Valar Guild

October 21, 2018 Sunday Meeting

5pm EDT (UTC/GMT - 5)
Discord: Valar Guild/meeting_place

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Transcript work by

Attending (and spoke): (8)
    Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Elrond, Falco, Gorlim, Lenwe, Pallando in side chat, Varda (presiding)

Meeting begins
Membership news
    General gaming reports
    Topic: Book "The Fall of Gondolin" is in.
    Topic: Tolkien Moments and discussion. The names Gollum and Frodo used personally for Sauron.
    Painting tabletop gaming miniatures being done by Gorlim, with links.
    Flashgaming Reviews by Ar-Pharazon
    Phar's personal Blizzard gaming.
    Riddle game on the Forum

(times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for Eastern)

Aiya! 4 minute warning to meeting time. : )
Aiya Phar : )
Aiya Lenwe : )
Aiya Lenwe!
It's that time. : )

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
In LotRO, we have Falco and Varda.
In Discord, speaking, we have Ar-Pharazon, Lenwe, and Varda

Nothing new up on the Tolkien Site.
The Games Site has been busy. : )
Arien poked.
Thanks, Phar
Aiya all together :smiley:
A few other pokes as well, although I think most can see us typing here.
Aiya Arien : )
Aiya Arien!
aiya Phari :smiley:
Pallando says he's running a fleet. : )
aiya Falco :smiley:
Aiya Falco : )
Aiya Falco!
Aiya Falco!


Lord of the Rings Online:
We are having Harvestmath fall festival right now. Lots and lots of quests even though some instances are temporarily disabled and will be on later.
Aiya Celebrian : )
Aiya, was out on fleet
Aiya Celebrian and Elrond
Aiya Elrond! Don't let us get you killed, and thanks for saying howdy!
Update 23.1.1 came out this past week.
Aiya Elrond!
    Update 23.1.1 Release Notes
    Here are the Release Notes for Update 23.1.1, released on Friday, October 19th.
    News and Notes:
And Aiya Celebrian :smiley:
Lots of new areas and quests in LotRO in the dwarven areas.
Erkenbrand is very excited about that; he bought Mordor this week and has been trying to convince me to do the same
Maybe you can use LotRO points?
Good to have a buddy to duo Mordor.
I'm nearly out. That might be a good excuse for getting VIP again :wink:
heh, could be!
Feel free to pop in and do some deeding any time. ; )

World of WarCraft:
This week's bonus event: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking.
This week's PvP Brawl: Tarren Mill vs. Southshore.
Hallow's End is going, and there's a new toy this year, so make sure you get the 150 Tricky Treats to buy it!
    World of Warcraft
    The Horseman Rides: Hallow’s End is Nigh! - WoW
    Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Hallow’s End is here!

(oh, new horse for LotRO Harvestmath too, look under "new" as it isn't listed with the other horse.)
(LotRO: Some of us such as Nob and myself did the Durin's Day quest. Today is the last day, I think.)

Heroes of the Storm:
Patch 39.0 is out, bringing with it a new hero: Mal'ganis.
    Heroes of the Storm
    Legendary heroes and villains from Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo are summoned to the Nexus. Choose your hero and prepare to fight in Heroes of the Storm!

StarCraft 2:
Patch 4.6.2 is out.
    StarCraft II
    Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac.

Hallow's End is now going in Hearthstone until October 31st. Log in before 10:00pm PST on the 31st of October to get a free card and an arena ticket.
    Hallow’s End is Here!
    It’s the Headless Horseman’s favorite time of year, and he’s returned to haunt the Hearthstone tavern starting TODAY through October 31!
    Here’s a quick reminder of the tricky treats that lay in store.
Blizzard has posted "The Balaad of Sir Annoy-O".
    The Ballad of Sir Annoy-O
    A lyrical tale of how the mightiest mech in the Tavern came to be.
A new Developer Insight is out concerning the Hallow's End event.
    Developer Insights: Creating A Most Monstrous Hallow’s End!
    Curious about how the annual Hallow’s End event gets developed? Read on to see what goes on behind the scenes!

The Halloween Terror event is going in Overwatch through October 31st.

