Valar Guild

December 29, 2019 Sunday Meeting

5:00 P.M. Eastern time (-4 GMT aka 9 P.M. aka 21:00)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

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Transcript work by
[times are Central Time from Varda's Discord. Add one hour for Eastern.]
["slight smile" is the same as we are used to using as a regular smiley]

Attending (and spoke): (6)
    Discord: Anarion, Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Ioreth, Pallando, Varda (presiding)

Meeting begins
Membership news
    Fingolfin-(V) is back with us.
    Story by Shirebound:
        "Elementary, My Dear Gandalf"
    Games Site has new updates in the format and updates for player info in LotRO.
    General reports: Lord of the Rings Online, EVE Online, Blazeblue Centralfiction, DoTA 2, Planetside 2, World of Warcraft.
    Topic: What do you think was Gandalf's mission to Middle-earth? More than one? Did he succeed?
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon



VardaYesterday at 4:03 PM

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!

Fingolfin-(V), our original, returned and took his old name again, after having been Erestor and Finarfin at various times.
ArienValarYesterday at 4:09 PM
Aiya :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:09 PM
He enjoys playing Diablo 3 and would love to game with folks from Valar.
Sunshine! Hi!
ArienValarYesterday at 4:10 PM
AH :smile: Glad to hear it :slight_smile:
is he on us or Europe?
VardaYesterday at 4:10 PM
Somebody has to be from the US. ; )
ArienValarYesterday at 4:11 PM
hehe the thing is .. i have a us Diablo 3 version
VardaYesterday at 4:11 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:11 PM
ArienValarYesterday at 4:11 PM
on my us account
VardaYesterday at 4:11 PM
Aiya Pallando!
ArienValarYesterday at 4:11 PM
Aiya Pallando
:slight_smile: if it is not too frequent or not too long i might be able to give him half an hour or so twice a week ...since i am juggling a bit anyway
VardaYesterday at 4:12 PM
That would be great. : )
ArienValarYesterday at 4:13 PM
he can contact me here via discount if u see him
since i only can log one blizzard client a time
we have to communicate first here

VardaYesterday at 4:14 PM
Discord can be handy between all these different kinds of games. : )

Web News:

Tolkien Site / Stories:
    "Elementary, My Dear Gandalf" by Shirebound. "Concealed in the shadows during the Birthday Party, Aragorn accepts Gandalf's challenge to identify a certain hobbit." (Movie-verse). 3 chapters
    Elementary, My Dear Gandalf ch.1 "Identified"
    fanfiction Fellowship of the Rings
    AU. Concealed in the shadows during the Birthday Party, Aragorn
    accepts Gandalf's challenge to identify a certain hobbit.

On to

Pallando, you have some news?
Pallando does have some gaming news but seems to be away at the moment.
Feel free to give a holler when you're ready!

Eonwe has been working on the Games Site in a lot of ways, and with coding that we hope to use on the rest of the site as well such as the community and Tolkien Site.
He reworked the code for the sections for Lord of the Rings Online so we now show Stout-axes and higher levels.
Also, all three player sections there are now updated as of yesterday's information.
    The Valar Guild Games Site
    Valar Guild Games Site

In other Lord of the Rings [Online] news, Yule fest is still going, very popular.
Gamers there over the past week:


Pallando is back. Go ahead with your news. : )
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:26 PM
Sorry about that!
VardaYesterday at 4:26 PM
No problem.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:28 PM
So, in Eve generally there has been some nice small changes coming. CCP has dedicated a small team to doing small changes every two weeks. So far the changes have been mostly positive with a couple of duds, but they seem to have a good idea of what they're going to be doing in the new year, so that's looking interesting.
CCP's work on the new player experience continues, so there's never a better time etc etc
VardaYesterday at 4:28 PM
That really does sound like a good idea.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:29 PM
More personally, I'm training for my upcoming Grand Championship tournament in Iceland, which I won a place to (along with my partner) back in June at the Toronto Eve meetup
VardaYesterday at 4:30 PM
Woot! How goes the training?
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:30 PM
It's hard, as the ruleset won't be revealed until 3 days before, but.. general practice is good.
VardaYesterday at 4:30 PM
Any way we can help?

Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:30 PM
Not right now.. maybe closer to the event. :slight_smile:
Additionally, my group has been prosecuting a long campaign against a group of bullies. We managed to get into the ingame office CCP-produced news, which you can see here:
    EVE Online
    The Scope - Triglavian developments and fighting in HEK.
That was the first big fight in the war. It's a bit of a complex tale that I'll have to do a whole writeup on eventually, but this is effectively a continuation of a several previous wars. We're winning quite handily, but it's not over yet.
The bullies are currently very mad that we fought back.
VardaYesterday at 4:33 PM
How dare you fight back. : )
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:34 PM
They got used to being able to push over any group they looked at. When we first pushed back in April, they told us "We could have just fought over your two structures in our space, but you had to fight beyond that." In other words, it's okay for them to attack us, but if we attack them, that's going too far.
I disagree with that sort of mentality in general, as well as their standard M.O.: Join us, pay us, or die. So we're systematically dismantling their operations. Expect an update in a few months..
That's it here.
AnarionYesterday at 4:36 PM
Well, people gotta eat, and in EVE that means extortion haha
VardaYesterday at 4:36 PM
Thanks, Pallando : )
AnarionYesterday at 4:36 PM
Aiya folks
VardaYesterday at 4:36 PM
Aiya Anarion  : )
Anarion, what are you gaming in these days?
AnarionYesterday at 4:37 PM
Right now a bunch of BBCF, some Planetside, and Dota of course.
BBCF (Blazeblue Centralfiction) is a fighting game that is a couple years old, but is still the main game in the BB franchise
It and GGXrd are the main ArcSys fighters on PC until GranBlue Fantasy Versus comes out for the PC eventually.
Dota 2 has recently had a major update where they changed everything and so people are scrambling to figure out how to play the new patch.
Planetside 2 mostly just stays being the MMOFPS that it is.
That's about it at the moment
VardaYesterday at 4:41 PM
Thank you. That's a bunch.

World of WarCraft:
This week's bonus event: World Quests.
The PvP Brawl: Arathi Blizzard began the 24th and runs through Tuesday, December 31st.
If you haven't done it already, don't forget to get your Winterveil presents under the tree in Ironforge!

Any other gaming news? Diablo, etc?
Any requests, suggestions, comments, jokes, howdies? : )
May you all have a wonderful New Year! It's coming in a hurry!
On to


If you have a topic, feel free to bring it up before I bring one up, or even after, or even type during the week.
What do you think was Gandalf's mission to Middle-earth? More than one? Did he succeed?
AnarionYesterday at 4:49 PM
Alright, so first thing is finding out what time the wizards as a group started doing stuff and if there are any clues as to why. I'm completely out of information in memory for this, so it's time to do some quick research:
VardaYesterday at 4:49 PM
Research is always good. : )
AnarionYesterday at 4:50 PM
Online says that the wizards "came to Middle-earth after the first millennium of the Third Age", but I can't find a primary source for this
It's actually apparently a matter of some mystery, as some notes mentioned in Unfinished Tales suggest that at least one of the wizards showed up as early as the second age
Moreover, the other wizards don't appear have clear purposes, necessarily. Radagast for instance doesn't seem to explicitly do much (anything?) intentional to help or hinder the free peoples.
So...mission? Gandalf was doing Maiar things.
VardaYesterday at 4:54 PM
Return of the King, Appendix B is one source of time.
AnarionYesterday at 4:54 PM
That said, Gandalf did have a purpose in mind for himself to oppose Sauron
VardaYesterday at 4:54 PM
Third Age
AnarionYesterday at 4:55 PM
Okay, nice.
In this, I think Gandalf was largely successful, even as he died saving the ringbearer from certain doom. Sure he'd wish to do more of course, but nonetheless
As Gandalf the White, he was no less than wildly successful
VardaYesterday at 4:55 PM
A thousand years after the end of the Second Age.
"When maybe a thousand years had passed, and the first shadow had fallen on Greenwood the Great, the Istari or Wizards appeared in Middle-earth."
"It was afterwards said that they came out of the Far West and were messengers sent to contest the power of Sauron, and to unite all those who had the will to resist him; but they were forbidden to match his power with power, or to seek to dominate Elves or Men by force or fear."
AnarionYesterday at 5:00 PM
That is interesting. In this Gandalf was bending the rules a bit
Well, a lot
VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
Saruman bent the rules with a baseball bat.
AnarionYesterday at 5:01 PM
I mean, to be fair, it was in response to that, yes.
VardaYesterday at 5:01 PM
What way did Gandalf bend the rules?
AnarionYesterday at 5:03 PM
He directly attacked Sauron's greatest agents, including Theoden (under Saruman), Saruman himself, and the ringwraiths at the Battle of Minas Tirith.
It is worth noting that the ringwraiths are direct expressions of Sauron's magical abilities

