthstone Update – September 10 – Tombs of Terror!
    Find details on everything that’s coming in this update, including the new solo adventure, card changes, game updates, and more!

Also of note, don't forget Destiny 2 is migrating from to Steam, so you need to complete your transition by the end of the month if you're going to do so.
Any other gaming news?
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:35 PM
nothing from me
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:35 PM
Second phase of Starcraft 2 war chest is out!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:35 PM
Thanks :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:36 PM
Along with new comic nods
Could try to find it for you, though I get those links directly from the war chest page in-game.

Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:36 PM
No worries.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:37 PM
Good, because I can't find em :wink:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:37 PM
Ok, if there's no other Gaming News,...

Quick RP mention: I posted to the discussion thread on the forum some questions for participants. Arien and Phar, that's you :}
There is a small window of opportunity for other interested members to join in, but given how long that last chapter went, you probably ought to have a decade to set aside for this one, lol.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:41 PM
I'm not sure where we should end the next chapter. If we skip most of the journey I'm fine with keeping the Angmar chapter contained. Though the return journey might be another chapter?
New or returning players are welcome, though I don't know if they've been following the story :wink:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:42 PM
Also, I rechecked some maps and looks like unless we go a ways out of our way, we're going through Cardolan mostly, not Arthedain.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:42 PM
Yah, I thought Arthedain was more to the west...
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:44 PM
Or Rhudaur, depending on the map.
Bah, Rhudaur, not Cardolan. Pardon. Don't know why I was thinking Cardolan.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:46 PM
Third time's the charm :wink:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:47 PM
Hehe. At least with Arthedain I was thinking about the battle of Fornost where they drove out the Witch-King.
Anyway, so Rhudaur
is the land we'll be going through to reach Angmar, not that we'll be saying much happened, hehe.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:50 PM
Lots of room for noodle incidents.
If you're familiar with that term :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:51 PM
I think I recall the term, but the first thing coming to mind is the "noodle dream" from Kung Fu Panda, hehe.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:51 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:52 PM
Noodle Incident: Something that gets mentioned as having happened but never gets elaborated on.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:53 PM
Yep, that's it. I think we've got lots of weird things happening during our journey to Angmar that we'll casually mention but never elaborate on :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:53 PM
Or, from TV Tropes, which is so much fun to read:
"The Noodle Incident is something from the past that is sometimes referred to but never explained, with the implication that it's just too ludicrous for words—or perhaps too offensive for depiction—and the reality that any explanation would fall short of audience expectations. Questions about it are often met with "You Don't Want To Know…" Persisting is a good way to press a character's Berserk Button. " for the full read.
    TV Tropes
    Noodle Incident - TV Tropes
    The Noodle Incident is something from the past that is sometimes referred to but never explained, with the implication that it's just too ludicrous for …

Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:55 PM
Nothing like a timeskipped journey through the wild for some serious noodle incidents.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 2:56 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:56 PM
OK, so through Rhudaur to Angmar, Entire Angmar journey contained within this chapter.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 2:58 PM
Sounds good to me. If you want to cut it off at a later time, we can always do that.
Maybe even rename the chapter? :slight_smile:
later time RL, earlier time in the story, I mean :wink:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 2:59 PM
Aye :}
OK, so that's settled, for now at least :}

So for the rest of Tolkien, if anyone has a topic of discussion, we can go with that, or we can do a quick round of trivia, or another game. Preferences?
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:03 PM
trivia is good :)
we havent done that for ages
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:04 PM
Hmm, probably means getting the books out for a question..
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:05 PM
Ok, so everyone here and ready for a round of trivia, say South Farthing.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:05 PM
South Farthing
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:06 PM
South Farthing, if it weren't obvious I'm here and ready :}
Arien, are you in? :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:09 PM
Alright,  I've got an unusual question lined up with possibly more answers than I'll ask for...
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:12 PM
I guess it's just you and me, Phar.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:12 PM
I could head on bnet and poke Arien there.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:13 PM
Your call :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:13 PM
poked :slight_smile:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:14 PM
NOW then  ..  Means of communication .. we have pc , pone , mobile and so on , which means of commuication were there in middlearth ?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:15 PM
Letters. Palantir.
I don't remember birds being used, but people on horses, yes.

Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:16 PM
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:17 PM
something else
very important :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
Thoughts, for certain individuals, speech,
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
Speech is good.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
hand signals.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
uhm ... yes .. long distance though ?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:18 PM
Well, I named the Palantiri already.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:19 PM
something else :smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:19 PM
If we're talking long distance only,..
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:19 PM
Signal fires :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:19 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:19 PM
Sparks of blue flames in mountain passes...
well, it's close :wink:
The beacons are lit!
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:20 PM
no i leave the next question to you that was a team effort :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:20 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:20 PM
Phar's turn
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:21 PM
I was thinking about something called a "terp" today, which is a sort of artificial hill people in this country used to build their towns on to avoid flooding. And it got me thinking about middle-earth.
So my question to you is.
Name at least 5 towns or cities that are built on a hill. They don't all have to be from LotR :slight_smile:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:24 PM
Minas Tirith, Minas Morgul or Anor and ithil
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:25 PM
Hmm I wasn't actually quite sure about Ithil/Morgul, though it would mirror Tirith. And I suppose it still counts as a city at some time.
And is Hobbiton actually built on a hill?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:26 PM
Well, Hobbiton as I recall is kind of around the hill, with Bag End being in the hill. Of course there could be more than one hill, heh.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:27 PM
True :slight_smile:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:27 PM
if its anything like the minishire photo i posted there will be :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:27 PM
Granted I'm not an expert on Hobbit neighborhood planning :}
The Noldorin city in Valinor was on a hill as I recall.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:28 PM
That was one of the 5 I had in mind, yes, Eonwe :slight_smile:
If we count Hobbiton, that would be 5 answers!
I also had Edoras and Bree.
Eonwe's next!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:30 PM
So today we discussed that the North Kingdom of Arnor was formally divided into three kingdoms(skipping the history that caused the division): Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur.
My challenge is to name three regions within the kingdom of Gondor.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:32 PM
Ah, now I'm wondering if I'm thinking of regions or rivers...
I'll start with Belfalas and Lebennin.
I don't think Dol Amroth counts as a region, seems more of a city.
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 3:34 PM
uhm that is Morthond ... the blackroot valley , uhm Lebetrond
or something like that
and uhm no Lamedon it was damn hehe
and Belfalas?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:36 PM
Those will work.
I'm afraid that is all the time I have for today.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:39 PM
Well, after giving my gaming info to Eonwe, I'm just now checking if I still exist in Guild Wars.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:39 PM
So I will bang the gavel here and we will move into Aftermeeting.
Bangs Gavel

Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:39 PM
Sure enough, still there.. "last logged in: 1 year"
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:40 PM
You're still there at least :}
Ok, so off I go. Take care all, good night, sleep well, and have fun :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:40 PM
Alas, the guild I'm in is long gone; varying from 8 months to 8 years :wink: Only one person still more recent than me.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:41 PM
Well maybe you'll find some guild members there after the GSMU :}
Take care :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:41 PM
And only 3 districts active.. what has happened to this game... I'd be surprised if there's 20 people online at this point.
Right. Maybe not that bad. As I waited, 2 other people ran by this quest hub.
Blast from the past, still a nice-looking game. If I had nothing else to do I should see if I can still make it past some maps :wink:
Right, quick Starcraft game for the war chest and then I'll give report.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:00 PM
Heh, found a nice way to shave off about 2 more minutes from an already less than 15 minutes long daily training game for my daily war chest victory.
By having my units' rally point outside the enemy base rather than my own, I'm ready to move in as soon as my army's built and the objective comes up, rather than still having to cross the map at that point :wink:
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 4:01 PM
take care and thanks for chairing :slight_smile:
Namarie, Eonwe


Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
Alright, personal gaming report!
We start with 3 flashgames. is the first game! Play various minigames at the same time with different keys, don't fail, see how long you last. It starts with one, and more get added over time!
    Think you can handle multiple games at once? See just how coordinated you are.
    Props for doing it without any friends to help you. :]
    Also, please check out... is the second game. You control a blue ball, avoid the red balls. They will move across the screen and collide with each other, sending them in unexpected directions. The longer you last, the more balls appear on the screen to dodge.
    Particles is a simple physics game where you dodge bouncing balls.
    Move the blue ball with the mouse, avoid the red balls for as long as you can.
    Be sure to tu...