That's it from Eonwe.
Do we have news from other games, such as Eve?
Whatever Valarites play can be mentioned here. : )
For LotRO: Dwarrowgleam shards are for Ember-worthy crafts.
They just finished up Eve Vegas this weekend, pretty interesting announcements, including changes to the wardec system coming in December. Plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth on reddit to some of it, like any changes to any game.  Other than that, I helped drop with another Keepstar drop and have just been doing a few missions to raise caldari standings.
Thanks, Elrond. So true about any changes to any game. : ) Also grats.
Fangorn and Eowyn have been gaming together in StarCraft 2.
Valarites showing in [the LotRO] kin this past week:
I guess I can add that a new beta is up for Cookie Clicker, soon to come to the actual game, with a new building and a couple of new features (such as a Patreon thing where the more people are on Patreon at a certain tier, the more bonus every player gets, which is nice). Also, dungeons are in the works, which should be a fun new addition.
I admit to having played Cookie Clicker.
If you log in again, you might find a lot of new stuff :smiley:
Any other news, suggestions, requests, etc?
well, log in...
just open it, I guess?
Ok : )
If you want, that is :smiley:
: )

Does anyone have any Tolkien topics or urls to share before I start going crazy typing? : )
Oh, yes!
Fall of Gondolin arrived :smile:
ohhh, great news!
Apparently I got the large print edition once again, same as with the last book. So when I read it, I'll need to keep it at arm's  length or something.
Leafed through it a bit; rather than integrating all the different versions, it has a section per version, including the Book of Lost Tales and the UT versions.
And more miscellaneous stuff about the evolution of the story.
It looks quite nice!
Though perhaps not that much new if you already have the other books.
Bit of  a surprise. Wonder if it was hard to bring together coherently? It might have an explanation.
Christopher did that with Beren and Luthien as well
Well, there have been a lot of changes over the years, from metal dragons and scores of balrogs onward.
he announced that The Fall of Gondolin would be the same
Yeah, they seem to be made in the same way.
Whatever works!
Given the way Tolkien worked .. it was probably the best way to get the various versions together that  way
Yep. A consolidated version like what's been done for the Silmarillion is nice in itself, but for a complete picture it's better to have all the things side by side.
Christopher knows best on the lore, aye.
That's why I like the History so much :smiley:
urge to go read more in the Histories

Well, for today, I noticed that Gollum and Frodo both have their own names that they think of Sauron as.
In the Two Towers, "The Passage of the Marshes"
Frodo is having a rough time of it thanks to that presence. A Nazgul has just flown over recently and they are on the way to the Black Gate. He feels Sauron's presence very strongly right then.

    In fact with every step towards the gates of Mordor Frodo felt the Ring on its chain about his neck frow more burdensome. He was now beginning to feel it as an actual weight dragging him earthwards.
    But far more he was troubled by the Eye: so he called it to himself. It was that  more than the drag of the Ring that made him cower and stoop as he walked.
    The Eye: that horrible growing sense of a hostile will that strove with great power to pierce all shadows of cloud, and earth, and flesh, and to see you: to pin you under its deadly gaze, naked, immovable. So thin, so frail and thin, the veils were become that still warded it off.
    Frodo knew just where the present habitation and heart of that will now was: as certainly as a man can tell the direction of the sun with his eyes shut. He was facing it, and its potency beat upon his brow.

Meanwhile the other two are feeling that presence as well, each feeling it differently.

    Gollum probably felt something of the same sort. But what went on in his wretched heart between the pressure of the Eye, and the lust of the Ring that was so near, and his groveling promise made half in fear of cold iron, the hobbits did not guess.
    Frodo gave no thought to it, Sam's mind was occupied mostly with his master, hardly noticing the dark cloud that had fallen on his own heart. He put Frodo in front of him now, and kept a watchful eye on every movement of his, supporting him if he stumbled, and trying to encourage him with clumsy words.

While they are supposed to be sleeping, Gollum and Smeagol argue and figure on using Shelob to help get back the Ring. Sam wakes thinking he hears his master calling and listens to the debate, although he doesn't know Shelob is the "her" being referenced, but he is fore-warned and suspicious.
The same night, a vision of happiness came in Frodo's sleep so that although he didn't remember it the next day, he ceased cowering in fear of the Eye. He is back to his strength of character when he tells the others that they are now going to the Black Gate.
The Two Towers "The Black Gate is Closed" is the next part, where Gollum mentions his name for Sauron.
Frodo and Sam are about to try the Black Gate although it's hopeless as the only way in that they know.

