November 24, 2019 Sunday Meeting
P.M. Eastern time (-4 GMT aka 9 P.M. aka 21:00)
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Transcript work by Varda.
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for
Attending (and
spoke): (3)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news
General reports: Lord of the Rings Online, World
of WarCraft, Diablo 3, Diablo 4, Heroes of the Storm. Then more WoW
and more LotRO.
Topic: How to tell High Elves from other elves.
Flashgaming Reviews by
Eonwe Valar11/21/2019
Lol. Playing my High Elf a bit, and just got called a "young High
Elf" by an old human guy. This guy must think he's got a few
millenia on me :}
Eonwe Valar11/23/2019
You know, I like that LotRO has some more realistic appearances in
armor/clothing styles, but I wish they had WoW's transmog system.
Much more convenient to have a system where you can see every look
in the game, and have access to it just by looting it without having
to keep it.
*dependent on armor class, of course.
I've been considering compiling a list of all the task items and who
they're turned in to to post on the Games Site. I can't seem to find
one readily available online, and having all these supposed "task
items" that don't seem to be associated with a task can be annoying.
I'm sure I'm not the first to come to this conclusion :}
Young Elf is a compliment.
Have you checked out the LOTRO Wiki?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 3:52 PM
Aiya, back in about half an hour. Varda will be absent but I assume
someone will show up, if not I'll poke Arien when I get back :wink:
ArienValarLast Sunday at 3:57 PM
Aiya i am here , so we have a bit of a later start
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 3:58 PM
Heya all.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 3:59 PM
Aiya Eonwe :slight_smile:
so you made it :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:00 PM
Aye :}
Looks like the LotRO WIki has a good compilation of the tasks.
Thanks Falco.
Ok, we'll begin the meeting shortly.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:04 PM
all right#
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:07 PM
OK, let's begin!
Elen Sila Lumenn Omentielvo!
Varda and Fangorn are visiting family, so she couldn't make it
Everyone who is here, say Huan :}
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:09 PM
Phari left a message that he ll be late
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:10 PM
Phar apparently will be back in half an hour, give or take :}
Aye, thanks Arien :}
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:10 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:12 PM
Guess everyone else is busy :}
No new web news this week.
Lord of the Rings Online:
Patch 25.0.2 came out this week.:
Update 25.0.2 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 25.0.2,
released on Thursday, November 21st.
News and Notes:
World of Warcraft:
The new Guild and Communities Finder is now live. :
World of Warcraft
Guild & Communities Finder Now Live - WoW
Expand your world with our redesigned Guild &
Communities Finder!
Check out this week's hotfixes. :
World of Warcraft
Hotfixes: November 22, 2019 - WoW
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address
various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth.
Diablo 3:
Patch 2.6.7A came out this week. :
Diablo III
Patch 2.6.7a Now Live
Below you will find the patch notes for the most
recent update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.7a.
Diablo 4:
A new blog is out: System Design in Diablo IV (Part I). :
Diablo III
System Design in Diablo IV (Part I)
Special Update from David Kim, Lead Systems
Designer on Diablo IV
Heroes of the Storm:
A balance patch came out this week. :
Heroes of the Storm
Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft,
StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus.
Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes
of the Storm!
Any other gaming news?
Ah, : For World of Warcraft, Pilgrim's Bounty is this week.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:21 PM
nice :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:22 PM
It's a good time to get your cooking skill up if you're been
neglecting it :}
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:22 PM
yes true :slight_smile:
i ll see whether i can get at a list with the active players in
Lotro but there is a patch runnning i see
so one News a new patch is active in LotrO
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
Probably the 25.0.2 I mentioned :}
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
probably yes :slight_smile:
there is also a new Beacon out
The Lord of the Rings Online
The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 138
i ll give you the list once i get in
please continue with your routine Eonwe :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:26 PM
I think we're about ready to move on to Tolkien :}
I had one earlier in the week, but alas, I seem to have forgotten
it. Should've written it down, heh.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:29 PM
i can give you a list in fact now
Eonwe :P)
That is Landroval this last week :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:32 PM
THanks :}
Ok, something I was also musing over earlier in the week, was having
my High Elf constantly called "High Elf" by other peoples.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:34 PM
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:36 PM
Aiya Phari :slight_smile:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:36 PM
Now obviously this is mostly a gameplay thing, but it poses the
question: Did High Elves realy stand out that much in
comparison to other Elves that they would be known to be one on
sight, or is it more like the one Elf in RIvendell said of mortals
in another context (paraphrasing): "To a shepherd all sheep look
Heya Phar :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:37 PM
Well, I guess you have to be in the know (a shepherd of sorts) but
there were probably some telling signs, like a glow or something. In
the eyes maybe.
