February 10, 2019 Sunday Meeting
P.M. Eastern time (-5 GMT)
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Transcript work by Varda.
Attending (and
spoke): (5)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Elladan, Falco, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news
General reports
Topic: How did Tolkien
affect gaming?
Lord of
the Rings TV series info
Star Trek 4 movie
Flashgaming Reviews by
LotR Living
Card Game
(times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for
Eastern. Example: 4pm Central in the transcript is 5pm Eastern)
VardaLast Sunday at 4:00 PM
FalcoLast Sunday at 4:02 PM
VardaLast Sunday at 4:02 PM
Hi Falco : )
It's that time, when friends meet across platforms and games, to
tell about games and chat about Middle-earth and thereabouts.
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Falco and and I are here. Others will show up as they are able.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:06 PM
Aiya all :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 4:07 PM
Hi Sunshine : )
I will most likely not be here for the next meeting. Fangorn and I
will be at:
Programming is live!
http://www.condfw.org/programming/ [table id=3 /]
At-The-Door Prices: Adult 3-Day Membership $45*
Child 3-Day Membership $20 Adult 1-Day Membership $30* Child 1-Day
Membership $15 *Adult Memberships are $5 off with
valid Military, Educational, or Student ...
Sauron will be house-sitting for us. Scary thought, huh?
So Arien may have the gavel in her shiny fingers next time. : )
Any other membership news?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:11 PM
VardaLast Sunday at 4:11 PM
Thank you to Eonwe for updating the Games Site for us, in News and
player info.
Hi Phar : )
Gaming News:
Lord of the Rings Online:
A big thank you to the help from Falco, Dis, and Fangorn!
Thanks to their help, we now have a kin house on both Legendary
server branches: Ithil and Anor.
On Anor: It's in the Hobbit homesteads, Winehall neighborhood, 2
Chalk Road.
On Ithil: it's in the Bree area. It's in the Hydehurst neighborhood
at 1 High Road.
We have houses nearby of kin folk.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:15 PM
Nice one :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 4:16 PM
Eventually, at around 840 mithril coins (100 LotRO points apiece),
we'll go for an island home on Ithil. Anor will have to wait a good
bit longer after that. So we'll have these kin houses a good while
Enjoy decorating. The deco will not be lost, even if we get an
island, but will move with us.
We can keep our houses where we are, plus have houses in the new
Belfalas region.
Decorating and fun now commences!
In other LotRO news:
The Ill Omens Skirmish Event is going through March 11th.
The Ill Omens Skirmish Event has arrived!
LOTRO Bonus Days bring you the Ill Omens Skirmish
Event! New rewards, Deeds, and Titles! Now through March 11th.
Evil stirs in Minas Morgul, and harbingers of the
Dead City spread across Middle-earth! Each day, your characters will
have the chance to participate in a Skirm...
Those of us on Landroval, including Nar, Fangorn, and myself, have
tried some of this out together, and it is more challenging and
rewarding. Enjoy!
Any other LotRO news you'd like to mention?
Valarites seen in LotRO this past week:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:21 PM
Varda gets everywhere.
VardaLast Sunday at 4:21 PM
If anyone needs an invitation to one of these servers, during
the meeting is a good time to ask.
Well, the observer has to be present to do the report.
We can use reporters for all our branches. Sadly I am not
World of Warcraft:
The Darkmoon Faire began Feb 3 and runs through Saturday, February
O sorry, that was old news.
This past week's bonus event: Battle for Azeroth dungeons.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
Well it was still this past week, so :wink:
VardaLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
The PvP Brawl: Deepwind Dunk began Feb 5 and runs through Tuesday,
February 12th.
Thanks : )
See the recent hotfixes.
World of Warcraft
Hotfixes: February 8, 2019 - WoW
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address
various issues related to World of Warcraft:Battle For Azeroth.
Heroes of the Storm:
Check out the PTR patch notes.
Heroes of the Storm
Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft,
StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and
prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!
Check out the Hearthstone Update.
Hearthstone Update – February 5
This Hearthstone update kicks off Lunar New Year
with a bang and sets the stage for the upcoming Season of Rastakhan
Tavern Brawl event. We also made some mobile optimizations and fixed
some bugs.
Blizzard tells Hearthstone players that the Curse of Hakkar is upon
The Curse of Hakkar is Upon Us All!