    "And he promised, master made him promise, to save the Precious. But master is going to take it to Him, straight to the Black Hand, if master will go tis way. So Smeagol must save them both, and he thinks of another way that there was, once upon a time. Nice master. Smeagol very good, always helps."

Black Hand is his name.
Eye, and Hand.
Frodo hears all this from Smeagol, but Frodo gives a warning to Smeagol before following him.
For one thing, Smeagol offers to take the Ring for Frodo.
Share the load..
heh, right.

    "I did not mean the danger that we all share," said Frodo. "I mean a danger to yourself alone.
    You swore a promise by what you call the Precious. Remember that! It will hold you to it; but it will seek a way to twist it to your own undoing.
    Already you are being twisted. You revealed yourself to me just now, foolishly.
    Give it back to Smeagol you said. Do not say that again! Do not let that thought grow in you! You will never get it back.
    But the desire of it may betray you to a bitter end. You will never get it back.
    In the last need, Smeagol, I should put on the Precious; and the Precious mastered you long ago.
    If I, wearing it, were to command you, you would obey, even if it were to leap from a precipice or to cast yourself into the fire.
    And such would be my command.
    So have a care, Smeagol!"

Frodo just programmed the One Ring.
Now Sam and Smeagol are pretty stunned by this.
Did the Ring command Smeagol to drop into the fire?
I believe it did.
The Ring was on Frodo's bitten-off finger. Not on Gollum's finger
The movie missed that.
Nice. Frodo was still wearing it.

    Sam looked at his master with approval, but also with surprise: there was a look in his face and a tone in his voice that he had not known before. It had always been a notion of his that the kindness of dear Mr. Frodo was of such a high degree that it must imply a fair measure of blindness.
    Of course, he also held firmly the incompatible belief that Mr. Frodo was the wisest person in the world (with the possible exception of Old Mr. Bilbo and of Gandalf).
    Gollum, in his own way, and with much more excuse as his acquaintance was much briefer, may have made a similar mistake, confusing kindness and blindness.
    At any rate this speech abashed and terrified him. He groveled on the ground and could speak no clear words but nice master.

Done with the quotes. : )
Kindness does not mean blindness.
It's done anyway.
That's a hard concept to live. Frodo did it, and it was one of his motivators that let him handle the One Ring. He cared about every little herb in the Shire.
Even the mean ones.
It's easy to overlook Frodo, the Bearer of the One Ring. He doesn't brag, he's kind. He's almost invisible even when not wearing the Ring.
Mistaking kindness for blindness or stupidity was a downfall for the evil characters.
Sauron could hardly even imagine anyone destroying a thing that could bring that person power, just because they cared about others.
It was a handy blind spot in the Eye, making the Hand miss it's hit.
We are almost to the hour.
clever :smiley:
because he didnt think of that  .. he missed it completely :smiley:
Had he still been worth something in his heart, he might have seen it.
But  even Zul said about his former apprentice "A shame I could never teach him the final lessen - even plan for the unexpected" .. Calaron will recognise that :smiley:
err Phari
As my highest horde character is 33, I do not :wink:
If it's beyond a person's capacity for imagining, he has a problem.
True .. hehe ah Phari get your Horde up and up  to Zandalar . it is fascinating ::0 but agreed Varda
Still too much to do for alliance, I'm afraid. Though I am ramping up questing speed again in Stormsong.
cool :smiley:
Strange how a villain's weak spot is a lack of imagination.
the hammer marches to the hammerpad
they sing a duet
Usually they are the imaginitive ones.
checking in for the meeting.. sorry I didnt notice the time as im painting minis

