August 18, 2019 Sunday Meeting
P.M. Eastern time (-4 GMT aka 9 P.M. aka 21:00)
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Transcript work by Varda.
[times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for
Eastern. Example: 4pm Central in the transcript is 5pm Eastern]
Attending (and
spoke): (8)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Elrond, Eonwe, Gwaihir, Pallando,
Varda (presiding)
Way Before: Celebrian, Elrond, Varda
[What used to be used as the normal smiley face now shows in text
as :slight_smile:.]
Meeting begins
Membership news
Tolkien Site: this week's new story, a complete
20 chapter novel by Shirebound, put up today.
General reports from Eonwe: World of WarCraft
classic, World of WarCraft, StarCraft 2, Diablo 3, Heroes of the
General report from Ar-Pharazon: StarCraft 2
General kin report from Varda: Lord of the Rings
Topic: Did anyone see anything this past week in
our travels to remind you of Middle-earth? (A lot of members
reported that they were back from traveling very recently.)
Tolkien continued: another online picture similar
to a place in Middle-earth.
Flashgaming Reviews by
ElrondLast Tuesday at 7:14 AM
Neat to see that @Nar isn't the only SCA folks here! Good luck at
Pennsic from us Meridians.
VardaLast Tuesday at 8:48 PM
Nar says that Midrealm uses Pippin's Oath for its knights. : )
CelebrianLast Wednesday at 5:27 AM
Yeah we use that too but change some of the wording to match
VardaLast Wednesday at 8:57 AM
Very cool. : )
VardaYesterday at 3:57 PM
Almost that time
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 3:58 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Phar : )
VardaYesterday at 4:12 PM
That was a lot of pokes, heh. : )
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Hi from Elwing who is visiting for her birthday (we had much cake
and fun) and from Fangorn whose computer is back from the shop and
has LotRO again at last.
Any other membership news?
(The beach was wonderful. )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:15 PM
Well, had a sort of 1-day vacation this weekend, visiting my parents
where they're having their 2-week vacation at a campsite.
So that was fun!
VardaYesterday at 4:15 PM
Sounds great!
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:15 PM
aiya :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:16 PM
Aiya! Grats to Arien for making it back to Discord. : )
GwaihirYesterday at 4:17 PM
back from vacation
jetlagged and exhausted
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:17 PM
to oth :smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:18 PM
Welcome back, Gwaihir! Sounds as if you need a rest from your very
active vacation!
GwaihirYesterday at 4:18 PM
ya, sadly back to work tomorrow lol
VardaYesterday at 4:19 PM
With tales to tell!
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:19 PM
where have you been Gwaihir?
GwaihirYesterday at 4:22 PM
10 days in Rhodes, 3 days in England
VardaYesterday at 4:22 PM
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:22 PM
nice one
where in England?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:23 PM
Must be quite the contrast between the two.
GwaihirYesterday at 4:24 PM
near Liverpool, my wife's family lives there so we went to visit
them so she could spend some time with her family
VardaYesterday at 4:25 PM
Awww nice
GwaihirYesterday at 4:25 PM
ya, it was a huge relief phara... going from 29 Celsius NIGHTS to
~14 Celsius and rain... lol
I cannot accurately express how hot it felt in Rhodes... it was
brutal. Gorgeous scenery, super nice people, good food... but the
heat was brutal.
VardaYesterday at 4:26 PM
hands over an ice pack
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:26 PM
Can imagine.
Don't want to imagine, but can :wink:
GwaihirYesterday at 4:28 PM
I had to cancel our day trip last Monday because I was too sunburned
from our
Sunday trip to Kallithea
VardaYesterday at 4:29 PM
Arien ValarYesterday at 4:29 PM
GwaihirYesterday at 4:31 PM
ya lol
VardaYesterday at 4:31 PM
Any more membership news? : )
Sounds like a lot of interesting traveling going on in the group.
Tolkien Site / Stories
We have a new story, a novel really, up from Shirebound, our
newest author.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:33 PM
What a novel idea.
VardaYesterday at 4:33 PM
It's AU (Alternate Universe) in which Aragorn meets tweenager Frodo
at Bilbo's house.
LotR-inspired stories: Late one night, Gandalf
a very ill Ranger to the closest refuge, Bag End,
knowing that
Bilbo is immune to this illness -- but Gandalf is
unaware that a
tweenager is now living there. An AU look at
Frodo's early life
with B...