Gurubashi once belonged to a very different kind
of loa. A darker loa. . . .
(Fangorn says hi! /wave)
Any other general gaming news from the gang? Eve? SC2?
StarCraft 2:
Known Valarites playing this past week:
Fangorn, Eowyn, Faramir
Eve Online has news:
EVE Online
News | EVE Online
Player-created empires, player-driven markets,
and endless ways to embark on your personal sci-fi adventure.
Any other news sites for games we might want to start watching?
Favorite games?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:32 PM
so many for blizzard games, but easy to find
VardaLast Sunday at 4:33 PM
Ok, onwards then. : )
Some play
LotR Living Card Game
Does anyone have a Tolkien topic they'd like to bring up? Link?
Tolkien Moment?
Something neat in game that reminded you how his
worlds affect our game worlds all over?
Tolkien is considered the father of Modern Fantasy.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:36 PM
Well, we've got... elves and dwarves in wow?
And orcs, though they're green?
And goblins though also green?
VardaLast Sunday at 4:36 PM
Orcs are Tolkien's invention, even if WoW modified them, so yes!
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:38 PM
Trolls are not so much Tolkien.
Though WoW does have several stone-based lifeforms such as mountain
giants and troggs.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:38 PM
uh ..dont remlind me of orcs hehe .. in my LARP we have a particular
nasty mission called "Orcology* with up to to 20 missions with
twenty combinations of different orc races including Uruk Hai and
skirmishes i mean
VardaLast Sunday at 4:39 PM
Here's a quote:
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, who created and published the game in
1974, while not creating a Tolkien rip-off, did liberally
incorporate elements from the famous fantasy trilogy, so much so
that the Tolkien estate demanded they change “ents” to “treants,”
“balrogs” to “baldor demons,” and “hobbits” to “halflings.”
Pardon, that game is Dungeons and Dragons, not mentioned there in
the quote.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:40 PM
Halflings! Yeah, that one was obvious I think I remember
seeing those in an Everquest webcomic as well.
VardaLast Sunday at 4:40 PM
Started googling to see if anyone else commented on this topic, not
something I usually do, and this stood out.
The Artifice
Allie Dawson
The Influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on Modern Video
Gaming | The Artifice
It’s hard to imagine a world without high
fantasy, RPG (role-playing) video games. Indeed, the genre
constitutes a significant niche market in the ...
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:41 PM
WoW does have gnomes, but those are more of a technological tinker
race, so less like hobbits.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:41 PM
remember that what we call Noldor today originally was called gnomes
by Tolkien
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
Very true. A bit taller though.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
what Noldo and wow gnomes do have a bit in common though is the love
of gemstones :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:43 PM
They also pride themselves in quality of craftsmanship. Though
Noldorin inventions tend to blow up less.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:43 PM
hehe true
VardaLast Sunday at 4:44 PM
Well, Beleriand went down...
Anyway, in gaming, it's not so much whole lifts that we see all
although LotRO is one of those whole lifts,
but pieces of the world, ideas about certain beings (especially
and the more noble elves from far back in folklore and myth instead
of the ones preceding these.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:46 PM
And renewed ideas like about elves :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 4:46 PM
The little people idea went into JRRT's hobbits, adding a lot of
that along with English countryside and rural folk that he enjoyed.
JRRT's love of hiking and the outdoors shows up everywhere.
Walking trees were around already, somewhat, but nothing quite like
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:49 PM
We do have the treants in Warcraft.
As well as the larger Ancients.
VardaLast Sunday at 4:49 PM
Sauron was evil, yes, but he was not always so. These corruptions
are a major part of Tolkien's writing. Sometimes we see redemption,
as in Osse or Boromir, the hope that is so central to his thought.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:49 PM
Some of those elements went into other fantasy circles which enticed
whole mythologies around them .. like Marion Zimmer Bradleys
Darkover novels .. , completely different but even they include an
elven like race who share their exceptional beauty and and singing
voices with Tolkiens freation
VardaLast Sunday at 4:50 PM
JRRT influenced most of the later fantasy, adding gravity
Yet a lot of what he did was bring back the very old versions of
these beings, the ones that were lost to become tales in the
nursery, toned down or made amusing.
Divisions and cultures even inside a race of elves or orcs or
hobbits became a real thing, thanks to JRRT.