Free chat.
Aiya Gorlim
ahhh, nice : )
Tolkien-ish trolls?
yeah kinda.. more snouty i think
hang on for the url
nice one
    Andrew Taylor
    Glorantha 28mm Miniatures. Enemies of Sartar Part 1
    Mad Knight - the missing miniatures. Trollkin Raiders and Scorpionmen questers.
i got the skorpionmen too
Hate to meet those guys in-game.
i really liked the trollkin battering ram minis
ugh, heh.
...does that troll stick out in front of the ram?
The trolls could probably work for our site. We could add in the url too.
So it'd be the troll's head doing the ramming. Must be really hard-headed.
Not going to compete with that troll for that job.
this is the trollkin boss.. thats an awewome mini but its gonna take some time to be put together
looks complicated
yep 4 wings head 2 leg sets and the rider
i wasnt really fired up to paint him until i saw this pic
i let Bruce do the gluing of the minis for Infinity ^^ , my fingers don't really work well enough for that
now its interesting to me
It'd be like having a mantid mount in WoW.
oh yeah. i concur
That will be amazing when it's done.
Afk a bit. Will do gaming report later.
Worth the time to do, even if just to display on a shelf.
yep. i did another ks thats sending me a pile of kobolds
Fun : )
i like ks output as it hasnt been sitting in a bubble pack forever
We needed plenty of kobolds in Pathfinder. : )
yeah im kinda making stands of 2 to 6 as a normal adventurer just thrashes one kobold
its good as im taking another breather from lotro
Letting LotRO get past the patches is probably a good idea.
Doing both is good too. ; )
that is cool looking
i saw the message about the thorins day thing yesterday but it was over before i logged on
Durin's Day may still be going until this evening. Doesn't take long.
oh ok. is the reward worth is?
Depends. I like just doing something like Durin's Day. You get a title and LotRO points.
It's only doable this short time at the beginning of winter, not something that can be done any old day, makes it special.
ok. thanks.. im getting called in the other room but i may log in to see whats up
is there a mail about it
Cool : )
I only knew about it from World chat. Got lucky to catch it.
who do you have to talk to to start?
Run up from Erebor along that high narrow road where we picked up rocks to where Thorin and Bilbo used the key.
I think it can only be done at the right time of "day" in game, might have to park and check in for a bit. I was lucky on the timing.
You'll see a statue and need to click on it.
Don't let me get you in trouble typing. : )
ok thanks.. let me go see what they want be back later
bed time for me Valarites
have fun and namarie for now
It's After-meeting, no worries.

Namarie Arien! Also, back.
Personal gaming report!

Flashgaming: 2 smaller games and a bigger one! is the first. Click one of the skulls, move it to swing the other skull around that's attached to a chain, and smash the incoming enemies without your first skull getting hit. See how far you can get!
Apparently there are upgrades along the way but I'm not good enough to get that far, apparently
Ar-Pharazon-V10/21/2018 is the second game! You've got an area/field where you can launch pool balls in a direction you choose. When 2 balls of the same color hit, they fuse to become the next color. Launch them into each other at the right angles to get balls to fuse. See how far you can get, and which colors, without getting too many balls on the screen or you'll lose
Ar-Pharazon-V10/21/2018 is the third game! Platformer in an underground labyrinth. Make your way through the level, get the key, open the door. New mechanics introduced in each level.
Very few checkpoints, and some tough timings, so good luck!
Oh, and nice music too

