Valar Guild

September 30, 2018 Sunday Meeting

5pm EDT (UTC/GMT - 5)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

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Transcript work by

Attending (and spoke): (4)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Pallando (After-meeting)

Meeting begins
Membership news:
    Games Site Mass Update ongoing.
    General gaming reports by Eonwe and others.
    Forum Riddle Game ongoing
    Today's game for the meeting: guess a character from the clues.
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon
    Chat Marathon begins on Discord meeting_place, continuing to the next meeting on Oct .

(times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for Eastern)

Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:00 PM
Heya all.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:00 PM
Arien poked.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Eonwe :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Arien :smiley:
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Phari :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:02 PM
Varda won't be able to make it tonight due to real life getting in the way. We'll give it a couple more minutes then begin.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:02 PM
all right
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:07 PM
OK, let's begin.

Elen SIla Lumenn Omentielvo!
Everyone here say Manwë :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:08 PM
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:09 PM
I just told Elladan :smiley: he might turn up at some point
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:10 PM
Ok, so Arien, Eonwë, Pharazon for now :}
As already mentioned, Varda had some real life stuff come up so she couldn't make it.
Any other membership news?
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:11 PM
Nothing here i
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:11 PM
Fladrif spotted in Hearthstone, played against him for a queset.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:11 PM
Cool :}

Today is the last day to get info in for the Games Site Mass-Update, so if you haven't yet please do so. I'll be doing to final pass tonight.


World of Warcraft:
This week's bonus event: Cataclysm Timewalking.
Uldir LFR Wing 2 is out.
Check out the hotfixes.

Heroes of the Storm:
A patch came out this week.
A new event, Fall of King's Crest, is going.

Starcraft 2:
A balance mod update came out this week.

Any other gaming news?

ArienVLast Sunday at 4:17 PM
I am temporary active on WoW US again to play with Elladan a bit . I invited him to put characters in the valar guild branch but he hasnt made up his mind yet
so i made two characters on his servers Draka and Area 52
a boosted Pali belf called  Esirande and an allied  character of which i forgot the neme . and class a bit late for thinking eumph but i got the dh in valarguild to Kul Tiras as well although i havent worked with her yet :smiley:
and  i played a bit Deiablo 3 with Elladan last week as well :smiley: sesonal character :smiley:
a monk
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:20 PM
Cool :}
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:20 PM
thats it from me lthere :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:22 PM
OK, then now is the time to whisper me Tolkien topics if you have one :}

Before we shift into Tolkien, a couple of reminders:
This Thursday is the Anniversary.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:24 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:25 PM
That means the chat marathon starts today, though we don't really have to worry about the channel closing on us.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:25 PM
Hah, true.
We can still come online every day though!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:26 PM
Feel free to drop in during the week, say hi, reminisce, or get together and do some gaming :}
Indeed, Phar :}
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:26 PM
sure :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:27 PM
Ok with that said:

In the words of Joshua from the 1980s movie "Wargames"... Shall we play a game?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:30 PM
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:30 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:31 PM
Want to try that game we did a couple of weeks ago?
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:31 PM
which is that?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:31 PM
The guess a character from the clues thing?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:31 PM
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:32 PM
sounds cool :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:32 PM
By the way, don't forget the Riddle Game is going on the Forum, and my riddle has not yet been solved :}
Are you in for that game, Phar, or would you prefer a different one?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:33 PM
I'm up for it :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:33 PM
OK :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:34 PM
Been thinking about your riddle, too, but haven't figured it out yet.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:35 PM
If it helps, it's all about the person.
I.e., no part of it describes anything owned, carried, etc.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:36 PM
Including the relic? Good to know.
So the person is the relic.
Now we're getting somewhere...
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:37 PM
Probably not my best riddle, but once the answer is known,  the lines make sense on how they connect to that person.
And examining the potential answers should start making sense on how they fit that person as well :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:39 PM
For a moment Gandalf came to mind, cast into the darkness with the balrog and coming up as a jewel, but the villain to hero doesn't quite make sense.
Anyway, I guess you want to start the actual game? :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:40 PM
Aye, let's :}
Let's just go down the channel list, so Phar, Arien, me.
2 rounds if we can make it that far :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:41 PM
It must be the dash.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:41 PM
we try :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
Just LotR/Hobbit?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:42 PM
Yeah, let's stick to LotR and Hobbit.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:45 PM
...and while going through characters, I just figured Lobelia might be the answer to your riddle.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:45 PM
i thought of that as well ^^
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:45 PM

Clue one: This person is a hobbit.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:45 PM
but cjouldn t think of the relic
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:46 PM
She would be the relic, locked up, and freed a hero :smiley:
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:46 PM
ah true :smiley:
carry on :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:46 PM
This hobbit is an unexpected friend.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:47 PM
Robin Smallburrow
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:47 PM
Unexpected, because in the memories of youth, this hobbit is seen as more hostile, and for good reason.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:49 PM
Farmer Maaggot
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:49 PM
Yes :smile:
Was thinking of a way to incorporate the mushrooms as well, but it wasn't necessary.
Your turn!