Before, they tended to be more monolithic.
perhaps. But certainly taken less seriously.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
from the article in the wikipediaa about her
"In the 1970s, as part of the contemporary wave of
enthusiasm for J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth,
she wro
te two short fanfic stories about Arwen and published them in
chapbook format. One story, "The Jewel of Arwen" (originally
published in a different form in the fanzine I Palantir #2, August
appeared in her professional anthology The Best of Marion Zimmer
Bradley (1985), but was dropped from later reprints"
sorry forgot that :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 4:54 PM
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Eleanor Zimmer Bradley (June 3, 1930 –
September 25, 1999) was an American author of fantasy, historical
fantasy, science fiction, and science fantasy novels,
and is best known for the Arthurian fiction novel
The Mists of Avalon, and the Darkover series. While she is...
One thing JRRT did was make the whole world unified, one thing
affecting another. Not just mashed up pieces.
That affected others' way of telling fantasy, bringing it out of the
lower end of literature.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
Ah yes, thousands of years of events, taking place over the whole
world... I knew I liked the Silmarillion and the appendices to LotR
for a reason!
VardaLast Sunday at 4:59 PM
He brought it all together. The languages he made helped force him
to think of what could logically have happened to cause their
existence and changes.
He wanted to and, shall we say succeeeded? in brining a new
mythology into existence, made for his native England that had none
of it's own in the way others did.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:00 PM
Like an Earth Scientist taking fossils and measurements and
satellite imagery and building a timeline for millions of years.
Except Tolkien made up all of his own data :wink:
VardaLast Sunday at 5:00 PM
Good comparison
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
he even got an own counting of time for almost each race he invented
VardaLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
Calendars, aye
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
with measuring systems for lenght and time and weight ..
seriously :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
So much detail.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
He was definitely thorough. You can tell he loved the races and
cultures he worked on.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
VardaLast Sunday at 5:04 PM
His care for everything he worked on made enormous quality and set
the bar high for everyone else.
He helped people think about these things in entirely new ways.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:05 PM
Other authors were like "Now he's making us look bad."
VardaLast Sunday at 5:05 PM
They were able to move on from these ideas and make their own, with
the new mindset he had shown them.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:07 PM
i can imagine
VardaLast Sunday at 5:09 PM
I could wander pretty far afield here, but will refrain. : )
We've reached the top of the hour.
a hammer wanders erratically from the shelf, not seeing well
where it is going through the book in front of it
the hammerpad hastily moves between book and hammer,
preventing harm to the pages between them
the hammer thanks the hammerpad and wanders back to the
shelf, still reading
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:11 PM
nice sound effect
VardaLast Sunday at 5:11 PM
: )
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:15 PM
uh i ve got some interesting information concerning the Lorrd of the Rings TV
series :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 5:15 PM
Fire away!
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
The producers have been scouting film locations in Scotland
including Portree on the Isle of Skye :smiley:
VardaLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
Arien might be an extra!
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
apparently they have been here under cover as tourists
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
Tell them you have experience playing a Maia.
VardaLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
There you go!
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:17 PM
i might have spoken with them actually indeed hehe
i may
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:17 PM
And you didn't recognize them?
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:17 PM
nah afraid not
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:17 PM
What kind of fan are you? :wink:
(I didn't even know there was a lotr tv series)
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:18 PM
i think filming is supposed to be starting this year and on tv 2020
concentrating on individual characters
such as Aragorn
The Daily Dot
Amazon's 'Lord of the Rings' TV series will
reportedly center on y...
So it begins.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:23 PM
Hmm, the wonder of clicking through links... by looking up things
about LotR tv series, I found out that there was a Star Trek 4 worked on... and by
looking that up, I found out it was cancelled, but that a Game of
Thrones prequel series is now planned.
VardaLast Sunday at 5:23 PM
aww cancelled!
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:23 PM
This is from yesterday
Radio Times
When is the Lord of the Rings TV series
released on Amazon? Who's ...
The series will reportedly follow the adventures
of a young Aragorn
VardaLast Sunday at 5:24 PM
Aragorn is practically a stereotypical hero. That was one reason it
was interesting to see that he was the decoy to watch while the real
action was with a little hobbit.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:25 PM
what where did you get it was cancelled?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:25 PM
That said, he remained important even after parting ways with
the hobbit. The D&D screencap series focused on him, after all.