Blizzard gaming!
Starcraft II:
War chest complete. Newest patch also came with a bunch of portrait rewards for those who had bought the chest, including a lot of the tournament participants for this year.
Diablo 3:
Season chapters 3 and 4 complete! Completed the last bounty act for chapter 3 on friday, and blazed through chapter 4 on saturday. The 4-piece bonus for this season's crusader set is almost too powerful for a 4-piece
Now I've gotten it in my head to farm treasure goblins for a bit, at Torment 4 difficulty for quick clearing but still pretty good loot and chance of legendaries, in order to maybe get some pets from the menagerist goblins, using an area guide on the Icy Veins website. Tested the guide last night, got halfway through it and 5 goblins already, not sure if that's lucky or if it's just a really efficient guide. But no menagerists yet.
I'm thinking I'll alternate getting a pet with completing a world in Starcraft II, for my nightly activity. At least until the next season starts.
The pet I'm really hoping for is the Mimic, because it reminds me of the Luggage from Discworld. Whenever you kill a menagerist goblin you're guaranteed to get a pet from a limited list that you don't have yet, so the only luck is in actually finding that goblin; do that enough times and you'll get all its pets.
Heroes of the Storm:
No new levels. Blackheart's Revenge is the brawl for the week, quite fun and short. 2 rounds per match, either have to blow up the pirate ship, or keep it from getting blown up by the other team. Got pretty lucky in drawing familiar heroes, too.
Bit more experience on various classes, no new levels yet. Hallow's End has come around, giving all who log in a golden cauldron card, very nice. Brawl is monster smash, getting a random monster from the monster hunt and facing another random monster with another player behind it. Bit of luck required, since some are more powerful than others.
Actually got my win in a mirror match (both players same hero/monster).
There's also an arena event with a free ticket where you get to combine heroes, but that's not really my thing.
Oh, and some cards were nerfed, notably the mana wyrm for mage. Been a core card from the classic set since pretty much the beginning, so a surprising nerf from 1 to 2 mana.
Struggling in the raid, with Zul on heroic difficulty. Lots of add positioning, and much dps needed, and we're short on some classes (and players, but that shouldn't matter much as long as we keep above 10), so it's tricky. Got the heroic bosses before Zul pretty much on farm, though, as well as the entire raid on normal difficulty. But yeah, hit a bit of a wall here. Trying to recruit more people.
Have been poking mythic expeditions a few times. They're pretty hard, but with a premade from my raidgroup it's okay. Not much room for focusing on specific targets for rewards, though, and invasions don't seem to come until the very last moment, or not at all if you're far ahead enough of the enemy. Still, there are achievements for doing them on mythic, so might as well work on that; can always return to farm rewards on normal difficulty at a later time.
Still, mythic difficulty is hard to find interest for, and I've not been able to do many. Probably won't fulfill the weekly azerite reward every week from that, but should be fine. There are other sources, and at this point it doesn't contribute much.
Just gives more time for other stuff!
Had a bit of fun with the timewalking event this week as well, in Pandaria. Closed off with the Stormstout Brewery, which is my favorite  Got a new pants appearance as the reward as well; the normal version of the heroic ones I'd gotten earlier in the reset. I've now got over 16000 timewarped badges on my main, as well. Should be plenty to buy anything new when/if they implement the next timewalk event for Warlords of Draenor.
Also got going on the Hallow's End stuff! Only new thing for me this year was the toy, but I was also missing 2 of the 4 witch hats from the Bradenbrook daily quest. Have gotten one of the 2 missing hats since then, as well as enough tricky treats to buy the toy, a new version of the hearthstone.
Which I'm now using instead of the Innkeeper's Daughter, whose spirit will finally get to rest after so many years of use, as I use the Headless Horseman's hearthstone instead. Complete with pumpkin head, flame ring, flying bats and his recognizable laugh as I hearth away
Still don't have world quests unlocked, and instead got someone to queue me for the warfront on the last day, where I got the achievement credit for the second commander, as well as progress on some other achievements.
It's a fun thing to do, but alas so many other things have to be done as well. But I do aim to do it multiple times in the future for the achievements.
Also did the new pvp brawl, Southshore vs Tarren Mill. 40 players vs 40 players in a headon melee is pretty rough on the computer performance, but after the initial moments of loading as the battle starts, there's just a bit of lag to worry about. I do have a feeling ranged classes and specs, especially with aoe, have the advantage there, while for melee it is very dangerous to close the distance and participate. I might just have to figure out a balance spec for the next time the brawl comes around.
And finally, more questing in Stormsong Valley! Completed the Forgotten Cove questline at one quest per day, though it doesn't really feel finished, and I don't quite trust the questgiver. Still, bit of azerite for final reward, not bad. Also completed the meadery questline, and started on the Battle for Brennadam. Still a whole bunch of sidequests to go, with breadcrumbs leading all over the place after Brennadam is finished, but I think I've figured out a bit of an order I want to do them in. So got enough to do next week as well
And that's my report for the week!
Thank you, Phar
Namarie Phar

October 27, 2018
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 11:52 PM
Don't miss Arien's riddle on the Forum, and if you want to get in on the riddle game, see it here:
    The Riddle Game - Book I | Valar Guild
    Heya All! Since there was some interest expressed in reviving the riddle game we played several years ago, here we go! Since we're gearing this up, let's set up a few guidelines to help out in the