Maybe Silvans were more... leafy :wink:
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:41 PM
maybe darker in skin colour slightly?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
Purple? Probably not.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
no lol :stuck_out_tongue:
but more olive skin to better camoflage , well lack of sunlight
maybe through living in the forest
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:43 PM
Wouldn't that make them lighter skinned? :slight_smile:
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:43 PM
and more agile maybe in climbing and more soft footed than
other kinds
better adapted to forest life
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:43 PM
Less fancy clothing and armor?
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:44 PM
something like that yes
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:44 PM
Good point. Clothing styles can be a good indicator.
I wouldn't be surprised if in the early days of Numenor, Eldarin
clothing styles were all the rage :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:45 PM
With our own improvements, of course!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:47 PM
But even the High Elves living in Rivendell and Lothlorien would've
adopted a clothing style suited to their mission or their living
situation, so would probably adopt something akin to if not exactly
like their Silvan or Avari counterparts.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:47 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:48 PM
Or maybe improved the clothing of their counterparts: durability,
materials, etc. so that everyone was wearing it, more or less.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:50 PM
What about language? Accents?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:51 PM
The High Elves quickly adopted Sindarin in the First Age. I imagine
most would speak that pretty fluently by the Third Age.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:52 PM
Tough to say. Not too many generations. Accents might remain.
Manners of speech.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
Well, we're not sure how many generations of Elves were actually
born between the First and Third Ages.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
i would think the old Language, Quenya, would survive amongst the
loremasters , bards and poets
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
Aye, Quenya was not lost, just kept to themselves.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:54 PM
We can make a guess toward generations with what we know. 6000 years
and no grandchildren for Elrond, I recall?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:54 PM
I suspect, without something to directly quote on it, that High
Elves, if they had an accent, would be when they spoke Westron, with
a Sindarin accent.
Arwen wasn't born until the Third Age, if memory serves.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:55 PM
nods , while not prohibited like Gaelic was for a while which
survived in secrecy and was kept alive by families under danger of
life , it is interesting that this seperation still happenened
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:55 PM
Don't remember about Elladan and Elrohir off the top of my head.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:56 PM
maybe a feeling of shame for what happenened at Alqualonde>?#
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:56 PM
Well, Quenya was prohibited after a fashion: It was prohibited by
Thingol to be spoken in his kingdom. Anyone who did speak it was to
be considered unrepentant of the Kinslaying of Alqualondë.
Of course, Noldor will do as they will in their own lands :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:57 PM
Indeed, Rivendell might've had its share of Quenya-use.
ArienValarLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
interesting true
intention i wonder ?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:59 PM
Considering in the Second Age even the Dunedain were using Quenya, I
think it safe to say that by then it was ok to be spoken.
I'm sure it's easier to read and study ancient texts when you don't
have to translate it to Sindarin before discussing it, hehe.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
By that logic I'd half expect classic scholars to discuss things in
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
What I mean, is it's easier to quote directly from the native
language, then discuss in a more everyday language, than to have to
read in Quenya while at the same time verbalizing it in Sindarin.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
Fair point!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:04 PM
Perhaps that mostly applies to the scholars in Gondor, as RIvendell
would've had native speakers, some of which would learned it in
their youth, but still.
So we've discussed accent, clothing, skin tone (though I don't think
this one would've worked, but welcome physical descriptions from
sources to the contrary), agility (requires specific circumstances).
Is there anything else that might help a High Elf stand out compared
to a Silvan Elf?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
I did mention eye glow earlier, but it might be summarized as a sort
of spiritual presence felt around high elves that silvans do not.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:12 PM
In the HoME, Noldor were noted to have "brighter eyes" by the other
two groups...