VardaYesterday at 5:04 PM
As Gandalf the White, he was given more latitude to fight, and was a solo.
AnarionYesterday at 5:04 PM
Oh, good point, that command was against them as a group
VardaYesterday at 5:04 PM
AnarionYesterday at 5:06 PM
In general Gandalf was extremely active in uniting groups of people to attack Sauron's minions, and when actually confronting said minions, tended to do more work than said group
Though interestingly he avoided directly challenging Smaug
VardaYesterday at 5:07 PM
He gathered the dwarves and a hobbit to remove Smaug from the chokepoint, but did not fight there himself. He stopped at the edge of Mirkwood. Right.
He set them up, but they had to do the work.
AnarionYesterday at 5:08 PM
Hrm, that's a lot more true of The Hobbit than the main series
Gandalf himself was likely more than a match for the trolls, but he instead decided to just break a big rock
VardaYesterday at 5:09 PM
Let the sun shine in? : )
AnarionYesterday at 5:09 PM
Come to think of it, I wonder if the Balrog was fair game because it wasn't native to Middle Earth
VardaYesterday at 5:10 PM
Bilbo proved himself to the dwarves to be more useful than expected. Gandalf needed to step in when they had done al they could.
Good point. The Balrog was a Maia. A foe beyond any of them.
AnarionYesterday at 5:11 PM
Gandalf really actually didn't bend the rules as much as I thought
VardaYesterday at 5:11 PM
Gets tricky.
AnarionYesterday at 5:11 PM
He was doing what he was supposed to, Radagast was sort of doing what he was supposed to based on his capacity to do, and the others...well...really didn't.
VardaYesterday at 5:12 PM
Aye to that! : )
Radagast was sidetracked a lot by seeing the animals and plants as more vulnerable victims. He did help Gandalf when asked.
He was unaware of Saruman's treachery.
AnarionYesterday at 5:13 PM
To be fair, there were plenty of animal and plants destroyed by the war
VardaYesterday at 5:13 PM
True. Just ask Fangorn about that.
Besides, Gandalf and Saruman were handling that just fine, it seemed.
And even the Blue Wizards had gone east into Sauron's own lands. Surely he could move over to help the critters.
AnarionYesterday at 5:14 PM
Right, Saruman could've been amazing if he was actually acting in concert with Gandalf. So many things would have been easier, and Gandalf would have helped in the entrance to Mordor
VardaYesterday at 5:14 PM
It would have been so different!
AnarionYesterday at 5:15 PM
I wonder if it would've worked out for good though, the way things worked out much of the fellowship needled Sauron into ignoring his prize
VardaYesterday at 5:15 PM
But Sauron made Saruman despair. Palantiri were bad about helping spread just what Sauron wanted to have them see.
Eru bends things to work for his vision at times. : )
If Faramir was to be blocked from joining the Fellowship, send in his big brother to work things sideways.
So Gandalf had to rally the spirit of the various free peoples.
How about that thing with Theoden?
AnarionYesterday at 5:18 PM
Saruman also isn't from middle earth and isn't Sauron, so like the Balrog in that respect possibly. As you pointed out he's also Gandalf the White at that point. Theoden himself though motivated by fear, isn't motivated by fear of Gandalf.

That said, the fact that they didn't kill the party on the spot, that was due to fear of Gandalf.
VardaYesterday at 5:20 PM
The old man leaning on the staff for his old age?
AnarionYesterday at 5:20 PM
Not matching power with power
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:20 PM
AnarionYesterday at 5:20 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:20 PM
Sorry I'm late, health stuff; caught up with the chat now.