She does a lot of hole-filler stories, but it's hard to resist
tweaking with a what-if, and this one spawned more.
We will also be having more of her hole-filler fiction coming. : )
Any other Tolkien news? Cool links you wanted to share?
Thank you to Eonwe for reporting general news on a batch of games
for us:
World of WarCraft:
August 16 was free tee-shirt day.
There's now a Classic FAQ for those playing it, Celebrian
and Elrond I believe?
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft Classic FAQ: What You Need to
Know - WoW
World of Warcraft Classic launches August 26. To
make sure youre prepared, weve pulled together some information to
help you get started on your journey through Azeroth.
Check out this week's hotfixes.
World of Warcraft
Hotfixes: August 14, 2019 - WoW
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address
various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth.
StarCraft 2:
Patch 4.10.1 came out this week.
StarCraft II
StarCraft II Official Game Site
Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and
powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from
Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac.
Diablo 3:
Check out the blog: Diablo III and Ongoing Support.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:40 PM
I too will be playing Classic, though I don't know much :wink:
Made my characters already.
VardaYesterday at 4:40 PM
Cool. : )
Diablo III
Diablo III and Ongoing Support
Whether your personal journey with Diablo III
began today or nearly seven years ago upon our launch, we want to
give you an update on our ongoing development efforts with the game.
Heres what you can expect going forward from
Seasons and patches.
Season 18 begins August 23rd.
Diablo III
Season 18: The Season of the Triune Begins August
Season 18 begins August 23, alongside the latest
Diablo III patch.
Read on to learn more about the all-new Season of
the Triune buff, the heap of brand-new Legendary powers, and handful
of crafted item reworks in store for Patch 2.6.6!
Heroes of the Storm:
A hotfix came out this week.
Heroes of the Storm
Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft,
StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and
prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:41 PM
(also, starcraft II brought out a new War Chest event)
VardaYesterday at 4:41 PM
Lord of the Rings Online:
We've been playing with the new stuff from:
LOTRO Update 24.2.1 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 24.2.1,
released on Tuesday, August 13th.
News and Notes:
New Fellowship Instance: The Depths of
Kidzul-kâlah now available!
LotRO kinsmen playing (in kin) this past week, doesn't count some of
our other members like Nob who were playing and chatted:
Any other general gaming news? Eve, other?
I am sure there is news, so feel free to mention it later when you
think of it. : )
Did anyone see anything this past week in our travels to remind you
of Middle-earth?
I saw the Sea and the white gulls. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:50 PM
Well, the little lake we were at wasn't nearly deep enough to hold a
VardaYesterday at 4:50 PM
A young Watcher! Now that could be a fan fiction.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:51 PM
Little Watcher's First Lake.
VardaYesterday at 4:51 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:53 PM
Other than that, not really. Flat country, lots of driving on
no wolves or crebain to bother us
VardaYesterday at 4:53 PM
Maybe Gwaihir flew over Far Harad or Rhun.
As many adventurers as are out there wiping out crebain, wargs, and
orcs, you should see some peaceful spots here and there.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:54 PM
Full of adventurers waiting for respawns.
VardaYesterday at 4:55 PM
Running right over them! What was that bump sound under the wheels?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:55 PM
My sword glowed blue for a moment, must be an orc.
VardaYesterday at 4:55 PM
Plenty of ocean with sea vessels going by, probably taking elves
Manwe and Ulmo were making scattered rain showers all around us.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:58 PM
We had some serious rain yesterday driving back, which then
continued to hit my mom who was still back at the campsite :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 4:59 PM
Maybe she grew! Or the ents around her did.
Lots of falling ent draught.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:59 PM
Could be, there were some trees around.
VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
If you looked back, they may have moved.
The graphics in real life were really good.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:02 PM
Oh yes, very high resolution.
You could zoom in really close.
VardaYesterday at 5:02 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:02 PM
I wonder what kind of engine it's running on.
VardaYesterday at 5:02 PM
The graphics suggestion came from Fangorn : )
Arda Slightly Marred engine?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:03 PM
or ASME for short, sounds very professional
VardaYesterday at 5:03 PM
There you go!