Oh, no, Arien, Star Trek 4 was cancelled, not the LotR show.
The LotR show. Sounds like a fantasy sitcom.
VardaLast Sunday at 5:34 PM
Zachary Quinto (Spock) still holds out hope that Star Trek 4
will eventually be made.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:35 PM
Ah yes, "indefinitely shelved" was the term... but I read that
certain important actors had already departed.
VardaLast Sunday at 5:35 PM
Zachary Quinto Still Hopeful 'Star Trek 4' Will
Happen Eventually ...
The Star Trek 4 delay has fans worried about
whether the sequel will come together, but cast member Zachary
Quinto is hopeful it will happen.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:36 PM
...Which is an unfortunate term on my account since one of them
actually died, but I wasn't referring to him.
And all of what I just said is apparently in the article you linked
VardaLast Sunday at 5:38 PM
I didn't know about it until you mentioned it. Just assumed
they were working on it.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:49 PM
Alrighty, personal gaming report time!
is the first game! A nice little platformer where you play a small
bird who's fallen from his nest. Explore the area to find all 10
feathers! Each feather allows you to jump an extra time, making it
easier to collect more feathers in weird places, and with all 10 you
can make your way back home.
Pip - OneMoreLevel.com
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:24 PM
is the second game! A randomly generated strategy / upgrade game,
you upgrade tiles to produce resources which you use to upgrade more
etc, while the darkness eats the map from the outside to the center.
Can you push it back and stop it in time? :smiley:
Stop the Darkness
A mini strategy game. Upgrade the land to stop
the darkness. Build villages, towers and more. The available upgrade
is based on the adjacent areas and areas bo...
is the last game! A math puzzle game, add the numbers 1, 2 or 3 to
each hex to match up lines of hexes with the totals on the side.
Easier than it sounds? :wink:
Immerse yourself in the beautiful world of
Hexologic. Solve challenging, yet rewarding puzzles, listen to
relaxing music, dive deep into the game’s atmosphere...
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:32 PM
bedtime for me here :smiley:
so Namarie all
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:33 PM
Blizzarrrrd gaming!
Diablo 3:
Necromancer is level 52 now. Doing quite well, got through act 3,
all of act 4 and the first part of act 5, now about to head into the
swamp to face Adria. Got another of the grindy achievements done,
with the last one at 2/3rds of the way, and got the achievement to
damage 40 mobs with a specific ability in 3 seconds, during one of
the more crowded areas of act 3.
What remains is a couple of boss-related achievements and some story
progress, so it shouldn't be too hard to get the necromancer wings,
if I get the third grindy achievement done. But I also need to work
on the season journey, and for that I need to complete act 5 first.
Hopefully next week!
Heroes of the Storm:
The event has been at "less than one day" for about half a week now,
not sure what's up with that. I'm just pushing ahead on the quests
for it, maybe grab some extra loot chests out of it while it lasts.
In the meantime I've gotten 3 new levels, up to 334, including
getting Thrall to level 2 through the weekly brawl, a single-lane
fight. It's an interesting hero, with lots of quests you can focus
on to get stronger throughout the battle, and which fit quite well
in a brawl where the heroes are clumped up. Might work less well in
regular maps.
Of note, I've been regularly checking the mount shop for whichever
mounts came up as purchaseable for gold instead of gems, and now
have what appears to be all 4 piggy bank mounts. I wasn't even aware
they were getting extra focus, but I guess it fits the theme of
saving up gold for such things.
Looking forward to seeing what they come up with next.
Even more leveling! The lunar festival is going on, with special
quests, high rewards, and not very class-specific, allowing me to
focus on all the classes about to level.
As such, I'm now at 8 out of 9 leveled, with only the druid a small
distance away. Might complete that tonight and have all 9 classes at
level 57. Golden rewards have been quite useful, including a gnomish
inventor and an acidic swamp ooze, two basic neutral cards which
still see a lot of action in a lot of decks for their general
Brawl this week is another random one, where you get a deck with
mostly minions, each of which cast a random spell at a random
target when played. I got bad luck when one of mine got the "draw
the remainder of your deck" spell, costing me over a dozen cards
from overflowing my hand... but had already built enough of an
advantage to pull out a win anyway. It was quite interesting.