Right, and after those two skill-based minigames, have for the third game! Platformer upgrade game, where you play a blue elephant who's on a quest to get his hat back, but with lots of sidequests along the way, and many skills and stats to upgrade :slight_smile:
    Elephant Quest
    The fight is on! Wooly has taken your precious bowler cap and now you are on a romp to go get it back! Explore the freeform world of 45 various areas in this R...

Arien ValarLast Sunday at 4:30 PM
right then .. it is bed time for me Phari

Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:30 PM
Arien ValarLast Sunday at 4:30 PM
Namarie for now :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:31 PM
Oh, and after you complete it you can play again... with all the upgrades you had :wink:
Quite fun!

Blizzard gaming:
Starcraft II:
Started the next phase of the war chest! First of the 5 tiers unlocked. As stated above, I've managed to shorten my daily games even more, with less waiting for travel :wink:
All heroes to 59 now! Paladin, mage, priest and warrior. More golden cards gotten; the most useful of which has been the Stormwind Champion. Onward to 60, the last level! I'm not quite sure yet how I want to handle progression afterwards. Possibly rebuild a few decks, since the next goal will probably be 500 ranked wins for each, so I can't just mess about for experience anymore. Maybe I'll rethink my quest decks too.
Another Uldum brawl this week, with a random deck and 3 wishes, granting you the discovery of a perfect card for the situation you may find yourself in. After making one wish, the next wish is shuffled into the deck, so that might be an argument for using them early... personally I preferred to use them later so they might give me more of an advantage if I'm in trouble. Regardless, only took two matches to win :slight_smile:
Heroes of the Storm:
No new levels, still 367. Got a legendary skin from a loot chest for Qhira, the new hero.
Classic WoW: Stiiiill no progress, though I managed to catch up on some things outside and have plans to get a level or two tomorrow, and get my bankalt parked at Thunder Bluff.
Heroic raiding still continuing, still on Azshara. Earlier bosses didn't take too much time anymore. I'd say everything up to Orgozoa is on farm-mode, but Court and Zaqul still take a few tries. For Azshara herself we've been trying a more radical approach for phase 1 tanking, which seems to pay off; the few attempts we've had have been steadily going into phase 3.
Raid essences done, rank 3 for all 3 roles. Rank 4 requires mythic Azshara, so that's not happening.
And only a few more anima from mythic+ weekly chests to go, so should get the last rank 3 essence for that this week as well!
Weekly quest this week is arena skirmishes, good honor to be had! Winrate a bit lower than the last few times, though I did get to try out the inkpod trinket on other players. Is fun, but apparently only stacks to 20.
And finally, made some progress on my todolist... by collecting the Wicker Pup pet!
A cute doggy made of sticks and bones, gotten by finding 4 obscure chests in Drustvar. Good thing for internet guides! Also involves activating or deactivating a few candles but that's so simple that I got them without actually knowing how it worked :wink:
Next goals involve a few more pets as well!
And that's my report for the week :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:21 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 1:18 AM
@Ar-Pharazon-V look at your private messages on discord!
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 1:52 AM
@Arien Valar or someone, can you message him on wow to get him to look at discord? :smile:
ElrondYesterday at 7:13 AM
@Pallando-Valar I sent him a note :slight_smile:
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 10:10 AM
Thank you.:)
Currently planning to be in Luxembourg Thursday and Hamburg Friday then back to Berlin Saturday, but I'm flexible and would love to meet anyone from valar nearby.:)
(Heading to Prague now)