ArienVLast Sunday at 4:52 PM
uhm this character is a villain .. in a place noone goes but stones poiint the way
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:52 PM
barrow wight?
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
correct :smile:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:53 PM
hah :smile:
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:55 PM
Eonwe . l. your turn :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:55 PM
ok :}

ArienVLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
Phar's right, lol.
ArienVLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:58 PM
hehe, total guess.
I was thinking Eowyn too until Arien said it.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 4:59 PM
Your turn again. :}

Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 4:59 PM
Villain. Sort of.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:00 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:00 PM
Lacks a name.
Well, name has been forgotten.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
Mouth of Sauron?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
Yes :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:01 PM
only a sort-of villian? :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:02 PM
Well, he's on the bad side, but his role is not villainous as such.
Just a bit rude.
Arien's turn!

ArienVLast Sunday at 5:04 PM
a woman .. fast mouth but useful!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:05 PM
Ioreth :}
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:05 PM
correct !

Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:06 PM
OK, let's see....
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:08 PM
If you were curious... I was thinking of other typical riders from the movies first after Eowyn was said, and thought of Arwen, and went "Wait, no... in the books that was the other guy..."
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:08 PM

There is a hidden entry to this person's realm.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:08 PM
Alright, I've got 4 people in mind already.
Let's start with Turgon.
Wait, no, not Silmarillion, sorry :wink:
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:09 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:09 PM
No on both counts, hehe.
This person is old enough to recognize old weapons, though perhaps not by the same name as others.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
Tom Bombadil
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:10 PM
Goblin King?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:11 PM
Ooh, good one.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:11 PM
one guess per clue :}
I think my next clue would make it very clear anyway, and we're on the last turn of the night.
So Arien is right, it's the Goblin King.

I'll just make sure next time I mention at the beginning only one guess per clue.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:15 PM
Per person, right?
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:15 PM
Per person, aye.
ArienVLast Sunday at 5:16 PM
nice idea :smiley:
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:17 PM
There's should probably be a group "no" though before giving the next clue so late answerers don't get hints from the answers of early answerers... not that that's a problem with only the three of us, hehe.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:18 PM
That's bound to happen anyway unless you make it a pretty hard cut-off time.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:19 PM
I've been saying about 15 sec between clues, giving leeway for thinking and typing of course.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:19 PM
Fair enough.
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:19 PM
And if people are still getting their one guess in that can stretch it a bit.
Anyway, we're perfecting it one game at a time, lol :}

Raises Gavel
Brings gavel down

I await your guesses on the Riddle Game :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:24 PM
Afk a bit, then I'll be back for personal gaming report.
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:39 PM

Perrrrsonal gaming report!

We start with 3 flashgames.
They're not too big, but still fun :smiley: the first game! Puzzle platformer, turn-based-ish where for every move you make, the enemies can make a move too. Avoid them or jump over them (not into them), jump over sprouts to get flowers, jump over chest to get seed and patch of dirt to plant seed, and escape on the beanstalk to the next level.
The main goal of each level is not getting killed by the enemy slimes and building the stalk, but you get extra stars for defeating all the enemies and sprouting all the... sprouts.
But once you jump over certain things, you can't go back, so some puzzling and planning is required.
If you manage to take out all enemies on level 2, let me know, I can't figure it out, while I am getting 3 stars on later levels. I must be missing something simple :wink: is the second game! You play a chicken with a wizard hat and a wand (apparently) and your job is to get the sleepwalker to his bed at the end of the game. You do this by following him from below as he walks forward, launching him by shooting trampolines as he's on them, giving him food to grow if necessary, avoiding enemies, and other things, as you get him from checkpoint to checkpoint.
Also try to collect all 6 sheep along the way.
Oh, and the food is apparently to give him an extra hit point vs enemies, but the growing itself also becomes important later.
Oh, and don't shoot him directly, that's also no good :wink:
But otherwise, good luck!

Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:59 PM
I must now be off. Take care all, good night, sleep well, and have fun :} Hope to see some of you during the week :}
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 5:59 PM
Namarie :smiley:
and happy anniversary!
Eonwe ValarLast Sunday at 5:59 PM
Happy Anniversary :}

Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:03 PM is the last one! Draw lines/platforms in the level to get the apple to the vortex. You can't draw multiple things, so make it count. Collect the sun to get an extra star, and stay below a certain amount of used ink to get another. Certainly doable!
Physics Games - Fruit Escape
Draw physical objects and platforms to guide the fruit to the portal in each level. To earn all three stars in a level, you need to collect the Sun and limit the amount of ink that you use. The pencil icon in the upper left corner indicates your alloted ink to get a star.
Only 24 levels as a demo, but those 24 levels can still be a fun timewaster.

Blizzard gaming!
Starcraft II:
Few more days until phase 3 of the war chest, on the 4th of october on our anniversary in fact :smiley:
Diablo 3:
continuing the season, up to level 39 now. Got the various bosses killed for chapter 1, so now I just need to throw some gold at the artisans to get them all to level 10, and then get to level 50 myself to finish the chapter. Should be done within the week.
Heroes of the Storm:
Pooh, many things. For a start, the quest event. It's huge. Biggest they've done so far, and it only lasts until october 15, so a lot of things to do. 17 or 18 quests, I think; 4 lines of 4, and then 1 or 2 final quests to wrap it up. Each line of 4 is based around a certain role, but with some various other goals to achieve as well, like watch posts and mercenary camps. You can switch between questlines when you want to work on others, though, and the progress will keep, so you can work it around your normal daily quests somewhat.
But you can only work on one quest at a time, per match.
I've now got 6 quests complete, so some work left. But if necessary, most can be easily completed on a full AI map, so if I run out of time I can cram in some matches at the end.
Level 303 now: Got my level in a brawl (as often happens these days) but I did not expect it to be my first level 16 hero. I generally only level them 15 for rewards, and then rotate them out of my active roster, but occasionally I'll take one of the heroes I'd rotated out if they come up as a brawl-choice, because at least I'm familiar with them, and to see if they've had any changes since then. So they can still get xp sometimes.
And this time, that actually got me a totally unplanned and kinda wasteful level 16 for Valla :wink:
Brawl this week is a rather typical single-lane match. I've been spreading them out though, so as not to waste too much time a day I should be spending on the quests.. and will do the third match in a few minutes :smiley: Other than the Valla match, I had a very interesting brawl-fight as Zagara, using the nature of the map to focus on a hero-killing build I'd never used before. It was quite effective, and possibly my best Zagara match ever, as my quests racked up numbers fast and I ended up MVP of the match :smiley:
All classes at least halfway to the next level now. Got yet another legendary, this time from the new expansion: Mecha'thun. Very interesting legendary indeed: It destroys the enemy hero as a death-rattle, but only if you are completely out of cards in deck, hand and battlefield. So either it's a last desperate measure - and still tough to plan around - or a deck completely based on that one win condition.
I've faced one of those myself, and thought it a bit cheesy, but I'm sure fun can be had with it.
Very interesting new brawl this week: Make a deck of 6 cards, when you've drawn all 6, the deck of 6 loads again. So it's basically a sort of randomized cycle.
Got my win with a cheap shaman murloc deck, having easy access to certain murlocs and murloc buffs to overwhelm the enemy pretty fast.
Continuing raid progress. Now at 4/8 on heroic difficulty. We've left normal difficulty behind: the personal loot system takes away the main advantage of farming bosses we've already killed, and there are no quests involved with G'huun so no real need for repeat kills on normal difficulty. So it'll just be heroic. We did add Fetid Devourer and Zek'voz to our list of kills :smiley:
Got more loot from them myself, as well, including the best chestpiece and the best boots; with the chestpiece giving me quite a good azerite trait which also enables the Uldir-raid-only reorigination array, giving the stacking buff every week. Very useful for the raid, especially since it improves every week if you kill at least 3 bosses.
Now 355 in catgear and, I think, 358 in beargear. It's bound to slow down soon, but in the meantime I'm pretty well geared considering our status :smiley:
Been doing more expeditions too! Getting good progress on saving all the npcs, making sure to get both in every expedition, though the last 5 I need for the achievement do not want to show up. There's a new theory going around that the end-of-expedition loot you can get is thematically related to the rares you kill for the island's theme of that week as well as the random invasions, so it's slightly easier to target things... but it is counterintuitive to the way expeditions are usually played, which is by looting all the chests, taking down the big azerite elemental and fighting the enemy team. But I'm having some success in convincing people in my heroic-difficulty pugs to focus on the rares instead.
Not have had much success with that policy myself when it comes to loot, except for a few new queststarters. I did get the pirate compass after killing some pirates, so thus far the theory seems to hold up.
I just wish there was some confirmation from Blizzard that that's how it works.
Weekly this week was Cataclysm timewalks. Interesting to do them for the first time since BfA launched, but the difficulty seems fine. They even nerfed some of the harder ones, notably End Time and the Sylvanas bossfight in there. A good thing too, it was kinda ridiculously overtuned after the artifact loss.
Other than that, I've poked a bit of questing in Kul Tiras... less than I'd hoped, which is rather the default these days. Completed Tiragarde Sound, including the Tol Dagor dungeon and quest, and started Stormsong Valley. Did a couple of quests there, starting to work on the Stormwake reputation faction, which I'll need to get to friendly to unlock world quests.
That's still some way away though, I'm only about a fifth of the way.
Oh, and my continuing paragon-reward hunting for the remaining Legion factions paid off a bit: I got a toy from the Army of the Light reward bag, a holy fire you can toss around with other players. Rather neat. I still need 2 mounts though.
And finally, some Warcraft books have arrived for me this weekend :smiley: Part 3 of the War of the Ancients trilogy and parts 2 and 3 of the Sunwell manga trilogy.
The collection grows!
I think my book-collection is now complete, but some mangas and comics still remain to get.
And that's my report for the week!
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:44 PM
Congratulations to all that :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:44 PM
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:44 PM
and Namarie from me for tonight :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:44 PM
Oh, almost forgot!
Namarie :smiley:
Got my first Warfront done, on the last day available.
Usually need WQs unlocked for it, but a friend managed to queue me up for it anyway.
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:45 PM
bedtime here ..grats! was it fun?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:45 PM
Allowing me to get the Eitrigg commander checked for the achievement, since that's fixed per warfront rotation.
Yeah, it was, though I couldn't get the quests for it yet :smiley:
But at least I got to see it once, and that part of the achievement done.
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:45 PM
you ll make it :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:46 PM
Yep, on schedule for that achievement, would've been bad to have to wait months for it:)
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:46 PM
i ve had a look at the quests wirthout doing the warfront since i dont have the i level for it but i ll get thee :smiley:
sitill around 327 hehe
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:47 PM
ah :smiley:
ArienVLast Sunday at 6:47 PM
anyways Namarie now :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 6:47 PM
Pallando-ValarLast Sunday at 8:37 PM
ahh, missed meeting
I had a topic and everything..
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 8:37 PM
Aw, next week then!
Now we know :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Sunday at 8:52 PM