Oh, and something else started this week, based on the Rumble
expansion... inspired by an old event in WoW, they unleashed the
Blood of Hakkar card back, a card back which was initially available
only to some select players, streamers etc, but everyone who faces a
player with the card back without conceding early, gets it for
I'm not sure how long the event lasts, might be forever, but it
certainly went rather faster than expected. Within a day or two,
pretty much everyone I met had one of those, and while I prefer to
use thematic cardbacks for my normal decks, I will continue to
spread it through the weekly brawls myself :smiley:
If Arien or Fladrif reads this and doesn't have the card back yet,
let me know, and I can help you get one :smiley: Not that they
should be hard to find now.
Oh, it's called the Mark of Hakkar card back. I think the disease
back in WoW it was based on was called Blood, though.
Raiding continues to go well! Rastakhan killed a couple more times,
and we had our first few attempts at Mekkatorque on normal. There's
an odd mechanic where you get randomly shrunk, have to jump in a
robotic add, and then tell other people in robotic adds what buttons
they need to push, while they tell you.
We were afraid we were going to have to make a lot of macros, but
ultimately found a handy addon for it, and with everyone in the raid
using those, it took a while to get used to it, but we actually
brought the boss down in what was supposed to be our last attempt
for the night, so that was lucky :wink:
Tuesday we'll go for the 8th boss, Stormwall Blockade, and maybe
even face Jaina for the first time!
A bunch more loot got, and now I really am starting to get separate
sets of gear for both my specs. Takes up some inventory space, but
it's nice to have. No new weapon yet, but I did complete the 2-piece
set of cloak and ring, giving 150 primary stats within Zuldazar,
including the raid. While both items are not exactly the best for
either spec, together they give an advantage in the raid that other
pieces for those slots don't, making my gearing even more
In other words, I've now got gear that's better in the raid, and
gear that's better pretty much everywhere else. The differences
aren't that large, but everything counts.
Expeditions were a bit of a mess this week, failing a few mythic
runs and finally having to finish off with some heroic runs instead;
but while the droprates are lower for heroic rewards, one of the
heroics did get me two new pets! A Craghoof Kid, which is a goat
pet, and Lord Woofington, a mastiff pet with a similar ability set
to Grumpy from Legion, making it a very useful pet for capturing
wild ones, with howl and superbark.
And I got one other pet as well, from one of the rares in the
Darkshore warfront zone. An egg, which took 5 days to hatch into a
Nightwreathed Watcher, an owl similar to the pet from the Wardens
faction in Legion. But white, looks really nice :smiley:
Lunar Festival is almost over now, but I got enough coins of
ancestry to buy all the dragon toys. 3 heads, 3 bodies and 3 tails.
They're fun costumes with low cooldowns and high durations, and
having various colors for them basically means you can switch
between them and not worry about cooldowns as well. But they're more
fun when other players dress up as the other body parts to make a
lunar festival parade dragon :smiley:
World quests still continuing, especially for pet battles. I've
finished half of the trainers down, and the slowdown is really
noticeable. None of the 4 up today were of use to me, for example.
But I did get a few more steps for the achievements, including
hitting 100% on elemental and flying. My list of missing fights is
growing quite small!
And finally, the weekly for this week is mythic dungeons... not much
to tell, only did 2 out of 4 so far. I'll do my regular underrot and
freehold dungeons tomorrow to finish up, and will be hoping for
something nice from the reward. Weapon? Trinket? Would be nice
And that's my report for the week!
VardaLast Sunday at 7:33 PM
Thanks, Phar
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:43 PM
Time to finish leveling the 9th class in hearthstone.
VardaLast Sunday at 7:43 PM
Go for it. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 7:55 PM
There we go, all at 57!
ElladanLast Sunday at 8:08 PM
Saying aiya, and, also, namarie! :smiley: Had to pop in :heart:
g/f and kids are here
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 8:08 PM
Aiya and Namarie :smiley:
ElladanLast Sunday at 8:08 PM
be back next week guys! :smiley:
sorry to have to pop in and go :frowning:
VardaLast Sunday at 8:13 PM
Aloha Elladan : )
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 8:42 PM
VardaLast Sunday at 8:42 PM
Namarie Phar
VardaLast Sunday at 9:08 PM
News from Lenwe, sorry didn't put it here earlier under
LenweLast Thursday at 7:50 PM
Erkenbrand and I have starting playing LotR Living Card Game. It's
still in early release and there aren't many cards, but plenty of
fun nonetheless
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