VardaYesterday at 5:20 PM
Aiya Phar! : )
Hey, take care of yourself. Glad you feel up to making it. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:21 PM
Gandalf came pretty close to dominating Bilbo with fear back at the start of the book :wink:
For his own good, but still!
VardaYesterday at 5:21 PM
When Gandalf came into Theoden's throne room, he didn't attack with magic to start.
AnarionYesterday at 5:21 PM
Oh right, that! I forgot about intimidating Bilbo.
VardaYesterday at 5:22 PM
Gandalf talked to Theoden. He sang of Galadriel to explain why his companions didn't like the slight to her. His harsher words were to Grima.
But then he did use magic with his staff.
He flattened Grima with it so he could speak directly with Theoden.
He brought in the light through the dark, literally and figuratively, to Theoden.
Gandalf asked Theoden to come outside, to see that not all was dark as he was told.
Theoden was the one to then say the time for fear is past.
AnarionYesterday at 5:25 PM
Ah, nice.
That detail is pretty sweet
VardaYesterday at 5:26 PM
He went outside, free of Grima's words, and began to see. He realized what had been done.
No movie thing with the staff driving Saruman out of Theoden.
AnarionYesterday at 5:26 PM
To be honest, I don't think Gandalf could've been much more successful aside from finding out about Saruman's treachery earlier.
VardaYesterday at 5:27 PM
That could have helped!
He trusted.
AnarionYesterday at 5:27 PM
No kidding, but everything else that Gandalf seems to fail at were things that seem in-universe really, really hard to have succeeded at
VardaYesterday at 5:27 PM
I don't blame Gandalf for his trust, but Saruman for giving in to Sauron's deceit.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:28 PM
Pff, for the Balrog you just had to know his weaknesses.
I bet Gandalf didn't think to use frost magic.
VardaYesterday at 5:28 PM
Gandalf did win over the Balrog, even if it killed him.
hah, Phar : )
AnarionYesterday at 5:29 PM
Gandalf's fire was stronger than any ice that he may have had (if he had), he specifically names his fire ability
VardaYesterday at 5:29 PM
Gandalf was already tired and much of his power and memory had been removed to let him be a Wizard. The Balrog had no such problem.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:29 PM
yeah, but against a creature of flame and shadow...
VardaYesterday at 5:29 PM
True. Gandalf pulled the fire right out of the Balrog.
AnarionYesterday at 5:29 PM
But light damage though
VardaYesterday at 5:30 PM
Gandalf failed his perception check and the whip pulled him off the bridge.
AnarionYesterday at 5:30 PM
As nice as insight is as a cleric, always train perception if possible
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:30 PM
Never let your guard down.
VardaYesterday at 5:30 PM
For sure. ; )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:30 PM
Learned that in the movie I watched yesterday.
VardaYesterday at 5:31 PM
A certain one that I haven't seen yet? : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:31 PM
Probably not, it's been out for a few years. Wonder Woman.
VardaYesterday at 5:31 PM
ah ok. That one I've seen.
I recommend re-reading the Gandalf and Theoden meeting. Especially after the movies kind of wiped out what reallly happened in our minds.
They needed something more visual.
Although I would have loved to see what really happened - would still have been spectacular.
Ok, now we need to look at the Bilbo intimidation.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:33 PM
Must admit, there too I was mostly thinking of the movie, but I recall a similar version in the book.
Less abridged.
VardaYesterday at 5:35 PM
Have to handle this Fellowship copy carefully. Lots of pages trying to fall out.

Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:35 PM
Sounds familiar, but with one of my Discworld books I believe.
VardaYesterday at 5:37 PM
O man. I forgot this part. Bilbo started to draw his sword on Gandalf.
AnarionYesterday at 5:37 PM
Wait, what?
That explains Gandalf's actions a lot better!
VardaYesterday at 5:38 PM
That's when Gandalf started to get more magical about things.
Bilbo had done the party to make it easier to give away the Ring. Gandalf was there when Bilbo went to get his things for the trip.
Bilbo changed his mind about leaving it and started calling it his Precious.
Gandalf reminded him who else had called it that.
Then Bilbo started talking about how the Ring was his own now and he would keep it.
Gandalf stood and spoke sternly but not in threat. He warned that the Ring was taking too much hold on him and he needed to let it go and be free.
Some words exchanged until Bilbo said Gandalf wanted the Ring himself.
Tha's when "His hand strayed to the hilt of his small sword."
"It will be my turn to get angry soon., " he said. "If you say that again, I shall. Then you  will see Gandalf the Grey uncloaked." He took a step towards the hobbit, and he seemed to grow tall and menacing; his shadow filled the little room.
They face each other little while before Bilbo becomes more reasonable in his argument.
"I'm not a thief, whatever he said"
"I have never called you one"
and Gandalf back down, turns away.
Bilbo draws a hand over his eyes, realizing what just happened.
AnarionYesterday at 5:45 PM
That makes the situation pretty clearly a matter of minimal self-defense while also not abandoning the ring to the enemy
VardaYesterday at 5:45 PM
Gandalf helps Bilbo then to do what he says he wants to do. Bilbo is able to leave and feels much lighter.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:45 PM
I wonder what their policy was concerning selfdefense where their powers were concerned.
VardaYesterday at 5:45 PM
Good question.
I doubt they would allow others to kill them, but that leaves a lot of room. Just putting that big shadow, with lightning, is enough to back most down. : )
He probably recognized exactly what the Balrog's display was.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:47 PM
Heh. Like a peacock's feathers.

VardaYesterday at 5:47 PM
Pretty much!
Display instead of fighting is an excellent way to avoid damage to both parties while making a point.
Well, we blew past the hour nearly to the next, but you were both delightful to chat with. You made me think and dig, much appreciated.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:48 PM
Glad I could still be of help :wink:
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
You always are. : )
AnarionYesterday at 5:49 PM
I enjoyed it greatly, thanks Varda
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
So glad you could come! That was great fun here too. : )

the gavel marches up, eyeing the Valar of Time nervously as they give it a little shove
the gavel scampers back to the shelf


Free chat about anything. : )
AnarionYesterday at 5:51 PM
I'm going to go get food, so for now, Namarie!
VardaYesterday at 5:51 PM
carefully stashes shredded books back in the shelf
Namarie, Anarion!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:51 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:51 PM
This gang over here needs fed too. : )
Phar, you know I'll read your stuff, even if belatedly. : )
Namarie for now, kind of.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:52 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:06 PM
Still a while before I'm ready to give my gaming report; too much stuff to catch up on first.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:35 PM
Personal gaming report!

Flashgames: is the first game! A very... very short point and click about the search for a christmas tree. Still, if you've got like... a minute to waste, and want a nice christmas game, go for it!
christmas tree. Still, if you've got like... a minute to waste, and want a nice christmas game, go for it!
    A Good Tree - for the second game! More christmas. Bonte games are always nice, short-ish and inventive, so go for it.
    A Bonte Christmas
    Here it is, my Christmas present for you! Can you complete all 16 levels? Merry puzzling!
You play a sort of alien on a small planet (or small system of planets) and have to take complete orders to bring colored christmas balls in specific stacks, by traversing the planets in certain orders and making use of the moose and/or squirrel mechanics.
Pretty simple in most cases, once you give it some consideration :slight_smile: is the third game, and the hardest by far. A side scrolling game where you play an amazon and have to make your way through levels by avoiding random obstacles in certain ways, like jumping, ducking and using the javelin.
    WARNING: This game is graphic intensive, please reduce the quality in the options if it feels sluggish!
    Hello people! We invite you to emba...
You can use the points you get to buy armor and stuff, it doesn't seem to help but at least it covers her up a bit :wink:
Part of why it's so difficult, though, is that the obstacles blend in with the background a bit too well, so you have to pay a lot of attention.


Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:55 PM
Blizzard gaming:
Heroes of the Storm:
first longer quest of the event done, started on the next one for 200 minion kills. No new levels. Only won one brawl of the 3, where I was using Valla, the first hero I ever got :slight_smile: She's still good, with some careful play can do serious damage on enemy heroes.
Slowly making my way through the event quests for the new expansion. They're pretty big, lots of spells, card-draws and turns to use.
Brawl is a new year's bash, where you work with the opposite player to decorate the tavern and break the pinata boss. Had a bit of trouble at first where the opposite player tried to damage me - you can't in that brawl - and it was pretty close, but we got it in the end with some careful spell use.
A bit luck based, but if you find a player who knows how it works and you get ideas about how to deal with the party crashers, it should be easy enough to get in a few tries, if not the first.
There's nothing more to tell about leveling the nine classes, now that they're all maxed. I guess I could say when a hero reaches a certain amount of wins, like 300 or something, but that'll be a rare occasion. So Hearthstone news might be a bit bare from now on.
Didn't have much time with christmas and family events going around, but still some stuff done.
AnarionYesterday at 9:04 PM
I mean, those naturally take priority
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:04 PM
Of course :slight_smile: But it is noticeable.
I did get the bracers from Emeriss, leaving only one more item from one more dragon among the anniversary bosses. Emeriss is by far the most difficult, so glad for it to be done.
Winter Veil still going, with me visiting the Greench every day for the daily quest, hoping for the Flames of Ragnaros illusion. No luck so far.
Presents are under the tree, but have had no time for them yet. Got a few days left, though, will be fine!
Speaking of flames, after getting the cinder kitten pet and using my druid of the flame cat toy with it, I decided to embrace the theme for my feral spec.
So I switched to the flamesaber mount for now, and put together a nice transmog set with flames and yellow/orange pieces. Result came out quite well!
Brawl this week was Arathi blizzard, which also took up a lot of time. I needed 7 tries to win one.
VardaYesterday at 9:10 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:10 PM
Aiyata :slight_smile:
What else...
VardaYesterday at 9:11 PM
Congrats on what sounds like a wonderful vacation time. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:12 PM
Oh yes! Finally got the toy from the Proudmoore Admiralty paragon supplies. Getting that music box, which plays the Daughter of the Sea tune when you click on it, took a long time, and a lot of collecting Proudmoore rep. But now I've got all the paragon rewards from the basic BfA factions! Should really get to work on nazjatar and mechagon :wink:
It's a nice tune, but a bit soft... can get overwhelmed by the music already playing in an area.
VardaYesterday at 9:13 PM
And hi to Ioreth : )
IorethYesterday at 9:13 PM
I didn't know it played music
VardaYesterday at 9:13 PM
How do you get it to play music?
click  on it where?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:14 PM
You have to put it down, and then click on it. Can use it multiple times, I think it sits there on a steady timer.
VardaYesterday at 9:14 PM
Cool : )
IorethYesterday at 9:14 PM
oh, it's a toy! I thought you meant the trinket
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:14 PM
The spawn/toy-use itself is pretty short. 10 or 30 minutes, don't recall right now :stuck_out_tongue:
Yes, the paragon toy.
Cooldown, I mean.
VardaYesterday at 9:15 PM
Does it travel with you?
like, with wheels?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:16 PM
Toys are permanent additions to your toybox, with short-ish cooldowns, so you can use them pretty much everywhere. This one doesn't move with you, but you can put it down in a city or in a raid when there's a break or something.
VardaYesterday at 9:17 PM
Cute, so more like a real music box
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:18 PM
And finally, I guess, there's the World Quest weekly quest :slight_smile: Still working on it, only at 13/20 so far. It's a pretty easy one, since you can get it done just through your emissaries. But still nice to get done.
And yep!
Even has a music box sound.
IorethYesterday at 9:18 PM
I see that there are a couple others listed from past expacs
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:19 PM
Toys, or paragon rewards? Because the former is over 400.
And that's my report for the week! Though I can say I've got a new keyboard, the Fury Hornet, pretty cheap, and has an anti-water system by the use of tiny holes that go all the way through the keyboard.
VardaYesterday at 9:20 PM
Interesting idea. gets out drill
And thank you.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 9:21 PM
And now I should get to bed, it's really late :wink:
VardaYesterday at 9:22 PM
or early in your case. ; )  Namarie and sleep well!
And thanks for coming, Ioreth!
IorethYesterday at 9:27 PM
Namarie! Miss you all
VardaYesterday at 9:27 PM
You caught us tonight! Namarie for now. : )