Fangorn thought he saw Auros aka Eonwe pop into LotRO just as he
went offline.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:04 PM
Very sneaky.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:05 PM
He did, hehe Heya all :}
VardaYesterday at 5:05 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:05 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:05 PM
Aiya Eonwe : )
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:05 PM
Aiya Eonwe n:)
VardaYesterday at 5:06 PM
A lot of us were traveling this past week, so we're telling what we
saw that might have been like Middle-earth.
Elwing says hi : )
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:08 PM
Heya to Elwing and Fangorn.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:09 PM
i havent been there recently but look at this and tell me what it
reminds you of :slight_smile:;_ylt=AwrIAX9BzFldbkkAvDV3Bwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0ZTgxN3Q0BGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=Mont+St+Michel+Brittany&type=1117&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-securebrowser¶m1=cfc574ece2334b268a619e212bfa0a3a¶m2=20180607¶m3=Avast+Secure+Browser%7C75.1.1528.100¶m4=12%7CGB%7C1.17.4.396%7C1.17.4.396&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-avast-securebrowser#id=21&
[or for just one:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:09 PM
Missing about 3 or 4 rings, isn't it? :wink:
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:10 PM
yeah but otherwise :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:10 PM
On second glance, maybe just 2.
VardaYesterday at 5:10 PM
Minas Tirith
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:10 PM
i was there with my school many years ago
fascinating place :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 5:11 PM
Looks huge
It's the hour. (Doesn't keep us from looking at more RL Tolkienesque
the gavel skims across a puddle on the table, pretending to be a
white ship as it holds up a pocket handkerchief
it hits the hammerpad with a mufffled thmoppp!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:13 PM
No miniature Watcher waiting for it?
VardaYesterday at 5:14 PM
and off it goes back to the shelf!, a tiny tentacle hanging on to
Good idea. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:14 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:14 PM
Free chat about anything, including tiny tentacle young Watcher.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:21 PM
or remember this :)?
Get free image hosting, easy photo sharing, and
photo editing. Upload pictures and videos, create with the online
photo editor, or browse a photo gallery or album and create custom
print products
VardaYesterday at 5:22 PM
Mini-Shire : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:22 PM
Indeed, good place for some hobbit holes.
Arien ValarYesterday at 5:24 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:31 PM
Alright, let's do some... personal gaming report!
3 new flashgames:
is the first game! A dungeon adventure, with some puzzling to
collect things and not get stuck.
A casual dungeon crawler.
Oh no! [Spoiler] You got stuck trying to get the
chest. Find the way out.
Also fight monsters, use health potions and level up as you go along
:slight_smile: The fighting is quite simple though, as the
focus is more on the exploring and puzzling.
You can die (quite easily) but with careful selection of the enemies
you fight and good potion use, it should be possible to get there
with one life and get the best ending. But if you don't, there are
some checkpoints around, you keep on levelling and eventually you
should make it.
Assuming you don't get stuck, because of all the locked doors and
keys to find, some planning and luck required.
is the second game, and quite a bit shorter :slight_smile:
An action game where you have to collect bubbles and avoid spikes.
Quite tough, but see how far you can get!
Bubbles 2
It#39s been 3 years since the original Bubbles
and I#39ve rebuilt the engine from scratch.
So here it is, the sequel you#39ve all been
waiting for (you know you hav...
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:39 PM
Time for me to be off. Take care all, good night, sleep well, and
have fun :}
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:39 PM
for the last game! A stacking game, where you get a starting setup
and several shapes at the top which you can place on top of each
other to find perfect balance, without letting any fall.
Perfect Balance
Rotate and stack shapes, and try to achieve
perfect balance in this physics puzzle! Can you master the game#39s
80 trials?
VardaYesterday at 5:39 PM
Namarie Eonwe! Glad you could swing by!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:40 PM
Get through all the levels, can be tough, but unlock the bubbles
game, not as much luck required :slight_smile:
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:42 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:42 PM
Aiya Pallando!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:44 PM
Blizzard gaming:
Starcraft II:
The new War Chest is here, for Blizzcon 2019! Buy a
chest for a race you want or the complete bundle at discount, get
some free stuff, play games (or watch starcraft streaming on twitch)
to unlock war chest experience, and unlock a lot more stuff with
that :slight_smile:
Also comes with new story comics, with a certain character from the
old Wings of Liberty campaign being lost on a planet, with an
expedition sent to find him. Is a fun read so far.