ArienValarLast Sunday at 5:12 PM
Gandalf mentioned to Frodo that the Elves of Mirkwood, Silvans,
while being Elves and as such good and wise, still were more wildl
more agressive, more dangerous , than other Elves
Gandalf to Bilbo in the Hobbit
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:12 PM
Noldor would be the predominant High Elves. I don't think Teleri and
especially not Vanyar would've come back into Middle-Earth to start
a colony.
That's an interesting observation.
I guess Gandalf never met Fëanor, lol :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:15 PM
Well, I wouldn't called Feanor "wild", but the other two count.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:21 PM
Charging into battle and pushing right up to Angband, laughing about
how easy it is isn't "wild" enough? :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:22 PM
Just enthusiastic :wink:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:23 PM
Well my friends, I must be off. Shall we bang the gavel here? :}
Raises gavel into the air
Gavel crashes down upon the pad
Aftermeeting: :}
I hope everyone enjoyed the topic :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:27 PM
Twas interesting!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:27 PM
Take care all, good night, sleep well, and have fun :}
ArienValarLast Sunday at 5:37 PM
you too and thanks :slight_smile:
ArienValarLast Sunday at 6:04 PM
Namarie all :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:04 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:48 PM
Personal gaming report!
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:58 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:08 PM
is the first game! Rather haunting music and style, you play a girl
running from her nightmare, collecting coins and striking down
animals in your path by timing the attack. Simpler than it sounds
Fear Less!
A girl#39s recurring nightmares of being chased
by death. Clear your mind and fight back against the darkness!
A collaboration between innomin and atpalicis.
Buy the upgrades including triple jump, get all the medals from
achievements, and then defeat the nightmare.
That said, even with all the upgrades, getting the final
achievements (perfect 120m run, 150 coins, among others) are still
quite a pain to get. But if you're good enough, go for it
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:22 PM
is the second game! A rather long strategy/upgrade game with an army
of animals :slight_smile: Get levels and skill upgrades, collect
gold to upgrade your units, collect equipment to cast spells.
In a distant future,
the greed of Humans brought themselves to their
ruin by destroying their own land and nature, while critters with
intelligence establish...
During the fights, use food to summon your units and mana to power
your spells, and overwhelm the enemy to collect the stars!
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:36 PM
for the third game! A 3d puzzle where you drag constellations to
certain view points so they form pictures. Quite intuitive,
actually. If you're having trouble, try turning them to smooth out
the rough angles and create parallel lines.
Starlight 2
There#39s only you and a night sky full of stars.
Turn your imagination on and find out what pictures are hidden
between the stars!
Starlight 2 is here, with a...
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:51 PM
Blizzard gaming:
Heroes of the Storm:
Level 379 now, one level gained! Dehaka to level 10. Also a new
announcer from a loot chest, Illidan. Not sure I'll use it though
for my Warcraft matches, since I've got Malfurion already... maybe
for dps :slight_smile:
All the classes getting really close now :slight_smile: Interesting
random brawl this week, with random decks, and each minion gets a
random deathrattle. Pretty random indeed, as some are much more
powerful than others! Still, managed to bring my game around after
losing badly and then overwhelmed the opponent :wink:
We had our first attempt at mythic difficulty Palace raiding. Two
people short, so we knew it wasn't going to be easy... and it
wasn't. We got halfway a few times, and tried a few positioning
changes, but it's tough, even the first boss!
More poking green dragons, but nothing new, just a few items I
already had or which aren't transmoggable like trinkets.
Weekly is battlegrounds, and brawl was Ashran... should be
compatible, but apparently the brawl version of Ashran doesn't
count, possibly because after winning we still had to leave the
battleground manually. It did work for the brawl quest though.
The normal battleground version of Ashran was one I encountered on
my search for 4 victories, though, and that comes with a limit of
150 reinforcements, so not only does it have a clearer win
condition, it also doesn't take as long. In fact, after messing
about in the middle a bit we continually pushed the enemy faction
further towards their base and managed to get them down to 0
reinforcements not long before we would have engaged the boss.
Still, it went well, I think I got the 4 victories in about 6 or 7
battlegrounds total.
And... that's it, I think! Just normal stuff, no new things. Way too
busy these days and not lucky with drops. We'll see if that's
different next week.
And that's my report for the week!
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 8:47 PM