October 1, 2018
ArienVLast Monday at 2:38 AM
good  morning Marathoners!#
Eonwe ValarLast Monday at 7:37 AM
Good morning :}
ArienVLast Monday at 8:24 AM
how are you Eonwe :)O?
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Monday at 3:22 PM
Oh hey marathoners, I'd planned to log in a few hours ago when I booted up the pc but it slipped my mind :wink: Here we are though!
ArienVLast Monday at 3:32 PM
aiya Phari :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Monday at 3:32 PM
Aiya :smiley:
ArienVLast Monday at 3:32 PM
we;lcome to the marathon :)_
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Monday at 3:34 PM
Pallando-ValarLast Monday at 6:08 PM
Pfft, shutting off computers.
I don't even shut off my phone!
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Monday at 6:08 PM
...I think most people shut down their computers more often than their phones.
ArienVLast Monday at 6:09 PM
Namarie everyone :smiley: i ll be back tomorrow once i am awake :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VLast Monday at 6:10 PM
I'll be off too, gotta get up early tomorrow.

October 2, 2018
ArienVYesterday at 3:31 AM
gooood Morning , Valarites.. Welcome to another day in Middlearth!
CelebrianYesterday at 5:58 AM
Good morning!
ArienVYesterday at 10:57 AM
ArienVYesterday at 5:03 PM
could listen to this song forever .. Nightfall by kBG
ArienVYesterday at 5:11 PM
    Jonas Schäfer
    Blind Guardian - Nightfall + lyrics
about the  murder of Fingon Feanors father (hope i got the name right) , the  slaying of the  Teleri  at Alqualonde and theeir ban  with a hint to the curse that follows :smiley:  Feel free to discuss or find other songs like that :smiley:

October 3, 2018
Eonwe ValarToday at 3:36 AM
Finwë :}
Fingon was the son of Fingolfin.
Eonwe ValarToday at 4:02 AM
That's one of my favorite songs, actually.
VardaToday at 9:22 AM

(continued on Discord, including plans for the anniversary)