Each race comes with a new set of unit skins, and my favorite of the
three is the zerg Cerberus line of skins, which appears to be about
mechanically enhanced and weaponized zerg units. Might be related to
the new comic story :wink:
Oh, and a new addition to this war chest is a free section as well,
for which no extra chests need to be bought. No initial rewards for
that one, but it unlocks the same as the purchased ones, and gives a
whole bunch of portraits, sprays and other stuff like that. So even
if you're not spending the cash for the racial skins, it might still
be worth collecting the free branch :slight_smile:
As for me, I've started grinding the experience with a daily match,
and have unlocked the first tier so far, giving a portrait, and the
first skins for marines, zerglings and zealots. Progress is being
Heroes of the Storm:
Level 363 now, 2 levels gained. Got Diablo to level 14, so he's
almost done as well, and I got level 2 on the ETC hero through the
brawls, playing him for the first time. Fun hero, gets to slide into
enemy heroes, knocking back minions, and with a small self heal.
Using the power of rock to scatter and blow up your enemies!
Oh, and I got a new legendary mount there, a happy cloud :smile:
Should be fun to use!
Slowly pushing the heroes to the next level! Going quite evenly now.
Brawl is a crossroads brawl, where you choose a class and then add
another class's cards to your deck for interesting combinations. Can
go very crazy, but had some luck to win 3 brawls for a quest
Normal difficulty is pretty thoroughly on farm, from the looks of
it. We keep one-shotting everything, including Azshara. Just have to
make sure we stay alert :slight_smile:
Normal difficulty of the Eternal Palace raid, that is.
And heroic difficulty's going fine as well, as we finally brought
Ashvane down! Some good dps upgrades were needed, as well as good
handling of the coral structures, but the kill went quite smoothly
Arien ValarYesterday at 6:03 PM
i ve torturered myself through the raidfinder but .. yeah was not
too bad :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:04 PM
Ah yes, the raidfinder. Not tried that yet for this raid, haven't
needed it. Difficulty is lower, but the people you play with are
harder to work with, so I'm glad I don't need to :slight_smile:
That said, with my current gear, as tank I should be able to carry a
lfr somewhat.
Weekly quest for this week is battlegrounds! Always fun. Only needed
5 battlegrounds to win 4. Last one was Alterac Valley, which saw
some changes in the last patch, apparently. Tougher commanders in
the towers and bunkers, so you need groups to take them down, and a
few of the old quests added as well. And a few display updates for
reinforcements, which look quite nice.
Arien ValarYesterday at 6:06 PM
right its getting time for me here ... so i bid you farewell and
Namarie to all :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:06 PM
Namarie :slight_smile:
VardaYesterday at 6:07 PM
Namarie Sunshine : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:09 PM
I'm assuming the updated Alterac Valley has something to do with the
anniversary coming in a few months, which will take us back to the
old classic version of the battleground. Might even be a bug where
they mixed up the versions, but if not, this version is a bit more
intense, and less speedy to make your way to the enemy base. Which I
don't mind, makes it more fun.
Other than that, not a whole lot of progression this week, mostly
because I was away from friday morning to saturday evening
Though I did explore the stormsong monastery a bit, collecting
scrolls and talking to a statue to collect a gem toy related to the
old gods. Suspicious, but fun!
And there was one anomaly I found earlier in the week... a world
quest I hadn't seen before, with only a very old page on wowhead
that suggested it didn't make it to the game... I suspect it was the
first time it appeared. So that was weird, maybe they fixed it for
8.2. It involves shooting sailboat dummies with a cannon in Boralus.
And that's my report for the week! Assuming next week is less busy,
I should be able to collect a few pets. That'll be nice.
Oh! One thing I forgot.
VardaYesterday at 6:18 PM
Yay pets
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:18 PM
As mentioned earlier, WoW Classic name reservations have
opened. With a bunch of friends from current WoW, we've decided to
go horde-side on the European RP-server, Hydraxian Waterlords. I
cloned my main druid Calaron there for alliance just because it'd be
weird not to, and other than that created the horde main I'll be
using whenever I play classic, which is an undead mage. So now they
exist, and it won't be long before they're available for play!
VardaYesterday at 6:18 PM
Grats on grabbing the name!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:19 PM
Thanks :smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:46 PM
VardaYesterday at 8:46 PM